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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2152672 [Reply] [Original]

>tripcodes disabled

To celebrate the dawn of a new era of /lit/, let's have a discussion on A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.2152676


>> No.2152678

Let's find out.

>> No.2152679



>> No.2152680

The nightmare is finally over, once more the people can breathe fresh air without worrying about trip faggotry

>> No.2152696

Let's draw up a list of all the people moot has killed by making forced anon. I'll start.

James Bond

>> No.2152703

I love this.

>> No.2152709

Now its gonna be nothing but GRRM forever, now moot killed all the people who actually enjoy literature.

>> No.2152710

they can still post here, you faggot.

>> No.2152712

Wait it's forced anon now?

>> No.2152717

former tripfag with superiority complex detected

>> No.2152721

>Anons making a bigger deal out of it than anything tripfaf


>> No.2152727

long live capsguy.

>> No.2152728

Probably the best day for /lit/ since the moment of its conception (or at least since Brownbear left).

The only people killed by disabling tripcodes were egomaniacs who can't stand posting on /lit/ without others to identify them. People who actually care about literature will still post because they want to talk about what they're reading.

>> No.2152732

>, says the Anonymous whose entire existence on 4chan was validated by hating on tripfafs


>> No.2152741

Implying they wont move to somewhere that allows them to have proper discussions where they can post their opinions in a coherent and organized way.

>> No.2152743

good for them. as long as they're not here being dickshits.

lol just lol

>> No.2152787


>> No.2152804
File: 201 KB, 500x281, Holy Mountain-testes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2152807
File: 31 KB, 641x360, i suck dick for coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I just wanted to make a formal announcement to say that I'm sorry for my tripfaggotry in the past. I think moot did the right thing - I was a pompous ass to all of you, and it was because I had a tripcode. In fact, that's all I had - I literally had nothing else. I had to knock on random strangers' doors in order to get food - I would perform heinous acts that included donkeys and little boys, just so I could eat for a night. I would go to the local public library to post my nauseating diatribes on bullshit just so I could annoy anonymous people over the Internet instead of getting a job like a normal person.

Because moot disabled tripcodes, I finally have my life back on track. True, I'm cleaning up vomit and shit at this one hospital as a part-time job, but I really deserve it.

Pic related - it's me doing another part-time job.

>> No.2152827 [DELETED] 


>> No.2152858

Part of me really wants to believe this is really Deep, and part of my isn't convinced. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're Deep. This post has basically redeemed you in my eyes. Thank you.

>> No.2152894


Rip to my little nigga Sunhawk that lovable limey scamp.
Never heard of the other bums.

>> No.2152900

>I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're Deep. This post has basically redeemed you in my eyes.
Somehow I feel that this was not the author's intent...

>> No.2152909

You're pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.2152912

Hey guys remember when the tripfags were actually the best posters?

rip /lit/

>> No.2152913

Tripcodes are working again... :\

>> No.2152914

I do not.

>> No.2152915

>trying to post an image
>Error: Abnormal reply.

>> No.2152919

They'll be back, sadly. Here's moot on tripfags:


>> No.2152921

they never, ever were

>> No.2152980

look at /b/'s sticky. opinions change.

>> No.2152988

>1) i removed trips on /b/ for now
>on /b/
>for now


>> No.2152991



>> No.2152998

Based on my research, people have been calling moot sigourney weaver because that's who they think he looks like now.

>> No.2153000


>> No.2153009

>GRRM promised ADWD six months after AFFC
does that mean we'll get Winds of Winter 10 years from now?

>> No.2153015

Means we'll never get it, he'll die before he's done.

>> No.2153033

Not sure if serious.

>> No.2153042

The Winds of Winter, by George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.2153046
File: 41 KB, 300x462, Oberyn_Martell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should've survived. It would've made a much better AFFC.

>> No.2153047
File: 35 KB, 226x276, the face of the devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to write a complete history of Westeros and another shitty Dunk and Egg novella no one gives two shits about before Winds of Winter

>> No.2153055

Oh Red Viper I miss you too much

>> No.2153079

'disabled' is not the preferred nomenclature.

Other-abled, please.

>> No.2153087

I don't get the intense love for grrim, his books are just pulp fiction with dragons

>> No.2153090
File: 114 KB, 500x313, 1319017558257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulp fiction with dragons

>> No.2153091 [DELETED] 


>> No.2153099


>> No.2153100


>> No.2153101

001 get!

>> No.2153214

lets build a wall to keep us save from the wildings. maybe i can take the black

>> No.2153217

Well this won't do at all.

>> No.2153218

>disabling tripcodes
>missing out on the best posters.

>> No.2153246


>> No.2153249

is this real life?

>> No.2153277

How do we get moot to enact a permanent change? I mean, can we all band together and ask him to keep tripcodes banned?

>> No.2153282 [DELETED] 

Mfw I had to go to /b/ to see the announcement, and the fact it's /b/ only.

You guys must be mad new to think anything /b/ related goes to other boards.

Seriously, /b/ use to have forced anon before you know.