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File: 278 KB, 1605x903, 210708204036-ereaders-070821-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21515835 No.21515835 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of Kindle's stupid ass format and want something good t hat supports EPUB.

All of the reviews online show Amazon paid ''lists'' that always have them no.1.

>> No.21515848

it doesn't matter since reading retention from e-ink is 87% worse than reading from paper. this was confirmed by several studies (e.g. adina pomeranz-teitelbaum et al.)

>> No.21515852

Kobo Libra 2
Pocketbook Era
Boox Leaf 2 if you want Android.

>> No.21515863

Imagine being this stupid.
Words are words, dumbass.

>> No.21515874

Kobo Libra 2 looks great, thanks anon.

I'm tired of having to convert every damn book for my Paperwhite 1.

>> No.21515978

I just mass convert new books and send them in one click to my paperwhite with Calibre... hardly seems like a big deal.

>> No.21515983

When you could literally just download them straight to e-reader, yeah, it's a pain in the ass. Calibre is slow as fuck.

>> No.21516001

I find epubs end up more likely to be garbled than Amazon's format.

I bought a USED kindle oasis off of ebay.

>> No.21516009

>I'm tired of Kindle's stupid ass format and want something good t hat supports EPUB.
this dumbass doesn't know about calibre
kek laught at his silly ass

>> No.21516058

It's Calibres shitty conversion that fucks up EPUB. Can't wait to trash this Paperwhite for a Kobo.

>> No.21516068

Actually it was epubs on my Kobo Clara HD that were a problem.

>> No.21516085

true but how many books are you reading that you do this often?

>> No.21516136

kobo libra 2.

>> No.21516213


>> No.21516221
File: 207 KB, 1400x1050, IMG20230112194457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ereader (for a moderate price) - jailbroken Kindle Paperwhite 11th gen, but it's no longer available for purchase.
My 2nd choice would be Kobo Libra 2, it also supports the mighty Koreader, which should be the default app on any ereader. Kobo's plastic feels cheaper, the screen has a weird greenish tint, the system froze a couple of times, battery life is slightly worse.
But all of it pales in comparison to the kindlecuck's suffering of being forced onto obsolete MOBI format. I know, not everyone suffers from it, but for me it'd be unbearable.
Picrel proves i'm not talking out of my ass - have both PW and Libra on hand.

>reading retention
You should try semen retention instead of ejaculating the last digits of your IQ into that crusty sock.

>> No.21516231

I really have to know, other than compatibility, what does it matter between MOBI, AZW3, EPUB etc? Because I don't really know what the difference is...

I much prefer my Oasis to my Clara HD. Didn't have the green tint but I did have some issues with crashes.

>> No.21516302

Worse how you fucking mouth breather

>> No.21516317

Most people like this seem to be book hoarders; they like the possession of a book, not its contents.

>> No.21516321

based Lovecraft reader

>> No.21516339

>I'm tired of having to convert every damn book for my Paperwhite 1
I hear ya, fella. I just got done with a 12 hour shift in the Conversion Mines. Spending hours manually converting from epub to mobi sure is hard work, but I think it was worth it to save $5 on my Kindle.

>> No.21516396

It's weird that it looks green.

>> No.21516451

russian native or just learning it? when im done with french , russian will be my next language , i dont know why im so fascinated by it

>> No.21516464

how does koreader work with the dictionary ? i use the kindle to learn french and what i mostly care about is to be able to save sentences and the dictionary to work well.

>> No.21516505
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For the practical purposes of opening a file in the Kindle viewer there isn't much difference. But I loathe Amazon software for is its incompatibility with my way of organizing things.
* I use folders and filenames to sort my books – Kindle uses tags and collections.
* I use files that are easy to edit (fb2/epub), or compare side-by-side to find differences between translations (fb2, picrel) – Kindle's proprietary azw/mobi are made to be inaccessible.
* Most mobi files I've downloaded are horrendeously formatted and have no table of contents – they were converted from other formats using shitty settings.
* It is vital for my sanity to have freedom to customize the look of the text. – Kindle severely restricts that. Even default Kobo reader is total shit imo.
* For years I've been reading on a laptop using the app that doesn't support mobi/azw and never found a better app, having tried them all.
* I sync my entire library with other computers, my phone, ereader (jailbkoren Paperwhite), and cloud storage for backup. Additions, deletions and other changes are seamlessly propagated across devices without any manual labor. Can't have a device that doesn't support my formats and requires extra steps to open the files.
Most people don't suffer from such autisms and are happy to drop files into Calibre, which is perfectly fine.
What's the firmware version on your Oasis? If 5.14.2 or lower, you can try jailbreaking it to install Koreader, I can't recommend it enough.

thanks. Vol1 done, reading Vol2 now.

i'm ukrainian. That's ukrainian translation btw. But I read only a couple stories in translation – fell in love with the original, even though it was the most diffucult book i've read (so much unknown words). Was translating couple words on every page. So to answer >>21516464 , Koreader has downloadable (offline) dictionaries, a couple for every language pair. One-word translations are searched for in all your selected dictionaries. Then, the words you have looked up are added to your vocabulary that you can go back to and learn again ("Vocabulary builder" feature). Sentence translation uses internet, works great too, but I never use it. There's also Wikipedia search.

Kindle Paperwhite on max warmth is amber-yellow, Libra 2 is greenish-yellow. I could make more photos.

>> No.21516511
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>> No.21516517

>What's the firmware version on your Oasis? If 5.14.2 or lower, you can try jailbreaking it to install Koreader, I can't recommend it enough.
I don't have those quarrels with it... I just put my books on the Kindle, or buy them from Amazon...

>> No.21516545

I looked for your study, it doesn't exist.
This one does though, and it's an actual peer reviewed article :)



>> No.21516550

"There was no significant difference between the two reading media"

Like anyone with half a functioning brain would have already assumed.

Paperfags on death watch.

>> No.21516555

Thank you for clarifying your qualms with it though. The trouble with paper books is 90% of them are shit tier prints with small text poorly spaced creeping into the spine. E-readers always have pristine, legible text.

>> No.21516613
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>Kindle Paperwhite on max warmth is amber-yellow, Libra 2 is greenish-yellow. I could make more photos.
I lied, kobo is greenish on zero warmth. PW is more blueish, Libra is greener. Neither is neutral (picrel). I would easily get used to either, and I rarely read on zero warmth anyway.
Libra's text has sharper edges, Paperwhite is more blurry/smoothed, but I had to photograph them with max zoom from a tripod to see the difference. I've seen people claim they can see and feel it with their eyes. Probably better eyesight.

>> No.21516658

You know, if the Kobo was just 40-50 bucks cheaper, I'd be all over it.

>> No.21516716

agreed. Got this one a month ago for $160, now it's $190. Six inch Clara 2E costs more than seven inch Paperwhite. Fuck Jeff Bezos and his monopoly

>> No.21516755

thank you for replying . Would you say that i can find translated literature in ukrainian easily , and by that i mean pirating in epub form .The one thing that pushes me to russian is the huge pirating community, i can find any book i want in russian and that works the same as many other languages. Would you say that's the case for ukrainian as well ? Honestly believe that ukrainian spoken by women is the most beautiful sounding language.

>> No.21516844

Rusian translations vastly outnumber ours. Many books have 2-3 separate publications in russian, while only one in ukrainian – in soviet era it was detrimental to the party to promote local languages, and after the collapse our book market wasn't the highest priority. Although it's been ramping up over the last decade.
Depends on what you're going to read (genre/decade), but "important"/classic books are obviously available. Stuff from 21st century would be harder to find, but there shouldn't be any problems with reading material availibility. Sure, something hasn't been translated, something hasn't been scanned yet, something hasn't been OCRd from pdf to epub, but that still leaves you with more than a lifetime supply of books. Need links for sites to dl from or any other help?

>> No.21516907

if you could, send me some links. i'd guess i could find any available ukrainian translations in zlibrary. And given the situation there i guess that in the coming years there will be a push for translations and expansion of the ukrainian language (sry if im being a retard). Anyways thank you but i'll probably begin a new language by next year so im just preparing for the future. Wish you well

>> No.21517030

Yeah, zlib and Anna should have most of the available files. I rarely use them for ukr/rus book since _flibusta.is_ exists – it's not a ramdom dump of files, but a well-organized library. Ukrainian translation are always at the very bottom of the list - easy to find.
Most books would be in fb2 format, Koreader eats them up.
>there will be a push for translations and expansion of the ukrainian language
you mean expansion of ukr translated books? That's a reasonable assumption to make. Libraries have already been purged from many soviet era russian books, something should replace them.

>> No.21517077

onyx boox max lumi 2

>> No.21517078

yep that's what i meant ,also didnt know flibusta.is had ukrainian books as well thank you. Also fuck im writing like such a dumb ESL , reading exclusively in french has fucked my instictive grammar... Anyways thanks and hope everything works out for you country mate

>> No.21517858

I bought a Kindle Oasis and have been very happy with it. I am interested in one that isn't tethered to Amazon exclusively though.

>> No.21518065

I second Kobo Libra 2
good price point, good quality
lots of built in features, easy file transfer, good moddability
my only gripe is that you have to be careful how some cbz files are formatted but I don't read manga/comics on it so whatever

>> No.21518086

no op but you're literally wasting your time reading from a screen desu

>> No.21518304

Too big

>> No.21518386

You guys are fucking stupid and can't read or qualify arguments.
>It is concluded that, basically comprehension was similar with both media
>but, because kinesthetic feedback is less informative with a Kindle, readers were not as efficient to locate events in the space of the text and hence in the temporality of the story.

Just take the extra second to think more about where things are and when. Are people that fucking stupid?

>> No.21518403

>studies show
>experts say
>sources state
Those have all been debunked btw

>> No.21518426

My study says e-reader users are faggot and worse than TikTok addicts.

>> No.21518477

also debunked

>> No.21518517

ive had a kobo aura h20 or some shit like that and its never had a single issue in 4 or more years. i assume the new ones are even better. i would recommend the kobo genuine case too because it turns the thing on and off when u open it. and eink can be a bit fragile and the case is a good idea if u bring it out with u

>> No.21518524

debunks need to adhere to the peer review standard or otherwise they're worthless.

>> No.21518530

I reviewed them, and decided that they are not worthy of bunkedness.

>> No.21518661

How did you get the minimal progress bar on the Kobo?

>> No.21518673


>good price point
It's $100 more expensive than a paperwhite where I am, and they do the exact same thing.

>> No.21518747

It's running KOReader, which is highly customizable. To install, read wiki on their GitHub page, section "install with NickelMenu"

>> No.21519406
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my physical book collection would mog the fuck out of yours and I love e-readers

>> No.21519788
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Kindle for a million reasons, I only prefer my Kobo libra 2 because without a case it doesn't feel like shit to the touch like the plastic they use on the kindle basic/paperwhite and the oasis is so out of date it doesn't even use usb c lmao

>> No.21520093

I live on a narrowboat so I cant really Horde that many physical books :(

>> No.21520095

>I live on a narrowboat
why would you do that

>> No.21520127

> It's running KOReader
Besides "muh customizablilty," how is it better than the default Kobo interface?

>> No.21520135

jewish psyop thread again huh

>> No.21520165

Do you want me to justify why I'm using it or should I convince you to use it? Read any other post that mentions Koreader, or install it on your fucking phone and try for yourself. Were I interested, I'd be exploring the app instead of waiting for a response here.

>> No.21520302

calm down and take your meds.
after that, convince me to use it as someone who only reads epubs.

>> No.21520409

>convince me
You got confused again. Should keep that dementia in check, Joe. Why would anyone bother convincing you? Instead, I'll call you a tranny and move on

>> No.21520536

If you're still the same retard as >>21520165
> Do you want me to justify why I'm using it or should I convince you to use it?
Then why offer to "convince" in the first place?

>> No.21520577

that was an alternative question, as I didn't understand the point of your initial request >>21520127
Literally told you how to install it, but you insist on being a fag

>> No.21520645

Too retarded to engage further.

If anyone else has experience using Koreader who can speak on its pros and cons beyond ricing it, I'm all ears.

>> No.21520663

Putin lost.

>> No.21520708

It does speak of how good e-readers are when it’s paperfags seething about their existence, never e-fags about physical books

Good bait tho

>> No.21520719

I don’t like Koreaner. Maybe I’m too retarded for it but it doesn’t rotate the screen nor adjust warmth of display for me. The only real advantage I found was a better dictionary view


>> No.21520724

it does have autorotation

>> No.21520740

For some reason it doesn’t work on kobo? Always gotta swipe up the bottom menu for it

>> No.21520750


>> No.21520806

e-fags here are always seething about 'consoomers' buying physical books as a cope for their objectively inferior reading experience.

>> No.21520833

Not really seething, as much as enjoying the fact they needn’t buy it. Physical fags just take that enjoyment for a personal attack
>Objectively inferior
Your studies were debunked on that, though. Also
>t. Switched from physical to ereader, no regrets or changes in enjoyment

>> No.21520941

I've got an e-reader and use it semi-frequently, but they're simply shite for a number of cases. Any book that has footnotes, notes or annotations in general, poetry (it's harder to get a sense for the overall structure of the poem unless it fits on a single e-reader page), texts of any sort of complexity where I want to read ahead or go back to reread or compare passages, etc.. In short, any sort of reading that isn't strictly linear.

The one thing I appreciate is the instant dictionary look-ups, and if something is look-up heavy I'll read it on an e-reader and buy the physical book to flick through at the same time. So, yeah, the best option is to just use both, but e-readers aren't a substitute unless you're only reading pulp, or if you're poor, I guess.

>> No.21521055

New devices were bugged for quite some time - Libra 2, Clara. New versions of Koreader fixed the issues and work fine on them.

>> No.21521292

>use it as someone who only reads epubs
koreader's much better for pdfs and comics, not much better and maybe a bit worse for epubs
if you're just reading epubs stick with stock or *possibly* plato, they're about the same, i slightly prefer plato's aesthetics and it's maybe a little quicker

>> No.21521584

Does anyone know how to convert regular text to a azw3 or mobi file?
Specifically, I'm trying to read this https://ncode.syosetu.com/n2267be/490/(Chapter 6 part 79 and everything past that) on my Kindle so my eyes don't bleed trying to do it on a computer. One anon on /a/ was actually kind enough to do it for all the previous chapters for me a couple years back but I neglected to ask him how.

>> No.21521590

Fixed the link

>> No.21521754

Room temperature IQ

>> No.21521910

>crusty sock
Huh? I cum on dirty bath towels then throw them in the wash. Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

>> No.21523200
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1500, pocketbook-inkpad-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the lightest-weight 10 inch ereader?
Is it still the Pocketbook Inkpad X at 300 grams? It seems hard to find for sale these days

>> No.21523578

I've heard some anons say to keep a Paperwhite's wifi off, in order to use Calibre.
Tell me more - will I fuck anything up permanently, if I briefly have WiFi enabled?

I have a PW 11th on its way, and don't want to ruin my chances of using calibre.

>> No.21523658

They usually automatically download updates if the wifi's on, which may lock you out of jailbreaking the thing and installing QoL softwares like KOreader to replace Amazon's dogshit default software.

>> No.21523672


I sincerely do a lot of reading on my computer monitor which is just a 4k tv

Got my ereading software set up just write where I can pull the whole book up in dark mode and read through it

If you do audiobooks, I would read along in the ebooks while listening, it's an interesting way to read and pass the time

>> No.21523688


set up just right*

I also write books and other material on my computer for a living

I prefer physical books and have a decent amount as well as a library card though

If you are not wealthy and can access any book in print, pirating ebooks is just fine for reading comprehension

It is the same words printed in a different medium, but you have to study it seriously to absorb it the same as any other format

Not everyone who reads books is studying them seriously or being tested on it, but I am very serious about reading and could not access books relevant to my career without the internet

If my reading comprehension from ebooks is enough to build a career and avoid high textbook fees from university bookstores, then it is functional as a replacement to printed media

Go to the bookstore today, so many books you do not need to read. But if I need a 19th century text on economics or an ancient Biblical manuscript then I can search and find it online in minutes.

It is revolutionizing the book industry, most book sales from contemporary authors are now ebooks. Of course it is political.

>> No.21523709


>> No.21523712
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>> No.21523720

There's nothing forcing you to turn off wifi. I don't use Calibre, it can send books over USB or email them to your Kindle address. If you're not going to use the latter or any other online services, then wifi *can* be off, not *must*. I don't use anything that needs internet, so my PW is always in airplane - saves battery.
This post is half true >>21523658 but doesn't make much sense. Anon's new PW is not jailbreakable, there's nothing to worry about. And if it were, it's possible to disable automatic updates anyway.

>> No.21523955


87% yes most certainly that must be correct if teitelbaumstein said so ok bro. before paper, no one was able to learn new information

>> No.21523980

Calibre supports most text file formats, so just upload a .txt or .docx file and convert it to azw3 or mobi. You might want to use word or something similar to change text layout to vertical first.

>> No.21524301
File: 43 KB, 602x333, main-qimg-d67b8b73b7c30849dbd1ad4b01a158bf-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the current best for larger books like rpg books and textbooks?

>> No.21524309

a large tablet because you want size, color and to be able to zoom in without the device choking

>> No.21524358

my diarrhea statateeto is indian urine drunketing, she believes everything that she wrotes

>> No.21524367

i want to buy a tablet but their batteries are replaceable?, i don't want to buy something expensive just to throw away in some years

>> No.21524423

Yes, of course. Just like a phone, they can be opened up and have a battery or broken usb port replaced. You can do this yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM8EVrQahyM

>> No.21524425

If you're willing to inject Google services, Amazon tablets are pretty decent for the price.

>> No.21524732

I am just using my phone and an app called ReadEra. Never owned an e-reader nor do I know someone who has. Is it a superior experience worth the investment? Cause I think my phone is just ok

>> No.21524926

Better for eye strain and much better battery life. See if you can try one out in a store in person.

>> No.21525065

You'd be reading on a no-glare screen that fits more text per line (wider) and can be held at twice the distance from the eyes than a phone is. Less eye strain and reduced nearsightedness gain.
Kindle Paperwhite lasts 60+ hours of reading, and infinitely long on standby. Kobo Libra 2... hmm. Can't even correctly display the current % lol. Would be a miracle for it to last even half as much, despite the batteries being close in capacity (1700 and 1420 mAh respectively).
If money is tight, wait for PW to drop below $100 (should be in 3-6 weeks). Kobo Libra 2 was $160 on Christmas, probably won't have another sale any time soon.

>> No.21525233

Thanks! Never thought it would be that simple.

>> No.21525382

I like is how light-weight they can be
It depends on the model, but some ereaders are lighter than any conventional tablet of the same screen size

>> No.21525544

Near-sightedness gain? I thought it was a myth that looking at screens makes your vision worse. Anyway thanks for the tips. Battery is actually a huge pro

>> No.21525617

A myth? To focus on an object 20 cm away the muscles squeeze the eye, and being squeezed for a long time they start to permanently deform. My eyesight got worse - blurry at a distance, though no glasses required yet.

>> No.21525653

just make sure you enable airplane mode or disable wifi (at least in the case of a kindle)
i found leaving wifi on drains the battery ~10x as fast
you only ever need it enabled when you're downloading a book

>> No.21526914

this. my kobo lasts weeks before battery gets low. that's like 3-4 books before it gets down to the last 20% or so.

>> No.21527365
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I'm pretty tired of Kindle for different reasons, but I just saw this on Woot. If anyone is interested the deal goes for 3 more hours.
I just liked the advertising.

>> No.21527382
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I hate these retarded ass threads. I have a Kindle Paperwhite 10th gen and am very happy with it.

>> No.21528466

For me, it's the Likebook P78
>not tiny like kindles
>not overpriced like everything else
Only issue is that Librera doesn't work well on it. So I use the default reading app, which is fine

>> No.21528544

i don't allow you to be happy with your paperwhite

>> No.21528633

I'm still reading on my Kindle 4 even though it's super outdated. I really like the buttons on each side and I don't need touch. Higher resolution, better lighting and support for Cyrillic dictionaries would be great though.

If I ever get another reader it needs collection support that can be imported from Calibre and not whatever Amazon is currently doing.

>> No.21528735

kindle supports epub nigga

>> No.21528747

>kindle supports epub nigga*
* (in tiny unreadable print):
>not all epubs are supported. Please convert your epubs to the supported epub format.
>your book formatting might be fucked
>your book cover will not show
>fuck you for choosing Amazon and god bless!

>> No.21528750

>thank You!
was what we meant. Please disregard the statement above

>> No.21528757

I have an Onyx BOOX Note Air 2 and I like it way more than the Kindle DX I used to use. It was kind of pricey though.

>> No.21528796
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The ideal device is a Kindle with Koreader

I created that jailbreak, it's good to see people using it

Misinformed take, avoiding further updates makes it much more likely that the device can be jailbroken in future, you can't disable automatic updates without being jailbroken

Amazon gave me a couple of crates of them for free and I'm not a fan, they're too locked down to have much fun with

>> No.21529381

>Amazon gave me a couple of crates of them for free

>> No.21529488

>I created that jailbreak, it's good to see people using it
Let me kiss your boot, master!
I've been selling Kindles with Koreader to people who've never even suspected such a thing was possible. All very happy.

>> No.21529522

because he's been making ereader threads on 4chan diligently for years