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[ERROR] No.2152213 [Reply] [Original]

I've "heard", year's ago, on some crazy late-night television show, that both the Terminator series and the Matrix series are based on the same book(s). In fact Arnie is not allowed to say certain lines in public due to some law suit/settlement. Can anyone attest to this?
P.S.: it sucks being crazy.

>> No.2152215

That's not true at all. Matrix stole from a lotta things (mostly anime and science-fiction) but not Terminator

>> No.2152218

I wouldn't really call it stealing.

>> No.2152220

Terminator is a shitty rip off of 'Soldier' and 'Demon With a Glass Hand' by Harlan Ellison. Most fans of the series do not realise this, have not read Ellison and do not give him credit for this.

A significant number of people who find 'Terminator' worth watching are illiterate.

'The Matrix' is an incoherent mish-mash of cyber-punk and brain-in-the-vat solipsism.

Anyone who thinks 'The Matrix' is worth watching is illiterate.

>> No.2152230

So what your really saying is that you have nothing to offer in terms of conversation on this topic but you would like to voice an opinion regardless. Do I have that correct? Because if that wasn't the case this thread could retreat to the the back of list and someone with a real topic could be on page one. You silly fucks.

>> No.2152233

Has this thread been shut down by the mod or just me.? On my phone here. 3 responses in five minutes bitch. Is this your personal online magazine? BTW I'm using dolphin browser on an android, bitch.

>> No.2152241

bro yeah it's true. they were both ripped off from the third eye by sophia stewart

>> No.2152250

thank's for the redemption. And thank you mod for your flexibility: a growing sprout doesn't snap.

>> No.2152251

Bassetsquirrel you crazy

>> No.2152252

"bro"? are you a chef in training?

>> No.2152255

lovely, you happened to be only the second to imitate, the first was a douche.

>> No.2152260

I suppose using a name but not a trip inevitably leads to a somewhat schizo personality

>> No.2152261

These concept have produced how much revenue in film?
These ideas have influenced how many people?
No one know's where it's generated from.
Sometimes reading influences is like reading a newspaper of old.
Who are we. Knowledge should be the new filter.
Question everything, even you entertainment.
Written by an american black female, why are we discounting this.

>> No.2152262 [DELETED] 

what is redemption ? will you stare as it -drops ?

>> No.2152275

Fuck. "will you stare as it -drops ?"

What is redemption?
I've lost my sanity. What can i do or not do?
Spell it out. I have to leave don't i?
This is my only contact, social, whatever, to her, and to anything, i need to give her everything? Maybe i should demand some lithium? i love her, and i'm insane, trying to carve out something for myself.

>> No.2152276

what the fuck is going on on /lit/ right now? fucking crazy ass crackers

>> No.2152279 [DELETED] 




>> No.2152297

no life for the victim?

I would support everything you want to be and would be happy if you became that, it would mean my life had meaning.
but, and again, conditions. you would be My lover, leave me anytime. but become, with me, who you want to be.
Please don't fall. And please don't regret because what i've become.

>> No.2152309

I loved the first Matrix and who hasn't seen the Terminator. This is enlightening OP. I will at least try to find a download for "The Third Eye" and see if it reads well.

>> No.2152549

fuck off veil. I'm not going to kill myself.

>> No.2152557
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>>2152549 do not;

>> No.2152794

It is highly conceivable that they do take place in the same universe, with the events of The Terminator of course coming before the events in The Matrix. The existence of The Matrix infers that the struggles during The Terminator series inevitably results in failure.

>> No.2152904


No, Stewart made the claims, but failed to show up in court or even give any real evidence.
She had 'won' the right to proceed with her case.

Not to be a Cynical Cedric, but if I didn't know better, I'd say it was just a case of some black chick trying to get some publicity for her book.

>> No.2152933

right but aren't there billions of humans alive in the matrix. And there were no immense underground sewage systems in 2004 when Skynet nukes everybody. Not to mention no fancy electromagnetic-or whatever floating space ship things to fly around in. I guess you could go out on a limb and say this technology is developed by the machines in time intervening time and stolen by humans but... the sewage system thing is a big problem. Also the machines from Terminator do not run on solar power and the Matrix speaks specifically about how the humans tried to stop the machines by permanently darkening the sky. Skynet definitely did not run on solar power.

too many issues, I think. Also where the heck did the time machines go.

>> No.2152934


also I'm pretty sure this is canon