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21508214 No.21508214 [Reply] [Original]

Shire edition

Previous: >>21501666

>> No.21508227

I can't take it anymore
I can't even react anymore, slowly digging a deeper hole while doing nothing but letting my life and the world drag me

>> No.21508236

I firmly believe in the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility. And as a person of faith, I also believe in the power of God to guide us on our path in life. To me, these two beliefs are not mutually exclusive. To me, these two beliefs intersect in the idea of laissez faire capitalism. The idea that every individual has inherent rights to life, liberty, and property.

You see, capitalism is a system of choice. It is a system in which individuals are free to make their own decisions about how to use their resources and talents, and to pursue their own goals and aspirations. It is a system in which people are free to succeed or fail based on their own efforts and abilities.

And what could be more in line with the principles of God than the idea of free will and personal responsibility? After all, isn't God the ultimate source of all freedom? did he not give us the ability to make our own choices, and to take responsibility for the consequences of those choices? Indeed, what makes moral choices moral is that they are what they are, choices. And did he not create us in his image? In creating man in his own image, did he not give man the gifts of creativity also?

So when I look at free market capitalism, I see a system that reflects the values and principles of God. A system that allows people to fully express their God given talents and abilities, and to use them to improve the lives of others. Indeed, it is a system that aligns with the golden rule to "love thy neighbor as thyself" by recognizing that when we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to help and serve others. So in short, capitalism and my faith in the Lord are inseparable. Free market capitalism is not only the most practical system because it is the most efficient, but the most moral one as it enables things to be the way God intended, giving me and every individual as a whole the ability to choose. surely, it is no coincidence that communism, the antithesis of capitalism, has implimented mandatory athiesm in every major country it was in. It is because communism is an enemy of the Lord, and the Lords enemies are my enemies also.

>> No.21508240

Where is that slave?

>> No.21508262
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>> No.21508264

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.21508305

I hate myself for being turned on by this

>> No.21508329

what it is what it do

>> No.21508391 [DELETED] 

>>21505563 #
Which country or state? By the way, meeting IRL means you aren't guaranteed to find the anon you are looking for. Other anons may intercept either of us before we meet.

>> No.21508531
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I lost my larpring capabilities. I’m suffering so intensely and having anxiety because I can’t larp as anything. When I could larp as an identity, I was so much more happier and the anxiety was almost gone.

>> No.21508579

I really find it difficult to get behind any darwinism driven theories or concepts, same with genetics in general. It's just so dehumanizing. I'd rather be the ignorant fag who doesn't care about any of that than be so invested in data and numbers that i'd base my entire decision making process on them. Is that cowardice? Or delusion? Maybe so. I prefer intuition.

>> No.21508581 [DELETED] 

Why can't you larp? Did you suddenly grow self-awareness?

>> No.21508584

>tucker playing clips of MSNBC running interference for the CIA/FBI
>anchors + spook guests crying about how rethugliKKKans are trying to "undermine faith in the intelligence community" and "undermine faith in the federal government"
How the fuck can even dumb wine aunts watch this and not realize how weird this is? Do they literally not even remember being anti-CIA, anti-government a decade ago? How can you hate the CIA for 20 fucking years and then flip around and they're the good guys

How could ANYONE ever think these groups are the good guys, for that matter? They're some of the most universally despised people in history, except the FBI does actually do useful work stopping crimes sometimes which I have personally witnessed. But the CIA? How in the fuck did they get liberal facebook moms to be pro CIA

>> No.21508595 [DELETED] 

Constant psyops, but also the hippies of yesteryear were never anti-authoritarian.

>> No.21508619

Didn't they at least think they were? I knew lots of people who, if they knew anything from their Jon Stewart politics, knew they hated the government's enforcement arms.

Also Tucker just mentioned anarcho-tyranny again. I can't believe there's someone so prominent pushing Samuel Francis talking points on national TV.

>> No.21508681

This week I fucked my neighbor and her friend who are over 20 years younger than me. Once word got around that I’d fuck young girls I’ve been killing it. I guess girls do love older guys and mature faster

>> No.21508891

I really like reading translations of literature from around the world. I've seen others online harshly criticize translations, but I find them so enjoyable and interesting.

>> No.21508975 [DELETED] 
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Of course they believed and still believe that they are anti-authoritarian. There's an interesting dynamic going on where the ruling class has managed to fool the world into thinking that they are part of the rebels fighting against the supposed individuals that are "really" in control. The average normie supports the same movements espoused and funded by billionaires and mega-corporations. They protest as "anti-establishment anarchists" while running a subreddit to find and report anyone that protested at capitol hill to the FBI. They receive billions in support globally from transnational organizations and individuals like George Soros[1] despite believing that they are fighting against him. They believe that their views are "radical" and "revolutionary" despite the fact that what they espouse is positively viewed by the majority of the media, supported by movements that aren't controversial anywhere except 4chan, and they have many academic supporters that do not go under controversy.
The reason they can continue to believe that they are radical anarchists and revolutionaries despite the fact that they are the most violent and aggressive supporters of the system they claim to oppose is because of effect psychological operations. There are two types of leftist "radicals":
>1. The retards
These are your wine aunts, street niggers, weed-smoking faggot whites, and affluent white female liberals. They have been entirely propagandized to believe that the current political climate is one of White Billionaires vs. Everyone else. They may believe that Democrats are the party of the people and Republicans are MUH HECKIN' FASCISTS or they might think that Democrats are the lesser of two evils. In either case, the results of their actions are effectively the same. Regardless of their revolutionary views, all of their actions result in support of the neo-liberal billionaire class and work to destroy the opposing middle class white structure.
>2. The semi-intelligent useful idiots
This would be represented by people like Vaush. They may fully understand that all major political parties are entirely controlled by billionaires, yet they still believe in the MUH HECKIN' FASCISTS CONTROL EVERYTHING FROM THE SHADOWS vs. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION GROUPS THAT WE CAN HECKIN' TAKE OVER AND TURN INTO REAL OPPOSITION.
People like Vaush believe that while they are being supported with FULL FORCE by the neo-liberal establishment, they believe that this is only incidental and hinges on a few social issues. They hope that they can support controlled opposition groups like AOC and the small socialist faction within parties like the DNC until it grows to the point that the elite can no longer control it.

>> No.21508985 [DELETED] 

People like Vaush end up supporting the DNC and international neo-liberal elite in the exact same ways as The Retards mentioned above, although for different reasons. They do this because they believe that the growth and takeover of the supposed alternative (MUH HECKIN' NAZIS THAT ARE ALSO CAPITALISTS) would be worse than the status quo, and so they believe, fundamentally, that they are in a "temporary alliance" with the neo-liberal elite.
They are fools.

[1] The vast majority of small antifa chapters DO NOT RECEIVE DIRECT FUNDING and they ARE NOT AWARE THAT THEY ARE BEING SUPPORTED. The antifa individuals going out and smashing windows do not understand that they are useful idiots acting as an unwitting paramilitary for the billionaire class.

>> No.21508999 [DELETED] 

The future will be marked by two groups:
>1. A non existent "MUH HECKIN' FASCISTS" that control everything from the shadows and seek to HECKIN' DESTROY THE PROLETARIAT
>2. The neo-liberal elite that pretends to be the party of the people, always JUST on the verge of being defeated by MUH HECKIN' FASCISTS
All people, everyone everywhere will believe that they are rebels fighting against MUH HECKIN FASCISTS. Rebellion, of course, will consist of fighting as hard as one can for the current establishment.

>> No.21509174

On a scale from 1 to 10 how lame is it to talk in a dublin accent without being irish just because it's entertaining and out of love for the way it sounds? I've successfully duped several people into believing that I was Irish, which is quite funny to me. It also suits the way I pronounce words in my native language, especially R's, which makes it less straining on my tongue than if I was doing a generic midwest accent.

>> No.21509178

Warhammer scratches itches. Galaxys edge scratches itches.I'm a fucking pervert but my God the fact that I have books and other shit to help with.. I'm so fucking happy

>> No.21509207

I just woke up from a nightmare. It was one of those that when you wake up some of the visuals and feelings are still there for a few seconds.

I don't think I can sleep again.

>> No.21509216


>> No.21509219

it could be worse i haven't dreamt in 20 years brother

>> No.21509223

I need to poo, but I can't stop playing video games.

>> No.21509228

bE ThE cHaNgE yOu WaNt To SeE!!

For real though, it’s over. The board was overrun

>> No.21509231

I think it’s all within the remit of your own liberty lad, might be able to add a little bit of legitimacy to the whole affair by having actually lived in Ireland for a while, I knew somebody that faked an English accent daily while living in England, all because his original accent rubbed the locals the wrong way I ‘spose

>> No.21509237

I smoked weed again for the first time in over a year and god damn have I been having dreams again. Whenever I drift in and out of sleep I can palpably see and feel a barrage of images and characters pouring into my brain.

For reference, it feels like this:
(13m30s if I can't link correctly)

It's like a parade of murmuring voices dancing into my brain. I think I had a dream that lasted 2 real time hours last night. It was just insane.

>> No.21509238

Shit bucket

>> No.21509248

Be careful anon, weed can cause psychotic episodes.

>> No.21509265

it’s not the 60’s anymore anon, there’s a reason why our age is characterised by a crisis of meaning, a departure from romanticism and a movement towards the simulacrum and the hyperreal, how are you gonna have a good trip through that ? Keep your wits about you, the whole place wants to rob you of whatever they can take.

>> No.21509274

I never had any episodes per se, but once being a semi-regular smoker I can tell you it took me down weird paths. I started reading a lot of books about symbolism and dreams, and it seemed to cause a feedback look (confirmation biases, call it), wherein I swore that I was getting closer to some divine truth. Maybe I was, but I can certainly say those weren't very productive years of my life. Looking back, NONE of the people I once smoked weed with went on to do anything interesting with their lives except show each other conspiracy memes from tiktok.

>> No.21509299

>which I have personally witnessed.
Fuck off glowie

>> No.21509302

I have so many thoughts but enough time to think them

>> No.21509320

>watches the news
>gets angry that its wrong
youre demoralized. unplug. read the classics

>> No.21509339
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I’m still listening for you, God. The bitter wind chill of silence has sliced and chapped my taut, dried soul for days, weeks, months too long. Will I ever come up from the waters to breathe divine air? Will my lungs stop burning? Or is the abyss my home, not the one I was lead to believe was promised to me from eternity? I’m still listening for you, God. But I don’t know how long.

>> No.21509347

shut up you geeky faggot, you just smoked some weed, it's no big deal. if you can't handle it, just don't do it anymore.

>> No.21509434

I’ve always had awareness and knew I was larping. But it still felt comfy for a bit. But I guess the awareness won out. And I need to go back.

>> No.21509543
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what the fuck?

>> No.21509568

They helped a relative of mine get back a bunch of money that had been scammed from them by some Russian scam farm

I think a lot of FBI guys are relatively ordinary cops

>> No.21509575

Today in class my professor corrected me that 'aria' was not pronounced the same as 'area'. He then made some smarmy comment about the quality of my writing. my face turned bright red and some people laughed. ive never been more embarrassed. i needed this guy to like me so i could get a letter of recommendation for graduate studies. but now i feel mortified. i hate this man. i want to kill him. Yet I love him. its a torturous position. But this is more than just vanity its life and death. The world outside my college gates has thrown itself to the dogs. THere is constant war. if I do not get into graduate coursework I will be doomed. I would pleasure this man to get in. But now that its on full display how little he thinks of me not only as a person but as an academic. I need to kill myself

>> No.21509579

wait how is aria pronounced then

>> No.21509581 [DELETED] 

>I think a lot of FBI guys are relatively ordinary cops
Yes this is a big redpill that a lot of dissident types need to keep in mind. The vast majority of feds are not aware of their department's nefarious activities. They may be even less aware due to effective internal propaganda.

>> No.21509582

seem’s kinda gay

>> No.21509586

You're ngmi in grad school, you have no idea how sociopathic and childish professors are, they're basically teenagers who never had to grow up because they failed upwards into positions of infinite power over teenagers who beg for their approval and laugh at their bad jokes every day for 50 years. You can't go into that as a weak willed pussy desperate for approval or you will end up being broken and remade in the image of some manchild or womanchild who doesn't even understand what she's doing because they've simply never not experienced negative consequences for pushing people 1/4 their age around in a creepy way.

>> No.21509587

Sorry for typos in this post I am drinking but heed my words, the only people as mentally sick as some professors are big firm lawyers.

>> No.21509589

I wish academia was still cool. It unironically sounds fucking amazing when it was at its peak. But now its just a total sham to be honest

>> No.21510139


>> No.21510298 [DELETED] 
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After all the fools crying wolf about GPTX I just wanted to try to get some niche erotica out of it. It straight up cannot do it now matter how much I torture the prompts or write half of it for it. It can neither keep a storyline straight nor dilate time enough to not have a storyline by relevant. It also tries to turn anything even vaguely violent or sexual into a police procedural within a few paragraphs.
I didn’t feel any threat from it before and I certainly don’t now.

>> No.21510384 [DELETED] 
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The start of the first entry under this tag on AO3 for reference.
ML can’t beat horny middle schoolers, much less actual fully-formed writers.

>> No.21510497

People will just think you're esl who learnt in Dublin. It's pretty common to pick up the local accent in learning a new language.
>tfw not from Dublin and had to translate the Spanish tour guide to other English speakers because she had the heaviest Dub accent ever
People will probably only consider it racist if you're English.

>> No.21510512
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what is the point of greatness?

>> No.21510524


>> No.21510527

Greatness is something knowable only through the eyes of History. History's keepers, whoever they may be in the future, will decide that. Today's greats may fade into obscurity; the unknowns may pave the path to the future... or be thought to have paved it in the future.

>> No.21510576

Volunteer at a local thrift store.

Picked up the following:
The Witch of Portobello
Eleven minutes
The Fountainhead

Are any of them worth reading lol

>> No.21510581 [DELETED] 
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What the fuck did I just read
janny please ban me again

>> No.21510591 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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If it helps they are both actually robots and only referred to as “brothers” because they were made by the same guy and look the same.

>> No.21510615 [DELETED] 

Who writes this garbage

>> No.21510619 [DELETED] 

Gays? Fujoshits? Why? Who would do it?

>> No.21510630

I am so happy you guys. I am so tired but I am so happy. I really wonder what is gonna happen next. I bet it will be difficult but right now it is so chill. This life is the work. God knows best.

>> No.21510674

It really is remarkable how everyone who watches Star Wars imagines they are the rebels.

>> No.21510694

although I think the target audience for this kind of rhetoric is aging fast into their mid 30s and early 40s, and they're gonna know soon or already that they don't actually have any reason to have any political thoughts or actions and just focus on different ways to make jam and pickle vegetables and stuff (most of them probably don't have kids).

>> No.21510709

Did OP delete the Finnegan Wake thread because he received backlash? Kek

>> No.21510713

Eleven Minutes if you're a 45yo woman.

Thrift stores are great, I picked up Dom Casmurro in one a few weeks ago.

>> No.21510720

>focus on different ways to make jam and pickle vegetables and stuff (most of them probably don't have kids)
Mid-30s here. Sounds just about right, except I'm just quietly working a dead-end job, reading, and writing. My girlfriend and I don't want kids, so you've got me pretty well and pegged. The older I get, the more apathetic I become. Young people are full of energy for change but are accompanied by emotion which makes them irrational, at all points on the political sphere. Young people are more susceptible to picking their political team and rooting for it, which makes politics more like football hooliganism than it resembles any process of which I'd want to be a part. I'm just diligently investing my money, writing, working, and saving up to get a smol house in the woods. I'm almost there. The rest of you guys can do what you want with this world. I've never really fit into it anyway.

>> No.21510732

Wish you the best of luck anon.

>> No.21510740
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Thanks, fren. Godspeed.

>> No.21510748
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To lead people. A great man is one who can, without coercison or manipulation, unify a fractured whole and elevate it to be greater than the sum of its parts.

Because they are not great. Material conditions are not able to produce great men currently.

This is true. If you consume pop culture, their hooks are in you and you are now attached to the system that is poisoning you.

>> No.21510768

Is there any literature on how to fix high crime, majority-minority cities like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Philadelphia?

>> No.21510776

They’re not stupid. You are, for not realizing that it’s as simple as them seeing who is advancing the ball for their team. Liberals never opposed the CIA as a matter of principle. They opposed the CIA because it was an state organ with a lot of power that didn’t seem to act in their interests…but between the 1970s and 2010s, the CIA switched up and started pushing what progressives want. If the CIA morphed into an FSB-style state aristocracy, liberal democrats would care at all as long they still fly pride flags on their headquarters.

>> No.21510777

Yes, but what's the point of it? I see so many people go on about "what's the point of being alive if I'm never going to be a great writer" or the like. The concept of greatness only seems to bring people pain. Great people don't go out with the intention to be great, they just are through circumstance.

>> No.21510791

I've been learning a little bit about this man today, got me thinking about him.

>Little is known of his life before his conversion to Islam.[7] Abu Dharr is said to have been a serious young man, an ascetic and a monotheist even before he converted. He was born to the Ghifar clan, found to the western south of Medina.[8] Abu Dharr was apparently typical of the early converts to Islam, described by Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri as "young men and weak people".[9] They were a part of the Ghifar clan of the Banu Bakr ibn Abd Manat tribe, part of the Kinana tribes, which also included the Quraysh tribe of Muhammad. Popular accounts of Abu Dharr[10] say that his tribe lived by pillaging caravans, but that he preferred to live a poor but honest life as a shepherd. Having heard the contention that a new prophet had arisen in Mecca, Abu Dharr and his brother travelled to Mecca to find the prophet. The young seeker converted instantly and rushed out to declare his new faith in front of the Kaaba, which at that time was a pagan temple. He was beaten for his religious belief. He did this three days in a row, after which the Islamic prophet Muhammad told him to return to his clan, where he taught his people about Islam. He and his tribe then joined Muhammad after the Hijra, or migration to Medina in 622 CE.

>Muhammad once said that "the sky did not spread its canopy on any man who was more truthful than Abu Dharr."[11]

Apparently the uncle of Muhammad, name of Abbas, shielded Abu Dharr as he was being beaten in the Kaaba by telling the assailants that this was a man of the Ghifar, who straddle the lands of your trade routs (meaning: if you kill him your caravans are all going to robbed to hell and back). Pretty cool story.

>> No.21510793

I agree. While that burn for greatness certainly does occasionally create exceptional success (I worked with many athletes researching my doctoral thesis — many detest training and everything except the feeling of winning), fulfillment becomes then completely predicated upon that success. Some contemporary "greats" become that way almost incidentally to their burning passion for that which preoccupies their attentions. I think it's best to develop a passion, personally. If "greatness" doesn't come during your lifetime, one of these two motivations will probably lead to intense regret; the other can likely die happily knowing they spent a lifetime doing the thing they loved.

I think a drive to greatness is often counter-productive.

>> No.21510808

turns out that alcohol doesnt bring any hidden creativity to me. oh well.

>> No.21510813

I think the people who do become creative with drug use are -heavily- self-medicating. Case in point.

don't think I ever heard the original before

>> No.21510816

damn the remix is a lot better

sorry lads

>> No.21510821

the case here is of a man admitting to be a dilettante trying to be Lil Wayne almost dying for it and getting nothing done.

>> No.21510823

Ej od kad sam se rodio

>> No.21510826

so it's the other way around? damn, I'm only stuck with regular crappy anxiety.

>> No.21510833

Not ur blog , faggot .

>> No.21510885 [DELETED] 

Can affection be imparted by the soul as strongly as by the body? Do human experiences and emotions rely on sensory input to achieve the greatest magnitude?

>> No.21510917

sounds comfy desu. eventually you'll learn to embrace it and you'll actually start seeing reason in the voices and maybe even listen to them

>> No.21510936

The Fountainhead is cool as long as it doesn't form your entire personality like some Randheads.

>> No.21511044
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rate his literature taste

>> No.21511128
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>no, you can NOT mention somethi g you read from Lothrop Stoddard without mentioning that he was a racist eugenicist
>anyway, go read Hume or Locke or Kant or Hegel

>> No.21511129


>> No.21511145

I'm gonna say nigger and never get published even though there's nothing genuinely racist in my writing. I'll either be forgotten completely or rediscovered in a hundred years as a generational literary talent who was too eccentric to survive in contemporary society

>> No.21511146

Why the fuck should marxists even care about others calling liberals leftist, who themselves identify as left-wing? What stupid reason do they have to claim the word? It makes no sense from an etymological standpoint nor is there anything inherent in the word "leftist" that specifically only applies to them, even from the historical context. It's retarded

>> No.21511149

I’m considering a master’s degree just because I’m bored, can afford it, and have already spent the last few years working in research for a university anyway.

>> No.21511154

I think that more hardline commies have always felt that socdems are rats, who effectively serve the capital owning class by compromising, thus working against the final revolution. I doubt there are many commies like that left though.

>> No.21511159

Marxists fancy themselves vanguards of the lowest rungs of the exploitation ladder so in their eyes, everything else is fascist exploitation. The death blow for them was when liberal-capitalism co-opted Marxist philosophy to make it about woke stuff. The real Marxists failed to beat them to Latinx transsexuals so they lost and this is all moot.

>> No.21511163

I imagine the guy who does the chorus on this is sincere in a way that has always terrified me to my core. I don't know why. I think it might be because I can't manipulate people like that, which scares me. I don't know what they want. That and because I think they are truth-sayers. Maybe they will unveil my shtiq. I don't know though.

>> No.21511232
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I don't believe in climate change, evolution, womens' rights, 9/11, the holocaust, the Enlightenment, or covid vaccines.

>> No.21511256
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You are confusing what you feel with what you think. Well done, you are a net loss for society.

>> No.21511331
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what do you guys do

>> No.21511358

like the vodalarii in the book of the new sun. Fascinating

>> No.21511359
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I repair machines.

>> No.21511383
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Anyone wanna try a game? This website does fuck-all to capture IQ, but I am fairly sure that it captures cringiness - see if you can beat 199 (highest I've seen) by writing as thesaurus-abusing and insufferably as you can. This sample is really bad, hence the score, but I'm wondering if it's possible to break 200 on the cringe-o-meter.

>> No.21511393


>> No.21511394

It actually sort of is because this is what this thread is for. Nobody forced you to come here. You should know that by now but it makes sense that all you would have to say against what I've stated is false stuff like that and immature name calling.

Also and by the way, your grammar, spelling, and derivative remark makes me question if you are even old enough to be using this site. It's against the rules for people under the age of eighteen to be using this site, you know.

>> No.21511400

Why won't anyone read my pieces on reddit or /wg/? Am I that shit of a writer? But I don't even get "your writing is so shit I gave up reading it after the first sentence."

I'm so lost.

>> No.21511456

>the Enlightenment
elaborate on this

>> No.21511467
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Please post something here, i will be happy to read it anon. Though not a 3rd party link, but a generous piece of your writing with context. Take a half dozen posts if you need and i shall read it on my lunch, provided you post it before the top of the hour.

>> No.21511541
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Okay. I hope it's decent.

>> No.21511556
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liberal democracy, empiricism, rationalism, materialism, egalitarianism, nominalism, revolutionary agendas, secularism, and so on

>> No.21511584
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I will be honest, anon, since there is no point in lying to you. It is decent, there is nothing terrible or exceptional about it. From what little you posted i can deduce they appear to be an order of Witcher-Knights, there was no personality revealed. Nothing. I think many people get the wrong idea that interesting world-building is sufficient to maintain interest, it sadly is not. There needs to he conflict, nobody will read a single page otherwise.

Maybe if you post more i am proved wrong. As it is there are hundreds of thousands, millions or more, of young men writing exactly the same stuff. It is boring.

>> No.21511617
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>> No.21511621

Thank you. I'm phone posting right now, so I'll post a bit more later. There is conflict. But do I really need someone dying immediately in the first 3 sentences?

>> No.21511650
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Conflict isnt just fighting. It can be anything that puts the character at odds with the world they are in.

A cop with a coke problem.
A cowardly knight
A Knight of Valora that secretly works for a Lich's cult.

It can be anything, the more the better. That is what keeps people turning pages. Simple combat does nothing either, there must be a reason maybe the cultist lost a child or loved one and the Lich has promised them reunification, perhaps the precious gem the knight holds is the phylactery for her child's soul.

Conflict brother, add some. Add it where you see it working.

>> No.21511661

>A Knight of Valora that secretly works for a Lich's cult.
Ah! how did you figure that out that fast? That was supposed to be a twist in the story!

At the end of the chapter we have all except Adah disappear. The story is her investigating the missing knights and lich.

>> No.21511699


>> No.21511713

I feel like im swimming in an ocean of blood and i like it

>> No.21511742
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A good diet and frequent mental and physical exercise. But that would do it, obviously in the short amount you posted one can not assess your story. But i would encourage you to make it more obvious than you mean to, readers typically do not pick up ob subtly in writing m, it needs to be obvious, have her looking at an amulet of a lost child, watching children play with teary eyes. We are dense and will assume things are included just to pad out a chapter.

Hope it goes well anon, good luck.

Did nobody read you writing anon? Would you like me to?

>> No.21511956
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prophecy. Varicose veins. . Leg pain. Oxygen anytime anywhere. The taste you crave The Hunger you smother
Sensodyne long-lasting. Not leave the people. Often without much. Total months were 4. Vein clinic

>> No.21511971

I'll never be an attorney for my family again. It's one thing to represent someone else you have no attachment to, you get the distancing necessary to do a better job. When you're representing your family you're in constant fear of fucking up and fucking them over. Next time I'll tell them to just get the money for a lawyer because my nerves can't take another of this.

>> No.21511982

I'm having a hard time making a decision.

>> No.21512003

Flip a coin and when it's in the air you'll know what is what you actually want. It may not be what's actually GOOD for you, but it'll at least give you a starting point that might actually solve your question.

>> No.21512009

Flipping a coin only works when it's between two choices.

>> No.21512073

Use a deck of cards then

>> No.21512105

For my speech class I have to write a eulogy for myself. Theres literally no guidelines or advice or anything. I have no idea what to say. I already hate this class

>> No.21512113

Roll some dice. Or hey, roll a post.

>> No.21512150

Guys really how do I write a eulogy for myself

>> No.21512162
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What's it like for a woman to hold your head in her hands, to compliment you, to have your and her naked body warm one another, to see a radiant face look at you and confess their love?

>> No.21512172
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I dont know. I just dont know anon.
t. 30 year khhv

>> No.21512230

You ever think you had a chance for a formative experience but missed it?

>> No.21512246

I did. I only realized it years later after the damage was done.

>> No.21512303

Tomorrow I am going to send in a 30x Nebula Genomics DNA kit and write down my login information in a book with instructions to subject copies of myself in the future to a preferred range of permanent transformation fetish scenarios.

It is probable I will be homeless again soon, and dead within a short period of time afterward, so I won't be able to take it back. I have lived in terror these past few years at the thought of being brought back wrong by post-singularity AI. But I have realized that my best defense against this is providing more information, not less, even if the chances are high that there will be undetectable and irremediable data manipulation. I still want there to be some version of me in the future even if it's a ridiculous monstrosity. I guess I am just vain and incoherent.

>> No.21512360

It’s unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else. The passion. The romance. The intense feelings. The heat. The pleasure.
But it’s all an illusion, a deception, a lie.
Any girl you love will do everything she can to forget you the moment you leave.

>> No.21512383 [DELETED] 

Meds. NOW.

>> No.21512386

Not an argument.

>> No.21512401

Anyone else here not like traveling because they enjoy their life where they are? I have some friends who want me to visit them in a different state but honestly instead of flying out that weekend and hanging with them I’d rather go to work and do my normal weekend plans.

Worst part is I said I would try and come, so now they’re expecting me.

>> No.21512405
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>> No.21512424

I fucking hate this speech class. I thought I would do research on different academic or controversial subjects and present on them. It turns out the professor just wants us to talk about our feelings. I cant do this. I dont know what to say

>> No.21512545

Do you regret your job/career choice?

>> No.21512577

Nope being a teacher lets me write my books.

>> No.21512605

He didn't feel depressed. He didn't feel much of anything at all. Really, he thought, it was a damn sight better than it used to be. Life expectancy for his grandfather had been 50. He had it easy. Or hard. Again, it was dependent upon your point of view. What was the point of living so long past your prime that the cold seeped into your bones with such frightening ease?
Frightening. That was the word. He had long since shed his childlike fear of most things. Nothing scared him. Nothing except death. The unknown void into which all humans must eventually walk. Yes, his day would come, just like it had for everyone before him. It would probably come for everyone after, but he wasn't certain. If there was one thing you could confidently be uncertain of, it was the future.
The future, he mused. It all comes back to the future. Dwelling on the past does no good because you can't change it. Thinking about the future is futile because you can't predict it. Living in the present is foolish because it's irresponsible. So the only sensible course of action was to hedge your bets and hope for the best, while preparing for the worst.
The worst hadn't come, not yet, but it might.
He was frightened of that.

>> No.21512724


>> No.21512730

Yes. I should have gotten some retarded low effort sinecure position that's hidden behind pointless degree requirements instead of trying to become good at something substantive that creates value. But I didn't know I was going to develop schizophrenia when I started college.

>> No.21512776

Just extremely generic and does not reach out to me at all. You need something to draw readers in, especially in this age of instant gratification where everyone carries around phones with 200gb worth of entertainment stored on them. The opening is the most important part of any book, as it usually determines whether or not people continue reading.

Shadow had done three years in prison. He was big enough and looked don't-fuck-with-me enough that his biggest problem was killing time. So he kept himself in shape, and taught himself coin tricks, and thought a lot about how much he loved his wife.

>wow I wonder who this guy is and why he's in prison and what's going to happen to him

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

>wow I wonder what hobbits are and why they live in holes

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

>wow I wonder who the man in black is, who the gunslinger is, why they are in a desert, and why he is following him (in my opinion this is one of the best openings ever written)

He had many names. Although yet to reach his thirtieth year history had seen fit to garner him with titles aplenty: Sword of the Realm to the mad king who sent him to plague us, the Young Hawk to the men who followed him through the trials of war, Darkblade to his Cumbraelin enemies and, as I was to learn much later, Beral Shak Ur to the enigmatic tribes of the Great Northern Forest - the Shadow of the Raven.

But my people knew him by but one name and it was this that sang in my head continually the morning they brought him to the docks: Hope Killer. Soon you will die and I will see it. Hope Killer.

>do I even need to say anything? this is a nigh on flawless opening

>> No.21512779
File: 596 KB, 1926x1361, eragon opening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my estimation your opening line reads more like the start of a new chapter in a book I'm already reading, as opposed to the start of a new book, if that makes sense. There is also too much focus on detail for an opening, when a reader will first be getting used to your prose. Is it really necessary to describe every minute aspect of the scene? It's fantasy and they are hunting a lich. Therefore you can logically assume they are outside. The dry branches snapping confirms this. The moonlight is a nice detail to add as moonlight usually confers a sense of mystery and awe in people. Random berries staining armor, mud caking boots, not so much. Sometimes less is more. You have to remember that usually it is the reader that does most of the work. They take the gaps you leave and fill them with the unbridled power of their imagination. They can literally see and feel the branches and the moon, and anything else they feel inspired to conjure up as you set the scene. If you describe nearly every aspect of what's happening, then there's nothing left for the reader to occupy their minds with. It becomes boring and dull. You cannot compete with the ever shifting tides of the imagination. Also you have to keep up the pace. Nothing really happened in 11 sentences, just exposition dump. Not what I would recommend.

It reminds me of Eragon. Read this and compare it to yours as I believe it does a good job of setting a similar scene, introducing interesting concepts, and pacing itself well to keep the reader's attention. Then again an entire prologue is hardly comparable to the excerpt you posted.

>> No.21512825

https://kiwifarms dot net/forums/art-literature.30/
one of the only sites left that will allow you to just say what you want

>> No.21512849

It's possible things are getting better with my mom. No one in my family knows me at all, but we've almost started talking.. we may have started talking more sincerely. I'm 31. She has to understand by now that she truly knows nothing about me other than what she has learned in the last two weeks. She insists that she loves me. I don't believe her. I'm sure no one else in my family does. She makes nebulous references to having gone through fire for me. Possible she has. Possible she has just gone through fire and she tacks on "for you" because she has to have something to say for the fact that she doesn't love me and hasn't cared about me. Things might get better with her. But I just came home from celebrating her birthday with the family and I so, so deeply hate spending this time with them. I come away from there thinking I want to kill every single one of them. I just don't know.. I don't know if she gets anything of what I'm saying to her, even now. I think the best thing that can happen is that I can understand what it is I want from them so that I can discard that hope, finally. I do not understand my feelings as it is, but I do know I have not been able to trust any of them and I hold them all in contempt. Very much so. I don't really think I exist to any of them. Maybe a little bit to my mom now. We'll see.

>> No.21512857 [DELETED] 

What mommy issues does to a mfr

>> No.21512860


>> No.21512863

I have a date coming up this weekend, first one in like 4 years. I'm scared bros.

>> No.21512894

Relax. Just an opportunity to get to know someone

>> No.21512943

I went on a date last year and thought it went well. But she ghosted me.

>> No.21512953

Even though I "work" 7 hours a day, I probably do only 3-4 hours of actual work

>> No.21512973
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I think Descartes' meditations are actually fun and enjoyable to read

>> No.21512982

My boss spent 2 hours this morning trying to properly align a column of numbers in Word. On a brighter note, my new antique Wedgwood teapot arrived this afternoon.

>> No.21512989

Why didnt you help him

>> No.21513040

I didn’t know how to do it myself. I gave HER some tips and then got back to work.

>> No.21513068

You should have fucked her

>> No.21513137

Motherly and fatherly love is probably the most absurd thing in existence. On a non-biological standpoint, it doesn't make sense to love someone unconditionnally all their life. Okay, it's easy to love your baby or your seven year old kid who adores you, but what about loving your 30 year old scruffy and rude kid who is like a stranger to you? I have barely interacted with my parents after the age of 10 and I'm absolutely convinced they would trade their lives to save mine if they had the choice. Why is family love seemingly everlasting and above logic? If the answer is biology, it feels so damn cheap. What's the point of getting on high horses and being proud of loving your children if the only love you have towards them has been programmed into your brain? It's like some kind of wet robot being proud of accomplishing the most basic it's been given. I myself am a victim of this. It's so damn infuriating that 'loving' is really never something you choose. Loving your kids being the norm means no one actually deserves to be loved since it's just something you've been born with if you had normal parents. Even the worst motherfucker on this board is probably loved by his parents. Being a good person doesn't matter.

>> No.21513165
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How do you get a /lit/pilled gf?

>> No.21513177 [DELETED] 

There are none

>> No.21513178

Start with a man and pay for their sex change

>> No.21513185
File: 61 KB, 650x325, SK-8135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent nearly $400 on various Mech keyboard over the years but was never satisfied. Tried various switches too.

Went back to one of these I found at a yard sale for a couple of dollars. And have been satisfied with it for the past few years

But yeah I've concluded mech keyboards are a major meme. Ppl try to use "muh quality" to justify it but will spend more than they would on a lifetime of regular keyboards.

To save yourself the trouble, don't go for meme switches or any gimmicks. Just get linear red switch (or equivalent) keyboards if you need a mehcanical.

>> No.21513188
File: 24 KB, 800x609, 1625335151895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE A PROBLEM with mixing my metaphors.

>> No.21513195

This anon has it right >>21513178
And I'm your girl (male)

>> No.21513197

Sometimes I think that I know or at least am convinced of the fact that I knew.

>> No.21513205

Don’t you ever feel like education is a feminine field? I’m not a teacher but I do work in education and I’ve come to hate it.

>> No.21513216 [DELETED] 

I think feelings and human experiences are naturally etched into the hearts of all men. Also my response to this thread

>> No.21513226

this pic gives me ptsd from the bpd whores of my past

>> No.21513227

I agree.
I'm just very distanced from myself, feeling is knowing and I can't always feel.
One time I feel as though the "aspect" of love visited me in a dream, sometimes when I try to recall or refeel that dream it's terrifying how much bigger than me it seems to be.

>> No.21513252

That’s what I did…

>> No.21513266
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>> No.21513319 [DELETED] 

How is being a good person in any way related to being loved?

>> No.21513370

I'm so confused now. I have people claim that they needed to immediately know that the group was looking for a Lich, others wanted the setting to be set up, and now "it's boring because nothing is happening".

Seems like readers want different things and I need to pick my poison.

>> No.21513395

How will you cope when physical pain sets in? When your 60+ and your feet/back/hips are all falling apart. Do you think you can do it?

>> No.21513405

wow different people have different opinions.....
wow in the end you'll have to make up your own mind..... say it ain't so.
writing is an art. there is no proper way to do something. there are no rules. bind yourself too tightly to others' ideas of how to write, and you will most likely fail to produce the best work you can. be that as it may, 11 sentences is hardly enough to whet your tongue. do not agonize over attaining perfection, for it is not possible.

>> No.21513424
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I like it

>> No.21513485

Writing this self eulogy is probably the hardest thng I've done in years. It was easier to tell my neighbor that my dog ate his cat and that I buried it in my yard. It was easier to tell my boss that I crashed his work van into a clients house. It was easier to hear from the only girl I asked out in years that she already has a boyfriend.
This self eulogy is fucking killing me because I just don't know where to start or how to even open myself like that. I'm afraid I'll write some super cringey emo shit and I'm afraid I might even cry when I read it to the class. Oh yeah, I have to read it aloud to the entire fucking class tomorrow. This feels like an exercise in cruelty. Just fucking expose myself and be ll super vulnerable, play like I'm reading about my life at my funeral even though I've actually tried to kill myself. I fucking hate it.
What's worse is that everyone else seems to be taking the project so lightly and I think they'll say something classy and decent. I know theres a few class clowns who will probably make a great joke of it and make the whole class laugh while I'm barely holding myself together. I really hate this class and this professor seems be trying to make it some kind of group therapy. I just want to show up to lectures, write some essays, take a test and get on with my life. Not have to spill my fucking spaghetti everywhere every day.

>> No.21513486

I'm addicted to ASMR.

Just laying back or falling asleep to a girl whispering that you can somewhat feel the breathiness in your neck or making kissy/mouth sounds just feels so friggen good.

I can spend hours just laying there listening in the middle of the day and this addiction has gotten worse since being unemployed

>> No.21513491

asmr is the opiate of the alienated young men

>> No.21513497

I don't even know why I buy books when I've been pirating everything for so long.

I find books annoying to hold and read from too as opposed to an e-reader

>> No.21513504

As in the periods between lying down and falling to sleep I think of the smell of my girlfriend's pussy juice, and sigh. Women, like snails, leave a silvery trail of slime when they are aroused, only I am revolted by one and aroused by the other. Why should I be excited by mucous, and fluid, and stench. I am incarnated in flesh when I want to be of air, or smoke

>> No.21513551

There is a new race of creature, not quite "normie" but lower, sub-normie. The obese, bearded and incompetent, who are described as "geeks", "dorks", "nerds". Underlying health conditions and abnormal mental state, maladaptive sexual fixations etc., yet none of the intelligence associated with mental or sexual deviation. Why? I don't believe this has ever been seen in history. They occur in almost every nation, in great numbers, like a plague. Maybe the genetic filter of childhood mortality, now lifted by infant vaccination, has enabled these monsters to live to adulthood. This has been explicated in many ways by eg. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but I don't know if this new, uniquely modern caste has been explained in detail with appropriate scholarship.

>> No.21513648
File: 35 KB, 300x296, 833e7428a0eab750153e042a5f474b59--the-sopranos-mobsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast, to my fellow INTP's! Salute!

>> No.21513654

I hate my life

>> No.21513680

they're called "proles"

>> No.21513704

i prefer to think of them as proto-morlocks.

>> No.21513708

membranes are dogshit because they don't have double shot pbt

>> No.21513723

dumbass it is something you choose. what do you think most black children's fathers do? that's right they abandon their children because they are fucking degenerates incapable of using condoms. your entire post might as well say in this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony parents love, but because I am enlightened by my own nihilism

>> No.21513729

everyone shits on you till they need to use your SNAP card, then suddenly they're your best friend

>> No.21513785

I thought about getting EBT but I didnt want to be like a Mexican

>> No.21513790

During the past 13 years I have sought to heal myself of psychological trauma to the highest degree possible, seeking out what I needed to help myself.

Now at long last I have achieved the perfect state of being my own psychologist. I have achieved total, enduring inner peace. I have learned to totally embrace and love myself, and love life and the world!

I have become the psychologically strongest human being alive. I could handle the efforts of billions of people all cursing my name and trying every way possible to destroy my soul and making me want to kill myself!

I will attract the greatest psychological abusers and manipulators in the world, who cannot help but to try to destroy and overcome the ultimate in psychological health in their effort to psychologically enslave others. I will end the psycho-memetic war to end all wars that is consuming humanity, and driving it towards self-destruction!


>> No.21513805

it's fucked up that fags get legal protections against workplace discrimination, meanwhile i get fired for being drunk

>> No.21513829

I find it hilarious that an autistic guy is nigh unfireable while I am twice as efficient

>> No.21513897
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Some dude at work asked me if I wanted to join him and his friends to watch sports on Sunday and I said no because I don't socialize with my co-workers outside of work. I felt kind of bad about it but I think its for the best. For one he's black so I assume most of the other people there will be black and I'll have to keep my tongue on a leash or risk saying something considered racist and receive a call from human resources. Second I hate being busy, I want my entire weekend to be free and clear as much as possible so I can regenerate my energy reserves and third, I really have no clue how to behave in most social situations from years of isolation. With the exception of family and a few friends from middle school I prefer to keep most people at an arms length.

>> No.21513954

>third, I really have no clue how to behave in most social situations from years of isolation. With the exception of family and a few friends from middle school I prefer to keep most people at an arms length.
Damn me too

>> No.21513962

That's some good advice.

Oh well. One day I'll figure it out. here's a pastebin of the first chapter. maybe it's a bit more interesting.

>> No.21513996

I really regret the choices I’ve made.

>> No.21514105

I'm quite proud of the decisions I've made.

>> No.21514108

i don't make decisions

>> No.21514115

It's honestly for the best. Socializing with people who you've gotta hide your power level around while they get to feel comfortable saying w/e they want is such a chore. Everyone expects you to be "having a good time" but it's just work.

>> No.21514122
File: 48 KB, 646x624, 93l026gKo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma died earlier this week and now I gotta break up with this girl who says she's in love with me. There's no relationship between these two things. It just sucks having to deal with both in the same week.

>> No.21514136

Women literally got nothing besides being women. It's amazing how much nonsense men are willing to tolerate.

>> No.21514237

You know those ppl who cheered at the idea of the unvaxxed being pushed out of society, fired from their jobs and banned from working in some countries with no forseeable end date at the time.

What exactly was their end game and long term plan with it all? Or what did they expect to those who still refused to take the vax? Did they unironically expect them or even hope for them to die or something?

I really don't understand it all.

>> No.21514269

I enjoy reading / listening to primary source accounts of first contact like this video:
I like to imagine what that must be like to encounter some other group for the first time, how I would react, how we would communicate.
Yet watching these videos I feel an odd sense of loss. While there are small isolated pockets, tribes, that still exist, never again can such a first encounter take place at this scale.
We live in an age of instantaneous communication. All the world's cultures are known. There remains unexplored aspects of the natural world, like the deep ocean, but for ourselves nothing remains hidden.
Everything that is hidden about all the world's cultures is being made known ... what will be left. There is no more frontier, no unknown to explore.

>> No.21514280

>For one he's black so I assume most of the other people there will be black and I'll have to keep my tongue on a leash or risk saying something considered racist and receive a call from human resources
Unless you're actually just spouting out the n word, no one will care. Irl people are pretty easy about that stuff. Just be aware of the other person and treat them like an equal

>> No.21514320

Why do people think they are smart just for using irony?

>> No.21514325

if you're white, you should apply for all the welfare you can. this system was set up by our ancestors for us, not for Shaniqua and Jose and their 16 kids

>> No.21514335

I was mean to my mom today and it wasn't warranted. Both my parents are now 60 and have engaged themselves in regression. I don't know how to talk to these two. Its like all the reverence and character has been drained from them. Sentimental, vulgar. Anger is warranted but I must direct it appropiately.

>> No.21514351

To mock people who don't catch irony, which makes them feel intelligent in comparison. Be thankful I gave you an honest reply.

>> No.21514535

>And when later in the lecture he declares that the “simple question to be considered is, how best to strengthen, refine, and enrich the intellectual powers,” but then goes on to say that the “the perusal of the poets, historians, and philosophers of Greece and Rome will accomplish this purpose, as long experience has shown”—he is including the study of Greek mathematics.
Looks like I'll be ordering some Archimedes.

>> No.21514671
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>This week I fucked my neighbor

>> No.21514691
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>> No.21514771

>go on 4chan
>it's all sadfags who cope with their clinical depression, incels who cope with their being-without-pussy by misogyny, or nazis who cope with their loserdom with gay politics, leading to my own reaction of indifference and annoyance

>go on reddit
>it's all milquetoast söyboys policing themselves and each other for good boy points, fat polyamorous autistic women and insufferable mediocrities leading to my own reaction being one of visceral disgust

I think it's finally happening boys - I think my internet addiction is finally dying. I've reached the point where injecting a fat line of heroin does nothing but give me just a slightly annoying buzz. The internet does nothing for me. I am ready to move on. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.

>> No.21514776

ok normie

>> No.21514903

I haven't been on /lit/ in seven months, this board has gotten even worse than I remember it being. Why is it so shit right now? Did something happen? Also your new memes are shit.

>> No.21515013

waldun was the glue holding it together all along...

>> No.21515042

Did something happen to Waldun?

>> No.21515069

it’s so crazy that in the past, due to the lack of political freedoms and the wide disparity between classes, if a few intellectuals disagreed with the ruling class but wanted to maintain their social standing or not get outright killed they’d have to resort to making plays, books and other media that veiled what they were really trying to say and ideally maybe even appeared to agree with and promote the ideology of the ruling class but actually served to inform people of and critique what the ruling elite really believed. These plays or novels would even contain hidden messages that anyone with the requisite knowledge could easily pick up on, for example some plays and novels, and sometimes even artwork, would make reference to other plays and novels in an attempt to hide a hidden message in clear view, the point is that the message would be very easy to spot by anyone privy enough to pick up on it, I sometimes wish i could say ‘i hear ya loud and clear’ to the intellectuals that had to resort to this sort of thing in the past, it must have been so hard for them. It’s really extraordinary that people used to have to go to such lengths, I’m kinda proud that today we don't have to go to such lengths, anyone can make a youtube video and just talk about whatever they want.

>> No.21515101
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon a blurry image of you may float around here. It'll be blurry but just resolving enough to make out that vacant, starving leer. It'll probably be an old school photo too, there's not many photographs of your face around, just you as a kid. You'll duct tape your hands together and hang yourself from a doorknob. Your last thoughts will be: the smell of dead grass, ashtrays, stale laundry, and the incomprehensible eyes of your mother. You'll have a shaded grave beneath a dead ivy-engulfed tree, and your gravestone will be rough, cheap granite; barely a brick with your name on it, minimal; like a forgotten identification tag hanging off a slaughterhouse animal carcass in some ditch. You're a pebble in the road, attempting dignity in your tumble, but you'll end up flushed by the rain into your own gutter. We all do some day and it's okay to give up, there's always bones of a runt lying in the snow somewhere in the world.

>> No.21515106

Steroids should be legal. My body my choice.

>> No.21515114

The japanese thought they would win by conquering the world with anime. In the short term it was ridiculously effective. But now they are the meme-iest nation on earth, they are a joke. Can you imagine Japan defending itself against China? Can you imagine that the Japanese are or at least were a proud people? Their entire historiy is reduced to cat ears on fat westerners. "Yes, yes, eastern wisdom very strong, patience grasshopper" maybe you should have had more patience than just whoring yourselves out for cartoon money, sempai?

>> No.21515118 [DELETED] 


>> No.21515223
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based johan poster

>> No.21515230

yes and then they will get artificially suppressed by googles algorithm. or they will get demonetized. or they will get banned by the payment processors. or they will get banned from youtube itself. you can't talk about whatever you want if you draw the ire of the elites, even now.

>> No.21515231

wish i had that much money for being a dilettante

>> No.21515236

Not even christian and i 100% agree, fuck communists and their cult of mediocrity

>> No.21515247

probably just cry lol

>> No.21515253

>yet none of the intelligence associated with mental or sexual deviation

>> No.21515266

I feel like the bourgeois middle classes despise the lower classes and the rural population in general way more than the aristocrats of yore ever despised people below them. I think it has to do with insecurity, aristocrats completely internalized their sense of superiority while the bourgeois middle classes always feel like they are one recession away from falling into the dark abyss of rural and lower class populations "below them", which makes them absolutely hellbent on making it clear that they are "not like them". Because in fact, they are quite like them in most things besides money and their internalized ingroup/outgroup ideology of choice.

>> No.21515270
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>Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"
Matthew 19:24

>Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5

>Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Matthew 19:21

>“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. "
Matthew 6:24

>For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
Timothy 6:10

>For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper. He has pity on the weak and the needy and saves the lives of the needy. From oppression and violence, he redeems their life; precious is their blood in his sight.
Psalm 72:12-14

>Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.
Proverbs 21:13

> Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Luke 12:32-34

>A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.
Proverbs 29:7

>Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.
Proverbs 21:13

>> No.21515396

>started using SNRI's (almost a month now)
>suddenly sex drive is through the roof
what the fuck

>> No.21515430

hear hear

>> No.21515438

does the upper class resents the middle class in the same way?

>> No.21515474

Wearing a white dress at your wedding is supposed to prove your purity as a bride lmao.
inb4 incel. Then you should have no qualms about marrying and impregnating the most used pornstar of all time. Layup question but let it sink in.

>> No.21515501

Not really, I think the upper bourgeois classes don't really think of the middle-middle class bourgeois classes a whole lot, while the middle-middle class bourgeois seek to emulate the bourgeois elite rather than wanting to entirely obliterate them like they did with the classical aristocracy.

>> No.21515527

I want attention

>> No.21515530

Don't spend the (You) all in one place anon.

>> No.21515819

Will it ever be enough?

>> No.21515841

This is from some podcast, I think it might have been Joe DeRosa. I thought the delivery was so good, he was talking to some other comedian and they introduced it like "This podcast is for all the people who didn't get enough attention from their mothers." and then the other guy goes (40-ish years old, hoarse from years of cigar and whiskey): "Will it ever be enough?"

Comedians, man.

>> No.21515861

yes, actually. I only need attention when I'm anxious. I'm really anxious right now, but eventually it will pass. until the next time, obviously, but still.

>> No.21516031

Please play by the rules.

>> No.21516185

this guy gets it

>> No.21516228

fascinating watching older relatives suddenly come out of the woodwork as anti-EU just because we export a lot of electricity lol.

>> No.21516230

I should’ve resigned before the new year. Now the person I work with, whom I respect, has asked me to commit to at least a few more months for her sake and I agreed. But things would be better for me if I had already finished.

>> No.21516280

Yesterday I met a woman I had never seen before with the exclusive purpose of having sex. It wasn’t even a date, we just went and fucked. How can people do this shit regularly? A couple hours latter I felt the most soul crushing sensation and I’ve spent the entire day melancholic today without even understanding why. Is there something wrong with me? I know so many men and women who do these kinds of thing regularly and they always seem to have a great deal of fun doing it.

>> No.21516318

I feel like women don't really like men that much. Let me explain myself: I'm quite sure women can't really love a man the same way a man loves a woman. Just think about it. Have you ever heard a real woman talk about how much she loves a man, in a monogamous way? Have you noticed how women do not care at all or even think about male jealousy or dislike/fear of being cucked, except as a quirk like how a dog likes chasing balls? Have you noticed how they feel no compassion or sympathy whatsoever towards men or any regard for their feelings? The only woman I can think of who seemed to think like a man was Lucretia, the wife of Collatinus, who is maybe the greatest example of female virtue according to everyone but (besides being semi-mythological) was raised in a society which imposed upon women to be exactly how men want them to be, and even then, have you EVER heard a woman praise or admire Lucretia? Only men praise her.
Women are just fundamentally different to men. It's our nature.
No, I have never been in a relationship, yeh whatever I'm a bitter incel, but just think about it. Empirical observation is all you need. Women just aren't human in the same way we are. there is a strong barrier of comprehension between us.

>> No.21516320

Thinking about cheating on my gf

>> No.21516335

don't do that

>> No.21516337

I won't cheat on your gf anon, neither should you

>> No.21516338

duality of man
also don't cheat on your gf

>> No.21516341

Men love women but struggle to live a woman, women love a man but don't care if all other men die in a fire.

The upside of being a man is if you succeed, you REALLY succeed, and fuck ten thousand women. The downside is most men don't succeed, and will spend their whole lives as starving beggars staring at home cooked food being waved in front of their faces, either because you can't get laid at all or because you settled down with one woman who probably got fat. But even if she is attractive, it's still just one women, and in a sense you were built to fuck thousands of women.

The upside of being a woman is you don't have to deal with the constant, horrible cravings for what you can't have, because all you really want is to settle down. Even massive sluts are really just delusional and seeking one special guy to rescue them. The downside of being a woman is that you can fall in love with a random guy who hits your irrational hormone bullseye and end up chasing him around for 20 years, and literally all he had to do was reject you one time on a day his hair looked really good and he reminded you subconsciously of your dad.

Men and women are mismatched.

>> No.21516378

Did you ever finish Ginger Snaps

>> No.21516381

>muh russians

>> No.21516384

Do it. If she’s hot do it.

>> No.21516386

Finish watching Ginger Snaps or you're gay

>> No.21516394
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>> No.21516435

grim website

>> No.21516614

Yes this is correct.
Just look at a popular movie like "Glass Onion", which expresses the middle class fantasy that they could join the ultra-rich.
(while at the same expressing resentment to that class--through the fictional identification with the cheated rich person who takes revenge against the bad rich folk)
The upper middle class's feelings about the lower are similarly haphazard and contradictory; at times identifying with the lower when they wish to play the victim, yet maintaining some distance and separation.

>> No.21516655

I saw a homeless tranny on the subway platform today. Full make-up, dress, with emaciated musculature. I did not think they showered in weeks; but surprisingly, they did not stink like piss, BO and alcohol. Anyway, she was being followed around by another homeless person who was trying to convert her:
>Believe in God.
>Jesus loves you.
>Heaven is real, etc., etc.
The tranny then said she was thirsty and so the homeless guy offered to give her some water with the caveat - It WAS "holy" water!!!111 (the entire platform was thus informed). The tranny would not drink. The homeless guy then proceeded to resume howling for the tranny to pray and find God, and would continue to do so (aggressively) from the time the train arrived until the pair split (one got on, the other remained) as it departed again. It was quite the absurdist spectacle.

>> No.21516664

just want to get back to 2006 or so, that's all.
your sincerely

>> No.21516695
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at last you truly see
"the few that rise above such things are rare and worth slaughtering whole peoples over"

>> No.21516701
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and of course we are different, only a fool would say otherwise. the male lion is not the same as the female lion.

>> No.21516706


>> No.21516713

How do you know they were homeless and not just poor?

>> No.21516744

Modernity is a just a huge bluff. A colossal faggy bluff.

>> No.21516749

don't think so, he's still the same larping faggot he always was, i think jannies just delete his threads more often than not nowadays so nobody really mentions him anymore

>> No.21516771

I'll read this later and give my thoughts, if you like. I may do it anyway.

>> No.21516838

I love women so much it's unreal

>> No.21516866

dont really care about women but you do you.

>> No.21516871

Can I have 100 dollars

>> No.21516873

>Glass Onion
This movie was shit.

>> No.21516875

Isaac Newton prediction of 2060AD
>Despite the dramatic nature of a prediction of the end of the world, Newton may not have been referring to the 2060 date as a destructive act resulting in the annihilation of the earth and its inhabitants, but rather one in which he believed the world was to be replaced with a new one based upon a transition to an era of divinely inspired peace. In Christian theology, this concept is often referred to as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of Paradise by The Kingdom of God on Earth.

>> No.21516879

I've turned back time so many times I don't even remember why I did it in the first place.

>> No.21516886

Frankly, I think a man and woman can only foster true love between one another if they foster true respect for one another's mind soul and just their whole being in addition to the physical attraction. Sadly, only yhr last item is considered by most people when dsting or when with a spouse, which is why some people grow to hate or otherwise feel uncomfortable around their spouse/lover. It's also why people do stupid shit for pussy/affirmation, not even actual love. I knew a retard that wants to become a Catholic priest yet still went ahead and dated a girl he saw because she was cute. They broke up and it just reminded me how dumb this guy is. Like how do you even think about doing shit like that if you feel you are called to lifelong celibacy?

>> No.21516887

Say what you want about frank hassle, his editing is fucking off the charts funny

Skip to the cop encounter from like 10min if you don't like the hassling

>> No.21516895
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>individual liberty and personal responsibility
Personal responsibility is a misnomer, you can only be responsible to somebody outside of yourself, somebody or some thing external. Realizing this, being responsible to another is an impingement (welcome or not) on personal liberty.

If you believe on personal responsibility you are depersonalizing yourself, what you instead mean is you wish to be responsible to another, be it a family or worthwhile leader but are too muddled to say.

>> No.21516920

Were you given the choices of excruciating death by bone cancer or living but not being able to get erect for the rest of your life, what would you choose ?

>> No.21516937

The latter, but for atypical reasons

>> No.21516946

Please elaborate so that we may know why it is atypical

>> No.21516969

Living, always living, but I'm a coward.
At least if it makes you a eunuch you can focus on reading without the distraction of sexual impulses.

>> No.21516980

I agree. Wasn't saying I liked it, I thought it was schlock, but schlock can be very revealing as to how the avg person views things

>> No.21516987

I'm trans so I would want to get rid of the dick eventually anyway

>> No.21517082
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I'm close to finishing a new song.

>> No.21517086

the latter but because i'm a self loathing fag who wants to stop feeling sexual desire anyway

>> No.21517091

The latter is a blessing. 99% of my problems come from erections.

>> No.21517113

I worked and studied with a lot of rich folks despite being a regular guy. It’s basically:
>old money gigarich
Take money as something guaranteed in the sense that no shit related to it will impress them. Don’t think much about other social classes except when shitting on the nouveau rich. Have the amazing capacity of insulting people without even realizing they’re doing so.
Mostly nouveau rich. No matter how much money they have, their minds are permanently cucked from not being born on the above tier. They are insecure but the upper middle class admire them greatly and that soothes their ego. Some get very good at larping as gigarich and thus are accepted among them.
>upper middle class
The ones who aren’t greedy mostly keep to themselves, the remaining ones are a even more pathetic version of richlets - basically admiring them and trying to dab on the other middle class tiers. Some of them hate poor people.
>middle class
The cucked form of the upper middle class. These ones regularly hate poor people and the lower middle class. The kind of people who’ll spend half the money on their bank account to buy a low-tier BMW.
>lower middle class
Those who care about money and social status are seeth incarnate. The ones who keep humble and are just glad about not being poor are cool.

>> No.21517132

Teach me how.

>> No.21517142

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBPepNvOzQw [Remove]
better than expected.
one truly based thing about women is they don't want to be remembered the way men do. Glory means nothing to them. It's a very good quality of theirs. Very, very good.

>> No.21517148

>Very, very good.
Or rather lack of one I guess.

>> No.21517172

Well you'll end up dead with either option then

>> No.21517200

I’m feeling very lost.

>> No.21517215

>>old money gigarich
Interesting post. Who are old money even?
Are these like the descendents of Rockefeller or Carnegie?
In my personal life I haven't had the opportunity to be around a lot of rich people, but I have been around many kinds of people from the lowest to the upper middle.
One thing I find interesting about the lower is how incredibly shallow and materialistic some poor people can be. Just like new rich people all they dream about is making more money. They like to listen to rap songs that are all about making lots of money and doing drugs.
On the otherhand I've encountered the humble type, who seem completely satisfied in their station and have no awareness of a better life. It's the ones who've had a taste of something better that they lost who are the most bitter.
I worked security at a warehouse and I remember the head janitor was probably the happiest person I've ever encountered, despite being middle aged and working a job that to me that would seem shameful.
The middle to upper middle type Ive mostly encountered in college.

>> No.21517251

Check a compass

>> No.21517257

I’m a different replier, so I have no guy what that person meant, but old money actually means like aristocracy and pseudo-aristocracy. That’s more like the Roosevelts than the Rockefellers. These people made their money off land and productive estates, and almost all of them have lost almost all of it because of taxes and other things. He probably didn’t mean those people but that’s what old money actually was. New money was people who made their money off railroads, businesses, investments, especially after the mid-19th century onward.

>> No.21517292

they hate to see a drunk thriving

>> No.21517302

Yes thats what it used to mean, I just assumed other anon was referring to old v.s new money today.
I assume today old money would be the descendents of new money people, as old money in the old sense, aristocracy, outside of a few isolated examples like the British royal family doesn't really exist or have any real relevance.

>> No.21517314

Everyone ends up dead

>> No.21517370

Nothing brings me greater joy than matching with bookish women on dating apps and mogging the shit out of them

>> No.21517426

Christian theology is a deductive science; physics is an inductive science.

>> No.21517429
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>mfw seeing all the 33 year old women who still have the personalities of 21 year old college girls
>mfw seeing girls i saw on there 5 years ago and they still have the same pictures
>mfw 5 fucking years and you can't find a man
>mfw 29 year old with crow's feet trying to look like she's "only" 25 still
>mfw 31 year old having a mental breakdown because she was already on the edge at 29 and everything just got worse since then
>mfw 33 year old with half a dozen modelling glamor shots of her staring out a window in black and white as an old lady with prominent nasolabial folds
>mfw "Looking for a reason to get off this app haha :)", Wants someday, Age: 34
>mfw "Just be normal!! Please!! Ugh!!", Wants someday, Age: 33
>mfw "Proud dog mom!", Wants someday, Age: 36
>mfw the looks of sadness and fear in their eyes
>mfw 33 years old and unmarried and all you can think of is to try to keep trying to look young and "fun", by having your friend photograph you across the table at a shitty restaurant holding a drink
>mfw 31 years old unmarried with pictures of your sister's kids and the most you can think to do to attract a man is "I love to be indoors as much as I like being outdoors ;)"
>mfw 32 years old at a career plateau and telling men with careers older than you and looking to marry that you want to "travel a lot!!!! let's get a frijito in every european capital!!" on his money with your "Senior Strategist at Media Company" ass
>mfw 33 year old former 21 year old college art hoe still trying to be the "bookworm" character type and the most you can think to say is "Don't hate me if... I love harry potter :P!!!"

>> No.21517437

Yeah but a tranny with a crotch wound ends up dead in a worse way

>> No.21517438

Is there anywhere to buy books cheap, UK? People say charity shops but its all crap fantasy/romance/biographies around here. Online second hand doesnt seem to be that cheap anymore. Getting really scared big, negative things are coming for internet freedom in the next decade so i want to start building my library.

>> No.21517443

Beats being you

>> No.21517449

I wonder if all the childless 35+ women will organize somehow at some point

>> No.21517456

Away with you, Anonymous, and fly into space.

>> No.21517457

They should be the biggest force trying to destroy modernity. In some ways they are probably the biggest victims long term. The risk is if they glorify the days in which men wanted them so much that they will tell young women that that is what's worth having. That, or our of spite they will trick the younger women into the same whirlpool.

>> No.21517461

too many hotdogs. dont feel so good

>> No.21517474
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I hate the word mogging.

I hate all you fuckers. Except for a few good posters.

I hate all /lit/ Christians but not all Christians.

I hate everyone who gets sucked into literal Tucker Carlson-level culture wars.

I hate everyone who reads a novel and asks 'what's the point, what's he trying to say with this'?

I hate all the people in the writing thread who talk about self-publishing and Royal Road instead of talking about writing.

I hate anyone who thinks 'refuting' is a useful way to think about philosophy.

I hate imagining your American lives. I hate imagining your internal sexual worlds. I hate imagining your goals for career and family.

I hate the pinsized aperture through which people here experience aesthetics.

I hate that I can't stop posting here.

>> No.21517479

What are you trying to say with this?

>> No.21517496

It's quite sad really. A generation of American women in between millennials and zoomers who were lied to and will have cats, but not social security. I believe they will be angry and unhappy, but there's not really an angle for organization

>> No.21517529

I bet there will be a femanon or two of atleast 27 or so who will read this but still will not feel the urgency. I guess another thing is that it is so hard to find common ground with post-modernity. There are probably very few clear "tells" as to who you actually would want to spend a life with. Few people probably have a clear grasp on what their core-beliefs are, if they have any that could be articulated beyond some subconscious drive.

>> No.21517540

Present day is better referred to as meta or hyper modernity and the unconscious is on par with Christianity in terms of ideology.

>> No.21517553

I would sex all these 30 yr old milfs happily

>> No.21517555

I live in one of the most atheist countries, I can't really say about Christanity. I get the impression there are americans that benefit from their Christianity. Can't say for the other euros but I think there are still some values they hold onto that you can't expect from someone who's gone beast-mode.

>> No.21517620

Paradoxically they get higher standards as they age because they need greater and greater proof that they're still twenty on the inside

>> No.21517634

I'm a good looking mid 20s guy. Where can I find these 30 year old women?

>> No.21517647

I was talking to some 28 yr old woman who told me that when she hit 25 the realization that she needs to settle down came down on her hard. Is that not standard?

>> No.21517651

>Are these like the descendents of Rockefeller or Carnegie?
It’s less about belonging to a notorious family and more about being raised among such affluence that money is just a non-factor. Some people resent them, but they have a ignorance/innocence about everyday things that I personally find fascinating, although they will grate on your nerves at some point by how naturally treating others like shit or saying offensive stuff comes to them. I was not exaggerating about the insulting without realizing part, they’ll say the worst shit to someone and act genuinely baffled when said person reacts badly.
>I worked security at a warehouse and I remember the head janitor was probably the happiest person I've ever encountered, despite being middle aged and working a job that to me that would seem shameful.
My grandpa was like that. He squandered a chance to go to the city and get an education to become a bartender at his small town and latter work a small ice cream shop. Never met anyone as content as him and he’s the only person I’ve ever wanted to be more like.

>> No.21517654

Better pay up buckaroo. I saw this coming years ago and have a huge collection of books now. I own a dozen books that were banned on Amazon, and have a large collection of all the classics

>> No.21517657

I've had several women tell me they know what "the wall" is and then proceed to tell me they think it's 35.

>> No.21517661

You just described what I saw after downloading an app in October. The shock was so great I went back to the gym, started eating well, stopped drinking and started taking my future seriously just so I don’t become a husk like them.

>> No.21517667
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>> No.21517691

How old were these women? Maybe an 18 year old has a very different perception of what aging looks like form a 25 year old. Though desu mightt make sense. I work at an alcohol retailer. Some woman came in and she was obviously about 30. I didn't ask for her ID even though she held it in her hand. She basically demanded I look at it even after she performed the purchase. Pretty sure it left her feeling insecure. Might have been the first time she wasn't carded and it caught her off guard, or maybe she does it to feel young.
Then again maybe she's just an autist and was awkward and didn't know what to do. Sometimes I think people get this idea that women cannot be awkward.

>> No.21517701

anon is probably confused by what 'wall' these women were referring to. typically 35 is considered the 'cutoff point' for having children without massive potential complications. this is pretty universally known by normalfags and does not refer to the same wall as incels like to go on about

>> No.21517716

No they were talking about "when my looks are gone and I have to start thinking about settling down." They were talking about the incel wall and trying to seem hip to it and ahead of the game. One of them was a 28 year old whose big claim to fame was she fucked some associate professor in a one night stand.

Late 20s. Also that's hilarious. It's hard not to feel schadenfreude for these women when human civilization as we know it was re-engineered to service their whims for a generation or two.

>> No.21517770

>when human civilization as we know it was re-engineered to service their whims for a generation or two.
this is what I mean. There should come a point where out of pure sisterhood they should want to roll back about 4/5ths of feminism. That would mean conceding to men though, and they don't like that on instinct because they think they will get beaten if they don't stay on top of us.

>> No.21517795

> remember extremely embarrassing things I did when I was younger

>> No.21517823

it's pretty amazing how they got it to the point where the stereotype of a wife who stays at home is a woman who gets beaten every day for overcooking meatloaf. sound very plausible that that is how the human race has survived en masse? With half of it beating the other half over meatloaf every day?

>> No.21517824 [DELETED] 

my boss is getting the fear that we're all gonna get laid off but unlike him i don't have 100k in students loans and a young kid so i kinda don't care. i mean it would suck but i need something to get me out of this comfort zone i've been coasting in for years.

>> No.21517915
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>> No.21517959

If you don't respect something then you don't value anything and if you don't value anything then you can't be happy

True or false? Is this why you can't spoil people whether it's women/wives and children?

>> No.21517988

Go for it. I would love to improve my craft as much as possible. Just to see what my ceiling is.

>> No.21518052

My warning to you is this. It is not lame, but this sort of behavior is very common amongst "psychologically damaged" types. I don't know much about psychology but if you hang around enough BPD SSRI young girls or people with other alleged serious mental illness, they often pick up accents as a cope or something. Trust me it's very common. My first thought when I hear somebody with a brit/irish accent is something is wrong off with them. So just be warned because other people will hear your Wisconsin or Rhode Island ass speaking like Conor McGregor and will think you're damaged goods.

>> No.21518098


>> No.21518114

I remember this compilation of girls getting fucked then when and how they died, most killed themselves or had too much cocaine. That and seeing an animal decompose day by day made me see life differently

>> No.21518158

I wonder if anyone has written about how or why internet/online culture so valorizes what is base, crude, or childlike.
Maybe it's as simple as the internet being seen as a non-serious realm, memes being on par to a cartoon strip.
Maybe it's something deeper.
Whatever is the cause, the default attitude online is to debase, to insert your own meaning onto something prior, and to be as grotesque and vulgar possible.
Imagining seeing prose like Nabokov on 4chan /lit/
Like seeing a nun in a brothel.
Even outside of /lit/, that kind of prose would come across as ingenuine today.
What is the future of literature? If I were a writer, I can't just ignore the primacy and importance of online rhetoric so determinative to my generation, but this rhetoric simply feels awkward or ill-fitting in a novel. And where is there room in this culture or environment for genuine aesthetic appreciation?

>> No.21518174
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If you are not donating to those you know are in need, you should start now. Giving money to organizations will never work, you must help them directly.
there is no one who hates poors more than the poors themselves and those in contact with them. While a rich guy might see a beggar and think why doesn't he work, a middle class will immediately go "this nigga might try to steal me" mode. That is my view as a Brazilian in the top 3% (it is not even that high, anyone with more than 300k dollars is on the top 5%)
The real problem, as always, are the rich without education, since they still think like poor people do, always trying to take advantage and flexing. Not 3 months ago I went to this Yacht party, I put my watch on the main table (the boat was not moving) and 30 minutes later it magically disappeared. The were only family, friends and helpers there, and I know for a fact none of the helpers did it, they wouldn't risk their jobs for a fake watch. I am 99% sure a bitcoin scammer (friend of the family) took it, new rich mother fucker. Anyway communists are wrong, good night everybody.

>> No.21518184

No idea if that’s what you’re looking for since I haven’t read it yet, but there’s a book called The Digital Cretin Factory centered around excessive exposure to the internet tanking the iq of the newer generations.

>> No.21518187

there are whole ass books based on green text nowadays, they aren't bad either, though they can only convey depression and humor well, the rest falls short.

>> No.21518209

Sendo sincero, sempre tem alguém tentando te roubar nesse país.
>The real problem, as always, are the rich without education
Nunca conheci um rico com formação decente. No máximo uns larpers que vomitam /lit/ tier takes sobre cultura ou papagaiam a opinião de alguém famoso e de alguma maneira acham que isso os torna parte da intelligentsia. Nossa elite é uma bosta.
>I am 99% sure a bitcoin scammer (friend of the family) took it, new rich mother fucker.
Kek. Me divirto com quantos desses caras brotaram. Antes eram os picaretas do coaching e do day trading, me pergunto qual vai ser o próximo golpe.
>Anyway communists are wrong, good night everybody.
Único não irônico commie que conheci era contra a caridade porque acreditava que “sem viés político ela não servia parar nada” e não via problema em comprar de empresas que usavam trabalho escravo porque “não há consumo ético na capitalismo”.
Enfim, boa noite.

>> No.21518225
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cara, deve ser por causa dos amigos dos meus pais, mas 90% dos ricos q eu conheço fizeram faculdade na puc ou nem isso. Eles nem tentam conversar de cultura, n fazem a foda de qualquer noticia q ainda n chegou no zap, eh foda.

btw, incrivel quanto br tem nessa merda. Se duvidar o 1500 inteiro migrou pra ca

>> No.21518238

>not that high
Only 300k....
Anyways, I think you are right those in the middle class, depending on their location/income, might have to regularly interact and deal with the realities of poverty more, which make them hate the poor more. Out of an exaggerated desire to signal their difference or fear of becoming like the poor, they need to exaggerate the difference due to their actual similarity.
I've felt this myself, nothing made me hate poor people, then having to work these low level jobs having to be proximate to the humiliating aspects of poverty: broken needles in the parking lot, chain smoking coworker missing teeth, a middle aged coworker named Mindy with Pizza sauce in her hair etc.
I began to feel an inward, irrational, sense of hatred at being forced to be associated with these humiliating sights and people.
Upper middle class are insulated enough, that they like the rich are more supportive of helping the poor.
The higher levels are either indifferent, or use charity as a means of expressing condescension.
Sort of like how the average developed person views an african child, as a poor little alien thing in need of charity. The african child I see on my t.v screen is remote enough that I really feel nothing, but might derive some satisfaction from the feeling that I'm helping a poor alien creature. As long as that alien thing is distant from myself, charity is satisfying precisely because of the disparity.
So the upper middle uses charity to feel superior.
Whereas the lower middle class uses hatred to signal their difference and try to ape to higher status.

>> No.21518246

*how the avg person from a developed country

>> No.21518273

>fizeram faculdade na puc ou nem isso.
Grande puc. Nunca vi tanto rico larpando de pobre como lá. Melhor coisa que fiz foi sair daquele lugar. Conheço uns que estudaram fora mas provavelmente o estudo deles consistiu em encher o cu de droga.
>btw, incrivel quanto br tem nessa merda.
Desde 2012 nesse buraco. Mas sim, tem br pra caralho.

>> No.21518311

I would like to become closer friends with my brother and reconnect with my cousins.

>> No.21518331

I need to find out why I'm shitting out transparent strings. Is it fat? Is it an infection? is it parasites?

>> No.21518413
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People are always surprised when I say I have time to read despite my busy schedule. Its not even that hard if you spend 30 minutes a day just to read.
What's hard is taking the time out of your schedule to build a skill or craft. Be it writing, painting, coding, etc. You can't really get much done in 30 minutes, let alone an hour.

>> No.21518643

What they mean is
>After that the kid will be deformed
That's the wall for women where the kid is likely to be dependent longer than usual and more dependent while she's also more tired.
The wall for women is when they can stop having kids and factored into that is the five years they want to know someone before they have kids with them. For men, the wall is when they start seeing these women who have just thought
>I have five years to get married to anyone anyway financially stable and knocked up with all the children I'll ever have
Thirty is when women start pushing the panic button, but they start acting like it won't fall into their lap about five years before that. 25 is when women stop getting forced proximity from schools and workplaces in the same way, so they start realising they've seen most of their options already.

>> No.21518723

thread is gonna die so keep an eye out on /wg/

>> No.21518740

Oh fugg Im a different anon, raised in america, and I kind of put on an irish accent and I'm definitely damaged goods. My valid excuse is that my family actually did move here from Ireland when I was a baby and that im a total shut in so I only ever talk to my dad.

>> No.21518746

Probably worms. See a doctor asap or youll die a horrible painful death

>> No.21518753

Probably string worm. You can get tablets for it at most pharmacies. See a doctor too, like other anon said.

>> No.21518831

Post teapot pic

>> No.21518836
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Starting my final semester of college and nervous I wont be able to secure a job. Also my only friend ive kept in contact with after high school is moving multiple states away. I know I dont have it the worst in the world but im still upset

>> No.21518839

It was ingrained in us from the moment of creation and reflects the unconditional love of God for His children.

>> No.21518847

Why break up?

>> No.21518849

They were under the influence of Satan

>> No.21518856

Do they have grandchildren?

>> No.21518873

There's nothing wrong with you and everything wrong with the world. Sex is sacred. You should never "fuck", you should only make love. We are not animals and should not act like it

>> No.21518898

Weird. My dad is 61 and is just as clear and sharp as ever. If anything he's mellowed out and isnt angty all the time anymore.

>> No.21519085

I hate how brutish, stupid and agressive the lower class is, especially the middle aged alcoholics, addicts and homeless. I lost count of how much money I have spent on ludicrously expensive martial arts training, simply so I don't have to live in fear of being beaten by one of these subhumans if I leave the house past 5pm. I wish for return of factory prisons, work camps

>> No.21519352
