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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 1200x676, incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21515982 No.21515982 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone written about incels yet?
They are probably the most innovative and defining subculture of our generation.
I think a book about a lonely, neglected and resentful incel similar to those Dostoevsky wrote about nihilists and socialists would be very interesting.
Picture it, the plot could be something along the lines of planning revenge by shooting his schoolmates.

>> No.21515985

Joker (2019)

>> No.21515986

You'd have to write about the FBI as well, since they like to provoke this would be shooters, and some even help them carry out the acts themselves.

>> No.21515991

incel moment

>> No.21516003

How so? The FBI has a history of provoking individuals to commit disgusting acts of violence. I'm sorry the governmental institutions don't have your best interests in mind.

>> No.21516004

I mean, writing about the main character being paranoid because of a somewhat plausible grooming from the FBI on 4chan and discord servers might make the plot more intriguing.

>> No.21516005

my novel has an incel character, but he doesn't end perpetrating some mass shooting bloodbath. that's just clichéd and lame

>> No.21516012
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>> No.21516013

Not seeing it senpai.

>> No.21516022

do you think literature is ready for 4chan? the website has had a tremendous impact, yet every time it is brought up in any form of media posters here get angry over being "exposed" and/or moan about the creators not "getting it" (which, to be frank, they often don't)

>> No.21516039

The book that I have in mind wouldn't necessarily be for them, but rather as a critique of the society that forms them.

>> No.21516057

They never do, and it's hilarious. People out there see 4chan as the equivalent of the League of Supervillains from The Super Friends, when it's almost entirely people who are just very bored, very lonely, and at least to some degree autistic.

I think that episode of Star Trek Voyager where the Q wants to die is maybe the best expression of what it's actually like to be a long time 4chan poster.

>> No.21516063

incels have no true allies. Even conservatives have allies in the publishing world. if they were to truly depicted an unbiased life of an incel, it will never go through

>> No.21516067

my diary desu

>> No.21516083

Don’t write about incels, write about real people. Houellebecq has received a career through writing about “incels” but none of his characters are incels how you’d imagine them. They’re just people who are sexually frustrated, but they still have lives and are still active forces in them.

If you want to write about guys who post online all day and basically accomplish nothing i can say with some certainty nobody is going to want to read that. In general, anything “online” is to be treated in writing with the same level of caution as smallpox in a maximum security biolab.

>> No.21516094
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>> No.21516095

>not seeing it
Because you're an idiot

>> No.21516106

It's a CNN video, might be your speed

>> No.21516110
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>10 minute video essay referencing continental philosophers to talk about inkwells

>> No.21516132

exactly. that's why elliott the supreme gentleman remains so enduring. he poured himself into what would become "my twisted world" while also being on a collision course with the world around him, with hilarious (and ultimately diabolical) results

>> No.21516131

The Internet will never have a real presence in literature because the art of literature is putting your reader into a dream, and the Internet has virtually no presence in dreams despite being used for 6-8 hours by everyone every day

>> No.21516140
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>They are probably the most innovative and defining subculture of our generation

>> No.21516152
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the guy in the pic you posted wrote a book dumbass

>> No.21516155

no one reads "manifestos". that's nerd shit. we need THE definitive incel novel

>> No.21516171

The Elementary Particles. It exists already

>> No.21516179


>> No.21516183

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.21516203
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>> No.21516244

You don’t know shit /pol/ tard. Kill yourself you retarded monkey. Little backwater hic faggot.

>> No.21516275

FBI will be dismantled

>> No.21516283

The only thing that’s being dismantled in real time is your already stunningly low IQ. I’m truly sick of you white trash retards polluting the boards with your inane diatribe. I wish the heckin Illuminati wanted to cull you monkeys, but you’re good tools for the system whether you realize it or not.

>> No.21516287

Excuse me?

>> No.21516299

/Pol/yps are a plague but in this case he's right. The feds often encourage criminals.

>> No.21516322

Alex jones and his band of cadres who terrorized those poor parents of the victims deserve to be bound in a stockade. They don’t know the first thing about Lanza. He chose his path and there’s plenty of evidence of his way of thinking and personal philosophy and other habits that drove him to commit those murders. The FBI doesn’t just plant people to be psychotic cunts who obsess over serial killers. Are you fucking retarded? That’s innate, that’s who he was. You people sicken me. Meanwhile he’s probably out here posting in christcuck threads and defending capitalism at every turn.

>> No.21516330
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Furries are also a defining subculture that hasn't been properly written about.

>> No.21516336


>> No.21516345

the issue here, i think, is that furries all seem to be braindead/autistic people (thus incapable of producing anything of note), and i doubt your average writer could penetrate the madness that is furrydom. it'd be a suicide mission. beyond pleasure, beyond ideology. no going back

>> No.21516353
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/lit/ always has been and always will be a schizo board. The dominant nature of the modern Western governments is they act as cryptocracies — the actual structure of power is hidden, rogue intelligence agencies have gone beyond their stated original purpose and formed states-within-states (the so-called “deep state,” a phrase in use long before Trump) and run all sorts of shady shit on the populace from psy-ops, disinformation, brainwashing (MK-Ultra research), control of the media (Project Mockingbird), NSA surveillance and the post-9/11 Patriot Act security state, and extensive research into biological warfare (like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments) and psychological warfare, Bernaysian manufacturing of consent. You’re deluded if you think all forms of social media and the Internet in general are not used by them as a panopticon and means of social control, whereby they probably even “seed,” foment, foster and radicalize groups (like incelism, radical Jihadism, neo-Nazism, etc.) as part of some twisted experiment to turn all dissenters/thought-criminals into “terrorists” so they can be dealt with accordingly.

Forget Jones and Sandy Hook and that guy, look at inconsistencies around events like the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11. Something like /pol/‘s hyper-racialized rhetoric, “the disturbing rise of the alt-right,” “online incel communities” etc. seem to serve as a means of funneling attention away from such real issues as well as directing dissenters into such pre-programmed psychological torture-boxes and thereby rendering them inert, ineffective, and despised by the masses. (Automatic associative thinking: “conspiracy theorist = far-right = bad = crazy = stupid = incels = embarrassing schizos” etc.)

We’ve probably all been being mindfucked by the CIA since we were born for decades now.

>> No.21516355


>> No.21516362

>Alex jones and his band of cadres who terrorized those poor parents of the victims deserve to be bound in a stockade
Yes and the FBI who hires wannabe sociopathic actors to play parents of kids who've just been shot, deserve far worse. I'm not doubting that the kid was messed up from the start, but I also don't doubt that governmental institutions wouldn't pay actors to pretend to be parents of kids who were just killed and give them a script to read off of.
>The FBI doesn’t just plant people to be psychotic cunts who obsess over serial killers. Are you fucking retarded? That’s innate, that’s who he was.
They provoke them, there's an anon who lives off in the woods and the FBI investigated him and questioned his whole entire family, just because he lives as a hermit in the woods, surrounded by animals. What reasons would they have to investigate someone like that?
>Meanwhile he’s probably out here posting in christcuck threads and defending capitalism at every turn.
Nope not me, I'm tending to my rabbits and listening to a Greek podcast.

>> No.21516369

The type of man has been around forever, but this label is psyop shit. As in social engineering, so they can manipulate and criminalize disaffected men.

>> No.21516372

>stocky black guy who called himself Ben

>> No.21516389

hear me out: chapters alternate between the incel and his alphabet agency handler

>> No.21516420

I have little doubt that the CIA is involved in nefarious programs. But they are not secretly controlling people to commit mass murder. People are driven by passion and that passion can lead you anywhere. Things like the rise of the alt right can be accurately explained through an analysis of history and social science. The deep state is little more than a boogeyman in the way you talk about it. Just because they’ve done questionable things in the past, nefarious things like topple regimes and install subservient ones who terrorize their population. But the powers that control society are the ones making all the money, who in turn work with legislators and executives to push things further in their favor. The NRA is the one who has fostered this extreme gun nut culture in America for the last century, again, for the benefit of their profits. America was not always this gun nutty. They helped turn the bear arms into some kinda religious scripture that says every man, woman and child needs a gun. You guys are misdirected.

>> No.21516446

Didn't they just convict a bunch of people trying to blow up a governer's home or something but then it turned out that all the leaders of that movement were fbi agents, not even aware of the other leaders being fbi agents?

>> No.21516478
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>The deep state is little more than a boogeyman in the way you talk about it. Just because they’ve done questionable things in the past, nefarious things like topple regimes and install subservient ones who terrorize their population.

That’s precisely how they get away with it, it’s so absurd and over-the-top people can’t believe it could be true (as in Big Lie propaganda technique). If you think you can’t have been conditioned to believe in at least some Big Lies, look at Marxist Russia, look at North Korea, look at Nazi Germany. In the 21st century research into and means of social control, propaganda and psychological warfare can only have gotten much more advanced, and it’s naive to think these people, after attaining so much wealth and power, would not want to set up a system to establish their permanent security and rule.

> The NRA is the one who has fostered this extreme gun nut culture in America for the last century, again, for the benefit of their profits. America was not always this gun nutty. They helped turn the bear arms into some kinda religious scripture that says every man, woman and child needs a gun. You guys are misdirected.

I’m not an “NRA gun nut” but agree that cultural trends of the masses, whether in opposition to or in obedience to globalist directives, often become caricatured, simplistic, cliched and dogmatic. This serves as an “easy target” if it’s an out-group the mainstream media, politicians, and liberal consensus want to target for whatever agenda of theirs they want to push. Both probably coexist at the same time (there are idiotic conservatives and conspiracy theorists, and there are sinister governmental forces who use these as scapegoats, and hence paradoxically might even be found tied to secretly fomenting them, as in the CIA’s and Mossad’s ties to Islamic Terri groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIL).

Look at the actual language and tenor used today about dissenters from the MSM/party-line as the new domestic terror threat in the United States (anti-vaxxers, election deniers, Trump voters, QAnon, White supremacists, the alt-right etc.) It’s the same thing they did with Muslim terrorism and now it’s just being applied domestically. People tried to warn you decades ago.


Some claim that was what was behind the whole Gretchen Whitmer fiasco, yes.

>> No.21516536
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>> No.21516566

>innovative and defining
Name one innovation "incels" have produced.

>> No.21516592

Frederick Clegg is literally me

>> No.21516602

Waiting for Incel: Two desperate literature post grads wait at a park bench in NYC for a supposed interview with a major online incel, this will define their early careers as journalists and non-fiction writers. The book deal is already inked essentially.
Will he show up? Tomorrow maybe. Definitely they will come back again tomorrow, this story just has too much potential to drop.

>> No.21516630

Taxi Driver (1976)
The King of Comedy (1982)

>> No.21516650

Sneed's Feed and Seed (2019), formerly Chuck's (1976, 1982).

>> No.21516652
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>MK-Ultra research
Read about Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. At the time, this was a left-wing cult, but they moved to Guyana and established a commune, then shot a congressman who flew in to look into abuse allegations, then they drank poison. But the weird thing about it is that this place was loaded with large amounts of psychoactive drugs of all kinds (reported in the New York Times after the mass suicides). How did they get all of that stuff? From where? And nobody in the U.S. law enforcement or intelligence agencies noticed? Nobody has ever answered that question.

The book "Chaos" by Tom O'Neill about the 60s suggests that intel agencies experimented with psychoactive drugs in San Francisco clinics. If you follow the implication, the Peoples Temple was based in S.F. and then moved to Guyana, which happened after this MKULTRA program was shut down. Or was that program just moved overseas in a "controlled" environment?

>f you think you can’t have been conditioned to believe in at least some Big Lies, look at Marxist Russia, look at North Korea, look at Nazi Germany.
None of those regimes conditioned people to shoot up schools though. If I had to guess a reason for that, it results from a combination of a toxic nihilism and anomie that's particularly (although not exclusively) acute with white American men + easy access to high-powered firearms. It's not even the firearms themselves that are to "blame" but the void that these men have fallen into. That's just my vibe feeling. I can buy the idea that some men are groomed into this stuff by agents (to get them arrested) but I don't buy the idea that it's a control mechanism really.

>there are idiotic conservatives and conspiracy theorists, and there are sinister governmental forces who use these as scapegoats, and hence paradoxically might even be found tied to secretly fomenting them ... anti-vaxxers, election deniers, Trump voters, QAnon, White supremacists, the alt-right etc.
I appreciate this kind of thinking because it's "on to something" but it tends to go awry when it views the government as all-controlling. I think it's more complex with intersecting forces involved and it often results in disaster.

There are also political divisions and politicians try to exploit it to stabilize their rule. I 100% believe that there were people around Trump (although not necessarily the man himself) like Bannon... maybe Flynn (an ex-general in fact)... who wanted to instigate a domestic conflict between left and right as a way of trying to provoke the far left into radicalizing and to engage in violent actions, done via applied pressure by right-wing groups such as the Proud Boys and (briefly) what was called the alt-right. The plan was for the left to overreact and retaliate to those provocations, which would allow those guys to win over the center and stabilize what was basically a center-right but "realignment" government, and basically this plan backfired on them.

>> No.21516686

>There are also political divisions and politicians try to exploit it to stabilize their rule. I 100% believe that there were people around Trump (although not necessarily the man himself) like Bannon... maybe Flynn (an ex-general in fact)... who wanted to instigate a domestic conflict between left and right as a way of trying to provoke the far left into radicalizing and to engage in violent actions, done via applied pressure by right-wing groups such as the Proud Boys and (briefly) what was called the alt-right. The plan was for the left to overreact and retaliate to those provocations, which would allow those guys to win over the center and stabilize what was basically a center-right but "realignment" government, and basically this plan backfired on them.
now THIS is Realpolitik. I find this very plausible and well matching up with the general playbook of the Trump movement. This of course could have coexisted and been going on at the same time as the Democratic Party faction, as well as Republican anti-Trumpers, seemingly did everything in their power to trip up and try to make Trump and his supporters look as awful as possible. The massive corruption of the DNC and MSM shown by those turbulent 4 years very well seemed to have been matched, with an obviously deliberately provocative playing-offense from the MAGA-movement, which they could not but have known would have stoked the embers of tension in this country to a bonfire. But to use a very corny cliche, both fighting fire with fire just created a disastrously larger fire (literally and metaphorically, from burning stores in Minneapolis to the 1/6 clusterfuck which certainly had some idiots, crazies, and violent people there but also seems to have been very played up in the news, by the justice system and by politicians because of how much they hated and were terrified by that threat to their well-being, and couldn’t let its supporters in the country imagine it was a “victory”).

>> No.21516687

You're an NPC if you can't see that that whole thing was a charade. It's not even necessary for me to provide an argument because it's literally self-evident. Simply allow yourself to see with clarity.

>> No.21516693

clegg would never dream of going on a literature board. that's for "clever" people

>> No.21516700

throughout history most "incels" weren't literate and therefore you don't see a historical record detailing the struggle of the perpetual virgin. leveling the playing field such that everyone is capable of speech and writing is how we have people using FL Studio and think it's comparable to mastering an instrument.

>> No.21516729
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>> No.21516814

if good writers have the ability to convincingly get into the minds of emperors, serial killers and all sorts of human (and even non-human) creatures, then surely incels shouldn't be too much of a hassle. the latter are, after all, sharing their thoughts online all the time

>> No.21516834

It's just the grown-up formal way of shouting "virgin" at a teenager and having nothing else to say; it's a constructed pejorative term to put someone into a box, like "racist" "left/right" "commie/nazi", to avoid having to actually investigate why they did/said XYZ.

So there's not much to say about it, really, except it's there as a label.

The criteria, though, is quite shocking when you think for a second about it, I mean, this:
> a lonely, neglected and resentful (young person)
describes literally every Man for maybe half or more of their life and certainly every young Man, it's kind of the new version of Nigger, "who did that?" "some fucking nigger."

Maybe the funniest/saddest part (depending on your style of humor) is that pussy-craving black-cock admiring betaboiz are quick to use this word, and to think in those terms, as if the brain changes or something after you had sex one time, such an immature and ironically sexless way of life for any adult man or woman to be thinking, like an actual virgin, that having sex actually flips some switch in the brain and a person actually angry about XYZ suddenly forgets all the horrible things going on around them forever.....

....plus there's the total situation of these shooting/stabbing things; columbine was about two kids who were bullied for ages and snapped, the actual causes and accountability is ignored when the reaction is trivialized away on fantasies.

it's a really sick piece of the social brain.

ah anyway,
> written about incels yet?
that's my essay for the day.

>> No.21516842

>Maybe the funniest/saddest part
ed. I mean here moreso the grown men like petersen who posits this as the reason for terrorism, above stuff like watching your family get bombed and taking revenge on the killers.

>> No.21516857

>if good writers have the ability to convincingly get into the minds of (incels)
I agree it's very easy, it's you and everybody.

>> No.21516939

Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.21516950

there is very little to be gained from the perspectives of incels, not for my own lack of trying. bitter hatred of X/Y/Z instead of any self reflection whatsoever. why would someone choose write about an unimportant, bitter group of people if they weren't one themselves?

>> No.21516959

> very little to be gained from the perspectives of
>bitter hatred of X/Y/Z instead of any self reflection
> an unimportant, bitter group of people
that's my point, it's a Nigger. Only in America.

>> No.21516962

Black americans have unironically collectively produced more valuable works than any incel

>> No.21517283

Isaac Newton by himself contributed more value to humanity than the totality of all niggers that have ever existed.

Oh, and you will never be a woman.

>> No.21517294

Laura Bates -- Men who hate Women
even mentions 4chan

>> No.21517311

i think you missed the point, femboy, see:
> very little to be gained from the perspectives of
>bitter hatred of X/Y/Z instead of any self reflection
> an unimportant, bitter group of people
this is what the Americans tell/told themselves about black people to simplify things for themselves, so when you say this its your own culture talking,

I mean, like columbine, there was an actual cause there which had nothing to do with the local media spin, and the cause wasn't very comfortable to think about so ... you/they don't think, hence you've constructed a narrative as to why (whoever) is to be blanked out of your mind. It's the same thing as the leftists when they turn you into an ant in their brains by using the label "right" or "redneck," actually eager to apply the label to avoid thought. And, again, it's the same people in the same society.

>> No.21517322
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GUYS. GUYS. HEAR ME OUT. I have an idea for the novel of the century.

It's a love story between an aryan communist furry tranny janny and a Black/Jewish nazi incel. Imagine all the psychological themes that could be explored through these characters.

Picture related, a tranny janny.

>> No.21517342

title. figments of the mind of the internet user

>> No.21517346

Oryx and crake by Margaret atwood

>> No.21517365

Why has no one posted Crumplar yet?


>> No.21517394
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The incel's mommy could play a pivotal role to please the anti-tranny feminists.

>> No.21517405

>you will never be a woman.
I would be insulted if I were the boogeyman you need me to be
>implying a shitload of opinions I don't have
see previous response

>> No.21517414

>stop misinterpreting me

>> No.21517421

it isn't my problem if you see enemies when there are none

>> No.21517434

Not just this but general social engineering, anomie, as well as possibly even pharmaceutical drugs. Fun fact: most school shooters were on Prozac. Prozac is known to, in a small subset of patients, have drastically negative side effects entirely the opposite of what it’s meant to produce, such as increased depression and suicidal thoughts, as well as, even more alarmingly, outright manic episodes. We use the mentally ill as Big Pharma cash-cows and just stick a bunch of chemicals in them in the hope one or the other’ll stick eventually, it’s somewhat sick, and handwave away the potential deleterious side effects they may have.

One case study: https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/jnp.23.3.jnpe23

>> No.21517454


>In 2008, consumer advocates and parent’s right organizations called on Congress to explore the link between psychiatric medications, school shootings, and the harmful aggressive side effects of psychotropic medications. Advocates for reform are calling on Congress to mandate “black box” warnings to include mania, psychosis, hostility, hallucinations and homicidal behavior—to the current warnings regarding suicide.

B R A V O America

It’s plausible that psychiatry actually makes some people more ill. Rodger, the guy in the OP, had “seen multiple therapists since he was eight years old”, diagnosed with a variety of ills and attempted to foist medication on. The actual medicalization of abnormality, may genuinely contribute to people’s illness both placebo-effect style (“Society deems me crazy, and I DO feel like an outsider who needs help…”) and pharmaceutically, through a host of dubious neurotropic chemicals the research for which has been funded by the same pharmaceutical companies manufacturing and trying to make a buck off them.

>> No.21517547

its too late, this website is dead now. and anyways, literature isn't ready for internet culture in general, from what i know of no literature mentions reddit

>> No.21517579


>> No.21517585

>why would someone choose write about an unimportant, bitter group of people if they weren't one themselves?
Because the society and situation that creates them and fails to prevent them is interesting to describe and critique. Possibly even thrilling.

>> No.21517597

Houellebecq did it 25 years ago. Whatever perfectly describes the condition and thoughts of the typical forum incel poster today

>> No.21517617

Wow, that books sounds extremely ahead of its time.

>> No.21517638

Shitting and pissing is also absent from both, normally.

>> No.21517642

I still can’t believe they translated Extension du domaine de la lutte as Whatever

>> No.21517645

who incel.is here?

>> No.21517652

Huh? Pissing or shitting yourself in public is one of the most common dreams.

>> No.21517659

Everytime I see any commentary or mention of 4chan in the news or media all I can think about is
>ywn own a train

>> No.21517663

I occasionally have dreams that I'm posting on 4chan

>> No.21517668

Fuck off glowie

>> No.21517685

The FBI was also instrumental in creating feminism. All gender war nonsense could very well be all fed shit for all we know. Also Incel philosophy should be a thing since feminism has it's own brand.

>> No.21517688

Ladies and gentlemen your typical /lit/ user right here. Pol pot can't come back soon enough

>> No.21517692

Kek fuck off dickless troon cunt.

>> No.21517695

Either an actual glowie or a terminal twitter tranny. I think it's so weird that leftists these days are so dead set on defending the intelligence agencies.

>> No.21517700

Did you government tell you to say that?

>> No.21517707

More like not giving them credit for things they havent done and false flagging to detract from real issues. Like youre doing now.

>> No.21517708


Incels aren't resentful, they're mostly suicidal doomers getting terrorized by normies at work and school every day

>> No.21517719

Kek what

>> No.21517731


>> No.21517746
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>> No.21517750

Exactly. Huh? Is the propper answer for
/pol/s schizo ramblings.

>> No.21517766
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Furries haven't defined shit, they're a parasitic fetish subculture

>> No.21517794

>America was not always this gun nutty.
This is a really fucking dumb take. I'm not sure if it's ignorance, stupidity or intentional misrepresentation but there is no case that this looks good for you. The only reason it might seem like there weren't gun nuts was because gun ownership wasn't controversial so it just wasn't talked about like it is today.

>> No.21517804


>> No.21517822


>> No.21517846

you're wrong, dipshit. this is well known

MSM article dancing around the issue:

non-mainstream article saying exactly what happened:

As far as I know, this isn't the only time the FBI has encouraged terrorism

>> No.21517980

You should write it Anon. I will probably slip one into the thing I'm currently working on now.

>> No.21518011

A normal person could never be provoked into something crazy and drastic. It is ultimately the incels’ fault for being weak, vulnerable, and full of angst and hatred

>> No.21518176

Never read this but that's a sick cover

>> No.21518181

>They are probably the most innovative and defining subculture of our generation.
dont flatter yourself

>> No.21518235

Good. The FBI needs to provoke these incels into killing themselves, so it can wake up the public enough to enact positive reforms. It's the necessary price to preserve our democracy.

>> No.21518240

What have incels innovated?

>> No.21518264

Yes, at least 5 members of that kidnapping plot were FBI agents or informants while the leader himself was also an FBI informant.

>> No.21518315
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Mumkey was way ahead of the curve desu.

>> No.21518332

>A normal person could never be provoked into something crazy
hahahahaha, the last two years should have proven you otherwise

>> No.21518344

that's a really pointless video

>> No.21518358


>> No.21518365

Examples of normal people provoked into doing something crazy in the last couple years?

>> No.21518717

No, maybe not in that regard but I could relate to him because I'm also a deeply troubled, lonely young man who develops obsessions with certain girls that come into my life but I'm much too shy to approach them. To them I'm invisible, they probably aren't even aware of my existence let alone my feelings for them, but they mean everything to me. Like Fredrick, I also would never hurt them. And I can kind of related to hatred of the privileged middle class. Whatsmore, l'm also a collector, though not of butterflies.

>> No.21518727

well guess, retard

>> No.21518767

>The FBI doesn’t just plant people to be psychotic cunts who obsess over serial killers
Maybe not "plant" them but find psychotic idiots and potentially use them, it's possible.
Not thinking about mass shootings, but imagine the CIA wants to off someone in a way that doesn't implicate themselves I don't see why they wouldn't try and find a psycho & give him a little direction.

>> No.21518779

It's entirely reasonable to assume that various e-celebs or influencers are alphabet soup projects.

>> No.21518789

>why would someone choose write about an unimportant, bitter group of people if they weren't one themselves?
Why not?
I'm not a serial killer but still find it fascinating to watch movies about serial killers, even ones told from their perspective.
Do you only enjoy art that mirrors yourself?

>> No.21518808

Holy shit lol this is actually the plot to "A Man Who Was Thursday": cops investigating anarchists who all secretly turn out to be cops

>> No.21519066
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>> No.21519110

the picture of your post is the answer. he start the movement and you just cant improve the original.

>> No.21519450



>> No.21519478

100% this. It's sad honestly, just another label for autists and bullies to throw around

>> No.21519486

I guess you can read Elliot Rodger's manifesto, My Twisted World to understand how incels think. If I remember correctly, it is also possible to read the Columbine shooter manifesto. They weren't exactly incels but quite similar.
Most books written about incels will probably be written from a very biased perspective and likely will only aim to demonize rather than understand them.

>> No.21519487

Uh I'm a 40 year old man you idiot. For people that think they're so good at reading people you guys sure suck a fat dick at it

>> No.21519493

And you know what if they actually believe this shit, then maybe three letter agencies might be on to something. Rot in hell, idiot.

>> No.21519501

Incels are practically new aside from some notable historical figures. It's like you're not even giving them a chance

>> No.21519505

Why cant women self reflect themselves? Honest question.

>> No.21519546

> he believes in descriptions of composition of society invented by journalists to please common idiots
The joke is that most retards stated to call themselves “insayles” because of the media hype.

>> No.21519584

There's a Russian author who has been writing funny semi-BL stories and novels about that for quite some time. Nazi student and his Jewish friend decide to drop out of university and live in the village, immigrant and gopnik teenagers spend time together drinking and hating each other, gay self-harming Ukrainian drama queen camwhore becomes the love interest of a conservative Russian TV propaganda show host, and so on.

>> No.21519591

In terms of fiction? Of course. These kinds of pathetic losers have always existed. Nobody just uses the term for it.
In terms of research, yes, plenty of psychological research has been done, like how prone these losers are to manipulation and many such things. But once again, you'd have to use your brain to look for such papers, because basically no one in uses the term incel.

>> No.21519653
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>"Undersky has constructed a novel Marxian historical materialist type analysis of modern Capitalism. He claims that 'access to the vagina' is now the main driver of the accumulation of capital and exploitation in modern industrialized societies owing to men's strong desire for sex and women's natural tendency to financialise sex."

>"Whereas Marx saw the remorseless expansion of capital into all spheres and the appropriation of the surplus-value of the worker's labor by the employer as the root of the exploitation and alienation of the masses he saw was inherent in the Capitalist system, with the bourgeois and capital holding classes constituting the main exploiter classes, Undersky refines this critique and claims women are now the primary exploiter class in modern society. Essentially, the divide between men and women is the primary class divide in modern society according to this theory, with even the wealthiest men still essentially being slaves to women's sexuality."

>"As women have an intrinsic asset (their sexuality, access to their vagina) that can be easily financialized, and that is also in perpetually high demand among men due to men's intense progenitive instincts, Undersky essentially claims that women in the main now constitute an exploiter class that exchanges temporary (and never full, as the women reserves right of separation with the man at any time) access to their sexual assets in exchange for the fruit of men's labour."

>"As sex is important in determining men's health, overall well-being and (Undersky argues) their overall level of productivity in society, it follows (in Undersky's view) that sex should be considered a human right with access to it guaranteed by society. To break the hold of the 'vaginocapitalists', and grant sexual access to the disadvantaged male 'sexual proletariat', Undersky points to alleged periods of widespread sexual license such as the period immediately after the October revolution in Russia and the 60s 'Summer of Love' in Western countries as examples of what he calls 'vaginocommunism'."


>> No.21519658

I'm writing a sff novel with an incel as a main character.

>> No.21519830

Not a big Marx guy but where can I find th iui s guy's writings?

>> No.21519918


>> No.21519920

the master slave dialect is brilliant.

>> No.21519941

Yes and the whole thing was used to show that anti-lockdown people were dangerous.

>> No.21520139
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>Kill yourself you retarded monkey. Little backwater hic faggot.
Why do you call them those? Is it because you assume that they are right-wing voter because they appear to have been posting on /pol/ and say something negative about the government?

It is purely amazing how today, people assume on the basis on ONE thing, ONE opinion or ONE interest that the other person is supporting some political group or party and attack. People are blinded by their hatred and no conversation is possible. This applies to many other groups of people as well, not only groups supporting some party or ideology. I just fucking hate it. It is retarded and sick.

Just came to read this thread as it popped up in the search of my favorite topic. Also I am now posting a funny meme for the first time, that is dedicated for all sick and retarded people who on the basis of ONE thing conclude the group of people the person having or doing it is part of. I love this meme and will use it a lot in future.

Now off to read the rest of the thread.

>> No.21520142
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Yes, DOSTOEVSKY has. Notes from Underground is about a literal basement dwelling NEET incel misanthrope pseud.

>> No.21520191

I occasionally see dreams of using internet too. Often times it's about discussion forum posts being published as books or magazines too, updating themselves with almost the same speed as the forum itself. I seldom realize it's actually a paper version of the posts I read. Sometimes the posts appear in odd environment, like at the walls of an underground water tunnel (sewer?). Last night I saw a dream where to be a YouTuber you needed to rush yourself through a very small hole into a miniature room. I managed to do it, even if I was suspicious first. Then as I popped into the room I became really small and the miniature things around me seemed to be of normal size. I tried to leave, but noticed that the ladder leading to the room had been taken away and it was too high to jump down. I am not a YouTuber btw. One night I was Googling and wondered why I had never seen a dream about Googling.

>> No.21520223
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Not again. Not after the Magus incident.

>> No.21520331
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Francis Fukuyama - The End of History and The Last Man

Most people focus on the End of History part, which is inspired by Hegel, but ignore the Last Man thesis inspired by Nietzsche. The Last Man thesis is a spot on description of the modern incel/chud. Afraid of becoming a sort of domesticated, bovine consumer, they lash out.

The Last Man craves safety, abhors struggle and risk, prioritizes equality above greatness, and is spiritually dead. Young men, confronted with becoming Last Men, flock to Guénon and Evola, looking for spirituality (they have generally turned their back on religion, although you get Tradcath and Orthodox LARP too). Fearing their descent into Last Men, young men, mostly on the right, advocate for purposeless war and struggle for their own sake.

You can see this quite well on /pol/ and with the general phenomena of "Boog" enthusiasts. There is a lot of similarity between people wanting a war today, thinking it will be some sort of transformative, glorious thing, and all the people who yearned for war up until 1914. Memories of past conflicts have faded, and people end up with a delusional view on what war is actually like.

For example, I've seen multiple threads on /pol/ asking: "what will you do after the Civil War?"

Most of the answers are: "move to some small town, by a house with a decent amount of land, go to church and meet a girl. The great irony here, as someone who lives in a rural area, is that houses here are still very cheap. With the labor shortage here, anyone working full time with any financial discipline can get a house with a bunch of land. Churches are open every Sunday and always want new people, especially young ones. None of this is outside their means. But they don't go for it because it requires risk and hard work.

This then is the great irony of the Last Men. Fearing becoming Last Men, they become even more Last Men, destroying what their forefathers built out of petulance.

How does the Last Man respond to their sense of fading masculinity? Consumption. Hence tactical gear of all types, from tactical flashlights to coffee cups to tactical baby carriers. Men appropriately mock women for expensive handbags, but what is the truck for most men? Far fewer men work blue collar jobs than 40 years ago and yet the truck is now the symbol, what every man of the house must have, even if the house is a ramshackle trailer and the truck too expensive.

It's a sad phenomena. Particularly for everyone with kids who is trying to build things up, watching people ready to destroy just out of their own lack of discipline. I mean, do you need a $10,000 tactical load out if you can't rub a mile or do one pull up?

>> No.21520344

Its garbage. And Schopenhauer was always right

>> No.21520434

>He (Stalin), who had sex with two girls of 15 years, and thanks to this received colossal cosmic energy, carried out the greatest accomplishments in the history of mankind, could not even imagine that once, somewhere, women WILL REFUSE SEX to men, and under socialism, which he began to build in our country"

sounds based and redpilled, ngl.

>> No.21520453

>With the labor shortage here, anyone working full time with any financial discipline can get a house with a bunch of land. Churches are open every Sunday and always want new people, especially young ones.

lol, boomers will hire migrants and girls will rather go to college than farm. Churches are just circlejerks of good ol boys and their mummified backbiting old ladies. Every decent paying gig is assigned to relatives. You average countryside is a job and pussy desert.

>> No.21520483

Kek. Reminds me of the character in C&P who, obviously aping a then popular idea with socialists, talks about women hopefully being able to exploit their 'natural capital'.

>> No.21520494

Trannies are manufactured by a cult of Cybele

>> No.21520495

I've written about this; Prozac I think will be understood as being a kind of crack cocaine where the users mind is kind of made warm and fuzzy and their surroundings are dulled to their perception, in essence you can do quite sick things on prozac and you're numbed out to considering the effect of it.

In a lot of ways the Sopranos, I say, is the story of Prozac Use; Tony kills all of his best friends and makes terrible management decisions by the end of the story, whilst having been numbed out 24/7 since the day he met Melfi.

i gotta salute david chase for this one

>> No.21520537
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that's eunuchs.

Trannies, I've reconciled, are a fine and fair way to get betaboyz out of the masculine camp and making us look stupid by being all cringeable and petty-minded. Many american jock types would be better off as trannies, in fact, most men probably, if you're under 6'5 and your IQ is below 200 you may as well check out of the hunter-warrior branch of the species.

Not,I hasten to add,that the betaboyz are anything like Women at all but.. you know, it's easier to understand the sub-human slave stock human as a kind of perpetual teenage girl.

>> No.21521120

I'm not going to argue that rural areas don't have a very negative side. Everyone litters here, no hazardous waste pick up at all so you know it's all going in the water table, as is all the agricultural chemicals, bad schools, generally predatory regulatory structures where it is easy for big buisness to fuck you.

But that said, you can definitely find jobs at $20 an hour here fairly easily and that is plenty enough to be a home owner here. Churches almost always have more women than men and this is even more true in the 20-35 range.

Point is that buying a country house isn't some dream that was denied to them, they could do it. They don't want le ebin Boog because they are oppressed from living even a simple life, they want the Boog because they think it will transform them into something better and give them virtues they lack.

It probably won't. Hardship is as like to destroy virtues as build them.

Jobs are easy as fuck to come by. There is money because government gibs flow hard into these places. When everyone is old, that's a lot of free healthcare and UBI going in, and the US does both for seniors. But a downside is that it is impossible to get someone to fix your car, service your furnace, pace a driveway. Any tradie could have all the work they want helping pensioners maintain their 3,500 square foot farm houses they still live in for some reason. There is no one coming in to backfill retiring mechanics and HVAC, etc. It's that people don't want to do the work or you get people who have a very hard time staying sober/dedicated who thus can't build their own business, buy their own tools, or get licensed.

The work is definitely there though, I have like a second career helping old people on my road keep their shit running. If I could pay to fix my cars and shit I would, I end up doing it myself because no one is here to do it.

>> No.21521379

You are either a fed or a complete imbecile

>> No.21521394

Incels deserve nothing but the rope. Disgusting resentful creatures. They are natures way of solving the overpopulation issue. If you are an incel, you are undeniably low quality

>> No.21521408
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>Women are Bad.

>> No.21521423

Not really relevant.

>> No.21521492

Just read this last week. I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it.
Is Negative Space worth a read?

>> No.21522842

Notes from the Underground is a classic of incel thinking

>> No.21523081

Fbi grooms schizos


>> No.21523171

Who is he, anon?

>> No.21523262

read whatever by houellebecq