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File: 49 KB, 366x349, Kripke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21515359 No.21515359 [Reply] [Original]

Kripke, wasted his genius-level intellect on the most inane areas of intellectual pursuit. He could've just done math instead of the sterile autism of analytic philosophy.
>Proper names are rigid designators. -Saul Crippleke
What a waste

>> No.21515405
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>> No.21515410

you probably don't have anywhere near the background necessary to evaluate any part of his work. twitter pseud memes about analytic philosophy vs continental are not enough.

>> No.21515484

But how much do such studies on semantics and analytic philosophy have on math itself or at least in computer programming languages?

>> No.21515491
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great intellect but threw it all away deciding to become a nun. She seems a bit petulant to be honest. A lot of her verse is just snarky complaining. So I'm not sure she was all that great creatively. But she was definitely a formidable scholar.

>> No.21515522
File: 34 KB, 316x400, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC, several people have ranked Leibniz as one of the greatest intellects ever but said he wasted it by going in too many directions at once (like Thomas Young, Leonardo da Vinci, etc).

>> No.21515580

naming and necessity could be refuted by a ten year old

>> No.21515581

Unsurprising, being a universal polymath is really not the most efficient strategy to push the horizons of mankind by yourself

>> No.21515608

He was too busy walking into women's locker rooms and getting away with it because "he's harmless".

>> No.21515619

Yeah im thinking he's based

>> No.21516286

On the contrary that's what made him so great and he even talks about it in his correspondance (I don't remember where and he wrote 50k gorillonz letters so just trust me bro).
Life doesn't distribute skills like some party RPG where you have to ultra specialize. Leibniz achieved more spending one month on a new discipline throwing around the basic ideas of large theory building that he would have spending a decade clearing up microproblems of a couple of subfields.
He couple have pushed a bit more on his discovery of calculus, but then wouldn't have started analytical dynamics, and had he pushed too much there he wouldn't have built up modal logic like he did, etc.
I mean, would you have rather he didn't make the daring synthesis of Descartes and Suarez metaphysics but instead made some comparatively lame focus on linear algebra and his theory of determinants?

>> No.21516300

Nuns were the only women who had access to books and education in her time.

>> No.21516316

Perhaps I should had that Leibniz (and other mega polymath) did "over extend" in the sense that he delved into several fields where he wasn't great. Notably anything related to his literary ambitions. No one remembers his sorry attempts at poetry and he didn't insist too much (although he always was butthurt he couldn't be a poet).
This doesn't mean he and the other were wrong. They simply tried lots of things and pushed further where it worked, then switched when they meet a stopping roadblock, which experience has shown to be a better use of your time/intellect that the romantic obsession with a microproblem you take 30 years to study, fail, only for some young twat to deal with it in one week end because it just came naturally to him.

>> No.21516358

>several people have ranked Leibniz as one of the greatest intellects ever but said he wasted it
If this is true, then those people are borderline retarded.

Leibniz is almost a role model for how to lead an intellectually fulfilling life guided by curiosity and advance humanity at the same time.

>> No.21516367

I was reading a book on writing which talked about how Joyce in his late years had immense regret over the path his literary career took after Portrait of the Artist.

>> No.21516373

>his genius-level intellect
I heard it repeated often but where's the proof? Apparently he read Shakespeare at an early age, which isn't indication of genius-level. It was pretty standard for intellectuals 100+ years ago.

>> No.21516380

Newton becoming a bible nut would be more fitting. Leibniz actually contributed to several fields, ofc he wasted time being a "historian" (of some faggy noble family) but a guy has to make a living

>> No.21516385

Ernst Junger. He wrote good books, not great books, and had incredible ideas muddied by Heideggerian obscurantism. He gets too much credit for fighting in a war and writing a frank account of it. That frankness never appeared in his later writing.

>> No.21516405

>Great intellect but threw it all away deciding to become a nun.
How is it thrown away, unless you mean some sort of bizarro eugenics argument against celibacy of the clergy? She could write more as a nun than as a mundane lady going to cocktail parties which would have been her life otherwise.

>> No.21516421

Memes aside, analytic philosophy can't be sterile if it's changed its program so many times. Isn't that what continentals do? Kripke's work in logic directly led to his work in philosophy, and changed the analytic vanguard's course completely.

>> No.21516428


>> No.21516770


>> No.21518214

When did all these drooling retards start posting on /lit/?

>> No.21519294
File: 92 KB, 873x1338, rorty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have done something like systematically improve the rigour of the historical method.

>> No.21519297
File: 1.29 MB, 1207x1980, litany66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St.Paul has specific requirements in the NT for clergy to be married and have a family.

>> No.21519317

When have fools ever held their silence?

>> No.21519327

Tolstoy. Don't pretend you like all that christian folk shit, or Resurrection

>> No.21519354

St Paul had specific instructions on the superiority of celibacy and the wish everyone followed it especially priests.
Are you some sort of protestant trying to grasp at that "husband of one wife" straw as if that was anything but a ban of polygamy and remarriage, especially where it is in his discussion of widows?

>> No.21519357

Not true, he solved every problem mankind has ever faced but they've kept the solutions hidden in his unpublished archives.

>> No.21519494

Except that he goes on to say that you need to keep your own kids/family in order so that you can pasture others. To be fair, strictly speaking, that was aimed at Bishops and not priests.

>> No.21519551

everything got worse when (You) decided not to kys

>> No.21519593

Imagine being taken in by Naming & Necessity, I would seethe too

>> No.21520040
File: 153 KB, 888x368, kripke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
