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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2150572 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking too hard about what defines post-modernism today that I've given myself a headache.

I know basically what it is, but it'd be lovely to hear someone elses definition on what it is to settle my racing brain.


>> No.2150584


>> No.2150595


alright forget the go. imagine I fell short of meaning to write Gonorrhea or Gorgeous or something equally as Wilde

>> No.2150603

it's the denial of the possibility of objective truth

i mean that's not what they say it is but that's where it ends up

>> No.2150615

A rejection of modernism. Or at least that's what I've heard.

>> No.2150617


But the first post-modern novel was written well before modernism came about.

>> No.2150620


No it wasn't.

>> No.2150621

My twelfth-grade English teacher explained it in terms of Western movies.

Romanticism is where the good guys wear white and the bad guys wear black.

Modernism is where the good guys wear black and the bad guys wear white.

Postmodernism is where the good guys sometimes wear white and sometimes wear black and the bad guys do the same.

>> No.2150622

it has different meanings depending on what field you are talking about.

so, what field are you talking about?

>> No.2150627


Gee, what board are we on again?

>> No.2150634

Shut the fuck up you snarky faggot. Go jerk off into your mothers panties.

>> No.2150635

"It is safest to grasp the concept of the postmodern as an attempt to think the present historically in an age that has forgotten how to think historically in the first place. In that case, it either 'expresses' some deeper irrepressible historical impulse (in however distorted a fashion) or effectively 'represses' and diverts it, depending on the side of the ambiguity you happen to favor. Postmodernism, postmodern consciousness, may then amount to not much more than theorizing its own condition of possibility, which consists primarily in the sheer enumeration of changes and modifications."

Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
Page fucking one of the introduction.

>> No.2150636

We are clearly talking about postmodernist organic chemistry.

>> No.2150638


Oh, settle down. You tried to look smart and ended up making yourself look stupid. And now you just look mad.

>> No.2150646

Dawg, this board talks about different subjects all the time. ESPECIALLY in a god damn post modernism thread.

>> No.2150648

The genealogies of carbon - the essential element of life - paradoxically, yet inevitably, synthesize themselves into the soulless and life-threatening functions of plastics and petrochemicals, sublating any narrative privileging the primacy of life, agency, and the essences of humanity in a runaway machine of 'progress' that desires no end, yet is willing to erase its very foundations in relentless pursuit of this nothing-end.


>> No.2150687
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>Go jerk off into your mothers panties.

Let's talk about this.

>> No.2150693


>> No.2150712


I died of laughter on the inside

>> No.2150737


That's accurate enough for most people.

>> No.2150760

>The genealogies of carbon - the essential element of life - paradoxically, yet inevitably, synthesize themselves into the soulless and life-threatening functions of plastics and petrochemicals, sublating any narrative privileging the primacy of life, agency, and the essences of humanity in a runaway machine of 'progress' that desires no end, yet is willing to erase its very foundations in relentless pursuit of this nothing-end.

To suggest, even in paradox, the notion that organic chemistry could admit — or indeed, even begin to conceive — a narrative concerning the death drive of life, its purpose, or even its purposefullessness, blithely ignores the relativist and atomic dissolution of so-called universal chemistry, the unanswered questioning of any sort of positive basis for its conjectures or even its existence, and consequently serves as its own structuralist critique, negating itself.

>> No.2150983


simple: it is the end of the "big tales" (grands récits)

(read lyotards postmodern condition)

>> No.2151070

What is postmodernism

>> No.2151095


>> No.2151125


you can't define a literary movement while it's still in progress

wait 20 years to understand postmodernism and then tell your kids you lived through it

>pro-tip: embellish details and talk about how you shaped events

>> No.2151267

It has to do with rejecting the modernist tendency to control everything and shape everything into black and white scientific facts (the subjective seeking to control the objective world; leading it to objectify its own subjective self) as well as rejecting the late-modernist tendency to view everything as simply a resource waiting to be optimized.

It advocates an inherent multiplicity in meaning and value in the world. But this is where it gets a bit tricky because it's not trying to promote nihilism where you have to create meaning within a meaningless world. Rather, the meaning(s) that you take to heart are truly there but because the world is so inexhaustible different meanings will be discovered by different people in different situations.

Soooo instead of seeing the world as a static infinite of scientific optimization (like we do now) it calls for having a poetic sensitivity to the inexhaustibility of the infinite.
And by the way, it's so modern of you all to try and pin down the meaning of postmodernism

>> No.2151269

probably the best post itt, post-modernism is still our nearly-inescapable intellectual background

>> No.2151288

>wait 20 years to understand it's dead

>> No.2151315

You can only define that which has no history (Nietzsche)