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[ERROR] No.2150401 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books for helping someone with shit-tier social skills?

>> No.2150403
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>> No.2150404

Get a job in retail or the services industry. It'll either make you more confident or make you not give a fuck about what people say, do or think. Either one of those options is better than being an agoraphobic aspie though.

>> No.2150410

Anything by Bukowski.

>> No.2150413


>> No.2150419

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.
"How to Improve Your Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie.

>> No.2150421
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there are no books to help you.
you just have to learn to not give a fuck about things. people aren't important. making conversation isn't important. once you internalize this, it will be much easier. approach a girl. the worst thing that could happen would be her not being into you. if this happens to you all the time, then you're probably hideously looking or something. but if you were that, you wouldn't be trying to improve your social skills...
reasons to approach girls: start smoking cigarettes;pretend you don't have a lighter. pretend you've seen her somewhere. "hey you look really familiar, where have i seen you before, do you know (insert made up name)?"
shit like that.
don't sweat it.
in the words of T.I.P : be easy or else its gonna be a long day.

>> No.2150434

Don't start smoking. I began smoking as a social tool, as described by this guy, and quitting was the most difficult thing i've ever done in my life. To this day I still get occasional cravings.

>> No.2150435

This. Throw yourself to the wolves. Bartend at a biker bar. Work at a liquor store. Hell, volunteer at a homeless shelter. Anywhere where it is grow a spine or die.
I was raised by sweet parents in the cushy upper middle class strata. Grew up meek as hell. Personally, I did the biker bar option. Near the end I was breaking up fights, kicking out drink moochers, chatting with suicidal criminals just out of jail and happily passing them off to the cops when they arrived, dealing with erratic drugged-up co-workers, etc. Best job ever? Nope. Best education ever? Absolutely.

>> No.2150445


you're right. i was just assuming a non-addictive personality, which isn't very common i guess.
i smoke about 6 non-consecutive months a year. i like smoking, but i never get "cravings".

>> No.2150455

write a book

>> No.2150457

How to Make Friends and Influence People

Also, be more assertive and aggressive. People are only respected because they are feared.

>> No.2151158

Might get shouted down for this one, but The Game by Neil Strauss was pretty life changing. Part novel, part instruction manual. It's mostly about picking up women but if you can master approaching women you can master any social situation. Also, OP, assuming you are a man, people love self depreciation humor. Learn to laugh at yourself. In public.

>> No.2151191

The Tao Te Ching.
Everyone Poops.

>> No.2151192
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Taro Gomi provides us with the Perfect ice-breaker of all conversations, good for full bodied discussion or just starnge looks, in the action packed controversial Everyone Poops

>> No.2151232

I have a hard time because when I was growing up I was constantly told by my family that they didn't give a shit what I have to say. This is my automatic assumption about everyone and I also came to not give a shit what people have to say. Most conversation seems pointless to me but I realize being able to socialize is essential. I can never think of anything to say either. FUCK.

>> No.2151234

that sucks bro

>> No.2151255
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Is it really worth it to read How to win friends and influence people? I've felt like shit lately and people appear to avoid me. I'm going to give it a go. Any other c/lit/s found a self-help book like it?

>> No.2151264

Silence is sexy.

>> No.2151268

I'm very monosyllabic and never elaborate because I can't think of anything more to say and saying anything more seems pointless and boring. This frustrates people, I think.

>> No.2151275

in my experience as a recovering socially awkward faggot, it matters less what you say and more how you say it, and eye contact, eye contact, eye contact

eye contact is the most important thing when interacting with someone else, work on improving it

>> No.2151300

Is this any good? Seems like hippie stuff but Ill try it if it works

>> No.2151305


>> No.2151318

Transgressive Fiction helps you embrace it.

>> No.2151334


>> No.2151359

fucking this, a million-fold.

>> No.2151384

There's not much you can do other than decide you don't give a fuck and just throw yourself in social situations until you get the hang of it.

God damn though, OP's picture. Every fucking time, I swear to god... am I the only person on the planet whose parents taught me not to interrupt people?

>> No.2151396

The only way to tackle a problem is to face it head on.

Recently I was in a near-death situation as I was trapped in a pub someone thought it would be fun to set on fire. For the months that followed I developed a fear of lightning which I assume was my mind making some excuse for not stepping outside. So what did I do? Every time it went cloudy I would head outside and go for a walk. Now I'm pretty much back to normal and a little stronger for the experience.

>> No.2151422

No. Me too. But if you wait for a pause in the conversation, you end up not saying anything.

>> No.2151426

They also taught me not to talk with my mouth full, but if you go for a meal or to a barbecue or something, it seems like most people are fine about talking and eating at the same time.

>> No.2151855

I hate eating with people. I'm here to eat, not talk goddammit, it's hard to do both. When someone talks to me I always have to have a few seconds to finish chewing and swallow and it seems awkward.

>> No.2154078

My parents taught me it's acceptable to talk with your mouth full as long as you cover your mouth with your hand, but people look at you like you're a fruitcake if you do that. I hate eating in public.

>> No.2154081

I hate watching films with people too. I'm here to watch the film, not hear you yak all the way through it. Ugh.