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/lit/ - Literature

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21508594 No.21508594 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read something that takes a deep dive into my fiery hatred of aloof privileged trustfundish people, I want to understand this, I especially hate the type that had the privilege to be an angsty teen, and then stays like that for their whole goddamn lives, I hate how common it is among gay people too, and other whites -- theyre cruel too, theyre poisonous, theyre all mentally ill but in a uniquely egocentric "woe-is-me" sorta way, theyre so self indulgent, passive, dismissive, catty like women, theyre like theyve never stepped out of their trust fund bubble, like dude, you never had to grow up and now you just pretend like youre one of the big boys; this consumes me everyday, i cant look at a person without thinking about this, its such a specific personality type thats common among them that i just hate so goddamn much, its the most unrelatable a person can get; ive read endless descriptions in literature about such particular and specific things but never about this

>> No.21508610

Were you molested as a child? This isn't normal.

>> No.21508623

You seem to be the egocentric woe-is-me type.

>> No.21508624

How do you jump to that conclusion?

>> No.21508627 [DELETED] 

You seem like you took offense, maybe I described you

>> No.21508633

You seem like you took offense, maybe I struck a nerve, no?

>> No.21508640

>maybe I described you
Nah, grew up rural where no one was privileged.
>my fiery hatred of aloof privileged trustfundish people
How can you not see that you are pretty much being an angsty teen who never grew out of their angst?

>> No.21508641

It's question. Not a conclusion.
Why are you pretending to be stupid for my amusement?

>> No.21508658

Your first instinct wouldnt have been to respond defensively if this were the case
Yes it is, skip the semantics, get to the point

>> No.21508663

How do you determine who does and doesn’t have a “trust fund,” do you think any white suburban kid has one as well as a perfect life and home? Just because you grew up poor doesn’t mean others have perfect lives. In fact their lives are filled with suffering too. Which is why they show as much anger and unhappiness as you do.

>> No.21508673

>Your first instinct wouldnt have been to respond defensively if this were the case
How was that defensive? Just an observation. But go ahead and explain why your fiery hatred is not teenage angst you should have outgrown years ago.

>> No.21508677

You can tell intuitively, its an archetype, I dont need a scientific method for it
>did you know they suffer too
I do know, because they cant stop talking about it actually

>> No.21508694

>How was that defensive?
>You seem to be the egocentric woe-is-me type.
Speaks for itself, and you wouldnt be so argumentative if i didnt offend you

>> No.21508696

Who can’t stop talking about it? Someone in real life you know?

>> No.21508701

I've known a lot of these types of people, ive talked to other people who "get" what im talking about when i explain the "type" too, you either get it or dont

>> No.21508706

Because i think like you and that happened to me

>> No.21508708

Actually its so weird, maybe its not discussed in literature because a majority of writers irl embodied these insufferable types? You read about their lives and theyre mostly unbearable people

>> No.21508713

Well you sound just as bad as anyone with your obsessive hatred. You say “they get to be a big boy” but what does this mean? That they made it to adulthood? That they’re at the same workplace as you? That they dare to have opinions? I just don’t get it. Your jealousy sounds unhealthy though.

>> No.21508715

I'd think I would know honestly, you remembered these events throughout your whole life right? I have no such memories

>> No.21508722

No Longer Human

>> No.21508727

Do you pick apart the things I went down on because theyve struck you personally? You want an explanation as to why I find people like you dislikable? What do you want from me? I really dont care to discuss w you

>> No.21508733

I have read this already

>> No.21508738

You know what they are? Theyre like tumblr people but they never used tumblr, thats the simplest description

>> No.21508764

It sounds, OP, like if as you say that this thought consumes you all day: maybe what's really bothering you is that you do NOT feel as if you personally are one of the 'big boys' as you call them?

>> No.21508771

Just admit that you're jealous. Intense hatred always stems from desire.

>> No.21508783

Well well well, a real freud ova here
Yea maybe bcuz they got it easy, but I would never wanna have their personalities; anyways no book recs?

>> No.21508788

I just find your stance odd to say the least. There’s no way by looking at someone you would be able to know they have a trust fund. And nah I didn’t have a trust fund, I don’t think most people do. I think it’s probably something you’ve just made up in your mind about people you dislike. You should spend your hate on better endeavors though. Self-improvement. Eclipse the shadow people with superior knowledge and abilities and money. Otherwise you’re gay.

>> No.21508794

Its about the vibe, sorry your anglo books sucked the intuition out of your ass you sperg

>> No.21508806

Unlike you I don’t need to rationalize my anger and hatred by pointing the finger at literal whos, fag boy.

>> No.21508809

Ok I dont care about you though, can you stop derailing the thread now? Get a life

>> No.21509007

>I have "fiery hatred" for some people
Seems like those people's existence strikes a nerve in you too?

>> No.21509028

I hate these people too but mostly when they're jewish wine guzzling pibble mommy lesbians who live in Park Slope in Brooklyn who raise their kids to be androgynous and who get addicted to cocaine at the age of 14

>> No.21509055

>maybe its not discussed in literature because a majority of writers irl embodied these insufferable types?
Unironically, this.

>> No.21509093

>I especially hate the type that had the privilege to be an angsty teen, and then stays like that for their whole goddamn lives
Judging by your posts in this thread, this description is literally you lol
Hate comes from the inside, anon. Understand yourself and you'll most likely understand this 'type' of people better too.

>> No.21509099

so what people who happen to be born into money should just kill themselves to appease you? if the only thing someone can do to make you feel better is 'nothing' maybe the issue is you?
Literally what could a trustfund kid possibly do to make you not think ill of him? Its not like he could control who his parents were. You've already made all these negative assumptions and have damned him just because of the circumstances of his birth. Maybe you should stop thinking about things like this so much.

>> No.21509103

Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche. It explains your mindset to a T.

>> No.21509104
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>> No.21509105

i hate you too and i will always look down on the poor like a woman looks down on incels.

>> No.21509169

Damn who would have thought /lit/ was full of trust fund losers.

>> No.21509811

You're black aren't you? So am I, but you're the kind which will always be on bottom.

>> No.21509814

Brainlet ""wisdom"". It comes with no upfront cost, but you'll be paying out the wahzoo for it if you take it home with you.

So, with fear and sexual curiosity?

>> No.21509846
File: 66 KB, 240x177, thimurs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nigger exhibiting its jealousy and hatred of human beings, despite the fact that human society tolerates its existence (barely) and provides for its needs. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.21509921

Desu, no contribution but I feel you mang. It sucks being born into a shit life.

>> No.21509941

>theyre all mentally ill but in a uniquely egocentric "woe-is-me" sorta way, theyre so self indulgent, passive, dismissive, catty like women
Wow sounds exactly like you anon.

>> No.21510008

Less Than Zero

>> No.21510009

Read Crime and Punishment and Notes from Underground.

>> No.21510399


>> No.21510441

look how many people took this personally, I totally didnt strike a nerve here, definitely didnt describe exactly the kind of people you are; hey how about needlessly seething at this post, use this newly gained self-consciousness to improve your generally dislikable attitude, because trust me, people know -- theres a reason people like you are alone

>> No.21510444

Ive already read this one and it was a bit too romantic
Read both, not really what I'm looking for, but dostoevsky-type rants are welcome

>> No.21510451

I've read this, and no, it doesnt

>> No.21510468

>comes across as the most unsufferable asshole possible and whines about people reacting negatively to his thread
Learn some respect and adress people with dignity you fucking idiot. Your venomous diatribe deserves nothing but scorn and contempt.

>> No.21510489

Calm down, no need to be mad, its not like I was addressing the kind of person you are, is it?

>> No.21510515

lol wut? who are you to demand respect? fucking faggot

>> No.21510584

Uncivilized scum
no u

>> No.21510592

So I was right

>> No.21510605

No you're not right about anything. In fact you have never been right about anything in your entire existence and you likely never will be. That's just a fact of life.

>> No.21510621

Well, youre clearly mad and insufferable; since your post produced nothing of substance for me to address, it's the only conclusion I can come to

>> No.21510623

How is this /lit/? I guess it’s par for the board anymore

>> No.21510626

>what should I read/consoom to reinforce my existing worldview
How about you do something actually useful and try to put your thoughts and feelings into something written yourself?
So far I have seen nothing that could help you on your journey.
Stuff like >>21508701 seems incredible diffuse. Just pure resentment out of unreflected reasons.
I'm not telling you not to hate "them" I'm telling you to think about why. And don't ask "what books for this feel" again you fucking retard. Write it down yourself either as a story or essey or even a peak shizo rant on pastebin. This will be 100% more useful than shoving another opinion inside your head without reflecting on what (you) feel and think.

>> No.21510641

not this anon but reading you actually reminds me of master / slave morality

>> No.21510645

The part where I'm literally asking for a book rec
My journey? Hahahaha, alright mr peterson; dude, youre not some smart guy to take advice from, this isn't /adv/, I didn't ask for anyone's opinion, I'm just looking for some literature

>> No.21510646

>theyre like theyve never stepped out of their trust fund bubble
Then how are you meeting so many of them? It seems like you're in an environment rich with them, so some of your hate might be competition or comparison, rather than the more abstract hatred of people more removed from the situation. I'd need to know why you know these people or if they're just a kind of distant fantasy for you to recommend something.

>> No.21510650

It's not something about principles though, you just don't understand what I was describing; weirdly enough I chose to go into detail to avoid this, but all it resulted in was either people fitting this archetype seething, or /lit/izens telling me im off topic

>> No.21510652
File: 226 KB, 234x373, 41461786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just looking for some literature
This should be right up your alley you stupid faggot.

>> No.21510655

Its a similar class divide you find in big cities like new york or paris, not that I'm from one but that best describes it

>> No.21510661

It would still be unlikely you know these people unless employed in a service industry. Just describe your actual relationship to/knowledge of these people.

>> No.21510663

>asking for a book rec
The biggest abuse of grey zone on this board. That phrased is always used to justify an off topic thread

>> No.21510664

we can smell ur salty tears from here anon, its ok, trust fund didnt do it ig, hope the pipedream works out for u

>> No.21510670

Look what the fuck is this shit? One guy says I didnt go enough into detail so he can't go into topic, the other says I wrote too much and now its off topic

>> No.21510677

You're still not describing what kind of book rec you want. If you actually wanted to post about books we need to know what kind of trust fund kid rich environment you're in to need such a rec.
Tell us how you know these people you hate.

>> No.21510681

Like are you seriously telling me in the entire history of literature, there never was one guy who talked about these kinda people? Who hated them like pythagoras loved beans?

>> No.21510684

There are plenty. Some of them are also trust fund babies. Do you want a book like that?

>> No.21510689

>they got it easy
What the fuck do you know?

>> No.21510690

Please, list them, I'm sure I'll find what I'm looking for if there's a selection

>> No.21510695

Pumped to finally get an actual book rec

>> No.21510698

You want a list of the ones written by trust fund babies about other trust fund babies?

>> No.21510699

The whole “books for__” can be solo by using google. You just want to bitch about your topic. You don’t want any books

>> No.21510701

Respect for the cultured /lit/ trust fund NEETS.

Who the fuck else has time to read all day and study philosophy?

>> No.21510702


>> No.21510704


>> No.21510707

So does it matter if the author is a trust fund baby and their self insert is the only good trust fund baby?

>> No.21510710

Look I know what youre thinking, but youre wrong on this one, I'm clearly describing something very specific you cant just google, it shouldve hit you by now

>> No.21510716

I’m doubtful but it sounds like Less than Zero is what you want.

>> No.21510717

From the perspective of an outsider who gets immersed (I'm thinking that effect from the movie 'fox and his friends')

>> No.21510723

It's technically up there but it didn't hit the spot you know? I have read it btw, and someone in this thread has already recommended it to me too

>> No.21510725

Plato. In the Republic he mentions that in the tyranny nobody is master or at least very few amd none of them "decent".

>> No.21510727

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer
Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.21510736

I'll check out Kane and Abel, but the feeling of it is honestly different, beggars cant be choosers though

>> No.21510739

>the feeling of it is honestly different,
Since you won't describe what you want and need us to play twenty questions to get a vague feeling of what you want, you are a beggar and not a very helpful one to your own cause. If you want something more reflective of your situation, you're going to have to explain how so many rich people came to live rent free in your head.

>> No.21510741

/lit/ is like this.

>> No.21510752

That show was surprisingly good. A bit pretentious yes but it caught me right in the feels I can't lie.
Also seek help OP

>> No.21510754

I think he's missing the point. Inflation and a weak stock market means trust funds have not the power they had before.

And with New York being so expensive, today everyone has to work. "Privilege" is a buzzword.

>> No.21510762

It gives the vibe of weakest in his class to me, but, like I said, he's pretty vague on how he knows so many of these or why they occupy his headspace if he doesn't know them.

>> No.21510767

Alright alright, so the people are like this usually:
>"exclusive" circlejerk friend circles
>pipedream" artist types
>passive aggressiveness
>snarky irony
>self pity
>constant air of judgement
Like I've said, that movie fox and his friends has that "vibe", the approach as to how one gets involved is structurally the same too, except for plot particularities and even though its mostly completely different from the kind of setting you'd expect; everybody hates chris also has that kinda feel, regarding the environment, about it; i forget what its called in english but der junge torless would be an extreme case of this

>> No.21510770

What show?
Its not about actual trust funds, its about the kind of people that have them

>> No.21510774

Use the hate, let it drive you

>> No.21510773

I got over this feeling by realising I would be EXACTLY like these cunts if I had the means and opportunity to. Then I thank my situation for helping me avoid that.

>> No.21510780

Why not write it yourself with how experienced and knowledgeable you seem to be with these yuppie types.

>> No.21510782

idk anon, he responded to you in <= 10 words.
You seem to be the one projecting here.

>> No.21510784

You know, I might do that

>> No.21510785

Maybe if he knew how insecure and vulnerable they he wouldn't envy them. It's not like there are actual defined class structures anyway.

You have ghetto blacks hanging out with the trust fund kids. Everyone's trying to be famous so you have all these ass kissers and people trying to be 'inclusive'. There are no classes; nobody has the dignity and psychic strength of an upper class. Democratization means everyone's a bitch.

>> No.21510787

I'm not partaking in some contest, I literally don't care, you are the ones being needlessly combative

>> No.21510788

Antic Hay is this. The problem you're going to have with most the books on the subject is the narrator who is new to the class is generally the type of person who wishes they were like the mean rich people and prefers associating with them and passing as a higher class, which is why they're friends with rich people and not their own class which they see as beneath them. They're generally foils to each other, where the social striver is just as morally flawed but likes to believe he is unchanged by the money he's chasing when he'd never be friends with those people if they didn't have money. Usually it's going to play out to an ending where the social striver proves they're friends with awful people because they're an awful person too. Waugh is rife with such characters but you probably don't want to identify with any of them.
>It's not like there are actual defined class structures anyway
kek, you might just be very well insulated in your class and geography.

>> No.21510801

A handsome hood rat has more status than an ugly trust fund kid. They both have money, the former just works his ass off selling drugs.

The confidence of the black boy, the girls he gets, the parties he goes to, means he's the upper class. He has more mastery than the"privileged" white boy.

>> No.21510804

You can pay every girl he tries to fuck to take it up the ass in front of him if you want to slum it for a weekend if you have the money and the lawyers, and go home to clean sheets you never have to change and a personal doctor who will prescribe you anything pure without touching interest if you're merely rich, let alone upper class.

>> No.21510819

You have no idea what you're talking about. These girls have money too, they can't be bought.

>> No.21510822

>they can't be bought.
Everyone can be bought.

>> No.21510827

But not with money.

>> No.21510832

Everything costs money.

>> No.21510837

And if you have it you don't value it. Status comes from who you are, how you make people feel, how cool you are etc. Rich losers are everywhere.