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/lit/ - Literature

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21510242 No.21510242 [Reply] [Original]

Haunted Operations Edition

Previous Thread:>>21502220

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21510278

First for female authors

>> No.21510309
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>> No.21510319
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Okay...But be sure to stop after book ten.

>> No.21510325
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What an awful start of the thread

>> No.21510329

I never read this because it was written by a woman.

>> No.21510331

see >>21510325

>> No.21510333

is this a porno

>> No.21510339
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read 'em

>> No.21510354

I have them downloaded but I have about 20+ books to go through first.
on another note what do you guys listen to while reading if anything? Personally I listen to Toundra and Scale the Summit at very low volumes when I read.

>> No.21510360

No but it does feature plenty of steamy space Irish sex

>> No.21510366

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is1Tm_It7gE&t=2400s or some ambiance

>> No.21510392

I don't really care for ambience, Its to... fake? Not sure the word, but it doesn't get me into the reading mood.

>> No.21510398
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>> No.21510417

I get that. Sometimes I'll even put on white noise and it soothes me

>> No.21510449
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21510453

Is this a bot?

>> No.21510463

I'm starting to think you are

>> No.21510470

ctrl+c > ctrl+v every 2 days is really not that hard
baka boomer

>> No.21510545 [DELETED] 


>> No.21510556

I thought they were ok. Unfortunately the protagonists were often too retarded and the antagonists comically lucky and overpowered. I refuse to believe that before the events of the book, the main method of battle was just mobs clashing against each other instead of trying to organize into some sort of battle lines and the fact that no one else tries to learn the shield wall after seeing it is bizarre The bit about the prophecy being fake was interesting, but why did Corban have the ability to visit the Otherworld?
On that note, how is the follow up series?

>> No.21510594 [DELETED] 

>magic boarding school
>medieval setting
>orphan mc, for real no special lineage
>duo over trio
>counterpart is quiet blue blood girl
>get caught up in shit
>counselor is a cool old mage who might be a traitor
>early teen years are learning about the world with occasional fights
> late teenage years are drama with light politics and romantic attraction
>young adult years is politics, them fucking, and a potential sequel about their prime years

>> No.21510658

what's this?

>> No.21510680

Sounds based.

>> No.21510696

thank you, thank you
i know what i'm writing

>> No.21510721

does this have a female MC? if not, throw it in the trash.

>> No.21510733

yuri is trash

>> No.21510749

how is the follow up series?
Haven't read it. Apparently it's not really a sequel

>> No.21510825

>>counterpart is quiet blue blood girl
Syopped reading there

>> No.21510831
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how juvenile are the deltora quest books? i read the first 1 or 2 as a kid and i've been wondering if they are worth reading now as an adult.

>> No.21510847

Don't worry, it'll dissolve into anons asking for books with their niche fetishes soon enough

>> No.21510865

let me guess
you're a fag

>> No.21510870

I know it's not like a direct sequel but something like set some time after the final battle in the first series with the angels and demons running around doing stuff? Maybe magic will be more prevalent in this one instead of the super vague 'earth power'

>> No.21510959

Years later, I can appreciate The Dark Tower('s ending) through the lens of my appreciation for multi-route, true ending plotge visual novels. It's just a failed route. Would love to find similar titles.
>every 2 days
We're as bad as /vg/ with shitposting newfags blazing through a thread per day.

>> No.21510961

straight, just don't like women in the books

>> No.21511045

Newfag here.What are the most reddit fantasy books/series?

>> No.21511055

Harry potter

>> No.21511090

game of thrones

>> No.21511144

Why is this thread the exact same thing every day

>> No.21511148

it's a general. all generals are just the same handful of people posting the same shit every day for years.

>> No.21511177


>> No.21511210

Hmm, Harry Potter, Wheel Of Time, Game of Thrones, The Blade Itself, Rothfuss shit. Generally, very edgy and cynical stuff. They cannot imagine virtue and goodness as they themselves are devoid of it so they expect similar things from their reading as well.

>> No.21511233

No one even reads Bakker here. Everyone who has, has moved on from /sffg/.

>> No.21511264
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>> No.21511266

Neither Harry Potter nor Wheel of Time are edgy or cynical

>> No.21511303

Certainly, it's a tendency, not an absolute rule.

>> No.21511354

I find it interesting how many notable female authors won SF awards in the past for you know, actually writing SF works. Nowadays it seems to be more about your skin color.

>> No.21511398

It's more about placing novelty above quality.

>> No.21511460

What are the most 4chan fantasy series?

>> No.21511465

oh woops sorry bud hey just grabbin a coffee out of the science fiction/fantasy machine there ahh thanks pal ya take care out there

>> No.21511525

That’s so fucking pathetic

>> No.21511568

>decide to pick up Gene Wolf's Wizard Knight
>first fucking SEVEN PAGES are dedicated to names and short bios
Bros... I don't think im going to read this, if you have so many names of places and people that you literally say "you will need to check back here" maybe don't have so many names? Does every ship need a name? Does every location and road need a name? Every side character? Some can just use their titles or occupations...

>> No.21511596 [DELETED] 

>filtered by names

>> No.21511601 [DELETED] 

Nigger if the start of your book is "You will need to check back here every now and then"
Maybe just maybe consider having fewer names?

>> No.21511689

>filtered by names
You're never going to be able to read literature like this.

>> No.21511707

You shouldn't have to pause, go "who?" The flip alllll the way back to the first few pages, skim through the 7 pages of names, read the bio, hope it explains who they are, flip back to the page you were on and continue reading, a good book will let you simply glide through it at a good pace becoming entranced in its world.

>> No.21511716

You think the characters and places shouldn’t have names? And you think that because the author gave you an easy to reference list of them?

>> No.21511722

This guy wants easy modes for books lol

>> No.21511743

I think that not everything needs a name. Not every minor town or 1 off character needs a name.
I want readable books, yes. Do you pause mid show and google a characters name? No, that's bad writing, eitherway I haven't read through the book yet, so when I do, I'll be back to talk about if it was a necessary addition, either way, what an awful start to a book.

>> No.21511784

Anyone got recs for edge kino books?

I've already read prince of thorns and reverend insanity

>> No.21511793

How much brain power have you spent crying on 4chan about characters having names vs how much you would’ve spent just reading

>> No.21511795

What is edge kino?

>> No.21511798

>I'll be back to talk about if it was a necessary addition
Don’t worry about it actually

>> No.21511818

An actual villain protagonist who kills people for his own benefit.

>> No.21511835


Newfag here. Why shoud i read Bakker?

>> No.21511853

>no argument
Looks like I win again. It feels good being tk smart for 4channel

>> No.21511864

Narnia probably. Big fantasy series are all vacuous time wastey shit, so you'll never get broad agreement on one.

>> No.21511870

Book of the new sun, lord of the rings/Silmarillion, the second apocalypse.

>> No.21511883

The first law trilogy and the dagger & coin books.

>> No.21511888

Tolkien is juvenile trash

>> No.21511916

Great prose and world building. Fun and interesting but conveys philosophical ideas throughout. Seemingly nihilistic but actually full of meaning (basically the opposite of GRRM).
Setting wise, you may enjoy if you like:
>the Byzantine empire, complete with Machiavellian intrigue
>the crusades and what would motivate such a campaign and how could it be led astray (and why)
>detailed magic system that works on its own system of established rules and checks and balances
>Sadist, insane aliens trying to create the antichrist to escape the judgement of God
>thoughtfully constructed, realistic battles of huge scale and stakes
>autistic DUNC monks trying to reach logical enlightenment accidentally hijacking human society when they emerge from their goon cave.
10/10 for me, check them out brother

>> No.21511929

>so smart he’s scared of characters in a book having names

>> No.21511933

Hidden tower

>> No.21511940

Thanks pal will do. Do you have any other authors to suggest?

>> No.21511944

I'm inclined to agree and I used to be a devout Tolkien defender. I still enjoy some of his work, though

>> No.21511975

Not too many unfortunately. My background is mostly classical historical, like Herodotus, Caesar, and Livy, et cetera, and a great deal of Bible reading as well. So I’m getting back into fantasy for the first time in awhile. I love LOTR and the Silmarillion but it seems the cult of public opinion is turning against it in this thread but to each his own. I didn’t enjoy the once and future king or any asoiaf.
Not fantasy but I read Neuromancer the other day because a buddy lent it to me and that was a really fun read as well.

>> No.21511985

>Book of the new sun
Not fantasy.
>lord of the rings/Silmarillion
Lore dump with no characters and bad poetry.
>the second apocalypse
Mediocre prose / pacing, kinda gay, saved from plebbit only by realist take on women.

>> No.21512007

I reread these recently. They're very juvenile but also very easy and cosy to read with a few things here and there that were a little smarter than I expected. If your going to give it a go the first is pretty much all set up so you might want to read that and the second as it is better indicator of what the next 6 will be like. The anime adaption is meant to be very faithful to the source too.

>> No.21512015

1. Splitting hairs
2. Brainlet take and obviously untrue
3. Now your just lyin to get all three

But It just wouldn’t be lit without a faggot contrarian posting his semantic and retarded argument after all.

>> No.21512027
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>> No.21512037

Oh, the first law kind of has that. Kinda.

>> No.21512077
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>Dr. Tolkien has little skill at narrative and no instinct for literary form. The characters talk a story-book language that might have come out of Howard Pyle, and as personalities they do not impose themselves.

>> No.21512092

>1. Splitting hairs
Nigger the book is canonically written on a spaceship traveling faster than light. One character is a robot, several are from other planets via spaceship, you see working spaceships and alien fliers, characters regularly use alien blaster weapons, the citadel Severian grew up in is a grounded spaceship with electric appliances and fucking blaster cannons on top, all the exotic flora / fauna are stated to be space aliens, current printings say

"The best SCIENCE FICTION novel of the previous century. -t Neil Gaiman"
>2, 3
I know what you are but what am I?

>> No.21512093

>revealing all this shit

>> No.21512101
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he was mega jelly of all the LOTR fans

>> No.21512141

I mean, he was a shit writer and a shit person, but he wasn't wrong. Not unlike GURM. It doesn't take great genius to criticize Tolkien, but it's like taking the piss out of Santa Claus.

>> No.21512208
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>Great prose and world building. Fun and interesting but conveys philosophical ideas throughout. Seemingly nihilistic but actually full of meaning (basically the opposite of GRRM).
>Setting wise, you may enjoy if you like:
>>the Byzantine empire, complete with Machiavellian intrigue
>>the crusades and what would motivate such a campaign and how could it be led astray (and why)
>>detailed magic system that works on its own system of established rules and checks and balances
>>Sadist, insane aliens trying to create the antichrist to escape the judgement of God
>>thoughtfully constructed, realistic battles of huge scale and stakes
>>autistic DUNC monks trying to reach logical enlightenment accidentally hijacking human society when they emerge from their goon cave.
>10/10 for me, check them out brother

>> No.21512510
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FUCK he is good.

>> No.21512514
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Babelchads, how is our /comfy/ readthrough going? Also post other /comfy/ sffg

>> No.21512566
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What are you reading?

>> No.21512589

Martian Time Slip by PKD
Eschatology by Benedict XVI
Sun and Steel by Mishima

>> No.21512601

Book 12 of Martial World: Plot of the Ancient Devil.
Martian Time Slip is probably my favorite Dick. Good choice.

>> No.21512613

How is Sanderson's new book? I'm gonna buy it tonight when I get home

>> No.21512658


>> No.21512694

Wandering Inn

>> No.21512701

This is something like my 10th Dick novel. I'm not expecting it to be better than Valis, A Scanner Darkly or Three Stigmata of Palemer Eldritch. Although, I guess a lot depends on when you read him and in which order. His schizo writing is a bit samey, similar to Kafka and Lovecraft so you know what you are getting and the first shock often has the most impact.

>> No.21512734

a very bad isekai light novel

>> No.21512773

Why not
Isn't zlib removed

>> No.21512775

The Mask of the Sorcerer
just finished chapter 10, where Orkanre takes over, vanquishes Moon, and mortal kombat fatalities the King with Moon's disembodied "hands". ...metal

>> No.21512782
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>Scalp? Numb.
>Pupils? Dilated.
>Monocle? Worn.
>Self? Summoned.
>Lampooning? Internally..
It's mystery time.

>> No.21512783

What is libgen

>> No.21512836

zlib was always a front-end to libgen, and there are so many other ddl ebook sites that just come up accidentally in search results.

>> No.21512869

An utterly middling LitRPG isekai thing that somehow squandered an interesting concept (protagonist isn't actually from Earth, she's from a universe that's... I guess approximately Shadowrun-y in terms of setting, quite dystopian cyberpunk but also magic and elves and shit but then the protagonist, on being isekai'd, is told she'll only have vague recollections of her past life to avoid her bringing in new tech or whatever) because it turns out it's mostly about the author's poorly-disguised fantasies about hot lesbians. And it doesn't even do that last part in a fun way.

>> No.21512930


>> No.21512978

Uhhh. Talyn: Rebirth. I don't completely despise it so far, but I just struggle to care because the protagonist isn't really interesting, the set-up is interesting but sort of leads to nothing and the LitRPG elements are... Really weirdly boringly done? Maybe it's just an early days thing, but they're so minute in how they feel.

>> No.21513057

One of the best isekai out there desu

>> No.21513073
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I want to kill every single author that sets up a romance with a cute girl only to kill her off at the end of the first book.
I don't care about your reasoning, you deserve to die if you do this.

>> No.21513076

what if i kill off the orphan mc's sickly sister i introduce at the beginning of the story partway through when he goes back to the orphanage

what if show his flaws at the beginning to foreshadow the catastrophic mental breakdown he has after i showcase his strengths

>> No.21513096

that's fine as long the she's constantly present in the mc's mind and he doesn't get over her death.

>> No.21513113

books that this happen?

>> No.21513127

that she will be and that he will
when his best friend/rival/crush takes the hit to defend their traitorous master, he will lose his shit thinking of another person he loves dying

>> No.21513140

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

>> No.21513174


>> No.21513231

>irish sex
No thanks.

>> No.21513321
File: 835 KB, 1170x1507, 150D6FA4-16DE-419B-89CF-E0A06E407882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with sci fi and bizzare descriptions of women? Much of the sci fi I have read, especially from the 70s/80s, has passages which read like smut written by a robot.

>> No.21513381

anyone have that 'freedom isn't free' spurdo meme but its Night Land?

>> No.21513410

I don't know but the hardcover sure looks nice. Almost wish I had backed his kickstarter for it and the others.

>> No.21513459
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>Dr. Tolkien has little skill at narrative
I read the Hobbit again after like 10 years, and I gotta agree at least when it comes to that book. Gotta read the others to see if the habits continue.

>no mention of lord of eagles until just pages before he saves the party because reasons
>Bard is introduced pages before he kills Smaug (the very thing we've been waiting to see for hundreds of pages), and apparently has a super special black arrow to do it which was never mentioned
>zero mention of the Arkenstone until the last like 50 pages because fucking why? This should've been the first thing Thorin mentioned when introduced.
>giant goblin army shows up out of nowhere at the very end because we need le epic battle (granted he did foreshadow this, but it was lazily done. He just said there'd be a battle of 5 armies k dude)

The reason he gets away with it is because the writing itself is really good. Most readers will forgive pretty much anything if they can get lost in the imagery you conjure up with your words.

>> No.21513471


>> No.21513721
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The real reason fantasy is more popular than sci fi is because the prose of ALL sci fi writers is fucking dreadful. Every single sci fi novel reads like total shit compared to the goats of fantasy.

>> No.21513746

he cute

>> No.21513800

recommend me some books similar to the first law

>> No.21513813


>> No.21513817
File: 31 KB, 276x406, eisenhorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for mystery/action books/series. Don't need to be 40k. Sci-fi is probably preferred but can be fantasy or modern alternate reality. Just mystery with good action.

>> No.21513840

read the first law again

>> No.21513846

> Really weirdly boringly done
You can say that about all that authors books. Possibly interesting ideas but the execution is always meh at best. You're right about his lesbian fetish, all his series have lesbian MC's but then weirdly seems to make them non-sexual. They are like smut books without any smut so all you're left with is ... nothing.

>> No.21513859

Oh this is a trend with him? Oh dear. I'm not opposed to something being fetish fulfillment but fuck's sake make something of it. It's also got that annoying trend of every character having the same 'voice' so I'll... Probably at least finish book 1 just to see, but yeah likely to drop the series. I think I've pretty much plumbed the depths for good LitRPGs and I'm sort of scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Only a good handful of really good ones, and a few ones I don't mind. Only like one I've actively just hated (Ten Realms, I don't understand its popularity, it's SO bad), which might just say something about my low standards. I've only dropped like three series, at least.

>> No.21513884

> I think I've pretty much plumbed the depths for good LitRPGs and I'm sort of scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
I've read more than my fair share. Which ones did you like and I'll see if I can recommend some more?

>> No.21513909

I'd like this too, really enjoyed Eisenhorn but haven't come across anything that quite hits that note

>> No.21513918

lmao this

>> No.21513921

>decide to browse amazon for something new or interesting for the first time in 2 years
>literally everything is sponsored self published litrpg
holy shit the genre is dead and i say good riddance

>> No.21513925

I find zlib under another domain, I dunno if it's the same one since I only use it to try find rare books and haven't got a hit yet

>> No.21514028

isekai gamer shit?

>> No.21514071

First Law Trilogy
Old Man’s War

>> No.21514141
File: 88 KB, 500x779, Caliban's War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caliban's War, The Expanse #2 - James S.A. Corey (Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck)

I've seen complaints that the second book is too much of the same. There's a lot of structural similarity and although the content itself differs that may not be enough. I don't mind that much about between book repetition, but I do have concerns about within-in book repetition. Despite these similarities this one has more silly moments, which isn't what I prefer in this context, but they don't affect much. The plot is unknown forces trying to provoke a war between Earth and Mars, protomolecule mishaps, subterfuge, investigation, and political metaphors. This series isn't so much about the plot for me, which could deliver far more on what one might presume it to eventually be about, as it is about the characters and how they make it through the various situations they find themselves in.

As for the viewpoints, I hope you didn't mind Miller because they have all similarities with him. Particularly in that they're traumatized, obsessed, and prone to recklessness bordering on self-destructiveness. James Holden retains his savior complex and sense of moral superiority that leads to the occasional narcissistic and paranoid moments. Chrisjen Avasarala is the UN deputy undersecretary who treats everything as a political game. Roberta (Bobbie) Draper is a traumatized Martian marine seeking revenge and has an especially imposing stature. Praxidike Meng is a botanist who is divorced from his wife and arguably reality, whose only goal is to find his missing four year old daughter. He's one of my least liked characters in the series, book and show. I like the female cast of characters considerably more overall. In the TV series anyway, though it seems that it'll be the same here.

My primary complaint this time is the chronology. There are seemingly conflicting statements about how much time has passed since the first book. That may be because of how unclear the durations of their space travels often are. This is one of my most common complaints, though in most cases I let it slide by without much notice. I also felt that child prostitution, which is only mentioned, was an inordinate focus. The first thought of almost every character seems to go in that direction when thinking of children, especially the aforementioned missing daughter. The population dynamics are so dumb that I try to entirely ignore them. None of this does much to damper my enjoyment, though in the context of a book that I liked less they would.

The differences from the show so far aren't of any major consequence that I can remember. Bobbie is different, mostly in her sexual effect on men and how they respond to her, which more than flirts with fetishization. There was one point where I was surprised because it didn't happen in the TV series, but it turned out not to matter that much, which was disappointing. Overall, I still rather enjoy it.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.21514180


>> No.21514213

His best imo is Transmigration of Timothy Archer. Feels like he really swung for the fences of real literature with that one

>> No.21514215

I noticed that just the other day. It's either that or globohom-approved sludge.

>> No.21514224

Bridge of Birds

>> No.21514262

Salvation War.
Since the author is dead, never actually published, and never finished the 3rd book, has anyone else tried taking a crack at the concept?

>> No.21514271

I feel a little bad for you knowing that you have watched the TV series before reading the book. You’ve already built up how the characters act and look, while the TV series tries it doesn’t properly portray Holden for example as he is in the books, when I read them I never saw the narcissistic aspects that are a lot more prevalent in the screen play.
It has been awhile since I’ve read it and I usually just remember the things I liked about books I enjoyed, so there could be an argument that I’m seeing it through the lens of nostalgia. Either way glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.21514368

Maybe I was unclear in that I think Holden's emotionality was more clear in the book than the TV series because only the book has inner monologues. Anyone who thinks they are the only one who can the solar system and thinks they're always right is at least somewhat narcissistic. Or how goes on about how he could seduce any woman he sets his eyes. Being self-righteous is itself a narcissistic trait. When Meng appeals to his vanity by saying only HE can help him, he was going to do so regardless of what he had to say. Yes, only I can save you. There's a lot more to it than that. It's the main reason why I've seen him be called insufferable, but I don't really mind. Though it's mostly in his thoughts as his actions can be explained in various ways.

>> No.21514467

maybe thats becauze that scratches a deeper point of fantasy vs sci fi. in fantasy you have a dirth of historical conventions you can allude to, take from, or use as inspiration straight up. while sci-fi often entails you having to start from a much less rich basis since you are often describing things in a future. where you would have to explain the particularities more explicitly.

>> No.21514495

You mean "dearth", not "dirth", and that means a lack of, not a lot of. Sci-fi is just as often the past, but in the future. There are countless SF books that are "what if Rome, but it's the future" and so many others.

>> No.21514496

I haven't read that one, only the first VALIS some 6 years ago. Would you recommend jumping into it after such a long break?

>> No.21514497
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How is Lawhead's Arthur series Pendragon Cycle? It was huge in the 80's but not as much now.

>> No.21514540

Could it also be chalked up to the idea of having these hyper developed societies and/or complex scientific ideas. Then these will require some sort of deeper explanation or require some quite critical thought about the subject and thus causing the pace of the story to stutter? Hell for fantasy it’s mostly relatable to human history in one way or another, and for magic no one has to explain shit. If they need to the engine for it can just be made up/built into the plot. So it’s easier to dodge the sometimes boring or excessive challenges of a building a sci-fi world.

>> No.21514578

The Hobbit reads like a bedtime story, which is exactly what it is. It's not meant to be some monumental work of literature.

>> No.21514583

You act like you're unaware that there are many different types of within any genre. Most science fiction these days has very little science unless. You talk like hard science fiction is the norm, which it isn't. This also isn't the age of Clarke, Asimov, or others. For the most part, science fiction is now just futuristic fantasy. Star Wars won almost completely.

>> No.21514635

The Witcher: The tower of the swallow.

>> No.21514647

The jungle book(s)

>> No.21514696

>write fantasy story
>devise a magic system in seconds
>tfw can't decide on a name for outright violent magic

>> No.21514729


>> No.21514741

erect peenor

>> No.21514779

Just like 4chan

>> No.21514786

I was 30,000 pages into LOTM when I realized it's Backlund, not Buckland

>> No.21514889

Listening to an audiobook while cooking, actually.
Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut (the man who wrote Slaughterhouse Five)
Narrated by Jonathan Davis (the man who read the Book of the New Sun)

>> No.21514918
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5 chapters in and I just can't get into it. I don't know why, but whenever I'm trying to read, I just phase out and become uninterested. I'm sure it's a good book, but I don't think it's for me right now. Maybe I'll pick it back up another time.

>> No.21514921

We know who Vonnegut is, fren

>> No.21514977

Are you implying The Wandering Inn and I Shall Seal the Heavens are on the same level as mother of learning?

>> No.21515046

Her boobs are extremely low.

>> No.21515059

He looks so silly with his big arms

>> No.21515074


>> No.21515111

>magic system
Into the trash it goes. Magic ought to be magic, a world breaking mystical abherration, not an RPG rulebook

>> No.21515120

it's a magic school, bruh
i can't exactly harry potter this shit

that kind of magic is mysticism in my setting, by the way
it's not common because most users unexist themselves by fucking up

>> No.21515122


>> No.21515123

Goddammit, Tolkien, back in your grave!

>> No.21515180

Not really

>> No.21515187


>> No.21515311
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>> No.21515323
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i started reading Neverness by David Zindell last night
am i in for a good time? i can barely find any info about the book/series online

>> No.21515324

Yes it still works in some defined way, there has to be some rules and explanations

>> No.21515369
File: 567 KB, 1600x900, 1664533441943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get recommended the game final fantasy 14 since my friend knows i read and said it's one of the best game stories ever written
>Play it since he usually has good taste
>It's the most basic, exposition loving 4/10 fantasy story i've ever read, the main character is a blank slate due to it being an mmo
I honestly had higher expectations. It's apparently gotten tons of awards for best story

>> No.21515418

Heroes Die by Matthew Stover.
protagonist has a super hot warrior-monk teenage fangirl who lusts after his old man cock but he's hung up on his ex-wife so when the hot girl basically spreads her legs for him he says no way fag and the girl dies to his nemesis when his EX WIFE distracts the hot girl so it's a double slap from the author

>> No.21515647

>>one of the best game stories ever written
Well, he's not wrong. The bar's just low.

>> No.21515658

Oh, I've read a fair amount too... Let's see, my favourite is probably Dungeon Crawler Carl. Recent ones I've enjoyed are... Falling With Folded Wings was surprisingly decent. Unbound felt like it was competent and enjoyable but I never really loved it. Ripple System I enjoyed whenever it wasn't doing PvE stuff (because it's just not really interesting that part). Path of Ascension I found had actually very interesting world-building stuff going on, even if it's actually just a xianxia in a LitRPG coat. Underverse I've enjoyed well enough, though I keep forgetting to go back to it. Primal Hunter is probably one of the bigger ones I actually enjoyed, though it's, like Unbound, sort of nothing special, though I enjoy it a LITTLE more than Unbound solely for the fact that the protagonist has a personality. Infinite Realm was messy and amateur-ishly written but had very good character and worldbuilding. One I read that I sort of enjoyed but sort of didn't, and I'll be honest I have no idea how to feel about it given it's not done, was Divine Apostasy. And for more parodic stuff I enjoyed This Quest Is Bullshit. The only ones I've really disliked that're quite big as He Who Fights with Monsters and Defiance of the Fall. The former because it was clear that Jason wasn't ever gonna be a protagonist I enjoyed, and the Earth stuff just put me off. The latter because good god that author doesn't know how to have an interesting main character. Zac is a block of wood.
This turned into something of a rant, but yeah. I'm sure there's still some good ones, and I may have forgotten a few here and there, but hey.

>> No.21515662

Have you ever seen a woman that wasn’t in porn

>> No.21515746
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Heard wonders of this book. Just bought it. Whats /lit/ take on it?

>> No.21515767

If you're looking for a good story, with a protagonist who actually does stuff, then this is not for you. If, however, you're looking for a literary sci-fi stunt that questions the possibility of rational alien contact, then yes, enjoy.

>> No.21515799

I can understand disliking He Who Fights with Monsters, I hated it, but I'm surprised you didn't like Defiance of the Fall - that's probably the best constant power-up / progression series out there.

The most like Dungeon Crawler Carl that come to mind, as in the authors are at least semi-competent (though with less humour), are: Ascend Online, Awaken Online, The Stork Tower, Tower of Somnus, Reborn: Apocalypse, Emerilia.

>> No.21515866
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I swear to god isekai in general is hampered by the fact it's a some utterly common person that gets transported to some fantasy world, only to somehow excel at his new surroundings because of bullshit. Reverse is far too rarely seen.

>> No.21515867

I dunno what it was about DotF that put me off besides the characterisation of Zac. I think it was the fact that it didn't feel like much stuff mattered? I dunno, it just fell off for me. It has some good stuff in it for sure, but we're stuck to the most boring man in the entire setting.
Also, I've read Tower of Somnus, at least the first book, and it was... Fine? Too many errors in the text to really be enjoyable, but neat enough concept. Have heard of the Online ones, haven't heard of the others you've listed. Can sort of guess most of the premises except Emerilia.

>> No.21515873

Well, often it'll be that it's sort of a "this is a world they can finally put themselves to use and they take it way better than their normal one", which is fair enough I suppose. One isekai thing that I do know that handled the "protagonist's world isn't actually Earth it actually has supernatural bullshit too" is The Beginning After The End. Protag's world had sort of magic kung-fu shit going on, and he's just kind of like "wait what magic is a thing here?". He has a frame of reference for supernatural abilities, but it's a different deal.

>> No.21516033

I-i-it gets good 300 hours in!!
Never trust a XIV cultist opinion

>> No.21516038

I'm currently reading through The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and it does a really good job at portraying how a normal victim of isekai would act

eg. he's terrified, powerless, reluctant, and doesn't even believe what's happening to him is real and fears more his peril in the real world

>> No.21516156

The reason fantasy is more popular than scifi is because a bunch of autist ruined the scifi genre. Scifi used to be about Science Fiction, using FICTIONal tech in the future and how society would work around it.
Now you have a bunch of fucks who graduated with PHD in some STEM field, crying about how "that isn't how that works", so you are ending up with a bunch of Science Factual stories. Hard science fiction took the fun out of scifi, and it doesn't help that you get the autists crying about how FTL travel is impossible, it's a fucking fictional book, and they ruined an entire genre because they couldn't turn their brain off.
These same fuckers don't realise that a lot of tech we have today was created first in someone's scifi novel, and scientist that grew up on that shit tried to make it a reality.
Fucking hate the hard scifi crowd for what they did the genre.

>> No.21516239

What are you talking about? Hard SF is a minor part of SF. Basically no one reads it and it has minimal influence.

>> No.21516252

I don't see why not. I haven't read Martian Time Slip yet i should mention, no reason not to start with that one like you were planning.
Game Players of Titan is also a hidden gem of Dick. It's when he was still in sci-fi schlock mode but the themes are as advanced as his later work imo.

>> No.21516257


>> No.21516271

I just find fantasy to be more enjoyable to actually read. It's often comfortable (even if grimdark) and it's easier to escape into

>> No.21516311

My opinion could be skewed by my choices in reading for science fiction. I admit I read more space oriented books. There are still other sci-fi books I still need to read, easy examples are neuromancer and snow crash, that have futuristic societies and aren’t based in space. I can cede to your point, thinking back about the newer sci-fi books I’ve read they do tend to be more of a space opera than a hard science book.

>> No.21516329


>> No.21516390

Possible reason American authors of sci-fi are focused on hard science is that the US government has put out support for these types of books. The reasoning behind this is to encourage people who are interested to think about how the future of warfare could/will look like. Back in 2015 when Ghost fleet came out there was a big scare amongst pentagon officials about how we were not prepared for cyber attacks on our major infrastructure. Could be a possible reason for some hard sci-fi?

>> No.21516560

ongoing web series:

The Wandering Inn
Dungeon Crawler Carl (in Pateron)
Pale Lights

Actual Book : Good Omens

>> No.21516577

are you implying that MoL and ISSH are at the same level as TWI?

>> No.21516579

Mother of Learnig has an interesting story and concept but the writing is very bland.
I haven't read ISStH but Wandering Inn is defenetly better on a lot of aspects than MoL.

>> No.21516580

Re-reading my space sci-fi favourites Spiral Wars and Fallen angel, and looking for something that would appeal to me like they do, with little luck so far.

>> No.21516589

your expectations were just too high.
it is a pretty good story (for a game) and can be a fun game, especially with friends.

also where are you? i honestly only think it gets to the territory of "good" in shadowbringers.

>> No.21516606

I think you could name at least 5 better without trying too hard.

>> No.21516623


I think the problem with the arguments around FF14 is that it's story is competent but quite uneven and requires you to buy it's premise and side with the protagonist's side and decisions the Crystal makes. I forget her actual name but personally I found this supposed benefactor of ours to be the biggest villian in the story, not to mention how moronic much of what they get up to is. I couldn't be arsed to finish endwalker I was so frustrated by the turn the story took and chose to go read webnovel infamous for meandering and going nowhere instead because it was more interesting.

Don't get me wrong, story has it's moments, it's good arcs Heaven's ward is one I remember most fondly myself. But in general it's only a good, great really, story for an MMO not a great video game story or a good story in general.

>> No.21516626

Mol is garbage, ISSH is pretty good, haven't read twi because it's for females and feminine men.

>> No.21516645

>because it's for females and feminine men

You are self-sabotazing yourself and missing out on a great story.

>> No.21516734

Its subjective, it may be great, but for me I really can't stand the female point of view, I just don't like it.

>> No.21516768

Rereading all non-Dune Herbert.
Just marathoned the Pandora cycle, Direct Descent, The Green Brain, Hellstrom’s Hive, The Santaroga Barrier, and The White Plague.

>> No.21516821

>Scifi used to be about Science Fiction, using FICTIONal tech in the future and how society would work around it.
Wow, how boring, uninteresting, and not conducive the medium of fantastical stories.

>> No.21516840

There are a lot (a LOT) of PoVs in the story but fair , it takes a while until you start seeing male PoVs.

I think the first is from Tom and then we have the twins that are essentialy Flos chapters.

>> No.21516867

I used to love fantasy novels. I would devour hundreds of pages a day and be utterly lost in the imaginative worlds described within them. I could picture every face, every tree, every building -- it was like I was a watching a movie.
But something changed a few years ago. Now when I read, I can't imagine anything. It's like my imaginations left me. I read the words, but no pictures accompany them. It...depresses me, because I can no longer enjoy these books.
Does anyone know why my mind has become like this?

>> No.21516896

Have you sustained head trauma? Have you had experienced other neurological changes, possibly from drug use, whether prescription or recreational. Has there been a severe shift in your psychological state?

>> No.21516900

You're not reading anything interesting enough. You're numbed to the topics most Fantasy novels cover. Take a break, try reading some literature, and come back when you feel that spark again.

>> No.21516908

Aphantasia. Some people have it from birth, others later on. Usually linked to depression or traumatic experiences or brain damage.

>> No.21516929

>Have you sustained head trauma?
>neurological changes,
I don't believe so.
>whether prescription or recreational
I don't do weed or alcohol, and the only prescribed medicine I use are tropical creams for my skin
>Has there been a severe shift in your psychological state?
Only anxiety
> try reading some literature
I suppose I could try something more classical
I really hope this isn't the case. Reading used to be one of my passions

>> No.21516934

It's a horrible book. Only thing of his I've read, but I have no interest in his other work because of it.

>> No.21517045


>> No.21517143
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Just picked up some new material bros. Can anyone vouch?

>> No.21517150

Comfy slow burner that pays off big time in the latter half

>> No.21517195

Robin Hobbs called it "brilliant"
let us know what you thought

>> No.21517235

I rather liked it.
You're a sick fuck.

>> No.21517277
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Enjoying pic related a lot. Anything similar I should read next? Dark and grimy but funny, reads like a D&D adventure. I've already read Between Two Fires.

>> No.21517341

just read it recently, as far as maritime fantasy goes it's pretty great and the world isn't just DnD so that's a plus

>> No.21517382

You're saturated. Read something different for a while, expand your horizons

>> No.21517413

The Girl Who Drank The Moon by Kelly Barnhill
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
The Martian by Andy Weir

>> No.21517465
File: 24 KB, 600x499, sgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fantasy books in your opinion(s) develops the most interesting world with autism levels of worldbuilding?
also i asked this earlier but i already read what i was responded to with; any good books that have similar vibes to the game Kenshi?

>> No.21517475

Define "autism levels of worldbuilding"

>> No.21517480

just a ton of detail about everything involved with the world, its locations, its factions and their relations, flora/fauna.. basically all the stuff thats not just the protagonist(s) and their story alone.
a world that feels so well thought-out that it seems tangible.

>> No.21517485

My book when it comes out. I'll let you know.

>> No.21517505

It's a YA series but I'm rereading Skulduggery Pleasant and I'm honestly surprised with how much it holds up. I wouldn't go so far as to describe it as "autistic levels of worldbuilding" since it's kind of an urban fantasy set in our world, but there's some pretty rich history to the world and the magic and characters are pretty fleshed out.

>> No.21517507


>> No.21517543

Some xianxia come to mind, tho more because I've been reading too much of it lately, still - the sheer stupid level of characters and factions involved in something like against the gods is impresive, given their importance is, mostly, maintained throughout the series rather than discarded out of hand.

>> No.21517549

>what fantasy books in your opinion(s) develops the most interesting world with autism levels of worldbuilding?
Malazan desu

>> No.21517577

>the bone ships
Isn't there another book from the 50s with a similar title, about vikings?

>> No.21517590

Whatever happened to that Bird-anon that wanted to write a shitload of books about some bird world or something from a few years back

>> No.21517625
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>> No.21517706

Read Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21517789

I didn't expect anything from Sanderson's lootbox and I'm still disappointed.

>> No.21517799
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>at the end
what about the beginning?

>> No.21517811

I miss when AI art looked like the advent of Cthulhu

>> No.21517813

Should've just gave us two shirts.

>> No.21517817

That would have required him to give two shits first

>> No.21517827
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Do you actually want excessive detail or do you just want to read something that gives _the impression_ of a fully realised world?

>> No.21517836

i like both, but you can just recommend whatever you personally think is good

>> No.21517851

Should i read the Shannara books?

>> No.21517869

only if you have absolutely nothing better to read

>> No.21517877

They're incredibly generic but reasonably well polished. The Gears of War of fantasy, if you will.

>> No.21517893

Little, Big

>> No.21518155

was it a native NZ bird? Because that guy is into finger lime breeding now

>> No.21518161

The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers. I'm enjoying it so far but I have a thang for time travel books

>> No.21518223
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If Brandon Sanderson is so great then why don't any of his books have movies or shows?

>> No.21518286

No I remember some anon was here and in /tg/ for worldbuilding. I think he was workshopping some dozen book long epic fantasy saga of the history of some world inhabited by bird people. I can't remember anything else it was a few years ago.

>> No.21518292

It'll absolutely happen eventually. Even Goodkind got an adaptation for the fucking sword of truth. I'm sure Sanderson has already sold television/film rights off and is in contact with a company. Just depends if it'll be Mistborn or whatever the super long popular series he's writing is called.

>> No.21518293

It's a matter of time unfortunately

>> No.21518302

how hardcore is a title like the godslayer out of 10

>> No.21518428

can you reread works you previously enjoyed and imagine the scenes? then no your imagination hasn't left you

>> No.21518515

What do you mean by hardcore?

>> No.21518516

*goyslayer. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.21518519

kek nice try

>> No.21518617

What's with all gay pedo shit in The Darkness that Comes Before

>> No.21518650

It's a critique of modern leftism

>> No.21518800

right. It has potential, especially if he made every character know it's position in the pecking ladder because all birds know their place

>> No.21518892
File: 48 KB, 282x475, 951749._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I just read The Dying Earth and I'm so fucking blow away by this book. The writing style. The imagination. The sense of adventure. This is what I've been searching for.

Just listen to this shit

>Said Shierl, "Would not the craft to destroy Blikdak be contained here?"
>"Indeed, indeed; our task would be merely to find the information. Under which casing would we search? Consider these categories: Demonlands; Killings and Mortefactions; Expositions and Dissolutions of Evil; History of Granvilunde (where such an entity was repelled) ; Attractive and Detractive Hyperordnets; Therapy for Hallucinants and Ghost-takers; Constructive Journal, item for regeneration of burst walls, sub-division for invasion by demons; Procedural Suggestions in Time of Risk . . . Aye, these and a thousand more. Somewhere is knowledge of how to smite Blikdak's abhorred face back into his quasiplace. But where to look? There is no Index Major; none except the poor synopsis of my compilation. He who seeks specific knowledge must often go on an extended search . . ." His voice trailed off. Then: "Forward! Forward through the banks to the Mechanismus."

How can anyone not love this?

>> No.21518931

I love Vance and Dying Earth is excellent, but what you posted is a bad example outside of context. I think I know what's going on only because I think I recognize the particular story.

>> No.21518934

well he gets back with his wife... only for her to stop caring about him in the next book... and then he finds a crazy horse girl in the fourth book
yeah the romance is completely unsatisfying, thankfully this isn't about romance, it's just a backdrop

>> No.21518949

Between Two Fires. It's alright, largely overrated by the normalfag crowd. I like the setting though.

>> No.21518954

>no mummy I need foreshadowing for everything
Go back whence you came.

>> No.21518978

careful youll ruffle the local wolfefags feathers

>> No.21518987

Tried reading Orion Shall Rise but it's just... it's neither character focused as in they are driving the plot, nor is the setting reasonable by any stretch of the imagination since there are computers and lasers, but somehow also scarcity and mixtures of tech like in an age of empires game where a pro plays a noob

Yeah i've really tried finding good post apocalyptic books that aren't zombie horde trash, but so far nothing really seems to be just a standard post apocalyptic setting.

Canticle for Leibowitz starts off sweet but changes the setting after 100 or so pages
Riddley Walker is ok, but still mostly focused on the author wanting to be weird and having a weird language because "muh language will change in the future"
One second after is american trash literature with super erratic people doing weird shit 3 days into being disconnected from the grid
The Road is fucking awesome but focuses mostly on the man and the boy
Alas Babylon was ok, but mostly an apocalyptic novel and things go back to normality instead of turning into a post apocalyptic setting

So what i have left to read is Earth Abides and The Death of Grass, but honestly my hopes of reading something with a reasonable post apocalyptic setting aren't really high.

Tl;dr - anyone got recommendations on good post apocalyptic literature that is mostliy hard SF and thus not zombie shlock?

>> No.21519072

o yeah, also read Roadside Picnic and Metro 2033 but they were meh, and i can't be bothered with I am Legend due to having seen parts of both movies and getting completely turned off by them.

Help a brotha out, is there anything out there that i'm missing or is post apocalyptic literature similar to Mad Max or Fallout completely unexplored?

>> No.21519076

Now read Cugel's books

>> No.21519094

Insane how he wrote both the best and the second best fantasy ever (first Dying Earth and then Suldrun's Garden) Welcome to the fold, Vancebro

>> No.21519141

>tfw you post your first chapter
why am i stressing?

>> No.21519166

Sounds like you've been taking anti depressants and they've lobotomized you.

>> No.21519176

As it has been established, Wolfe fans love Vance and both are great. You are just a faggot.

>> No.21519213

or goyslop/grain brain

>> No.21519376

stopped reading here

>> No.21519524
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It was actually really good

>> No.21519558

Just read the first chapter of The Final Empire. Vin seems like she'd be hot

>> No.21519618

Wtf is his problem

>> No.21519921

No, If you don't worship BOTNS as the greatest dying earth book ever written instead of the medicore novel that it really is then wolfefags will proceed to seethe and cope and rage incessantly

>> No.21519980
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why are the dialogues so absurdly long

>> No.21520021

Don't you lie to me anon. If I pick it up and it's shit I'm coming for you.

>> No.21520033

Bad translations

>> No.21520078

many years ago I was recommended a book here that I never got round to reading and eventually forgot the name.
The gist was that the universe was collapsing, there was an expanding sphere at the centre and a collapsing boundary at the edges and the story followed a ship or a group of ships trying to find a way to survive the collapse of existence, im finally all caught up on my back log and would like to read this, can anybody offer me a name?

>> No.21520114

harry potter and the fellowship of the ring

>> No.21520180

It's awful.

>> No.21520184

cugel the hateful
cugel the crass
cugel the rapeful
cugel the fast

>> No.21520187

>similar to Mad Max
Damnation Alley is about a road trip through a post apocalyptic hellscape

>> No.21520188

poles don’t know how to be succinct.

>> No.21520473

I generally can pirate whatever gets recommended here but I couldn't find Zothique to pirate anywhere
If anyone has a copy, please upload it somewhere thanks

>> No.21520485

This is a shitpost right? That reads terribly.

>> No.21520513


>> No.21520531
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>> No.21520549

Artists are living memes.

>> No.21520559

Please recommend me fantasy where the MC's problems are not resolved with fighting. eg Jack Vance. I don't mean this in a hippie faggot way I'm just fucking bored of fight scenes.

>> No.21520562

It's literally public domain dude.

>> No.21520604

Enjoy reading the word "orichalcum" 6000 times.

>> No.21520643


>> No.21520669
File: 126 KB, 540x690, 0b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a serious addiction to mmorpgs and rpgs in general, I like to level up, I like to test classes and builds, I like to adventure, so LITRPG for me is paradise, a pity that most of the LITRPG I read are very weak, mediocre authors

My wish is for the genre to improve, but it will take time.

>> No.21520677

Have you read the Russians?

>> No.21520684

i dont think so, tell me about it

>> No.21520688
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1440, JoeAbercrombieRacingThruPlots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Law Trilogy

>> No.21520711

Russian litrpg authors. Try The way of the Shaman by Vasily Mahanenko, Dark Herbalist by Michael Atamanov and Level Up by Dan Sugralinov for a starter kit. The translations can be a bit wonky at times, but if you like litrpg you are a forgiving reader.

>> No.21520715

>but if you like litrpg you are a forgiving reader.
nta, but not because you like litrpg means you will accept trash.

>> No.21520716

How will I recover. There's no coming back from that one.

>> No.21520722

Do NOT bring that faggot out of hiding. Please.

>> No.21520732
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holy copium
t. writer

>> No.21520771

Thanks anon

Ah I didn't realize. I checked on Gutenberg but apparently they are too shit to keep good books.
I wonder public domain stuff is even being archived other than archive.org
Imagine if we lost that site. This is why I back up everything I need locally.

>> No.21520933

It's very wholesome
Chapter 2 spoiler the whole thing is narrated by hoid

>> No.21521235

I'm judging the fuck out of that cover bro

>> No.21521302

they were some of the best levels in Donkey Kong Returns tho

>> No.21521331
File: 48 KB, 293x420, 293px-Ivan_the_Terrible_&_son_-_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want his writers to be so fully enthralled in their passion and obsession towards their craft that they look like a disheveled mess who has seen god and has completely abandoned physical niceties to focus their masterworks, putting heart and soul and blood and sweat and piss and shit into it with their full lifeforce.

This is why you will never be a great author.




>> No.21521413

Well what did you no enjoy about it anon?

>> No.21521422

the cover looks ok except for the stiff pose on the girl. Rather mediocre posing.

>> No.21521430
File: 128 KB, 720x1280, 7c11472b7e08a93f7f8a03fa77c30091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually surprising since the illustrator usually does stuff like this

>> No.21521455
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female on the cover

>> No.21521469
File: 38 KB, 860x1006, thinkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like magic school stories
>the only good ones I've been able to find were written by women

>> No.21521474

It's only a matter of time before he does. Why do you think he's keeping his nose clean and not harshly criticizing what Amazon did to WoT?

>> No.21521480

Can you provide some examples?
(asking for a friend)

>> No.21521495

those people on the bottom will be much happier when AI takes over their job then smile

>> No.21521513
File: 18 KB, 296x450, 1653166948913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...It's over.

>> No.21521520

Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan and the Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik. They have a lot of weird similarities now that I'm thinking about them side by side, but it could just be I was looking for something similar to Black Magician Trilogy this whole time and am glad I finally found it.

>> No.21521528

I remember reading the Black Magician stuff way back when, but I remember remarkably little. Is that the one where the protagonist ends up leaving without telling his parents, but tells his friend to tell his parents but then when he goes back it turns out like a few hours after he left his friend fell down and became functionally insensate from head trauma so his parents just thought the protagonist fucking died? Or is that another series I read around the same time? I know it was either that or another that's escaping me.

>> No.21521541

>Is that the one where...
Nope. Completely different story, cause the protagonist is a girl. It's a setting where only aristocrats become magicians normally, but due to circumstances the protagonist, Sonea, is inducted into the magician's guild due to her immense potential, despite being from the slums. I call it a "magic school" story but really only the second book is entirely set in the guild's school for young magicians, a lot of the first book is taken up by Sonea evading capture in the slums, and third book is also set outside the guild for a lot of its length. But I always remember it for the magic school parts.

>> No.21521548

Yeah even though they're babbys first high fantasy (literally were that for me) they're really decent and fun
I might read Sword again if I find it cheap in some charity shop

>> No.21521564

>Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
Years ago I made an attempt to read this. It was just terrible from the very first chapter and got only worse with later chapters

>> No.21521572

It's basically everything I want from a magic school story and I haven't been able to find anything that comes close until Scholomance. And not for lack of trying, either. Anything that seems even remotely similar I give a try.

>> No.21521577

Roid biceps

>> No.21521593

Ugh.. I didn't want to mention this but Choice of magic, the first two books were ok, even good, but the series went downhill so fast with the third and later books.

>> No.21521597

Huh. Trying to remember what the hell series I was thinking of. I know it had the notion of "protagonist finds out he's magic and goes to magic school" in a more contemporary fantasy setting, and it had that thing that I remember for just how dumb it was.

>> No.21521628

I'll give it a shot, but the blurb doesn't really sound like magic school so much as magical apprentice, which is adjacent but not exactly the same kind of story. I did like Magician by Raymond E. Feist though, so I might be able to enjoy it anyway.

>> No.21521682

her left leg would be higher and it would be nice if she was twisting a bit to reach. But it's also gay in general

>> No.21521692

I don't want to sound like an insufferable faggot but I think he's natty. He's mainly just in shape with low body fat.
Roids hit shoulders and traps a lot.

The stereotypical unbalanced look of someone having big biceps and chest and small everything else is a natty look because those 2 things respond best to training and actually aren't hit as hard by steroids as other parts. And I'm not just being a fanboy because I don't even know who he is

>> No.21521702

Post his pic on fit and see what they say
I'm 90% sure he's roiding in that photo
Veins sticking out like that are a giveaway

>> No.21521723

There is definitely magic academy. If you find it ok or even like it, don't read book 3 or heaven forbit book 4 or 5.

I also tried reading Magician and the moment they got into that cave, literally stepped in and found a dragon and all the treasures that no one in hundreds of years managed to find just made me lose all interest. Also main magician kept talking like some some senile patient with dementia, talking literally about nothing and never getting to the actual point (because he forgot or there never was any point that he tried to make)

>> No.21521736

>There is definitely magic academy. If you find it ok or even like it, don't read book 3 or heaven forbit book 4 or 5.
Good to hear it's magic academy. I'll probably like it then. Starved for stuff like this. And it's no good telling me that, I'll probably have to learn the hard way.

>I also tried reading Magician and the moment they got into that cave, literally stepped in and found a dragon and all the treasures that no one in hundreds of years managed to find just made me lose all interest
I first read the series when I was around 13 years old, and didn't have a lot of experience with fantasy, so for me it still holds a lot of nostalgic value. I think the story Feist co-wrote with Janny Wurts is a lot better than Magician.

>> No.21521779

what is the appeal of magic academy stuff?

>> No.21521789

Teen drama.

>> No.21521812

fit are certified retards man.

He may well be roiding, I just think the places he builds muscles and where he doesn't is the natty pattern. The vein is mainly low fat and probably heat, there is quite a big vein there for a lot of people

>> No.21521819

I liked to vicariously experience a school life that was interesting and cool, since mine wasn't either of these things. Going to school in a suburb in a flyover state as an extremely nerdy book worm in the 1990s isn't a great experience.

>> No.21521865
File: 439 KB, 1080x1069, sad girl in snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dread finishing Lord of the Mysteries because I won't have anything to look forward to until LOTM2 finishes

>> No.21521902

What's the prose like in Tigana? I've been recommended it but the plot synopsis seems really boring. I'll read it if the writing itself is good though

>> No.21521928

You know you can read a free excerpt on amazon, right?

>> No.21521929

Would you guys read a book about an indebted sealer who has first contact with natives and runs away with them and then does some nasty shit with warring tribes, gets disillusioned ad goes home?

I assume it's been done before, Dances with Wolves maybe but I've never read anything like it and would probably do an awful job of it.

>> No.21521965

Yes, as long as no love stories and no female drama.

>> No.21521981

kek the only women in it will be victims, people don't really think about how women were treated in savage times.

I'll post you a link when I finish, approx. 3 years I suppose

>> No.21522073
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x768, Tress of the Emerald Sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read her book

>> No.21522094

>check wrists
Nah. Just looks like he cut weight for a jacket photo like an utter faggot.

>> No.21522103

>hungry skeleton with big breast
Didn't know Sanderson was into the prepubescent boy looking women that americans are obsessed with.

>> No.21522109

Fat sausage fingers typed this post.

>> No.21522177

this looks AI generated

>> No.21522517

It's real

>> No.21522630

Sigzil's "flight across the space-era Cosmere" book at the end of the year is the first Sanderson I've been looking forward to in years

>> No.21522635

or someone just AI generated it and said they manually done it

>> No.21522837

its real
i did it

>> No.21523034
File: 156 KB, 946x537, 1671267300747976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where u at and what do u think about the work?
im thinking about starting

sad girl in skyrim

>> No.21523041

New thread

>> No.21523164

that's what you would say tho