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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 193 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230102_012940_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21508463 No.21508463 [Reply] [Original]

I have spent many hours on this over the last 16 days, 13,309 words 40 pages. Enjoy.


>> No.21508492
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fucking chance

>> No.21508498

meds & BBC

>> No.21508529

Wow you must really have come up with something profound after those two weeks.

>> No.21508533

you know there is a special department at ____ where they specifically monitor for this exact keyword?

>> No.21508602

Please stop posting this homo.
>look at me I’m aheckin trustworthy American! See my pipe? I’m like fuckin Popeye the sailor man! Yes indeed!

Cringe faggots

>> No.21508660


If you're over the age of 15 and think that OPs picture is cool or edgy I want you to genuinely do some self reflection because goddamn that is embarrassing

>> No.21508682
File: 31 KB, 640x415, natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21508688

This poster's overreaction was so gay and dishonest seeming that I am now assuming anyone who smokes a pipe is honest

>> No.21508731

Don't you realise you just got put on a watchlist for this post?
Also nazism is for massive faggots.

>> No.21508747
File: 97 KB, 1200x900, Mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe I have said anything extreme, nor hateful nor dangerous. My positions have been well reasoned and thought out.

>> No.21508852
















Just kill yourself, Glow faggot

>> No.21508864

Include me in the screencap when this hits the news

>> No.21508866

Does the Rockwell anon have a life? I come here once every 1-2 weeks and he always has a ton of posts. Guy is a clown

>> No.21508880

i'd understand if he posted this on red boards like /pol/ where there are feds lurking there, i highly doubt that there are glowies lurking on /lit/

>> No.21508884

that's what we want you to think

>> No.21508885

I think jannies or mods handle reporting suspicious posts to feds assigned to 4tranny

>> No.21508886

Kek. Whole website is /pol/ more or less. Jannies are glowies. That is why they don’t do anything here

>> No.21508887

>i highly doubt that there are glowies lurking on /lit/


>> No.21508901

I didn't know jews were so overrepresented! 3000- 4000% overrepresentation in various media corporations and government branches. Wow! Sorry if this isn't allowed. And for the record I am NOT suicidal.

>> No.21508906

>t. anon commits suicide tonight by 3 gunshot wounds to the back of the head and uses a balloon to float the weapon to a location that will never be found

>> No.21508911

>Whole website is /pol/ more or less
no? ffs it's a containment board for some reason

>> No.21508923
File: 14 KB, 400x245, vanguard-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you engage me I'd be happy to discuss the posts you mean. To be clear, this is not my thread, nor are any of the others mine.

>> No.21508937

>here is a summary of what I have read on this website
>I will post it here, for people who also read this website
Natsoc or no this impulse is so weird to me. Teenage in the extreme.

>> No.21508945

I have no desire to engage you. You are just emblematic of the demise of /lit/. Most threads are off topic and political. I don’t care about politics one way or another but fuck you for spamming them and propaganda here. I have never voted in my life but from now on I will vote for nothing but democrats just to spite you faggots

>> No.21508961
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stay in my lane, I don't shit up threads that are unrelated to what I'm discussing. I respond when people call me out. You are emblematic of the demise of lit with your refusal to debate, engage or even read books. I am not. This is an image board, people hardly post images when they post.

>> No.21508965
File: 138 KB, 1600x960, Nazi Wallpaper 2 by TheMistRunsRed on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>21508731 I hope so, the feds can watch me alll they like. Raid me and die, I have a whole active club to fight back.

>> No.21508969

Haha, chicks with dicks don't count dude.

>> No.21508972

No pussy getting manifesto

>> No.21508973

/lit/ is a noahide board, always was

>> No.21508974

Do you post about politics? Is there a board for that? What does the sticky say?

>> No.21508976
File: 820 KB, 841x480, 1558976577882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21509022
File: 31 KB, 688x416, glows nafo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you click that link you're really stupid. Fed or more likely Antifa. Either way get the fuck out

>> No.21509024

Wait until you see what the JIDF does here.

>> No.21509036

Why does right champion Russia so much?

>> No.21509037
File: 93 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that. The interesting thing is that the Azov Battalion was an international psy-op to get white supremacists and other right wing individuals to fight and die for the ZOG. This much was obvious from the start.

>> No.21509149

woah is this today's nth teenage neo-nazi thread? so insightful and thought provoking

>> No.21509291


so why are you posting it in this shit hole ?

>> No.21510407

or a more convincing explanation:

ukraine which has historical antagonism to russia and an antagonism thats centred around ww2 actually has a couple neo nazis lying around and when a civil war started the government leant on them for support very briefly for muscle and as such arent completely purged like other countries but still remain completely marginal since their far right parties get like 2% of the vote. and like most far right groups they do lots of international neo-Nazi fun group exercises

>> No.21510424

That theory was what I believed at first. Research Azov a little more.

>> No.21510434

Azov may have started organically but the way that it is was handled in the time leading up to the SMO and after that indicates that it was long co-opted as a psyop.
The primary financial supporter is a Ukrainian Jew with lots of ties to Israel. A couple of coincidences is one thing- but when they pile up, even if there is no PROOF, it's still enough to say that something is going on.

>> No.21510440

I don’t want this board to be on the news when you have your autistic mass shooting chimp out, so I’ll be reporting this and I recommend others do the same if they want this board safe from /pol/teens who will flood it

>> No.21510448

That post just put you in a double watchlist

>> No.21510450
File: 670 KB, 1932x1702, IMG_3441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me tell you what nationalsozialismus really means!

>> No.21510459

>not wanting to expose the next gen to literature

>> No.21510491

You’ll just get the bottom of the barrel who won’t even bother to skim the Wikipedia page

>> No.21510498

They're anchovies but they can still make it

>> No.21510506

Actually I know exactly what’s going to happen, if this retard does go on a fucking shooting spree (he will certainly be raped by big black guys if he does) then the media will make some retarded connection like - does reading classic literature make you a white supremacist? There will be a fucking boldface lie about how all philosophy, literature, literary fiction etc. is made by straight old white dead men and that you should read ya novels, or at best New York Times seller middlebrow schlock garbage, to be a good boy who is accepted by society. Anyone caught reading any sort of classic literature whatsoever will be called an incel by association, zoomers will refuse to read books because of this

>> No.21510529

Extreme zionists have connections to the far right in Europe, that's not news.

>> No.21510544

They have connections to the far-right everywhere. It's how they keep things under control.
>(he will certainly be raped by big black guys if he does)
>implying the poltroon doesn't want free daily dickings

>> No.21510553

you’re not going to shoot anybody in minecraft are you pal ?

>> No.21510744

I don't know why the mods suddenly decided that /lit/ needed to become a place for braindamaged /pol/tards who enjoy spamming their meme folders.

>> No.21510746

you don't read.