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[ERROR] No.2150323 [Reply] [Original]

This just in.

>> No.2150335

I haven't read it, but his face is too big on the cover, seems a little selfish, besides, he looks like he wants so bad to take a shit, but everytime he goes only a small little crap pebble falls and he that doesn't suffice. That typography and color choice only makes it more dull.

Judging by the cover, fuck yeah that's right, deal with it.

>> No.2150345

I was going to post something about his face, too.

I decided it would be crude, but your post spurred me on:

What is with that flabby neck+jowls Mrs. Doubtfire face? Why would you even agree to have it usurping half the cover of your book, if you had it? People have books on their coffee tables and night stands. Nobody wants to wake up and look over at this cover. Nobody wants to sip a cup of coffee and see blubber jowls rubber necking (literally) at them.

>> No.2150363

I guarantee that he had to be talked down on the cover. The original was probably just his face as the entire cover.

>> No.2150365

morbidly obese neckbeard who live in mommy's basement detected

>> No.2150382

Not quite, chum.

>> No.2150394

Are you guys just being funny or really cleverly satirical, because you've just nailed Harlan Ellison down as a person.

>> No.2150491

<Are you guys just being funny or really cleverly satirical, because you've just nailed Harlan Ellison down as a person.
>you've just nailed Harlan Ellison down as a person.
>you've just nailed Harlan Ellison

>> No.2150543

Maybe I'm being trolled. Maybe I'm falling for it... but you guys are not worthy to breathe the same oxygen as this man. "Get stuffed!"

>> No.2150559

It's me again, the guy from the above post.
I'm really pissed! I mean holy crap, the guy is pushing 80, what do you expect him to look like? And wtf does any of that have to do with his talent? This guy actually worked at his craft. You know, like got of his ass, stopped whining that it was hard, and put in the effort.
Plus he'd give anyone the shirt of his back if he saw a need. Heart of fricken gold I tells ya!
Go back to you literary Pablum then and leave works like his to us grown ups.
Now stfu, adults are talking.

>> No.2150561 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 480x600, shastadude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized harlan ellison really does look like Mrs. Doubtfire

>> No.2150563

>I'm really pissed!

confirmed for mad as hell...

over a book cover?

>> No.2150565

Hyuck hyuck, you're funny. STFU

>> No.2150567

are you actually harlan ellison? only he would get so mad at somebody calling him old on the internet

>> No.2150573

Yeah, he's 80, whatever. He doesn't need to put his sagging mess of a face on the fucking cover of his book.

>> No.2150574

I'm reading the comments as personal attacks on the man. Am I reading too much into it. I don't think they're mocking the cover as much as the man on the cover. Seems malicious to me.
The man understands more about the world and the way it works, than anyone has or will for generations.

>> No.2150576

>The man understands more about the world and the way it works, than anyone has or will for generations.

Alright calm down little dog, that is going way too far. He's a smart dude and a good writer but let's not go crazy.

Also, he's a notorious asshole

>> No.2150579

Fuck no! And he would be the first one to laugh at himself and call himself old.
You kids just need to learn to respect your elders.
How does it feel to know you will never be this great?

>> No.2150580

When you are correct in your understanding and your stance, they call you "asshole".

>> No.2150585

A lot of uninformed opinions in here.

>> No.2150586

i'm not saying he's wrong

just saying he is notoriously an asshole

i respect the man, but come on

>> No.2150597

Go to Netflix or purchase 'Dreams With Sharp Teeth' and then tell me if you still think he's an asshole or if he's not the most insightful, patient and giving human beings you've ever seen.

>> No.2150600


Harlan? so it is you after all!

>> No.2150601

okay seriously why do you hero-worship this dude so much. it's creepy, man. you gotta problem.

>> No.2150602
File: 5 KB, 121x160, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd suck this elderly man's cock. Completely, totally homo.

>> No.2150605

like all proud, glorious, manly scientific fiction afficionados, i too would engage in manly fellatio with this proud paragon of art, culture, and strength.

>> No.2150606
File: 7 KB, 177x231, carlos wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2150609

Finally someone made me laugh. :-)
I'll come down now.

>> No.2150611

"...calm down now" damn spellchecker

>> No.2150612

seriously explain why you were so angry

>> No.2150626

Because it seemed to me an unprovoked attack on his character.
I reacted the same way when I told a friend that DFW had committed suicide and my friend said "What an idiot".
My friend knows better now.
Why does anyone feel passionate about another? They touch something in us, speak for us and give us hope that someday maybe we too will be understood.

>> No.2150630

yeah but like

you seem really serious and committed about treating harlan ellison as an angelic figure.

there are people i idolize too but i acknowledge that they have flaws and don't fly off the handle in a jealous rage when someone slights their name

>> No.2150644

I don't idolize anyone. And omg the man has flaws, as we all do, and he'd be the first to admit it.
I just don't like to see people unjustly ridiculed.
ai would have been as angry if it was anyone else, not just Harlan.