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21501252 No.21501252 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading a shit ton of ancient philosophy if you're still an atheist loser?

>> No.21501284


>> No.21501286

In this moment i am... euphoric

>> No.21501337

Because i like it.

>> No.21501341

It's to cope with the void that the lack of faith creates (it doesn't work)

>> No.21501771

You kill yourself then

>> No.21501872

Is there really such a void?

>> No.21501922

One reads because it's something that is enjoyable, it has nothing to do with faith.

>> No.21501943

Did someone tell you that snakes don’t talk and people don’t walk on water again anon? It’s ok you’re on 4chan now with your fellow virgins

>> No.21502159

>nooo you have to follow this outdated pedo religion to read philosophy

>> No.21503110

I have literally never met a BASED sedevacantist tradcath who ever read anything about antiquity. They'd vaguely mention how "Greeks" and "Romans" had the best political systems but when pressured to give examples, they shrink and say nothing. I even asked what any one Greek system looked like, since I wondered if he meant the democratic city-state of Athens, or the warlike Sparta, or the failed experiment in Syracuse. No answer. When you bring up how the Romans fell not because of "decadence" but because of overuse of land and resources, rather than any ruling class being debauched, they don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.21503123

>I have literally never met a sedevacantist tradcath

>> No.21503268

Not everybody can break their brain and fall into jewish inspired pedophilia and sexual repression, the irony is that most religiots are created by poor parenting; very few people raised outside of those negative influences end up creeping to the cross, with all that mumpsimus and sumpsimus*. It usually comes after a life of colossal fucking failure upon failure upon failure, caused by their awful upbringing and pitiful society (no education, really).

>I see and hear daily that you of the clergy preach against each other without charity or discretion. Some are too stiff in their old *‘Mumpsimus’, others are are too busy and curious in their new ‘Sumpsimus’. Thus almost all men are in variety and discord, and few or none truly and sincerely preach the word of God as they ought to do. Shall I now judge you to be charitable persons who do this? No, no, I cannot do so. Alas, how can the poor souls live in concord when you preachers sow amongst them in your sermons debate and discord?

>> No.21503299
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>sedevacantist tradcath
You won't, it's a contradiction in terms - although a cultural catholic who is thinking along these lines is at least starting to see the light. I doubt they'd take it to its real conclusion, given how much of their identity is based upon opposition to the protestants which.. is.. essentially anyway 'closer' to the truth than that heresy of the bishop of rome against the emperor in constantinople.

>> No.21503314

In 10-20 years, maybe less, you'll be able to swap "Christianity" for "Atheism" in this image. Fedora atheists and Trads are the same people.

>> No.21503324

There's no point in philosophy even exciting since it answers no questions. It's an autofellatio tool for pseudointellectuals.

>> No.21503328


>> No.21503329

>not because of "decadence" but because of overuse of land and resources

>> No.21503332

>someone read a book and disagreed instead of taking it as gospel, so you think the book didn't do its job
Plato had something to say about this in the Phaedrus

>> No.21503363

Plato never wrote anything of technical instruction in any sciences, his mind was an idle one.

>> No.21503432

Yes, ironically only the people who suffer the most get to see it

>> No.21503448

Why do people view a void created by a lack of faith to be a bad thing? Such people, if they become theists, just presume that they aren't headed for eternal punishment at the end of their life, at which point they'll wish that atheism were true.

>> No.21503456

Arguably, the Sophist and Statesman are "instructive" dialogues.

>> No.21503625

Why do all atheists have unresolved church trauma to the point where they assume anyone who believes in God must be Christian?

>> No.21503633

Most tradlarpers on /lit/ are Christians.

>> No.21503644

Well the bible does rule. I just guess it's more embarrassing to me to be a weird tramatized atheist than somebody all in to Christianity who kind of misinterprets it or is ignorant to other religious analogs for the same ideas.

>> No.21503654

YHWH wasnt even invented when it was written retard, much less christianity

>> No.21503741

These pictures destroyed fedora hat sales for all of time

>> No.21503745


>> No.21503770

another innocent victim of the christian hate-mob; some of the most proud moments of good living (masculine men and moral women) in later western society were orientated upon the fedora, but for the christian hate-mob it's either their way or burn everything.

>> No.21503786

Nah, it's a shit hat anyway. Only elderly people should wear it.

>> No.21503790

The brimmed hat died to the car seat headrest. That's why it fell out of fashion in the 60s and today the baseball cap is popular.

>> No.21503841

>The brimmed hat died to the car seat headrest.
that's a good point actually

>Nah, it's a shit hat anyway. Only elderly people should wear it.
Ehh I agree but I wouldn't wage a 15 yr campaign of terror against it, it's brutal what they've done to the jazz scene and by default the only semi-fun dating scene.

>> No.21503852

>its brutal what they've done to the jazz scene
Jazz is terrible.

>> No.21503886

Learn basic music theory.

>> No.21503896 [DELETED] 

>Jazz is terrible.
but i but you've riled at one point in your life against declining birthrates in the west,
>>it's brutal what they've done to the jazz scene and by default the only semi-fun dating scene.
put two and two together

>> No.21503899

>Jazz is terrible.
but i bet you've railed at one point in your life against declining birthrates in the west,
>>it's brutal what they've done to the jazz scene and by default the only semi-fun dating scene.
put two and two together

>> No.21503926

No, it is more embarrassing to be a Christian larper.

>> No.21503931


>> No.21504005
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Post wrist.

>> No.21504025

>>Jazz is terrible.
>but i bet you've railed at one point in your life against declining birthrates in the west
Are you insane? Are you implying the fact that jazz is unpopular has contributed to the falling birthrate? This is literally a schitzo take.

>> No.21504033

Just imagine swinging with your bae and then taking her home to make whoopie and bust a full load in her ovulating pulsing wet pussy haha

>> No.21504046

But I'm not a nigger. Headbanging with my boo at a hard rock concert high on LSD and then going home and banging a generation into her sopping wet pussy is more my style tbqhwyfam

>> No.21504062

Rock is for brainlet retards. Learn basic music theory.

>> No.21504076

Suck my dick piano child bitch, I get more pussy than you. Enjoy getting autistic with sheet music and notes n' shit LOSER.

>> No.21504092
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Rock has been dead since 1999 anon. And metal is for suburbab white nerds who are desperate for some sembalance of a masculine identity in the vapid born-in-captivity souless world they are trapped in. Now me? I listen to classic country and jazz because I'm not a suburban limp wrist trying to be spoooooky or an uneducated fuckwit.

>> No.21504099

What if I told you, that your opinions mean literally nothing to me?

>> No.21504107

I would probably say it must not understand much if something that explicit and obvious means nothing to it.

>> No.21504108

I guarantee you are either super Auschwitz mode or heavily overweight yourself. Please prove me wrong by posting your wrist, larper.

>> No.21504122
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>Now me? I listen to classic country and jazz because I'm not a suburban limp wrist trying to be spoooooky or an uneducated fuckwit.

>> No.21504131

I'm at muscular christianity church (ymca). It will have to wait.

>> No.21504166

Post wrist.

>> No.21504186

I can tell you jerk off to tranny porn in your spare time

>> No.21504196

Learn basic music theory. It takes about an hour.

>> No.21504214

Cringe obese secular faggot

>> No.21504281

Religions are social technologies, much like ideologies. They contain wisdom much like the various philosophies and have features with positive and negative effects. Eternal afterlife serves as carrot and stick, in a classic behaviorist sense. The infinity of these rewards maximizes psychological impact. Codifying reasonable morals like don't thieve, don't murder, results in a more stable society at the margin. Though such a force is ripe for abuse by those who are wise enough to realize its a mechanism of social control.

Even if you're nominally atheist you may be dogmatically religious, as seen with marxists, woke progressives, accelerationists who have faith a better system will emerge, etc.

Personally I am sympathetic to the pragmatist school of thought, and view philosophies in terms of their effects. Judge them by their fruits. If the practitioners of an ideology are sickly degenerates, it doesn't really matter how much their ideas 'make sense'

>> No.21504298

Why do you think it's based to worship a jew raised by a cuck?

>> No.21504301

Enough of this globalist jewish nonsense Harari

>> No.21504304

You should seek therapy for your trauma.

>> No.21504309

I'm not a cucktian tho?

>> No.21504314

Seek therapy and go to a gym.

>> No.21504320

so anyways, why do you think it's based to worship a jew raised by a cuck?

>> No.21504327

Calm down and post wrist.

>> No.21504331

Just callin it as I sees it

>> No.21504334

Answer the question, christcuck.

>> No.21504351
File: 847 KB, 1489x1706, Resized_20230109_220342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm back.

>> No.21504356

I'm a deist, you sad silly fat little man.

>> No.21504428

blatantly false
youre not "based" for making shit up about a religion, youre an athetranny soon to contribute to the 41%

>> No.21504432

>I leap to the defence of cucktianity despite not even being a christcuck
what a cuck, lol.

>> No.21504451

Are you denying that jesus was a jew or that he was raised by a cuck? Either way, you are coping.

>> No.21504471

The bible does rule. Religious scriptures and myths >>>>> fiction

>> No.21504507

>fiction>>>>> fiction
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21504532

Take 8 grams of mushrooms and find out

>> No.21504630

Both. You're an athetranny - your brain is chemically wired to cuckoldry, jews, and the rest of the mindrot section. Its no cope, theres a reason why atheism rose at the same time with degeneracy

>> No.21505013

>OrthoLARPer sperging
Frankly, I find TradCath, Orthodox and Protestant sperging on the Internet entirely meaningless, full of vitriol and idiotic; all of which are entirely against the spirit of true Christianity. You niggers aren't going to convert people on the Internet by larping. All you are doing is damning yourselves by not acting like Christ would act.

>> No.21505022

Imagine taking pride in the music you LISTEN to. Actally play music and post it so that we can judge your skills instead of forming a faux identity vased off of your musical tastes.

>> No.21505024

I wish christcucks understood that /his/ isn’t even a visible board because everything evolves into a theism pissing contest of conqueror and conquerored using the modern lense. This extends to probably every board. I wouldn’t be surprised if christcucks even post on /a/ nowadays.

>> No.21505031

Oh no. Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, pagans and now Muslims do the exact same shit, where they think this board exists to vent about religon. This is a book board. You niggers aren't evem talking about books; all of you are just posting shitty bait regarding religion just to get validsted by some anonymous person on the internet. It's fucking pathetic. Grow up and find better ways and places to discuss religious differences.

>> No.21505045

Presumably for the myriad of different collections regarding different aspects of human existence that have been accumulated throughout history.

I'm not an atheist but this seems like the most logical answer.

>> No.21505053

>Romans fell not because of "decadence" but because of overuse of land and resources,
anyone who tries to argue the romans "fell" for one distinct reason is a retard

>> No.21505103

>BASED sedevacantist tradcath
why are you so obsessed with this retarded fringe that represents like 0.0001% of Catholicism

>> No.21505128


>> No.21505132

Because they make up 100% of true Catholics. The Novus Ordo is not true Catholicism

>> No.21505155

>i was an atheist last year but trust me we're the only real catholics my based friends on discord said so
Just become Orthodox is you hate the pope and love cringe e-larping so much.

>> No.21505191

I think it’s good to have at least a little spirituality, even if you just believe in ghosts and the afterlife it makes you more well rounded, as long as you’re not a crystal healing dumbass that blames ghosts for every sound their house makes.

>> No.21505247

I don't, and philosophy hasn't done anything, ever. It's a myth that modern math and science branched off from philosophy, and the fact that philosophy was mandatory study for thousands of years is why we knew nothing for so long.

>> No.21505250

>>Cult x is terrible
>join the cult
No. If it smells and tastes like shit, it's shit. You don't need to breathe in and spend weeks of your finite life huffing shit, then tasting a little shit, then eating and bathing in shit, to learn to like shit. Rub assholes with the high-class shiteatters. You can just avoid shit.

>> No.21505251

Sure there is.
But it only rears it's head occasionally, and if you cannot deal with it without religion, you're just weak and ill-constituted.
No shame in that - at least not until they start to insist that their ill-constitution makes them better, more pious, and greater, and use it as a club to beat others with.

>> No.21505258

>assblasted tradcath larpers immediately start autistically screeching about how there can be no such thing as a sedevacantist tradcath so long as you accept their personal definitions of every word
>zero assblasted tradcath larpers engage with the substance of the post
Well done anon.

>> No.21505262

Low IQ takes and low IQ language, nicely done.

>> No.21505488

What is it about music that draws complete ignoramuses out of the woodwork above any other artistic medium.

>> No.21505498

it's 95% christians.

>> No.21505512
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>it's an atheist has unresolved church trauma episode

>> No.21505523

Play or write? I am writing a few folk pop songs.

>> No.21505794

I didn't say 'unpopular', I said that the demonizing of the imagery of the fedora has made emulation of the actually good masculine fedora wearers (i mean the culture from the 1940-1950) to be impossible, so there was no "frank sinatra" renaissance in social graces and good lovin' and so there was no second baby boom.

It's not entire, no, but it contributes, yes, to the overall shit culture and the fewer and fewer ways out of it. If the 'fedora image' hadn't been demonized for 15 yrs by a christian internet campaign against atheists (all unrelated even to the hat itself) then you'd probably still be seeing the frank sinatra kind of scene going on in the culture where it would easily surpass the other culture fads (wearing pants under anus, etc., wearing tennis shoes, wearing torn rags, listening to non-jazz blacks) etc.

>another innocent victim of the christian hate-mob

>> No.21505796

Fucking kek imagine being this retarded

>> No.21505824

I'm not sure how you arrived at me being an 'orthodox christian' from pointing out the truth about the bishop of rome and posting a page from Henry VIII and the Royal Suprmacy and Theology. If I was into reformed judaism for jews, I'd probably be in the CofE with my being a terror d'anglais.

You might also bomb yourself, btw, since your society has made you react in the way that you did; considering a simple statement of truth being "sperg", whatever that means.

True "Basileia Rhomaion" (i.e. imperial church, what it was in the beginning via constantine and theodosius and symmachus) doesn't have any doctrine really, least of all that anyone should emulate the jewish theocratic culture (all old testament stories) simply because we/you/i recognize jesus said some things we/you/i agree with about how bad the jewish theocratic culture was.

>Frankly, I find TradCath, Orthodox and Protestant sperging on the Internet entirely meaningless
I agree, probably Orthodox is just as weak. It's important to remove the cleric entirely and the pulpit so that nobody can come in between you and God and tell you, against Christs orders, to disobey Caesar.

>> No.21505829

fuck off christcuck, you're an incel and hate alpha-type men, is all. You hate the fedora not for atheism but because it reminds you of men from the past you will never be, with women you will never meet, and I suspect it's that simple why the christians attached it to atheism and demonized it.

>ur retarded
t. very intelligent psychiatrist

no u!!! ur based!!! U!!!!

>> No.21505838

>You hate the fedora not for atheism but because it reminds you of
I mean the general type of person who post fat boy in fedora .jpg whilst being a neet christcuck in the americas living in their childhood bedroom. Not (you) personally i'm sure..

>> No.21505844

>All you are doing is damning yourselves by not acting like Christ would act.
Even Christ sperged out in the temple, brother anonobon.

>> No.21505850

I'm >>21503790

>> No.21505887
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Anon I am from Arizona and when I larp I wear a cowboy hat. I don't larp as a eastoid manlet cityfaggot bugman wop. Only bugmen and bugman spawn live on the east coast in their filthy disgusting hives.

>> No.21505963

>I have literally never met a BASED sedevacantist tradcath who ever read anything about antiquity.
I'm a trad Catholic and have hence met many in real life, but I have never met a sede and not one of those from the internet have a shred of intelligence. So yeah, it's not like it's odd you haven't met one of the few thousand people in the world, who move in circles you probably don't.
>all of which are entirely against the spirit of true Christianity
While they are obnoxious, let us not pretend like you understand what the spirit of true Christianity is.

>> No.21506139

eheehh maybe you're right about this, still the "sinatra" thing came from good and proper society before the urban hives became so bad; the opposition to prohibition, the music halls that existed after new deal, a lot of the early culture can be said to be wrapped up in the fedora/homburg image, way before it all went south - ha no pun intended

I mean, would you prefer, when you pass through the city as I sometimes do, to find the blacks of 1930 or the blacks of 2020.. obviously one is better than the other and the bad quality of one of them is because of the loss of the better qualities of the other, with one cultural set being replaced.

Headrests and Christians are to blame. The fedora is lost but we will avenge it ultimately.

>> No.21506645
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>learn music theory

>> No.21506764

>believing in a voodoo rabbi for culture war purposes
you are stinky

>> No.21506940

Philosophy is the religion of the white man. You can keep your dune coon mythology, thank you very much.

>> No.21506960

>i refuse to learn to read and write i know what makes a story good

What is it about music that brings complete ignoramuses out of the woodwork to talk out of their asses about it?

>> No.21506964

The only annoying thing about these posts is that if you spam this kind of thing enough, impressionable lurkers think that being religious is "bosrd culture" and therefore cool.

I guess accusing religitards of indoctrination isn't really a hit take though.

>> No.21506972

(both typos are a result of me pooping while I type)

>> No.21507654
File: 1.08 MB, 1491x1125, BF65E92E-39E2-4FC8-8347-75079309C2ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outdated pedo religion

>> No.21507664

t. Catholic priest
Get off the internet, "father".

>> No.21507680

>No shame in that
of course there is

>> No.21507704

Christfags have absolutely nothing but pretending all of their many enemies fit one tiny embarrassing subset