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[ERROR] No.2150186 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently reading China Mieville's Kraken. I like it a lot.

What do you guys think of Mieville's work?

>> No.2150224

Never read anything by him. I'm afraid he will try shoving his silly socialist ideas down to my throat.

>> No.2150276

From what I hear, that's only a problem in The Iron Council, and I must admit I've avoided it due to that. The Scar was p cool though.

>> No.2150278

>not being able to separate the story from the author

Sure is mentally weak.

>> No.2150286

The Iron Council is mostly about a train and whoreswhoreswhoreswhoreswhoreswhores.

>> No.2150518

Has some cool, original ideas, but isn't very good at actual writing.

>> No.2150526

We just had a thread about this asshole.

For serious, guys, check the backpages before you make a new thread.

>> No.2150536

No, you.

>> No.2150538


You could link it you slob.

>> No.2150540

People have somehow bought this idea that he writes "weird" fiction, as if bug people and "lol science is magic" haven't existed in sci-fi/fantasy novels and video games.for years.

Contrary to this retarded belief, China Mieville is nothing original, but he's alight compared to most of speculative fiction, which isn't saying much. Started Perdido Street Station a few months ago, got halfway through, my Kindle broke, bought a new Kindle last week, and tried to pick up where I left off. Meh, haven't read more than 10 pages since then. Just like most fantasy races his kepri, garuda, etc. are really just humans with animal features.