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File: 309 KB, 1371x1600, Plato-portrait-bust-original-Capitoline-Museums-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21501279 No.21501279 [Reply] [Original]

He ruined everything with his bullshit

>> No.21501325

Yes. Jesus and Paul only finished the job.

>> No.21501329

Stay mad paganfaggot

>> No.21501331

>my schizo is correct
that narrows it down. you're a zoroastrian/buddhist/sikh/muslim/christian. surely your schizo is correct

>> No.21501334

Gods don't exist. They were invented.

>> No.21501335

Plato is fundamentally pagan

>> No.21501336

It is.

>> No.21501342


>> No.21501344

Plato is fundamentally Christian, read Timaeus

>> No.21501346

No he's not. He invented the same God the Jews did. The God of vanity.

>> No.21501349

>muh ad hominems
Make eye contact with a woman for more than 5 seconds

>> No.21501350


>> No.21501361

Yes it doesn't make any sense he just made some shit up

>> No.21501367

>being mad
my girlfriend is at school. I miss her

>> No.21501374
File: 30 KB, 320x320, LVYkHAuO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really gonna discuss this shit again?

>> No.21501381

Plato is a slaver so he's fundamentally Jewish and Christian.

>> No.21501383

Based loli enjoyer?

>> No.21501389

Plato was as Christian as fucking Anaxagoras.

>> No.21501391

>coomer can't comprehend higher education and defaults to literal child porn
Terminally online

>> No.21501414


>> No.21501425

You got me, I guess I have to go back!

>> No.21501436

Yes please do

>> No.21501438

If Plato were Christian he would not have established the existence of numerous celestial and chthonic gods, and he would not have made the Demiurge (the "monotheistic God") an inferior principle to the One and the Forms. Nor would he have asserted that the Universe is ensouled and eternal, which is heresy according to Christianity.
>hasn't read Plato
>is also a stultified addle-brained atheist to boot
Asserting the principle of hierarchy makes one a pagan, not a Christian or a Jew, who are opposed to all hierarchy in essence (except, perhaps, in the case of Jews, for the supremacy of the Jewish nation over gentiles). Plato is deeply linked to the divine inheritance which was on display in the ancient world in the civilizations of India and Egypt, who were both hierarchical, hieratic caste-based traditions.

>> No.21501439

He almost surely studied in Egypt and came in contact with the Jews.

>> No.21501446

Archeological evidence shows with a 99,99% certainty that the Jews have never been in Egypt

>> No.21501447

He's a pedophile groomer. He's had his dick up your ass for so long you don't even feel it anymore.

>> No.21501452

>the existence of numerous celestial and chthonic gods
There are many spirits in Christianity, Plato wasn't really discussing in Christian terms
>an inferior principle to the One
Not a thing in Plato
>Nor would he have asserted that the Universe is ensouled and eternal, which is heresy according to Christianity.
He didn't have a Bible to get everything right, he was just fundamentally Christian but you won't get it cause you're a pagan

>> No.21501466

His God and the Jewish God are the same God. The God whose shadow we still live under.

>> No.21501475

>There are many spirits in Christianity, Plato wasn't really discussing in Christian terms
And there are also gods, like Hades, Zeus, and Apollo, who all possess different and specific functions.
>Not a thing in Plato
You haven't read the dialogue Parmenides, or Aristotle's commentaries on Plato, or Plotinus for that matter.
>He didn't have a Bible to get everything right
Which means you're agreeing that he is fundamentally pagan, and not Christian. There is nothing specifically Christian about creator gods, like the Demiurge. The exact same concept appears in Hinduism (Ishvara/Brahma), Buddhism (Brahma), Taoism (Tiān), Egyptian religion (Aten, Atum-Ra, Ptah, Amun), and Persian religion (Ahura-Mazda).

>> No.21501489

Aquinas and Augustine are Plato rip offs. If Plato isn't Christian then it's Christianity that Platonist. Yet Judaism is also in accord, the three are in bed from the very root. It's this love of vanity that unites them, merged with the love of young boys.

>> No.21501569

>And there are also gods, like Hades, Zeus, and Apollo, who all possess different and specific functions.
That's culture not theology
>You haven't read the dialogue Parmenides, or Aristotle's commentaries on Plato, or Plotinus for that matter.
What Plato talks about in Parmenides is different than what Plotinus talks about
>Which means you're agreeing that he is fundamentally pagan, and not Christian.
The opposite, you're arguing about superficialities because it's the most you can grasp

>> No.21501578

>That's culture not theology
Now you're really starting the gymnastics. Greek religion actually has a complete system that helps all different types of free people. "Theology" is only for slaves who refuse sovereignty and kneel to their tyrant.

>> No.21501630
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>> No.21501723


>> No.21501857
File: 20 KB, 328x500, 41wSll8lGML._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all a prank that got out of control

>> No.21502181

Unfortunately it was necessary for him to pen that bullshit so that we could have the divine light of Aristotle. But after Aristotle came around they should have burned all his books and killed everyone who spoke about his secret doctrines

>> No.21502317

Plato advocated for pederasty. How is that Christian?

>> No.21502341

Read a book, dope

>> No.21502525

Read the laws newfag, Plato was anti homosexuality