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21492355 No.21492355 [Reply] [Original]

Three days to go edition:
>Did you lose your virginity to an aristocratic horse riding milf?
>Have you ever been beaten up by your brother for having a peasant wife?
>Does your autobiography have your face photoshopped into a uncanny-valley waxwork?
Discuss the upcoming book, why you are excited for its release and any new revelations you are expecting to be revealed.

>> No.21492359

just goes to show no matter how high you're born a ginger is a ginger

>> No.21492358

>british hands typed this post: the thread
Take your pop culture obsession somewhere else, normie.

>> No.21492376

My interest is academic you awful pseud. This has nothing to do with pop culture; the study of Harry's life is no different to that of Wittgenstein.

>> No.21492393

Indeed. We all know it's been over for gingercels for a very long time but this is scientific proof. Even a prince couldn't hack being a ginger

>> No.21492402

Nobody cares about your inbred ginger cunts. You’re not relevant.

>> No.21492411

>oi its AKIDAYMIC innit
British hands. Post fingernails and teeth.

>> No.21492423

Any man who reads this is a homosexual

>> No.21492433

Men who take interest in monarchies in general tend to be on the camp/effeminate side.

>> No.21492443

>post yurr rootin' tootin' nailerino's and teethy tots there bucko!
post gunt you heart diseased cretin. YWNBH

>> No.21492994

It's not out yet?

>> No.21493012
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>>Have you ever been beaten up by your brother for having a peasant wife and wearing a necklace and then fallen over and crushed the dog bowl with your fat arse?
It was out for 5 minutes in Spain.

>> No.21493050

January 10th. But as >>21493012 said, the Spanish have already sold a few copies to the British press who have been picking it apart kek

>> No.21493781
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>illegitimate heir

>> No.21493814

It's gonna be prime shitposting material like that biographical book an actress released last year.

>> No.21493909

What’s this about him killing 25 afghans? Was he in the military?

>> No.21494645

well i suppose it's a relief that he's not real royalty. but somehow i doubt they're going to do a DNA test

>> No.21494653

he was an apache pilot in afghanistan.

>> No.21494841
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Of course they know. Of course they are subject to countless batteries of tests in order to screen for all manner of unwelcome things.

>> No.21494851

>you're born a ginger
Is that why he married a black? To save his offspring from the curse?

>> No.21494887

He thought they were soulmates, but in fact they were just anagrams.

>> No.21495113
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>> No.21495169


>> No.21495184
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holy kek

>> No.21495323


>> No.21495961


spare, a. and adv.:

4.c. Lacking body or substance; flimsy, thin.

>> No.21496022

No but this one time I was drunk on "fourties" in Los Angeles I discovered bowling, ten pin bowling, and it saved my life I have to tell you.

>> No.21496097

Charles looks like such a retard, cartoonishly ugly.

>> No.21496682

This. From what we have so far the book is just going to be Harry spilling secrets he ought to have taken with him to the grave. It's rare to get someone to voluntarily humiliate themselves this baldly. It's going to be pure kino

>> No.21496690

Racism is not funny. You’re disgusting.

>> No.21496696


it will always be funny, jungle bunny.

>> No.21497343

Charles is based. Bantering with William about how Harry was the product of his whorish mother's affair. Mad ugly tho, I agree

>> No.21497420

I get it now. I knew immediately that their names are not anagrams of each other, so I was perplexed. It's ginger and nigger.

>> No.21497513

>spilling secrets he ought to have taken with him to the grave.

All he'd done is exposed that the royal family has the same trivial and frivolous quarrels that every British family has. Fighting brothers, hating the in-laws, inability to get over death of close family, etc etc. Non of it is groundbreaking or shocking and non of it is going to change the Royal family either. Those who already hated Meg and Harry still do. Those who were always going to be on their side still do. For the rest of us this schlock will be forgotten with within the year and life will go on.

>> No.21497539

>Those who were always going to be on their side still do
I know what you're saying anon and I'm fully aware that this isn't some paradigm changing moment. I'm just enjoying watching a man degrade himself in front of an audience of millions. Some of the stuff he's come out with so far sounds like a comedy sketch.

>> No.21497568

>I'm just enjoying watching a man degrade himself in front of an audience of millions

Don't forget he's making millions from all this publicity - for a guy that hates the 'media' for what it did to his mother he sure is walking a dangerous path.

>> No.21498341

>making a whole bunch of money
>dangerous path
nobody with real power cares

>> No.21498521


t. merchant class neoliberal

>> No.21498990

holy shit

>> No.21499038

He piloted a drone from the UAE that shot up an elementary school in Kabul. 25 is a rough estimate based on the different materials of tattered backpacks that where left over on the scene.

>> No.21499112

Reminder that kikes hate gingers and if you hate on them you might as well be a nigger

>> No.21499117

You're right but it's more fun to pretend this will be either the end of the Suxxexes or the end of the monarchy

>> No.21499127

It's just top quality banter tbqhwy. Imagine telling everyone how your brother ripped your necklace(???) off and sat you on your arse and then expect to receive sympathy. He just looks like a poof lol

>> No.21499134

It's even funnier how these are published in the tabloids side by side with him talking how tough he is for shooting some desert dwellers in a helicopter

>> No.21499279

there's a lot of women talking about this royal shit on twitter and I hoped to see some cutie vlog about it on yt but when I search it it just shows new stations
I was hoping for a parasocial way to experience having a catty gf talk to me about this whole drama

>> No.21499284
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>Me and my wife just weren't ready for all the media attention and didn't want to be celebrities
>that's why we released a Netflix series about us and now I'm releasing an autobiography

>> No.21499290

Kek get me in the screencap

>> No.21499297

If you buy the book in person its not unlikely that a woman of some description will try and explain the situation to you in a catty and condescending way.

>> No.21499302

nta don't give me ridiculous hope anon

>> No.21499323

Imagine all the milfs going to queue up for this thing the day its released hahah imagine the smell of that queue hahaha

>> No.21499340

what time of day do you think the queue will be longest for me?

>> No.21499358

Is this the biggest thing since the final harry potter?

>> No.21499405

Probably when the school day is over. All the soccer moms will swing by after picking up their kids.

>> No.21499419


>> No.21499429

It's obvious that he loves the attention. Plus what else can he do at this point, he wants to live like a rich NEET and the only way he can do that is to debase himself. You'd never see him working a regular 9-5.

>> No.21499441

Diana was an attention seeker willing to make a joke of the King, just like him.

>> No.21499452

This joke, like me, is 3/10 at best

>> No.21500164

What's the long-term plan here though

They've ridden the
>royal family bad
meme for like what, 5 years at the point?

If they were doing it to blackmail Charles into just paying for all their shit permanently then I would at least understand it, but it seems like it's some combination of a very short-sighted plan to cash in on media appearances forever and some kind of personal therapy for Harry

Now that he's spilled the beans (excluding the *really* bad skeletons like stuff about Andrew or whatever) where does he go from here? People will stop giving a shit about this in like a month or two, and they way they're going people would understand if Charles just completely disowned him and stripped his titles

Like what are they going to do for the next 30 years when no one wants to hear him whine about whatever Philip called Meghan

>> No.21500373

>redhead women are hot as fuck
>redhead men are emasculated betas
What causes this?

>> No.21500458

Redhead men used to be considered violent brutes, so far only Harry seems to be the beta and they probably dropped him one too many times as a baby.

>> No.21500479

Having watched the documentary, it really seems like they want two different things. Harry seems like he blames the Family/Media for his mother's death, and is doing this as some sort of revenge scheme or therapeutic lashing out. Megan seems like she wants to make this a drama about herself, and also build he brand as a princess or some shit.
Right now their goals line up, but I feel like there's eventually going to be some sort of rupture.

>> No.21500642

He's what Nietzsche refers to as Mr. Ressentiment. And he's "royalty". The world has turned upside down.

>> No.21500652

They're not nobles anymore, they're all slaves. They've fallen bad.

>> No.21500671

As in people are using him as an object of hostility on which to people project their own failings in life and inferiority or how he uses the tabloid media to excuse his an abortion of a life as the Duke of Sussex?

>> No.21500691

No it's his own ressentiment for his mother dying or for being a ginger or a bastard or whatever. He himself is ressentiment.

>> No.21500760


>> No.21501071

Need to get my hands on a PDF of this just to see if there's anything juicy from his time at Eton. I don't care much about the rest
t. Old Etonian

>> No.21501174
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What the fuck

>> No.21501183

Holy fuck, my sides.
Great find anon

>> No.21501185
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>> No.21501188

Why's he still called prince Harry, shouldn't he have a surname like the rest of us common folk?

>> No.21501194

>t. Old Etonian
Was there much bumdrilling going on? My mum convinced my dad not to send me to Eton because she was worried it'd turn me into a bumder.

>> No.21501195

Nope, in the case of royal inheritance any interest bares no similarity at all to that of an intellectual. The only way you could justify any interest as academic would he to analyse how the royals are manipulated and used directly by all the corrupt avenues of power around them, because when you think about it, genuine power does not coexist with royalty, the only ones to benefit from such an outdated idea are the corrupt.

>> No.21501201

Charles looks like the perfect archetypal image your mind's eye conjures up when tasked with imagining what a king should look like; this nigga looks like a king. He's the most kingly and regal looking fucker to ever exist

>> No.21501230

There was some but probably not much more than you'd expect from a random sample of kids, or if there was they didn't invite me. The biggest reprobate I knew from my time there turned into a total normie (wife, 2 kids, house in Surrey).
Did you go to another public school?

>> No.21501281

I went to a boarding school too. Much less prestigious and a lot cheaper. Bumming was absolutely rampant. Not in a gay way but a jokey kind of "haha I made you gargle my nuts" kind of way. A lot of fun looking back. Etonbro, did you manage Oxbridge or were you cursed to Durham?

>> No.21501293
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Holy shit, do they really think people won't notice?

>> No.21501313

how can a man be so symmetrical

>> No.21501314

Nah they sent me to a crappy private school instead.

>> No.21501317

Notice what?

>> No.21501358

>Not in a gay way but a jokey kind of "haha I made you gargle my nuts" kind of way.
Lmao. The only specific incident I remember hearing about was someone blew someone else in the organ loft but that was definitely in a gay way
>A lot of fun looking back
So much this. We got up to a lot of no good there, mostly just boyish pranks and stuff
>Oxbridge or were you cursed to Durham?
Cambridge. You?

>> No.21501377

post hair

>> No.21501450

Fucking kek

>> No.21501473

All these replies are the result of him samefagging and then other retards replying out of peer-pressure

>> No.21501492
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>> No.21501546

>someone blew someone else in the organ loft but that was definitely in a gay way
Classic, kek. I don't think there was any genuine gay stuff going on. Guys would bundle each other in the showers and attempt to sodomise each other but being an actual fag was strictly off limits.
>mostly just boyish pranks and stuff
Great memories of stealing a pig from a local farm and setting it loose in the science department. I want to go back so much.
>Cambridge. You?
Three cursed years on the Wear. Probably hundreds of Etonians there. If I'm honest a sizeable number were a special breed of cunt but also some really great people

>> No.21501556

I always wondered how terrible it would be to have to go to school everyday without getting to see and socialize with females in their prime. It's literally so bad you go gay.

>> No.21501588

The Brits in this thread are talking about jokingly sucking dick or getting sodomized. These niggas need pussy!

>> No.21501647
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>> No.21501691

Well, to be fair, he was talking about soiling the family with a goldigging octaroon.

>> No.21501730

And Diana was better? The monarchy will go down sooner than later.

>> No.21501837

It's not going anywhere.

>> No.21501875

Diana was literally a descendant from the Stuarts.

>> No.21501895

She started the whole attack. Harry's just following in her footsteps.

>> No.21501935

A spare what? Trust fund? Estate?

>> No.21501940

William is the heir, and poor Harold is the spare

>> No.21501953

I once met some guy that went there.
Had to tell him i disliked jews.

>> No.21501957

Tbh Harry and Charles both have eyes too close to eachother and a narrow forehead.

>> No.21501959

>Second born son realizes he will never be King
>Lashes out and becomes a miserable faggot
>When he fails as a pretender goes to another country
Many such cases. He’s merely building support to go home and overthrow his brother. William should kill him like Richard did the princes in the tower.

>> No.21502355

do you think Harry recited the Marine copypasta before Will punched him?

>> No.21502370


>> No.21502396


>> No.21502432

The aristocracy, especially the Windsor family, has historical value. They aren't your Kardashians or whatever irrelevant circus monkeys are famous nowadays. These people are at the heart of a thousand year old tradition, that is gossiping about the king and his family.

>> No.21502481

The Japanese, Thai and Central European royal families have value because they represent the soul of their respective nations, even if they have a plethora of flaws. The British royal family is a clown car and a fucking meme that needs to die. In a sense, they do represent the spiritual death of the Anglophone world but don't pretend for a second they aare anything but pop culture darlings for stupid women to fawn over and pretend they could marry a prince like their childhood bedtime stories. The UK is a joke of a country and their retarded and degenerate royalty proves it.

>> No.21502502
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>> No.21502517

This is John Locke's fault.

>> No.21502524

Oh boo fucking hoo what a tragic life

>> No.21502532

Honestly i would be happier knowing im not the crown prince, less responsibility and all that shit. That retard could just go full royal neet, but he had to fuck it up.

>> No.21502544

Imagine being a prince and going round begging for SPARE change, you couldn't make it up.

>> No.21502633
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>The Japanese, Thai and Central European royal families have value because they represent the soul of their respective nations, even if they have a plethora of flaws. The British royal family is a clown car and a fucking meme that needs to die.
Words of the jealous

>> No.21502664

It's not Harold it's Henry.

>> No.21502692

Clearly you are not up to date with the latest gossip https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11600737/Duke-Sussexs-bombshell-book-reveals-names-warring-brothers-refer-by.html

>> No.21502717

Any fictional works where people speak like that, something like a novel(adventure, comedy etc) rather than Shakespearean play.

>> No.21502718

That because I'm not homosexual, Mary.

>> No.21502731

The Japanese royal family has had its own fair share of controversies and silliness, and a Scandinavian princess recently married a nigger. You seem unaware that the only one acting like a clown is Harry, and this has been building up since his mother behaved in the exact same manner. The rest of them refuse to comment, the Palace wasn't even acknowledging it for a long time. The rest of your criticisms can be applied to the other families you listed. I'm fairly sure Thailand is an absolute monarchy, with the king obviously a dictator.
Why don't you speak openly that you have a problem with the British family and Britain, instead of trying to hide it.

>> No.21502736

>You seem unaware that the only one acting like a clown is Harry,
Nta but what about Andrew?

>> No.21502742

He's a very horrid man but not a clown like Harry.

>> No.21502746

Tbf he did nothing wrong
Why are people supposed to care?

>> No.21502748

I'm forgetting, Sarah Ferguson actually exceeded Harry.

>> No.21502753

why on earth does this have 111 replies. This is worse than the Lex podcast shit, Harry is a NOBODY a NOTHING a WASH-UP

>> No.21502756

This book is a pretty big deal for middle aged to elderly British women, and apparently British 4chan neckbeards too.

>> No.21502773

I don't disagree, but it's the scandal itself that matters even if the reason for is nonsense...

>> No.21502778
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>Being jealous of Anglos

Eh. The idea of royalty is retarded. These niggers aren't better than me by a longshot. At least in the past, degenerate royals had some purpose as they did protect the country and held the common piece (even if it was self-interted altruism). I don't see the point when most royals don't do any of that and just act like retarded faggots. I wanna fuck the all the princesses of the world though unironically and I lno those bithes are loose enough to do some wild shit.

>> No.21502782

Because it was underage prostitution and we hold the royal family to high standards. Andrew was already hated anyway.

>> No.21502798

>Entering the dedicated anglo thread to tell how much you're not jealous
Very convincing anon

>> No.21502800

Someone asked me at work if I am going to buy Spare (actually a Pajeeta and it sounded more like Spar), I genuinely did not understand her, even after clarification I was still like, what's Harry Spare?

>> No.21502823

It's like every other shit thread on this board: it only exists for me to shit it up. They're all a dime a dozen.

>> No.21502836

Fair enough. I do think they should be held to higher standards but I also think the outrage was exacerbated by the demographic that is most into following royalty: middle aged women cannot STAND to see middle aged men fucking younger women. I've seen first hand how it fills them with an unquenchable rage derived from the atavistic dread that they are now biologically useless.

>> No.21502855
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Dear boy....

>> No.21502860

based and historicity pilled

>> No.21502867

And it doesn't disgust you even more? Are you a literal cuck?

>> No.21502881

To be fair the book hasn't actually been released yet. Tomorrow I'm sure this thread will be filled with anons having high quality discourse about the first few chapters.

>> No.21502896

Yeah, old women are disgusting. No doubt about that.

>> No.21502914

>Not angry and spiteful that fat old men are getting to fuck prime young women
It's at least smart how you justify it by saying it owns the womenz
You'd expect that virgins would be the biggest opposition to what people like epstein do but strangely a lot of people here almost seem to be glad about it

>> No.21502916

Why would it disgust me? I'm not an old hag

>> No.21502924

Where are the virgins?

>> No.21502928

Me. Plenty of incels support this behaviour.

Do you like the idea of hot women getting fucked by other men?

>> No.21502933

Why would I be angry about old men fucking young women (of legal age) ?
I am not into this but if some young dude is fucking old women that is also fine and I am not angry about it.
are you?

>> No.21502940

>we hold the royal family to high standards
They're fucking slaves.

>> No.21502946

Promiscuous women are worthless - the fuck do we care what they do.

>> No.21502949

You have that bizzare /pol/ mindset that I'm supposed to care who is fucking who. I don't walk around seething when I see attractive couples in the street because I simply don't care. Utter supreme gentleman moment

>> No.21502951

Men are competitive and have high sex drives. To men that aren't cucks the idea that these high status men get to fuck females that aren't even legal is annoying to say the least.

>> No.21502957

>middle aged women cannot STAND to see middle aged men fucking younger women. I've seen first hand how it fills them with an unquenchable rage derived from the atavistic dread that they are now biologically useless.
Yes that's definitely not something a /pol/ incel would say

>> No.21502961

Will you faggots stop being party poopers? This will probably have some funny shit in it.

>> No.21502972

What the fuck do you know? As long as your wife/daughter isn't a slut it's fine. Other women can do what the fuck they want. What the fuck are they to you?

>> No.21502974

>statement of fact
>Boiling with rage at the thought that he's a low status virgin

>> No.21502982

>What the fuck do you know?
Not a cuck
>Writing about how women are so mad without any provocation
You're an incel

>> No.21502987

On Britain we do not have the Kardashians, and we are forced to discuss this failson.

>> No.21502989

It is annoying that I don't get to fuck them, but I really don't care about some old millionaires/billionaires fucking some random cunnies. Men with power get to do things that other men with little to no power cannot do. That is one of fundamental rules of life, if as a man you cannot accept that then you are some brainwashed communist drone.

>> No.21502993

They don't belong to you you creep. You're only cucked if your wife cheats on you. The village bike belongs to no one - you're ironically being a cuck by appropriating sluts.

Sluts are communal poon.

>> No.21503003

is this going to be the place to get the epub the minute it's out?

>> No.21503010

>Just accept that people are better than you
The mentality of a slave. The lengths you'll go to justify your cuckoldry. It's better to strive to be better than them, even if that isn't possible. At least try to remove their accesses when they're morally incorrect.

Never said they did. But they certainly shouldn't be trafficked to old men.
>You're only cucked if your wife cheats on you.
If she isn't a virgin at marriage that is also cuckoldry

>> No.21503015

You're 100% a virgin.

>> No.21503021

The embittered old woman is literally one of the oldest literary tropes because it's true. Also didn't you admit to being an incel?
>Me. Plenty of incels support this behaviour.
Yeah. I sincerely wish you luck though. I used to be until I was 22 then I got a gf and now I couldn't be happier. It can happen to you too but you've got to stop thinking about women as the property of chad. A lot of them out there are really quite decent and just want someone to love them.

>> No.21503027

Cuckoldry is just another buzzword that’s become “thing I don’t like,” I think I would take you more seriously if you didn’t use retarded buzzwords. If you want to argue for purity until marriage then argue for purity. I don’t understand why you need to call things that are not cuckoldry, cuckoldry. It makes no sense and you sound like an idiot. Memes and trends rule your brain.

>> No.21503029

On an anonymous message board? Kek. Seethe.

>> No.21503035

Congratulations on being literate >>21502928

>Also didn't you admit to being an incel?
Just a virgin
>you've got to stop thinking about women as the property of chad.
Where are you getting all this from? And why are you coming to 4chan to virtue signal like this?

>> No.21503039

>Transworld Publishers
I thought of doing it just for keks, but then realized I would be paying(throwing away) my 14 hard earned British Pounds to a company called Transworld Publishers.
No fucking way.

>> No.21503043

He's just raging because no woman will love him. not even the whores he despises.

>> No.21503044
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>> No.21503049

kek, OP btfo'd

>> No.21503051

One of you here is a literal cuckold who has no problem with older men getting to fuck prime women he has no access to. Buzzword is a buzzword used to attack legitimate use of a word.
>If you want to argue for purity until marriage then argue for purity.

>> No.21503061

Highly creative

>> No.21503062

Sex is meaningless. Find the woman you love.

>> No.21503072

>Where are you getting all this from?
>>Not angry and spiteful that fat old men are getting to fuck prime young women
Such an odd thing to seethe about. Besides you'll be fat and old one day too.
>And why are you coming to 4chan to virtue signal like this?
Who is virtue signalling? I just called women under 40 biologically useless.

>> No.21503085

I don't despise women. I've been defending them. I find it hilarious how much you're trying to twist everything around after I correctly identified you as a cuck who celebrates gross old men fucking young women out of your spite for older women.

>Sex is meaningless.
So the church and other institutions that have put into place monogamy for thousands of years are all wrong? Being a cuck is better, according to you?

I'd like to know where you get this idea that I consider women property from. That line doesn't seem to confirm it.

>> No.21503088

>The lengths you'll go to justify your cuckoldry. It's better to strive to be better than them, even if that isn't possible..
What cuckoldry? What are you talking about? If I was old and rich I would literally be snorting viagra and fucking young cunnies 24/7. Of course it's better to strive. You strive, you work hard (AND SMART) and if you also have a little bit of luck, you can gain that power and enjoy life just like those rich fucks do.

>morally incorrect
why would anyone care about that?

>> No.21503103

>church and other institutions that have put into place monogamy for thousands of years are all wrong?
A churchfag... I should have known better

>> No.21503108

You know exactly what I'm talking about you disingenuous faggot

>why would anyone care about that?
Because the lack of it leads to a worse state of society, a we're currently seeing now with the average age of virginity loss at 19 or something

>> No.21503114

I'm quite spiritual and believe in Jesus but I'm not one of those autistic christian larpers. I cited that as historical evidence.

>> No.21503124

The physician looks at the Christian and his physiological degeneration and thinks... Inoperable.

>> No.21503127
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It is absolutely astonishing for me that someone such as Harry Windsor who grew up with all these privileges, riches and contacts, access to the best tutors, mentors, teachers etc. ended up to be such a fool. Not just in marrying that woman but also waging that media campaign.
Until a few days ago I have been mostly ignoring the british royal family but then it has made me wonder, rather from a sociological perspective: How did he end up being such a fool? How could it happen?
These people should be geniuses and great people in any aspect in order to make people appreciate monarchy.
I am looking forward to reading the PDF, the threads here will be glorious.
Anyway I wish I would have lost my virginity to some older aristocratic lady as a teenager as well.

Yeah. But apparently Prince Harry, William and King Charles all have sausage fingers. That's a rare trait.


Yet there are ginger jews, not just Zuckerberg. Then again the media hates him as well.

Hilarious, saved. Thanks anon. On the other hand I was very surprised to hear him speak as a young man/teenager in an interview and he didn't seem to have that posh /received pronunciation accent.

>> No.21503138
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>> No.21503149

>I am looking forward to reading the PDF, the threads here will be glorious.
I'm going to queue up early tomorrow, get a copy and spend as much of the day as I can reading. I should be able to post the best excerpts for us all to laugh at.

>> No.21503164

>You know exactly what I'm talking about you disingenuous faggot
You think that I like young females fucking old men because I hate and despise old women? Nope, totally unrelated. Random females fucking men of any age has zero importance to me, but when old hags (and it seems churchfags) starts seething about it then it is a good entertainment.

>>why would anyone care about that?
>Because the lack of it leads to a worse state of society, a we're currently seeing now with the average age of virginity loss at 19 or something
The state of society is unrelated to the age of virginity loss kek. If you want to improve society start removing all the actual undesirables who caused west to degenerate and turn into 3rd world tier shithole and when your done, start fucking a 14 year olds and making some healthy white babies to get those population levels back normal levels.

>> No.21503170

Go back to pol

>> No.21503185

>I'm quite spiritual and believe in Jesus but I'm not one of those autistic christian larpers. I cited that as historical evidence
If you believe in Jesus then by definition you are a christian larper.

>> No.21503203

World is unfair, oh well.
>legitimate use of a word
Cuckold is when someone fucks YOUR wife. Are you retarded? You’re not using the word right.

>> No.21503212

It's so fucking sad. As if our society doesn't already try to cut off our balls we have to deal with Christianity on top of that. Moralizing on top of Moralizing, or better said demoralizing.

>> No.21503218

A stupid moralizing christian trying to spread his disease to others. Typical.

>> No.21503219

Embrace our plight, brother. It’s never going to be easy.

>> No.21503258

I'm free, but to see his sorry ass really brought me back.

>> No.21503263

>You think that I like young females fucking old men because I hate and despise old women?
Yes, you said "middle aged women cannot STAND to see middle aged men fucking younger women. I've seen first hand how it fills them with an unquenchable rage derived from the atavistic dread that they are now biologically useless." What other reason would cause you to say this?

>The state of society is unrelated to the age of virginity loss kek.
Not the age, but more people having sex outside of marriage causes higher divorce rates and fatherlessness.

Since you asked I just said I believe in Jesus. I'm not larping as a pure church goer, I'm not promoting it and being christian isn't really part of my identity. And I'm not citing bible verses as evidence to what i'm saying. So I don't consider myself on the same level as moralfag catholic/eastern orthodox larpers who seek an identity in the church and proselytize at every occasion. My arguments are based on logic.


>> No.21503364

>Yes, you said "middle aged women cannot STAND to see middle aged men fucking younger women. I've seen first hand how it fills them with an unquenchable rage derived from the atavistic dread that they are now biologically useless." What other reason would cause you to say this?
It wasn't me who said that but I can relate.
These old women think they have the right to control consenting people, decide who can and cannot fuck in the privacy of their homes, partly because they are stupid moralfags but the main reason is envy.
No woman (or a man) will make such a decision for me, no one will control me like that. If someone has thoughts, it's fine as long as keep them to yourself and don't get in my way.
When these old women make a shitty attemp at controlling others in such way but instead make fools of themselves and seethe, that is when it becomes hilarious.

>> No.21503383

>These old women think they have the right to control consenting people, decide who can and cannot fuck in the privacy of their homes, partly because they are stupid moralfags but the main reason is envy.
And so do old men just as much, and so I do. But I'm the women-hating incel, right? While you continue to pretend it is just women doing this.

>> No.21503451

>While you continue to pretend it is just women doing this.
Nobody said that
>But I'm the women-hating incel, right?
Yes, as you admitted, you are an incel
>And so do old men just as much, and so I do.
Great. Old women, old men and you are all boring moralfags.

>> No.21503504

>imago dei
what the fuck lmao

>> No.21503525

>And so do old men just as much, and so I do. But I'm the women-hating incel, right? While you continue to pretend it is just women doing this.
It is mostly women who do that, but it's not just them, often males do it too, mostly for same reasons (though many more men genuinely believe in moralfaggotry, while many women "believe" in it only as long as it's convenient to them)

>> No.21503532


>> No.21503536

The French get along fine without a bourbon on the throne. WHy can't the brits grow up?

The only good thing I can think about the monarchy is that sooner or later an heir to the throne will marry a sweet Pakistani girl and convert to Islam and that woudl set a fine example for the rest of the country.

>> No.21503561
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>> No.21503732

It's how the genes reproduce at all. Through women. Far likelier to have babies as a woman than as a man, the men are genetic dead ends and the ginger virus proceeds to infect more and more by making the women appealing. It's like syphilis, it spreads by making its host horny, but in this case, everyone is horny for the host (ginger women).

>> No.21503751

>Being this much of a Harry just because someone made a funny joke

>> No.21504054

>These niggers aren't better than me by a longshot
They are definitely better than you. They descend from successful leaders whereas you descend from peasants. You sound like one of those idealistic and rebellious teenagers who have yet to learn about their place in the hierarchy.

>> No.21504088
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His offspring are still a shade of ginger.

>> No.21504093

Ginger women are only hot when they aren’t Anglos.

>> No.21504457

>French First Republic (1792-1804)
>First French Empire (1804-1815) (Monarchy)
>Kingdom of France (1815-1830) (Monarchy, Bourbon)
>July Monarchy (1830-1848) (Monarchy)
>French Second Republic (1848-1852)
>Second French Empire (1852-1870) (Monarchy)
>French Third Republic (1870-1940)
>Vichy France (1940-1944)
>Provisional Government of the French Republic (1944-1946)
>French Fourth Republic (1946-1958)
>French Republic (1958-Present)

>Kingdom of Great Britain (1707-1801)
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1801-1922)
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1922-Present)

>> No.21504720

>Sodomites and degenerates who often are a bane on the countries they rule are better than me because of theur lineage, which is full of sofomites and degenerstes who did the same in the past.
Lmao. Imagine having no sense of self-worth to think these idiots are better than you. It's not being edgy. It's a fucking fact. In nature, everyone is equal. Every man and woman is born of a mother with no possessions or titles and we all die just the same. If you think your life os worthless, that's not my problem. Stop being a worthless cur on my life and trying to bring me dpwn to your level just because you see no value in your life.

>> No.21505028

Is it out yet?

>> No.21505112

>i have two personalities

>> No.21505119

Try Vance's work, particularly Eyes of the Overworld and Cugel's Saga. Or Bramah

>“O illustrious person,” said Kai Lung very earnestly, “this is evidently an unfortunate mistake. Doubtless you were expecting some exalted Mandarin to come and render you homage, and were preparing to overwhelm him with gratified confusion by escorting him yourself to your well-appointed abode. Indeed, I passed such a one on the road, very richly apparelled, who inquired of me the way to the mansion of the dignified and upright Lin Yi. By this time he is perhaps two or three li towards the east.”

>“However distinguished a Mandarin he may be, it is fitting that I should first attend to one whose manners and accomplishments betray him to be of the Royal House,” replied Lin Yi, with extreme affability. “Precede me, therefore, to my mean and uninviting hovel, while I gain more honour than I can reasonably bear by following closely in your elegant footsteps, and guarding your Imperial person with this inadequate but heavily-loaded weapon.”

>> No.21505156


>> No.21505230

Growing up with unlimited cash and connections is a good way to become a worthless loser though, men are wired to overcome adversity

Couple that with a lifetime of extreme public scrutiny, growing up in a failed marriage and having your mother die (or be killed) and it's not hard to imagine someone turning out like Harry

Bear in mind being a high-level aristocrat in any other era would have been different. Up to the end up the middle ages you would likely have had actual, consequential wars to fight so there was no time for whining. Even the 1700s-1900s royals at least didn't have cameras on them 24/7 so if they whined they could mostly do it quietly in private

Ultimately Harry is a tragic figure who took the milfpill too seriously and has ended up in her handbag, putting his family on blast in a kind of slow-motion mental breakdown

>> No.21505263

Harry is not a tragic figure. Marrying a nigger was his choice.

>> No.21505293

An absolute disgrace. Still, the faggot royal family don't seem to care that their nation is being overrun by 3rd world apes who don't belong in Europe.

>> No.21505317

He will be watching the coronation with his wife in their mansion while entertaining their American friends. That night, he'll look at her and wonder if it's all been worth it.

>> No.21505320

T. Australian

>> No.21505341

I am listening to the audiobook and it is as terrible as you would expect.

>> No.21505354

Give us some highlights

>> No.21505463


>> No.21505469

Link to free download

>> No.21505510


>> No.21505524
File: 296 KB, 1500x2000, Compress_20230110_110324_4448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPAREbros... We won...

>> No.21505539

“He’d laugh and laugh, though it was a remarkably unfunny joke, given the rumor circulating just then that my actual father was one of Mummy’s former lovers: Major James Hewitt. One cause of this rumor was Major Hewitt’s flaming ginger hair, but another cause was sadism. Tabloid readers were delighted by the idea that the younger child of Prince Charles wasn’t the child of Prince Charles. They couldn’t get enough of this “joke,” for some reason. Maybe it made them feel better about their lives that a young prince’s life was laughable.
Never mind that my mother didn’t meet Major Hewitt until long after I was born, the story was simply too good to drop. The press rehashed it, embroidered it, and there was even talk that some reporters were seeking my DNA to prove it—my first intimation that, after torturing my mother and sending her into hiding, they would soon be coming for me.”

His ressentiment comes from the fact he's a bastard. If it wasn't true it wouldn't hurt him.

>> No.21505546

A ginger bastard whose mummy abandoned him ends up marrying a Black American actress just to spite his family and mow is going all out to destroy them.

nice antihero arch.

>> No.21505565

He just wants to crash it all, clearly. No survivors.

>> No.21505567

I'm rooting for him. After the monarchy collapses Canada can finally join the US.

Harry is a great antihero. The one we need.

>> No.21505575

I met him in Cape Town in 2006. Genuinely one of the nicest and most humble guys I've ever met. And you could tell it wasn't fake or put on. He doesn't have any of that royal or celebrity attitude, not even that rich superior man mentality.

>> No.21505577
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I got the audiobook. I will upload it within 90min to AudioBookBay.
Please don't pay for this shit.

>> No.21505579

/thread and OP got BTFO from the fpbp

>> No.21505583
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>My interest is academic
It's pure gossip, Anon
>...you pseud
Projecting much?

>> No.21505591

“He was in full Heir mode, and couldn’t fathom why I wasn’t dutifully playing the role of the Spare.
I was sitting on the sofa, he was standing over me. I remember saying: You need to hear me out, Willy.
He wouldn’t. He simply would not listen.
To be fair, he felt the same about me.
He called me names. All kinds of names. He said I refused to take responsibility for what was happening. He said I didn’t care about my office and the people who worked for me.
Willy, give me one example of—
He cut me off, said he was trying to help me.
Are you serious? Help me? Sorry—is that what you call this? Helping me?
For some reason, that really set him off. He stepped towards me, swearing.
To that point I’d been feeling uncomfortable, but now I felt a bit scared. I stood, brushed past him, went out to the kitchen, to the sink. He was right on my heels, berating me, shouting.
I poured a glass of water for myself, and one for him as well. I handed it to him. I don’t think he took a sip.
Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’re like this.
He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dogs’ bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told“him to get out.
Come on, hit me! You’ll feel better if you hit me!
Do what?
Come on, we always used to fight. You’ll feel better if you hit me.
No, only you’ll feel better if I hit you. Please…just leave.
He left the kitchen, but he didn’t leave Nott Cott. He was in the sitting room, I could tell. I stayed in the kitchen. Two minutes passed, two long minutes. He came back looking regretful and apologized.
He walked to the front door. This time I followed. Before leaving he turned and called back: You don’t need to tell Meg about this.
You mean that you attacked me?
I didn’t attack you, Harold.
Fine. I won’t tell her.
Good, thank you.
He left.”

They're both narcissists because they lost their mother.

>> No.21505592

After british monarchy collapses Canada will just make their own monarchy and place a bear as the first king.

>> No.21505597

Narcissism doesn't happen when one loses their mother, and neither of them is really giving off narcissist vibes except Meghan.
I'm more likely to describe them as being emotionally stunted.

>> No.21505598
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the british royal family is the only relevant one (aside from the absolute monarchies) and they are the one that acts most dignified. you obviously don't know anything about other royal families. this is the king of thailand. he is a drug addict party-goer with countless mistresses and photos showing all this.

>> No.21505610

“I waved a hand, disgusted, but he lunged, grabbed my shirt. Listen to me, Harold.
I pulled away, refused to meet his gaze. He forced me to look into his eyes.
Listen to me, Harold, listen! I love you, Harold! I want you to be happy.
The words flew out of my mouth: I love you too…but your stubbornness…is extraordinary!
And yours isn’t?
I pulled away again.
He grabbed me again, twisting me to maintain eye contact.”
“Harold, you must listen to me! I just want you to be happy, Harold. I swear….I swear on Mummy’s life.
He stopped. I stopped. Pa stopped.
He’d gone there.
He’d used the secret code, the universal password. Ever since we were boys those three words were to be used only in times of extreme crisis. On Mummy’s life. For nearly twenty-five years we’d reserved that soul-crushing vow for times when one of us needed to be heard, to be believed, quickly. For times when nothing else would do.
It stopped me cold, as it was meant to. Not because he’d used it, but because it didn’t work. I simply didn’t believe him, didn’t fully trust him. And vice versa. He saw it too. He saw that we were in a place of such hurt and doubt that even those sacred words couldn’t set us free.
How lost we are, I thought. How far we’ve strayed. How much damage has been done to our love, our bond, and why? All because a dreadful ”
“mob of dweebs and crones and cut-rate criminals and clinically diagnosable sadists along Fleet Street feel the need to get their jollies and plump their profits—and work out their personal issues—by tormenting one very large, very ancient, very dysfunctional family.
Willy wasn’t quite ready to accept defeat. I’ve felt properly sick and ill after everything that’s happened and—and…I swear to you now on Mummy’s life that I just want you to be happy.
My voice broke as I told him softly: I really don’t think you do.
My mind suddenly flooded with memories of our relationship. But one in particular was crystalline. Willy and I, years before in Spain. A beautiful valley, the air glittery with that uncommonly clear Mediterranean light, the two of us kneeling behind a green canvas wall as the first hunting horns sounded. Lowering our flat caps as the first partridges burst towards us, bang bang, a few falling, handing our guns to the loaders, who handed us new ones, bang bang, more falling, ”

>> No.21505616

“passing our guns back, our shirts darkening with sweat, the ground filling with birds that would feed nearby villages for weeks, bang, one last shot, neither of us able to miss, then standing at last, drenched, starved, happy, because we were young and together and this was our place, our one true space, away from Them and close to Nature. It was such a transcendent moment that we turned and did that rarest of things—we hugged. Really hugged.
But now I saw that even our finest moments, and my best memories, somehow involved death. Our lives were built on death, our brightest days shadowed by it. Looking back, I didn’t see spots of time, but dances with death. I saw how we steeped ourselves in it. We christened and crowned, graduated and married, passed out and passed over our beloveds’ bones. Windsor Castle itself was a tomb, the walls filled with ancestors. The Tower of London was held together with the blood of animals, used by the original builders a thousand years ago to temper the mortar between
the bricks. Outsiders called us a cult, but maybe we were a death cult, and wasn’t that a little bit more depraved? Even after laying Grandpa to rest, had we not had our fill? Why were we here, lurking along the edge of that “undiscover’d country, from whose bourn no traveller returns”?
Though maybe that’s a more apt description of America.
Willy was still talking, Pa was talking over him, and I could no longer hear a word they said. I was already gone, already on my way to California, a voice in my head saying: Enough death—enough.
When is someone in this family going to break free and live?”

Does that not sound like a narcissist?

>> No.21505621

>Willy and I, years before in Spain. A beautiful valley, the air glittery with that uncommonly clear Mediterranean light, the two of us kneeling behind a green canvas wall as the first hunting horns sounded. Lowering our flat caps as the first partridges burst towards us, bang bang, a few falling, handing our guns to the loaders, who handed us new ones, bang bang, more falling
Some rare kino from the ghost writer. The rest is absolutely pathetic though.

>> No.21505630

>Does that not sound like a narcissist?
No. A narcissist is firm believer that he is perfect, never doubts himself, and wouldn't care about relationships with others beyond being the controlling entity in one. This is just someone broken.

>> No.21505640

Pretty cringe

>> No.21505657
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Bedroom Bros....not like this.

>> No.21505658

Some serious fucking homoeroticism between the brothers. They can't decide whose the bottom.

>> No.21505660

They have to be gay.

>> No.21505670

Considering what a attentionwhoring fag harry is im honestly angry that william didnt beat and bully him harder.

>> No.21505683

I'm pretty amused by him stating they shared a room, and yet, William's room was larger. I am also imagining William beating the crap out of him every time he tried to look out "his" window.

>> No.21505688
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That was my impression from the interviews with him as a teenager and younger man as well.

Thanks anon!

>> No.21505689

Imagine seething about this 25years after you left the family home . Older siblings get first dibs. Pathetic SPARElet

>> No.21505697

They both seem retarded, desu. The fact that he's going out with this is pretty horrid, though. Hopeful for a redemption arc—and with the degree of the cockup it will need be a long one—to start soon.

>> No.21505706
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this part about MILF's washing schoolboys hair is interesting. Is that a normal British school thing or just a Rich Kid school thing?

>> No.21505717
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Lol, I bet William got a smoking hot matron to tell him not to fight in the halls, and have sex with right where Harry can see from his smaller window where the only view is William's superior room.

>> No.21505723

>this part about MILF's washing schoolboys hair is interesting. Is that a normal British school thing or just a Rich Kid school thing?

This is not a normal British school thing. There must be less than a handful of schools in the country where this happens, and yes, they're probably the super rich schools.
Honestly I've never heard this happening in any British school ever.

>> No.21505741
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Fuuuuck I'm so jealous

Poor boy

>> No.21505742 [DELETED] 

Probably more of a prep school thing than public school but I only started in prep school age 10 and I don't remember getting hairwashes lol. Some of the matrons at prep school were pretty hot though (I had a bit of a crush on Miss Lucy and Miss Hetty). They tended to employ girls in their 20s as matrons in prep schools, but matrons in public schools are often older (40s or 50s) because you don't want the older boys hitting on 20-something chicks all the time.
Every now and then I still find random things around with my school number on them kek
Note for the foreigners in this thread: by public school I mean its proper definition

>> No.21505751

Probably because normal boys learn to wash their own hair by the time they are old enough for school. The scene described sounds like something one would do with bunch of toddlers, or with kids that were coddled by their nannies.

>> No.21505756


I bet Pat is still alive and probably had a reasonably favourable opinion of Harry, until she reads his book and finds out the little fucker called her ugly to the whole world.

>> No.21505805
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Unedited cover

>> No.21505810

P.S. just googled Miss Hetty (she had a distinctive surname). Total MILF now

>> No.21505822

How was this fucking photo greenlit

Pick literally anything else. Harry pulling his dick out on a night out would somehow be less unsettling

>> No.21505835

It really is amazing how someone with as much money as him can hire someone so untalented for design. They should have just pulled the focus back, placed him in some room or something with better lightning, so he looks like a human that came to tell his story and not like one of those computer generated image that scientists made on various data.

>> No.21505845
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Am I schizophrenic or does anyone else see it? Every english man, I swear, unmistakable physiognomy

>> No.21505897
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I don't like the way the book is written, I would have preffered a more chronological autobiography instead of these time jumps. The prose is awfully mediocre as well, why would anyone hire a ghostwriter for that? Like some teenager's first attempts.
In any case why would anyone hire a ghoswriter while writing a very personal autobiography? In case of some politician's grift I get it but in his case?

>> No.21505912

This sounds like the beginning to a bad gay fanfic. Have standards in England really fallen so low that the brother to the King writes in such a way?

>> No.21505924
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holy FUCK

>> No.21506046

I waved a hand, disgusted, but he lunged, grabbed my shirt. Listen to me, Harold.
I pulled away, refused to meet his gaze. He forced his cock up my ass --
Listen to me, Harold, listen! I love you, Harold! I want you to be happy.

>> No.21506078

>and they're the same

>> No.21506081

Autobiographies are the main use case for ghostshitters

If a celebrity is using a ghostwriter then assume the result would have been 10x less coherent if they wrote it themselves

>> No.21506092

>Discuss the upcoming book
>revelations you are expecting to be revealed.

Already out in Spain since last week..

>> No.21506155

What an end for the british empire honestly.
At one point they ruled half of the planet. And this is how they go out.

>> No.21506513
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>We thought he should be happy. Yes, Camilla had played a pivotal role in the unraveling of our parents’ marriage, and yes, that meant she’d played a role in our mother’s disappearance, but we understood that she’d been trapped like everyone else in the riptide of events. We didn’t blame her, and in fact we’d gladly forgive her if she could make Pa happy. We could see that, like us, he wasn’t. We recognized the vacant looks, the empty sighs, the frustration always visible on his face. We couldn’t be absolutely sure, because Pa didn’t talk about his feelings, but we’d pieced together, through the years, a fairly accurate portrait of him, based on little things he’d let slip.
>For instance, Pa confessed around this time that he’d been “persecuted” as a boy. Granny and Grandpa, to toughen him up, had shipped him off to Gordonstoun, a boarding school, where he was horrendously bullied. The most likely victims of Gordonstoun bullies, he said, were creative types, sensitive types, bookish types—in other words, Pa. His finest qualities were bait for the toughs. I remember him murmuring ominously: I nearly didn’t survive. How had he? Head down, clutching his teddy bear, which he still owned years later. Teddy went everywhere with Pa. It was a pitiful object, with broken arms and dangly threads, holes patched up here and there. It looked, I imagined, like Pa might have after the bullies had finished with him. Teddy expressed eloquently, better than Pa ever could, the essential loneliness of his childhood.
>Willy and I agreed that Pa deserved better. Apologies to Teddy, Pa deserved a proper companion. That was why, when asked, Willy and I promised Pa that we’d welcome Camilla into the family.

Absolutely brutal. The future - now ruling - king being bullied. His parents not having set up an adequate environment for him that would have prevented bullying. Plus the skills and be it martial to fight against it.
Even worse now everything being published by his son.

>> No.21506523

The DNA test is coming next if the family don't make up I can sense it. I also wonder how much money Meghan pissed away to humiliate Harry like this.

>> No.21506557
File: 37 KB, 334x500, 31c8b4e44f99389aad13182a6c8573c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Teddy went everywhere with Pa. It was a pitiful object, with broken arms and dangly threads, holes patched up here and there. It looked, I imagined, like Pa might have after the bullies had finished with him. Teddy expressed eloquently, better than Pa ever could, the essential loneliness of his childhood
Nice to know our king is thoroughly Aloysiuspilled.

>> No.21506569
File: 46 KB, 480x480, mrbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking more of Mr. Bean.

>> No.21506591

Charles is nothing if not a man of taste. I'm sure his bear reflects that

>> No.21506595
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>> No.21506834

what pages?

>> No.21506844

The eternal Jock strikes again

>> No.21506887

tokk me a sec lol

>> No.21506952
File: 270 KB, 1500x2000, Compress_20230110_194133_3485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Torments an elderly woman
>Boasts about it
>Justifies his reprobate behaviour because it made his mates laugh
He's a prick

>> No.21507062

willy should have gone further,

>> No.21507310

Why do they reflect his face?

>> No.21507433
File: 74 KB, 788x210, Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 20-58-33 Harry Windsor Prince Harry Meghan Markle Harry's gone spare - Spare (2023 Oprah Winfree) - libgen.li.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this paragraph was in my pirated copy and im doubting whether its real. can someone who has a legally bought copy confirm?

>> No.21507448

He had the eyes of Ahmedinejad.

>> No.21507473
File: 353 KB, 907x607, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real.

It's funny because I saw that OP quote and thought: "No way this fucker actually read Faulkner"

>> No.21507582

Fuck the monarchy and fuck pedophiles. Harry was right to get out of Dodge

>> No.21507657
File: 145 KB, 824x1280, 77AF3B1C-6BC6-4527-8A1E-1EB99035C42E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good desu

>> No.21507717

Who the fook is Faulkner? He wrote that?

>> No.21507815 [DELETED] 

He really just willingly outed himself as a culturelet. He has all the time in the world not needing to work a real job to get acquainted with world culture but instead brownies BrainyQuote.com. Not sure if so retarded it wraps back around to being based

>> No.21507836

He really just willingly outed himself as a culturelet. He has all the time in the world not needing to work a real job to get acquainted with world culture but instead browses BrainyQuote.com. Not sure if so retarded it wraps back around to being based

>> No.21507862

>It is absolutely astonishing for me that someone such as Harry Windsor who grew up with all these privileges, riches and contacts, access to the best tutors, mentors, teachers etc. ended up to be such a fool. Not just in marrying that woman but also waging that media campaign.
the ruling class is full of buffoons, and it doesnt matter if they are bourgeois or nobles

>> No.21507868

I don't get this joke

>> No.21507883

I got the pdf from libgen (and its nit bad) but has anyone got epub that they don't mind sharing?

>> No.21507888

See >>21497420

>> No.21507902


ginger = eggirn

>> No.21507939

LOL. Thanks. Spanish speaking fag here.

>> No.21507984

>the ruling class
What exactly does Harry rule? He's no noble and neither is William. They both have the mentality of peasants full of ressentiment.

They haven't overcome the death of their mother and are doing even worse against democratization. William is full of guilt and comes across as a coward in interviews.

>> No.21508040
File: 709 KB, 364x957, FearfulSymmetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's literally mirrored.

>> No.21508050

What the fuck

Is this going to turn out to be some kind of pedophile demon thing

>> No.21508093

Why did he feel the need to include any of this

If the book is intended to be
>me good, royals bad
then why include things that make him seem like a cunt

>> No.21508099

Oh shit actually that does explain it

It looks like a Paul Blart /tv/ edit

>> No.21508147

Hope you both die btw.

>> No.21508350

Grammar school pleb detected

>> No.21508528

Post the full page, I don't believe this is real.

>> No.21508552

happa nation is like that too

>> No.21508562

angloids be like, we only had 2 governments!!!!!

yeah but you have like 10 million brownoids living in your country waiting to replace you

>> No.21508572
File: 126 KB, 708x898, tbsuy4yulgi81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn´t you read JAMES ROLFE´s biography?

>> No.21509421
File: 63 KB, 866x248, Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 11.53.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21509599

Can someone explain to me why is this fool and his family relevant? If british royalty had any actual power or authority I would understand and appreciate them being the center of so many media campaigns, yet in reality they are little more than national pets with no saying in politics whose only function is to look cute on camera. Why should anyone care about their opinions, habits, looks or dramas? I really don't get it, specially when western aristocratic culture is pretty much dead.

>> No.21510025

>He said in the great English mother tongue, monolingually.

>> No.21510032

Back to the r/antiwork Reddit, chum!

>> No.21510035

>I killed twenty something Taliban
Buuuuuullllllshiiiiiiit, what? did he have the British army line up a bunch of POWs for him to shoot?

>> No.21510052

>they are little more than national pets with no say in politics
this is a myth sold to the masses as a smokescreen to cover how much influence the civil service has within government and daily life

>> No.21510053

Why is Harry this bitter? I don't understand what actually happened to him to cause this reaction.

>his mother died
Arguably the harshest thing to deal with, but he's had more sympathy and luxury than any other person on the planet. Many kids lose their parents and go into state care for fuck sake.
>tabloids were mean
Who gives a fuck, it's a free press, he's able to put out any statement he wants.
>the royal family worked with the press
So? Is that unexpected? Tabloids are corrupt as fuck, everyone knows not to read them. Why does it matter when you're a multi millionare? Who do you care about redeeming yourself to?
>the royal family were worried about a nigger marrying into the family and the colour of the kids
Okay? Having conversations about this isn't exactly that odd when you're a millenia-old family mostly comprised of white and germanic ancestors. What, were they just supposed to never ever mention it?
>meghan felt tired and scared and couldn't conform to the royal culture
I don't care about some octaroon bitch with BPD, and she knew exactly what she was getting into

Why is this nigga so MAD?

>> No.21510077

Any info or book on this? Genuinely interested in the topic.

>> No.21510079

>If you don't choke on millionaires dick and accept them as your natural superiors, you're a drone
This is your brain on capitalism.

>> No.21510093

You think there's perfect moral culpability in a communist system? Kek

>> No.21510102

To you his life seems perfect, because you live in the gutter, while he is in the clouds. But to him who knows only the life in clouds, it's natural that his troubles still look awfully big, because he has nothing worse to compare it to.

>> No.21510112

That would be a great own if I said anything even remotely similar

>> No.21510127

officially it’s just one of many informal checks and balances in place, the united kingdom’s government is generally speaking a huge hodgepodge of informalities, we have like the erskine may instead of a constitution and so on.

>> No.21510134

They're all gay. Rich people that rape children and pretend they are "royalty" even though they do nothing royalty in the past would ever publically do (not tp mention do anything at all but be symbols of a dying empire) aren't responsible for English proloferating in the Western world.

>Everyone that doesn't like modern royal faggots is a communist
Royalcuck cope

>> No.21510193

What am I missing? What is wrong with the cover photo?

>> No.21510303

It has an uncanny valley look because they mirrored half the image for some reason

>> No.21510369

For me it's the soft glow over the hairline. I've almost finished the book and it's clear the guy is massively insecure about his balding. He is constantly noticing other people with hair loss and comparing them to himself.

>> No.21510484
File: 745 KB, 1980x1114, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't he just get the same treatment as Elon? He has the funds for it.

>> No.21510938

There's definitely a rule in the family against doing it because Charles would have done it years ago and William would be subtly doing it every year so no one would notice. If he gets treatment it would be obvious and everyone would laugh at him.

>> No.21510958

This post should be a bannable offense. Let retards remain confused. Our society is made the worse by capitulating to them and making them feel welcome.

>> No.21510966

Who gives a fuck about his domestic abuse? The only interesting thing to come out of the book is Harry admitting to warcrimes and saying he didn't even consider the people he gunned down in his heli as human beings.

>> No.21510982

he's fucking delusional, then

>> No.21510988

You're nowhere as smart as you think you are

>> No.21511095

The faggy SPAPS vs the bull beast ERARE

>> No.21511101

kek based

>> No.21511329


>> No.21511374

>It's real
holy kek

>> No.21511819

every adult male descendant of QEII has some degree of baldness. To be the first person in the family to get a hair transplant would be 10x more embarrassing than just going bald.

>> No.21511881

Spoken like a true delusional rebellious teenager.
I bet that you consider yourself to be better than every attractive person as well despite being average at best because "in nature, everyone is equal" hahaha
I honestly hope you are in your early twenties at the latest because you sound pathetic otherwise

>> No.21511935

He was just a gunner in a helicopter, the automated computer systems handled all the aiming he just pulled the trigger. And the Taliban confirmed they had no combatant deaths on that date, so it was actually civilians.

>> No.21512119
File: 1.73 MB, 1314x1998, Bastard cuck 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
