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/lit/ - Literature

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21499029 No.21499029 [Reply] [Original]

Literature has collapsed

>> No.21499042

Everything is getting dumbed down. Idiocracy is closer than ever.

>> No.21499043

Nice, is that your prose?

>> No.21499044

it's pretty close to my prose actually

>> No.21499048

If DFW was alive today he would write like this, example: his nigger chapter

>> No.21499049

I hope you're joking.

>> No.21499050

What is it about? Sade-ish sex scenes about gay households and chirurgical operation tables?

>> No.21499052

I don't think so.

>> No.21499057

Is that a Bukowski book?

>> No.21499063

Is this the new Celine translation?

>> No.21499080

>all fax and no printer

>> No.21499082

Yes. I'm not sure if I should publish. After reading Sade, although I liked it, I couldn't help but realize how much unrealized potential there was in his creative ideas. Just look at the things the modern era has to offer! I immediately wrote a scene where a gay doctor receives a trans woman that wants to have a "special" operation.

>> No.21499115


Yes yes OP very clever.

>> No.21499119

>not a mere mention of based

>> No.21499136

>He was a dummy thiccc (w/ three c's) man
fucking brilliant, not because i can obviously see there are three c's, but because they thought of the audiobook version in advance.

>> No.21499165

I don't know what that means.

>> No.21499459

that just means we're getting closer to the singularity

>> No.21499515

What singularity? Is there something you want to tell us, anon?

>> No.21499558

>literature has collapsed because of this one shitty facetious novelty book

>> No.21499628

Then you're probably the living analogy.

All fax... all facts... all the transmission inward of information

no printer... no substance... no mechanism to transfer the received information into anything

Semi-functionally drain dead

If someone said that phrase to me in person I would loose my shit. It is a great insult

>> No.21500177

"Literature" has existed for like 250 years max

Before that it was folk songs and legends which were honestly much better

>> No.21500209

Disastrous bait.

>> No.21500219

I'm a zoomer. "Fax no printer" was a common line like two years ago, and it was literally just a play on the word "facts."

>> No.21500243
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This is a better example of how bad modern literature is.

>> No.21500730

As a boomer I thought it had something to do with only being able to give to others (faxing) without giving to yourself (printing).

>> No.21500792


>> No.21500798

High INT

>> No.21500805

Your highly technical and niche allusions will not confound me, sir autist.

>> No.21500887

>forced to interact with zoomer angloids to bang women in their 20s
>a lot of them speak like OP's pic, in varying degrees
Thank god this cancer hasn't reached continental European zoomers.

>> No.21500930

>there is an entire generation that doesn't know about gizoogle
everyone bitching about these joke translations are a bane on this earth

>> No.21501102

What does girlbossing actually mean?

>> No.21501105


>> No.21501115

Who the fuck is this embarrassing faggot or even the halliday they keep mentioning? It might be better not to know but at this point I'll take the risk.

>> No.21501119

I thought it's when they had their guy by the balls. Relationships today always end up that way; it's hilarious to see.

>> No.21501129

Fuck, does that mean I am old or young?
>Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic whoz ass published intensively up in tha 1870s n' 1880s yo. He is hyped fo' uncompromisin criticizzlez of traditionizzle European moralitizzle n' religion, as well az of conventionizzle philosophical ideas and hood n' ballistical pietizzles associated wit modernity. Many of these criticizzlez rely on psychedelic diagnoses dat expose false consciousnizz infectin people’s received ideas; fo' that reason, he is often associated wit a crew of late modern thinkers (includin Marx n' Freud) whoz ass advanced a “hermeneutics of suspicion” against traditionizzle joints (see Foucault [1964] 1990, Ricoeur [1965] 1970, Leita 2004). Nietzsche also used his psychedelic analyses ta support original gangsta theories bout tha nature of tha self n' provocatizzle proposals suggestin freshly smoked up joints dat he thought would promote cultural renewal n' improve hood and psychedelic game by comparison ta game under tha traditionizzle joints he dissed.

>> No.21501135
File: 7 KB, 662x264, ni-shi (kawaii desu).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God

>> No.21501136

alas, the writer glutted themselves on the finest dishes and savored the taste of none of them, for e'en 'mongst the trash 'ponst that list there are some choice delicacies.

'Tis an error common 'mongst the unlearn'ed.

probably joe rogan.

>> No.21501152

The football player who almost died also proved just how much they're worshipped. The pit bull thing also.

It's so strange that the poorest class is regarded as the highest. Jot even in Plato's time were democracies that severe. What we have now much more resembles a tyranny where the system itself is the tyrant and everyone's a slave.

>> No.21501182

Nope. You're a dullard and your friends all sniffed so much glue their eyes don't open any more.

The inclusion of "all" completely changes the phrase

>> No.21501186

>The pit bull thing

>> No.21501193
File: 17 KB, 881x374, 4chainz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like those threads in Stormfront in which they imitated black people.

>> No.21501215

Pit bulls are the blacks of dogs because they kill people and thus are the most useless dogs. Being marginalized is worshipped today.

I think its because everyone's a slave and so they need some respite and they get it by thinking there are people worse off than them. Which is false.

>> No.21501219

where is the part where he realizes he spent his life on dumb shit?

>> No.21501229


>> No.21501933
File: 46 KB, 466x391, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author is Ernest Cline. He also writes poetry.

>> No.21501961

This sort of stuff just comes across as a bad joke to me. I don't find anything particularly offensive about it and I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously. There are far greater examples of the dumbing down of literature than novelty humor "translations."
This is a far more heinous example of poisonous literary trends, I think.

>> No.21501969

>pulp never existed
Why do you people always act as if no one ever wrote anything bad before?

>> No.21502076

This is simply the ultimate conclusion of anglx culture

>> No.21502090

>If DFW was alive today
he'd kill himself all over again.

>> No.21502094

>they also had lowkey tea
can anyone translate for me?

>> No.21502098
File: 375 KB, 512x512, 1672511747096286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other Indiana Jones films, from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull onward
He knew

>> No.21502100

The singularity of suffering. Think Event Horizon. Where we're going we don't need lit, just blood.

>> No.21502143

Took me a moment to realize that's Harry Potter

>> No.21502147
File: 110 KB, 944x736, CCelarper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21502148
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, WhatIsLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's talking about this guy

>> No.21502360

That's a reasonable rebuttal but the pulp that I've read has been more well written and more interesting than the example in the post I replied to. Plus, I've never read anything that amounts to name-dropping pop culture references, which is exactly what that excerpt is.

>> No.21503370

"This is a parody," he assured himself, secretly unsure of its status as satire. "No one would write like this in seriousness. Civilization hasn't collapsed that much." His neck itched.

>> No.21503681

It never stops being both hilarious and cringe whenever some old person overthinks slang/phrases that young people say in an attempt to seem "with it". Fucking lmao.

>> No.21503727

yesn't i'm not being unserious

>> No.21503826

>reading magazine from the 80s
>user submissions from bored housewives have higher literary quality than academic work today, a mere 40 years later
>literally a fucking sewing magazine
something really fucked society up and that something was the boomer generation. 10,000 years of human progress flushed down the john in one generation.

>> No.21503871

That would be the "greatest generation". The first generation to have the majority of people not live in multi generational homes

>> No.21503895

wild that they are allowed to name themselves that. someone needs to go in and edit the textbooks to "generation shart-pants".

>> No.21504043

the last page

>> No.21504052

They had potentially scandalous/gossip worthy things about them that they tried to keep hidden

>> No.21504167

Reminiscent of Joyce

>> No.21504387

If you don't see why this is funny then you don't belong here.

>> No.21504537

Don't be upset, anon. You are special and intuitive and everyone loves you for your naturally contributive self

>> No.21504730

Lmao the fact you think that's from 'urban dictionary' is hilarious. It's from tiktok, boomer

>> No.21505055

My dad uses TikTok. He's repeatedly told me I should check it out. Are you sure one's more for old people than the other?

>> No.21505235

Just like every classic book ever, a string of words that mean nothing, yet some ape says it's good so everybody else says it's good.

>> No.21505238

>no substance... no mechanism
That doesn't even track, nice try though, retard.

>> No.21505432

A printer is a mechanism to print

sage till you sort out the oxygen shortage