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/lit/ - Literature

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21499562 No.21499562 [Reply] [Original]

In the year 1066 William the Misbegotten and his fellow Normans stormed into England, took wald from the Angle-Saxan, and set up a new, French-speaking lordship. Owing to this, French words bled into English over the yearhundreds, often taking the stead of inborn words with alike meanings. Today we can hardly speak English without leaning on French borrowings, and many folks are even unaware that English is in truth a Thedish tongue. Inborn words are reckoned to score between only 20 and 33 hundredths of our overall wordstock (though our everyday speech is still mostly Thedish).
The Anglish undertaking seeks to heal English, and rid it of its outlandish crutch. We do this in three ways: first, we choose to brook the inborn words we still have over alike outlandish words ("split" instead of "separate"); twoth, we breathe life back into dead words (Old English "wuldor" [splendour] becomes "wolder"); third, we twist words and make new meanings ("firsty" becomes "original")

>> No.21499572

I'm not as autistic as Anglish retards but I try to use colloquial words/phrases as much as possible(hell-bent instead of committed and stubborn, neck and neck instead of closely contested etc) and try to limit my high register vocab.

>> No.21499598

firsty poster is a fag

>> No.21499677

I wanted to write a reply but I'm playing videogames

>> No.21499752

Try hard niggers here who speak pure latin in the name of English are faggots

>> No.21499901
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>Puts Angloid scum in their place
Psht nothing personal "cow" farmers

>> No.21499906
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Was I in a discord server with you, wherein you would release your own online newspaper called the Anglish Times? Which was just a paragraph on a boring story?

We should go back further, and resume speaking German. It is a better language and most apt for philosophy, science and art.

>> No.21499914
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>only one person in the world writes in anglish

>> No.21499959

> Nords invade France, decide to become French
> They then invade England, decide to turn it into France
Trės basé, j'vous mens pas.

>> No.21499965
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>Only one autistic retard is retarded enough to think Anglish is worthwhile and not going back to a full Germanic Language

>> No.21499986
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I do laud Anglish as an undertaking at least, but you look like an utter dolt writing it. First learn how to write it, then tout it.
>over the yearhundreds
What in the world? Just say "over hundreds of years". This reads like you just wrote your post in New English and then swapped out the borrowings.

>> No.21500075

You sound like niggers speaking a pidgin.

>> No.21500091

modern english is already a pidgin, so it's in theme

>> No.21500100

So is Anglish, what is your point?

>> No.21500103

I was agreeing with you, you autistic retard.

>> No.21500104

Retard, that's an actual Anglo-Saxon word. It's due to people like you English became morphologically impoverished.

>> No.21500115

You're really outing yourself as a monolingual mutt with this post, anon. You can't just translate word by word and expect it to sound natural.

>> No.21500116

At least Anglish doesn't have to larp as latin and french.
Even big words are readily apparent in Anglish because the root words are Anglo-Saxon rather than French or Greek or Latin.

>> No.21500124

It's not a translation

>> No.21500125

Hwaet. A wulderous undertaking. Not at all autistic. Cheerio!

>> No.21500135
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If only there was some way we could go further back and keep the language even more refined and without addition of others.

Kannst du nicht auf Deutsch schreiben?

>> No.21500158

The Beatitudes in PVRV GVRMVNVC VNGLVSH without any french intrusion
>Eadige synde þa gastlice þearfan. forþan hyora is heofena riche
>Eadige syndde þa lyðan. forðan þe hyo eorðan agunnen
>Eadige sind þa þe nu wepeð. for-þan þe hyo beoð gefrefrede
>Eadiga synd þa þe rihtwysnissa hingreð. þirsteð. for-þan þe hyo beoð gefellede
>Eadige synd þa mild-heortan. for-þan þe hyo mildheortnyssa begytað
>Eadige synd þa clæn-heortan. for-þan þe hyo god geseoð
>Eadige synd þa sibsume. for-þan þe hyo beoð godes bearn genemnde
>Eadige synd þa þe hehtnysse þoliað. for rihtwisnysse. for-þam þe heora is heofena riche
>Eadige synde ge. þanne hyo weregieð. eow. & ehtað eow. & seggeð yfell ongean eow leogende for me
>Geblissiað Note: MS. Geblissiad. & gefageniað. for-þan þe eower mede is mychel on heofenum. Swa hyo ehtan ða witegan þe beforen eow wæren

>> No.21500171

Why don't you just learn OE?

>> No.21500178


break the cycle England.

>> No.21500181
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Because I want to visit Germany and read the old prose in as raw form as possible and talk with locals. I assume OE is Old English, who would I talk to with that, or what would I read?

>> No.21500193

Can you write a novel paragraph using only Anglish

>> No.21500223

>Because I want to visit Germany and read the old prose in as raw form as possible and talk with locals.
A good reason (OE is an absolute waste of time, just that OE is, of course, closer to OE than German is), but Germans will almost always insist on speaking English. You've got to be really stubborn to make them start speaking German. That, or act like you don't speak English. I'm sure you've already prepared yourself for that, though.

>> No.21500231

what's the venn diagram of people who replace vowles with Vs and that don't think christianity is a jewish conspiracy

>> No.21500236

the only people who do that are latin learning christlarpers

>> No.21500237

The man had never seen a spot as great as the big city. As he walked through the trodden down floor, he was overcome with awe at the high buildings that seemed to reach up to the sky. Everywhere he looked, there were folk rushing about, all with aim and leading. The man had never felt so small and not following in all his life. He stood for a time, taking it all in, before shaking his head and going on his way. He knew that he had much to learn in this new and unknown spot

>> No.21500265

Cum Genius?

>> No.21500338

>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my hips. My shame, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the mouth-roof to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
>She was Lo, deadass Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in trousers. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted mark. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
>Did she have a foregoer? She did, indeed she did. In truth, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a first girl-child. In a kingdom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a killer for a high-minded writing style.
>Good folks of the house, the first showcase is what the seraphs, the dimwits, the dumbfucks, far sniffing fucktard seraphs, yearned with jealousy. Look at this clusterfuck of thorns.
translated Lolita's intro to 95% Anglish. The remaining 5% doesn't require translation.

>> No.21500357

>want to use language more closely resembling a form from earlier time period
>you can't just use actual words from that time period!

>> No.21500364
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>>She was Lo, deadass Lo

>> No.21500404


>> No.21500416

Cool. Now stop using the Latin alphabet. Why should the purism there?

>> No.21500418

Why should the purism stop there?*

>> No.21500498

The alphabet originated from Phoenicians. The Alphabet is just a kind of technology and it aids the language to find its way through new mediums, to expand its influence. I am not autistic enough to can't tell the difference between writing systems and the actual language.

>> No.21500514

Language is also technology.

>> No.21500557

Yes but not the same kind of technology as the alphabet. It's just a medium of representing any language. It's a primitive way of recording speech, capturing it through some other medium.

>> No.21500589

old proto-germanics' runes.

>> No.21500901

It's precisely you who's outing yourself as a monolingual mutt. Languages have single words for "century", like "Jahrhundert" in German. This would have been yearhundred in English if the word "century" wasn't used. That's the whole point of Anglish, to make use of words that English WOULD have had if not for Romance influence. It's not supposed to sound "nice" to a monolingual English speaker like yourself. You fucking bellend

>> No.21500904
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>> No.21501031

>dictionary is just simply wordbook.
>Completely obvious meaning created from two simple words.
Wtf I love Anglish

>> No.21501756

someone in here ever read Uncleftish Beholding?

>> No.21501800

You've been learning German for two months and for some reason think you can extrapolate all of that knowledge onto English as well. The word 'Yearhundred' is not anywhere attested to have been used in the Noun Phrase OP used. 'Adapting' it to be used in that way is no better than replacing 'a' or 'o' with 'x' and creating 'Latinx'. In fact, it's really no better than any other bogus word, like 'Homophobia'.

>> No.21502169

En le anne 1066 Guillaume le conqueror et ses accompanying Normans invaded Anglia, defeated le Anglo-Saxons, et installed un nev, Francophone government. Because ce, French vocables ont ete introduced en Engles during centuries, frequentment replacing native vocables en similar signification.

>> No.21502187
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>> No.21502192

English is already something new from Germanic languages because of its extreme analytic bent. Without norman conquest we would still have the inflections and shit of old english so you can’t revert or make it pure germanic just by only using german words.

>> No.21502312

They will never do this, because it takes too much work.

>> No.21502591
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>> No.21502621

That's fucking stupid, most Germanic languages had Latin loanwords anyway.

>> No.21503392
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Reminder that everytime you say "beef" instead of "cow" or "pork" instead of "pig" you're de facto bowing to William the Conqydonquerer.

>> No.21503756

>In the year 1066 William the Misbegotten and his fellow Normans stormed into England, took wald from the Angle-Saxan, and set up a new, French-speaking lordship.
Willum the Black was a Baltic Norseman from the Estonian colonies of the Jutes (Precum-Danish) who had taken over the Roman Port towns along the Gallic strait of Dubris and effectively held the colon of trade clenched in a tight fist. The overlords of Gallia, the feeble Germanic horde called 'Franks', couldn't cope with what Willum was able to deliver onto them and gave up Northern Gallia to him and his without any resistance. In Romano-Britannia at this time, the population of Enguerand (a name and a word meaning 'nose like a crows beak', were a mixture of Romans and natives, sadly earlier efforts to pacify Crowland and the regions around it had disarmed the locals and rendered them rather unfit to wage war, this led to them being plundered by all parties around them, even the Scots of Ireland, and then, most shamefully, the Jutes of Saxonia (predum Danish) and these people were toughish but weak and lazy, and despite managing to kick the face off of a literal VARANGIAN GUARDSMAN and his hirdmen (I mean Harald), were no match for what Willum could deliver to them either.

In short, neither William nor the Franks wee speaking French and the 'English' (whatever was left of them) had long since retreated to Wale and Bretagne before the Saxons showed up, and so weren't speaking English either.

Juto-Frankish rabble killing Juto-Frankish rabble, in other words. This, to a civilized Man, is no more a disturbance than to hear of cannibal tribes eating each other.

roma invicta.

(from 'the Histories')

>> No.21503995


>my shame, my soVl. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongVE taking a trip of three steps down the moVth-roof to tap, at three, on the teeth.

No, the alphabet originated from the Greeks. The Greeks modified the Phoenician variant of the Semitic abjad, creating the alphabet. Alphabetics cannot be said to come from anywhere except Greece.

Unlikely. Inflected suffixes were being ground down even before the Norman showed up (in like half of all OE declensions the accusative and nominative are identical, and the dative and instrumental are already blurring). I say we just immanetize the eschaton and make English into a language with polypersonal verbs before the Frogs/Dagos/Wops admit that they're already doing it. Itwould notbeit hard todoit, just stickit a pronoun for the subject ("Iam autistic") and one for the object ("Ihaveit the 'tism") onto every verb. Eventually, prepositions they willmerge with nouns and we'll haveit a new case system, but /lit/ isn't ready for that.

>> No.21505496

the amount of dead/non-fruitful syllables in Romance-English is staggering

what's an Anglish word for syllable?