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21495684 No.21495684 [Reply] [Original]

>As a man, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. This includes ensuring that your most intimate areas are clean and well-maintained. I know, I know - you're thinking, "Jordan, I already shower regularly, what's the big deal about washing my genitalia?"

>But let me tell you, the act of thoroughly cleansing your male anatomy is not just about personal hygiene. It's about self-respect, discipline, and, ultimately, success and personal fulfilment.

>First and foremost, washing your genitals sends a message to yourself and to others that you value yourself and your health. A man who takes care of his body is a man who is confident, self-assured, and capable. This confidence will radiate outwards, attracting success and opportunity in all areas of your life.

>But it's not just about impressing others. Proper genital hygiene can also improve your sexual health and relationships. No one wants to be intimate with a partner who is unclean or has an unpleasant smell. Showing respect for your partner's body by taking care of your own sends a powerful message and can lead to deeper intimacy and connection.

And let's not forget the importance of discipline. Washing your genitalia may seem like a small and insignificant task, but it is a daily practice that requires discipline and commitment. This discipline will spill over into other areas of your life, helping you to become more organized, focused, and productive.

>As a clinical psychologist, one of the things I learned is that many of our deepest beliefs and values are rooted in ancient stories and myths. And when it comes to the importance of genital hygiene, the Bible offers a powerful analogy.

>In the book of Leviticus, it is written that a man who has an emission of semen must wash his entire body with water, and he will be unclean until evening. This may seem like an arbitrary rule, but it serves as a reminder that the most intimate and sacred parts of our bodies deserve care and attention.

>Just as the Israelites were called to be a holy people, set apart and consecrated to God, so too are we called to be holy in all aspects of our lives - including the care of our bodies. When we neglect to wash our genitalia, we are neglecting a sacred aspect of ourselves and failing to live up to our full potential as men.

>So the next time you step into the shower, don't just give your armpits and chest a cursory rinse. Take the time to give your male anatomy the attention it deserves. It may seem like a small act, but it is a powerful step towards living a life of integrity, self-respect, and personal fulfilment. Wash your penis.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.21495690


>> No.21495696

As I discuss in my book, Maps of Meaning, many of our most deeply held values and beliefs are rooted in ancient stories and myths. And when it comes to the importance of genital hygiene, we can look to the natural world for guidance.

You see, in the animal kingdom, there are certain behaviours that are essential for survival and reproduction. Take lobsters, for example. When a male lobster wants to attract a female, he must first engage in a ritual of self-cleansing. He washes his genital area, displaying to the female that he is a strong and capable mate.

Now, I know what you're thinking - what do bloody lobsters have to do with human males? But bear with me. Just like the male lobster, a man who takes care of his body, who shows respect for himself and his health, is a man who exudes confidence and self-assurance. This confidence is contagious, drawing success and opportunity to him like a magnet.

But the benefits of genital hygiene extend far beyond just external appearances. It is also crucial for maintaining sexual health and improving relationships. No one wants to be intimate with a partner who is unclean or emits an unpleasant odor. Showing respect for your partner's body by taking care of your own sends a powerful message and can lead to deeper intimacy and connection.

So, my fellow men, I implore you: do not neglect this essential aspect of self-care. Take a page from the lobster's book and engage in a daily ritual of self-cleansing. It may seem like a small task, but it is one that will pay dividends in all areas of your life. Remember, a man who takes care of his body is a man who is truly living up to his full potential. Wash your penis.

>> No.21495701
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>shills daily kosher
hahah no

>> No.21495709

Jordan ! Will you be releasing a daily updated how-to on your twitter to accompany the book ? #washyourpenis could really get people thinking !!

>> No.21495721

How dare you speak of me in such a vile manner, you coward. Do you not know who I am? I am Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and bestselling author. I have dedicated my life to helping others find meaning and fulfillment, to standing up against the forces of oppression and injustice.

And yet, you have the audacity to label me a "shill" and a "kosher," whatever that means. I can only assume you are an antisemite, spewing your hate and ignorance from the safe anonymity of your 4chan post.

But let me tell you, I will not be silenced by the likes of you. I will continue to speak out against the forces of darkness and evil that seek to destroy us. I will continue to stand up for the truth, even if it means facing criticism and hatred.

You see, I am guided by a higher purpose, a sense of moral and ethical obligation. I am inspired by the ancient myths and stories that have shaped our world, by the wisdom of the Bible and the great thinkers of the past.

So go ahead and mock me if you must. But I will not be deterred in my mission to help others find meaning and fulfillment in this chaotic and confusing world. I will continue to stand up for what is right and true, even if it means facing ridicule and contempt.

And if you cannot see the value in that, if you cannot see the worth in striving to be a better person, then I pity you. I pity your small, small mind, your inability to see the world for all its beauty and complexity.

*pauses, tears welling up in eyes*
I may break down and cry at the thought of the ignorance and hatred that exists in this world. But I will never give up my fight for what is good and true.

>> No.21495743

>I will continue to speak out against the forces of darkness and evil that seek to destroy us
and this malevolent force you speak of, Mr. Peterstein, what actually is it? is it not your benefactors who label those who oppose them as "antisemites"

>> No.21495839

i still dont get how do these benzo junkie grifters get so popular with the right wing
same with that gypsy tate grifter
makes me question if average rightoid is any smarter than average blue hair

>> No.21495900

irst and foremost, it is essential that you set aside enough time for this task. Do not rush through it, as thorough cleansing is of the utmost importance. Begin by gathering all necessary tools, such as a washcloth, soap, and towel.

Next, find a comfortable and private location to perform this ritual. Your bathroom or shower is an ideal choice.

Now, it is time to begin the cleansing process. Begin by gently cupping your genitals in your hand, taking care not to apply too much pressure. Apply a small amount of soap to your washcloth and gently scrub your genitals, making sure to get every nook and cranny. Pay particular attention to the folds of skin, as these areas are prone to build-up and bacteria.

Once you have thoroughly scrubbed your genitals, rinse the soap off with warm water. Be sure to rinse thoroughly, as any leftover soap can cause irritation and discomfort.

After rinsing, pat your genitals dry with a clean towel. And voila! Your male anatomy is now clean and well-maintained.

But this process is not just about physical cleanliness. It is also a matter of self-respect and discipline. As Nietzsche wrote, "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to face the challenges of the world and to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

And as the Bible teaches us, we are called to be a holy people, set apart and consecrated to God. This includes taking care of our bodies and treating them with the respect and attention they deserve.

So, my fellow men, I urge you to make this daily ritual of genital hygiene a priority. Not only will it improve your physical health, but it will also enhance your sense of self-respect and discipline. Remember, a man who takes care of his body is a man who is truly living up to his full potential.

>> No.21495902
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>> No.21495979
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This guy just cant catch a break

>> No.21496002

Wash your penis.
Punch your balls.
Piss with the seat down.

>> No.21496060

>two worldwide bestselling books
>multiple sold out international lecture tours
>creator of online interview series watched by millions
Holy cope.

>> No.21496085

Now that's a handsome motherfucker right there got dam

>> No.21496096
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brush you teeth

>> No.21497133

They really aren't. If rightwingers were serious about any of the shit they were talking about, they wouldn't rely on a system that is against them and their ideals to fix the same system via traditional methods. They just want to look like they are doing something instead of actually fixing society. It's also why they didn't care about the spectre of Big Tech until about 2021, fucking 5 or 6 years after the first showed their hands with random mass bannings and the like. That and the retarded trad memes have made me dislike conservative people's idea of conservatism, but not the ideals (minus the blind cpcksucking of multinational corporations which are even worse now than when Teddy Roosevelt dealt with them in the Progressive Era. These companies need to have been broken up 10 fold by this point, it's fucking insane).

>> No.21497138

ye sanctimonious scallywags. prepubescent peddlers of pessimism. your vindictive aspirations will join you in matrimony with misery.

>> No.21497295
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>Associate based on ethno-cultural values and despise those who condemn you for it
>Use brotherhood and strength to affect societal change that protects what you love

>> No.21497300


>> No.21497334

Why does he make left-wing brainwashed people incredibly mad?

>> No.21497356
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>makes me question if average rightoid is any smarter than average blue hair

They are not. They are both playing the same game in which Western Society and its native people lose.

What has the Conservative movement achieved since its inception?
>Defended Marriage?
Nope, marriage rates are in free fall, also men can mow marry each other, there is no marriage anymore. It is a business deal, reduced to getting better tax deals. Many now break up in the USA to prevent medical bills being passed on to a spouse when they die. Conplementing this is the fact over half of marriages end in divorce. A limp-dick protest of saying marriage is between a man and a woman did nothing to defend it.

The national economy is the pride of the Right Wing, that has always been their main point. They were the ones who said they can fix the economy, yet they never do. Debt increases, currency devalues and those in power get richer. Job creation means nothing if i still cant buy a house. They further intergrare the nation into globol financial insitutions and hasten the end. They for the economy what the left does for society. Rape it for profit.

>Traditional Values
There are no traditional values, these are nebulous and can mean anything that is appropriate. What is acceptable and what is not is entirely dependent on how people react. Miscegenation, primacy of the man in the household, the want to engage in violence and hate and the domesticity of women are not considered traditional now because they are unpallatable. The views that are considered traditional are simply generic values that are universal, hard-work, stiff upper lip, etc. When you stand by and watch drag queen story hour in every city in America you can safely conclude that the trad values are toothless larps.

>Strong Military
The military includes women, why? You have them at all critical points now, from supply chain to general staff. The only place they are not present is the front line, but thats only a matter of time. You have trannies there too, our military is in shambles, the navies are barely able to navigate out or harbors without damaging things. They are up to date on progressive ideology thoughy. The military used to be the stronghold of conservative men, now it is dead and will gradually crumble until the wheels fall off at a critical moment.

The Right is a fucking joke. What have they preserved, what have they saved in all their decades of work? The Left have accomplished all sorts of things, Civil Rights, Men are now able to be Women, niggers and pakis and literal human scum infest every city in the West. Yet the Right still thinks it has something worthwhile to add to the conversation? Bullshit.

National-Socialism is the only way to get the society normal people envision. Everything else is simply globalisation and liberalism.

>> No.21497389

Conservatism is basically "don't experiment". Latin America and Eastern Europe are places that experimented with leftist politics for decades.

You don't get to count all the experiments that went right and discount all the experiments that failed due to progressives. For every California there is an Argentina or Greece. You have a blindspot which is called survivorship bias.

>> No.21497426
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>Conservatism is basically "don't experiment
No. It is not. The only society that could be vagely called Conservative is Japan and that comes from an entirely differeny World-View that has never known Christianity. Conservatism is empty. What you call 'Don't experiment' is better and more accurately described as 'Don't destroy what we have on the promise of making something better'.

That comes from Europeans, Eastern Europe had to he forced in to Communism under Asianic/Russian/Jewish. This lack of foresight is directly corrolated with the amount of non-whites a nation has.

More white europeans = less risk in any experiment less and less chance of involuntary destruction in transitioning from one system to another.
Less white europeans = more risk of death simply going to buy milk and eggs.

>> No.21497445

I understand calling him a jew, but why leftists consider him a nazi for telling people to wash their penis?

>> No.21497449

He never said this. And you knew that.

>> No.21497452

If you have only responsibility and no authority, you are a slave

>> No.21498471
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>be me
>literal neonazi skinhead with swastika tat on my forehead
>"He's Just In Argentina" written in Fraktur font on my t-shirt
>walking to store to buy some smetana for my wife
>enjoying the cool crisp autumn air
>listening to jonathan bowden speeches on my headphones
>see small dot appear on the horizon
>the dot gets larger and larger
>it's a libtard, running full speed
>directly towards me
>he reaches me and comes to a halt like he hit a sprung floor
>gestures at me to take my headphones off
>i do
>immediately starts telling me specific timestamps of jordan peterson videos from 8 years ago where peterson said having a dad is important and you should wash your penis
>tell him i dont understand
>continuous babbling and screeching about how stupid jordan peterson is and how father figures and washing your foreskin are dog whistles for white supremacy
>ask him what any of this has to do with me
>he won't answer, just keeps saying jordan peterson is a nazi
>is a nazi, is a nazi
>tell him i'm not sure about that, i don't know much about peterson but i'm a nazi and peterson doesn't seem like one
>he just keeps going
>now he's telling me about some tweet peterson made in 2016
>now he shows me a picture of him sitting in a messy office
>now he tells me peterson isn't a real professor and isn't qualified to speak on gender v. sex
>he asks me: "did you know that peterson used to shit his pants when he was a baby?"
>i open my mouth to say something but--
>he tells me the daily wire is the daily stormer lite
>ben shapiro is a nazi too
>i ask him what he even means by nazi? (i am a nazi)
>show him my "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" dagger and himmler rookie card
>he won't answer
>anger in his eyes--he starts pulling out cards with screenshots of jordan peterson making stupid faces on them
>the word "NAZI" is written in red ink across peterson's forehead
>i turn away
>now I am the one who is running

>> No.21499156

>attempt to assassinate character
Same pattern for over half a decade.

>> No.21499222
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>>But let me tell you, the act of thoroughly cleansing your male anatomy is not just about personal hygiene. It's about self-respect, discipline, and, ultimately, success and personal fulfilm-

>> No.21499268

Wash another man’s penis.

>> No.21499806

Greater love hath no man than to lay down his penis for the wash of another man

>> No.21500012

Somebody screenshot this masterpiece

>> No.21500843

To be alive in 2023, where 4chan has continued its cultural legacy, is the only saving grace in this life. All of 4chan's a stage, and anons mere players. "Sockpuppet," "falseflag," "LARPing"? None of these words come close to the Shakespeherian heights of our resident minstrels, these lifelong thespians who at once act out the permutations of little white men and frogs, each one of them representing the absurdities of the quotidian, as well as those contemporary politics of neoliberalism. Take a breath. Take a bow. I shall stand in an ovation. This is what the groundlings must have felt at the Globe, I think to myself. What beauty.

>> No.21500871

it's called being represented by CAA for years. see: Sam Harris, and that little guy who was with jordan and bibi. you get pushed you get popular.

>> No.21500872

>The only society that could be vagely called Conservative is Japan
Japan is not conservative. It's a pozzed Neoliberal open air nursing home. Weebs just mistake leftover Showa Era work culture for social conservatism, which it isn't.

>> No.21501251

It is nearer than the West. I understand they have little to no lgbt, migration and the man is still head of the home, so much so that family businesses will frequentlly instruct the son in law, rather than their daughter when passing on the business

There is no conservative ethos in the West. You personally may believe you are, but there are no movements that can produce results and have not been since the German Conservative Revolution.

>> No.21501275

Oh, Jordie...