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21486955 No.21486955 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/- solemnly optimistic edition

>> No.21486956

Prev thread >>21473364

>> No.21486965

Something has been bugging me
If i would ever have a kid, it would most likely be gen beta. Thought of that makes me uneasy. Gen beta starts at 2025 and until then i most likely wont even find a gf, and ends 2039 when i might be too old

>> No.21486972

The fact that Houellebecq will die without a Nobel Prize when fucking Bob Dylan got one is a travesty. Future history textbooks will use it as an example illustrating our era's degeneration.

>> No.21486976

What on earth are you on about?
Houelle is unapologetically shamefully indulgently degenerate

>> No.21487461

I have taken my weekly shit, after gratuitously lubing up my asshole. It was painful and clogged the toilet, but happy, as I can now indulge in my opioids again.

The Nobel Prize has been a meme for at least 50 years. Last time it didn't suck was when it was heavily biased towards Scandinavians. Everything pre-memeingway getting it is legit.

Moral degeneration and aesthetic degeneration are two completely separate things to everyone but the most boring moralists, and, in fact, often counteract each other. Case in point, Tolstoy's late authorship, which, in an attempt to become simple moralizing fables for illiterate peasants, as was the requirement for Tolstoy's philosophy of aeshtetics, became excruciatingly boring, and lost the brilliance that it had had before. The regeneration of morals led to the degeneration of the aesthetics. The exact opposite you find in something like the early Hamsun (who, hilariously in Mysteries, had Nagel say that (roughly translated) he was tired of Tolstoy's dirty, self-righteous and holy drool), where you see a complete disregard for common mores leading to that much greater aesthetic worth.

>> No.21487633

Sin is not fun, contrary to popular opinion

>> No.21487740

wanna kms

these threads are shit too btw

>> No.21487745

Here's a tip to all the missionaries and moralfags: if you want to actually spread the word and have an effect, you have to stop being so boring and insufferable. Being so boring and insufferable actually has the opposite effect of what you intend, leading people to sin more out of spite. Should you wilfully keep up your boring proselytizing after being given this insight, but still do it, because you consider your own vain missionary projects more important than the fruits of your labor, then you are guilty of pride and vanity.
This leaves you two options: stop being so boring when arguing against sin, or be quiet.

>> No.21487750


>> No.21487755

What was that? Probably nothing.

>> No.21487770

All of his literature tends to reflect the emptiness of depravity and often men who realize how empty it is an regret it. Even Oscar Wilde’s explicitly amoral and purely aesthetic Picture of Dorian Gray accentuates the harm and pain of depravity over depth and commitment. Houellebecq by contrast is all about how men need to be more depraved or if you aren’t depraved you are missing out on life and basically speaks to the heart of very shallow people who do not care about meaningful human relationships or growing as a person but those who wish to be irresponsible animals and are in pain they can’t have that, which is the emotional maturity of an infant. This attitude can never produce great art, it can at most produce shock value like Sade.

>> No.21487807

>All of his literature tends to reflect the emptiness of depravity and often men who realize how empty it is an regret it
Who? Houllebecq? It surely does not apply to any of the other authors in question, and if you believe this about Houllebecq, you are contradicting yourself in your later admonishment of him.

>> No.21487809
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Can I still be considered a truecel if I'm a virgin but have hugged and French kissed a hot girl?

>> No.21487829

How old are you?

>> No.21487833

Early 20s

>> No.21487848

Stop obsessing over fucking as best as you can. Your nervous system will eventually calm down enough so you're no longer a spergy retard around women and you'll be fine.
It just comes with the territory of being young. All young people are terribly insecure and terribly retarded. It gets better.

>> No.21487860

No, Tolstoy. Levin is based on him and is haunted for having premarital sex, it weighs on his conscience throughout the novel. Always this sort of depravity is shown as either a destructive vice or an exercise in stupidity

>> No.21487873

This does not apply to all his works at all - several characters of War and Peace are dreadful sinners who live wonderful lives without any comeuppance.

>> No.21487896

This post was made by the author of the xi jinping of weed smoking.

>> No.21487950

>or an exercise in stupidity

They are shown as shallow dunces who don’t suffer because they are goldfish. They’re midwits, halfwits and dimwits. Sometimes characters want to kill them but realize it is like killing a goldfish

>> No.21487959

Also I should point that in War and Peace their depravity is still shown as a destruct vice, sometimes extremely destructive. That they don’t care or suffer for it is because they are too stupid to empathize or put themselves in another’s shoes.

>> No.21488067
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I wish I lived in Germany of 1900. Even just to see the old cities and architecture destroyed in two world wars. Berlin today is unrecognizable for someone back then. We lost our concept of beauty

>> No.21488098
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They rebuilt a fair bit of Dresden in the same style, and it is well worth visiting. They rebuilt the Frauenkirche with some of the original stones that got blackened in the firebombing.
Also, it's right next to Sachsicher Schweiz, saxon switzerland, which is a very beautiful area next to the Elbe with great hiking opportunities.
Go if you get the chance, it's a wonderful place.

>> No.21488186
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how long does it take to get used to waking up early? I went to bed at like 9:30 last night and im still too tired to be functional after waking up at 7:30

>> No.21488243
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>hugged and French kissed hot girl
>am Truecel?
F-fuc—king lar...per...k-k-king of laaarpers
*dies of cringe*

>> No.21488245

I was going to sleep at around 6am for about 4 months then i skipped one night and went to sleep at about 6pm and had the most incredible dream in which i fell into some kind of vortex with some brautiful blonde short haired girl on some stoney beach in which i felt completely known, appreciated and loved and confident in my being, beauty and existence. I woke up feeling completely fine with my aloneness cause i knew i am known and loved, somewhere out there. Felt indestructible, still do
And then i started waking up at about 6am, thus fixing my sleep schedule

>> No.21488325

Like i said, sin is not fun- its boring. Its lame. It destructs and deadens. It might be chaotic but youre mixing up chaos with fun. Being in a chaos of sin is not fun. Fun is being good and kind and loving, out of that grows infinite fun possibilities. That being said, being good is not always fun, but thats because world is filled with, you know, people who are bed

>> No.21488343

thats because you overslept. You need to sleep in ~1hr30min intervals so try sleeping for 7.5hrs or 9.
personally i sleep 6 hours a day and generally feel alrught

>> No.21488353

A fine edition topic, but we already have one up atm


>> No.21488366

i never had this problem when i was a NEET often sleeping 10+hours

>> No.21488753

>makes boring point
>repeats boring point
You think the brothers Karamazov would be better if it was just Alyosha acting nice for 800 pages?

>> No.21488786

Alyosha is the most based character in literature
Theres nothing more beautiful than purity of heart
Solovyov was the inspiration for Alyosha

>> No.21488828

>reminding us of the sequel we never got to see

>> No.21488891

I "quiet quit" a long time ago. I've done maybe an hour of work per week at most for the last year and I've totally checked out and not even answered e-mails for at least a month every year.

>> No.21488903

When I graduated, I got a pretty high-flyer job in the city and I hated it so much that I quit on the day I hit 12 months. I drifted around for a few months after that and eventually took a sort of a sinecure job at a university where I don't really do anything but tune in to a phone call with some researchers and administrators a few times per week. Honestly, my biggest problem is existential boredom because I've had nothing to do for a few years now, but keep getting paid enough to just keep going on like this. It will be 4 years in February.

>> No.21488990

i would kill myself if i didn't believe in God. why do atheists live?

>> No.21489207

my dad almost had a vasectomy instead of having me, but my grandpa (maternal) talked him out of it
how do i let go of my resentment for both of them? i think he should've did it and i think my grandpa only told him not to because he wanted a grandchild to make up for his shortcomings as a father

>> No.21489355

Honestly my minds is slowly eating itself away as I sit in a dimly lit room. The light is coming from my lizards enclosure and he keeps giving me a look like what is is this retard doing.
I Don't want to turn my lights on due to electricity being so expensive.
Last year taught me a lot about the world and how I fucked up it is. Just typing that out is reminding me how heavy the depression is.
Almost like someone is just sitting on my shoulders and only getting fatter. Well, I guess that's all I got for now.

>> No.21489410

How is the market for uni admin stuff? I'm thinking of jumping ship from my shithole. What kind of qualifications do they want and how fake/makework is the job?

>> No.21489599

Right now, it's pretty terrible. Everyone's on a hiring freeze and layoffs might be on the horizon, which would make sense considering the job is almost entirely fake makework for most people. Maybe 10% of what's done is really necessary.

>> No.21489824
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I recently went to Portland with my family for New Years. I'm not articulate enough to express the city but it boils down to the idea of a high end fashion brand store or restaurant with a complex modern Gay flag flying (see pic) above it's entrance all the while homeless camp on the side walks. They wonder around with their underwear at their ankles screaming and stumbling as they walk like they are zombies. I went into a mall to look around and there was more security personnel than customers. All the stores had someone who would let people in along with the security. All smiling sales women trying to get my mom to buy garbage. Some were obvious diversity hires with hijabs and the like. I hate that city. It only looks good if you don't look at the streets. Every corner had a homeless and the ones that don't, have weirdos with more metal on their faces than tattoos on their arms. The parks and wilderness around the city was great though.

>> No.21489882

question for mbti faggots: does anyone know how to tell if you're an infp or isfp? having a bit of trouble discerning as i definitely value the physical realm and physical experience but usually as a nostalgic artifact or general emotional atmosphere to reflect my values or philosophical ideas - i have intense inertia when push comes to shove to actually engage in a new experience and when i'm traveling i only appreciate the profundity of the experience afterwards and am restless. i also have an intense distaste for "art for art's sake" (as i've seen it described in mbti questionnaires) and will only accept something if it aligns with what i deem artistically relevant and non-masturbatory, but at the same time through the development of my thought i do value innocence and a primitive, naturalistic expression of humanity. i am wondering if my thought through the lens of Fi-Ne has come to value functions outside of my stack. basically i've always been in my head and analytical of things and obsessed with imagination / fantasy but I'm not sure if this is the Fi-Ni axis or a manifestation of infp's functions.

>> No.21489891

Anyone who criticizes america and the general post-WW2 west to the levels he does will never be recognized on a wide scale.

>> No.21489919

Normal distributions are one of those concepts which have enough complexity and implications to be discussed for months on end, but are only touched on briefly in modern curricula. For example, one can think of 4chan. According to the Central limit Theorem, any sufficiently complex variable can be modeled with a normal distribution. So the propensity to use 4chan, which is obviously a complex variable involving upbringing, sex, etc., can be described with such a graph. If we can assume that actually using 4chan involves a sort of high-pass filter, so that one must have a certain propensity for 4chan to even consider using it, then there's a set of shared characteristics whose aggregate describes the average 4chan user. Of course, it's not one particular trait, but some combination of anti-sociality, racism, intelligence, and misogyny which creates the average 4chan poster. To expand the site then requires one of two things. Either you force every anti-social loser to post here, or you lower this filter. Since the first option is so unlikely as to be impossible, any expansion of the userbase requires lowering the criteria for posting here. This means that, as the site grow, the average poster has experiences that are further and further from the average chudcel.
In the extreme case, one could imagine a site whose userbase includes the whole planet; that site's culture would thus be indistinguishable from modern irl culture.
To summarize, as the userbase increases the culture of a site approximates normalfaggot culture.

>> No.21490118

I wish I didn’t live.

>> No.21490152
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>> No.21490178

Finally got prescribed a PSA test. Having prostate cancer would probably destroy my life so I can't say I'm looking forwards to seeing the results, but I will at least know what is wrong with me.

>> No.21490245

I am really drunk so it might not actually be legible
Anyways, another concept which is barely covered (if at all) in modern education but very significant is that of local versus absolute minima/maxima. The idea is that, while you're observing a local maximum, a change in either direction would cause a decrease in that variable. But that doesn't mean this local maximum is the absolute maximum. Rather, it's possible that bearing enough decrease will lead to an absolute increase. And so it's not enough to just determine a direction of improvement based on readily available conditions, we should be looking at the overall conception to determine the best outcome. Of course, the natural processes of improvement (evolution, free markets) only look at the relative value of one concept versus another, without considering their absolute potential. So it's necessary to intervene in these processes if we want to reach the best possible outcome.

>> No.21490310

also, /pol/ doesn't actually understand regression to the mean. A main point of it is that it only occurs when the variables aren't correlated. So saying that IQ exhibits a regression to the mean for subsequent generations is to say that there is no genetic component for IQ, which is generally not what /pol/tards believe.

>> No.21490563

everything I make public is fed into the future AI which will dominate me
fuck off glowie

>> No.21490629

Model NWO society
>screaming schizophrenic hobos (enabled/subsidized by taxes of middle class)
>drug addled vagrants (enabled/subsidized by taxes of middle class)
>diversity hire 90IQ woman with fake job ("greeter," "analyst," "data science"/python "coding")
>store employee broads selling chintzy garbage made by slaves overseas
>armed goons to protect stores
>rich airhead whores and indulgent whore-raising loser dads wealthy enough to have the armed goons protect them from the hobos and druggies
>various 80IQ goblins from south america or overseas to mow the lawn and clean the turlet when the mall closes
>violent black thugs loitering all workday despite being able-bodied (welfare enabled by taxes of middle class)
Notice the one group that's missing

>> No.21490829

How do I cope with knowing enlightenment is and will forever be beyond me; I will have neither the years nor the resources to read the entirety of philosophy, history, psychology, etc.

>> No.21491036

>if you don't promote your religion in just the way i want you to, then you're actually sinning
it's always this

>> No.21491046

Psilocybin or magic mushrooms are my elixir but if I don't take 1 - 2g every 3 days every aspect of my mind and body begin to degrade and I am swallowed by an incomprehensibly hopeless languid depression:
>can't empathize or read people or even think: I just stare blankly and give dull binary responses to everyone and I can't comprehend what they're really saying anymore
>can't comprehend how to keep my apartment and body clean
>can't maintain a mental checklist
>body feels cold and I can't get a proper erection
>can't coordinate my body, my gait and movements become abnormal
The worst part is I just can't think when they've worn off. I am a philomath; I love thinking and I love learning. I study and read exuberantly when I'm high. I devour books. I'm always thinking about I can be altruistic and how I can sacrifice for the people in my life. Ideas bounce and amplify in my head with magnificent energy and there is always something I can improve and even exercise and effort feel good. I feel like a real human. I feel like I have a purpose for living and I feel like an element of something bigger than myself. Then it all recedes. All of the profundity of life is just tossed out. I was living in squalor and in an unconscious, emotionally and intellectually dead state, rotting away. The first time I took mushrooms all of the patterns of life seemed to speak to me and I suddenly was animated and fixed 90% of my problems overnight. I can't live without it. I can't. I am not a human being without psilocybin.

>> No.21491697

Good luck. Don't some of the polyps turn up as positive but you can just get them cut out? I went to an gastroenterologist but he said my profuse bleeding and soreness was just dermatitis acting up.

>> No.21492049

>if you wilfully make the world a worse place in order to satisfy your need to consider yourself a good person you are a terrible faggot
I mean it wasn't even difficult to parse the message, yet you still failed.

>> No.21492133

total enlightenment is beyond anyone, but you can still climb towards it and enjoy the process. the journey matters more than then final destination

>> No.21492301

Anyone think it's weird you can find weird people with interesting views or some degree of being well read on a fucking anime imageboard instead of Reddit, which was literally made for book reading: "Read It."

>> No.21492318

Wow the vaccines actually are causing heart attacks in young men.

>> No.21492321

When does a woman stop forgiving you?

>> No.21492398

at minimum it is when she has a new official orbiter

>> No.21492641

Reddit is where you go for weird people with interesting views. I don't know where you got this idea from. People only come here so they can (not) talk about books and say slurs while doing it.

>> No.21493032
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Can you really say that the Aristotelian god is "all-good"? How is Evil not a substance in-and-of-itself? If that were the case would god be infinitely cruel as he is good?

>> No.21493107

My 20s will be over soon and I never found a career, a vocation, or a calling.

>> No.21493118

I want my life to get better.

>> No.21493222

No way male hands typed this, right?

>> No.21493288

I don't like myself or my life.

>> No.21493302

Maler than yours

>> No.21493364

You are a burden to society. It would be better if you were a NEET. But instead you take on made up useless job, created so women can do something and feel useful

>> No.21493398

Right, analyzing opex at a some corporation would be so much more noble and dignified...

>> No.21493466

One day the sadness will end

But i dont think todays the day

>> No.21493484
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>21493466 (you)

>> No.21493508
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>finally fix my sleeping patterns and start eating less, ready to get back to work and get my shit together
>also im getting crippling abdominal pain followed by the most obscene diarrhea ive ever seen every single day and i feel weak and sickly and its not getting better after a few days of vastly improved diet

it never ends bros. I just cant win.

>> No.21493544

Modern academia is a joke in many ways.
I work as a part-time lecturer at a university. Overworked and underpaid - I have to put way more time into my lectures than I am getting paid for, otherwise my lectures will suck ass.
At this point there is something like 3 or 4 administrators for every lecturer/researcher, and most of the administrators complain about exactly that kind of existential boredom you have, or they'll discuss Graeber's concept of bullshit jobs with each other.

It's such a meme. I love my job but it is such a fucking meme to give the actual researchers and lecturers shit conditions while hiring hundreds of administrators who do nothing but administrate each other.

>> No.21493545

All of this could be written with a simple analogy using videogame design theory

"As you increase game essence, you lower the accessibility and thus the potential userbase. And vice versa, as you decrease the game essence, it becomes shittier, but you appeal to wider audience."

>> No.21493610

Sometimes it's shitty how the body works. I used to diss fatties, I used to deadlift twice my body weight for 30 reps, but then my body started to break down.
I wish you all the best and my tip is, that it's not all about willpower. Sometimes it can be as simple as cutting out a few foods. You might even be eating too many vegetables, it's a thing.

>> No.21493669

or by simply noting that generality and specificity are opposed notions. "videogame design theory," honestly. people pay to study this?

>> No.21493873

>have job
>put $1500 into savings a month
>still feel too poor to buy what i want
how do i get out of poverty mindset

>> No.21493905

>>still feel too poor to buy what i want
because you are. you wouldn't feel this way if you weren't.

>> No.21493959


>> No.21493966

I took a ton of vitamins before bed last night and it definitely prevented my hangover from being so bad

>> No.21493983

Do women really just want you to act like their dad or am i being led on?

>> No.21493991

A “friend” of mine relied on me during their lowest points in terms of venting and even delicate, heart-to-heart conversations that would spark life into both of us. Despite him claiming that “I am one of a kind” and that he would never favour “others” over me, his actions suppose a very, very different behaviour and outcome.He’s clearly gotten tired of me — not that he ever really displayed his love for our friendship aside from it being in his interest, finding someone you can dump your heavy load on.
I’m on the verge because of how this exact situation always trails me; me being too naïve to be taken seriously and not for granted.

I’m thinking to back off and keep him at arm’s length, until a proper conversation about us discarding our ““Friendship”” and parting ways. What do you think of my decision and naivety?

>> No.21494012

Because while positing value as ontologically real is necessary to account for change, as the highest good is the most formed and most perfected thing, one only needs to posit the absence or negation of value (i.e. relative lack of value) to explain destruction and decay as forms of change. The pole opposite highest good-highest being is highest bad-nonbeing. Total evil is simply the absence of being, not an independent force in itself. Remember in the Republic when Plato talks about how all contingent being is strung between two poles: the Good and Non-Being? And God is the Good, but nothing is non-being and non-being is nothing. It simply isn't.

Guenon talks about how dualistic systems are correct for the levels they explain, because dualism is real in the manifest, but they don't describe the unmanifest. You can solve that by just seeing them as incomplete versions of systems that do describe the unmanifest as the ultimate being. I think Eliphas Levi also says that that Zoroastrianism makes the same mistake when it reifies evil

>> No.21494032

You always say you can't believe how cold I am.
I am not cold. I am in fact at peace with everything bad that can happen to me.
You don't understand what it feels to know your life may end any moment now.
I still have wishes, needs, and fears.
Yet still, I am at peace with Jesus and with my soul. Whatever happens next, I am truly at peace.

>> No.21494044

When she has other options

This can happen one of three ways
>She was never madly in love with you to begin with and always saw you as one option among many (rare since most women are biologically programmed to fall in love even if it's with some drug dealer or cult leader)

>She's at a particularly low point of investment in you, and another guy comes along whose "objective" superiority as an option normally would have been ignored, but your low point is low enough that his natural high value exceeds it on the graph, and in that moment she breaks the spell of love/commitment to you, which allows her to see you objectively for once, at which point all the pent up "I'm dating a worthless loser!" energy pours down onto you and she effectively un-persons you

>She never intersects with another guy with super high value, but you maintain the low point for so long and always push it lower and lower until finally she starts forcing herself to imagine a life without you, then she goes through a "quiet breakup" as she secretly flirts with the idea of leaving you and gives you little tests and chances and you continue to fuck them up, pushing things even lower, until finally she "out of the blue" breaks up with you and you get the sense that she's cold as ice because you don't realize she's built up to this for months or even years

Usually #3 happens until #2 becomes possible. Also, #2 is rarely some Chad valued for his physical attraction, it's usually some unusually nice man who makes her feel cute and special again in a chance encounter, or makes her go "awwwww! imagine being with a fella like that!" and then turn back and look at you and realize she fucked up big time. Look up that Bukowski quote about how when a woman stops loving you she could step over you bleeding out in a gutter and not care. Women are much more in touch with their animal nature, they instinctively have a "law of the jungle" type ability to do what needs to be done to protect their egg investment.

>> No.21494100


>> No.21494138

I look angry all the time because of my face and it's probably caused a signifcant amount of problems for me.

>> No.21494195

true, that'd be the most distilled version of the idea

>> No.21494228

As of late I have been living in a feeling of constant deja vu. It's different from a regular moment of deja vu. I see all sorts of scenes and imagery predicting future events in my personal life accompanied by a great sense of familiarity as in "the moment I'm currently in has already occured, I'm certain". When I start to see/visualize things its so intense it becomes my reality until I snap out of it. The severity has been increasing despite my attempts to kill it through leftover antipsychotics I use when it gets too bad (I'm not schizophrenic, ive officially been cleared of it). My brain does weird stuff, I can't control it. I know it all sounds silly. I don't talk about it much because I get ridiculed. "Someone has died and something bad is about to happen." is the current pulsating feeling/thought/deja vu/whatever. I am scared.

>> No.21494248

Go get checked out and stay in dialogue with a decent shrink please, this used to happen to me from drugs and it was always a warning sign that my mind was doing funny things. Don't cross that threshold where you start thinking delusionally about the delusions, that's an extremely dangerous line to cross because it enables all kinds of fantasizing, and slowly walls you off and disconnects you from others. That's how irreparable mental illness happens.

It's not either or. You don't have to 100% doubt how you feel and believe your shrink or 100% believe how you feel. You just need to prevent yourself from becoming walled off and letting the delusional thinking compound on itself. It becomes ingrown and becomes a runaway process past a certain point. Don't mess around with this, take care of yourself.

>> No.21494333

Thank you anon

>> No.21494338

Have you niggas gotten a gf recently? How?

>> No.21494365
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For sale: chemo mug, never smashed

>> No.21494468

yes and it was the worst 3 months of my life. dumped her a few days ago and have never felt happier. make sure you only get involved with women you truly enjoy the company of

>> No.21494551


>> No.21494553
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>gf sends pic related
gee thanks

>> No.21494559

I'm not sure where to move.

>> No.21494565

My ex used to compliment my feminine features and it made me insanely insecure. She would often kiss other girls. I thought she was a lesbian and it made me think I wasnt good enough to be a man. Started watching sissy porn for a while.
All that changed when I started lifting weights and reading the bible.

>> No.21494586

my gf says she likes men that look feminine, and that it's a contradiction that she likes me as i'm not. I get the impression she is just trying to make me feel better about it

>> No.21494617

She probably cannot conceptually distinguish liking feminine features from also liking men and is confused about it. Maybe it would bebetter to say she likes delicate features

>> No.21494638
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>Started watching sissy porn
How the fuck do you go from not feeling good enough to be a man to watching sissy porn? That's not a normal progression, anon. You were already fucked up from the beginning. Normal people skip the sissy porn part and go straight to exercise.

>> No.21494655

There were definitely other factors at hand, but this chick really wrecked my head with a lot of shit she did.

>> No.21494673

How did you meet her? Couldnt you tell from the beginning that it was going to be that bad?

>> No.21494720

Well I'm glad you seem to be out of it, at least. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.21494724

yep. met her after hanging out with a mutual friend of ours. was too pussy to say no after she asked to hang out for the first time. and the second, and the third, and the fourth.... i most certainly was soaking up the attention she gave me, but at the same time, i loathed it. being with someone so clearly operating on a different wavelength as you is almost unbearable, especially if you have problems with self confidence and image. seeing her so clearly infatuated with these superficial traits of mine, such as my obscure interests and music taste (and my looks) only enraged me, as i am only engaged with these things on the basis of them being ephemeral and in relation to my true emotional state / center of interest, and our conversations never penetrated this depth. it was like she was completely unable to conjure original thought, and i instinctively knew each actually funny thing she said had been plagiarized from twitter from an hour before, or some bullshit zoomer TikTok thing im not aware of. she was a decent audience for my psychotic bits and humor, as she was generally entertained by it, but as always with less funny people i stopped trying so hard to sharpen these imaginative qualities and atrophied. as a result, i had no sexual attraction to her whatsoever, to the point where it was intensely uncomfortable when she would come onto me. i am aware this post is schizo tier but i need to vent

>> No.21494736

>my gf says she likes men that look feminine
LOL MINE SAID THIS TOO and i just said "yeah that's understandable, i like very manly looking women"

>> No.21494784

lol good save

>> No.21494805

How can these hoes go around ghosting people? Yeah, I understand if they do it with someone who’s being forceful or pestering them. But fuck, I’ve been left hanging mid conversation with no reason whatsoever besides them thinking some vapid shit like “tee hee, I found a new toy” or “this is boring”. Don’t they understand the men they’re talking with are human beings? Frankly if was dating again and the girl told me she did this kind of thing to others I would think badly of her. People aren’t an internet tab you close whenever you feel like it, for fucks sake.

>> No.21494808

The word clay has been twisting around in my mind, I can't remember the emotion it's relating itself too, something like moving through clay, the kind on the side of a river. It gives for you but pulls and resists, it's soft but unkind. Who is it making me think of? Not her, surely, she has never treated me so. If she is the clay she is already a brick. So why is it that I think of clay? What is the substance in my heart with these slick particulates that shine a warm grey? Whoever it is doesn't matter much I suppose, because I can't even identify what I mean by this idea in the first place. Do I like the clay? Do I hate it? What is this feeling, why is it moving me, and do I want it to stop? Unreachable curiosity points to me and let's out a soft giggle.

>> No.21494813

But cos and tan on the other hand.... And don't get me STARTED on arcsin and arctan whoo! BABY that hits the spot.

>> No.21494831

Holy shit you just described my fear of getting into a relationship. Im decent on looks + social skills and havent really had any issues with females throughout my life, however, I have never been in a serious relationship and these past few years I have been even more isolated from females and friends, I lost all contact with previous friendships and I realized the friends I had were not even my friends but people I just happen to know. Basically despite my loneliness I fear that I will end up with a normie who will be on a completely different wavelength than mine and even worse with someone who is miserable and wants me to become miserable as well or something like that. Just looking at how people are navigating modern relationships, how girls constantly cheat and lie and how I just hear about all these relationships becoming ultra toxic in a span of a few months/years makes me lose all interest in even wanting to pursue a relationship

>> No.21494837
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William of Ockham

circa 1285-1347

English Franciscan William of Ockham, or Occam, owes his general reputation to the fact that he is associated to what is called "nominalism", a doctrine that expels universal categories from reality and only ascribes them to a mental act of classification. He is then supposed to have founded a school of thought opposed to Thomism and Scotism. This purely intellectual scheme does a bad job of capturing a life marked by a continuous succession of oppositions to what he judged to be the power of the Church. In fact, the "nominalist" philosophical principle is much older and more permanent than this version of the story supposes. All scholastic thinking from the late Middle Ages was rather "nominalist". On the contrary, it was the "realist" position that required particular efforts. Nevertheless, William of Ockham's positions, strongly elaborated and constructed, had an aspect of provocation by refusing any distance between a general science, which could easily admit the nominalist considerations (and would do so in practice), and theology, which should stay an exception.


>> No.21494843

When the telescope across the chasm is flipped, distortion occurs. They do not experience the sensation of nobody talking to them for a full day. While men don't even know that they know what it's like to wake up with zero texts. Ghosting occurs when you have 6+ unread texts and 20+ unreplied texts, you are gonna open your messages and text your favorite person then two more, maybe three. If someone loses interest in you it's not like they aren't on their phone, it's that you aren't in their notification center, and when you are, they swipe it away instead of tapping and replying. They open Instagram and go to dms and scroll to someone specific, and when it's not you, they don't notice that it's not you. It's not malicious, it's not lazy, it's not lethargic, it's simply that you drop far enough down on their to-do list, that you get put on the don't list.

>> No.21494849

Some retard gaytheist on /pol/ tried to tell me that Ockham and Occam were two different people with their own razors named after them

>> No.21494890

I wish this shit didn’t make me so bitter and sad. I feel like such a failure. Yeah, I know there’s a lot of men in the same situation as me, but that doesn’t lessen the sting of it all. I shouldn’t even be flirting with women, but I’ve been feeling so alone and the suicidal ideation has been back. I thought going on a couple dates would put me in a better mood.

>> No.21494914

In fact, William of Ockham's story is that of a frustrated will to confront, which should have been absorbed into intellectual disputation. On that vein, the episode does mark a certain end of the scholastic workings. Initiated into the Franciscan order in 1317, William finishes his studies at the stadium of Oxford, then at Paris. He teaches a few years at Oxford and is about to become a doctor (studies crowned by the inceptio), for his production as a logicist and as a metaphysicist is of high technical quality. He cannot achieve this title because of the begginning of his difficulties, that which earned him his nickname of venerabilis interceptor. In 1324, denounced by John Lutterell, thomist chancellor of the University, he is accused of heresy for his radical metaphysical positions. [...]

>> No.21494920

Sorry to hear that brother. I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't worry because it happens to all of us, I meant to try to explain the other side. It's hard to see why they do it because their phenomenological experience is so different from ours. So different, that when someone tries to cross the chasm they mentally break and fall apart. Why do you spose trans people are largely trans women? The grass is always greener, but the female neighbors grass looks oh so luscious my friend. I'm lucky that I like my own lawn.

>> No.21494944

>Don’t they understand the men they’re talking with are human beings?
No and you're never going to make them. Think of it like nobles whose rights are protected by a feudal system you don't acknowledge. No amount of reprimanding the nobles is ever going to make them respect you or rethink and ultimately repudiate their rights over you. You'll walk on eggshells forever, always on the defensive, begging them to hear you out about why they're wrong even though it's always infinitely easier to laugh it off and keep being wrong.

Instead of trying to work within their system, repay the favor by subjecting them to yours. Act in a way that your actions radiate and locally establish the values you want to see in the world, like mutual respect no matter what, sympathy for someone's feelings even if you no longer want to talk to them, etc. Ask yourself how much you would care and how you would act if a male acquaintance started behaving the way they behave. You would have no stake in it other than ordinary disappointment at shitty behavior, so you would have no problem judging them accordingly and enacting whatever ordinary defensive reactions you have, like shaking your head and thinking "what a pity this turned out to be a lousy person."

You are a good person for trying to judge them by human standards. It means you take morality seriously and you also want to see them as equals. But they just aren't. They have no reason to be in the socio-economic calculus of gender relations, first of all. And if you are at all essentialist with regard to gender, then it's plausible that they're incapable of what you're asking. Most likely these two factors work in tandem, so that it's only extremely rare women who break the conditioning and manifest objective moral behavior. For example I've known a few women who refused to use dating apps at all because ghosting is inevitable and necessary, because men are mostly clueless and unpleasant, and faced with the option of the necessary evil of ghosting or nothing at all, they chose nothing at all, even though it inconvenienced them a lot. But women like that are incredibly rare.

Some people are hurt by what women do, their emotions or their pride or both. But you seem to be attuned to the real moral ugliness of it, which is noble and a good thing, but it will also crush you eventually if you don't also give up your naivete that women can ever be convinced to be moral.

>> No.21494946

I'm so happy. You guys take care of one another, ok?

>> No.21494947

Time just keeps dragging on and taking the things I love away from me.

I wasted my teen years. I'm an underdeveloped mentally ill manchild whose only strengths are drawing and weightlifting. Despite being moderately attractive and physically fit, I am profoundly terrified of any sexual or even romantic interaction with women and hardly have it in me to make small talk with people I don't know. I routinely get small jobs and no matter how low the bar is, I give up early and get lucky finding a new job with a bar that's even lower, telling myself that this'll be where I finally hit rock bottom and start improving. I've been given everything I need to succeed and still fail miserably. I would just shoot myself to spare others the trouble but I have a dog and parents and I don't want to do that to them.

>> No.21494970

No harm done, I got your point. I was just venting. This is the only place where I can do so. Irl I have to suck it up and pretend everything is fine, been doing so my whole life.
Anyway, I feel sorry for trans people. They’re vulnerable, confused and suffering and those who claim to care for them are only interested on using them for political means. Every leftist I knows who defends trans women are real women wouldn’t date one even if his life depended on it. Then they have the gall to act surprised about the high trans suicide rate, claiming it’s exclusively because of bigotry and ignoring how they promised life changes to vulnerable people without having either the means or the will to make it real. That’s another thing I can only say in here, since the few times I’ve tried people accused me of transphobia.

>> No.21494973

Do you think highly successful people consider suicide?

>> No.21494981

It has nothing to do with you. Dating is a completely arbitrary game. Life is not a single integrated system, it's a messy and overlapping ecology of spheres. There are excellent men who are failures with women, and increasnigly today, there are men who would have been excellent with women a decade or two ago, who would have relatively effortlessly gotten into and out of relationships without much anxiety until finding the right person, who are now "failures with women" because the criteria for success are broken and diseased.

Women rejecting you is about as real as all pizza shops in your city spontaneously being assimilated to a pizza shop cult that just so happens to hate people like you, so that it's very difficult for you to get pizza from then on, because you either have to disguise yourself or utterly change yourself to accommodate the cult's standards. That's a completely arbitrary and contingent turn of events, which is convenient because it's easy to see it as such and not feel bad. Your only thought would be annoyance at not being able to get pizza, not actual judgement by the new pizza religion. Unless you're a smelly rapist or a seriously bad person, this is the exact same level and kind of rejection you are experiencing with the current pizza cult system of women's standards on dating apps, so you should feel the same level of annoyance and disappointment but without any inkling that you are personally invalid or disgusting.

The difference is that with women your brain defaults to thinking life is a single integrated system and that failure to get women means general "failure," like failure to be a man, failure to be an acceptable member of society, etc. It just doesn't, again, short of any genuine awful traits you have.

The whole culture is currently set up to psychically torture men for not getting laid. Ten years ago you would be gaslit into oblivion if you mentioned dating apps making modern dating into a meat grinder, or even suggesting that hypergamy exists. Now mainstream news outlets routinely run stories about skyrocketing hypergamy and single embittered women who spent their 20s and early 30s being pumped and dumped with no thought of the future.

There is nothing more mentally traumatizing for a young man with all his feelings of validity and his frustrated desires for intimacy and sex swirled together into one blob than getting next to no matches and being snubbed and disrespected by the few lousy matches he gets. The blur gets blurrier and blurrier and as he adjusts to his environment he starts taking the inconsistent, demented standards of the dating app seriously as objective ones. You need to remember these are unpleasant, unhappy people who are doing shitty things, and no amount of them "rejecting" you or you being horny and frustrated invalidates the truth of that judgement. Disaggregate the blur and maintain your sense of self and your ability to judge "from above" their shitty behavior.

>> No.21494985

Great post, anon. Gave me a lot to think about. I’ll be saving it to read again in the future. Also, miring those dubs.

>> No.21495005

It’s uncommon, but some of them do kill themselves from time to time.
Thanks, anon. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. All of you guys gave me a lot of considerate and well thought out replies.

>> No.21495021

How are you now altruistic and in what ways do you sacrifice for the people in your life?

>> No.21495026

Sometimes you read about someone like Napoleon who was suicidal as a young man, and later after he had lost decisively, but there's nothing to indicate he was suicidal as a young adult. You wonder if he had been miserable as a mature adult if he would've been suicidal or committed suicide if someone else whos suicidal through adulthood should.

>> No.21495031
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No, it's a tired trope used to make people feel bad for the people actively ruining their lives. "Oh, but Mr. Millionaire has problems too!", but when poor people have those problems they aren't so romantic. A lot of people are honestly ignorant of their poverty until they get past being a mental teenager, and then they realize that all that time they spent groaning about their parents, their neighborhood, town, school, peers, social status, etc., was actually time spent not in self-pity, but self-love. They were romanticizing their play-suffering. When a highly successful person kills themselves, it's because they've managed to convince themselves that they aren't successful, that they're actually in a state of poverty much more profound than any one actually below the poverty line. In other words, it's just another self-aggrandizing pity party, just one that leads to a rapid decay of their confidence and self-respect and births suicidal ideation.

>> No.21495037

Does anyone live with dignity today? If so, who? Wealthy people? Military officers outside of the West? Artists and writers?

>> No.21495049

Where is your webm from?

>> No.21495055
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>It was a queer, sultry summer
was it?

>> No.21495064

Artists and writers seem to have more dignity. Bohemians seem to live most genuinely. Poor people tend to show deeper respect to the world around them. You may consider whether being of high rank counts as dignity though. If so then the most dignified are ones youre unaware of, but they tend to have a skew toward malice.

>> No.21495081

Free to Play (2014)
Documentary about Dota 2
Timestamp roughly 00:29:00

>> No.21495120

I'm really into casual 'non-sexual' nudity. I'll tell you a story. One time I was on a meth and benzo bender with an acquaintance and his new Canadian girlfriend, we spent a week in my bungalow just doing all sorts of drugs, meth, mdma, heroin, exotic benzos, acid. We would stay up for a couple days ranting nonsense at each other on meth, and then sleep in a pile on my floor nodding out zombied on benzos. When he was out of the room she just went for my cock, trying to suck it I assume. I thought a second then just put her to bed, she was too fucked up so it wouldn't be right (I didn't care as much about betraying my acquaintance). Thing is, a heatwave struck while we were doing this, 40 degrees celsius for days in my hotbox of a bungalow. We all just stripped down to our underwear, so pretty much the entire week this beautiful 20yo Canadian hippy with huge tits just went topless with knickers. But it was so hot and we were so fixated on drugs it had a very 'non-sexual' quality even though I was shamelessly just zoning out staring at her tits. Her boyfriend had warned me beforehand, 'yeah she always goes topless', I don't care I said.

Another story? my friend broke up with his gf and had to come and stay with me and my gf for a couple of weeks, sleeping on out couch. So y gf's morning routine would be to wake up, then go feed the cats. So she would just be wearing her knickers and a singlet, bends over that way to feed the cats, which was apparently right in my friends face every day. He complains that she's bending over in her knickers in front of his face with her pussy and ass, so we kick him out for being rude. Another friend comes to stay. Less rude. Hot day. She inadvertently wears an extremely translucent white top that she hadn't worn before. Her tits are obviously completely visible but my friend is polite and cool and we just have a fun day. We decide to fill up some plastic mini-pool thing. The water splashes her top and now it's a wet t-shirt situation and she's laughs and says 'oh this top is a bit sheer'.

>> No.21495188

A lot of artists and writers are very unhappy and lonely. I don't think rank affords dignity necessarily. I think today dignity is closely related to freedom on one hand, but something else on another.

>> No.21495197

I've been planning on law school for the past few years, but I think I just decided tonight that I'm not going to pursue that.

>> No.21495203

why not

>> No.21495204

he watched better call Saul and saw what he was getting into

>> No.21495221

I don't think I particularly want to be a lawyer and I've lost faith in education for education's sake.

>> No.21495306

she said at the end of the day, 'Oh i thiink my top is a little seet through?'

at the end of the day. After spending all day around my male friends in an obviously completely see-through top. 'Oh it's see through, lol'. she knew the whole time right?

>> No.21495312

Oh good so I'm not the only one

>> No.21495329

Just applied to like 200 jobs. Idk what I'm doing with my lifeor what I want. So I'm just applying to practically every job opening I see.

>> No.21495418

We were out at the bar watching bands play and she was very drunk and seemed in a strange mood. She was being very flirty with a handsome friend of ours, we invited him to come smoke a joint with us in the grimy pub toilet block. We crammed into the small room and she immediately sat down to pee (I'll just say once more this is very, very unusual, she was usually conservative and shy). She pulled her dress right up, her black stocking and black lace knickers down in front of us and sat down nonchalantly. My friend went red, embarrassed and turned around, apologizing profusely. We laughed and said it was fine. When she was done, she slowly pulled up her stockings and knickers, obviously flashing us her pussy but pretending she wasn't. We started smoking weed and chatting and we were joking about seeing her pee, she suddenly said 'hey do I have a nice ass', stood up, pulled her skirt up and bent over. I was awestruck (she is not like this, really), she was being casual like, 'yeah do I just have a nice ass, no big deal'. Black lace knickers, stockings, bent over the toilet. It was a jokey environment and me and my friend just complemented her ass and groped it lightly. My friend took me aside again and apologized, thinking my gf was crazed and he was doing something wrong, I reassured him it was fine, not knowing myself what was going on. The one thing I was picking up: She was doing this angrily, not to please me. like: 'this is what u want?', drunken lady anger. Next, the tits. "Do I have nice boobs", she said. We said yeah you have great boobs. "Do you want to feel them", she said to my friend. He apologizes again and I say shut up dude go ahead. He just gropes her tits over her top for a while, same jokey atmosphere, just a couple dudes feeling a nice girls chest. We compliment and such. I become overwhelmed and just pull her bra down, exposing her pearl white tits and pink nipples. My friend touches her nipples and she covers herself embarrassed, we just go back to chilling, smoking weed.

Here's a couple of things that also happened tho: 1: I was going in and out of the room to get drinks the whole time. My friend later confessed, highly ashamed, that she was groping his cock every time I left the room, I never brought it up with her. 2: she had sheer black knickers that night. So when we were sitting around for hours, she had her legs spread and bare pussy visible a lot of the time, If he cared to look. 3. She 'showed her tattoo' to another male friend. Thigh tattoo "oh yeah I have a tattoo of that'. Pulls up her skirt right cos the tattoo is on her thigh, completely sheer knickers, has her pussy in the face of my friend who politely nods. Thing u won't believe but is true: she didn't deliberately flash her pussy to my friend.

>> No.21495419 [DELETED] 

i'm bored. it's saturday night so i feel a small obligation to do something "fun". i don't even feel like doing something borderline tedious like solving a "hard" tier leetcode problem. i know i should read but i don't feel like it. i wish i had counterstrike installed but i uninstalled it and now i don't feel like downloading 15 gigs. i guess i could watch something on criterion channel. i haven't fapped all week. maybe i should watch some porn or something. i can't even get into shitposting. most of the threads today look dumb. i know everyone around here says they hate working, but at least a job gives you something to do.

>> No.21495435

I just want someone to go out with, I need some friends man, I dont even want a gf I just want friends....

>> No.21495444

I'm your friend but I never go out either. I have a big onion on my desk, buddy. Just keeping you updated on what's going on with me

>> No.21495474

Most people who get deep into literature or write for a living, probably get into it in high school or college, right?

>> No.21495490

Can you post this cringe fetish fiction on /r9k/ instead of here please

>> No.21495493

Saramago was a mailman most of his life.

>> No.21495503 [DELETED] 

weird i don't remember deleting that post

>> No.21495508

>I have a big onion on my desk
Nice trips. Do you plan on cooking that onion? Thoughts on caramelized onion?

>> No.21495521

You fags will use any excuse to not do what you want

>> No.21495863

I have like 8 contacts saved on my phone, like 5 are family and 3 are friends. I'm so fucking lonely and want to go out more. Any advice on making new friends?

>> No.21495926

Fair enough. You have to value your time and energy put into a relationship. Just be blunt and tell him we shouldn't be friends anymore because we have nothing in common. He might snap at you, but keep your composure and remain firm. It's only proof that the friendship has run it's course. Frankly, I was in a similar situation with roomates and made sure they knew I really didn't care about them all that much and only cared about myself. They stopped talking to me and started to avoid me whenever they went into the house (one of them moved out a bit early actually), but frankly I'd rather have that than deal with fake friendships. I like my friendships and relationships in general to have some substance to them, which really can only occur if you interact with fewer people who are on the same wavelength as you as compared to more people who are your emotional cumrag, which most people end up choosing (and wonder why their relationships are so vapid). I don't know you, but here's to wishing you good luck anon

>> No.21495940

Try 0.

>> No.21495951

---- Solaria ----
(High Or Far West)

Magnificent grid like a chord of horizon blue
In which one wakes or sleeps

Indifferently, in an almost all-prevailing warmth of feeling
On which the sun almost never sets

For the normal temperament, completely
Satisfied by creature comforts

Of immense music archives, placid interiors, romantic love
And charisma so benign

You'd be insane to deny the beauty if its nature.

>> No.21496090

Can God hear us? As in prayers?

>> No.21496093

No, an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God cannot hear your prayers.

>> No.21496101

So why doesn’t he answer me?

>> No.21496112

Maybe because what is best for you is not what you want. If he is omniscient he already knows, and if he is omnibenevolent he is already doing what is best.

>> No.21496118

What a cope.

>> No.21496123

Then you're being punished for your arrogance.

>> No.21496131

How am I being punished?

>> No.21496151

Got back from a family vacation, and it's weird but on vacation suddenly all my habits improve.
I barely browsed here, and spent way more time reading and enjoying myself.
Now that I'm back I've immediately fallen right back into my usual worst habits. I feel listless and even when I'm doing something I don't feel any achievement.
Spending all my time playing Gmod and listlessly browsing social media. Still at my parent's house. I feel like some kind of disgusting creature or parasite.
Idk but I think it might be that element of competition. When the entire family is assembled I feel more pressure to be something more. To read & have interesting things to say.
Once that pressure is removed, I just dissolve into the same mediocre impulses that hold me the same way they hold a drug addict.

>> No.21496164

Thinking back about all the "moral" choices I have made just feels like bad decisions
>not fucking the drunk girls
>not pumping and dumping people I instead tried to help
>not having casual sex because it was gross
>not bribing like everyone does here
>not using people and screwing them over to my advantage
>not lying and prostituting myself for my own gain
>not stealing
>trying to help in general
>living my life with ideas like justice or w/e
>doing things I thought noble or w/e
>following the "rules" and being civil
what did thar get me? a lot of time wasted and getting fucked in the ass, and today I am alone in a dead end
meanwhile those few times I did act like a dick fucking dodged me a bullet and looking back they were wise choices
I feel devastated by this truth. I'm not even a saint but my life would have been straight up better if I acted like a douchebag all along.

>> No.21496165
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I'm subhuman I need to embrace it. Like do something really drastic or degrading. Idk
If the ships going down, might as well make a big splash or show.
Maybe ill order some drugs on the darkweb.
I'm also thinking about taking a vacation to Costa Rica soon, as soon as my passport arrives. Get really freaky down there south of the border...

>> No.21496167

---- Solaria ----

In a secluded backyard where the wind and temperature
Suggested some ideal of calm control
The envy of armchair theatre

I enjoyed them as-is, in some night paradise too
Quiet in feeling for less than the poetry
Of egotistical disappearance,

Pleasure almost fine as that of trading wit with young friends.

>> No.21496172

Moral choices aren't supposed to bring you a material benefit. That's what makes them moral. You are either selfish or selfless. Each time you avoided hurting someone else or putting them at a disadvantage, you do the opposite to yourself.

>> No.21496174

>If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

>> No.21496177

are we discussing effective altruism again kek

>> No.21496186

No, anon just thought doing nice things was supposed to give him karmic ROI. If that were the case, he really wouldn't get any karmic return because an act that is done with the intention of self-gain is by nature not a good act but instead neutral.

>> No.21496190

My first daughter is due in a handful of months and I’m coming to terms and prepping. With that, I will never be ready even when it happens. I don’t think we’re in a bad position by any means; but, I definitely thought I’d have my life more figured out by now.

>> No.21496191

Same fren. I feel so stupid.

>> No.21496194

>Moral choices aren't supposed to bring you a material benefit.
I know. I just touched upon the fact that having any morality without the idea of god/afterlife or something like that is completely fucking retarded. I am atheist, I just don't have it in me to believe. So why did I do all that shit, because I was conditioned? Poor upbringing that got me to believe in humanist ethics instead of preparing me for reality? I even have a tendency for that "winner" personality, I'm attractive, I'm competitive, I know how to ingratiate myself with people, I can have little empathy if I talk myself out of it, I know how I could use others. All the choices I've made were in restraint of myself and I think I just self-neutered for no reason. I could have very realistically achieved "success" if I had been less idealistic, and there's no consolation to be found anywhere because ethics are worthless and it's painfully obvious. And now it's too late to start acting like a psycho.

>> No.21496195

>aren't supposed to
Supposed to according to what/who?
You sound like a child. "No no you can't put your hand in the cookie jar .. Daddie said it was wrong!"

>> No.21496196

I am of the world because I'll be food for worms like everyone else.

>> No.21496201

According to the framework of the concept itself, you simpleton.

>> No.21496202

I didn't do the bad things because I thought "this is ethical/this is unethical". There wasn't even an idea of gaining something, I just knew the thing was against my morals and so I didn't. But years later I feel like I squandered myself for no reason and I'll die alone like a retard anyway.

>> No.21496203

It's never too late to start acting like a psycho.
Anyway, while I believe in God I don't think about what my "reward" would be, because I am steeped in so much doubt about the particulars(divinity of Christ, which Church is true, iconoclasm), it's likely I'll go to hell regardless of faith. I want to help others and reduce suffering because I like it, and I know it hinders me in every way. If you don't even care about that then there really is no reason for you to act in a moral fashion. If you are evil you will go to hell regardless and all will be well, or if there is no higher power then there is no reason to worry. Do whatever.

>> No.21496205

>I just knew the thing was against my morals and so I didn't. But years later I feel like I squandered myself for no reason and I'll die alone like a retard anyway.
Then it wasn't against your morals, you were just conditioned to act a certain way. You have no morals. You didn't "squander" anything.

>> No.21496209

I suppose, if that's what you want.
>And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

>> No.21496215

You made decisions to benefit others instead of yourself, and by doing so made their lives slightly better. If everyone did that the world would be a much better place. I know this is no consolation when you're down on your luck, but for what it's worth, I respect you.

>> No.21496218

I don’t respect you and am laughing at you.

>> No.21496219

the duality of man

>> No.21496221

I know, then there's another idea that comes to my mind: that I was just faulty. Maybe it was just bad genetics and I'm trying to cope by pretending it was my own agency that did me in. Like a homosexual monkey who's wired to have fruitless copulation with males instead of knocking a female up. Obviously that individual won't further his bloodline. Maybe this is just my bad genetics at work and nature cutting the chaff. It's very realistic.

>> No.21496222

It is said that God's laws are written on our hearts. You're wondering why anyone would go out of their way to live a moral life without believing in God or the afterlife, there's your answer. It's not conditioning, it's your nature. I find it funny how you came to the same conclusion so many others have before, only they're usually the ones being mocked by atheists.
>If there is no God, everything is permitted.

>> No.21496232

I honestly don't know why I restrained myself all these years. It was all so useless. Even right now I've had the opportunity to be successful by doing something unethical but I'm not doing that because of that grip on my heart that says "this is wrong" and is probably just conditioning or a bad brain as you said. I can't even brag that I'm "good" because I wouldn't have these thoughts.

>> No.21496235

I had those thoughts 15 years ago and I decided to stop being so moral. Now I have way more success and even own a pretty successful small company. For some reason it didn't make me happy though. I don't think I'm unhappy because I'm immoral I just don't value material things as much as I thought.

>> No.21496238

Have you ever cheated on a gf? How did you feel after?

>> No.21496239

What does the word "should" mean exactly?

>> No.21496243

>to the framework of the concept itself
There's no golden letter sprung from the earth that declares I can't be both moral & self-interested. You have chosen to define it in such a way that they contradict each other. If we define morality as that which benefits / helps others, while self-interest as that which helps the self, we see that in reality living as we do in social groups the two are not so neatly separated, but rather feed into each other.
Moral rules aim to regulate people's behavior so as to promote overall stability, something that depending on how you look at is both self-interested (for the group) & selfless (in so far as it subordinates the interests of any one individual in the group to that of the collective mass). Similarly if I moderate my impulses and don't take excessively, one can be rewarded since then that witholding is registered in the minds of your own social group as a deficit or debt (this person has forgone taking, therefore I owe him).
There's no separation between interest & morality in living reality.

>> No.21496244

>modal verb: should
> 1.
> used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.
> "he should have been careful"
> indicating a desirable or expected state.
> "by now students should be able to read with a large degree of independence"
> used to give or ask advice or suggestions.
> "you should go back to bed"
> used to give advice.
> "I should hold out if I were you"
>used to indicate what is probable.
>"$348 million should be enough to buy him out"

What are you, retarded?

>> No.21496254

here's another thing I never did lol, one time I was in a dying relationship too but I still put my commitment before fucking someone else
the girls had 0 issues cheating on me on the other hand. why did I give a fuck? What was the point? Nothing would've even changed

>> No.21496256

You're in disorder. At once your mind was set on what is true and eternal, but temporality has caused you to forget that. What would doing those things grant you really? How do you know you wouldnt be here stewing in regret for living a gross life? What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?

>> No.21496258

midwit moment

>> No.21496261

>How do you know you wouldnt be here stewing in regret for living a gross life?
Maybe? But now I'm stewing in regret for shooting myself in both feet over and over, so what's the change? At least I would've had more earthly pleasures if that's really what life is about

>> No.21496262

So you lived with integrity. Thats valuable in and of itself. Stop trying to cast your present mind onto your past mind.

>> No.21496265

---- Solaria ----
(The Time Machine)

I'd like to sneak peonies into their beds
And dream for geologic time, much as Wells wished.

Of course the Egyptians were boringly staus-quo, despite the fact that the future is
Sublime in both senses of the term.


>> No.21496270

>used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.
So what is an obligation and what makes it an obligation? Why is there a "should"? What makes a "supposed to"?

>> No.21496274

forget it. anon just wants to wallow in his false despair like the rest of the posters in this thread. no one's actually depressed here, just acting like it, but they're too pathetic and socially isolated to cry and complain about nothings to their friends or even named strangers on social media. 2006 myspace emos but they don't even have a cool profile page.

>> No.21496276

>Thats valuable in and of itself.
Why though? How is integrity important if you don't believe in God or whatever? That was the right word also, I can't say I am a good person but I maintained my integrity at all costs. It disgusts me when I see whorish people and liars and cheats, but I wonder at this point if I wasn't just envious of those people for not having all these stupid ideas to bind them. And to this day those people achieve while I'm behind and I do not have any belief in afterlife rewards exactly like them, so what was my integrity for? Virtue is just a senseless handicap.

>> No.21496278

Yes, I'm complaining in the designated complaint thread.

>> No.21496280

>You have chosen to define it in such a way that they contradict each other.
Yes, and so do most other people. You've chosen to define them in a way that doesn't contradict, and that's fine, just don't expect people to use unusual definitions.
>If we define morality as that which benefits / helps ... two are not so neatly separated, but rather feed into each other.
No, people generally think of an amoral act as something that benefits a person to the detriment of others. Nobody considers it amoral to go jogging, an act which benefits a person to no one's detriment.
>Moral rules aim to regulate people's behavior so as to promote overall stability
Yes, but that's not their only purpose.
>something that depending on how you look at is both self-interested (for the group) & selfless (in so far as it subordinates the interests of any one individual in the group to that of the collective mass)
Can you give an example?
>Similarly if I moderate my impulses and don't take excessively, one can be rewarded since then that witholding is registered in the minds of your own social group as a deficit or debt (this person has forgone taking, therefore I owe him).
That is the most basic part of friendship, and there's nothing arbitrary or amoral about it, even though it can't be said to be exactly selfless.
>There's no separation between interest & morality in living reality.
I don't know what you mean by that.

>> No.21496281

Earthly pleasures end. All people who livr according to earthly pleasures die dissastisifed or regretful. Imagine being 50 years old knowing all those earthly pleasures were confined to your youtj and that you'll never have them again. Kirkegaard is great for this. Repeating an act for pleasure has diminishing returns. Only the constancy and universality of an ethical decision brings consistent satisfaction. You behaved morally because, surely, you thougjt there was something more than mere temporary pleasure. But the passage of time has worn on you and caused you to forget the timelessness you knew, hence your regret. Just remember. It's your mind. Dont you recall what your thoughts and reasons were?

>> No.21496282

No real response, typical.
The fact is fags like yourself, feel a queezy sense of bothering at the idea of the purity of the ideal being tainted by "self-interest".
Yet we live inside the petri dish, and everything we do effects others & ourselves in turn. So the two concepts cannot be neatly divided from each other. Morality would not exist on an island with 1 inhabitant.
People dislike this idea more or less because it offends their ego to think about how their own moral actions benefit them.
E.g: You take care of your parents because they took care of you. If your parents never cared for you at all, or were abusive, you wouldn't take care of them.

>> No.21496283

>lil anon discovers the utility of morals
I'm proud of you

>> No.21496284

I went through something similar. I spent years ordering my life according to a higher principle. This involved a lot of self denial. And then the realization of aging slapped me in the face and caused me to forget myself. I tried to dive head first into the world to reclaim lost time. But my problem was my fixation on time. Without aging and the inevitably of death the anxiety of an unfulfilled life wouldnt be a problem. A true and genuine belief is the antidote to that and moral realism demands eternity.

>> No.21496288

Some time ago, I think in October or November, I said something offhand about how I hadn't had soup in a while because I eat in my room on my bed, lacking a desk, and that I'd need something like a "breakfast in bed" table-tray in order to comfortably hold a bowl in my room. My mom somehow interpreted that in such a way that she thought it would be a great idea to get me something like that for Christmas. I was blindsided by the gift because it didn't make sense to me, though it only took a split second to remember having mentioned a tray like that before. I later had a water bottle on the tray when preparing to eat a sandwich or something, and the tray dipped a bit when I sat near it on my bed, causing the bottle to flip over. As such, I don't think this would be good for soup at all, therefore the gift is almost completely worthless because it doesn't change anything at all. The only possible boon is that my cat likes laying under it, where otherwise she'd sit at my feet or next to my left arm while I'm on my bed, so now she'll lay closer to me if I use the tray while eating. I was planning on just eating in the dining room or kitchen again, to get people used to the idea of me not using the tray by not being on my bed, so I can later go back to eating in bed without the tray, as if I "forgot I had it," but I guess it's alright to just use it as a toy for my cat.
Basically, I hate Christmas, and I hate giving gifts because I don't want to spend money, and I hate receiving gifts because I feel everyone just gives me random nonsense, and I feel like I should never speak to my family lest I accidentally mention an object they might think I'd want as a gift. I guess I appreciate the thought in general, but not really.
Also, a small fight today between my parents on the way to family dinner made me want them to get a divorce so I'll be able to kill myself peacefully.

>> No.21496290

>true and genuine belief
True and genuine belief of the eternal

>> No.21496291

/Whining/ general
I'm glad you're unhappy

>> No.21496293

You are right. You're not good or you would not even be tempted in such a way. However, you are only made evil by willing evil. You can still be a "neutral" person who does good and avoids evil. I'm not a good person either, I just try to do what's right when I am able. I am tempted by evil every day, perhaps every moment. I am in no wise superior to you.
Moral good is tainted by self interest. I am not above acknowledging that even the "good" that one does does not in some way benefit then, if not materially, then emotionally. That is a factor that prevents one from ever truly being good, so long as they are able to understand it. Either way, you're a subjectivist retard. Oh yes, argue with someone that presupposes the physically impossible (that there is an absolute and objective morality) that's a productive use of your time.

>> No.21496294

Go back.

>> No.21496299

based and redpilled praise kek

>> No.21496300

I miss 2016

>> No.21496302

>Dont you recall what your thoughts and reasons were?
I just didn't do the things that gave me a feeling of revulsion. I can't say I had any particular thoughts. The idea of stealing or cheating on someone or manipulating someone made me feel disgusted. I did act toward that action anyway a few times and I still feel regret/disgust but I KNOW it was objectively a good decision and it greatly benefited me, and probably even saved me from manipulative behavior that was coming my way.
I also realize that trying to keep my own integrity is what caused me to self-isolate and basically give up my life.
but yeah there's no point with this conversation because outside of predatory christian LARPers who always swoop down like vultures there's nothing worth saying

>> No.21496304

I find myself torn between looking forward to bettering my life before I hit 30 next year, and remembering I wanted to kill myself by 25, which was so long ago now. At the very least, even getting a better job and improving my credit score won't magically give me the drive necessary to find a gf, and it especially won't make me able to hit a 7+/10, so I can still make "tangible" excuses to KMS. That is, I want to do it because I don't enjoy the grind of life and can't imagine I ever will, but I think family would be confused if I said as much in a note, or if I omitted writing a note altogether, so maybe I should act like an "incel" to make it seem more "real"? As far as I care, I'm only still alive right now because I haven't watched Dragon Ball, Z, and GT all the way through, so I bought DVDs and Blurays. When Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr fight in that tournament, I'll be free to die.

>> No.21496307

I'm the guy he was arguing with. I never claimed any objective morality. so eat my ass, you fellator of small penises

>> No.21496309

So you think you'd be happier if you had done the things that disgusted you at the time?

>> No.21496310

>Can you give an example?
Here's a societal/moral rule: Don't steal, with the exception that it's okay to steal from an enemy (e.g in wartime it's okay to steal from the enemy's supplies).
From the p.o.v of the group, here the nation, this rule benefits the group overall (selfish), yet the rule constrains the actions of the individuals who subordinate themselves to it (selfless). A nation that can control and ensure private property will be stronger, more poewrful over all, and so for the group as a whole it is self-interested, self-interested because it creates a rule that benefits itself but is willing to forgo that rule against those that exist outside itself, are not a part of itself, when it's convenient to do so.
>That is the most basic part of friendship, and there's nothing arbitrary or amoral about it,
Nowhere in my post did I talk about amorality (hurting others for your own gain), I contested the claim that morality precludes material benefit to the self. . Subordinating your own impulses to the other such that the other remembers that they owe you something is as you point out not exactly selfless. Yet most would still consider it moral, as you are still helping the other. Thus this example disproves the claim that morality cannot include anything which intentionally materially benefits yourself.

>> No.21496317

You only contributed one post to that reply chain. And yes, I will, you consumer of masculine fecal matter.

>> No.21496327

Anon, read about ethics. Read about emergent morals in non-humans. No offense, but we're beating this into the ground when it's been covered already by better men.

>> No.21496331

>read about ethics. Read about emergent morals in non-humans
I have read about both. I'm not denying that a pro-social, altruistic impulse is natural.

>> No.21496335

Ah ok, maybe I misunderstand you. It's late and I shouldn't be here right now. Sorry.

>> No.21496346

>So you think you'd be happier if you had done the things that disgusted you at the time?
I think so. It feels like you eventually stop caring. This day my situation in this world would've been far better, I would have focused on profitable things instead of wasting time on nonsense. I think I am only disgusted because I never allowed myself out of the boundaries. I genuinely don't believe I'm happier or have fewer regret than the corrupt and whorish. If anything these people look much more in control and self-affirmed. And as I said there's a good chance I'm just defective so I don't even feel I owe myself any morl standing. It all just feels like pathetic self-harm.

>> No.21496441

Look man, mindsets change. Your mind then is not your mind now. You can't just reapply the conditions you feel now to what you used to be. What you feel now is a product of what you used to be. You're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Accept that you've changed. Yoh lived according to what you wanted then and theres nothing else you cohld have or even should have done. I know jts cliche but take it day by day. You're different and the oresent you doesnt apply to the past you and the past you doesnt apply to the present.

>> No.21496479
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1347, 120 - 132 IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English majors confirmed midwits at 120 IQ, with the higher end being 132 IQ.

>> No.21496498

Anon I can relate. When I was younger I was a rather romantic and sheltered youth. These extreme generalizations (all my peers are "corrupt" or "whorish") might just be, as you are hinting, at root the product of simple envy.
These people aren't necessarily corrupt, that's just what you tell yourself to feel better about the fact that they're acting on impulses and obtaining things you can't yourself.
So the cope comes to imagine one's self as more pure than them, as a way to feel above them..
Denying yourself pleasure, and other forms of self harm, then, for me at least, was a way of affirming a sense of superiority to mask a sense of deeper inferiority due to not fitting in.
At least that's how I feel it was for myself. At the age of 18-19 I engaged in self-harm and was still relatively religious, and it became a thing just massively feeding into a oscillating sense of superiority, inferiority, and alienation to my peers. You won't typically get an answer like this on /li/t becuase /lit/ is full of autists, incels, and in general losers (I'm not punching down, I'm kind of a loser too) who love to imagine themselves as "patricians" and to hate everything that regular young people do to cope with the fact everyone here is a sweaty nerd.

>> No.21496548

But I've unmasked this long ago, I've felt inferior for years. I just feel defective. Yet I continue acting like this even if I fully recognize that I'm the one who is unhealthy. People bribing and whoring themselves out and doing all the thungs I despise are genuinely healthier than me. I know it but I keep stabbing myself in the foot.

>> No.21496554

You're stabbing yourself in the foot if you are doing something with the full knowledge that it will not help you. Now quit moping about the things you choose to do or be evil.

>> No.21496556

Not stabbing yourself in the foot*
The difference is that if you understand what you're doing it is a willed choice. You have chosen to benefit others at your own expense. That's not stabbing yourself in the foot.

>> No.21496562

>or be evil.
I can't, I'll forever be a cucked retard

>> No.21496570

I read a woman's rape fantasy and I really liked it...

>> No.21496576

Being cucked means that you are being taken advantage of without knowing it, or you are allowing yourself to be taken advantage of and are too weak to stop it. You can give everything you own to other people and die for those that hate you and you're still not a cuck, as long as you understand what it is that you are doing.

>> No.21496579

I'll think a bit upon that.

>> No.21496585

Tell me about your childhood. Whats your family life like? What were you like in school and how old are you now? I feel like theres more to this. How long have you felt self loathing?

>> No.21496593

>Don't steal, with the exception that it's okay to steal from an enemy (e.g in wartime it's okay to steal from the enemy's supplies).
Nations Wars are created by the ruling class, ie bureaucrats and merchants in democracies. if you are a peasant fighting for those people, you are a complete NPC in the first place.

>> No.21496594

david gemmell's works

>> No.21496600

It was all bad. I went through a lot of shit. I'm starting to get old now.

>> No.21496607

How old?

>> No.21496611

Can thought truly be masturbatory, or do people merely want to be pleasured by other people's thoughts all the time? Masturbatory thought is *thought* to have no application to "the real world" but it still nonetheless, even to the chagrin of the accuser, causes pleasure in the "masturbator" of thought. Even if we hide behind this thing called "practicability," that can still be said to raise pleasure for the most people possible. I think this accusation of "masturbation" in thought might be confused, as it assumes all thought should be directly pleasurable to those who accuse others of not satisfying them; that is, fucking them well and proper with their thought organs. Notwithstanding the ways in which thought can give birth through mutual, pleasurable fucking-thought, there is no reason, that I can see, where masturbatory thought should no longer exist. Thought should not be limited! One ought to masturbate and fuck, and thereby give birth to more. We are not thought/pleasure utilitarians.

>> No.21496612

mid 30s

>> No.21496627

Is what it is man. Seems like your regrets are a product of a bad upbringing rather than lifestyle choice. Accepting the powerlessness of childhood would likely solve the same problems of your sense of no agency later in life. From what youve said the decisions you regret were matters of impulse and instinct rather than conscious decisions with explicit intent. Does this sense of regret come with a newfound sense of agency?

>> No.21496636

>Does this sense of regret come with a newfound sense of agency?
No, I just don't want to participate to this shitshow anymore. I just want to leave the world. Had I been religious I'd have gone into a monastery.

>> No.21496652

Why were you never religious? Were you conscious of the moral choices you made or were they purely instinct? It just seems odd that you were so hardline while also being atheist.

>> No.21496676

>Why were you never religious?
Family was irreligious
>Were you conscious of the moral choices you made or were they purely instinct?
I knew what I was doing and I acted against disgust. I find the actions reprehensible in others. I grew up in a shitty neighborhood and had health problems since I was little. I always felt disgusted by people who lacked integrity, who lied, changed face, whored themselves, etc.
I could never believe but I am strongly drawn to Christian ethics. I'm some kind of Kantian retard.

>> No.21496691

Well what exactly is that you want and when did you realize you wanted it?

>> No.21496721

I don't know what I want anymore because I thought I could maintain my frame of mind and find a place in the world, and I'd wasted way too many years before I understood I was wrong and I'm just not compatible.

>> No.21496725

I had goals but they were tied to this place. I wasn't aimless, but I was unrealistic about how far I could make it and how much I was crippling my chances. I thought I could achieve my basic aims while preserving my integrity. People tell me why don't you just do X?? The world is your oyster!

>> No.21496730

Oh and then I have to tolerate people telling me I'm just lazy. I just want dignity and integrity, I have never complained about hardships

>> No.21496735

Everyone complains, including yourself just now. The point is to learn and move on. It is not anyone else's fault you are not where you want to be, not even when you die penniless and crippled, since you have always had the choice to do what you want in a sea of opportunities. Do you have free will?

>> No.21496741

Why do you think you're wrong? Dont you think that believing yourself to be "incompatible" indicates a sense of purpose or want? Specifically, what do you feel your loss is and more specifically why is it a loss? Why didnt you think it was a loss beforr? What exactly made you realize it was a loss?

>> No.21496744

I know I'm doing this deliberately. I just don't know if there's a point bothering to live it down.

>> No.21496752

I dunno, around 25 I just lost my optimism. Maybe it was a girlfriend ending another 2yr relationship by cheating or whatever while I was having health issues, maybe failing job interviewsv idk. I just got worn out

>> No.21496754

All suicidal people are failed optimists, anon. If you were pessimistic, there'd be no unhappy surprises.

>> No.21496756

I know. Idealism has done me in but I'd rather be dead than yet another cynical zombie

>> No.21496765

I think your issue goes way deeper than what you offered. Bad childhood, bad young adulthood. Your problem is independent of your personsl ethical philosophy. I think theres a lot you're withholding and I dont begrudge you that. You just need to apply keener eye to cause and effect.

>> No.21496837

writing a book about whether i want to become a spree killer or not. will see how far the thought experiment goes

>> No.21496844

If you did want to, you wouldn't even post your intention for it, so maybe the point of the book becomes frivolous.

>> No.21496846

my only way out is suicide or lifetime prison, unless i somehow get away with it

>> No.21496850

I have to come to grips with the fact that I'm suffering. What do I do now? Who am I supposed to tell?

>> No.21496856

You only want suicide because you had high hopes for the world once. Just do some victimless crime like wire fraud and post some politician's email (phishing, setting up fake emails and domains, etc.) which is more heavily punished than even murder. It's also easy to get caught with that since there's (potentially indestructible) digital evidence. Plus writing a diary about how you scammed some big wig or publishers (like Filippo Bernardini) would make you a hero here.

>> No.21496861

I've been to therapists, and what? Just accept it. Then what? Just move on and participate to this carousel, because you have to.

>> No.21496869

I have a feeling burning deep inside of me, it doesn't go away
I'm mad at everything, I'm mad at my life, I'm mad at my parents for putting me in this fucking earth, I'm mad
quiet desperation, silently burning, I can't take this
I look at other people and I see something I'll never be, joys and happiness I'll never have, I'm worthless and inferior, I hate anything social, I hate other people
I can't take this anymore, I want to explode

>> No.21496891

why is life so much fucking work godamn. pretty gay that we just get thrown into this raw deal and left to figure it out ourselves.

>> No.21496895

It would be better for you to work hard from having the short straw in a seemingly random lot (or even rigged lot), than it be simply given a good life to you from the get go.

>> No.21496898
File: 212 KB, 260x400, 3C486097-A25D-44C3-A2CA-42A9560C22FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BEE kino out next week
anyone else as excited as me

>> No.21496902

im just objectively a loser, an underperformer, a nervous wreck. numerous things wrong with my life, but i cannot find the will or strength to do anything. im just so fucking tired.

>> No.21496923

The real losers are those who think they can win the game of life, not those who are seen as losers in whatever cultural or social context. The universe is large, loud, confusing, and usually very painful. It looks meaningless from the outside and within in, too. But do you think that stops you from doing what you want or to go forward in this finite life? We can be sorry for you now, but that's not going to do anything. I have a list of many illnesses including paranoid schizophrenia, and I'm always "doom and gloom" inside, but I want to meet new people and experience new things, as well as read whatever is good and try to learn to write well. But none of it really matters. This universe is going to go expanding then cooling, then there'll be another bang, and it will go on indefinitely. The important thing in all of this, if we can pin one down, is for you to come taste and smell the different wonderful things, and even the smell and taste of shit, until finally you die, fully experiencing it all. There is no reason ever to kill yourself, nor is there any reason not to do it. The universe will keep cycling. So have fun.

>> No.21496928

>31 soon to be 32 year old virgin
>have not touched the skin of another human being for something like 10 years

its too late for me isnt it

>> No.21496931

you just described a good chunk of the population. You arent special, no one cares about you and youre going to die alone. Use that to your advantage. You are a blank slate, your body and mind are malleable and will become whatever you want. Are you just mad you’ve never had sex before? make a man of yourself pussy

>> No.21496935

Nah, not until you're dead, but you'll have to radically change your life, and if you don't, then sure, things will stay the same.

>> No.21496968

Is digital and social media cooking our collective brains? Seems like this digital crack will have unforseen consequences once the younger generations grow up.

>> No.21496978

Imagine all the leaked nudes, the evidence of precocious drug use, the embarrassing opinions or acts saved forever, the constant surveillance ("omg did you see what she did/didn't do on her story!"), community policing (takedowns and cancelling), constant communication with friends to the point you no longer enjoy talking, the knowledge someone is cold shouldering you when it's seen (and not replied to) or ignored... Not to mention all the stream of boring shit and mush from watching those fucked up "satisfying" videos or looking at "1 like = 1 prayer" shit to make you think you're doing a fucking good act.

>> No.21496980

im not even sure i could stomach having to live with a partner at this point, but i would like to try sex atleast once to see what all the buzz is about.

>> No.21496989

Watching very young children get parked in front of iPads so the parents can get some peace is a bit worrying.

>> No.21497034

Had a dream I finally got a gf, but her dad was a multimillionaire who thought I was a wimpy loser so I avoided him at all costs. I can't even win in my dreams

>> No.21497196

Why do we pretend racism (which is really just a modern invention) has become such an irredeemable evil, probably the Worst Evil That Ever Eviled, when we have murdered more over food, resources, sex, and land?
>b-b-buh muh six+ million
Those are tiny compared to the amount of deaths in the same war where you can definitely see battles for land annexation (Japan against China, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, etc) where racism was only secondary. But World War II also probably had racism as a thinly veiled ideology FOR food, resources, sex, and land. The war preceding it, World War I, had much less racism as an ideology; it had many deaths attributed to annexation of places.
The real killer are human drives, which feed into economic needs and whatever "racism" actually is, which probably just comes as a spook for bare desire. But I suppose being hungry and horny makes us forget that killing is evil, and maybe it never was evil to begin with.

>> No.21497332

>cucks the millionaire by fucking his daughter
>can’t even win
Do you know what’s a real loser’s dream anon? Getting interested in /x/ bullshit about going to other universes and then having a dream in which you’re pretty much the same, but confident and free of depression, and in the dream you live by yourself in an expensive house overlooking the sea in some sunny coastal town, has a couple of sports cars and bangs 10/10 women. Then you wake up and go back to being a skinny suicidal neet languishing in your bed.

>> No.21497335

Look at le green text and you have the answer

>> No.21497418

>re-read Bentham because I have to teach a class on hedonistic utilitarianism tomorrow
>inadvertently just start gobbling tramadol pills I have lying around to increase my pleasure
Those fucking anglos man

>> No.21497660

>Is digital and social media cooking our collective brains?
have you seen this thread?

>> No.21497728

I often see some catholics post here, or theologians in general, but you guys never post about Plantinga or any other contemporary thought, why is that ?

>> No.21497743

>boomers are guilty for the jews
>millennials are guilty for globohomo
>zoomers are guilty for tiktok
Yet zoomers are blamed for everything? Sounds like the problem is that millennials never grew up (they're "adulting") so they cant take responsibility.

>> No.21497748

in a society based upon mutual tolerance the threat to the balance of power becomes intolerance, since the intolerant will eventually displace the tolerant because the tolerant will tolerate the intolerant but the intolerant wont necessarily tolerate the tolerant, it’s called the paradox of the tolerant and it’s why all forms of intolerance are constantly attacked, racism is lame though.

>> No.21497768
File: 288 KB, 1024x1050, 1640622859703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are tiny
They're also made up newfag

>> No.21497774

>the npc mind

>> No.21497852

I'm going to take a year off to do nothing but write. Where should I do it?

>> No.21497977


>> No.21498367
File: 186 KB, 853x1432, 1639391650820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source for what? Go find the evidence for the 6m deaths. Actually show me any material evidence for even 1 million dead jews. You'll find nothing at all, it's pulled out of thin air.

>> No.21498444

>Nations Wars are created by the ruling class, ie bureaucrats and merchants in democracies
I agree wars dont really benefit the entire group, thats just propaganda.
But my point was that socities make rules like "don't steal" that make them stable, so in a way it can be thought of as a seflish moral rule. Yet also selfless for an individual to follow in so far as they're subordinating themselves to a societal rule above their own individual will/desires.
My point is that framing things as either moral or egotistic, one or the other, is a simplistic dichotomy that hides how shit actually works.

>> No.21498500
File: 945 KB, 1078x1065, 1670739258699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source for what? Go find the evidence for the 6m deaths.
This is really all these /pol/tards have, huh? Did they just not pay attention in class?

>> No.21498586

Harsh lessons I learned recently:
>most people will act like your buddy to your face but will never mean it
>just because you put a lot of effort into something doesn't mean it was worth it, valuable, useful to anyone, or a good use of your time
>sometimes you get made a 'leader' so people have someone to blame for failures and force unpleasant work onto

>> No.21498624

Where did Holocaust deniers get this idea that forced labor and extermination upon weakness wasn't the mechanism of the Holocaust? I swear this is a recent phenomenon. I've seen so many "gotchas" that are essentially "well how come they were keeping workers around for so long" but I've never received any official narrative that told me anything different.

>> No.21498756

>no evidence
I accept your concession.
>The Holocaust (1933–1945) was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and collaborators
Provide evidence for the above or admit you believe in this narrative without any evidence.

>> No.21498817

Dreaming-tones, unconscious symbols, burning lamps dangling from the abode of God, clouds of clear ice shot with sparkling cracks, the symbolic and the real have quit their meaning and the world is a veneer over a veneer, holes in the air, wheels in the sea, the moon in the sun and the sun below the earth, the trumpet of Heaven has sounded and all lowly blades of grass are bidden to strain, to reach, to tremble and raise ther little hands to the sky, tears from the stars, burning bones embedded in great gray cliffs, and I lay on the soft breast of the sea, am enveloped in her soft white embrace, drink her wine-dark deeps and come to rest in her bed.

>> No.21498993

>Provide evidence
I accept your concession.

>> No.21499031

>fake /wwoym/ thread
>more replies/quicker to fill than the original
>Original is literary themed
>Fake. /tv/ themed

/lit/ is no more

>> No.21499908

how do i cope with having been born

>> No.21500071

im a character in a novel
dadcore fat vibes trailer trash no honk honkey tonk
no lord
no sad
no long lost seaside boat factory
heir to an invisible throne
carries himself with righteousness
too much righteousness
tan high sock tan sneaker
sweat shorts
thick leather jacket
cowboy hat
heart glasses
a fatout burnout
an elvis for the modern era
sitting pretty with a penis on his t shirt appropriatley styled the fashion
the obtuse
the eccentric
doesnt feel at home
doesnt believe in love
wants to believe in love
overgrown stache
parading a smile of unkept knowledge
sideburns cutting in
cup his ears in sheeted circus tents
a facade
a gay rhetoric
even so
just wanna grill
just wanna know about the war going on
just wanna grill
do i really believe i'll ever be a father
it doesnt seem very real
everything else about my life has always seemed real
well beforehand
sits at the bar at 10am
drinks himself silly
a character in a novel
i hate him
why do they like him
is it schaudenfraude
or is it the belief in something bigger
ive involved myself in the lives of strangers and they enjoy my company
thats the feeling america lost
low-trust society
no more running around in the yards
jumping fences
tracing the drainage ditches for short cuts
ghost dogs
duct tape men
now i have to go find that other poem

and we never got tired.
and we never got old.
we just ran through the streets forever.
and everything was perfect.

>> No.21500082


>> No.21500120

if you do good it's through the Grace of God and if you do bad it's your own stupid ass fault

>> No.21500166

weed and chicken burger

>> No.21500175

My life has been worse than yours and I whine less than you

>> No.21501459

You lost bro

>> No.21501532

if i'm gay and a Christian who can't realistically ever marry a woman, is it a viable strat to get my nuts removed? it's like only like 3 grand out of pocket

>> No.21501609

No. Eunuchs are considered unholy.
Remember eunuch anon on hotwheelchan?

>> No.21501671


>> No.21501700

but it says right there in the Bible:
>For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it
i'm not even asking whether it's morally/theologically permissible because i already know it is. i'm just concerned about the logistics. losing my nuts is a big deal

>> No.21501707

it was supposed to be a nice thread

>> No.21501719

>He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the LORD.
That verse wasn't even literal and wasn't taken to be literal until the Byzantines went haywire. Even at that point it was controversial. The above verse is just the first that I remember, and although it's talking about Temple worship, it sets the precedent that there is an unholiness to the state of emasculation. You should actually read.

>> No.21501726

Eunuch anon was a guy that performed a home orchiectomy on himself and took pictures and videos of it. He thought that verse condoned becoming a eunuch until he was BTFO'd by an entire thread of theology. He later regretted his actions a LOT. You may be able to find some archives of it, although it wasn't on 4chan.

>> No.21501738

>“Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say, ‘The LORD will surely separate me from His people.’ Nor let the eunuch say, ‘Behold, I am a dry tree.’ For thus says the LORD, ‘To the eunuchs who keep My sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold fast My covenant, to them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial, and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which will not be cut off.’”
i'm not interested in ancient Israelite ceremony, i'm concerned with spiritual morality. furthermore
>And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.

>> No.21501752

Explain why the Vatican would cut off the balls of men to create this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjvfqnD0ws
It doesn't even sound that good.

>> No.21502260

the Vatican literally encourages people to commit sins that Jesus warns against and commits horrible sins themselves. why the hell do atheists always seem to act like the Vatican is the end all be all of Christianity?

>> No.21502511

Because the vatican is run by deranged pedophiles