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21493282 No.21493282 [Reply] [Original]

what books encapsulate the modern haze in which most people live in. The kind of white noise that constantly buzzes in people's overstimulated minds which makes them shoot a distraught woman mourning her father in the head with no remorse
Burgerpunk if you will

>> No.21493310

That animal's just a savage druggie, most likely.

>> No.21493337

convicted felon released after 2 years of good behaviour for killing a family, on his second day of freedom killed these guys

>> No.21493374

was this at a wake?

>> No.21493390

Looks like the group of guys started it.
The one who started shooting did nothing wrong

>> No.21493394

Dude looks like he was about to get swarmed. Bitches mad it just didnt go their way

>> No.21493396

He fucking executed the person who did nothing but run to help the wounded person, he's a fucking psycho.

>> No.21493401

Did he kill someone behind the white van too at the end?

>> No.21493404

Looks like he was in the right from the video. Maybe the context makes hin look worse, but he only shoots after the mob runs in towards him and that woman. If they were in the wrong, outright execution might have been excessive but still not evil.

>> No.21493407

Once self defense is initiated, does it really matter about what the theatrics look like?

>> No.21493408

are you retarded?

>> No.21493412

Probably grabbing for a gun lmao get blasted

>> No.21493415

I'm not retarded, I'm based

>> No.21493416
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>you share a board with psychos like this

>> No.21493417

So what’s the backstory?

>> No.21493423

Calling yourself based automatically makes you cringe.

>> No.21493425

It doesn't matter whether the shooter was right or wrong because the guys were ganging up on him and deserve to die simply because of that. The law is wrong

>> No.21493428

dead men tell no tales and dont pop you in the back when you turn around to get the hell out of dodge. dude was just covering his bases

>> No.21493430


>> No.21493431


>> No.21493433

You must be european. In the states it's legal to kill if you get mobbed. The guy did something illegal when he walked up to individuals that weren't a threat anymore and executed them. Not evil, but still illegal. Now if the context shows that he was doing something and the mob wasn't as rowdy as they seemed, he's definitely a psycho.

>> No.21493436

Whats the backstory of killing a family and getting out 2 years later? Something doesn’t jive there

>> No.21493437

Dudes not overstimulated or in a haze. Hes probably never thought clearer in his life when he popped those two and scattered that gang

>> No.21493442

Ice cold shooter

>> No.21493453

From the webm looks like he was at a wake screaming insults. People tell him to fuck off. He doesn't fuck off. Then all the family and or friends come to see what the fuzz is all about. He shoots at them. Did I get it right, OP? I don't know the case.

>> No.21493455

Kinder to finish someone off than let them bleed out in the cold, first hit on the shooter guy to the right obviously hit his spine because he dropped like puppet with cut strings. Plus if he lives you're paying civil medical damages even if its held up as a good shoot. Shouldn't have killed the woman crouching over the other body though.

>> No.21493461

I feel like this thread was made solely for the webm. Not literature

>> No.21493475

I watched it again, yeah he's a psycho. The woman he brained was just an onlooker and one of the dudes didn't rush him.
I'm assuming that he shot the dude that charged him in legal self defense, but because he's a felon he knew he would go to prison again for possession of a firearm- and because he's a murderous psycho he decided to kill everyone else before he went in.

>> No.21493482

Dude is, or will be, doing a lot of time as he should be

>> No.21493489
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He was not even getting mobbed. Pic rel is the moment where he shoots first.

>> No.21493494

Lol no

>> No.21493501

Yeah when he sees them closing and the guy on far right has a gun in his hands

All of these retards are gang affiliated and this is just trash taking itself out

>> No.21493516

he was obviously about to be attacked and he knew it. Only problem is he didn't cap all of them

>> No.21493529

Lots of teenage edgelords itt

>> No.21493530

This. The moment you know for certain that you're about to be attacked, you should be allowed to strike first.
All this
>hurr wait till they initiate the attack
shit is retarded because even if they don't have guns, if they punch you, you might not be able to react fast enough, you might get hit down to the concrete and die instantly if you hit your head at the wrong angle.
It's obvious they were about to attack, anyone with half a brain cell can see this and you're being willfully ignorant if you can't. He was in the right to shoot when he did. Infact he should have shot a few seconds earlier

>> No.21493543

>closest person is like 2-3 meters away, all the others are too far way to initiate violent contact
>he's not getting actively attacked
>they don't have visible weapons
>he has ample room to run to the other side
He was not getting mobbed. You're just a psycho with excuses.

>> No.21493549

Yeah, the problem is the execution of the woman. She was not a threat in any way, and her only moral problem was being uppity. Not deathworthy like the other retards.

>> No.21493553

>americans think this is perfectly normal
If this happened in any first world country, it would be national news for weeks

>> No.21493554

that's 4chan for you
>she was staring at me! I was justified in murdering everyone around her in cold blood!
actual retards

>> No.21493555

Obviously this gigachad understands that women deserve to die in general. Her killing had nothing todo with the other guys

>> No.21493558

t. resentful incel

>> No.21493560

Kek at anons calling this self defense

>> No.21493561

Democrat state. Some are extremely lenient, borderline retarded

>> No.21493572
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>He was in the right to shoot when he did. Infact he should have shot a few seconds earlier
lol lmao

>> No.21493575

Idk. Where’s the news story or court documents. Niggas be doing life sentences in San Quentin, ya know?

>> No.21493582

the guy closest was going for the girl and several of them had guns in the pocket. Only a retard could see that kind of setup and not conclude the chimps were descending for a kill

>> No.21493587

why do leftists care so much about criminals? I've noticed this. I'm not american but in my country it's the same shit. Too much care for the criminal. and if you believe in justice they call you a fascist.

>> No.21493594
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He shoots the dude that charges at the woman that appears to be his accomplice. All we know from context is that she gets charged and there is an approaching mob.
After he shoots the man in self defense he appears to stop firing. Then a second guy appears to draw a weapon and point it at him, which means, especially if he rightfully defended himself in the first place, that he should be able to do it a second time. Everything afterward is just him rampaging around like a nigger murdering and executing everyone in his path. From his behavior after the possibly justified acts, it's safe to say that the confrontation was probably his fault and he didn't have a right to defend himself in the first place.

>> No.21493607


he killed a family of two in 2009 then got released on parole

>> No.21493618

>From his behavior after the possibly justified acts, it's safe to say that the confrontation was probably his fault and he didn't have a right to defend himself in the first place.

This. It’s not self defense if you provoke someone into attacking you. He was clearly not wanted there and had ample time to leave.

>> No.21493625
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>mob mob mob mob
Most of them are fucking women, there is no threat here aside from the one guy who tried to get up in his face.

>> No.21493628

This gives no details. Evidence must have been light

>> No.21493632

>You have to let us kill you if we dont want you here!!!

Free country, get popped moron.

>> No.21493636

do you not see that he shot right at the moment this situation was about to get out of hand? Hope he gets acquitted or a light sentence, killing gangbangers is absolutely OK

>> No.21493642

>killing gangbangers is absolutely OK
but who is going to make my porn?

>> No.21493647

Edgy. Why couldn’t he fight the guy with his fists. Apparently to some, the chance of getting your ass beat is a life and death situation which grants the right to use fatal self defense

>> No.21493655

if anybody dares to get within 1 meter of me without my permission he's getting headshotted nigga

>> No.21493657

>it's safe to say that the confrontation was probably his fault and he didn't have a right to defend himself in the first place
What? that's bullshit. You should have the right to talk as much shit as you like to someone. Just because you're insulting someone doesn't mean they're allowed to get violent with you

>> No.21493665

Hopefully he gets a life sentence.
Law and Order!

>> No.21493667

fistfights are violent and dangerous. I have no interest in violence. If someone attacks me, my only desire is to protect myself as safely as possible. The safety of the attacker is of no concern. Ergo, a gun

>> No.21493668

If you talk shit, you have to accept the possibility of getting your ass beat. Don’t want to get your ass beat, don’t run your mouth. Simple as

>> No.21493677

>just let the group of gangbangers beat you up bro dont be a pussy

Youve never even thrown a real punch in anger have you?

>> No.21493678

Yeah that's not how it works you fucking barbarian.
Violence has no place in a civilised society. If you try to attack me, you die, that's how it works

>> No.21493680

Fistfights are dangerous and can result in death or severe injury. It's both legal and morally right to simply kill someone that tries.
Sure, but if you start going up to someone's face talking trash then they might think you're getting ready for a fight. Don't go crying when you lose half your face.

>> No.21493688

What you want some kind of 1on1 fisticuffs? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.21493693
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>fist fights are violent and dangerous

>> No.21493699

In the real world, if someone comes up to you screaming and talking shit they're probably going to knock you out. To save yourself possible grievous injury or death, you can just tell them to back off and if they continue then you stop them by any means necessary. Britcucks and eurofags wouldn't understand.

>> No.21493703

If i talk shit and I have a gun, you're the retard if you try to fight me.

>> No.21493707

Enough of this thread. Reported. Give me the ban too

>> No.21493708

black pypo--wait a minute

>> No.21493710
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>> No.21493715

He is black, actually.

>> No.21493721

>streetfights are 1on1 honorable combat where no one gouges eyeballs or pulls out a knife
>combatants retire while the 10 count is called by a neutral third party

Let me guess, the thought "why dont they just shoot for their legs?" has gone through your head before

>> No.21493726

What percentage of fist fights end in death or permanent disability?

>> No.21493735

glowe thread by the way. Would you hypothetically [break law] with your gun license, citizen?

>> No.21493736

americans have culture of kill.

>> No.21493751

Classic mistake of having an OP image more interesting then the text

>> No.21493756

If youre trying to say that the odds of coming out of a streetlight unscathed are acceptable to you, I invite you to go the fuck on. I wont though.
In reality you're binding yourself to a set of rules that your combatant has not agreed to and that could cost you your life.

>> No.21493767

It’s pretty easy to avoid fights. Almost everyone stays in their own lane.

>> No.21493800

I agree, walking away if you can is almost always the best action. Unless they know where you live and have issued a mortal threat to you or your family. Then first strike is warranted.
Also, something tells m you dont have much experience with the north american pavement ape. They are quite literally built different

>> No.21493804

>outright execution might have been excessive

>> No.21493805

I’ve been in jail and have been homeless in Kensington Philadelphia. Never had any issues

>> No.21493812

No wonder you have retarded opinions

>> No.21493817

At least I don’t need a gun like a scared woman

>> No.21493821

Sounds like youve got it all figured out then lmao

>> No.21493825

That was 15 years ago. Life is great now

>> No.21493830

Let's pretend we aren't in a civilized society. If a nigga tries to beat your ass and you knock him out, do you really think it's that bad to spear him through the face and turn him permanently harmless? Execution is only excessive in the context of complex societies, but even then these are breaking down. The guy in question was supposed to have been kept harmless by the state yet he murdered several more people 2 years later. Immediate execution wouldn't have been excessive there would it?

>> No.21493831

>i dont get it whenever someone wants to beat me up i just offer my tight little asshole to them and they don't beat me up! works on the street too!

>> No.21493834
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it's over.

>> No.21493838

Like I said, never had any issues. Some people just don’t know how to handle themselves or look like nervous marks

>> No.21493848

So if someone looks like an easy target, they should carry a gun? Or should they just make themselves look as badass as you are so that no one messes with them?

>> No.21493849

lol shut the fuck up you chinless nerd

>> No.21493855

You have to stay in the middle. If you look weak and nervous you’ll be fucked with, look like your looking for a fight and you’ll find it

>> No.21493868

So let me get this straight. your view on self defense boils down to
>Just don't get harassed and also guns are for pussies.
Youre a fucking moron.

>> No.21493883

I’m saying 99.9% of people will never be in a life and death situation where they have to resort to guns

>> No.21493885

Shut up pencil-neck.

>> No.21493896

Suburban teenager confirmed

>> No.21493903

Lol no

>> No.21493934

>3 or more jogging at you under 21 feet
>not getting mobbed

>> No.21493939

The first shooting is good. That person was attacking their friend. The second is good too. If he didn't keep shooting he would've been mobbed, disarmed, and beaten by the rest of the group. Too stupid for his own good and didn't know when to stop though. The execution shot on that third lady and the double tap on the other victims ruin his chance of self defense.

>> No.21493965
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This documentary movie.

>> No.21493975

This. Do not listen to a single canadian cuckold who says otherwise. You act aggressive and you get shot.

>> No.21493985

Fuckin kek

>> No.21493999

All those pastas about americans being niggers are true.

>> No.21494007

getting mob is getting attacked by a crowed. none of that happens here.

>> No.21494019

>Man Who Killed 3 Near Portage Park Bar ‘Brutally’ Shot Everyone Who Called Out His Name, Prosecutors Say
>Dude and girlfriend goes to club for birthday party
>Argument ensues
>Punches birthday girl
>Gets kicked out of the club
>Goes retrieve gun, ambushes them as they leave club
>Kills birthday girl's dad, executes birthday girl and 2 other friends
>Guy has a criminal history
>Forces girlfriend at gunpoint to be his getaway driver
>Caught by police
Best I can gather.

>> No.21494026

ah, so that explains why he doesn't shoot the nearby woman, it's his gf.

>> No.21494103

they were probably verbally aggressive,
try that one with a cop ,you'll find out

>> No.21494130

my friends on CFD in Chi and this happened in a pretty good neighborhood. basically i think the dude got out of prison and during the time of his incarceration his then gf left him. he then attended his gf's bday (or some event) and i guess went psycho and killed her, her bf and her dad. my friend told me that it was surreal for the law enforcement that arrived because most shootings are so 'casual' meaning people are shot and just injured while in this instance all the people shot were double tapped indicating a much more personal crime.

>> No.21494135

>they were probably verbally aggressive
I don't think that alone justifies killing them, unless they were making death threats.

>> No.21494140

If you are trying to start a fight you should be shot like a rabid dog. If you and your friends are walking down one guy and he shoots you and you die, good.

>> No.21494151

ive been mobbed a few time , have you?

>> No.21494152

Roastie paid the toll

>> No.21494157

>kill a family
>only do 2 years
>life gives you a once in a million chance to start anew
>blew it like a nigger, get a life sentence (probably)
any book on human nature?

>> No.21494162

That first guy deserved to get shot. He was getting in his face making chest to chest contact, then when the shooter moved away, he tried to push past the shooter's girlfriend to get at him again. The rest was unjustified.

>> No.21494171
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>> No.21494172

>of two

>> No.21494173

No, and neither was the guy in the webm.

>> No.21494178


>> No.21494181

Is the USA this trigger happy? Many ITT are justifying nigger behavior. "He started at me! He deserved shots to the head!"

>> No.21494191

Most of us don't chimp out and glass people because the odds of the other person having a gun are high. Only the biggest gorillanigger retards get in fights here at all. Glass is not a bar room verb here.

>> No.21494202

I'm Canadian, and yes I believe that if someone so much as raises their voice at a stranger aggressively they deserve to be shot in the head. Don't bully people.

>> No.21494206

based fellow canadian

>> No.21494209

Thank God justice is not in the hands of retarded psychos like you.

>> No.21494212

In canada suicide hotline calls you.

>> No.21494215

Baka gaijin samurai will cut off your head

>> No.21494222

*shoots you in cold blood because you said something mean*

>> No.21494236

Literally samurai. No wonder all the westerns were remakes of samurai movies. You callin me a liar? Time to die over it.

>> No.21494237

>kill a family
To be fair, he was charged for home invasion and his accomplice was caught on a phone call saying he killed the family and had no regrets. So his accomplice is in for life and he did like 12 years. It sounds like he had a decent enough lawyer to get the murder charges off him and onto the accomplice.

>My name is Samuel, but my family calls me Sammy. I’m 31 years old. I’m a Pisces and I am mixed-race. My mother was Black and White, and my father is Cuban. I’m 6’ tall, with what you could call an athletic physique.
>I have been locked up for 11 years now and am actually down to my last 11 months. To say that I am happy to almost be a free man would be an insult to my true feelings.

>> No.21494251

El goblino mezito salvaje

>> No.21494254

>least grudgeful pisces

>> No.21494261

what did Jamal mean by this?

>> No.21494267

Does it not mean mixed race touch of the tar brush?

>> No.21494269

Here's the rest of it. It's from a prison penpal site.
>I like to read books. I’ve read close to 1000 books, ranging from Self-Help books, to Urban Novels, to Adventure, to Espionage, to even Romance novels. I spend a lot of my time listening to music and putting my thoughts together for life. I like to watch sports as well.
>I would like to meet a woman who is confident but grounded as well. I would like to meet a woman who can enjoy a good laugh, but knows how to think when the time presents itself. I am ultimately seeking a woman with a beautiful personality and soul. All beauty begins within. I am not setting a ceiling for what I can manifest with someone because you never know where you will meet your best friend, or better yet, your soulmate. Hopefully something I said catches your attention and if so please feel free to reach out. If not, then thank you for reading my profile.

>> No.21494281


>> No.21494291

Should've started with the Greeks and all this could've been avoided.

>> No.21494300

Pretty sure it does. Mezitos means part gross in mexican racial higherarchy.

>> No.21494309

Average American cant climb the rope. Zero grip strength. Diabetes. Cant do pull ups. Cant run 5 miles under an hour.
You have these weak, neurotic, anxious, morbidly obese American freaks watching commando movies 24/7 and playing special forces videogames. Half of them cant climb the stairs without shitting themselves, and the same half spends half of their income on ammo down the range.

The result is the webm. Imagine a Brazilian favela where they can afford facade. That's your American town. Same dysgenic subhumans. Hyper weak, hyper violent, zero problem solving capacity.
Hyenas with rabies have more dignity, more culture, and more temper than these new worlders.

>> No.21494316

Mezito is not even a word. Maybe some 4chan word but blacks are called negros and half blacks are mulatos in Spanish.

>> No.21494318
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>> No.21494319 [DELETED] 

you mean Mestizo

>> No.21494325

Oh no no no. You're part **native** aren't you? Lmao are you even over 5'10?

>> No.21494331

you mean Mestizo?

>> No.21494345

How much is that in the non-retarded system?

>> No.21494346

You just know this nigga read Guenon.

>> No.21494349


>> No.21494354
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>wants to insult someone
>can't even use the correct word
do Americans... really?

>> No.21494363

Yea, how much is that in the non-retarded system?

>> No.21494368


>> No.21494369
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>> No.21494387

holy based

>> No.21494465

I didn't say insulting, I said aggressive. As in implied threat of violence. The world would be a better place if people who pushed others around and started trouble got smited.

>> No.21494474

>low impulse control

>> No.21494481

none, listen to drill/rap "music" instead

>> No.21494496

But they're the most likely to do that. You're stupid and cowardly.

>> No.21494506

The guy put himself in trouble. The other people knew about his criminal background and rejected him accordingly. He's accused of triple murder in the first degree now. Good luck being intelligent and brave.

>> No.21494536

Okay so you thought I was talking about this specific event the whole time, maybe you aren't a complete retard. Yeah this guy probably deserved to get it before the events we see, based on what's reported. But you still don't make sense, you're just emotional like a woman. You believe you should be allowed to initiate aggression and no one's allowed to do anything back to you.

>> No.21494564

Retaliation must be proportional; de-escalation is preferable. This man is evil and should be executed by the state.

>> No.21494568

Funnily enough what you mention is how a woman would react. Can't win an argument? Insult. Insults don't work? Proceed to hit/slap. They react out of proportion based on immediate emotions, just like this guy. Low impulse control also means low IQ. If someone screams at you shooting at them is not justified.

>> No.21494570
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>waaaah waaaaaah state daddy punish him for me

>> No.21494717

Name calling, no counter arguments provided. Not surprised that you support this man, both of you are clearly led by emotion.

The state/government has the authority to punish wrongdoers due to it he offices the politics community has designated for it. As a citizen I am free to hold those offices if the political community decides it would be right to. Whether I hold that office or someone else does, it’s the office which does the executing.

>> No.21495079

There is no such thing as 'authority' anon. There is just more or less guns.

>> No.21495298

feels like this is the thesis for Infinite Jest.
don't know how you've managed to miss it, and no one has said it, maybe no one has actually read it.

>> No.21495340

read the Oresteia

>> No.21495543

That's why we need monarchy. If the monarch could kill every person behind these posts that support the family shooter we would live in a better world. Hang all these anons and justice would be a little bit closer.

>> No.21495560 [DELETED] 

and people say blood meridian is too violent.

>> No.21495580

He was black.

>> No.21495618

True, but remember that under monarchy you must also accept the evil that a monarch does. Typically the evil is on a much smaller scale but because the one committing it is easily identifiable it seems worse. Read: 10,000 women and children murdered in a year by random unpunished thugs or 10 by a highly degenerate king. In the case of the latter the problem is so amorphous nobody even bothers to tackle it, in the case of the latter although it's arguably better there is a specific person that can be blamed.

>> No.21495627

and what if your monarch is a tranny? now what? people got rid of monarchies because monarchs were mentally ill nonstop

>> No.21495638

Liberal policies for leniency against criminals, is actually just stochastic terrorism against the law-abiding.

Remember to disenfranchise and discriminate against all progressive leftists for creating this mess.

>> No.21495746

I seriously hope for sharia law to execute more convicts