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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 335 KB, 2358x1386, Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 3.23.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21488871 No.21488871 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21488890

I got 81. Shud I kms myself?

>> No.21488927
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>> No.21488943

95. I really am average. Works for me

>> No.21488956
File: 295 KB, 1664x1194, robonigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>type in aeneid
something just does not add up

>> No.21488966
File: 157 KB, 1200x893, 353a534778b6b8f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put in the first couple paragraphs of a research paper I wrote
What do? I thought I was retarded

>> No.21489029

ancient people were pretty stupid

>> No.21489034

A short example piece I did for my students in 20m came back 119. I'll take it I guess.

>> No.21489254
File: 73 KB, 1142x609, write123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems a little bit biased but okay

>> No.21489408

It's not very good at estimating. I love playing with it. I've noticed it is very affected by format and vocabulary. I generally get between 130 and 160, but I've gotten as low as 70, and as high as 193.

>> No.21489418

It doesn't do well with poetry or prose, in my experience. It does best with informative writing - think an essay or a non-fiction book.

>> No.21489427

I got 119 for my prose and 144 for my academic writing, am I a clever boy yet? Please, papa, I need my gold star.

>> No.21489435

Yes, lad. *tossles your hair gently* That'll do.

>> No.21489440

And yet, I have not earned a gold star, thus the hair tossle is one of pity... I have brought us all shame.

>> No.21489479

I just wrote this random crap to try and get as low a score as I could, but it can't even grade it apparently, lol.

>Do it be like a big thing or little? Can we get it? Or no? I had a one like it before. Wish I had it again. She took one one time. This little girl did. A big one, brown, and gave it to me. Did you see one like that? Like a little brown one or no? I think you did. I know you did. Tell me about it? What if we like ask her to get us one? She have money for that? I don't know. If we get one, I want it. No sharing. See? I told you she would do it. How about now? Not another one. What it be like this time? Do it see through or do it be like a dark? His was seen through. I saw it myself. Up on round hill, cats come up through the windows. Looks at you like that. Wants to nuzzle on you. Something. He she been seen on them hills. Welcomes peoples. Does you ever go? To them hills? I has done.

>> No.21489496

Still more literate than half of my students. Your post even knows when to use the big letters instead of the little ones.

>> No.21489506

Crap. I have to dumb it down more, lol.

>> No.21489519

First of all, you share an excerpt here, or a screenshot. Then you give me a list of three off-the-beaten-path books to read.

>> No.21490087

>The algorithm cleans up the inputted text and then attempts to analyze the quality of the vocabulary used.
Whoever made this should have been bullied more in school.

>> No.21490277

I pasted a random excerpt from my BJJ journal and it estimated by IQ to be 141. cya brainlets

>> No.21490576
File: 138 KB, 821x588, Screenshot_20230107_001318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beginning of a Wikipedia article

>> No.21490698
File: 102 KB, 761x670, Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 9.45.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just banged this out and didn't even reread it. I just tried to sound like David Bentley Hart.

>156, exceptionally gifted

>> No.21490722
File: 35 KB, 826x533, WritingtoIQ Test Post 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. Consistent. It gave a similar result to a random post of mine I threw in.

>> No.21490752
File: 85 KB, 815x600, Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 9.59.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out how dumb it is.

>> No.21490756

It said I was a genius despite a typo I just saw. Oh well.

>> No.21490821
File: 40 KB, 855x568, A Work of Genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't seen nothing yet. I wasn't sure I wanted to share this one - it's too good.

An old post of mine I wrote for fun for a thread I can't remember.

>> No.21490825

>anon makes a post with only a link
>doesn't elaborate on the purpose of his post
>doesn't explain what the link is for
>responses are all using the link in exactly the way this faggot intended
consciousness was wasted on humanity.

>> No.21490827

On you, in particular.

>> No.21490828

based and baseless insult pilled

>> No.21490830

It thought you were James Joyce drunkenly writing a passage of Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.21490843

Haha! It interestingly preferred nunneries to be spelled with a -y rather than an -ies. For every nunnery spelled with y, it gave me two additional IQ points. I wondered if it assumed the antique spelling meant a person who was better read.

>> No.21491007

Dear, Mr. Nigger author. Can you please post the maniscript to your work?

>> No.21491197

I got a 120 with this paragraph different paragraphs ranged from 105-111 the trick is to use long sentences

1.4 So into this heated mix of local politics violence and destruction Mr.Dion decides to
publicly complain about his bosses job performance cracking down on crime & criminals across
the USA but somehow overlooking the critical problems here in WA state. Seriously what
exactly is Mr.Dion trying to accomplish here ? Support these troublemakers running around
shooting people fire bombing everything stabbing robbing raping people ? Why isn't Mr.Dion
focused on these people & problems here in WA state instead of high level WA DC politics ?
Is he angling for publicity before retiring to campaign for public office ? Is he 1 of those
Soros funded DAs that releases all the criminals without bail or jail time ? The term to
describe this total b.s. is "accelerationism" something about destroying USA society to
usher in a new better utopia. Seriously fuck that shit to hell. I voted for TRUMP and like
what he and his appointees are doing. You deep state back benchers keep trying to sabotage
productive efforts to improve things - that's another fuck that shit to hell pal. Elections
have consequences and the same people that voted for zerobama saw what he did and then voted
for TRUMP. Yes of course I realize this same crap will happen again when the majority
opinion changes but still this ethics violation is independent of ruling party because the
active judiciary is not to engage in influencing public opinion.

>> No.21491212

all these fake and gay I typed them into that website and scores ranged from 55 (severaly retarded) all they way up to 75 (moderately retarded)

>> No.21491248

I tried my computer resume and ima genius 142 top kek

June 2000 - Nov 2000, Microsoft. Contractor using SQL Server 2000
for database development and support of e-commerce website.
Design/change/test tables and stored procedures, data migration,
imports/exports using XML. Finished development of prototype
service in TSQL for publish/subscribe to integrate applications.
Sept 1998 - April 2000, Microsoft. Contractor using Windows NT, VC++,
COM/ATL, Win32 API, ADO/SQL Server. Developed object-oriented
wrapper for relational database schema for e-commerce project
using 3-tier architecture. Models business partners, trading
agreements, communication protocols. Uses XML for import/export
between client/server side objects, TSQL for queries, stored
procedures, server cursors, timestamps, constraints.
April 1997 - August 1998, Active Voice. Contractor using Windows NT,
VC++, ODBC/SQL Server/Access, COM/ATL, Win32 API, Crystal Reports.
Developed a flexible reporting subsystem and reports for a large
computer telephony platform. Features included API for adding new
reports, data logger, multiple CPUs, generic APIs. Work included
prototypes, data modeling, table design, design documents, GUI
test drivers, localization, training.

>> No.21491569

Judging by your post, which doesn't have a single comma or period, you probably didn't even type them correctly.

>> No.21491601
File: 156 KB, 1366x731, Screenshot_2023-01-07_19-53-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Future is jewish it seems.

>> No.21491709

Can someone actually find a paragraph that could hit somewhere below 80? It's clear that this is a circle jerk of a bunch of nerds who read books a lot.

>> No.21491725
File: 567 KB, 1390x1034, Screen Shot 2023-01-07 at 9.13.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from /b/

>> No.21491736
File: 48 KB, 623x469, Screenshot_2023-01-07_15-01-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tfOAPxbGOE the writer is a black anon from /a/

>> No.21492288

Holy fucking shit you got the text of that novella????? please post it good sir I beg you please I waited for long.

>> No.21492297

Shockingly good for the average Wikipedia editor

>> No.21492310

>god is above logic and reason
>now let me explain with “logic” why he exists and what he wants us to do

>> No.21492346

ok grammar nazi kek

>> No.21492406
File: 16 KB, 1004x116, smartie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21492785

Eat shit, propagandist.

>> No.21492788

You're full of shit. KYS

>> No.21492822

I'm getting no more than 110, and most often around 80. I can't imagine this is meant to analyze actual IQ but just comprehensibility.
Maybe that's why scientists who are incapable of writing anything coherent score so high.

>> No.21492855 [DELETED] 

Well of course the 80 readings are wrong. I used to take care of guys sub 70 - keep them from hearting themselves and one another, and a few were right at 70 or so. None of them nor someone just barely higher would be using an IQ estimator in the first place. I doubt an 80IQ could really even comprehend the value measure.

>> No.21492863

Well of course the 80 readings are wrong. I used to take care of guys sub 70 - keep them from hurting themselves and one another, and a few were right at 70. None of them, nor someone just barely higher would be using an IQ estimator in the first place. I doubt an 80IQ could really even comprehend the value measure.

>> No.21492874

Fr Fr you niggers are anitidisestablishmentarianism. Like how can a paleontoligist be so flabbergasted. On God get these mongoloid shiteating smoothbrains off my origami and papercraft board. Dilate and seethe more you tranny freaks.

I got 152. See you later, brainlets.

>> No.21492980

Hilarious, but that's average at this point. I want to see someone break 200.

>> No.21493077


>> No.21493138
File: 336 KB, 750x1334, 91CA96B9-AFA2-4CD9-BB2F-43E9D9AF2564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, check it.

>> No.21493219

Interesting. What do you think it's attributing the intelligence to? Syntax?

>> No.21493917


affirmative action kek

>> No.21494170
File: 43 KB, 621x468, 2389403284203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21494950 [DELETED] 

ESL-kun, I...

>> No.21494959

Boring answer.
It isn't capable of handling poetry, anon.

>> No.21495301

I believe it is at least related to size of vocabulary and possibly infrequently used words. Syntax doesn't appear to make a difference.

>> No.21495354

After testing, I'm might not be quite right. I tested strings of long words from the dictionary, but received errors. I put in Finnegan's Wake because of the neologisms and received results of borderline retardation lol.

>> No.21495805

Lol, so interesting! I'd like to crack this thing fully. It would be amusing to see what can consistently churn out 200+ scores.

>> No.21495809

This test is useless and doesn't tell you anything with accuracy.