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21487219 No.21487219 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Peterstein hate moralistic so much? It reminds me of people posting on /b/ calling each other moralfags for being opposed to gore or child porn in the late 2000's. What even, is the basis for his advice and his "rules for life" if not morality? He seems to purport to believe that some actions are preferable to others but to me that seems to imply a morality. He seems to place particular moral emphasis on Jews and Judaism.

>> No.21487224

* hate moralists
I spelled it right but phone suck.

>> No.21487233

Like does he just wake up every morning and flip a coin to decide whether to be a Nietzschean or a Christian that day? Dude is ironically mentally ill and apparently has been for his entire life, ironic in the context of him supposedly being the figurehead against mental illness and social contagion Ion to do with sexual perversion. Of course, he doesn't actually oppose what his conservative fangoys think he opposes. He's not against transsexualism but against being told what to do on a moral basis.

>> No.21487392

But he is the moralfag

>> No.21487400
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He is part of the problem now, he initially began with good takes that helped a great deal of young men, this built up a bedrock of trust with which he can now abuse and steer away from any national movement to fix the state of the West, he also attempts to fracture any ethno-cultural solidarity which would firmly fix many of the issues young men have.

>> No.21487406
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All his current talks and polemics are dedicated to fostering a world-view in which the individual is paramount, not the family. He, and by extention 'them' want you alone, weak, ignorant and eventually forgotten.

He is the opposite leg of globohomo. By his own advice you need two things in life to motivate change. A hell to run from and a heaven to run towards. What if the same side controls both of these places and neither is what you want?

>> No.21487432

For someone who claims to be able to put himself in the shoes of nazis he shows shockingly little awareness of the concerns of the nazis and has little to say except seething when someone who is anonymous out of legitimate fear brings up anything about Jews or white identity. It first arose when someone asked him about 200 years together after he was going on about Solzhenytsin and he said "I can't... I can't..." but now he's being pretty aggressive and just name-calling anyone who brings it up. He wrote an article claiming that Jews have higher IQs and should therefore have their positions of power in gentile societies because of muh antiracist meritocracy, but the claim of Jewish intellectual supremacy is dubious as this video makes a case for. I wonder if he was brainwashed or experimented on in Russia. He has some good advice but I seriously think he is mentally ill and traumatized and probably not a very good guy to have such a prominent place in thought.
Many families are so degenerate these days (and in different ways in the past) that I think some anti-familial ideation is necessary just to counter how cultish families can be. I wasted a lot of my life trying to be a good boy in limiting and depressing ways because of how I was conditioned through abuse to serve my family.

>> No.21487487

>first and foremost Peterson is against the rise of ideological extremism
>one of the most glarling historical consequences of such is the holocaust
>therefore, Peterson sees anti-semitism as indicative of ideological extremism and general attitudes toward Jews as a bellweather for how far along is the decline
Simple as. If you're anti-semetic you're filtered by this line of argument. You'll resort to saying he's an idiot for not knowing the truth about Jews or even make up shit wherein he's part of a vast media conspiracy.

>> No.21487524
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Anybody who likes or supports Juden Peterstein is a fucking retard, simple as that. The man is not a saviour, he's nothing more than a puppet and stooge of the kikes. Everything he has said over the past 7+ years has been disingenuous. He changes his narrative like a woman changes clothes and contradicts himself at every turn. He's an eternal hypocrite and is dangerous to young men, particularly at our current juncture in society. His brand of "radical individualism" has done more damage to the psyche's of young males than it's helped. Sure, telling retards to make their beds and wash their cocks is all well and good, but when you actively tell people that they shouldn't celebrate their heritage or their culture, that they should be ashamed of their history, yet espouse how great Israel is and how important the Jews are? Get fucked. Peterson is your enemy. Plain and simple. The rotten cunt should have stayed in his coma, the world was better off for it. Now watch as he sobs during his next interview because the interviewer says good morning.

>> No.21487584
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>Many families are so degenerate these days (and in different ways in the past) that I think some anti-familial ideation is necessary just to counter how cultish families can be. I wasted a lot of my life trying to be a good boy in limiting and depressing ways because of how I was conditioned through abuse to serve my family.

You are anti-natalist, you are anti-family and part of the cult of individual. What you call cultish in family relations is biological loyalty. It is the tightest bond to exist in nature and yours are broken, or have a broken view of them. You kike. Broken people come from broken families.

In no way should your views on family, love, friendship or any related thoughts be considered for anything othee than a warning. You don't take advice from a person with a broken down car, or a ruined house when you are looking, you take them as warnings to stay away from, not as an accurate reprentation of how they should be and can be.

The smallest socio-economic and political unit that should be the family. If you have no family of your own your participation in society should be limited and less prefered than a person in a family.

>> No.21487736

Explain this if its just about counter-ideological-extremism.
Yeah pretty much. No one has yet to explain his take on moralism though.
I think I activated your black and white thinking there. I'm not ant-family or anti-natalist, but I cone from a family background that included the use of fear, guilt, and obligation - and one with physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and religious abuse. Many such cases. It is important for people from such backgrounds to have voices that do not have such a cultish and idealized view of the family, and to have individualism in order to liberate ourselves from these bonds of family which have been used against us in ways meant to benefit those who had life-or-death power over us. What I am saying ought to be taken on its own merits with my background considered. You are making my background override what I am saying completely, which makes you a fool. I am trying to teach you the lessons that suffering you have not experienced and do not understand has brought me. There is truth you can not access except with an open mind, in the experiences of others. And the family did not create civilization, the all-male gang did.

>> No.21487776

>No one has yet to explain his take on moralism though.
It's probably because he's amoral himself and its a form of guilt on his behalf. That or he knows that a strong moral compass in people can, and will, lead to unity and social cohesion amongst a populace. That thought terrifies Peterstein more than anything as it threatens his message and the image he's built up.

>> No.21487782

I piss on heritage, culture and tradition. It means nothing to me. It has done nothing for me.

>> No.21487789
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>I think I activated your black and white thinking there. I'm not ant-family or anti-natalist, but I cone from a family background that included the use of fear, guilt, and obligation - and one with physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and religious abuse.

That is a broken family. Broken families produce broken people anon. It is a strong man indeed who can overcome generational trauma and produce a wholesome family. On this issue, families are binary, either they are good or bad. It is black and white.

> Many such cases. It is important for people from such backgrounds to have voices that do not have such a cultish and idealized view of the family, and to have individualism in order to liberate ourselves.
It is not important, the breaking down of family bonds is why the abuse happens in the first place. It is sad amd disgusting that you were raped, or abused or any number of terrible things, but because of this your concept of the family is not welcome in the national conversation. Except as a warning to others.

>What I am saying ought to be taken on its own merits with my background considered. You are making my background override what I am saying completely, which makes you a fool.
I am saying your merits are utterly inconsequential to a stable society with the family at its heart. So you can make more money on the market, or you can speedrun skyrim, it is meaningless when compared to the ability (and want) to grow a family.

>I am trying to teach you the lessons that suffering you have not experienced and do not understand has brought me. There is truth you can not access except with an open mind, jn the experiences of others.
I do not need to eat the turd on my plate to understand that it is unwanted. Not all experience is valuable or wanted. I do not deny your truth or pain, but your inclusion in the national-familial conversation is a net-loss for us. You have a poison placed in you by your family and you must be careful not to spread it.

>And the family did not create civilization, the all-male gang did.
Men with families, men from strong, noble families. Those are the only families from which strong, dutiful men come from. And from them strong men come strong families.

>> No.21487792
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Shalom mohel

>> No.21487793
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Go have another cry Jordan.

>> No.21487801

Who are you fooling? Jews love traditions and Israel is extreme right. Don’t you like that?

>> No.21487805

Stupid phone poster.

>> No.21487814
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Bitten any good baby dicks, Rabbi?

>> No.21487828
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They are Jews and it is Israel, therefore, absolutely fucking not.

>> No.21488085

>Explain this if its just about counter-ideological-extremism
Explain how it isnt without sperging whataboutism. You see that as telling a room full of Jews they should be rulers whereas a nonbias person sees him referencing Israel's precarious geopolitical position in the Middle East while saying their behavior plays a part in the fate of the world. He even adds the qualifier "just as the behavior of all individuals determines..." but because he's speaking to Jews ideologues leave that part out so they can pretend he's giving Jews a different message than he does generally.

>> No.21488116
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>" but because he's speaking to Jews ideologues leave that part out so they can pretend he's giving Jews a different message than he does generally.
He also leaves a generous amount out of his world-view. The same speech he gives in Alberta will not have the same message as the one in Tel-Aviv, the double-standard is most obvious here. The behaviors that are celebrated by jews is condemned in Europeans. Imagine for a moment that he meddles in Israeli politics as an outside agent and as a beneficient observer, how long would he last in the public sphere? He freely casts opinions on France, German, British, American and Russian socio-political issues but he has not once spoken on any issue concerning Israel. He only speaks too jews and only in flattering and uplifting terms.

>> No.21488501

That notion of ideological extremism just means affording liberal democracy a privileged position which is kinda the issue people take with him. The whole “disaffected young men” cohort is trying to change the Overton window so unacceptable ideas become acceptable again. The problem with Peterson is he has consneeded normative status to liberal democracy which seriously undermines any group’s ability to change the world without being branded “extremist”. He’s just a shill for 1990s liberalism in the end, not a messiah or figure that would “save the West” which is what many of his viewers were hoping he would be

>> No.21488575

Peterson is pretty intelligent, but my main issue with him is his dishonesty. I think there is a part of him that actually knows he's full of shit, but he's so obsessed with his image that he has no choice but to say certain things in order to keep up that image. He abdicates his responsibility to tell the truth in exchange for saying things that are "effective", yet untrue.

>> No.21488677

Just means outside the Overton Window. But you are correct in your estimation of him.

>> No.21488715

>Why does Peterstein hate moralistic so much
He hates some morals, not morality as such.

>He seems to purport to believe that some actions are preferable to others but to me that seems to imply a morality.
Obviously not, that could be purely pragmatic or utilitarian. Psychotherapy is supposed to make individuals more functional not more holy.

>He seems to place particular moral emphasis on Jews and Judaism.
Because he obviously feels Jews are legitimate victims of irrational hatred, such as himself.

>You are anti-natalist, you are anti-family and part of the cult of individual
The nuclear family is the backbone of bourgeois liberalism... fascists creeps like Hans Blüher wanted to reorganize society along the lines of a männerbund and make women mere racial broodmares

>> No.21488723

So you can't explain how it isn't without begging your assumptions that it is? Figured as much.
Peterson himself has been widely branded as an extremist. The problem for you is that he doesn't represent a radical extremism that would necessarily involve doing great harm to others and play out in an uncontrolled and largely unpredictable way. You conveniently ignore the egregiously negative consequences wrapped up with the course you want history to take and use the spectre of an apocalypse to justify the creation of one. Your read of history is myopic and selective; Peterson doesn't say not to take action nor does he propose the atomization of collective will. Instead, he advocates you take responsibility for your actions before you wreck the world around you. You call on a collosus of authoritarism under the blissfully ignorant assumption it will favor you; you simply ignore the mechanism of such means, by it's very nature, you are insignificant. You know not what you actually ask and if you search yourself you know that it comes from a place of resentment and a will for destruction. Peterson does get you to out yourselves and the fact you have no intellectual motivation, just deep rooted resenment and a want to overturn the world, means he has done a great service in that.

>> No.21488789
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>The nuclear family is the backbone of bourgeois liberalism... fascists creeps like Hans Blüher wanted to reorganize society along the lines of a männerbund and make women mere racial broodmares

Demonstrably false and a purposeful lie of what the society was projected to be. The idea that fertility, having children and largely being devoted to your children is somehow less than the ideal, or animalistic is anti-natal too. The family is the backbone of any lasting institution, being it the Hegehof or a local church. That is how important and strong the family is.

>So you can't explain how it isn't without begging your assumptions that it is? Figured as much
I shall now list instances of Israeli/kike/jew behavior that is precluded from Europeans.

>DNA required citizenship and full franchisement in the ethno-state.
>Exclusionary culture and systems where simply professing to be a part is not enough, you must qualify
>Child genitle mutilation, for the purposes of blood-pact with your God
>Choseness, which if it manifests in any other groups is supremacy and primacy.
>Housing destruction of people related to extremists for the purpose of jewish colonization
>The entire fucking West Bank occupation and jewish settlements

Kikes are a plague and should be stomped out.

>> No.21488832

>Peterson doesn't say not to take action nor does he propose the atomization of collective will. Instead, he advocates you take responsibility for your actions before you wreck the world around you
That literally makes no sense. He spends all day whining about various things outside his control and blaming others for his behavior.
Also >>21487487 Peterson doesn't know anything about the history of the holocaust or events leading up to it and where he tries to be a historian it's embarrassing. Anti-Semitism was already a thing throughout western history, most individuals Peterson look up to took "problematic" positions on Jews. What does taking responsibility in this context even mean? Is his Philosemitism now some sort of trying to make up for that without going into it to deeply?

>The idea that fertility, having children and largely being devoted to your children is somehow less than the ideal, or animalistic is anti-natal too. The family is the backbone of any lasting institution, being it the Hegehof or a local church. That is how important and strong the family is.
I said nuclear family. The only societies that put the nuclear family at its center is bourgeois. Women have some power in these societies. In fact you could say women pussy whipped and cucked men throughout modern European history in an unusual way not seen in other places. The fascist project weakened the family and wanted to make the backbone of society all male military associations without any female power.

>> No.21488878
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>The only societies that put the nullclear family at its center is bourgeois.
Then why are they far far less common than thet were one hundred years ago? If they truly did put it at their heart there would be increased numbers and bigger family sizes. Instead we have smaller families that must increasingly fight to simply exist. With many White families forgoing children entirely in the face of mounting hardship. Your system is anti-family, anti-natal and anti-white. And you know it.

>Women have some power in these societies.
The only people whom should have power in society are those who have demonstrated the ability to use it wisely, through education, experience and unity. As i said, a man alone in the world is dangerous. A man and woman, with children, rooted with a study home is the smalledt political, social and economic unit that should be considered. National-Socialism made that happen, briefly.

>In fact you could say women pussy whipped and cucked men throughout modern European history in an unusual way not seen in other places.
Spartan women are the only ones that give birth to men.

>The fascist project weakened the family.
A parody as hilarious and wrong as saying Communists fixed hungry by simply letting people die. Family sized increased, nutrition increased, mental and physical health increased. Every metric by which you measure a family was improved, t levels rose in men too.

>wanted to make the backbone of society all male military associations without any female power.
Wanted to make those whom used authority responsible for their actions. What mad system affords unqualified people power and authority just because they are women?

>> No.21489014
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Different anon, my understanding of the "cultishness" of family is when family is regarded favorably even when it's not normal or healthy.
While yes, healthy families ought to be exalted as the ideal smallest unit of society, there can exist a larger cultural fixation of "family good no matter what!", which is obviously false when the family is destructive.

I think trying to reduce the family as a concept to some kind of arbitrary accident of the human condition ultimately devalues the inherent goodness and strength of the family unit, as well as its role in society. Think of the commie trying to destroy the family in order to reengineer society to zis image.
On the flip side, overvaluing family to the point that unhealthy families are included under that umbrella poisons the well of the concept of family, and distinctions should readily be made to keep out the riff raff. This distinction of the healthy family and its communication in the public sphere needs to be considered further as our society is obviously in a very unhealthy place.

>> No.21489020

>If they truly did put it at their heart there would be increased numbers and bigger family sizes.
No because "rational" economic actors don't have as many children as possible. Family sizes in liberal bourgeois states were always smaller compared to more backwards states with other more clannish family structures.

Also go read a book like "The Freudian Ethic : An Analysis of the Subversion of Western Character" and see how conservatives were whining about young mothers having to many children in the 1950s.

>A man and woman, with children, rooted with a study home is the smalledt political, social and economic unit that should be considered. National-Socialism made that happen, briefly.
National socialism was about race and nation, all laws were for propagating racial improvement and forbidding degeneration which meant marriage law in any liberal sense couldn't exist

>Family sized increased, nutrition increased, mental and physical health increased. Every metric by which you measure a family was improved, t levels rose in men too.
If that were so why don't social conservatives today come to the same conclusion as you?

>> No.21489027

>speech he gives in Alberta will not have the same message
no doubt. if you give a speech in alberta all you can say is hurrr and durrrr

>> No.21489123

>That literally makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense. You're just filtered by it because you're an ideologue. Peterson has never said collective action is unnecessary and has always restricted the negative idea of such to ideologues motivated by resentment and pretending toward utopia. He does this on both the left and right.
>He spends all day whining about various things outside his control and blaming others for his behavior.
No, he offers social analysis and calls out specific strains of disingenuous commentary and negative cultural currents. Further, he goes into great detail as to why these things should be thoughtfully criticized. Again, you're incapable of understanding his actual message because Peterson, through clarity and honesty, presents the inverse to that which you advocate. You have no real retort for that so you have to resort to mischaracterizing what he says, criticising that strawman, and when that doesn't work attempt character assassination.
>Peterson doesn't know anything about the history of the holocaust or events leading up to it
He's quite well read on the subject and you're making a baseless accusation.
> Anti-Semitism was already a thing throughout western history, most individuals Peterson look up to took "problematic" positions on Jews
First, he has never characterized anti-semitism as a new phenomena. Second, you don't have to agree with absolutely everything someone says (way to out yourself as an ideologue). Third, he has criticized mischaracterizations of Jung/Nietzsche/Eliade as being anti-semetic and even referenced the defamation Pope Pius XII during WWII.

Basically, you just have an anti-semetic worldview that renders you incapable of actual critical thought. I'm not arguing the Jews are beyond criticism but as long as retards like yourself are the loudest voices offering such no one is going to take any criticism seriously. That's why you need to be defined as a fringe and exercised from any figure or political movement that wants to exact change. Sorry, those are just the facts. Cope.

>> No.21489184
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>No because "rational" economic actors don't have as many children as possible. Family sizes in liberal bourgeois states were always smaller compared to more backwards states with other more clannish family structures.
These are artificial barriers, placed on them by the need for both parents to engage in a 40 hour work week. This is dysgenic as only those unable and unwilling to support themselves have many children. Your liberal bougy thought falls apart when blacks and browns contine to have many children, with anybody who will fuck them. It is ethno-cultural, whites are being targeted.

>National socialism was about race and nation, all laws were for propagating racial improvement and forbidding degeneration which meant marriage law in any liberal sense couldn't exist
Excellent. They still enforced hetrosexual families, with a mother and a father. The modern liberal concept of marriage is itself anti-family with costs, arrangements and a gross ceremony involved. It is no wonder marriage rates are declining too.

>If that were so why don't social conservatives today come to the same conclusion as you?
Because conservatives are useless and have watched idly as children are transformed from boy to girl, while the family has been destroyed and while big business makes countless trillions off the backs of the people they are meant to support. I despise them more than liberals whom at least have a broader goal for society.

>> No.21489326

Claiming he's a sophisticated social critic and political activist kind of goes against the idea he's just a simple psychotherapist. He isn't "well read" on the holocaust... do you seriously think he sat down and read Raul Hilberg or something? Again what does "responsibility" here mean? Why does Peterson end up the most "mischaracterized" victim today according to himself and why is everyone but himself responsible?

>> No.21489346

I still laugh at all moralniggers

>> No.21489399

Not to be "that" guy but in that movie they literally split up and fight separately in stylized slow motion.

>> No.21489490

>Claiming he's a sophisticated social critic and political activist
I never made any such claim. However, he is a social critic and he is relatively sophisticated when compared to the majority of what exists in both the MSM and online.
>He isn't "well read" on the holocaust
What evidence do you have of this? His efforts in studying it were a big part of one of his books and he has offered well formed opinions on the psychology behind it as well as the mentality of leadership which facilitated it. Again, you have no evidence to make such a claim and yet you repeat it over and over as if it's true. It isn't.
>Again what does "responsibility" here mean?
In what sense? Also, I'll point out you haven't addressed any of the criticisms I've offered of you or pointed out exactly where I'm wrong in how I've contextualized Peterson given the video that was posted. The problem is you can't have a real conversation because you're outlook is predetermined and you're incapable of thinking critically and being anything but disingenuous. I'll say again that one of the best things about Peterson is that points out the patterns of people like you and affords you the change to dig your own graves.

>> No.21489502

Peterson never said anonymity shouldn't exist online. Why do his critics always have to lie about what he says and resort to the same list of character attacks when they're called out?

>> No.21489604

He said something similar, but idk, ask the anonymous guy who made the ima-

>> No.21489694
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I don't have to ask him. It's a mischaracterization of what he actually said. Basically, anonymity online leads to pathological behaviour. On specific websites (i.e. Twitter/YouTube), not the internet in general, he suggested seperating ID'd accounts from anonyomous accounts could curtail the negative outcomes associated with such. He isn't even saying anonymity the specific platforms should be entirely removed and he also isn't saying registered accounts should lack the ability to interact with anonymous accounts should they choose to do so. He was putting forward this as a suggestion to debate, not a call to action, and it is a better solution than what such platforms currently do (i.e. shadowban individual posts/comments with no accountability or even a signal that such has been done).

Peterson's critics rely on mischaracterizing his positions and retreating to character assassination when they're called out. Simple as.

>> No.21490086

>I shall now list instances of Israeli/kike/jew behavior that is precluded from Europeans.
>>DNA required citizenship and full franchisement in the ethno-state.
>>Exclusionary culture and systems where simply professing to be a part is not enough, you must qualify
>>Child genitle mutilation, for the purposes of blood-pact with your God
>>Choseness, which if it manifests in any other groups is supremacy and primacy.
>>Housing destruction of people related to extremists for the purpose of jewish colonization
>>The entire fucking West Bank occupation and jewish settlements
NTA but I don't see what you mean here. except for circumcision (which is done by many non jewish americans) all of these things are specific to israel. Israel is a very strategically useful ally of the USA in the Middle East, so it makes sense the USA would not condemn these actions. and of course all of the western world is america's bitch at this point so the same goes for other western countries. In the same way, Taiwan and Singapore are "allowed" to act in very undemocratic ways that would be "precluded" from europeans.

>> No.21490162

I'm not sure what this meme is trying to convey
Turns out that supposedly "alt-right" thinkers are zionist? WHOA...who could've imagined that fascists support an ethnostate...

>the fate of the world depends on Israel
Does this somehow come as a surprise?

>> No.21490171

>That pic
He doesn't know...kek

>> No.21490179

>I shall now list instances of Israeli/kike/jew behavior that is precluded from Europeans.
>>DNA required citizenship and full franchisement in the ethno-state.
>>Exclusionary culture and systems where simply professing to be a part is not enough, you must qualify
>>Child genitle mutilation, for the purposes of blood-pact with your God
>>Choseness, which if it manifests in any other groups is supremacy and primacy.
>>Housing destruction of people related to extremists for the purpose of jewish colonization
>>The entire fucking West Bank occupation and jewish settlements
>Kikes are a plague and should be stomped out.

Are you arguing that Europeans should do those things too, or that Jews are evil for doing them?

>> No.21490234
File: 60 KB, 462x693, 1_kEsw4IbcH4ILEr17mkJk3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this somehow come as a surprise?
That you'd ignore the context of the speech and omit the second half of the sentence you're quoting? No, Peterson's critics always do shit like that.

>> No.21490248

>That you'd ignore the context of the speech
What "speech"? It's a meme
>and omit the second half of the sentence you're quoting?
That isn't really exclusive to israel though

>> No.21490254

>It's a meme
Cool defence, bro. The video it's from is ITT.
>That isn't really exclusive to israel though
Which is literally the second part of that sentence. Feel like a retard yet?

>> No.21490285

>Cool defence, bro. The video it's from is ITT.
Didn't watch, don't care
>Which is literally the second part of that sentence. Feel like a retard yet?

>> No.21490297
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>Israel is a very strategically useful ally of the USA in the Middle East, so it makes sense the USA would not condemn these actions.

Not at all, the correct relationship is that if a parasite. America, and the West as a whole, would be far better served by focusing on Jordan, who have authority and respect in the Middle-East. Israel is not in USA's interest.

>> No.21490324
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>Are you arguing that Europeans should do those things too, or that Jews are evil for doing them?

They have a double standard in both condemning the actions in other countries then practicing and endorsing them for their true country. This is one aspect of the dual-loyalties that jews claim is antisemetic.

>> No.21490375

>Context: Speech to a crowd in Israel; in the middle of speaking about Israel's precarious geographical position and the choices and responsibilities such entails
>Actual quote: "I think it is true, in some real sense, that the fate of the world depends on the decisions of the people of Israel just as the fate of the world depends on the decision of every individual."
Retards generally don't know they're retarded.

>> No.21490510

The problem is that whether or not one is being “ pathological “ is completely related to the morality of the society they find themselves in. He himself is seeing the cost of having your name attached to your words in this kind of world. At a certain point society becomes so rotten that “ pathological “ people are the ones telling you the truth.

>> No.21490655

>The problem is that whether or not one is being “ pathological “ is completely related to the morality of the society they find themselves in
That's not they way by which 'pathology' is defined and it's being related to specific behavior (and not types of ideas in general--which is how the shadowban algorithms work by the way). Cool slide to cultural relativism though.

>> No.21492064

>Who are you fooling?

>> No.21492075

Go sully another board

>> No.21492243

Honestly the fact that Jordan Peterson coukdn't even answer whether or not he believed in God and got BTFO by a Yugoslav pop philosopher confirmed that he's just another retarded grifter. That and the fact that he cpuldn't raise his daughter properly plus the benzo incident.