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21487500 No.21487500 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that justify violence against women and racial minorities? It seems increasingly to be the correct course of action, as nothing else but the normalization of white male supremacist violence can any longer secure the legitimate will and interests of the white race and the white races. Are books of this sort censored or in violation of the law? The thought seems to hold great power which could be unleashed to undo what has been perpetrated on us and create a society in which white men are in control? Is power and racial continuation not right there for the taking if only we would change our minds against hippie nonviolence and Christian-modern femininity and cosmopolitanism?

>> No.21487506

The culture has a contradiction in that women are supposed to be treated as equals but are also supposed to be immune to violence. It should only logically be one or the other.

>> No.21487512

There is no hope for the white race. Our last hope was sending the blacks back to Africa but our ancestors decided not to do that and left us to pay the consequences.

>> No.21487514

The culture generally is against violence outside of NFL, MMA, and BLM though. Even men are not prepared for combat. Perpetrators of collective violence like gangs have an advantage over the people in general. Why limit this to gangs though? It only requires a different philosophy for other larger categories to become violent and organized, and the government can not even stop (or intentionally dont stop) ragtag ghetto-dwellers.

>> No.21487517

If can synthesise the arguments and philosophies of Savitri Devi in Impeachment of Man with those of Ted Kaczynski and come up with a philosophy like Deep Ecology however it can justify violence against Humans in the protection of the Biosphere using an objective mortality scale based off utility to the Biosphere.

The issue is that westerners and those who live under democracy grew up in a culture which took on the Jewish presupposition that all life on this planet was put here by God for the human species to do whatever we want with. This is your most difficult challenge. You have to undo cultural brainwashing which is next to impossible.

>> No.21487519

What do you mean? Black men are only 7% of the population. How could they beat us if we had a general understanding that violence is acceptable for achieving racial goals?

>> No.21487520
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I'm actually looking at publishing my first book on exactly this topic. I have modernised deep ecology into what I call violent ecology.

>> No.21487525

You think whites are going to actually wake up and we develop racial consciousness? Younger me would’ve been so naive but I’m older and far more nihilistic about the situation now

>> No.21487527


eco-facism is such a buckbroken liberal fantasy. Industrialization is inevitable, you cannot just dismantle it and live on some naturalistic "nostalgia".

Ultimately, ecofacism is the biggest example of cope and ressentiment.

>> No.21487531

Devi and Kaczynski are inspiring but I dont think I know what Devi's actual argument for centering the biosphere rather than her race is. Neither of them, for all their good qualities, seemed all too
mentally stable.
Why ecology?
Whites are already racially conscious. Also, the internet spreads ideas very fast. I think we will increasingly see ideas of violence spread virally. If the internet can make a flash mob happen it can make a massacre happen.

>> No.21487532

>Ultimately, ecofacism is the biggest example of cope and ressentiment.
You don't talk to anyone under the age of 20 and it shows. Talk to zoomers, all of them are obsessed with the environment. The literal Greta Thunberg youth will be the environmental death squads of the future. Useful idiots who have gone through a new type of cultural brainwashing, that of ecological anxiety, and are looking for a simple ideology that can justify violence.

The point is to radicalise them. They already know that killing humans is the best way to fix the system and their idols like Greta and Attenborough continue to make eco fascist statements.

>> No.21487544

>but I dont think I know what Devi's actual argument for centering the biosphere rather than her race is.
Her argument does not matter.

I talk to a lot of zoomers and let me be clear, it's virtually impossible for me to radicalise them through race, they grew up with people of different races, zoomers are lost on that front however, I can easily make them accept that violence is acceptable based on utility to the biosphere.



>> No.21487556

I am ultimately not against cucking industrialization - in fact i do recognize its negative effects on humans. But what i do oppose is the course of action through an ideology that is ultimately built on shame and aesthetics.
Eco-facism is not a "serious" ideology just because of the simple fact that it wants to turn the clock back a couple of centuries.
Zoomzooms are, in my opinion, right in the fact that violence is the only currency that poorfucks can use when they don't have capital.
But to think that humans wouldn't form structures and larger societies is stupid - and you don't need to read much of history to understand the benefits of greater societies and civilization, even though it comes with a price.

What i don't understand is this schizo way of living, that either we go full turbo cuckold-protestantism or reject everything alltogether and live like fucking cavemen with "muh strongmen" and die of pneumonia when we're 30.

>> No.21487563


>> No.21487566

Radicalize to what end? What is the purpose of the radicalization on ecological grounds? Is it really even radical? Climate change alarmism is mainstream to the point of being part of policy and seems to be a part of elite agendas i.e to reduce people's freedom of movement by making it more difficult to own a car, making them dependent on public transport services that could be denied via digital ID, etc. Why should I even want people to be ecologically radical?

>> No.21487569

>Eco-facism is not a "serious" ideology just because of the simple fact that it wants to turn the clock back a couple of centuries.
Complete nonsense bro. Eco fascists aren't luddites you are confusing two very different things.

There is no justification for animal cruelty that does not rest upon Judaic presuppositions about life. That's a fact. You can't justify slashing the throat of an animal and bleeding it out for Halal or Kosher meat without calling upon a divine entity that says it is alright.

>> No.21487571

books are part of the problem, together with the whole humanistic self-domesticating dianoesis-overdosing outlook
look at the Bantu, do you think he's going to listen to your ramblings about right and wrong as he's chopping your leg off and eating it??
there's probably more hope for Europeans, if any at all still exists, if somehow, by some force outside of our control, "the blond beast escapes once again, goes back in the wild"

>> No.21487582

What method of slaughter would you say is superior, and do you think pre-Christian Europeans were more humane than Yahwehbrains?
The blonde beast!

>> No.21487585

>Complete nonsense bro. Eco fascists aren't luddites you are confusing two very different things.

I am genuinely curious, could you tell me more about the ideological underpinnings?

>There is no justification for animal cruelty that does not rest upon Judaic presuppositions about life. That's a fact. You can't justify slashing the throat of an animal and bleeding it out for Halal or Kosher meat without calling upon a divine entity that says it is alright.

Killing animals suck, but just because it feels bad doesn't mean it 1) always has felt bad 2) it isn't necessary. A lot of which one could consider "human nature" are things we alltogether don't want to even think about.

>> No.21487588

Double standards should be gradually eliminated from society until every branch of ethical knowledge is clearly visible
All forms of determinism are defeatist on their own terms. The human project always has potential.
Then why bother to read anything, including your own writing?

>> No.21487604

>violence against women and racial minorities
Violence against (white) women is quite unnecessary. If white men, en masse, tomorrow, decided "enough is enough", and solved the problem, do you think white women would object? They'd rip their underwear trying to get it off.

>> No.21487609

>Then why bother to read anything, including your own writing?
yes, it's paradoxical, but it's the only way to communicate the diagnosis: should a doctor tell a terminal cancer patient he can't do anything to help him?
and I don't say it enthusiastically, I know what could be lost, but it's a sort of spiral which I have trouble seeing solved from within through a reasoned, calculated reaction, for the latter I think are in great part precisely a symptom, the lack of the binocular, immediate clarity of the predator

>> No.21487611

>gets converted anyway

>> No.21487614

I think it goes beyond the method of slaughter. I believe there is no argument for people to eat meat within the conditions of modern society that does not call upon god.

I go so far as to believe that if you are not born with an innate sensitivity to non human life, that you arent human. Essentially I believe exactly what Savitri Devi did about empathy towards non humans. If a person can hurt another person and feel nothing, we call them a psycho, if a person can hurt an animal and feel nothing, we call them normal, people who are psychopathic towards animals should be executed for betterment of our species.

>> No.21487616

The reintroduction of plural standards for plural categories of what you call "human" (I am 2% Neanderthal. Am I human?) seems to be actually in line with reality rather than this idea of a universal standard for all, something that has never been achieved and has wronged those on whom it has been imposed. Men and women can not live under the same standard. They are naturally equipped with different powers - i.e violence and bravery for men and manipulation (social, sexual, familial) for women. Only when the "dark" powers of each are on the table can one sex not be steamrolled into complete submission, which is the case of men today. They are totally manipulated by women and physically comparitively powerless elites.

>> No.21487617

You revealed your midwit status at the end

>> No.21487619

>people who are psychopathic towards animals should be executed for betterment of our species.

And here you lost me.
Who determines what is deemed "human" - either you need to invoke the thought of something called "human nature", or you just leave the definition of what is "human" to the whims of the powers that be.

>> No.21487629

I'm not proposing a "liberal" middleway, what i'm describing is the way people actually live - which makes me think it has more to do with individual psychology than an honest ideological rationality and development of ideas.

>> No.21487630

Yes which is why I will not put it in my book, even if it is what I know to be true.

I long ago weighed concepts like human dignity and found them decidedly wanting.

>> No.21487645

White women can undermine white survival with trickery, spying, falling prey to seduction, etc. Some of them are ideologically committed to the current way and receive many perceived benefits within it such as sexual freedom, freedom to exploit their sex appeal for money, freedom to human sacrifice their children to themselves, etc. Many are emotionally invested in social relationships with nonwhites, and this is true of men as well, though there is less of a taboo against violence towards white men, so targeting race traitors would have less of an "ick" factor. Targeting white women would lead to mutinous reactions among any kind of viral or popular countercultural white force of violence that could arise from the current world.

>> No.21487652


I hope you'll publish your work online. If you spread it on /lit/ i'll be on the lookout.

>> No.21487656

Free pdf and a hardcopy for people who wish to support me

>> No.21487660

this entire thread lol
i'm a woman and i've probably gotten more pussy than than all the incel posters here combined
fix your shit, losers

>> No.21487665

I was vegan for three years. I had terrible gas, though I was eating a lot of processed onions shit. I do better on a more meat based diet. I am too poor to eat only grass fed/pastured but I think it is fine to eat meat if the animal is not treated particularly cruelly. Becoming involved in the sacrifice of the lower to the higher brings dignity. Many ancestral diets, like those of the Icelandic and Inuit, hardly include any vegetables because hardly any were available. This probably influenced genetics. Some people seem to get relief from diseases by eliminating non-animal foods, though this is also partially explained by the prevalence of harmful agricultural chemicals like glyphosate being commonplace in the production of plant-based foods. I had a stir-fry with beef and goyslop non-organic vegetables yesterday and even that has me farting up a storm. Feeling physically uncomfortable really does make people less effective and motivated and having to hold in farts all the time sucks.

>> No.21487666
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Awesome, good luck anon and keep going. I'll definitely read

>> No.21487667

>I value myself by the amount of sex I have
There are women near me on tinder with 'will fuck for meth' in their bio

>> No.21487670

I don't agree with veganism. I was a beekeeper for most of my life, the relationship between bee and beekeeper is very intimate and it lead me to these beliefs.

>> No.21487675

Getting pussy no longer matters. It's just a distraction and would soften me mentally by exposing me to illogical feminine sympathy for the baby-like swaths of "humanity".

>> No.21487679

I beelieve you.

>> No.21487686
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Bees will always be my first love :)

>> No.21487696

One of my earliest memories is being swarmed by hornets in a context of being told "your dad and grandfather are allergic to bees and could die from a sting, so you might be too and could also die, so be careful", so I'm not a fan of anything that even seems like it might be a bee.

>> No.21487706

(And I guess the government A.I that probably scans 4chan just put that in my "room 101" file for when I "mysteriously go missing". Oh well.)

>> No.21487710

Wasps and bees are related. Bees became herbivores and wasps carnivores. I find wasps to be more independent.

I once accidentally killed a large huntsman spider and within seconds the corpse was swarmed by wasps, they ripped the spiders corpse apart and flew off with body parts, after a minute there was nothing left of the spider. Incredible to see.

>> No.21487714
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a bunch of incel chud manifestos.

>> No.21487748

>Double standards should be gradually eliminated from society until every branch of ethical knowledge is clearly visible
No. If there are discrete categories of people or things in general, it serves to reason that they should be treated as such, otherwise they wouldn't be different categories. this doesn't mean treat radically different, but acknowledging where there is different qualities.

>> No.21487778

>I believe there is no argument for people to eat meat within the conditions of modern society that does not call upon god.
Isnt that begging the question? there is also no prescriptive arguement for people to use the color chartreuse in house painting. Its not a positive right that requires justification of that sort.

Also, It sounds a bit myopic, I can respect life without respecting alll life in the same sort of way and by the same criteria. Just seems like you are removing nuance and actual appreciation. I respect humans as humans, I respect pigs as pigs. They are not one in the same.

>> No.21487781

From what I've read, bees are more closely related to ants than wasps are, which makes sense since they are both pretty eusocial species. Eusociality probably is made possible by the less complicated brain or whatever controls the "thought/perception/drive/behavior" of bugs. Dumbing people down and trying to influence them to become hyper-inoffensive bugmen seem to go hand-in-hand for this reason. People are made too stupid to behave with the comparative dignity and autonomy of a monkey.
Anyone who chooses to kill random non-combatants in a murder-suicide instead of a specific group of important people whose lives matter more culturally, or rich benefactors of enemies, is either too dumb, depressed, unskilled, fearful, or unconfident to do so or is acting on behalf of some kind of conspiracy to promote gun confiscation and anti-whiteism through terrorism.

>> No.21487784

When you kill an insect do you feel anything for it?

>> No.21487788

Bees and ants have many of the same parts but they diverged from wasps many years ago.

>> No.21487797

Are you saying that ants also diverged from wasps or just that bees did?

>> No.21487798

yes, just not with the same magnitude or qualities that other deaths might evoke.

>> No.21487799

Just bees and wasps from my understanding. It wouldn't surprise me if ants and bees were related tho because they can both inbreed and they share so many body parts.

>> No.21487803

I don't understand how a person can experience a different emotion between a random human and random insect dying. It is so foreign to me. When my hives were accidentally sprayed with insecticide and I lost over a million bees, the emotions I felt were far stronger than when my grandmother died.

>> No.21487858

>I don't understand how a person can experience a different emotion between a random
because they are different subjects in question. the passing of one thing is manifestly different from a passing of another by virtue of the qualities that distinguish them. An action is only contextualized by the thing that is doing it. If you were very sad when your bees died, that had a certain quality that was particularly important to you. it is that connection that is probably the cause. If you had a prized heirloom that brook, maybe you would feel similarly (but not the same). Maybe you were not as connected to your grandmother, I cannot say.

>> No.21487895

I don't believe this. I think that all of us are born with a sensitivity to life and that our cultural norms influence this sensitively as we progress into adulthood.

If we want to discuss this seriously we have discuss conciousness. I do not believe that conciousness is emergent of biological functions it quite obviously is a separate thing with tangibility which we can not currently understand. Your conciousness is restricted by the biological functions of the body or flesh suit which you inhabit therefore non human life can be seen as being trapped within bodies that can not express it to its fullest.

I changed careers from beekeeping and biosecurity to being a disability support worker for those with autism and down syndrome as well as violent offenders with physical disabilities. It is obvious to me that when conciousness is expressed through those with down syndrome certain parts of it are inhibited and this results in those with down syndrome bring especially sensitive to non human creatures. Essentially those with down syndrome express a more pure form of conciousness.

>> No.21487901
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There is only one world-concept that can justify violence by white ethnic groups.

>> No.21487913

I like the drawing on the right though
>Are there any good books that justify violence against women and racial minorities? It seems increasingly to be the correct course of action
Whites are a minority, american retard

>> No.21487914

Is this actually any good? Facist ideologues are usually quite surface level and builds on assumptions that can't be considered as givens.

>> No.21487927
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This is objectively the correct take.

This is an incel, anti-white take.

>> No.21487935

Strong - for what? For whom?
Don't give me that "nation" bullshit, the nation is in the hand of the capital you imbecile.

>> No.21487946

> I think that all of us are born with a sensitivity to life
eh, idk, if you watch young children that can be quite "psychopathic" in that sort of way to creatures since they aren't fettered by abstractions that we develop and are feed going on into adulthood. Of course Im not going to say we arent, since sensativity is such a broad word.

>If we want to discuss this seriously we have discuss consciousness.
I dont know if we really need to do that. It is sufficient to acknowledge that different things have different qualitative aspects by virtue of their differences and similarities. the "can be seen" is again a particular framing, saying things like restrictedin terms of consciousness implies a perfect form. Which I can respect as a framing tool, Im personally hegelian in most of these matters. And I tend not to like making prescriptive absolute theoretical categories besides those maybe on a deeply ontological level. Otherwise you tend to chop up nuance and ignore otherwise manifestly apparent aspects that might not fit up wit your framework.

>> No.21487949

>grrr! grrrr! I'm a hardcore twisted /pol/chud I want to murder people irl any literature for this fellow literature interested /lit/ posters grrr! ?
>what kill people irl? no way man
stop posting, stop embarrassing yourself underage /pol/kid and go back to whatever underage discord you came from.

>> No.21487956
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I do not believe those are legitimate questions, you are trying to pick and attack without any substance. Like the jew you are, needling with your hooked beak and greasy claws. No healthy man of Europe need ask such questions. They already have the answers in them. Some would call it cultural, others ancestral, that it is imbedded in the heart or the soul or now increasingly in the Blood. Blood you do not share

>> No.21487964

so are poorfags just fucked...?

>> No.21487969

Not him, but the picture literally says for whom.

Also, Im pretty sure almost everyone believes that nations are not bullshit. some dont believe in nation states though. nation is descriptive of a manifest grouping of commonality. Which necissarily has fuzzy boards, but is allways their by the very nature of society and interaction.

>> No.21487974

I don't know why people who clearly lack the mental capacity to actually read at all aren't just outright banned. like this guy definitely belongs on /lit/.
nice memes dude. really epic and trad.

>> No.21487975
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There is nothing about being poor that can prevent this. Poor people have the most to gain from adopting that mindset.

>> No.21487976

Children are especially susceptible to group psychology, like what Edward Bernays outlined. They act psychopathic because of their environment. Democracy breeds a terrible environment for them.

You can't understand ecofascism without the knowledge that we fundamentally believe that life is a flesh suit for consciousness.

>> No.21487981

>by nature

There's a huge difference between tribe and nation.

>> No.21487995
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There should not be. The only difference should be scale.

>> No.21488008

Nice man. You got me.
The ignorance you're displaying is astounding. Are you sure you're not being a useful idiot yourself, you absolute retard, walking with blinders like the good little donkey you are being touted with virtues that ultimately benefit someone else than yourself?

And i do agree with the picture - being healthy and seeking knowledge is objectively good. What i don't agree with is that you deem yourself already having answers - where there in fact are none.

Have some self-insight you absolute idiot, if anyone you're the jew yourself feeding into this goyslop of an "ideology".

>> No.21488011

there really isn't, except maybe in the sense of relatively degree (sic. 12 tribes of isareal and the Israelite nation, or the various city states of Greece, and the wider Hellenic nation). unless you want to redefine its core aspects which kind of defeats the purpose of using the term.

>> No.21488014

based and I agree.

>> No.21488033

No. I disagree. Even look at the accounts of Native American Children. or Roman Children, or Mongolian children. There is reason why we look at youth as innocents. they don't engrain the greater superstructures quite yet. Their minds are highly elastic. They are in the process of being taught. they must be taught to share and all that.

>> No.21488040

It's pretty obvious that children have a higher understanding of empathy than us. Look at how autistic children cry when you kill an insect in front of them.

>> No.21488058

Not all of them. many of them often do it themselves. In fact, I think children tend to have less empathy. the fact that you need to very often tell them to share and stuff points to this. I think its better to say that children are generally more impulsive. They dont do things as often as an intellectual maxim of logic, but on more basic sensations. I think understanding is all together the wrong word.

>> No.21488059

Is it actual empathy if insects lack feelings?

>Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference

>> No.21488072
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>The ignorance you're displaying is astounding. Are you sure you're not being a useful idiot yourself, you absolute retard, walking with blinders like the good little donkey you are being touted with virtues that ultimately benefit someone else than yourself?
Ad-hominen, not needed. It highlights the fact that you have no real means to refute what was said to you.

>And i do agree with the picture - being healthy and seeking knowledge is objectively good. What i don't agree with is that you deem yourself already having answers - where there in fact are none.
The answers are self evident. Family, community, nation. In decending order of importance. Though without the one preceding it, you can not have the subsequent one. That is why, that is the who for. Those are the answers.

>Have some self-insight you absolute idiot, if anyone you're the jew yourself feeding into this goyslop of an "ideology
What goyslop of an idealogy? Ethno-Nationalism? Ethno-cultural solidarity? National-Socialism? All of these are the only means by which the malaise many European men feel can finally be shrugged off. The current world is the cause of it.

>> No.21488097

Don't need books for that

>> No.21488125

>Ad-hominen, not needed. It highlights the fact that you have no real means to refute what was said to you.

>Like the jew you are, needling with your hooked beak and greasy claws. No healthy man of Europe need ask such questions... Blood you do not share

Take your meds schizophrenic.

>The answers are self evident. Family, community, nation. In decending order of importance. Though without the one preceding it, you can not have the subsequent one. That is why, that is the who for. Those are the answers.

You cannot have a healthy family without a healthy community. Families are not islands, they are influenced and inspired by their enviroment. Do you believe that the nation, the family, will always act in their best interest if they "reach" their core, or "become pure" - if such an essence exist?
I claim that you live in a fantasy if you believe so, because despite our tribal origins, outside influence and interest has always been weighing. Think about the innovations the first cities provided tribes; they assimilated themselves into societies in a transactional exchange. Do you believe things would be different under "family-oriented" structures?

First, how do you define ethnicity you jew? If you're talking about race, then say race instead.
Secondly, if you're speaking about solidarity, do you think that the most beneficial outline would be across culture/ethnicity? Do you believe, that if our states as they were "just were purer", that the absolute exploitation of (european) men would stop?

>> No.21488252
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>You cannot have a healthy family without a healthy community. Families are not islands, they are influenced and inspired by their enviroment
I said as much. If it was too obscure for you i will try to fix that.

> Do you believe that the nation, the family, will always act in their best interest if they "reach" their core, or "become pure" - if such an essence exist?
I do not know what you think you are explaining here but i will attempt to address your muddy question.

No, nations do not act in the best interests of the family, typically communities do not act in the interests of the local families either. There is one exception, largely White communities, others be they brown or black are incapable. I have no clue what "become pure" means. It strikes me as a strawman. Families make communities and communities make the nation, it is no surprise that trust coincides with white ethnic homogenity at all levels, rich or poor.

>I claim that you live in a fantasy if you believe so, because despite our tribal origins, outside influence and interest has always been weighing.
It has, and some small amount of cultutal osmosis is not inherenty bad. But thet have always been of equal exchange. Until recentlt this was the norm, there is ni benefit to black and browm inclusion to a community.

>Think about the innovations the first cities provided tribes; they assimilated themselves into societies in a transactional exchange.
Now look at the last cities, each one is a plague and regarded as the worst places to live in all metrics, they require new blood (foreign) just to stay alive.

>Do you believe things would be different under "family-oriented" structures
Yes, far more local and regionally focused which in turn allows a certain amount of autarky which is of immense value to stability and self-discipline.

>First, how do you define ethnicity you jew?
Literally posting support for National-Socialism, i suspecr not even the jidf does that in their subversion of these boards

>If you're talking about race, then say race instead.
Ethnic groups make up a race. It is not hard, you bemoan terminology like trannies do. When i say race you know what is meant, when i say woman you know who is excluded. The same standard applies.

>Secondly, if you're speaking about solidarity, do you think that the most beneficial outline would be across culture/ethnicity?
Culture comes from ethnicity.

>Do you believe, that if our states as they were "just were purer", that the absolute exploitation of (european) men would stop?
There is no pure when it comes to this, though people who are against ethnic homogeneity use your position as a means to undermine it. More purer is a falacy, is Japan more pure than other nations? No. It has almost entirely ethnic Japanese people, Europe should do likewise with violencr if need be. If this happened the burden of the white ma would be removed from his shoulders and so yes, things would be tremedously improved.

>> No.21488342
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One thing I can respect about you hyperborean meme retards is that you actually act out your "philosophy" unlike all of the other pseuds on this board. Most of the people on this board have a serious case of slave morality.
Realistic goal
>Eat healthy
Realistic goal
>Seek knowledge
Realistic goal
>Start a family
Not so realistic for most of you, but you get the idea.

>> No.21488376

so that society breaks down in le epic anti tech revolt and people naturally segregate on their own, at least thats what I think he meant.

>> No.21488459
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Faganism is the root of modernity.

>> No.21488465
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Get fisted for wotan.

>> No.21488469

>We even have a crossdressing god

>> No.21488471

I think I got dumber reading your post, JimBob

>> No.21488578
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I wish this Ayran/Hyberborean shit died when Hitler stamped out the old German mystic types. It is literally just natural selection applied to ones own self. As for the last one, a family, it is entirely possible for almost all men but they would rather experience every dialogue option in a videogame than have a conversation with a woman.

If somebody wishes for a metaphysical or spiritual motivation and finds it in that Hyperborean/Aryan narrative i suspect they do so because they do not meet the physical manifestation of what they want. So they must cope or satisfy themselves with an Evola style mental manifestation. Which in turn does not work as a spiritual headspace would eventually, after time and effort, manifest as a physical specimen. Does that make sense? Ive only ever seen Eastern Europeans make use of it, it appears dead in Northern Europe.

Im just a National-Socialist. The goals are not difficult but require frequent effort and willpower, most people have excuses.


>> No.21489013

Is that just denial? I destroyed this, now you can not possess it.

>> No.21489021

>No, nations do not act in the best interests of the family, typically communities do not act in the interests of the local families either. There is one exception, largely White communities, others be they brown or black are incapable. I have no clue what "become pure" means. It strikes me as a strawman. Families make communities and communities make the nation, it is no surprise that trust coincides with white ethnic homogenity at all levels, rich or poor.

What is feodalism and european monarchy?

>> No.21489052


This. Neopaganism and trannies arose exactly at the same time in history. Coincidence? I think not. They both derive from the same post-modernist culture, which rejects the idea of discoverable, absolute truth and sees truth as subjective.

Trannies and neopaganism have the same post-modernist spirit in essence.

>> No.21489060

Little different than corporatocracy. They rarely begin autocratic after their hayday. Loyalty was mandatory and based on locality. It was not built on anything substantial or with a goal in mind. Power was the goal.

Opposing that is NS where the goal is strengthening of the people and the land, the state is a means to that end. Monarchy and Feudalism were means to sustain a few dominant families at the expense of others.

>> No.21489083

I’m atheist but how is turning to a religion that was defeated by Christianity going to save you again? You people must be getting desperate and grasping at anything now.

To me paganism has always come off just as feminine as Christianity as it was conquered by Christianity. That’s just me though.

>> No.21489128

I’m convinced that if whites try anything like that, it will just seal their fate and make it even worse.
Haven’t you learnt from the Nazis yet?

Violence really doesn’t solve anything in the long term.

>> No.21489127

I said violence, not indiscriminate total race war blitzkrieg starting with the Walmart down the street, retard.

>> No.21489156

>Black men are only 7% of the population. How could they beat us if we had a general understanding that violence is acceptable for achieving racial goals?

White men could easily be beaten and this has been proven to us continuously. Malcolm X talked about how white men are easily defeatable.


>> No.21489258

>life is a flesh suit for consciousness
That is a deep way to state panpsychism or whatever you call it.
Yeah and your dad's dick doesn't need viagra.
Hilmar Olm Hilmarsson is a musician, and a good one, but I am in disagreement with him.
Same with other pagan bands that are not "racist". They still make beautiful music, even though they are wrong. I value their lives, but I still value my own life, opinions, and race's future more. These are people who I am arsthetically and religiously on the same side with though.
Even crazy phones can't resist the awakening in their DNA.
Thor crossdresses in order to save someone and it wasn't his idea. One of the most suspiciously potentially anti-pagan seeming things Sturluson wrote about, though some poems are verifiable by their existence in other sources. Would be curious to check about that one.
Truth isn't only objective or subjective. When someone has a bunch of schizo delusions and hallucinations for example, is his conscious not truly subjectively experiencing it? Objectively, there is no pink elephant on the wall. Subjectively, there is. "Superobjectively" (?), there is and is not a pink elephant on the wall. That does not mean there are and are not pink elephants on all walls and all surfaces. I am just stating a belief in the reality of other minds and the truth of their unique experience.

>> No.21489272
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>But my Christianity is entirely based and true and real
>Ignores the systemic child-rape in every single Abrahamic cult, creed and religions

When will you admit new values are needed? Ones that promulgate blood and soil mentality.

>> No.21489274

Odin was a cuckold. Frigg cheated on him several times in the mythology.

>> No.21489284

>being an eco cuck
remember that time plants killed almost all life in the planet?

>> No.21489290

It was Christianity that stopped child marriages and created age of consent

> The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome (AOMIAR) by Arnold Lelis, William Percy, and Beert Verstraete reconsiders the common beliefs regarding the age at first marriage (AAFM) for both males and females in the Roman world.
> In chapter six the authors conclude their examination of ancient Rome with a brief consideration of marriage in the late Empire. Here the authors demonstrate that similar trends visible throughout Roman history are generally present in later epochs. The only noticeable shift occurs at the onset of Christianity: epitaphs from this period seem to demonstrate a higher AAFM (age at first marriage) than ever before. No longer were elites marrying off their children to the same extent. Also, new aversions had arisen towards sexuality, particularly involving youths that were deemed to be underage.

Being against pedophilia is merely Christian morality.

>> No.21489304

Paganism is as feminine as it is masculine because it includes God's and Goddesses. I'm not turning to my true ethnic religion that was stolen from my people because I think it will save me, I'm turning to it because it is my true ethnic religion that was stolen from my people. Nothing is guaranteed to me by the Gods simply for believing in them. They can make their own minds up.
It worked for Haiti.
Don't you think war in America where there are more white people than any other race and modern technology including things like drones and 3d printers exist and every city is full of enormous towers might play out a bit differently than colonists getting shot at from behind a tree?

>> No.21489320

So what are you suggesting? That we worship Zeus who was literally a pedo boy fucker (look up Ganymedes).

Jesus on the other was sexually the purest man that ever lived. All pagan Gods are sexual degenerates in comparison. This you can’t disapprove.

>> No.21489327

It was Europeans that ended it, not Christians. It still happens everywhere there is an absence of Europeans, even in Christian communities. Christianity, and its offshoots and headwater, has more child molesters per capita than anything else in the world.

Thus morality, true morality, comes from Europe.

>> No.21489345

>I'm turning to it because it is my true ethnic religion that was stolen from my people

It wasn’t stolen. Your pagan ancestors were just cucks who abandoned their native traditions. Just like modern white people who also do the same shit now with Christianity. I’m going to presume your an Amerimutt?

>> No.21489350
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>Jesus on the other was sexually the purest man that ever lived. All pagan Gods are sexual degenerates in comparison. This you can’t disapprove.

I want a hand-crafted morality based on nativism, blood, health, nature/land and self-sufficiency. A new philosophical world-view. Take what works and disgard what does not.

>> No.21489368

Nope. Research itself literally says that ONLY when Christianity gained power in the Roman Empire that child marriages began to suddenly decline. There’s definitely a connection.

> Here the authors demonstrate that similar trends visible throughout Roman history are generally present in later epochs. The ONLY noticeable shift occurs at the onset of Christianity: epitaphs from this period seem to demonstrate a higher AAFM (age at first marriage) than ever before. No longer were elites marrying off their children to the same extent. Also, new aversions had arisen towards sexuality, particularly involving youths that were deemed to be underage.

> Thus morality, true morality, comes from Europe.

Says the guy who wants to beat up women.

>> No.21489374

Nonsensical reply or maybe I wrote unclearly.
Yeah, I think the lesson there is that if you fuck off looking for wisdom for an extended period of time and leave your wife alone she might cuck you. The path of one like Odin carries this risk. Nearly every God is also KILLED, so it's not like bad things don't happen to Gods in myths.
Plato accused Cretan of making up the idea that Zeus and Ganymede had a sexual relationship in order to justify their own sexual form of pederasty, which was not necessarily a sexual relationship, according to this video I watched recently tgat calls into question the whole "Greece was gaytopia" narrative.
You don't know.

>> No.21489384


>> No.21489389


>Opposing that is NS where the goal is strengthening of the people and the land, the state is a means to that end. Monarchy and Feudalism were means to sustain a few dominant families at the expense of others.

Remind yourself how NS was in support of reinstating monarchy. How would ethnic loyalty ensure that the same shit we live in today wouldn't happen again?

>> No.21489394

Why don’t you answer me. Are you an Amerimutt or not?

Also Plato was just coping cause he thought the pagan myths were degenerate so he tried to deny any of them were true. He even thought people shouldn’t learn about them.

>> No.21489409

It’s feminine to me simply because Fagans got pounded out of existence and didn’t remerge until the same time that trannies did.

>> No.21489413
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>It is still happening in Christian communities outside of Europe

I want to women to be protected, loved and raised to be all they can be. What part of anything did you take to mean I want to beat up women? Though, on the subject i stand with Sean Connery.

>Nonsensical reply or maybe I wrote unclearly
It read to me like a Christian shitting on pagan stuff for the same thing they hold dear, maybe i was wrong in your position.

>Remind yourself how NS was in support of reinstating monarchy. How would ethnic loyalty ensure that the same shit we live in today wouldn't happen again?
Ah yes, the Dual Monarchy that Hitler himself loved and wished to see restored.

You lie outright anon, in the first dozen pages of Mein Kampf he goes in to nauseating detail about his position on the Monarchy. A New Nobility of Blood and Soil outlines a supurb way to enact a leadership caste, constantly recruiting the best of the new blood and replacing the Old blood that fails to maintain its duties and obligations.

>> No.21489437

>What part of anything did you take to mean I want to beat up women?

Refer back to OP. He thinks beating up women is manly.

Also all research indicts that Greco-Romans practised child marriages, which only discontinued after Christianity took over the Roman Empire. You can cry about this all you want, but it won’t stop it from being true. True pagan culture as originally practised has nothing against child marriages (refer back to indo-European Hinduism which also practised it).

True paganism also had nothing against slavery unlike Christianity. If you’re true pagan, you would practise slavery and child marriage.

>> No.21489471

To annoy you.
Damn, there were trannies during the Renaissance? Any paintings? For research purposes, of course.
Only modern women and only under circumstances that would justify it.

>> No.21489495
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I am not a pagan, can you understand that?

And you continue to ignore the very obvious fact that child marriage, child prostitution and child rape occurs at the most reported rates in Non-European Christian countries, largely within a Christian religious order. Thus supporting my racial belief that Europeans would of realizes the obscene behavior regardless of what the religious creed was at the time.

Why do Christians hate the idea of childbirth and intercourse so much? It is the bedrock of anti-natalism. What should be an act of beauty, vitality and strength is made shameful by your creed.

>> No.21489610

> Europeans would of realizes the obscene behavior regardless of what the religious creed was at the time.

So why didn’t they realise it until Christianity came along then? Why was Zeus a pedo boy fucker? It wasn’t even like the Roman church. Pagans were open about it as it wasn’t even seen as something bad. “Plutarch proposed that free Roman youths wear the amulet known as the bulla to prevent adult men from accosting them for sexual purposes. The absence of the bulla, by implication, marked enslaved youth as sexual prey.”

> child prostitution and child rape occurs at the most reported rates in Non-European Christian countries

It happens more in countries that are poorer since they have less resources to police it. That should be obvious, genius.

>Why do Christians hate the idea of childbirth and intercourse so much

Who says they do? Christians were more fertile Roman pagans.

Rodney Stark shows how early Christians favourable fertility and mortality rates as compared to Hellenistic pagans helped to fuel a 40% growth rate in the Christian population of the Roman Empire over several centuries. This gave rise to 40 converts in 30AD to 6 million by the year 300AD. Christian populations grew faster because of the prohibition of birth control, abortion and infanticide. Since infanticide tended to affect female newborn more frequently, early Christians had a more even sex ratio and therefore a higher percentage of childbearing women than pagans

>> No.21489634

>Why was Zeus a pedo boy fucker?
He wasn't.

>Christian populations grew faster because of the prohibition of birth control, abortion and infanticide
No they didn't; Rome experienced a net population decline from around 300AD to... well, technically it didn't recover until like the 1200s, so it's not really fair to say that "Rome" ever experienced population growth. The various factions of the Jesus movements were collection of minor religious groups until state power was used to force everyone to convert under threat of violence. You're applying an ideology concocted in the 1970s to people who lived 1,600 years prior.

>> No.21489637

I read pagan myths and I want to throw up cause it reminds me so much of our sexualised degenerate culture. I read the New Testament and see so much sexual purity that our culture has abandoned.

I can’t help it. It is what is. I’ve tried to like paganism, but I just can’t cause pagan myths while being interesting and fun to read about it mange to revolt me just like it did Plato.

I’m not a Christian either. I just don’t like paganism.

>> No.21489649

>I hate my body but refuse to worship Jews
Sounds like you should have done more reading. Pick one:

>> No.21489650

Christians did prohibit abortion and birth control though.

> The Didache, an ancient church order, which most scholars believe was written in the late first century CE, around the same time as the canonical gospels. The Didache, section two, includes a long list of various sins that Christians should not commit, in apparently descending order of severity:

> “You will not murder. You will not commit adultery. You will not sexually exploit adolescent boys. You will not have illicit sex. You will not steal. You will not practice magic. You will not use drugs or poisons for occult purposes. You will not murder a child in an abortion, nor will you kill what is begotten. You will not covet the things of your neighbor. You will not swear falsely. You will not testify falsely in court. You will not speak evilly. You will not bear grudges.”

>> No.21489676

>The Didache
So a minor collection of opinions by men now considered to be heretics that weren't even viewed as valid by something like 95% of the followers of the Jesus movements, which didn't do anything to contribute to birth rates because, guess what, birth rates have nothing to do with "degeneracy" and everything to do with creating stable homes for men and women to make and raise children, which is completely counter to the writings of the Church Fathers and the incredible emphasis on celibacy.

Also, it's fun to read that quote and then just
>literally the Pope

>> No.21489688

Population decline of the Roman Empire had already began long before the 4th century.

> Archaeology has revealed that from the 2nd century onward, the inhabited area in most Roman towns and cities grew smaller and smaller. Imperial laws concerning "agri deserti", or deserted lands, became increasingly common and desperate. The economic collapse of the 3rd century may also be evidence of a shrinking population as Rome's tax base was also shrinking and could no longer support the Roman Army and other Roman institutions.

Christian population from 2nd century onwards remained steady though.

>> No.21489697

[citation needed]

>> No.21489704

So, which is it? Did the population decline, or did it not? Are heretics and Gnostics Christians, or are they not?

>> No.21489738

Roman pagans had nothing against birth control and abortion. Why are you denying it? The church fathers were against abortion and birth control.

> Classical literary sources, tombstone inscriptions and skeletal remains have been used by classicists to show that there was probably a decline in the population of the Roman Empire caused by the deliberate control of family numbers through contraception, infanticide and child exposure. This finding is important as it appears to demonstrate that the fertility transition associated with the modern Industrial Revolution is not unique and may have had predecessors. Although few new classical demographic data have become available, there has been a vast increase in interest in classical demography, reflecting the late twentieth-century focus on population change, especially fertility control, and the associated development of demographic analytical techniques and models. This new classical demography has largely strengthened previous findings on mortality and marriage, but it has suggested that the Roman Empire's population was near-stationary, rather than declining. Nevertheless, the literary tradition may be correct in suggesting that the elite faced great problems in preventing the family patrimony from being dispersed by partible inheritance and so resorted to restricting their legitimate family size, largely by child exposure.

>> No.21489746

It seems like the Roman population was near-stationary (not increasing or declining) and then started declining after the antonine plague and onwards.

>> No.21489765

>Are heretics and Gnostics Christians, or are they not?

Heretics maybe. Not sure about Gnostic Christians.
Christian views on fertility differed. Christians like Catholics valued celibacy more highly but were never against having children for those who wanted it. Puritans and many other Protestants were against celibacy since they took God’s commandment to “multiply and fill the earth” seriously.

> During the Elizabethan era there was a considerable body of knowledge concerning birth control techniques including coitus interruptus, penis ointments, pessaries, purgatives, genital baths and bloodletting. Works were available describing the symptons and causes of abortion and reporting some abortifacients. The Puritans were aware of birth control techniques, but were opposed to them for several reasons: 1) it would go against the biblical injunction to be fruitful and multiply; 2) birth control frustrated the creation of what was in the image of God; 3) fecundity was a blessing and should not be thwarted; 4) the society of the elect should be increased; and 5) through childbirth a woman could atone for Eve's original sin. Although some Puritans recognized that marriage was for comfort and solace as well as for the bearing of progeny, birth control was frowned upon, the the Puritan clergy practiced what it preached. In a random sample of Puritan clergy there was an average of 6.8 children born per family, which was higher than the average to be found among English nobility of the same period.

>> No.21489774
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you know what else didn't emerge until trannies did? trans"phobia". aah fuck... looks like we were being feminine this whole time by hating trannies

>> No.21489808
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>antisemitism/organized persecution, dislike, and distrust of Jews simply for being Jewish leads Jews to (understandably) be wary of Gentiles, afraid of antisemitism
>this makes them, broadly as a group, take on cultural evolutionary survival and adaptation strategies to protect themselves from prejudice and persecution, which sometimes ironically plays into the exact stereotype of “powerful Jews running society and censoring criticism of them,” as well as generally favoring pragmatically pro-Jewish, anti-Gentile strategies (e.g. ethnostate with closed borders for Israel, open borders for the West and de facto criminalization of opposition to this as evil “White nationalism”)
>this further justifies (in their own mind) neo-Nazis, far right ethnocentric nationalists, who also (obviously) are fervently anti-liberal
>liberals looking at this, of course see, “Evil neo-Nazis! You guys deserve censorship, persecution, ridicule and everything pushed on you, and do not deserve a say in our democracy.”
>As liberalism increasingly eats its own tail, even minor deviations from the always leftward-moving Overton window are also treated as “Nazism” or “far-right propaganda” (“cancel culture”)
>this phenomenon itself correspondingly radicalizes more people (e.g., whether those who see the dogmatic groupmind, petty tyranny and censoriousness of modern Western liberalism which is ever moving towards more and more dubious “progress” and condemnation of wrongthink, or even of those liberals who increasingly think far-right ethnonationalists and conspiracy theorists are an increasing threat to our society, requiring a firm backlash to them)
>civil war, Balkanization of the West, or a AI-run technocratic transhumanist neo-feudalism where everyone is forced to submit to Borg/the new enlightened U.N. overlords through implants in their brains

I cannot lie, I have to give props to whatever global overlords theoretically engineered this, if they were looking for the confusion, division and conquering, weakening and utter subjugation of the human race, playing up racial tensions and stirring wars (civil and international) seems to play right into this goal.

William Cooper, Naval intelligence whistleblower, actually claimed in the 1990s that first radical jihadism/Moslem fundamentalism, then White nationalist/fundamentalist Christian/Patriot/far-right domestic terrorist threats would be the pretexts for doing away with civil liberties in the West and enslaving us under a NWO. Fedposters like OP are the same counterproductive useful idiots as the Muslim terror groups are. Here’s, on the converse, an article about precisely WHY you should not do what the FBI/CIA want you to do by committing terror attacks on random civilians to justify even more counter-terrorism measures.


>> No.21489856

Ruby Ridge, the Waco Massacre, the attack against Patriots and Militias, and other acts of aggression against the American People who might combat this fraud are acts of war. These acts are designed to demonize fundamentalist Christians, Jews, Moslems, the lawful Militia, and anyone else who might fight in defense of the Constitution or Freedom. These terrorist acts deliver a message to the American People that any opposition to the new world supra government will be met with overwhelming force and the complete genocide of the enemies of socialism. […]

The attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was designed to affect the "Heartland" so that no one will feel safe. These acts in the manner of Hegel's Dialectic are leading to a need for the elimination of the Rights of individuals and the disarmament of all peoples so that the world supra government can step up to provide the solution which will be artificial safety and security from terrorism. Thesis against antithesis equals synthesis. One result, there were many more, was the Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act which followed that gives the President the power to label any group or organization a "terrorist organization" and to arrest, imprison, and/or deport any political opposition, without trial, without Habeas Corpus, and without explanation of any kind.

If these acts of terror do not succeed there will be more bombings, chemical, or biological attacks. They will escalate in the destruction, maiming and killing of men women and especially children. More shootings at shopping centers, restaurants, and schools will occur. […] A war may be promulgated in the Middle East in order to provide the excuse needed to explain terrorist attacks upon the United States of America to the American sheople in order that they will accept personal disarmament in the interest of peace and security. […]

The terrorist attacks which will be launched in the United States will be blamed upon middle eastern religious fanatics, Christian fundamentalists, white supremacists, Patriots, or Militias. A more immediate result of these operations will be the increased use of military forces, weaponry, and equipment such as tanks and armored personnel carriers in civilian law enforcement, the suspension or elimination of Habeas Corpus, the elimination of jury trials, the attempted disarming of the American People, and the institution of martial law with show-trials conducted by a tribunal of judges.

(Written in 1997 by William Cooper. Erratic capitalization of words and typos [sic])

>> No.21489866

Did you reply to the wrong post?

The Protestant opinion on this is irrelevant as we're talking about the Roman Empire.

>> No.21490083

>antisemitism/organized persecution, dislike, and distrust of Jews simply for being Jewish
Simply for being Jewish, huh?
>committing terror attacks on random civilians
Why do people assume that's the kind of violence I'm talking about? Terror attacks are obviously counterproductive. None of those who are killed have lives that are meaningfully negative to the white race. Mexican Walmart shoppers ought to be deported based on race if they are pesceful, and maybe have some of the money they illegally made in the U.S taken from them if they are illegals.
>enemies of socialism
I'm not opposed to socialism. I'm opposed to the destruction of the white race by the bourgeoisie using immigrants, outsourcing, ideology, and media. If socialists were pro-white I would support them over the Republicans. We can survive bad economic systems that make people poor but not bad economic systems that colonize our nations and give us nowhere.

>> No.21490128

>whatever global overlords
You mean jews?

>> No.21490153

Actual white supremacists are aware that the state wants them to commit acts of terrorism so they can justify hardline mobilization of security assets

In other words fuck off glowie

>> No.21490183

>Simply for being Jewish, huh?
Honestly, this is where I get a chicken-and-the-egg problem. Unfortunately, /pol/ has, in some ways, ruined me for life, and hence I can’t fully suppress skepticism/distrust I have about the Talmud and its teachings on Gentiles. Also, due to my own religious beliefs, about Judaism qua Christianity/the crucifixion of Christ (was it indeed their own ethnocentric cultishness which encouraged this, and also fostered general Jewish/Gentile conflict)?

The other half of me, however, cannot think in metaphysical absolutes about ethnicity/race (or, in the unique case of Jews, a strange merger, and sometimes even disjunct, between ethnicity and religion).

In short, funnily enough, I’m too edgy to be accepted on /lit/ or by the mainstream globohomo narrative (got fucking banned here a few times, despite choosing my words very carefully), but also have enough bones to pick on /pol/ I can’t really be accepted by them either. I honestly just think revolutionary/radical politics in the modern day in the West, is a (potentially fatal, uselessly life-ruining and counterproductive) dead-end, for the most part, but maybe this is just proof I’ve been domesticated?

EVEN IF you are the most red-blooded National Socialist imaginable, I imagine even you understand what a boon questionable-looking-and-acting neo-Nazism plays to entities like the ADL, Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and the Mossad, in which, paradoxically, they can point to the worst of their own opponents and say, “See? this is why we need to do XYZ… and fight against hate speech, terrorism, and disinformation.”

However, even on /pol/, for instance, people who bring this (commonsensical fair point) up are accused of “demoralization” or “shilling.” Which could be a fair point, as technically I am “shilling”, shilling my own agenda and against ideologies like fervently antisemitic National Socialism which I see as counterproductive, even if I have some qualms with Zionism, as well as leftism, and am far from a 100% sanitized acceptable modern liberal.