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21485415 No.21485415 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that will help me cope for being effeminate?

my mom was going through my room today, she found my epilator and my makeup tools.

she called me a freak and said i'm going to end up becoming a tranny. :'(

>> No.21485420

>cope for
I meant cope with

>> No.21485443

You gay, you bi, whatever. embrace that. A pseudo-cross-dresser? just as long as you don't troon out.

There's a long list of homo/bi authors to choose from. whaddaya want?

>> No.21485454

I dunno about books, but try watching BLACKED while pretending you are the girl.

>> No.21485460

anything that's about feminine guys will suffice. and I mean really feminine. feminine as in women make fun of you for how feminine you are.
>pseudo cross dresser
I do wear womens clothes, sometimes. I wish I can do it more. it's not a fetish thing, it's my style. I'm teaching myself how to sew so I can make clothing from patterns that I like. I don't like the more modern stuff and it's hard to find vintage clothing that fits right.

>> No.21485465

why tf would I do that? I have self respect. Also I don't really watch porn, I mostly read erotica and use my imagination and *cough* toys.

>> No.21485473

>for being effeminate
>she called me a freak and said i'm going to end up becoming a tranny. :'(
at least with what you've told us, the problem seems to be deeper than being effeminate, but your relationship with other people (at least with your mom). whether you want to be positively seen in their eyes, whether you simply don't like discord, or some combination of those and other things - idk. what exactly upset you about your mom's reaction?

>> No.21485480

She wants me to be more like a regular guy, when I am not. We get along well, she was just stressed and yelled at me.

>> No.21485483

Is ok. Talking to us is best cope.
Dont chop off any body parts and dont take drugs.

>> No.21485487

I'm afraid of becoming more masculine as I age :'(

>> No.21485502

So what? If you become masculine, then you do. Simple as.

>> No.21485513

yeah but there are ways to stop it...

>> No.21485522

What are you going for exactly? If you are straight and want to dress girly, so be it. If you’re confused about gender then find out. Do whatever makes you happy and don’t force your insane beliefs on impressionable people

>> No.21485527

so then the contention is not being fully accepted (even if you get along with your mom the majority of the time). forget books, take shrooms or something

>> No.21485534

Idk maybe try reading some workout plans and hitting the gym instead of being a pussy. Being effeminate isn’t something you are born with, it’s a choice, and a stupid/gay choice at that.

>> No.21485535

I'm not straight and I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone either. Even if I took cross hormones I still wouldn't lie to people and say I was a girl / force myself into womens' places.

I don't want to do whatever makes me happy either, because the pursuit of happiness- the men I know tell me is a symptom of the weakness. Men must go forth in pursue in their goals, and must sacrifice the simple life and happiness in the name of achievement.

But I'm not good at anything and I'm stupid and unmanly. This is not me merely trying to insult myself, but merely a statement of fact.

>> No.21485537

I want to be accepted and valued for what I am. It doesn't work that way if you are a man, and have male social expectations.
Oh honey trust me it's not a choice.

>> No.21485538

Let's not pretend these procedures don't have adverse undersireable effects on your body and mind.

>> No.21485540

I am not going to take hormones but I do want to have some sort of surgery to make myself face more feminine down the line.

>> No.21485541

You're just a regular gay guy.

No no no. Don't do "the ways". Anything more than say, electrolysis is no good. Just be yourself.

>> No.21485542

One day you will look back at this stage of your life and be embarrassed and disgusted.
What you really need is male friends. Maybe join a local rugby club or something.

Also please go buy a steak and eat it, then do 100 push-ups. It will feel so much better than being a faggot, I promise you.

>> No.21485544

dis nigga trollin

>> No.21485545

What is wrong with electrolysis? I already have two laser machines at home, a braun IPL and a Tria, but these are only good for vellus hairs.

>> No.21485549

Obviously no one believes you’re a girl, you’re a gay guy that dresses up as a girl. I’m guessing you’re just frustrated because everyone in your life expects you to act like them but clearly you aren’t that person otherwise you wouldn’t be going through this turmoil - if you were one of da boys you wouldn’t even have made this thread. If they can’t accept you for that then find new people

>> No.21485552

You think I have not already done these things? I have been feminine for my whole life. In fact people mistook me until as a girl until I hit puberty, that is how feminine I looked and acted.

I used to eat a lot of meat, but I cut that down. I don't like the taste of meat, and I am not fond of the meat industry.

Why would I be trolling? I am sincere.

>> No.21485555

Take steroids
Hit the gym
Get enough (non-plant) protein
Wear non-faggot male clothes
Go outside for walks
Fuck bitches
Make money

Books won't really help you in this regard.

>> No.21485556

>I want to be accepted and valued for what I am
you have two choices: change yourself or change those around you. you obviously don't want to change yourself but you don't want to be too forward to other people. your only option then is to live in hell where people don't accept you and you care about it so it negatively affects you. or, like I said earlier, take some drugs or meditate in a cave for 5+ years and shed your care for what others think

>> No.21485557

I don't dress up as a girl I never tried fooling anyone that I'm a girl. I just own some girl's clothes because I like the style and it fits my body better.

>> No.21485560

I don't want to look more masculine I hate that it makes me miserable and I don't like money or bitches.
I will always care what others think. They are accepting, but they think lowly of me, because all men who fail to live up to their expectations as men are thought lowly of.

>> No.21485561

Quints of truth. Then again I don’t know if fag disease is curable
Whatever you’re a femboy honestly go to reddit this isn’t literature related at all anymore and they definitely know what you’re going through LOL

>> No.21485568

>Why would I be trolling? I am sincere.
meant for >>21485544

>> No.21485573

maybe it's not literature related but I'm looking for books written by feminine people who were men and how they coped during their times of difficulty.

i know there is mishima for example but he was way more masculine than I am.

i am not a femboy or anything I don't really understand those labels I am just me.

>> No.21485578

>they are accepting
>they think lowly of me
what do you mean by "lowly"? I don't see how you can both think lowly of someone but also be accepting of them

>> No.21485580

you can accept that someone is a disappointment and not live up to your expectations

>> No.21485581

Just be androgynous.

>> No.21485586

>What is wrong with electrolysis?
Nothin' Go ahead with that. Just don't take hrt or whatever.

>> No.21485596

i look very androgynous for a male. I have a typical 'gay face', but I am feminine. I'd also rather look more feminine, because then people will treat me like I am feminine- instead of trying to make me do things I am not capable of doing. for example, taking initiative, being stoic, being logical, and things like that.
oh ok. but i still want to have surgery to make my face more feminine :(

>> No.21485615

Ok im free now
Im not going to pretend I know anything about the gay experience. I have met 2 fags but they were super obnoxious and Im assuming most fags arent like that. Heres my 2 cents on the matter
Yours is a low-self esteem issue, coupled with a want for external acceptance and neurotic self affirmation of the "girly fruit" image.
You should first fit-in as best as you can. You dont have to be masculine, just kinda androgenous. You can be a happy fruit in private.
Second, talk to close friends and family more often. They will obviously resist initially. But they are your best option. Maybe see a shrink, but a shrink will recommend drugs, so I dont like this option.
Third, realize that you dont need constant external affirmation of your identity.
Please dont get platic surgery, hormone therapy,etc. It will fuck up your health in the long run.
And lastly, pick up a serious hobby. You already read, so maybe pick up a technical subject. Or maybe start 3xercising. Or learn some arts and crafts.

>> No.21485617

Don't don't don't. Plastic surgery looks awful.
It's for people with deformities and animal mauling damage

>> No.21485636
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>You should first fit-in as best as you can. You dont have to be masculine, just kinda androgenous. You can be a happy fruit in private.
But don't you understand, I already do this! Why do you think my mom yelled at me about my fruity things? If I was open about my fruitiness she wouldn't have been surprised. If I was open about my fruitiness I wouldn't have all these high expectations I fail living up to...
I don't have any friends. I just sit at home and daydream about things.

>plastic surgery
>>21485617 mentioned this to
it's not plastic surgery because you're not getting anything added. you're just getting things removed/bones contoured and smoothed out. i've seen IRL people get it and it looks REALLY good. it's actually amazing.

Again, I am not a trans gender, but I do want my face to look more feminine, so that's why I want to do it.

>pick up a serious hobby
I can't to technical things, I am unskilled with my hands. For example, I cannot hold objects and tools properly, my hands are really shakey. but right now I am teaching myself how to sew.

>> No.21485642

Lord Henry in The Picture of Dorian Gray is very effeminate, also happens to be my favorite character in that book. Really anything by Wilde is probably pretty good for this because he was big gay at a time that it was not the move to be so.

>> No.21485647

ty :)

>> No.21485671

>Third, realize that you dont need constant external affirmation of your identity.
I said this earlier. External affirmation can include the mirror.
Take sewing seriously. You should be the best tailor ever.
>I don't have any friends. I just sit at home and daydream about things.
I didnt have any friends either at 1 point. I drove them all away because I was a massive drunk. You cant let that hold you back. Join a sewing club. Make friends there.

>> No.21485675

Also, dont blame your mom for her reaction. Talk to your entire family more often. Expect resistance. Eventually they will accept you. There might be 1 old dude who might not. But the rest will.

>> No.21485678

Do you think about being fucked by a man?

>> No.21485687

You just leave the thinking and book reading to the men and find a strong guy to take of you, okay sweetheart?

>> No.21485693

OP, if you are not baiting, know that the way you've responded in this thread has greatly lowered my opinion of the LGBT.

I would explain why, but that's as pointless as giving you advice.

>> No.21485703

it's ok I don't blame her. she just wants a normal son. :)
>Take sewing seriously. You should be the best tailor ever.
maybe. idk I always give up on things easily when I start it, but I haven't given up on sewing yet. all I'm really good at is domestic things, cooking, cleaning, things like that. If I was a girl I would have just done anything I can to get married because I don't want a career and I don't understand money or school
ummmmmmmmmmmm in my dreams
okay :(

>> No.21485704

if they are disappointing to you then you have not fully accepted them

>> No.21485707

anon I am not part of LGBT I am not part of anything I am just a feminine person and that's it.

please explain why

>> No.21485711

No I said I am disappointing to them.

>> No.21485715

I meant 'you' in a general sense

>> No.21485716
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Just embrace it. Having a masculine body doesn't mean being unfashionable.

>> No.21485726

they don't fully understand me. even I don't fully understand me or accept myself.
sometimes in the mornings when I look at my face in the mirror and see my stubble and jaw I scream

>> No.21485743
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Unfortunately, I think most books about that are about trannydom these days. Every feminine guy seems to be transitioning.

Maybe you should write a book? The universe could definitely use more books for feminine guys who aren't trans.

>> No.21485744

This is a boring kind of bait, you just confessed that you would like to be fucked by a man.

>> No.21485753
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>sometimes in the mornings when I look at my face in the mirror and see my stubble and jaw I scream

Why though? A beard is just like head hair, you can do tons of stuff with it. You could braid it and put little bows in it. You could do this. Women are missing out on so much fun.

>> No.21485760

there has to be something, what a shame. :(
but I am not a hetero I am attracted to masculinity

>> No.21485764 [DELETED] 

You have dismissed every single piece of advice on the grounds that you "don't like it". You're the type of person that doesn't want to improve, just to be appeased until hitting rock-bottom. Which eventually you will hit. You create an off-topic thread, thus showing how full of vanity you are, and then your main complaint is how empty of pride you are. Fuck off.

>> No.21485765

i don't like having any body hair other than my head and eyebrows.

>> No.21485774

but someone gave me advice and i followed it, it was to do my hobby, which is sewing. the other advice someone gave, for example to work out, I have already done so and the results were not good.

>> No.21485779

That looks awful my nigga.

I say abstain from porn and aquire gains

>> No.21485782

So in essence what im saying is you should grow up. Your fruitiness isnt an excuse to remain a child forever.

>> No.21485793

but i am responsible i know how to cook, to clean, to take care of children and things like that. I'm just not good at manly stuff and jobs and money.

>> No.21485805

Shit bait kys faggot

>> No.21485807

Grow up psychologically. Obsession with self identity and needing constant external affirmation of that identity is very childish.
You still need to eat food and pay bills. Dont be an idiot. Learn a craft. Learn a trade. Do a basic job.

>> No.21485814

If this thread really is bait, then I wasted my time trying to help OP. Fuck it

>> No.21485835

What is bait about my post? I don't understand.
I don't have an obsession with self identity I just want to be normal and for people to treat me like I am normal.

I can't learn a craft I can't learn a trade you don't understand I am not good with my hands they are extremely shakey one time I did work for bagging groceries and I was let go because I could not do that. I am very clumsy and not good at holding tools. I trip over my own self and I lack a kind of presence in the physical world. I'm not trying to make an excuse I am just trying to say I am not capable of these sorts of things. I was called a 'workplace hazzard'. Maybe i can try working at a starbucks I guess but even then I don't know how long I will last.

>> No.21485850

Stop being a bitch

>> No.21485862

I'm sorry I'm not trying to be a bitch I try to be as helpful as I can but all the the suggestions anons are making people in my family and in my life already tried with snd I do try and I am still trying I swear I am just not good at anything and everyone thinks I am useless

>> No.21485869

Excuses excuses excuses... Said like a fucking child.
Eat more food. Might stop your hands from shaking.
You still have to earn money and stand on your own 2 feet. When i sucked at something important and necessary, i got better at it in 1 way or another.
I dont know what else to say.
Is that really you? You sound like a woman.

>> No.21485894

okay i will keep trying but i have always been trying to do the same things and failing and it just makes me sad and i can't get up in the mornings because i feel so useless and like trash and i can't bring myself to eat I can do important things like domestic tasks but no one wants to hire me for work everyone just thinks I am not qualified and I believe them

and yes that's really me and yes i know about the way i sound because sometimes when i make a call to a call center people call me ma'am

>> No.21485954

Do you have gender dysphoria OP?

>> No.21485956

>what are some books that will help me cope

The usual:

By the time you've finished Kierkegaard you'll know if you need to read Mayahana (far better than reading further German idealism and French ontological theory), Psycho-analysis, Engelsian class struggle or the philosophy of science.

>for being effeminate?
This is a subset of coping in general, see the above.

If you're not read to read Spinoza or Hume you'd better start with the Greeks. Or Engels.

>> No.21485972

i don't know :(
i don't really understand such technical literature I mostly read YA type of stuff and classics

>> No.21486008

You're going to. I did. It's not that bad. Girls give me attention now, whereas mostly gay guys and weird shitty people did beforehand. If you're going to go meet trannies and fetish people, do so in person. That space of the internet is where the terrible people that want to fuck you up live since you can't really sense their personality online.
I'm extremely happy I never took drugs or chopped my dick and balls off.
Long hair won't make you more likeable if you aren't already.
Whether you do well socializing with others mostly depends on your personality, not if you look male or female. Being an effay male is a negative overall though, I think.

>> No.21486015

I have some bad news for you anon

>> No.21486018

The tragic plays:
Trojan Women

The epic ("novel"):

The comic play:

Then read Austen.
Then read the Brontes.
Then read Mary Shelley.

>> No.21486059

LMAOing @ this thread. OP is basically a woman and people are telling 'him' to lift weights and learn a trade. How retarded can you get?
Only sound advice in this thread
Kek even sounds like a woman.
Honestly OP just go and find yourself a BF and become someone's boy wife. It's clear you cannot take care of yourself financially.

It sounds like you care about looking 'feminine' as well and are afraid of aging like a man you're gonna have to go on hormones as well. If you don't you're gonna end up looking like a 50 year old man one day and I doubt you're going to enjoy that if looking in the mirror now already causes you pain.

Sorry it has to be this way OP.

>> No.21486077


>> No.21486114

Stupid fucking nigger. I'm just telling it straight how it is.

I ran OP's writing through here.
Pic related is the results.

They clearly indicated they want FFS too (they know what facial team is and probably consume tranny content)

OP trooning is inevitable at this point. They are more than 3/4 of the way there.

>> No.21486119
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>> No.21486125

it took this many posts before anyone posted anything relevant or /lit/ related

>> No.21486137
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>> No.21486139

I don't want attention from girls I want attention from guys and my hair is already long

>> No.21486146

that has to be the most retarded reason to take trannie pills in existence

not to mention you're seething over a bait OP lol

>> No.21486155

Who the fuck said I was a woman retard???

I called OP a fucking crypto tranny, which he fucking is. Being male causes them distress. Motherfucker wants to get ffs. That's a step ABOVE hormones. They admitted to wearing makeup and womens' clothes too.

>> No.21486158

Bwahhahha you adjust your writing to score masculine points on an AI test.
My point was that OPs faggotry is no excuse for being a dependent ineffective baby. Learning a trade will help with that. OPs faggotry can be a private affair.

>> No.21486170

Those are literally the ONLY reasons to take tranny pills. That and being AGP

>> No.21486171

Probably is a woman baiting us all. Voice doesnt even have the typical fag lilt. Sounds completely like a woman

>> No.21486180
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would ngl

>> No.21486182

Sounds like a boy whose balls haven't dropped.

>> No.21486193

>reason (singular)
learn to fucking read nigger, I was referring to your shitty trannie-detective bot

>> No.21486202

I gave multiple reasons (plural) nigger.

>> No.21486225

too bad, I didn't read them

>> No.21486226

>I don't want attention from girls I want attention from guys and my hair is already long
Oh. Well, if that's actually true then you'll be fine, gay boys like twinks a lot. They're way more enjoyable and relaxing to be around than women (or trannies) imo.
I still wouldn't do pills or surgeries. As long as your lifestyle's healthy you'll age just fine.

>> No.21486238
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I can't work with tools I just cant my dad worked a trade I went to volunteer at his workplace one time and I messed things up and they made me sit in the corner and watch

i want to be helpful I want to be good at things and I try but I just can't do the the things you are suggesting me to do. why don't you listen to me?
i'm not a woman
single feminine gay men are so common as to be a cliche

>> No.21486247

Being effeminate will have no future for you. If you cope with it now, you will have to cope with it again in your late twenties when you realize how much time you've wasted on trying to feel good by dressing like what you are not (a woman). It's only slightly less worse than being a tranny, because then you may make unreversable mistakes rather than only fucking your life up and damning your future

>> No.21486260

i don't dress like a woman I dress in my own style and also womens clothes fit me better they dont make mens jeans with a 25 inch waist

>> No.21486276

>single feminine gay men are so common as to be a cliche
Right, but gay men as a community is generally more hospitable than straightoids at the moment. Straight wahmen have insane standards by comparison.

>> No.21486283

You "can't" work with tools, you "can't" work out, you "can't" even fucking eat meat. You're claiming you're not a man even though you've never engaged in a single masculine practice truthfully. No, hitting a nail with your dad once or doing 5 push-ups a year doesn't count.

>> No.21486287

>I just can't do the the things you are suggesting me to do. why don't you listen to me?
I don't make the rules, friend. The world does. It doesn't matter if you can't do those things now or have no interest in them. You still have to do it. Being discouraged or obsessing about your fruity aesthetic won't change that fact

>> No.21486316

IDK i am not part of any community and I dont want to age into a rough masculine man
I never said I am not a man I just said I can't work with my hands and the people who told me that are the people who work with their hands. I didn't say I can't eat meat I just don't want to because I don't agree with the way animals are treated when they are being farmed

Have I never engaged in any masculine activity? I have, I am just not good at them. I said in my OP that I am not good at these things. You are telling me to try more, but I have been trying for almost 20 years.

How can you do things you cannot do?

>> No.21486322

Have you engaged in a masculine practice beyond a couple of days and then giving up?

>> No.21486325

Kys retard.

Can't believe mods haven't deleted this shit thread

>> No.21486330

>How can you do things you cannot do?
By consistent dedicated practise.
By ignoring those trying to discourage and insult you.
And finally, something i think is applicable to you, by eating more food regularly.

>> No.21486333

i did sports almost every other day in school

why can't you just let me do the things I am good at. why are you forcing me to do things that I cannot?

>> No.21486338

Why are you making me do things that I don't want to do and make me miserable?

>> No.21486346

>I dont want to age into a rough masculine man
Well, given your previous comments your genetics seem to have made you out such that it won't happen even if you tried lifting heavy weights a lot unless you started blasting tren or TRT.
>Why are you making me do things that I don't want to do and make me miserable?
Short term bad feeling is the trade off for long term good feeling anon.

>> No.21486348

Post another voice clip

>> No.21486352

That doesn't count even slightly. Sports at school are extended daycare.

>> No.21486363


God I fucking hate this sort of twee liberal "ooo different" Adventure Time New York Times art.

>> No.21486370

I dont. Earning a living isnt my requirement. It is how the world is.
Trust me. You dont want to be a totally helpless dependent fag. You want to be able to stand on your own 2 feet.
Since you're good at household duties, why not go into the housekeeping/hotel management industry?

>> No.21486391

>Short term bad feeling is the trade off for long term good feeling anon.
Why do I have to do 'manly' things.
I never complained about not being able to get a job that wasn't the content of my original post. I can get something that is easy(er) to do and live frugally while also being miserable.

My OP post was about being feminine, and how I can cope with that.

>> No.21486401

Yeah ok
I dont know how you can cope. Pick up a hobby?
Carry on im done

>> No.21486407


>> No.21486417

Whatever sports you did in HS, just keep doing that. Don't be a blob.

>> No.21486423

>Why do I have to do 'manly' things.
Why are you moving the goalpost? Just a couple replies ago you yourself said the reason you don't feel manly and feel like a loser is because you tried doing manly things for "nearly 20 years" unsuccessfully. And now you've admitted you've never done a single manly thing earnestly in your entire life.

>> No.21486440

I didn't admit I haven't done any I asked why I have to do them and that's also not what I said. I said I am not good at so called manly things and I know that from trying my hand at it in my experience. What is the point of me explaining to you what many things I've done when you're just going to dismiss everything I have done, i.e sports doesn't count, using tools doesn't count

>> No.21486475

In my previous reply I used the word "earnestly". That is the key difference. The activities that you cite where not done earnestly. You did them because your daddy told you to or your school forced you to. If you don't do an activity earnestly, if you don't look, without being pushed by anybody, into it's nooks and crannies and what it entails, you haven't 'tried it'.

>> No.21486494

Hey faggot OP, you should refrain from shitting up the /lit/ board and go to /fit/. Even if you don't lift, the fags their would love to give you attention and possibly also fuck your bussy. Godspeed you fucking faggot.

>> No.21486529

You need Jesus in your life, because your mom is right, you are a freak and ade going to become a tranny.

>> No.21486584

Do whatever you want retard. What is the point in continuing your existence if you won't allow yourself something if it so much as crosses your mind

>> No.21486609

Be a guy who likes feminine things. It's based.
Just don't troon out. Femboys are cute and confident in who they are and trannies are just... not.

>> No.21486624


>> No.21486678

In Fathers and Sons, there is an extremely endearing (like all of Turgenev's characters) older gentleman, who grooms himself somewhat excessively for his time.

>> No.21486697

Check out Nimier's Hussard Bleu as well.

>> No.21486719

Dandies were heterosexual, and pulled chicks like mad.

>> No.21486736


>> No.21486794

lemme guess, you eat syrup, seed oils, s o y lecithin, food coloring? the old rules don't fail. cut out those garbage and cook for yourself. your mentality is half diet half exercise 0 genetics, nigger.

>> No.21486796

I am not suggesting that anon or Pavel Petrovich are by any stretch homosexual.
I'm only helping anon with his coping.
I myself am heterosexual and effeminate. Couple that with an absence of charm, average looks, a difficulty with physical affection and flirtatiousness, and a frigid disposition, and you alienate most men and women (who are inclined to believe I'm gay).
So I really wish to help him cope.

>> No.21486797


>> No.21486821

No offense but you sound really immature. The people in this thread seem to be right about the external validation thing but don’t seem to have the self reflection to realize that appealing to your “inner masculinity” is just telling you to get that validation from somewhere else. Imo the healthiest thing to do is to realize that gender roles and traditionally feminine and masculine interests are bs. Be yourself and learn to be confident of who you are without needing the affirmation of others

>> No.21486856

The Bible

>> No.21487106

>I want to be accepted and valued for what I am
you cant even accept and value yourself for what you really are, you expect people to do it because you did a bunch of chemicals and surgery to larp as feminine?

>> No.21487463
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hey a-amouranth? Fine weather were having

>> No.21487671

Still doesnt change what I said. You're wasting your life living for a pleasure which wont last

>> No.21487681

>ywn beat the shit out of and then jizz on insecure little faggot trannyanon's face as he's crying in his gay little voice
It's over.

>> No.21487849

> I have met 2 fags but they were super obnoxious and Im assuming most fags arent like that.
They mostly are, the non-obnoxious ones are the exceptions.

>> No.21488025

Let me guess, you were raised in a split household, with them probably being left leaning as well. You’ve rotted your brain on porn or erotica, and now have a sexual arousal to bring feminine. You spent too much time with discord trannys rather than with irl friends. And society has convinced you this is a good thing. You might have been a homosexual from the beginning and if that’s true don’t take the fucking girly pills. No gay men will want to fuck you and all you’ll have is degenerate zoomer coomers idolizing you but they will be just as weak and faggy as you are. It really just sounds like a fetish, and you shouldn’t destroy your body over a fetish. Talk to a priest to get this shit sorted out before it destroys your life

>> No.21488103

Today I learnt that /lit/ users are all closeted trannies

>> No.21488248

The Left Hand of Darkness

>> No.21488560

you are young and insecure. pro-tip: everybody around your age is.
being gay and the omnipresence of gender politics fools you into the believe that gender is your main problem. it's not, you just are a fucking insecure kid.
it's easy to say "grow up", "accept yourself", but in the end, that's what you have to achieve, somehow. there's no easy shortcut to self acceptance, everybody has to walk their path.
at some point you'll realize that nobody really knows what the fuck they are doing. we all just stumble through life and try to make the best of it. some try to fit into roles, be extra macho, be the cringy /pol/ autist, be the sporty guy, be the tranny, whatever. fuck roles, you are you.
if your social environment isn't accepting you as you are, you have to change it. either you make them understand you, which can be hard, or you'll find somebody new who does. people need positive experiences with other people.
don't do anything that you can't reverse and that you might regret in the long term. everything might be shit right now, but it will get better, at some point. you might have to put work in, but it will get better.

>> No.21488571

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”




>One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.

yes we should definitely trust these people, nothing suspicious going on in here, these are just individuals who want to express themselves and be left alone, not brainwashed tools of a totalitarian corporate social engineering agenda /s.

>> No.21488580

start with the classics >>>/lgbt/29055654

>> No.21488597

John, a 50 year-old genetic male, medical research scientist, married (23 years), father of three children aged 20, 17 and 7, phoned me after experiencing a panic attack severe enough to require emergency attention from paramedics at the airport on his way to give a presentation at a conference. John gave me only his first name and informed me that I was the first to be told what he was about to tell me. He said he was "gender dysphoric" and that he was "desperate." Feelings that were once "controllable through sheer force of will," had increased to where he now was having protracted periods where he would close his office door, lie on the floor and weep quietly while curled up in the fetal position, holding his genitals in pain. Other than intrusive and repeated fantasies of being female, he had refused to allow himself any overt form of female gender expression. He reported feeling that if he was to cross-dress and be caught, he would dishonor his wife and family. Having attained international recognition for his work, he was also concerned about his professional reputation. The only other form of temporary relief came through masturbating, often up to five times a day.
Our work together over the last three years has been slow. However, with the help of extensive individual, group, and family psychotherapy, augmented by estrogen replacement therapy, with the full permission of his family, John has recently taken on a female name and is living full time in the female gender role. She is in the process of renewing and redefining her relationship with her family, and has successfully returned to work after an extended leave of absence.

>> No.21488629

everytime i feel the slightest twinge of sympathy for lgbt i remember this and go back to feeling an overwhelming feeling of hatred and murderous rage

>> No.21488639

ah yes our politically correct friends at the corporate social engineering and propaganda/ child molestation community. if you have any problem with any of these you should go check your privilege and submit for reeducation until you love big brother and replace any semblance of independent thought with the democratic party platform

>> No.21488642
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Religtards are insane.
>talk to a priest about sexual issues
kek, even

>> No.21488652


Christopher and His Kind

>> No.21488653

implying LGBTSJWTFNPC isnt just a religion thats like christianity with triple the slave morality and quintuple the child raping and minus the aesthetics

>> No.21488659

>my child rapist is a better spiritual guru than your child rapist
compelling argument

>> No.21488676

i mean at least the catholic church kept the child raping tasteful and discreet, drag queen story hours or twerking boy catamites at pride or trans children genital mutilation, well that's just crass, and that's speaking as a longtime nonce.

>> No.21488684

Both are retarded, but there's an argument to be made that not putting up a front is at least more honest. Half of what fucks people up in religion is the repression aspect.

>> No.21488728

The Sisters of Dorley

>> No.21488920 [DELETED] 

>der spiegel complaining about the sexualization of children
in the 70s, forgot which issue there was a nude child model on one of their covers.

children as a whole are less sexualized than they ere in the 70s, you used to be able to buy nudie mags with children on them and countries like denmark were known for producing legal CP.

times have changed a lot

>> No.21488942

every assumption in your post is completely and utterly wrong

>> No.21488983

Fucked up how this whole website is just /pol/ now. And not even cool cynical 2012 /pol/, it's just Facebook boomer trumptard /pol/. What happened?

>> No.21489053

what do you mean? What is wrong with the thread?

>> No.21489135

/pol/ sperging is a very particular type of sperging where you declare your opinion as fact and don't have any evidence to back it up, or really any coherent argument of any sort

>> No.21489916

Who was sperging?

>> No.21489921

You need help coping with being a beautiful man? Or are you one of those ugly feminine men?

>> No.21489982

I feel ugly :(

>> No.21490055

Im thinking we are gonna need to see your body to judge....

>> No.21490085

I am severely underweight...

>> No.21490338

Post bod. That's how I like it.

>> No.21490721

Makeup and clothes does not make you effeminate in actual looks and behaviour. Tyranny logic.

>> No.21491930

I posted my face before and people said I look like a girl, I posted my face and anons said I sound like a woman. People tell me I have 'female mannerisms'. My own mother thinks I behave effeminately.

It's reality :*

>> No.21491957
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Please be my boyfriend.

>> No.21491962
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you fucking cunt

>> No.21491964
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what tf do you even want from us ? advice ? books ? HRT ??

>> No.21491966

I have too low self esteem for BF.
A hug.

>> No.21491981

Why do trannies shit up every board? Go home.

>> No.21491986

I am not a tranny though I said so multiple times

>> No.21491989
File: 376 KB, 720x405, angry sheeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the /lit/erature board not a silly /hug/ board
hug your mother or some stuffed toy I guess

>> No.21491991

I did both those things today, but something is still missing :(

>> No.21492000
File: 53 KB, 800x600, chimp throwing stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what's missing

>> No.21492002

yeah, my cock is missing from your ass

>> No.21492005

Okay :)

>> No.21492043

Why are you lying? I don't understand.

>> No.21492083
File: 146 KB, 2048x1536, bd6e76c22cc98fa2736e3b4e40938dd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came into this thread looking for some gay books to read and instead i get a load of retard drivel... do any of you even read?

>> No.21492121

Why would I lie? Why do you think I am trans?

>> No.21492293


>> No.21492311

Forbidden Colours is a good one. Pulled myself off to it once I did.

>> No.21492312

Because you're pathetic, boasting about effeminate behaviour, and basically want to be kept as a house pet without doing a lick of work. You're a parasite creating thinly veiled threads to go 'teehee i'm soooo not a tranny ;)))' whilst, like society at large, you contribute absolutely nothing to this board. Please, please leave. Trannies have not and will not ever contribute to art.

>> No.21492313
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Forget your mom. You have your own identity, so don't be ashamed of that. lean into it. as long as you don't act like a freak, people won't treat you like a freak. look at Mark Bryan. He rocks heels better than most women. Besides, it's your life, and you have to live it. Are you really going to deprive yourself of something you enjoy?

>> No.21492315

also your mother shouldn't be going through your fucking room

>> No.21492335

I'm not boasting about my femininity I am insecure about it and it causes me pain.
She was 'cleaning' it. She has every right to since I don't pay rent. :/

>> No.21492342

>Trannies have not and will not ever contribute to art.
Yeah, only the repressed ones do.

>> No.21492347

>She was 'cleaning' it. She has every right to since I don't pay rent. :/
maybe technically, but not ethically. get a lock for your door.

>> No.21492348

>my femininity causes me woes
uh huh.

>> No.21492366

I don't understand what you mean

>> No.21492370

you claimed your femininity makes you unhappy yet you have all of the tranny shit to try to make yourself more feminine, because you're lying human trash, tranny

>> No.21492409
File: 28 KB, 299x213, mfw thinking of you hurting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21492415

It's not tranny shit why does removing my body hair make me a tranny??

>> No.21492421

>still playing coy
i'm done with you.

>> No.21492430

I'm not playing coy why does removing body hair make someone trans? It doesn't. It's people like you putting people into boxes and telling people they're not allowed to do 'girl stuff' the reason trannies exist in the first place!!

>> No.21492434
File: 18 KB, 230x219, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this thread still up

>> No.21492435

just show bussy already

>> No.21492436

do you have excessive body hair ? like med or SA tier ?

>> No.21492439

I am a med

>> No.21492457

it's over...

>> No.21492459
File: 90 KB, 800x732, 1671219486614716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend, you will never be a woman. You are very confused. Your mom is right. Stop watching porn, stop watching youtube, get the fuck off the internet. Exercise every day, hang out with your peers IRL, and take up a hobby. You could be on the cusp of permanently fucking up your life, but you still have time to go back.

>> No.21492464

Why are you giving me empty generic advice when you didn't even read this thread...

>> No.21492468

it doesn't want advice anon, it's shitposting like all trannies do for nothing more than attention.

>> No.21492470
File: 87 KB, 750x877, 1hjl4u7xw1m91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a man who wears makeup, that's all I really need to know. And whatever an epilator is.

>> No.21492480

I don't look like that.

>> No.21492488

Ah, Marshennikov. good taste.

>> No.21492490

it just pulls your hair out. it's an alternative to a razor

>> No.21492495
File: 421 KB, 1080x1575, 311486963_5521735717881637_2993540658599531180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you want to look like?

>> No.21492505

I look as feminine as I sound. >>21485835
My personality is also the same. :p

>> No.21492512

>pls pls just treat me like I'm normal!
>here are all the ways I'm not normal

>> No.21492522
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Whatever dude, you just want attention and good job, you have clearly succeeded. Next time take this shit to /lgbt/

>> No.21492525

Those two aren't contradictory though, how should I be treated then?
I want acceptance.

>> No.21492532

>I want acceptance.
Not book recommendations. Lying fucking tranny. Kill yourself.

>> No.21492535

you can use a trimmer instead of an epilator
I too considered an epilator but if you want to remain rent free inside your mother's house then a trimmer would be much more less feminine looking to your mother

>> No.21492543

I'm sorry.
It's too late for that :(

>> No.21492548

You're sorry you got caught for your attention seeking bullshit. You lied repeatedly about it. Leave this board, don't come back.

>> No.21492552
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>> No.21492776

As someone who likes women with deeper than average voices, you don't even begin to pass as a male voice. Still curious to catch up on the thread and see what bait you've been up to.

>> No.21492789

What, I am a male lol.

>> No.21492806

Only if you have some kind of endocrine problem that stunted the deepening of your voice. Anyway: cute grill.

>> No.21492813

I can talk in a deep voice too my intonation changes depending on the circumstance. I do laugh and scream like a girl tho

>> No.21492816

Okay, post a vocaroo where you use a deeper voice.

>> No.21492825


>> No.21492826

No, post vocaroo of you giggling

>> No.21492828

I can't fake giggle :(

>> No.21492842

lol, this some sort of /lgbt/ raid? These are clearly not the same person. I remember some shit like this on /b/ in like 2007.

>> No.21492851


>> No.21492861

Your two voices aren't even remotely similar despite them being in similar ranges. (Different timbres, I think is the term.) Tell the girl in your team that she's got a mad cute voice and that I would love to spend a day reading in bed with her.

>> No.21492869

Too short; not convinced.
Could you read a section of your favorite book?

>> No.21492887

Trannies do this shit because they literally have nothing else to do all day. At least fags get jobs.

>> No.21492891

Well one of them is a cute grill so I hope she keeps posting voice clips to "prove" she's the same person as the troon.

>> No.21492892

Stop calling me a tranny!!!!!!

>> No.21492894

>Stop calling me a tranny!!!!!!
Sorry, 'a male with an introverted penis'.