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/lit/ - Literature

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21484452 No.21484452 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good beginner books about politics in general/political science/

I realized that I barely know anything more in depth

>> No.21484469

Try asking google.

>> No.21484521

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21484534

Just ignore politics. Don't even start with it. It's just a useless brain poison that gets you to waste years on meaningless garbage that doesn't change anything anyway.

>> No.21484691

Read Chomsky. The Precipice is good. Why? Because he does an exceptional job at analyzing the most dominating force in the world. Even if you don’t agree with him here and there you won’t find yourself denying his analysis in general. Especially if you’re American it’s a good read but even if you’re not it is. And it’s modern so it’ll get you thinking about right now.

>> No.21485360
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Nineteen Eighty Four, The Road to Wigan Pier, Animal Farm. Then start with the Greeks.
People say Orwell is entry level, but that isn't a bad thing for someone who is at the level of entry. On the contrary; he is superb for it.
A familiarity with the Greco-Roman heritage used to be required for intellectual life for a reason. Starting with the Greeks is one of the best "memes" on 4chan because it actually tricks some propagandized zoomers into sticking with it and breaking their chains.

>> No.21485367


>> No.21485381

If you are a Marxist, just read Sorel's Reflections and nothing else.

>> No.21485709 [DELETED] 

Illusions of Progress would be a better fit as an introduction to general politics

>> No.21486416

If you are a Marxist then go with your feelings, books will only further confuse you.

>> No.21486544
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>> No.21486585

Get a book that's like "An Introduction to Political Theory", there's any amount of them floating through the ether. If you want to read primary sources then find a reading list from an undergraduate pol sci course online and start there...if you want to dive in deeper, most textbooks will have a further reading section at the end of each chapter