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21483119 No.21483119 [Reply] [Original]

There are no better feelings than being right.

>> No.21483121

Too bad that there isn't such a thing as being right.
You should invest in rhetoric to feel good even when you're wrong.

>> No.21483122

oh, you're going to be miserable your entire life and you'll probably blame everyone else

>> No.21483127

Epiphany is better. Satisfaction at the completion of a momentous undertaking is better. Recognition of genius is better. To love and be loved is better. Respect is better. There are many better feelings.

>> No.21483129
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>write the most compelling argument known to man
>make a spelling mistake
>hide the thread and pretend it never happened

>> No.21483179

Why don’t you ask why op feels this way already? The cope continues

>> No.21483565


>> No.21484093

Incorrect. The best feeling is a loved one calling upon your expertise in a scenario where nobody else knows you and then everyone saying to your loved one "you were right; he [knows how to do this]".

Being right is only fun if against adversity, for example, remaining right against prevailing arguments to the contrary, or after seeking the answer with great effort and guile. I am always right about the fact I have one knee per leg, but it is not a great feeling to be right about that.

In conclusion, OP is 12.

>> No.21484120
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Being right is the absolute worst feeling
The most bone chilling words in existence is "i was right again."

>> No.21484202

being right is the famous cope for people that can't ACT. the best feeling is having power.

>> No.21484242

>basing your best off others

>> No.21485359

Best feeling I perhaps ever had was when I asked a girl out for the first time ever. I’m almost 30, khh down, v to go. I expect the feeling of finally having done that to surpass it. All the years of self doubt flying off my shoulder. It felt incredible. My god, you’ve gotta try it anons

>> No.21485377

My favorite feeling in a confrontational situation is to find common ground and change the other's mind (or at least get them to acknowledge the logical consistency of a position we might both disagree with) just a bit - bonus points if there is something I need to learn/shift my perspective on and it is something I genuinely want to dive into.

>> No.21485518

I like being corrected and learning something. Very few people have the ability to appreciate it

>> No.21485588

This. Learning is better than an ego boost which ultimately is worth nothing

>> No.21485590

Not always, I have enjoyed being wrong numbers of times

>> No.21485648


>> No.21485660

>I like being corrected
beta male

>> No.21485719
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Nothin' personnel

>> No.21485725

Does 2+2=4?

>> No.21485727

God is gay. He wants men to worship him and call him daddy while kneeling to take his body into their mouths.

Christianity is a psyop designed to feminize white men.

>> No.21485733

Stop posting this dumb crap. It wasn't clever the first time.

>> No.21485735
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>> No.21485736

Wisdom, preach.

>> No.21485740

Oh boy, you sure showed me.

>> No.21485741

meant for

>> No.21485762

Why does the Word of God make you seethe so much?

>> No.21485770

imagine having to share a planet run by people who believe in magic

>> No.21485775

btfo'd instantly

>> No.21485796

A rod for the fool's back.

>> No.21485815

imagine believing you and everyone you know are literally soulless machines

>> No.21485828

If you left the church and adopted my POV, you'd think everyone was "soulless" too.
And yet, those feelings you used to identify with the soul are still there.
What I'm saying is, souls aren't real, but souls are just a name for a process that is real.

>> No.21485864

>capitalizes POV
Coomer thinks he's a real man lol.

>> No.21485866

Ok, that was funny. But I don't watch (that kind of) porn frfr.
Please respond to the substance of my post.

>> No.21485912
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I don't identify the soul with feelings. My soul is why there's anybody there to feel those feelings at all. It's the pattern of becoming that's instantiated in my body at the moment but doesn't just disappear when my body is destroyed, the same way a song still exists even if nobody is currently playing it. My soul is the metaphysical foundation for my unity as a being and my identity as a person. It's what allows me to experience my life as a continuous narrative of self-development undertaken by a conscious agent rather than a sequence of disparate events driven by an assortment of motivational systems with no higher unity than their cohabitation in a single body.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.21485925
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You still aren't really addressing my post.
Substitute "feelings" for all the stuff you just said. If you hypothetically gave up religion right now, all those things you mentioned are still concepts that exist *to you*, you must just now accept they come from a place different to what you had thought.

>> No.21485964

>a song still exists even if nobody is currently playing it
What happens humanity was wiped out along with all copies of the recorded song?

>> No.21485999

It's definitely opiates

>> No.21486010

But why would I do that? I like believing that human beings are made for a higher purpose and life is a gift from someone who loves us.

>> No.21486022

iunno, if there was only 1 thing in the universe would the number 2 still exist?

>> No.21486032

It's a thought excercise showing that what you call a "soul" does not require religion.

>> No.21486044

Off the top of my head, I'd say no. I'm too lazy to try to figure out if you've just bamboozled me though.

>> No.21486051


>> No.21486060


>> No.21487242

Only under certain axioms we presuppose. 2+2=4 as arbitrarily as any nonsense statement is true.

>> No.21488095
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>argues semantics like a jew

>> No.21488624
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I, too, preciate the scintilating reverberative confirmation of syncord.

>> No.21488633

>nuance is Jewish
Spoken like a true redneck.

>> No.21488673

except making off-topic garbage threads, of course

>> No.21488895

There are mathematicians who will say it's not objectively true.

>> No.21488905

>You're goddamn right I'm right, I can't remember a time I was goddamn wrong!