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/lit/ - Literature

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21482878 No.21482878 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna write a five-act play about the tragic transformation of nikocado avocado, give me some themes to explore

>> No.21482886

coin slots

>> No.21482889

You should just kill yourself so you never come back to this board

>> No.21482890

Imagine the smell.

>> No.21482908

no really i believe this will work, think macbeth just a lot more disgusting

>> No.21482914

If that's the progress a fattie can make in 6 years, imagine what you could achieve with the same discipline in writing.

>> No.21482919

You are not going to write a word. Kill yourself.

>> No.21482929

>waa waa kys kys
is this the best you can do?

>> No.21482937

screw it, i'm asking /b/, you guys are useless

>> No.21482944

'cado on the 'log

>> No.21482989

>the death of religion
>fetishism and self identity
>our decreasing connection to agriculture

>> No.21483010

>the death of religion
him quitting veganism
>fetishism and self identity
self explanatory
>our decreasing connection to agriculture
i don't get what this means so i can't link it to his life

>> No.21483636

>nikocado avocado
holy fuck shit, that's this guy?
for the longest time I've seen this "nikocado avocado ass" meme and I thought for the longest time that it was that brown anime girl with a similar name

>> No.21483940

The weird homoerotic tension he has with Oompaville.
Oompaville has his Beatrice.

>> No.21483951

>give me themes
>it’s like macbeth
>just informed the literature board he does not understand macbeth
Wait until you graduate high school, bub

>> No.21484669

Nice anon, the future generation must know about his sacrifice.

>> No.21484672

Put a part where he starts eating himself inside a mukbang

>> No.21484698

Unironically based. I don't think I've ever seen a burgerpunk play before.

>> No.21484713

Write a book that's a big fat disgrace?

>> No.21484717

>The way the internet affects people's minds



>> No.21484735

why are his eyes and mouth dark red?

>> No.21484739
File: 204 KB, 1080x865, 1626632224593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Baudrillard's Fatal Strategies

>> No.21484743
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>> No.21484894

It's just photoshopped. Have you ever been on the internet? Everyone photoshops their clickbait horseshit with improbable, hyperbolic, bizarre effects to grab one's attention away from anything vaguely normal. It's the most degrading form of advertising but it appeals to a human curiosity which too often goes hand in hand with depravity.

>> No.21484995

This is fantastic.

>> No.21485022
File: 1.68 MB, 2098x1576, hellcado_part_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the inevitability of suffering

>> No.21485311

i was talking about the noble hero turned murderous psycopath part, that's why i'm asking for themes. if you don't know what an analogy is, you're the one who should leave the literature board

>> No.21485369

>I'm gonna write a five-act play about the tragic transformation of nikocado avocado, give me some themes to explore
Is this your first five act tragedy?

If this is your first five act tragedy you need to consider which mode of tragedy:
* Aristotelean
* Shakespearean
* Brechtean

The simplest thing to do would be to model off the best Tragedy ever written by man, Titus Andronicus. Obviously he will need to be fed his own man babies.

What absurdity, fate or hubris is he in denial of?

>> No.21485384
File: 1.01 MB, 531x768, 556EC0C6-AB7F-4CB2-9E03-A3E4D81DE866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are it’s nihilist expression, that of the general incoherence of signs, morphologies, forms of alimentation and of the city - hypertrophied cellular tissue, proliferating in all directions.

holy kino

>> No.21485386

Lack of responsibility for our consumption. Not working for your food, especially in his case. No connection to the animal you are eating.

>> No.21485428


ANTHRONICA (SNR.) ENTRANT: My abortion eaten up by the vacuum pump yet still my pubis and vulva distend yearning to birth that self-same monstrosity which causes of my people a hatred of their own oppressor in the form of its own liberation: STALIN. Like STALIN my toothéd cunt chews itself and needs dentistry as if the dome of my whole hole door is full with emptiness. My womb cries out as if filled with saline fit to birth monsters on this world just as the false pregnancy of revolution birthed not freedom to live but freedom from life itself. Yet, hold, what this? Three witches seated on my Nation's demise:

THE WORLD WIDE WEB sit, shoving long ladles into their collective pot (please note: this is a cunt metaphor, and pretty much every metaphor is going to be a cunt metaphor, he is a man cunt.)

A: BEAUTEOUS Maidens of all our fates, you sit here frigging your hole.

[In act 5 he chooses to starve himself to death, FOR STALIN)

>> No.21485686

>the will to self-destruction, self-sabotage, etc.
>authentic self-expression being corrupted by the need to please an audience
>how modern technology allows us to explore realms of pathological behavior undreamt-of by our ancestors.

>> No.21485699

>My abortion eaten up by the vacuum pump yet still my pubis and vulva distend yearning to birth that self-same monstrosity which causes of my people a hatred of their own oppressor in the form of its own liberation
I literally cannot believe how bad this is given how hard you tried.

>> No.21485737

There is a French one already written, it’s called muck bang. The first half is really good in a way only neets can understand.

>> No.21485785

doesn't even sound like it was written by a human

>> No.21485886

I didn't try very hard at all. If I tried I'd probably write seven works of juvenalia to get the vomit out of my system. Probably by "correcting" existing works into tragedies. I'd go Hollywood and work fake acts 2 and 4 into their system.

If you thought I exerted effort then you need to work on your reading skills. About the only useful things I discovered were preg-bortion and the Golodomor. Though thank makes me think that Nestor Makhno probably needs to be a character.

>> No.21485890

>no longer even human

>> No.21486138

This lard ass just bought a 2.2 million pent house in Vegas, all made from his disgusting lifestyle. That's the real story waiting to be written, how western capitalism in the 21st century facilitates something like this.

>> No.21486165

I'd rather be poor senpai

>> No.21486251

You already are poor if you post on 4chan.

>> No.21486314

He can hire a personal trainer and lose all the weight in a year, face zero consequences from it, and live wealthy forever (if he's smart). American society allowed him to do it.

>> No.21486633

You can't hire someone to make you not a cunt though. People have been trying since Freud and they've failed every time.

>> No.21486897

This, include something about imagining the smell.

>> No.21486914

He's rich, that is all that matters in modern society.

>> No.21486915

>imagine the smell
>ponder the aroma
>savor the flavor

>> No.21486922


Imagine willfully destroying your body for youtube likes.

>> No.21486944

>He's rich, that is all that matters in modern society.
Which sociologist, cultural anthropologist or social historian are you using for that?

Oh wait, you're an incurable. Don't think of it as suicide. Think of it as raping your mum with an abortion.

>> No.21487159

>Put a part where he starts eating himself
I'm 100% sure this man's life will end with something horrifying like that

>> No.21487167

Cogitate the bouquet

>> No.21487174

>Which sociologist, cultural anthropologist or social historian are you using for that?
Keep hiding behind books. Money is ultimate freedom in a postmodern capitalist society.

>> No.21487190

>Which sociologist, cultural anthropologist or social historian are you using for that?
God this is such a cringe and gay thing to say

Equally fucking gay, just stop, both of you

>> No.21487334

Not only rich buy highly visible and even more well-respected probably, because being rich and famous is a virtue by itself, and not being rich and famous means you have low value as a human being. These people are objectively more valuable to this world. It's really soul-crushing. I see this a lot in creative venues, people seem to have this reverence for success even when it comes from disgusting shit like this guy's (I imagine) fat fetish odyssey. It's depressing to think about. It's like evil has completely and inexorably won down to the very hearts and minds of the common people.

>> No.21487344

A common adage is "money isn't everything" but in this world what else can you even get? There's nothing left. There's no love, no concept of reputation, no concept of loyalty, no concept of good, no respect, not even petty things like getting asspats by fellow intellectuals. It's all a meat grinder to get to a dollar. If you don't participate to the rat race for that dollar, what are you doing it for? What else is there to get? It drives me insane sometimes. That narrative would work when you could actually get other things from people, but as of today you just get nothing, or better, you get mockery and people spitting on you, taking out their frustrations on you, kicking you if you ever fall down because they're all pissed they're not getting that dollar. I hate this world so much.

>> No.21487489

I heard about this guy on the radio. Pretty fascinating, they didn't mention he's a flamboyant poofter.
Epic Meal Time had similar subject matter and was far more entertaining without being considered mukbang.

>> No.21488200

> looking for direction/attention/appreciation that you do not get in todays society
> finding means to get that, which also provide a stable income, however, it slowly kills you
> start doing it anyway, since it gives you all you ever desired
> realizing too late what you have become and finding that you are not strong enough to turn
> surrendering to what you see as your fate as your mind and body slowly decay

>> No.21488232
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How does this even happen to a person. Its like being fat makes you dumb

>> No.21488296

bro you don't get it, they're doing it ironically, it's an act and those are just their internet personae, they eat healthy and are thin when they aren't recording

>> No.21488406
File: 85 KB, 474x875, OIgfdhfghP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you stop being blackpilled and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and surrender your will to His, life becomes a million times more livable and meaningful.

>> No.21488448

>being fat makes you dumb
It literally does. The brain needs a lot of blood to do its job, and if you compromise your cardiovascular health you limit your brain's efficacy.

>> No.21489283

Did a quick write-up for ya buddy. Venmo me if u wanna use it...
Act I: Nikocado Avocado is a successful and popular YouTube personality, known for his "mukbang" videos where he eats large quantities of food while interacting with his audience. He is charming and energetic, and his followers adore him.

Act II: As Nikocado's fame grows, he becomes more and more obsessed with maintaining his image and increasing his subscriber count. He begins to sacrifice his personal relationships and his own health for the sake of his career.

Act III: Nikocado's constant focus on his online persona takes a toll on his mental health, and he becomes increasingly erratic and paranoid. He starts to lash out at his friends and family, accusing them of trying to bring him down.

Act IV: In a fit of desperation, Nikocado makes a series of disastrous decisions that ruin his reputation and alienate his fan base. He becomes isolated and depressed, turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms to numb the pain.

Act V: Despite attempts by those close to him to help, Nikocado's downward spiral continues until he ultimately hits rock bottom. He is left alone, with nothing but the wreckage of his once-thriving career and the realization that he has lost everything that once mattered to him.

>> No.21489305

Here's like a monologue Nikocado could do at the end of the play or something: "I stand here today, a shadow of the man I once was. The bright light of my career has been extinguished, and all that is left is darkness and regret.

I was blinded by my own ambition, consumed by the need to be the best, the most popular, the most loved. And in the pursuit of that goal, I lost sight of what truly mattered.

I sacrificed my relationships, my health, my happiness. And in the end, it was all for nothing.

I stand here, alone, surrounded by the ruins of my once-thriving career. And all I can think is, 'What have I done?'

I can never turn back time, and I can never undo the harm that I have caused. All I can do is try to learn from my mistakes and move forward, hoping to find some sense of redemption in the future.

But for now, I am left with only the weight of my own tragedy, and the knowledge that I am responsible for my own downfall. The tragic transformation of Nikocado Avocado is complete."