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/lit/ - Literature

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21475476 No.21475476 [Reply] [Original]

You can eradicate all philosophical literature in a timespan ranging from one date of your choice until the present. Which date do you choose?

>> No.21475486


>> No.21475488

I would eradicate every kind of literature ever written. The neolithic revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21475505

German Idealism after Kant, maybe leave out Schelling and Fichte, removing all of Hegel-Marx would make the world a lot better

>> No.21476365

The last 6 months
Clearly there's a supernatural force at work here. Make people question reality and work to exploit it without really upsetting the world that much.

>> No.21476368

paulo freire

>> No.21476372


>> No.21476377


>> No.21476384

All classical Greece. Why? Cuz I can.

>> No.21476386

Explain to a brainlet why /lit/ seems to hate Focault. I haven’t read him yet

>> No.21476388


>> No.21476395

He was a homosexual.

>> No.21476408

He was a pedophile.

>> No.21476426

Homosexual pedophile.

>> No.21476433

He was gay and a pedophile and I'm tired of hearing girls talk about power dynamics

>> No.21476437

Foucault is dead, so /lit/ can't top him.

>> No.21476440

So was Oscar Wilde

>> No.21477258

But Oscar Wilde didnt sexually abuse Algerian children.

>> No.21477260

All of the "Enlightenment"

>> No.21477263

he was correct and a pedophile but those positives are outweighed by his homosexuality

>> No.21477274

Its not much about his work
But about the person
The dude was sick and degenerate

But most of his work is as a minimum entreating to read

>> No.21477284

Thales of Miletus

>> No.21477321

>humanity reverts to the middle ages
hmm good job

>> No.21477421

You misspelt advances

>> No.21477559


>> No.21477908

But Saint Augustine?

>> No.21477928

>not the little Algerian kidderinos

>> No.21478078

Focault was a heavyweight mind and these replies tell me how shit this board has become. Hardly any of you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about. Your average /lit/ post is hardly better than the average facebook post these days.

>> No.21478089

50,000 B.C.

>> No.21478106

In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law. The primary argument behind the petition was the disparity in age of consent created by a previous piece of legislation, which made heterosexual sex legal at the age of 15, but prohibited sodomy and similar acts until age 18.

A number of French intellectuals—including Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Louis Aragon, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, Bernard Besret [fr] and various prominent doctors and psychologists—signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of reformation of age of consent laws.

>> No.21478107


>> No.21478146

You don't need to repeat yourself

>> No.21478752

AIDS-infected paedophile sodomite faggot bugger homosexual proto-tranny working class LARPer cultural Marxist cultural relativist founder of modern identity politics who raped kids thinks everything’s about who has more power over who and no other human motivation is real. Really makes you think!

>> No.21478854

Homosexual and paedophile are synonyms.

>> No.21478887
File: 24 KB, 579x110, most cited man in academia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault made marxoids and psychoanalysts seethe but that's not a difficult or very meaningful achievement. He got his extreme notoriety from writing on meme subjects.

>> No.21478977
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well put fren

>> No.21478993

He was a French homosexual pedophile who disseminated intellectual viruses to destroy Germanic Civilization

>> No.21479324

>absorbed him with his fist
is this how faggots teach one another? no wonder it's such a pervasive illness within the intelligentsia

>> No.21479353

All atheist shit

>> No.21479738

He dismissed cultural constructions without considering why they exist. He is a man who would look at a house and tell you everything about it except its purpose, which he would say when prompted had to do with man projecting power over nature, lol. He was super intelligent but suffered from the kind of intellectual myopia so common in academics where they explain the entire world using their own pet theory.

>> No.21479847

they haven't read him either, they love to reference the "he was a pedo" thing but there's basically no evidence for that beyond the dumb but often misunderstood petition

>> No.21479864

I've read some things by him. It wasn't worth my time.
To resume in a few words:
>everything is subjective
>every stablished order is enforced in the individual
>every individual is inescapably subjective
>being a degenerate faggot is a true expression of subjectivity
>therefore all stablished order is wrong and I, Foucault the Fag, am right!

>> No.21480328

Although the other answers said the truth - that he was a homopedo - it should also be noticed that a lot of the woke ideology stems from Foucault (and the french theory school with Deleuze, Deridda, Lacan and others). The main topic is that knowledge is power, and so that any institution linked to knowledge is just projecting its power. Therefore, it's implied that science, justice, state institutions are just plainly coercive with no other goal that to keep people in check.

>> No.21480353

>a lot of the woke ideology stems from Foucault (and the french theory school with Deleuze, Deridda, Lacan and others).
No it doesn't. Wokeness is just applied Anti-Whiteness (creating demographics to use as Bioleninist fodder against Whites), which is just Frankfurt School 101. The entire reason that Deleuze, Lacan, Foucault, Derrida, etc got kicked out of Marxism is because they rejected the Frankfurt school. Feel free to go through A Thousand Plateaus and see Deleuze (and Guattari) not only reify objective truth but also epistemological realism (that there's a world outside of our minds) and take a big shit on Marxist historiography, eschatology, soteriology, etc.

>Therefore, it's implied that science, justice, state institutions are just plainly coercive with no other goal that to keep people in check.
This is also Marxism 101, and the rejection of this is precisely why Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Lacan, etc got, again, kicked out of Marxism by the remaining Talmudic geezers from back in Magnus Hirschfeld's day and their progeny.

The entire Foucault vs Chomsky debate came down to Foucault sadistically teasing Chomsky by making him admit this (that Marxism necessarily requires a rejection of objective truth). Foucault's entire project is about critiquing Liberalism and Marxism, namely by pointing out that everything is about power, the lack of objective truth, etc.

>> No.21480375

Lol, 3 controversial opinions wrapped in one