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/lit/ - Literature

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21473364 No.21473364 [Reply] [Original]

astrology edition
previous >>21465821

>> No.21473368

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.21473386

Having a gf us good when she reduces your impulses for escapism. The quality of a gf is proportional to her capacity to get you off self destructive, instant gratification behavior. The more you still indulge in addictive and self loathing behavior the worse your relationship is.

>> No.21473391

>a good girlfriend is a mommy and a therapist

>> No.21473394

i don't know what to do right now

>> No.21473412

What is someone supposed to do when you want to publish things but all you get is disappointment and stress when you put them out there; yet if you keep it all to yourself you feel demotivated and burnt out because there's no real reason to work on the thing at all? How do I find peace? I am so tired of working on things and putting them out there and feeling like I'm wasting bandwidth and then taking everything down and feeling even worse. People say "just do it for yourself" I don't know how the fuck to do it. Can I even learn it? It's like I'm told I'm an attention whore but that's exactly what's holding me back because everyone else seems to be maniacally focused on getting attention in one way or the other. Even some dude going BRAAAPP HAUHHEAUHUEHUEHEUEH manages better than me simply because he's loud. I don't know how to navigate this situation. I just want my shit to be seen and maybe appreciated a little bit.
I've been doing this shit for years and years and it's torturing me. I can't quit making things but at the same time I just feel this drive to put it out there but doing that makes me suffer and every time I take things down I suffer even more. It's like I'm stuff in a harmful spiral. I just want to succeed a little bit in something, just once. Why is it so fucking hard?

>> No.21473439

And I know I'm whining but my health lately has been really bad, everything went to the shitter. This is the only thing I'm complaining about of all the shit that's happening to me. Just having a little outlet where I get a tiny bit of satisfaction would mean so much to me but it's fucking impossible. I put so much work into things. If only I got a little push I'd just keep working and working but somehow the guy going BRAAP HEHUAHEUHAUEHAUEHAE manages to capture everyone's attention effortlessly every single fucking time and I feel like I'm worse than that guy. Why can't I get a little bit of satisfaction, fucking hell, why. It's like God has decided to fuck me thoroughly and completely. Why can't I even quit this shit if it's so hopeless? I'm so fucking tired of always losing and failing

>> No.21473478

I think he means in the sense she makes you want to dedicate yourself to fulfilling pursuits instead of escaping reality through fiction. At least that’s how I interpreted it. During both relationships I had I always started wanting to do new things and better myself and as the bullshit pilled on I felt completely drained and could barely function, to the point I barely had the energy to do anything besides sleeping and distracting myself. I ended up breaking it off both times because the vampires I was with could do nothing but drain me more and more and didn’t give a shit about the fact our relationship was driving me towards becoming a catatonic husk.

>> No.21473487

I never had a gf. I'm too broken even for a girls who have "I can fix him" attitude.

>> No.21473533

Now, seriously, be honest with yourself about what would constitute “being seen ad appreciated” to you. A lot of anons are too hard on themselves and think anything besides absolute success is an abject failure. Hell, I do it myself. I managed to have a short story published in a collection during my first try and the only thing I could think was that it wasn’t one of the texts selected to be on the highlights section of the book and probably no one would read it.
Doing things for yourself comes from enjoying the process itself. You will be a very frustrated creator if you don’t do it. Screenwriters understand that very well. Even the professional ones with lots of accolades still have half a dozen scripts sitting in a drawer gathering dust because no one cared for them yet. Bear in mind these were stories important for them and works they spent months or even years refining. Anyone would feel unmotivated if they started to think “I busted my ass writing this and no one cares”. Even if someone ends up buying it there’s always a chance that the entire thing will languish in development hell.
Now, about creating things, I personally see it as a compulsion. I try to ignore ideas because of my own tumultuous relationship with creating, but they just keep coming back again and again. Like, I’ve a couple ideas for computer games, a tv series and fanfiction, I try to let go of them because to me they seem like a giant waste of time and effort, but they keep haunting me.
Anyway, I hope my posted helped you out a bit and if you ever see a text based game about being a supernatural diplomat, a 3D puzzle game where you control an alien handyman or a dungeon crawler about exploring a dystopian version of the bass pro pyramid you’ll know I succumbed to my ideas.

>> No.21473541
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Any of you plan on gettin a job this year

>> No.21473545 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 4480x4480, recursiveselfimprovement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of human creativity has dropped, and I am ever falling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thHVH9g5jOo


>> No.21473552

why can i never remember that goats are caprids? i had to turn on my ipad and look it up in the middle of the night last night or couldn't sleep.

>> No.21473559 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 4480x4480, recursiveselfimprovement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of human creativity has dropped, and I am ever falling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thHVH9g5jOo


>> No.21473590

I do. Just like I planned in 2021 and 2022. God help me, since 2016 it’s been on challenge after another. I know it’s largely my fault, but sometimes I feel at my limit. I see people saying our twenties are the prime of your life and I just feel drained, neurotic and hopeless. Hell, even my teenage years were shit looking back.
Will I get some fucked up bitcoin miner if I download your book, anon?
I can fix him girls usually have that atitude about pieces of shit. Like guys with severe drug addiction, deadbeats and serial cheaters. Being a depressed neet or something like that doesn’t incite these feelings. That’s good actually, the few times I told about my struggles to a female friend they were very honest and compassionate towards me. Probably because I didn’t want anything from them except to let my walls down for a bit and be sincere. I miss those moments, having friend you feel close to is nice.

>> No.21473629

>Doing things for yourself comes from enjoying the process itself.
I am not sure if you're someone who works on things yourself if you're telling me this. Of course I enjoy the process. I have no idea why people always reply with "just enjoy the process!" it feels like such a cope. Nobody in the world just "enjoys the process" in a complete vacuum except low functioning autists who just compulsively shit out the same thing over and over because they have to. A normal person's satisfaction isn't that self-contained, sure I enjoy the process but it's hard to feel motivated when you know that all the shit that's piling up in your room will end up in the trash. I don't want to get existential here but it's hard to go on without one single source of validation, satisfaction, call it whatever you want. I don't want this crazy success either. I'm one of the few people who doesn't care about making money. I'd just like to matter in some way to someone. Then at the same time I see the people going BRAAAP HUEHUEEHUEHEUHUE putting 1% of the work and monopolizing everything effortlessly because they're loud, or because they pull their cock out, I don't know. I don't even want to be mad because people like the guy going BRAP HUEHEUEH, I just feel like my life is useless. I'm wired to feel compelled to work and get really passionate about shit that will always and forever be dead on arrival no matter how hard I work on it. If I try to quit and focus my life on something else I feel like dying, if I try to ignore the aspect of putting my work out there I feel depressed and dissatisfied, if I put the things out there I feel depressed and dissatisfied, so I quit and I feel like shit, then I start again and I think, I want to get out there, then I do it and I feel depressed, so I take things down and I feel worse. I fucking hate this so much.

>> No.21473651
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>I'm even worse than a piece of shit to girls

>> No.21473663

our society is dysgenic

>> No.21473668

reading /lit/ is like experiencing one long episode of Black Books

>> No.21473669

it's always been that

>> No.21473707 [DELETED] 

Here's another site that may seem less dodgy to you: https://archive.org/details/co-creative-evolution-final/mode/2up

>> No.21473788 [DELETED] 

oh no i just saw the mayor of my city will not run for another term. this city has had a great renaissance under this mayor and avoided so many of the problems plaguing other cities post-2020, but due to our success, we have had an influx of white liberals from nyc who will no doubt vote for our next mayor to be some woke who will encourage homelessness, drugs, and crime while trying to shut down the developers building new housing that has kept pressure off rents in the city. it had to happen sooner or later, that guy couldn't be mayor forever. before 2020 i wouldn't have cared, mayors come and go, but after 2020 there's no chance the next mayor will keep things improving. that gives me three years to get out of dodge. no way i can afford a house in the burbs on my current salary. not sure what i should do. go all in on an online business that allows me to work from anywhere or try to bang out an mba at a local school so i can get more pay and move to a new area.

>> No.21473822

That’s not what I meant, anon. The question is, why should you seek approval from people who dedicate their time and effort to those who treat them like shit? Improve your life, but for yourself and those you care about first and foremost. Stop craving the approval of strangers.
Also, read this post to remind yourself of the struggle™:

>> No.21473890

>Stop craving the approval of strangers
That's even a deeper problem for me.

>> No.21473899

I often feel very anxious when I publish anything; even if it will only be seen by like three or four people. Being judged is stressful, but not being judged means that nobody is seeing what you wrote, which is emptying.
Pouring your heart and soul into a story and then having it ignored or spat on (I'm still not sure which is worse) is a very common part of the act of creation.
In general though, I think it's way too early to give up hope. Unless you're likely to die in the next few years, you easily have enough time to find stories you love to write and an audience who loves you for who you are.
There's a story I wrote back in 2014, I put so much effort into it, I tried harder than I'd ever tried before and did better than I'd ever done before, and do you know how many people read it? Zip, zero, goose egg, ghost town, nada. It fucking crushed me. I wrote it off as a total failure and moved on.
Guess what? A couple of weeks ago I found a comment by someone that cared about it for the very first time. It was posted almost eight years after I published the story!
When it comes to writing, it's ALWAYS too early to give up hope.

I think the best thing to do is to just publish wildly without worrying too much what other people will think. Seeking constructive criticism is good, but if you're so scared of how people will react that you're afraid to publish a story you love then you're stressing out too much.
And yes, the most important thing about writing is enjoying it. If you're writing a story that you're proud to have written, even if you're the only person in the world who thinks it's any good, and strive to become a better and better author with every story you write, then you're writing right, no matter what anyone else thinks.

>> No.21473906


>> No.21474061

a gun with no bullets is still a gun

>> No.21474074

son 9of thz burin half lied thz eagle of the shore within the spectral way of liv8ng faggot

>> No.21474136
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I’ve completely given up and can’t function. I don’t even know where to start and it’s been over a year like this. I think I’ll never know where to start. This scares me.

>> No.21474150

why did you give up a year ago?

>> No.21474182

Idk. It’s kind of surreal. I think gradually my larps weren’t working anymore. And I had a hard time figuring out what I should even like. And then suddenly you can’t get out of bed or bother to hang out with family or friends. And then a year goes by and you’re exactly in the same position. I’m not sure how long I can live like this. Surprised I made it a year in hell.

>> No.21474188

The whole is greater than the sun of its parts.

>> No.21474189

I do understand your condition. I've had the same for a couple of years. It feels like I've been left behind by everyone and they understand something that I dont.

>> No.21474257

There is someone watching me. I can tell.

>> No.21474269

Then yell out loud how much your hourly rate is so they owe you money. Soon enough the onus will be on them to pay up

>> No.21474277

explaincels should all be permabanned. thinking should be bannable too if I'm being honest

>> No.21474327
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2023 will be the year <fill in the blank>

>> No.21474479

of mass balkanization of brains

>> No.21474508

Hello, Big Brother!

>> No.21474554

Do you think a highly intelligent although by now somewhat impaired brain-wise due to illness, highly curious 75 year old woman could enjoy the Ghost in the Shell anime series? I think if her brain was in shape the answer would be a definite yes actually, but I worry she isn't used to reading subtitles and it could get to be a bit much to keep track of everything. In principle I think she'd like the show.

>> No.21474561

this is powerful jutsu

>> No.21474578

I have no will anymore. The only thing I want to do is drink and watching mindless entertainment on YouTube until I die. Hope this numbness becomes suicide soon enough

>> No.21474586

Yeah, listen to this guy. A good girlfriend would never help you with anything, in fact how dare you

>> No.21474616

I think there really are times when the only sound thing to do is distract yourself.

>> No.21474643

She probably has better stuff to do with her last decade.

>> No.21474652

Over and over again it gets more evident there's a common global psychosphere of mood, mental state, thinking pattern, that makes everyone feel, act, think, change, in the same way, more or less. It's an understanding, illusive feeling, realization, you stumble upon all the time, it's almost pulpable, you feel it working like gravity, yet it's hard to put it into words.

>> No.21474691

im too close to god, too far from man

>> No.21474692

You have fregoli delusion

>> No.21474791

Oh yeah I remember that

>> No.21474797

Oh yeah, I remember that too

>> No.21474848

Hello again, it’s me, the one who wants to jump in front of a train. I am back from my holiday and still want to jump in front of a train. But luckily it feels somewhat abstract today. I would just rather think about it than think about most anything else and it is distracting me from work so I may as well get it out of my head. I have been thinking about violence in general a lot lately. Some loose idea of many people committing great acts of violence at once. Mass suicides. Waves of fire.
Why don’t people do the violent things that they think about? Why don’t I jump in front of the train? Why is it so distant and why am I so impotent? Why are we all that way? ARE we all that way, or is it just me?

>> No.21474883

You're not alone in that. I wish I had the courage to hang myself, but auto-preservation and a vague sense of hope still prevents me from ending it all. That's why I drink, so it maybe it gives me the balls

>> No.21474919

I'll have about 6 months to live wherever I want and do whatever I want before I start school in August.

>> No.21474936

yeah thats not how visas work

>> No.21474960

>fregoli delusion
NTA, but one time when I was slightly hungover, I was absolutely fixated on a man who was standing next to me on the corner while waiting for the light to change. Someone short-circuited in my brain for a nano-second, long enough for something in my brain to go, "Oh, hey, it's Uncle John". But it wasn't my uncle John. It didn't even look light him. Perhaps some mix of features in his physiognomy came through my brain in an disorganized manner, resulting in my brain momentarily recalling the wrong information. Again, he looked nothing like my uncle John. No fucking clue, but there it happened, and I kept glancing over at him. For a good two or three seconds I was mesmerized by the anomaly in my perception. My brain flitted from "Uncle John", to "oh wait my other uncle?" to "why am I staring at this person". In the moment I saw him I could feel something in my body reacting to familiarity, and in a moment in went away, like my brain said, "oopsie, nvm lolz".

Fucking fregoli delusion.

>> No.21474961

And you'll sit inside your house posting here for the entire time

>> No.21474986

I’m turning 32 soon and now girls that are 18 are attracted to me. What is this phenomenon? What do I do?

>> No.21474995

Fregoli delusion doesn't have anything to do with what he describes.
I get it, I think the same as you. I think something deeply ingrained in our biology is having an influence on the ways we perceive things and how we think. It's even observable in both animals and humans; I've realized lately that mammal babies all act the same (playing excitedly, stuff like that) and the same thing is noticeable with older mammals who tend to be way calmer and act with a certain poise. I can't put this into words, but I really think there is a 'cementing and unification of thoughts and personality' phenomenon going on when we get older, which makes every individual unique (it's getting harder to deviate from your base programming/what you were taught all your life) but also kind of similar to other individuals in their age range.

>> No.21475101

I am nothing but the person I am now, the person I was before is gone forever— her body parts cut and scattered in the ocean of life, eaten by abyssal fish made of thoughts we think were significant and experiences then brought back and stitched back to form the present me. In some religions, sleeping is dying. According to those, you literally die every time you close your eyes as your soul is taken to God, who watches over it.

I am a metaphorical body recomposed. I am a soul, who died and revived countless times. I am alive now, but I will die tonight. If my soul and body are constantly subject to change, willingly or unwillingly, doesn't that mean that I constantly hold the potential to change who I am? If so, what is the key to accomplishing what I want to be? Patience, realism, self-persuasion, convincing myself I am better than others or that I have a great destiny?
Or am I wrong in wanting to change consciously? Perhaps I should be holding the recomposed body in place, not falling in the ocean of thoughts again, being comfortable with the person I am now which will cement what I think I am, and finally make every last one of my delusions disappear as already knowing means I will stop thinking of what I am completely.
Changing the self by not changing the self. Forgetting yourself by focusing on others and what you create in the other world, leaving the inside of yourself to the machinations of the subconscious; thereby freeing yourself from yourself.

>> No.21475119

>Forgetting yourself by focusing on others and what you create in the other world, leaving the inside of yourself to the machinations of the subconscious; thereby freeing yourself from yourself.
This sounds like heaven.

>> No.21475125
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This explains why /lit/ is subpar for discourse: a lack of rhetorical education combined with their own literacy makes them susceptible to fallacious arguments and emotive language, so everyone here resembles foul-mouthed 10-year-olds rather than mature adults.

>> No.21475236

Well you're a faggot

>> No.21475248

If I take all the meds I have at home would it be enough?

>> No.21475258

Stop being a faggot and change your circumstances

>> No.21475444

the great thing about being extremely broke is that i'm completely unaffected by inflation, since i couldn't buy anything even when the prices were good. nothing's changed for me. i don't have any less now than any other time

>> No.21475539

i don't know what to do right now

>> No.21475625
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I just realized I've never really had a gf my entire life because I've either been in the wrong social circles or just didn't really care in the first place. I want to make sure I hit it off with a girl that's somewhat mature (not a complete buzzkill like I find most girls to be but also not too reckless), a pious Catholic, and someone I genuinely talk to and enjoy her company as a person and learn more about her in addition to being able to be my true self around her. I don't have to like everyone of her hobbies or interests, but if we share a decent amount (like playing a musical instrument, reading and something else that's creative) or I think things will go smoothly in general. Also God, please give me an early 20 something half-Chinese Fillipina half white virgin wife. I don't know what it is but I am on love with Fillipino culture (especially Chinese Fillipino culture, history and cuisine) and I find hapa women (whether they be half black or half white) to be the most attractive women on the planet.

Maybe, but I find that anime and vidya even for me as a 26 year old are only worthwhile on the weekends or with friends, and that's with being exposed to it all my life. It's probably just better to go on a walk on a with her and just getting her life story.

Girls loke older dudes since they tend to have their shit together. Just go out with them or don't. They're adults now, legally. You can do whatever with them or not. They are still childish though so be careful.

>> No.21475811

I tried the mental trick of guessing which random hand an object (in my case, a penny) was placed in, and it worked. The trick is that people will turn their head slightly toward the hand the object is placed in.

>> No.21476006

Dubs and I'll die in my sleep tonight

>> No.21476041

Mute-syntax is one of the most important concepts, but hardly anyone is talking about it.

>> No.21476052

Finally reading Baudelaire. Shit's evil.

>> No.21476075
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How was your day, anon?

>> No.21476082


>> No.21476112

lucky you

>> No.21476116

I don't like black people.

>> No.21476136

>Girls loke older dudes since they tend to have their shit together.
Fucking normie. It's because female humans tend to select for status instead of youth.

>> No.21476146
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It's what makes the human species distinct from non-human species.

>> No.21476351

People always disappoint me in their small mindedness.
I always expect more, but there's nothing more than a game of meaningless identification.
I have a couple of family members that are hyper partisan, plugged into media and politics (to a degree I find highly annoying).
I posed what I thought was a non-confrontational question and apparently this question triggered some kind of team-mentality pathway in their brains.
I posed the question as a conversation starter "I dont know a ton about politics I'm less clued into these things then you all, but I thought it was interesting that Democrats seemed to, at least rhetorically, to advocate for more for de-globalization, i.e the idea of brining back manufacturing & other jobs to America, which seems like a major shift from their prior position"
I thought this was a fairly tepid, neutral question, but this made them super defensive for some reason.
I think because they treat politics like religion the suggestion that democrats positions on issues could change was from their pov a deeply sacrilegous idea.
What followed was some hyper-defensive insistence that democratic leaders never advocated for globalization, they were simply responding to a necessary reality. (basically deflecting responsibility away from the politicians they identify with)
I said nothing about this being bad or good, but just posed the question openly as to what they thought of it.

>> No.21476423

I hate being around people. It makes me feel so inadequate. My social skills are just so fucking bad that everything around people becomes so much more difficult.

>> No.21476429

Think I'm finally having an identity crisis. Feels weird.

>> No.21476435

What sort of identity crisis?

>> No.21476443

What varieties are there?

>> No.21476457
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In approximately 14 minutes I will smoke marijuana. About an hour later I will likely regret it. I have no say in this matter. No free will. Everything in life is predetermined. Written. Tomorrow you will wake up at the exact time you were meant to and you will do everything you are meant to do. Its all written. It always was. There are no choices. I don't even want to make this post right now. This wasn't a choice.

>> No.21476466

Again I woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmares. My body and mind are deteriorating.

>> No.21476469

It is fated that I will ass rape you

>> No.21476475

Dunno, but if you wanna talk about what you’re going through I’m interested.

>> No.21476485

I don't really know what I believe, what I want, or what I like anymore. Everyone I know, I know under this strong sense of identity I used to present that I no longer have. Now when I talk to them I feel like my existence is a lie. Its hard because I crafted my life around all these things that I no longer care about and I'm not really sure how to restart my life in organic fashion. It feels like I'm in free fall.

>> No.21476493

I'm similar to you but i've arrived at a point in my life where I can't justify these things any longer, so I just resign myself to pursuing whatever I pursue.
No one is rational, no point in futilely trying to justify everything.
Not a satisfying answer, but it's best to just follow your impulses & try & think about what they are

>> No.21476497

I'm not even sure what I want to pursue though. Maybe I'll come back later and elaborate on it further. I'm too busy right now to really expound on it

>> No.21476513

join this writing discord. https://discord.gg/BvwJjvcn

>> No.21476518
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Just wrote this thing. A very clunky pre rough draft, but it's better to write something over nothing. Last little bit doesn't make sense without context, I won't be providing it.

>> No.21476519
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God bless everyone in this thread.

>> No.21476552

My mother used to tell me a story.
Peru, c.1962.
Small little village where people were lucky to own more than 1 pair of shoes. She’s going to school one day, bag on her back carrying all her shit and something else. A pen. A special pen. A multi colored pen we take for granted now, but a very advanced and fancy and glorious pen for a third world country. Her father was a book salesman, they didn’t have any bookstores or markets back then. If you wanted a book you’d pay too dollar and you’d get it in a few days and the man who offered would get a good commission. She had brought the pen to school because she loved it. It wasn’t hers, it was her father’s. He was proud of it and would pull it out for those indecisive customers who would be sold on the elegance of a nice suit, good shoes, and a futuristic pen. She was proud of such a small trinket, she wanted to keep it with her and show it off to everyone in school. So on she marched to school.
Once she had gotten to school, everything was normal. But once the teacher asked them to pull out their mandatory paper stock and writing intensive, everything changed. She pulled out the pen and some classmates gasped. What a pen! What a fine piece of plastic! Was it from the states? From the utopia? Why, yes. Of course it was. Where else could you find such a pen?
She wrote and scribbled and dragged the pen for session after session until it was time for lunch.
You had to leave your bags and supplies in the room and sit outside at the benches waiting for the daily slop. Nothing new, nothing different. She ate hers happily with a couple of new friends who asked all kinds of questions…
The beer kicked in and I lost my train of thought. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.21476618

I want to hear more of this story

>> No.21476701

are there any books on the value of human life? i am currently of the view that human life is not at all valuable and that no suffering matters other than your own. i am aware that this is a terrible worldview.

>> No.21476753

For you, anon.
She was happy and excited, some new friends to ask all kinds of questions for a full thirty minutes. Intrigued by such luxury and beauty. She was happy to indulge them, to explain how the pen worked.
The bell range again, lunch was over.
She returned to her desk.
Take out your pencils and paper, children. The proud teacher instructed.
My mother, happily, reached into her bag for the pen.
It was gone. Gone forever. Where could it be? Who took it? No time to ask, to accuse. The instructor would have her wrist bright pink on his desk with a bloodied ruler before she could object.
A full two hours she had to use her regular pencils to write, eyeing every kid for the one who took her pen.
Nothing appeared, no one used it. It was gone.
She walked home slowly.
The lashings and spankings were negligible. She had them before and they meant nothing.
But, her father. What would he think? What would he feel? That fancy pen he loved and used time and time again, gone. It ate her up inside more and more as she dragged herself home. She knew she could face what would come, but she felt a pinch and crest in her stomach.
She felt guilty for acting selfishly, for acting in her own self interest and to improve her popularity. She had ruined her fathers record and attitude for some self gratification. It wasn’t worth it.
When I was young I’d always ask myself why not just buy a new pen, thinking that the act of stealing was wrong.
Today, I realize that it had nothing to do with the pen. It was the guilt. My mother wanted me to have a conscience. To feel bad for acting selfishly, acting without thinking.
She’s still alive, thank God. But I can only now appreciate what she wanted me to understand.

>> No.21476766

Sorry anons, I’m drunk. Years of abuse from my father left me emotionless and a bit sad. Married, with kids, I still come back here. Maybe he did the same, but I’ll never know.

>> No.21476809

I cannot believe I'm being ghosted by a doctor. Aren't doctors suppose to be paragons of virtue ? Idk what hurts more, him not outright saying he's not interested or the knowledge that if I was good enough he wouldn't be so frosty. Why did he reach out to me and express his interest only to be so detached and disengaged ? I feel like one of those monkeys in a cage tricked into thinking it'll be handed a banana only to have it sadistically ripped away.

>> No.21476840

It's a nice story

>> No.21476980

I don't know what to do with my life. I've been pursuing this idea of becoming a high energy physicist for so long that it looks impossible to get out of now. I no longer find joy in the idea of working on something so abstract, which is very respected by normies, but also very far from immediately useful. I pursue it by habit and because I want to learn the secrets this area has to offer. I do it for myself. But I can't do this forever. I don't think I can convince myself that what I'm doing is work. I need pertinence, relevance. Fundamental physics is the most developed branch of natural philosophy, and it is interesting for its many metaphysical themes. But how could I possibly live off of this? I don't want to become a professional philosopher. I want to be useful to society. At the same time, applied physics sometimes looks so much less interesting. Should I even be a physicist at all?

>> No.21476991
File: 707 KB, 1004x750, apathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sister somehow managed to ruin my day just a couple minutes before midnight
>always been a lazy person terrible at school
>they let her past middle school out of pity somehow even though she didnt fulfill the requirements to graduate
>obviously struggling through high school so I do her work for her to keep her on track
>it's now her final year
>needs to pass her classes or else she won't be able to graduate
>she hasnt done any work and is failing all of them
>bring her from an F to an A in her english class by doing her overdue assignments
>she has an assignment due tonight
>says she'll do it
>saw her typing it up yesterday so she's probably done some of it
>tell her to submit it today
>says she will
>20 minutes until midnight she's just lying in bed and wont submit it
>brother comes in and yanks the sheets to make her get up and she gets mad and starts screaming and kicking
>cusses us out and doesnt submit her assignment
She thinks we're treating her badly when she's spoiled as fuck having the whole family accommodating her and someone doing her work yet she can't even do this simple thing. A week ago I offered multiple times to do the assignment myself like I have in the past and she insisted she'd do it and this is what I get for simply asking her to submit her work. I just want to help her pass high school but I think I should just let her fuck her life up. No appreciation and she's never thanked me once for anything. I guess I was enabling her but trust me if I didnt help she'd just let herself fail because she's mentally ill. Some people are just terrible pieces of shit from birth. Me and my younger brother were raised by the same parents and we turned out fine and she's been a terrible bitch since elementary school. Bitch got mad because we asked her to submit the work she said she'd submit. It's not like we gain anything from this. We just want her to pass her classes

>> No.21477011

Your sister is a dud. You have tried support and even tried bribery and doing things for her so that she only has to do the bare minimum. Now it is time to try beating. As you punch and kick her, remember that she logically left you with no other option. Apply punching and kicking until she completes assigned tasks on time. Note: Do not give her tasks she can't reasonably complete, like getting As on her own, as this would be cruel. To use the power of beating women responsibly, one must also be fair.

You think this is a joke? Beat your sister two times, and see if you don't notice a diminution in her bad attitude. Women respond extremely well to beating.

>> No.21477040

When we were younger we got in spats like that but she never changed. Im an adult now and she's 17 so I havent touched her in years. Like you said she's a dud. My dad came in and told me he convinced her to submit it so I logged onto her site and she submitted it. So I dont know why she made all this fuss over literally nothing. She did the work and for some reason out of some kind of spite she didnt submit until my dad practically begged her to

>> No.21477137

If you put a dead battery into the oven you can get more juice from it. You're most welcome; when you realize the implications of this to your goals.

>> No.21477153

But I never said I'm sared of what people will say. I don't care about criticism. Actually if I published things and people told me "look, your prose is bad, that's why people don't read it" I would accept this and even change my style or whatever the fuck so that my stories become more readable. But quality here doesn't matter at all, it's just a matter of being loud and whorish. The guy who goes BRAAP HUEHUEUEHUE isn't putting a fraction of the effort, his work is lazily made and 90% of his output is memes. But he's being loud and that gets him attention. My issue isn't that I'm scared of participating to this competition, my issue is that I feel like I'm wasting my fucking time. Sure if I publish 20000 stories eventually some 15 year old will say "gj anon" in a comment but for fuck's sake, the work:reward ration here is so fucking abysmal I sincerely feel unable to entertain this idea. It just feels so immensely cu*ked to me.

>> No.21477197

When we were younger, my sister and I,
oft' times I'd slap her until she would cry,
I'd wrestle her down to the floor of our lounge
and I'd pull down her trousers, then knickers and blouse
and I'd beat her quite strongly until her bottom turned pink
and the tears fell from her eyes, "I'll try harder to think!"
she would cry o'er and o'er to silence my chides,
but she did so in vain for what had started, with i,
as an earnest and bitter attempt to, by force,
deliver correction as a matter of course,
had turned fast through lust to a marvelous game
and I struck her again and again and again,

I'm an adult now and she's 17 so
I haven't touched her in years as the pair of us grow'd,
her filling out to a buxom pear shape
with a massive pot-belly and a figure of 8,
as I'm sure as you've reckoned, by now, she's a dud
but once in a while she looks at me flustered because
as sure as I feel all those fond memories,
just as surely does she for her big brother-daddy.

>> No.21477198

I'm worried that because of the enormous amount of sex in the novel I'm writing, people will dismiss it as smut when I'm actually trying to make a point about adolescence and sexuality.

>> No.21477202

>people will dismiss it as smut
people never dismiss smut, we're in coomer world now. They'll call it a masterpiece

>> No.21477208

I guess that's what I mean because I do want it to be taken seriously and I feel like if people are just reading it for the smut it won't be. Although I guess if I was really trying to be taken seriously, I wouldn't be just putting it on AO3. But whatever, I have zero desire to interface with the publishing industry in any way.

>> No.21477211

People channel the "taking it seriously" into smut now. They ignore the rest.

>> No.21477224

Do you waste words with needless details, which do nothing to further the story or theme, for the purpose of the reader's sexual gratification? If not, then it's not smut.

>> No.21477240

I'm worried because of the enormous amount of sex
in my up-cumming novel, it's got me quite vex'd,
for people will read, if they can, of the chapters
when the hot hard-bodied MILF ends up showered by splatters
of piping hot cum from a dockworkers cock
and then when she licks it all up then right off
from the tip of his thick heavy gushing piss slit
and then fucks him again but this time doing splits
with one high heel balanced on an amazon crate
and the other held up by the dockworkers mate,
that the reader will just notice this not the rest
for the novel's in fact a political protest
on the matter of trivializing the sexual act
which is solemn and gifted by Jesus and that
they won't even pay mind to the cross that hangs down
between the heroines titties that thrust forth with each pound
in a manner that resembles the passion of christ
as he carries his cross being whipped by the kikes
upon every thrust of the arm of the whip
his mighty back heaves and cries out and says "shit!"
and in just this fashion the heroine cums
being fucked in the pussy by ev'ryone.

>> No.21477273

Janice lay down 'ponst the tender bedding of the lovenest of the Holiday Inn, and all of a sudden her lover was set all a fire by powerful magics. Janice screamed, and she kept screaming as a hooded fellow materialized in the room. She kept on screaming as the hooded fellow danced all around the flaming dancing body of her soon deceased lover, and the hooded man wiggled his fingers and struck ninja poses, as if somehow playing with the fire and exciting it.

When Janice at last went hoarse, crawling toward the end of the bed to reachout for the mouldering corpse, she screamed one last time.

"I am Jesus!" exclaimed the hooded figure, throwing back his hood to reveal the horny face of an Ashkenazi man.

And Janice, exhausted, simply curled up and cried as she felt cold clammy hands touching her under her armpits and between the crack of her bottom whilst the sound of horrid childlike giggling filled the room amidst the smell of burned blackman.

"Oh brother," came a dark husky voice, quite unlike the womanish tones of Jesus, and Janice looked up, and then put her hands to her mouth.

She saw... whom she did not know... but the armor was recognizable as being that of a Roman Legionary, albeit much worn on the plating and the color of the tunic faded. The Legionary smoked a cigarette which he tossed down onto the highly flammable carpeting and then drew forth a horrid evil looking whip of many strands with bits of glass and jagged metal worked into the ends of each, "Jesus," the man said, "it is time to send you back where you came from, again,"

And Jesus began to dance again, attempting to do magic upon the man, but to little effect. Soon the whip had kowed Jesus, and turned him into a meek whimpering collection of ragged Ashkenazi body parts, sobbing pitifully on the floor, "my love quest," he sobbed, "why don't I ever get to have the sex," and he covered his head with his hood.

The Legionary held his hand high to the ceiling and a beacon of gold light erupted forth from his arms and created a portal to the heavens. In silence he threw Jesus across his back and floated away.

Janice said nothing about this, but she would forever retell this story; as honestly as she could recollect it, to anyone who listen as she stood raving upon the street corners wearing ragged cardigans and carrying the stench of unwashed vagina well into her old age.

The End.

>> No.21477417

>with one high heel balanced on an amazon crate
>and the other held up by the dockworkers mate,
fucking kek

>> No.21477573

I wish i could interact with my waifu in a more corporeal way, doubt i would ever love 'real' women so it would be nice.

>> No.21477592

How are we holding up, Virgobros?

>> No.21477692
File: 67 KB, 383x533, Cwwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted about it in the past but I think my brother married a dumbass who has mental health issues.

He's staying with me again and it's kind of sad seeing how frustrated he is saying he is nearly 40 and nothing to show for it and how he is sick of everything and just wants the good life. He doesn't seem to even care about what happens to his kids, he just wants to be free. How do I even try to be supportive? I always knew he seemed kind of frustrated and she has these insane spending habits that he must've been dealing with for the past decade or so.

Apparently he's just sick and tired of her and she doesn't seem to do anything to lighten the load. They were supposed to go on an overseas trip in a few weeks but for some reason the money is gone. She keeps haemoraging money on who knows what and now they're supposed to have some happy family trip but it's gone. She has no budgeting skills and it must be something he has been dealing with throughout their whole marriage. He gets a bonus or promotion and it's almost always gone on trivialities . I think he has fully given up. I think in the start he mostly controlled the money but then always needed to "top up".

Fuck, I know it's not my problem but i just feel so sad for the kids. They're 8, 6 and 3. Even his wife said she's willing to leave the family home and live their her dad but my brother said they need their mother.

The kids already falling behind as their mother doesn't even teach them important things like how to read etc despite being a stay at home mother/wife and my brother is just working all day.

>> No.21477697

I just want to believe I’m a good man. I struggle to be decent and good. It’s all I really aspire to be. Not even great, just good. Some say I’m already good, those who said I was great I called liars and left behind. I’ve got a complex, it’s dawned on me. I’m 5’9.5” but I always feel small as an ant. Just, tiny.
Can’t be a good man if I’m small.
Can’t be a good man if I’m a drunk.
Can’t be a good man if I don’t have someone to say so. But I push them all away because once they tell me I’m good I deny it and deny them and turn my back. Am I crazy?

>> No.21477731

4chan is hell. Not because of the dreadful content and dreadful people in it, but because the people inside are free to leave at any time. They just choose not to.

>> No.21477758


>> No.21477787

I spent the last two years or so in envy of my younger brother. He is in a fantastic relationship with a long-term girlfriend for two years. As an older single, I felt inferior to him.

Now, finally, I am starting to date a girl I met by huge, huge chance through relatives. She's smarter, more beautiful, all-around more special than my brothers' girlfriend.

I've only known her for two weeks and was amazed such a being was willing to date me. I am very scared to lose her.

>> No.21477897
File: 119 KB, 986x1024, 46aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home from night shift
>post something incredibly inflammatory on 4channel
>wake up later to a bunch of cool (You)s
Life's been pretty sweet lately

>> No.21477900

based master of shitposts, may this (you) fuel your entropic fire

>> No.21477912

what kind of cretinous shit is that posting a photo of some guy’s son/daughter, you’re supposed to be all about traditional values but by every traditional metric you’re scum, all he did was upload philosophy videos to youtube, fuck.

>> No.21477940


>> No.21477979 [DELETED] 

>he's not currently on a 3-day ban
you're doing it wrong

>> No.21478011
File: 153 KB, 810x481, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting banned is way too easy in the current meta (especially on the pvp boards). Minmaxing outside the ban is how posters make their own fun.

>> No.21478012
File: 505 KB, 500x775, 1650629846206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should maybe write my fanfic now and stop trying to come with new ideas for the plot

>> No.21478021

i wasn't any more inflammatory than 90% of all other threads, i just happened to strike a nerve with a jannie

>> No.21478059

A voluntary hell? Bit of a riddle innit?
You're here forever as they say.

>> No.21478113

I've read 100 pages of "Make it stick".
When does this guy stop narrating anectdotes to support the validity of interspaced studying and actually start giving practical advice?

>> No.21478123

>________ is hell. Not because of the dreadful content and dreadful people in it, but because the people inside are free to leave at any time. They just choose not to.
This is true of lots of things; life in general.

>People channel the "taking it seriously" into smut now.
>people never dismiss smut, we're in coomer world now. They'll call it a masterpiece
I beg to differ, I wrote three sexually charged things here in this very thread and only got one amused response, >>21477197 >>21477240 >>21477273

>> No.21478127

>"Make it stick".
The Glue Instruction Manual for ages 5 to 45, w/ translations into Americanized English, w/ annotations on the sexual abuse of glue as a lubricant, 105 pages of colorful illustrations,
>I've read 100 pages
I'm sorry it was too long for you.

>> No.21478176

>I'm sorry it was too long for you.
This board already tricked me into reading "How to read a book", which was garbage full of platitudes.
So far, the book reads like one giant blogpost peppered with "dude trust me it works the football team of Bumfuck was crap, tried a training strategy similar to the principles I'm writing about and it worked" anecdotes that never seem to end.

>> No.21478188

I am always very surprised to see people embedded in modernism claim that there is no teleology in history, no "progress" (not necessarily good) towards a fixed goal - that there are so many who would ridicule Fukuyama for talking about the End of History, or Hegel as a schizophrenic mysticist for his view on the teleology of history.
It is as plain to me as both of Moore's hands are that there is teleology in history, and that we are moving towards the end point - namely, the cringiest and gayest iteration of the world possible. Every year, it gets stronger, and all setbacks of this progress have been proven to be temporary. I guess the counterargument would be that it is completely impossible for a human being to fathom history as a process involving eons and eons and eons, but that's just denying that the argument can be had at all and should be left in favor of quietism, not denying that our best evidence seems to indicate that everything is indeed turning more cringe and gay.

>> No.21478199

>This board already tricked me into reading "How to read a book", which was garbage full of platitudes.
It can be summed up very easily, with "how to read", if the subject matter doesn't interest you or if you can predict what's going on because the narrative is a cookie-cutter thing, then you "won't be able to pay attention," it's boring.

I opened up a book the other day (though I don't read very often at all anymore; if I do it's online scans or audiobook) and found the subject so interesting that I got through a chapter and a half before something more important came up.

It's really just a matter of finding things that are actually interesting to (people).

>> No.21478200

>start using tinder
>match with a hot blonde titty monster
>she seems very into me
>gives me her number, always answers my texts immediately and gives me good morning like three days in row
>we set up a date this saturday
>yesterday everything is going fine, then she just disappears
>my texts are still unseen almost 24 hours latter
I’ll never understand women. At least things are going fine with the /lit/ arthoe I’ve been talking with. If I manage to score with either of them this weekend I’ll come back in one of these threads and give I-Ching/Tarot readings to you guys as thanks for reading my diary desu.

>> No.21478231

>then she just disappears
>my texts are still unseen almost 24 hours latter
She got the dicking she was craving from someone else

>> No.21478265

If that’s the case the guy put in way more effort than me. Fuck going all the way to the neighboring city on a tuesday night just for a chance of fucking someone.

>> No.21478274

this is the best thing ive read on 4chan in years. please say more

>> No.21478482

Western anons, does Everyman only manufacture hard cover books?

>> No.21478559

Whenever I read something that fascinates me, no matter how minor the fascination is, I am driven to read it no matter my condition.

It has become a concerningly recent fact that I read a book from 12 in the afternoon to 7 in the morning, eschewing sleep and any rest in favor of reading. This is obviously not good for me, and I wonder how I can solve this issue.

>> No.21478585

How can you make self-identified Nihilistic types realize the futility of their position? I don't mean in a religious sense. They themselves have usually not realized the old values and assumptions they still cling to anyway.

>> No.21478952

drinking again

>> No.21478953

i know what you want, so just reach out and grab it

>> No.21479007

The popular guys in my class asked if I wanted to come with them to the beach. I don't. I will probably say yes though. I've already established here that I need to stop thinking, focus on others and let my subconscious take over my thought processes. I will never grow as a human if I keep staring at my own navel and never make friends I'm genuinely interested in. Abandon the self, free yourself from yourself.

>> No.21479087

I get PTSD from reading Bölls Stranger, Bear Word to the Spartans We…, it's partially like reliving waking up after the surgery I had when I was 13. Insane experience.

>> No.21479182

You should go to the beach with them. I would

>> No.21479280

>Filipino Catholic wife
Do you have any idea how long that Mass is?

>> No.21479476

depends if they're planning on giving me one

>> No.21479567

>only got one amused response
it's doubly funny because that amused response was from me, I wrote those two posts you quoted
Getting one of those coveted (you)s for actual writing on /lit/ is pretty difficult. My stories about the N-Saga and Spacefaring Robots Chuck & Sneed always went ignored.

>> No.21479569

If the world population was 70% women, would still be incels?

>> No.21479580

I would even if it was 99%.

>> No.21479588

I haven't prayed in like, a year.

>> No.21479599

same. I'm just invisible to women.

>> No.21479600

self-employed as a daisy pusher haha

>> No.21479603

Your cock

>> No.21479617

Most colleges and universities are 2/3rds women and dudes there still cant laid

>> No.21479628

every time I see your handle I imagine a baked winnie the pooh

>> No.21479661

are ascetics supposed to ravenous like wild animals

>> No.21479664

I’ve come back. I keep trying to get away. I don’t even believe I’m particularly superior for being here. On the contrary, it’s because I have these feelings of inferiority and subhuman tendencies that drag me into anonymity to the extent you fags will grant me. Undeserving of regular relationships.

I work in customer service because it’s the only way I can talk to people now. Was a chad who went over the bars of my old bike and am not a brain damaged fat retard struggling to find another person who I project will tolerate me.
I’m in the service industry because I take equal parts satisfaction from helping people and being that disappointing exchange that might ruin someone’s day. I think I enjoy being a dick and fucking up peoples plans more than anything. Someone comes in and tosses me their shit and expects it done and when I realize I cannot I feel this grand satisfaction. It’s really down to whether or not they greet me when they walk up. I don’t ask for much but some decency, I don’t think it’s too much to ask. Ironically the really rich and powerful clients I meet are the most cordial.

I’m starting to get tired of eating the same lunch and breakfast every single day. Three eggs scrambled fried over extra virgin olive oil with half a small avocado. For lunch it’s always a sandwich. Two slices of sourdough, some lettuce, half a small tomato, some red onion, a little mustard and mayo then comes the real variety. It’s a deadlock between Black Forest ham, turkey breast, and cheap Oscar Mayers bologna. For drink it’s just water. Never juice. Maybe some hibiscus tea. Chilled. Have a couple of cups of coffee through the day depending on whether or not I could sleep the night before.

Sleepless nights. Google said it’s exploding head syndrome brought on by stress. A quick lull then a sharp bang in my ear and there goes the night. Up until 4 am. Work at 730. Tossing and turning for hours just wondering. I haven’t read a book in a few weeks. I haven’t been laid in a month. That girl who comes in has a kid, and I’m not down to even risk falling for someone like that. I’m too prideful, even if I’m pathetic. Dark bags under my eyes and my regulars ask if I’m good. Yeah, just tired.

>> No.21479751 [DELETED] 

Do you think denial of free will is a valid excuse for driving under the influence? Be honest.

>> No.21479758

Do you think denial of the existence of free will is a valid excuse for driving under the influence? Be honest.

>> No.21479784

if it is then a nog has the same excuse for beating you with a tire iron

>> No.21479790

We ignore the wet sounds that come from speech but don't ignore the wet sounds that come from sex.

>> No.21479799

i've acquired a couple feet of pvc plumbing pipe and this thing is strong as fuck and a little flexy
perfect for hitting someone in a non lethal way
want to go around dishing out punishment with this thing

>> No.21479826

Becoming as the self-contemplation of Being revealed through the world-historical and world-aesthetic bipolar Geist. A standing wave in which the tension of opposites - monad and indefinite dyad, "mere" being and becoming, substance and essence are in hypostasis through resonance - the finite existing in relation to and in fact in definition of the limit spanning between finitude and infinity - the divine substance, taking on the mundane, not as a separate substance but as its own substance sustained purely through itself, a total solar eclipse of one sun and no moon. Essence and substance form a dyad which is the totality which is a monad unto itself. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.21479829

It's certainly an excuse to ass rape you

>> No.21479850

I'm writing a story about some people that wake up realizing that they had being reborn countless times before and form a cult on order to escape samsara. What do you think?

>> No.21479852

imagine me being out and about on my nightly excursions with the pvc pipe hidden in the sleeve of my jacket and i spot weed smoker tripfag on his bar hop routine while being glued to his phone
i up my pace to approach him and call him "hey chewy" or some other pocket rat name
dude looks back in confusion almost utters a silent "WTF" that's when i start cackling looking at his funny face
pull out my pipe and start hitting him in the fat areas like the butt but he has fat everywhere
dude helplessly starts waving his arms around in defense but his chubby arms can't match the pace of my fast attacks "HEY STOP IT!!" he shrieks
"hehehehe" i keep circling and bouncing around him and hit his shoulders, back of thighs, poke him in the gut which made him half retch
gave him one final blow back of his heat that really angered him and he aggressively waddles to follow me when i run away
he pursues me for a few meters but unable to catch up he turns back in frustration when he realizes he dropped some of his bags of weed

>> No.21479879

You, okay?

>> No.21479988

Pretty sure thats already been written

>> No.21480001
File: 2.90 MB, 1398x1016, 1672818870428059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how young and happy they are. Fresh with life, youthful and excited. They were on top of the world. And now look at them. Old and wasted. Wrinkled and haggard. Tired and spent. It wasnt that long ago. Life is so fleeting. Youth ends so quickly. Its scary.

>> No.21480089

I'm in the middle of a predicament where only time can easy my worries. I've done all I can and now the only thing I can do is wait.
I've been in this situation before and I know that all will be fine in the end and I will look back at now and think that it wasn't all that bad.
But why is so god damn hard to convince the emotional part of my brain to just chill out and let things happen?

>> No.21480242


>> No.21480358

Unironically, if I get a woman like in the post you responded to, staying at Mass for a long period of time is objectively what I should be doing at the very least

>> No.21480476

The people who scammed me on eBay are in Topeka, Kansas. I need someone to find them for me. I want their heads brought to my doorstep.

>> No.21480496

my brother in law runs ebay scams out of KS and NE so it was prbly him lelz

>> No.21480618

I was alone on New Years' Eve.
She was with my friend Sarah. I could feel the shame rolling off Sarah's tongue when she told me.
Girlfriend, ex-girlfriend. I'm choosing not to choose, not to think about it. I will drift off to sleep now.

>> No.21480754

i'm fat and ugly and gay and retarded and i dress poorly and i'm an alcoholic and i have poor hygiene and i'm unemployed and i live with my parents

>> No.21480755

Is that an astrology sign?

>> No.21480760

Hey that sounds pretty good. We should join up and get a couple people involved

>> No.21480761

I just want an alien wife.

>> No.21480775

I'm wondering what path I can take that will allow me to publish a nonfiction book and a fiction book by the end of the decade while still working a good job between my writing and research

>> No.21480814

just took a massive stinky creamy shit, must have been the beans

>> No.21480825

i'm appalled to think of the massive disparity between all the things i could do and what i'll actually do

>> No.21480840

It feels like the universe punishes me for meeting my goals. Everything seems to be some twisted monkey's paw, where intent matters not, and there will always be some loophole that results in it being an utterly miserable experience. I knew I'd never be loved or surrounded by friends and family, but I didn't think I deserved to be punished for trying to have purpose to my existence.

Had to order a rope online because B&Q don't sell any for whatever reason.

Never go into teaching /lit/.

>> No.21480889
File: 51 KB, 620x609, IMG_1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Are you an animal? Genes don't define anything except surface-level cosmetic stuff like eye and skin color.

>> No.21480906

you're wrong. i used to want to think like you, but it's just, false. psychopaths lack amygdala function, autists are neurologically rewired, dopamine receptors can fuck up, we have pills to change brain chemistry for depression because it's easier than changing someone's outlook, and there are people that literally cannot sub-vocalise or imagine.

the inference that it is not genetic comes from a lack of proper understanding of brain function and measurements.

>> No.21480914

90 IQ materialist go back to red website, I don't care about your science
Brain is naught but a muscle
human essence lies outside of physicalia, in the soul

>> No.21480922

>there are people that literally cannot sub-vocalise or imagine
No, there aren't. If you're talking about the apple meme, the response from people who "can't see things" is purely the product of a faulty and confusing question. NPCs aren't real. You are a narcissist with a main character syndrome. Find some real friends.

>> No.21480933

that's an interesting projection, because i know i'm utterly unimportant, not some 'main character' syndrome. your outrage seems to be based on not wanting think you're less, which probably means you are less. we should stop pretending people are equal, and acknowledge some people will peak at box stacker.

>> No.21480946

Nobody said people aren't equal. People are different in many ways.
>i know i'm utterly unimportant
You say that in an attempt to appear humble, and yet you still hold the view that most people around you are not even people, but animals or golems or NPCs or whatever else dehumanizing derogatory terms you retards come up with. That in and of itself indicates your narcissism, you outright refuse to empathize with the human experience of your fellow individual. You lack the IQ to populate your mind with real people, instead viewing them as 2D caricatures or mindless beasts.
It is you who is the psychopath.
Every person around is you a real person with a real mind.
If you try even just a little bit to deny or forget that for a second, it's a slippery slope all the way down to the spot where you decide that people are not people therefore it's okay to kill them with an axe. Have you even read C&C?!

>> No.21480957

your inability to see the grey in what i'm saying is interesting. maybe defaulting to binaries is another common defect in the brain. thank you for your discussion, it has been insightful.

>> No.21480993

None of medical science works like either of you think. You should remember that in any medical emergency that is happening near you.

>> No.21481000

you quoted two different people with very different opinions

medical science is a farce. it has been corrupted by capital. medicine is no longer about medicine, it is about selling medicine.

>> No.21481006

>you quoted two different people with very different opinions
I worry you don't understand the word "neither" but nice trips and cool story

>> No.21481014

i worry you don't understand conversation as you managed to contribute absolutely nothing by walking in and saying 'everyone is wrong' and refusing to elaborate further

>> No.21481022

Thankfully, research is a great way to gain competence so long as you abandon bias.

>> No.21481023


In 2023, why can people admit that working aged people of even average health never needed the covid vax if it didn't stop or even minimise transmission?

In 2023, why do ppl still expect you to have 2 shots from 2021 even though they admitted they only last 3 months (basis of whole booster push) but are content with ppl who only ever got the initial 2 no matter how long ago

>> No.21481030

because then the republicans win. do you get it?!

>> No.21481043

>research is not good enough at this point because we do not understand enough about brain function
tell me to trust the science next, you flaming fucking retard

>> No.21481044

They expect you have been acting like a normie in 2021. You have had two years since to get properly weird to let them know you were weird then, so I think it's your lack of personal resolve, really.

>> No.21481050

I have zero faith you can parse technical writing if that is your interpretation; you're welcome for identifying further areas you could seek improvement.

>> No.21481052

Where are you that people still care about being vaccinated? IME the moment the war broke out in ukraine both institutions and the general populace dropped the virus as a central topic in the discourse lightning fast. It's all about the war now.

>> No.21481055

>seek improvement
that's a good soundbite.

>> No.21481064

>It's all about the war now.
Or to be more precise, the war and its related crises, like the energy crisis, food and fuel skyrocketing in price, possible shortages, etc.

>> No.21481065

If used as such, it can be.

>> No.21481072
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Why should I keep a journal if some asshole is going to publish it after I'm dead and use it to prove I thought no-no ideas

>> No.21481077

sounds to me like you're the type of blind dysgenic retard that should have been relegated to stacking boxes tbqh

>fuel companies jack up prices
>inflation skyrockets while we pay for executives to enjoy a lavish life of bonuses and splendour

>> No.21481080

That's another thing. If the covid was as bad, shouldn't it have resolved the war. Should bother mitaries have been dropping dead or whatever they expected from covid

>> No.21481093
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I cooked a meal and brought it to my parents', where everyone was asleep but my father. We talked about faith, Nietzsche, primary cause, and suffering.
>Aquinas would have been diagnosed with schizophrenia today
>t. my dad
Funny thing, he also told me he wasn't right about eveything but that I am stuck with him. To which I replied well, I'm the fool you're stuck with. We departed with a harm hug. Love is primary to strength, anons. And happiness is found in breaking bread with others. The day before I had been considering jumping off of a parking deck or checking myself into a mental health clinic.

>No man is doomed to his delusions, but as long as he is deluded, he is ruined

>Fear no more the heat of the sun
>Nor the furious winter's rages
Take care of yourselves, anons

>> No.21481106

>considering jumping off of a parking deck or checking myself into a mental health clinic.
Reason being such great anxiety verging on psychosis that I developed chest pain and was unable to sleep for a week. I had therapy today and, as I am honest to a fault, may have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, hence my dad's quip.
Enough narcisstic rambling, how has your mental health been, anons?

>> No.21481111

See >>21480840
Planning on roping some time this week when people are out of the house.

>> No.21481115

>Everything seems to be some twisted monkey's paw, where intent matters not, and there will always be some loophole that results in it being an utterly miserable experience.
Seems like you ought to make a change. Is teaching the main issue?

>> No.21481134

>Seems like you ought to make a change. Is teaching the main issue?
Nope, nothing I do works out. I'm constantly lied to and messed around by others. I justified my life as 'at least I'll be making a difference to others', but after the impact of COVID... there's nothing I can do for these people. The behaviour I see on a daily basis is abhorrent to say the least. It's entirely permitted by the senior leaders, who are often over-paid, weight authority entirely towards themselves, then refuse to use it. People have became fucking animals since COVID, we were already in a slip, but it's gotten so much worse. I had to call the police because a neighbour wouldn't let me near my car, as it was parked near their house.

If nobody really cares if I'm around, and I can't do anything to help in this world that will leave me feeling justified in my existence, then who do I exist for? Me? Because I don't want to exist.

>> No.21481170

>The behaviour I see on a daily basis is abhorrent to say the least. It's entirely permitted by the senior leaders, who are often over-paid, weight authority entirely towards themselves, then refuse to use it.
Is this is reference to student behavior? Would you able to change career? Yesterday I didn't want to exist either but I spent time with my family instead and had a therapy appt today which went well. You must have hope and self-love. You could just say fuck it with teaching (or take time off) and do whatever you think that would help you. Like I said, I was a hair's width from checking into mental health facility yesterday. I don't know your situation too well so it may come off as bullshit to you. Do you not have any family who loves you? If not, that's shitty man. Do what you need to do, life gets better if you do the right things. That's what I'm trying to do now instead of taking kratom and reading. You got a future full of possibilities ahead of you. Don't kill yourself man, it's a mistake. Why would you throw away the gift of life, especially if you have family. The truth is that there is something rather than nothing. You must choose faith rather than despair. Again, I don't know your situation but it will get better depending on your actions. I'm going bed but would be happy to talk with you in the next thread

>> No.21481186

Good night anon.

>> No.21481215

Feel free to reply as I am in the midst of insomnia and might be getting up and down as I am doing now :)

>> No.21481267


>Is this is reference to student behavior? Would you able to change career?
Yes, no. The student behaviour is bad. But the parents don't care. The people at the top of the school don't care. And you can see this outside too. Nobody cares anymore. Nobody tries to do the right thing. The right thing has become an egocentric term for 'whatever I damn well please at this very minute'. It was bad before, but COVID turned Gen X especially into absolute nutjobs.

>Do you not have any family who loves you? If not, that's shitty man.
I have family, but I am a dog to them, not a person.

>Do what you need to do, life gets better if you do the right things.
What is right? I keep trying to do the right thing, but it never works for me. I wanted a simple life. My childhood was bad, I have a lot of weight in my shoulders from it. I wanted to give back to the world to try and stop people ending up like me. I don't think I can do that anymore. The barriers are too high for me to climb.

>Why would you throw away the gift of life, especially if you have family. The truth is that there is something rather than nothing.
Because my life is not a gift to me. My life is a gift to the masochism of others. I'm the one they like to see suffer. I'm the one they like to see fail. I'd rather not suffer and fail any further.

>> No.21481292

The philosophical question of "free will:" what is it, does it really exist, etc? Maybe the most genuine form of free will isn't what you tell yourself it is (e.g. that conscious voice in your head you seem to control), but something deeper and far mysterious and subconscious. Maybe true free will is the manifestation of what's in your heart of hearts, whether you're consciously aware of it or not.

>> No.21481305

Free will exists conceptually; in reality, fate is a rubber band. You can try to stray from your predestined path but it will find ways to bring you back.

I've dodged terrorist attacks because of electronics fires before. I wasn't meant to die then. I can only hope I'm to die soon. One thing I've learned is that if you are suicidal with conviction, if your fate is not yet complete, life will find a way to keep you around. It is often the option of least intervention.

>> No.21481316
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Is this the guy who had a library?

>> No.21481357

Is writing still supposed to be enjoyable even when you're quite bad at it? I've been trying to get back into the craft for the first time in a long while, and man do I suck. None of what compose feels natural anymore, and i'd say that the process of putting words has become genuinely painful. It's painful to see how bad I am at expressing myself, which pushes me further into avoiding writing out of shame and out of fear. Is this how it's supposed to be for "noobs"? Have you gone through it before, anon?

>> No.21481380

I want to help save/restore nature. I have no ability to do so.

>> No.21481461
File: 220 KB, 1536x2048, fsdfsfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue to awake plagued by the faded memories of the lives ive never lived and the places ive never been. I can feel them, the psyche can recognize the memory even though my brain cant conjure an image. But the feelings linger; the melancholic somberness of things once done and places once visited, and the longing to return there, wherever it is.

I am a delivery driver. I spend my nights up and down the coast of eastern Massachusetts. The nights are always the worst in regards to this. Its as if the light of the moon creates a blanket on the earth where things that are and things that could be or could have been merge into one viscous liquid and are poured into my tired eyes. I pass by a complex and im hit with the sudden sorrow of a far removed life. Images of a young woman, mid 20s, getting ready to go out with her girlfriends on a Saturday night. I can remember the feeling inside me, but I cannot recall a face. They're still shots of half composed scenes on a canvas; a living room only half carpeted, half walled, half of a persons belongings lazily strewn about on coffee tables and desks; or else a bar with no booths, or no patrons, or a bartender with no face, just black hair done up in a bun and tacky wish earings.

Sometimes its a man; a fat, greasy, happy man. Then cheated on and had done horrible things in retaliation. Or a girl, 16 and naive and stupid and with a whole life ahead of her; a real life ahead of her, not just the innate possibilities of youth, but middle class, some natural hobbies, some friends, a 3.7 GPA and a litter of midpack schools on the horizon. Only shes destined to die in a car accident with a bus on summer break in her first semester in Seattle.

My heart remembers all of it, even when my brain doesnt. I lay in bed at night and cry that something is wrong. Im not supposed to be here, this is a mistake. But I dont know where that place im desperate to get back to is. I cry that I miss my family and my friends, but I dont know who they are. Their names, their faces. I long to come back to people I dont know, only feel like I know, and thats the hardest part. The not knowing. Whats the point of all this? That's my question; the one thing I want to ask God when I die. When im standing before him, and im being judged for all the petty things that frankly stopped mattering lifetimes ago, I just want to cry and ask him why. Why was I there, what were you trying to show me? I want to sob and tell him I hate him and im sorry at the same time, that I just want to understand why. I've asked before, plenty of times, but he never answers, and why would he? It's not strange for God to have forgotten me when sometimes it feels like ive forgotten myself.

>> No.21481475

i am painting a picture of the nativity on a 3x4 foot frame for public display and nobody no jew nor jew enabler can stop me.

>> No.21481483

If it's not analysis paralysis, it's spending way too much time accumulating and trimming.

>> No.21481772
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>> No.21481936

Nice writing, anon. Sorry about your family

>> No.21481975

What are you on about?

>> No.21481981

I think that me not being in a relationship ever, completely broke something inside me.

>> No.21482184 [DELETED] 

wtf skrillex ruined that "rumble" song fred again played in that boiler room set.

from fred again dj sets:
official skrillex release:

what the hell it's shit now. it took out the menacing uk dubstep flavor and made it like some clubby brostep shit. fred again generally sux, and i have been open minded about skrillex in the past when everyone was hating but this is a huge disappointment. luckily the fred again version is on apple music because he played it at boiler room.

>> No.21482268

Lmao off at the whole quote chain these posts start.
For the teenager upset that anyone would tell him sewing up his own arteries might be a bad time he's not prepared for… don't react like this when people give you obviously sound feedback. It makes you look like you're more retarded and immature to double down. I don't mean you have to follow their advice. Just don't sperg out like you did when it's pretty obvious to everyone it's common sense advice. That shit makes you look like a manbaby and the effect gets worse the older you get.

>> No.21482303

How normal is this? New IT job:
- home office
- no tracking of working hours or attendence, you can work when you want
- you don't even have to log what you are doing, like what meetings you attend, or what you have done on a day

>> No.21482327

unsure but you are one lucky motherfucker

>> No.21482335

>- no tracking of working hours or attendence, you can work when you want
Did they hire you to work out how Teams or something works?

>> No.21482341

That's sounds like most of the jobs I've worked in recent years. They're really paying you to get stuff done within the deadline. They don't care when or how you do it before then.

>> No.21482361

I think I've ended up in the wrong career. I should be grateful, I guess. Many people my age haven't ended up in any career at all.

>> No.21482369

In other words, they're paying you for what you produce (piecework) not for your labor time.

>> No.21482386

Science will never explain why there is something rather than nothing nor the hard problem of consciousness (why it arises in men rather than explaining a physical system.) Blind faith à la Kirkegaard or Tolstoy is the least bad option.

>> No.21482481

Books for guy thats recovering from gruesome stab wounds?
basically, i can read and write but have 1 hand rn.

>> No.21482485

what happened?

>> No.21482498

God damn it how do I apply to be a /lit/ janny? I'm filled with pure anger and abject boredom and I want to wipe the off topic posts whenever I see em. I loathe some of you and I'm not talking about this thread at all, the catalog contains more filth than your average toilet seat.

>> No.21482508

it was those damn Romans

>> No.21482516

Not the norm. If you were smart, you'd build up some IT expertise and strike out with your own business ASAP. You can build it while you keep your day job.

>> No.21482518

Getting the B.S. over the B.A. was stupid. Economics is a dumb discipline if you don't go all the way with it.

>> No.21482533

In my language, you can call dew drops by the same word as you can tear drops or rain drops, but you can also call them by the word for a tiny eye. It's like the grass is crying on your cuffs when you gather them on your clothes.

>> No.21482534

I got stabbed.
Now what books u want to talk about?

>> No.21482543
File: 32 KB, 353x500, 51gv1L5cFsL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your book. get a gun so you dont get mugged next time

>> No.21482729

I want to find a job I don’t hate but killing myself seems like less trouble.

>> No.21482835

I have just reached the part of Oblomov where he is apparently about to be cucked by Stolz who is going to marry Olga, Stolz unfathomably finding it to be a non-issue precisely because it is his friend Oblomov he is cucking.

I am so god damn tired of cucking subplots. I was reading Proust because I thought it would be an interesting meditation on time and memory, but the plot is just driven by non-stop, LITERALLY NON-STOP cucking, of Swann, of Marcel, of every single member of the french upper class.
I read Magic Mountain hoping for an interesting bit of sanatorium literature, and lo and behold, Castorp gets cucked while Peeperkorn sticks his fat dutch sausage up the asiatic snatch of Madame Chauchat.
I read Ulysses, and it is based on the homerian epos, which is about getting home fast before you get cucked, the difference here being that Joyce's Ulysses is centered around getting cucked in painstaking detail.
After this, I am going to re-read Moby Dick, and at this point I am almost convinced I must have forgotten a cucking subplot where the whale fucks Queequeg.

Why is it so pervasive in literature bros? Why can't they just fucking chill with it?

>> No.21482885

>got diagnosed with bpd
>I will never be a real man
this is so embarrassing to my ancestors I am so sorry

>> No.21482915

based personality disorder?

>> No.21482933

bro its insane I was planning suicide or checking in to a facility the other day and today I deep cleaned my apartment and cooked a meal for my family and downloaded dating apps because I finally got some good pics over the holidays. The bio is straight mania. Do women like mania? Idc desu. 2023 pop pussy not pills

>> No.21482948

Should I feel bad about resigning while my team is understaffed? Should I stay longer? I'm not leaving for a job. I tend to want to help people.

>> No.21482951

so it's bipolar or borderline?
>Do women like mania?
sure, it sounds like being on cocaine

>> No.21482965


>> No.21482971

Are there any good poetry-writing crash courses? I'm not a newbie to poetry, but I feel like I could benefit from something like that.

>> No.21482973

>Do women like mania?
I've heard the classic is you get married when you're manic and then 2 months later when you're depressed out of your mind they divorce you.

>> No.21483030

You are purposefully understaffed so that whoevers in charge can collect maximum profit

>> No.21483133

Informed decisions

>> No.21483290

This is a non-profit

>> No.21483292

Are there any other controversial political writers who are taken semi-seriously like Curtis Yarvin?

>> No.21483423

Sorry to bother u
Disregard what i said earlier
Because its, like you said, ei NON- PROFIT
Non profit means there is no profit made in that organisation, in case anyones wondering
How effortlessly and seamlessly you have explained to me the intricacies of your involvments, to my shock and dissapointment

>> No.21483504

Arachnids for dinner ^_^

>> No.21483579

my dream self seems to have finally realized that my grandfather is dead. He's been dead for years but I still have dreams with him in them and only upon waking up do I remember that he is dead. Last night I was having a dream with him when I realized that he was dead which made me conclude that i was dreaming which caused me to do a false awakening where I woke up, still in his house but without him in it, still dreaming. I don't know if this is because my subconscious finally understood what death is or if it's simply because I've had so many dreams with him in it that I've learned to recognize grandfather = dream.

>> No.21483602

He is/was visiting you

In dreams we achieve a lower grade version of penetration into imaginal (or astral) realm where spirits and other beings who naturally exist at that level also reside

You shouldn't assume it's all just wisps and tatters of memories meaninglessly or fortuitously coming together in your meaningless unconscious, like after-images of something after you close your eyes. Perhaps that's true, but there's no reason to assume it as the only possible explanation.

>> No.21483605

Noose's done. How do I get the courage to do it? I started drinking and hope it gives me the balls

>> No.21483621
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>> No.21483628

Please don't. Just relax and watch a cartoon or something.

>> No.21483630

If he was visiting something he would probably be telling me things and not just acting like he is playing in some reconstructed memory. Neither me or him knows or remembers that he is dead when I dream about him. Unless you’re telling me my dream self and him chooses to hang out with him as if we’re in the physical world and as if nothing new has happened or changed since he was alive.

>> No.21483649
File: 72 KB, 477x477, 1245993694719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking about dreams, this night dreamt that someone complimented me and told me I should keep awake late at night making/studying music after I recognized the sprites of a new Breath of Fire game.
Have you ever been complimented on one of your dreams?

>> No.21483743

not him but I have a few genuinely creepy stories about people who were saved by their dead loved ones in a dream, telling them to wake up
if you need the courage you don't want to die yet
this kind of decision should be made when you really don't give a shit anymore

>> No.21483757

Congratz anon.
A blonde woman dressed in white kissed my forehead and told me to keep going when I was in a period of great distress as a college student.
I've also had a very long dream once where I was dating a blonde girl for years and years. She said I was handsome and nice and that she was proud of being with me. We basically simped each others in every occasion we had. I knew her name but it slipped out of memory the moment I woke up.

>> No.21483767

What if the momento when I don't give a shit anymore never comes? I'll be fated to live this mediocre life until the consequences of my shit life fall onto me

>> No.21483795

Convince me that going to law school is a terrible idea if I can't get into a T14.

>> No.21483819

I call bullshit on the "invention" of the wheel. are you telling me for 160,000 years nobody looked at a gourd or a rock rolling on the ground and put two and two together? they probably just didn't give enough of a fuck to craft them from permanent materials

>> No.21483821

>be constipated
>have to fart
>the fart goes around the poop to escape my butt instead of pushing the poop further out

How does this happen?

>> No.21483890

I've had a discussion with an old friend yesterday. I had actually called him after many years on a day I wanted to off myself. I know this sounds like the usual cope but he told me he was in a fairly unhappy situation that looked like a dead end (and I know he was in a spot similar to mine, no rich parents, etc.), and then because he didn't give up, eventually he got this opportunity to make a very drastic change and he's much better now. He said this after he heard me mope a little, maybe I gave away too much and he realized I was talking about suicide between the lines.

>> No.21483893

Also surely, if you don't do shit, things won't change. But the situation may not be as inescapable as you believe. The thing is making a change if you hate your life so much.

>> No.21483941

What if the moment already came and I didn't even realize it? Am I hearing voices in my head or am I the loudest voice in another's body? Do they really like having me around or is an act put on for the sake of politeness and preventing an unseemly atmosphere? Is there really something wrong with my mind or am I just introspecting and obsessing over failures too much? What is the right response? Do my peers really respect me or is it lip service? Do my parents like having me home or are they putting up with me out of a sense of obligation? Am I really that ugly? Why won't anyone say anything to my face? What did I do? Aren't I just a burden? Would I objectively improve things by killing myself? Isn't that just narcissism? Why shouldn't I punish myself if I know I deserve it? Why do I have so much trouble talking sometimes? Isn't it extremely childish to dream about meeting a nice girl who will want me around? Have I ever made a single person happy? Am I setting an impossibly high standard for myself or am I really just not good enough for anything at all? How much further do I need to go before I can rest? Is there a single good thing worth saving in me? What is Hell like? Isn't it stupid to wish to be damned so you can't sin or burden anyone anymore? How close am I? Isn't this enough? O God who has walked among a place of stone, let me be the string upon which thy fingers play.

>> No.21483955

Read the Kreutzer Sonata.

>> No.21484173


>> No.21484174

>None of you should long for death because of a calamity that had befallen him, and if he cannot, but long for death, then he should say, 'O God! Let me live as long as life is better for me, and take my life if death is better for me.'

I like this prayer, I've prayed it three times. One thing I like about it is that the implication is, once you've said it and if you truly believe in Gods dominion, that if He lets you live, then life is better for you. You put it in His hands. And God knows best.

>> No.21484185

I'm not sure if it's a great argument for the living, but I am now a happy-with-himself enough person to come on here just to post this tripe
Things can change.

>> No.21484455
File: 1.20 MB, 440x404, shambling corpse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 'shambling'

Upon divestment of the semipermeable visceral enclosure, floorboards that were previously stable and stationary giving way to agitation and disarray, a phenomenon often referred to as 'shambling,' howbeit it should be noted that the term 'shambling' can also refer to the slow, unsteady, and awkward gait of individuals who are experiencing difficulty with motor function due to an assortment of physical impairments or disabilities, in this sense 'shambling' being used to describe the manner in which an individual moves or walks in a clumsy or unskilled way and is also sometimes used to describe the haphazard and careless manner in which certain tasks are performed, it is unclear in the present context which of these definitions is intended, leaving one to wonder if the reference to 'shambling' is simply a playful or fanciful use of the term or if there is more to the situation at hand than meets the eye, the act of relinquishing ownership or control of the semipermeable membrane that surrounds and protects the internal organs of an organism, flat rectangular boards used to construct the horizontal surface of a room or floor previously in a state of stability and immobility experiencing a change and becoming agitated and disorganized resulting in a condition of chaos and confusion.

>> No.21484535

every since the "Schizoid Product" meme was posted on /lit/, i've been planning to write it myself, make it a reality. I think I'm finally ready.

>> No.21484649

Ever Read Turco's Book of Forms?
Read it and practice through the forms -
find one that works, one that goes with the way you already think. Or at least you will have a strong back ground.

Otherwise, what some did id take poems that they liked and kept the meter, and the last word in each line, and then re-write the poem.

Good luck

>> No.21484798

Is it weird to go on father daughter vacations in high school? For context my parents were separated.

>> No.21484806
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Should I read lolita — some degenerate fuck chooses to live with a lady bc he finds her daughter attractive

>> No.21484809

I don't know what to do, I'm hopeless
I wanna rot and die

>> No.21484813

What can you realistically do?
And What would you like to do?

>> No.21484824

so the son was left behind?

>> No.21484836

I can't wait for my husband to get home from work so I can shove my nose up his ass.

>> No.21484843

jelly, my guy won’t let me lick his ass

>> No.21484848

Is there a piece of art that you can always go back to, that makes life worth living when everything else is hell? A book? Movie? Vidya? Song?

>> No.21484852

there's always a chance they're laughing at you, not with you
sometimes the only way to win the game is not to play it

>> No.21485033

Stop this larp already

>> No.21485035

What are your options?

>> No.21485053

The covid vaccine is still a requirement for a lot of work, plubic and private, as well as for school. I'm scared I wont be able to transfer to a Cal State if they reject my religious obejction to vaccination.

>> No.21485060

What is the qrd on this meme?

>> No.21485062

Lucy Rose's Shiver has been plugged in, I'm lying in bed and I take a look at my walls, where I've hung Théâtre du Vaudeville by Léon Cortès and Moon of Twilight by Isaac Levitan. In a split second, I'm suddenly transported in the middle of Paris, 20th century. I'm wearing a thick coat and a hat, with a closed umbrella in my hand. It has been raining for hours now and I'm taking shelter under a building, sitting next to amused young frenchwomen who are encouraging the running passersby. Incandescent lights are illuminating the streets and I watch the downpour in silence, mesmerized by the way the rain droplets seem to be dancing on the pavement. The smell of petrichor fills my nose, and it is very calming.

After a dozen minutes, I notice the air is getting fresher, it is nothing but the beginning of a night breeze. My pocket watch indicates that my train to the countryside, where the family estate is located, will arrive soon. I pick up my suitcase and verify it has been closed properly, as humidity would do no good to the new dresses I bought for my nieces. Shortly after I joined the crowd, someone whistles, and I catch the frenchwomen from earlier waving and grinning at me. I stop and wave back with a timid smile before resuming my walk to the station, as rain droplets fall in great amounts on my umbrella.

>> No.21485067

Kind of stretching the term "art" but The Bible and Thomas Aquinas are what I always find gives me the optimistic answers I need.

>> No.21485075

Go on hrt and snip the peepee

>> No.21485081

Gay hippie nonsense

>> No.21485088

Saved from what
That was your aborted gf

>> No.21485145
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Bros the next generation of our nations legislators, judges, and executives will have been on here at least once. We can get our message heard bros. We can be the change we want to see in the world bros. It all starts here bros. Don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.21485171

Except it won't make any difference. The system is made to put the same type of people at the top of the pyramid.

>> No.21485179

trying to cure my suicidal desires by delving as deeply as possible into existential nihilist authors has not been a success

>> No.21485187

i have a family member that died last year and ive only recently been dreaming about her. I also have the same jarring "false awakenings". last night was no different.

i was living in the house i grew up in as a child. there was a vacant house next door to us, and i went over and discovered the cellar was open. i went inside and a river of water flushed me in to where i couldnt get back out. there was an enormous cavern that spread out into darkness. there were some people filing in with clipboards and construction hats. my dead cousin with sitting in the shadow on a fountain. i talked to her for a moment, but i dont remember what about. i realized she was dead and i was dreaming, and suddenly she stopped speaking.

>> No.21485201

Book is better than pussy - considering the pleasure given/time ratio.

>> No.21485211

There's a reasonable ratio of effort/investment to pleasure with mid-20s girls that hang out on college bars after graduation, or are just attending grad school. Sometimes you'll find a mix of desperation and young slutty mindsets that makes them extremely easy to seduce.

>> No.21485351

Books aren't as complex, books don't write books, books don't make sandwiches.
The pleasure of a good book is a simple delight, rereading them is more "comfy". Coming back to a good woman after you've left her on a shelf for too long, you get something else entirely. This is why you don't like them over books.
Love of object, or better yet, love of knowledge is okay, but love of a companion is superior

>> No.21485433

Upon the sand, upon the bay
"There is a quick and easy way" you say
Before you illustrate
I'd rather state
I'm not the man you think I am
I'm not the man you think I am
And sorrow's native son
He will not smile for anyone
And pretty girls make graves
End of the pier, end of the bay
You tug my arm, and say "give in to lust
Give up to lust, oh heaven knows we'll
Soon be dust"
Oh, I'm not the man you think I am
I'm not the man you think I am
And sorrow's native son
He will not rise for anyone
And pretty girls make graves
(Oh, really?)
I could have been wild and I could have been free
But nature played this trick on me
She wants it now
And she will not wait
But she's too rough
And I'm too delicate
Then, on the sand
Another man, he takes her hand
A smile lights up her stupid face
(And well, it would)
I lost my faith in womanhood
I lost my faith in womanhood
I lost my faith
Hand in glove
The sun shines out of our behinds

>> No.21485467

Planning on the quitting one I have. Remember to you all, don't join Sales.

>> No.21485498

Welcome to the club buddy. Like the other anon said, its mostly because you look like you got your shit together. Whether or not you do, doesn't matter, in comparison to boys their age.
I've had teenagers try to flirt with me and some mothers try to set me up with their daughters. Oddly enough, I feel like I'm too jaded to feel flattered about this.

>> No.21485524
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Deactivated my social medias. I'm tired of my attention span diminishing for quick dopamine hits.
>But you're own 4chan
I don't even spend that much time compared to shit like Instagram.

>> No.21485530

>Better than sex, man
>*rubs book on crotch*

>> No.21485559
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Because their functions are different, all talk of equality or non-equality is but idle words, without a meaning. Only things which have the same nature and fulfill the same function can be said to be superior to or equal with one another. Things which do not fulfill the same function are not thus comparable. For of two functions, each of which is essential to the life of the organism, neither can be said to be superior to the other. One branch may be equal or superior to another branch; but it cannot be said that the root is superior to the branch or the branch to the root. One eye may be superior to another eye, but the eye cannot be said to be superior to the ear, or the ear to the eye. Which is superior, a soldier or a carpenter? It depends upon whether we want a battle fought or a house built. Which is superior, Darwin's Origin of Species or Browning's Saul? This is like asking which is larger, half an hour or half a yard. Gallantry will bow to woman and say, "You are superior." Egotism will look with lordly air on woman and say, "You are inferior." But neither gallantry nor egotism will be rational. These twain are not identical. They do not duplicate each other. Man is not an inferior woman. Woman is not an inferior man. They are different in nature, in temperament, in function.

If man attempts woman's function , he will prove himself but an inferior woman. If woman attempts man's function, she will prove herself but an inferior man. Some masculine women there are; some feminine men there are. These are the monstrosities of Nature. She sometimes produces such monstrosities in other departments, grotesque variations from and violations of the natural order, not that we may follow them and attempt to reproduce them, but that we may see by contrast Nature's beauty and rejoice the more in her. This distinction between the sexes -- inherent, temperamental, functional -- is universal and perpetual. It underlies the family, which could not exist if this difference did not exist. It is to be taken account of in all social problems-problems of industrial organization, religious organization, political organization. Should society ever forget it, it would forget the most fundamental fact in the social order, the fact on which is built the whole superstructure of society.

>> No.21485583

The Art of War is misrepresented by sociopaths and therefore people avoid reading it because they think it's a book about how to be an asshole.

>> No.21485602

This is the exact reason why men don't open up about their feelings. We're expected to be a shoulder to cry on for women, but if we were to do the same we either want a mommy therapist or we are seen as weak. Society tells men to open up, but then immediately shows us that they actually don't want us to do that, so we stay silent.

Actions speak louder than words. We're expected to be a rock, but then get criticized for being one. Society cannot handle when men are super emotional. It's okay though, a lot of us are okay with it. It's just reality and there is nothing we can do to change it.

>> No.21485608
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Just whatever will appeal to the ego the most. Well, so what..... The vague primal sensations of difference, the instinctual reaction of opposition when presented with an idea that differs far enough from my own to trigger the opposition reaction, which I basically can't justify anyway."
"Why play the game? Idk what the pieces are anymore, or why I should care. I'm this or that . Monopoly money. It doesn't matter if society "progresses", Idk what that means. It doesn't matter if we conserve this or that "tradition". What tradition would I even be conserving? So what"

>> No.21485609
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Next thread


>> No.21485624

Trying to figure out how to turn off my overactive brain without the use of drugs or hitting myself in the head.

>> No.21485676

I keep offending ugly women by assuming they're old or male. I wish I could stop doing this but they arent doing themselves any favors by being ugly

>> No.21485685

Just get a bro to vent to. Easiest solution to the problem

>> No.21486527
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How is my dad so boring yet so entertaining at the same time?

Growing up, even now, he doesn't seem to have any hobbies or interests, at least nothing he passed onto us. Just worked and went home. Never had friends or bros he went out with or played golf with or whatever. Basically had no real seperate social life. Never even used to take my mother out, we never did family trips or anything like that or went away when school was out or did family things on the weekend besides fast food after church on a Sunday if he wasn't working. This stopped once we were all in highschool btw. Only trip was maybe 2 times where we went back to the old country and one of them he didn't come along. His only social life was just the occasional family/family-friend event throughout the year and even then he would avoid them.

But when he is there at a social event he is the life of the party and has conversations going about who knows what and everyone gathers around him and he is loud and making everyone laugh and entertained.

I don't get it. Nowadays he is just on the iPad every free minute he gets and before that it was just tv when he got home. Yet I'm boring as fuck even though I live the same lifestyle he basically taught me lmao. What the heck is going on? He doesn't even drink or anything to loosen up, he doesn't like alcohol because dad was an abusive alcoholic.
Yet he is so good with people despite avoiding them a lot if he can help it.

How do I end up more like my dad?

>> No.21486545
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Look forward.

Crys of righteous are caught in a cacophony by the desperate evils. They do not know the cave that surrounds has no ears.
There is definite silence, inaction. Slowly, the creeping stalagmites will collapse upon them.
Kings know not of the boundlessness of Time. But, to know of time, all must observe the passing of a world outside the cave.
In this paradoxical space, without observation, are the many voices but an imaginary orchestra?

Impermanence is evidence of existence. The only way to extend impermanence is through interaction of time.

Look up.

However, simply extending impermanence does not bring the form closer to Godliness. Godliness is the acceptance of impermanence; the Void.

Look down.

The Void exists beyond Time. For it is within Time and without Time. Expressed by acknowledgement of impermanence and created by the end of impermanence.

Only a true God would be unknowable. Existing on a ledge of abstraction, outside the rule of any domain, surely, must be it.

>> No.21486575
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Spicy, just how I like it anon.