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/lit/ - Literature

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21473208 No.21473208 [Reply] [Original]

>i just listened to 15 books

>> No.21473218

My brother listens to audiobooks but he has three kids and a fulltime job so i cannot blame him in the absolute slightest

>> No.21473223

How cluld you understand them all? I can just barely make out the words when two are playing.

>> No.21473228

based blinkist stealing all the good points from self help garbage and stripping all the bullshit padding.

>> No.21473255

I have two kids (one seven months) and I read for around 1-2 hours every day. Being busy isn't an excuse.

>> No.21473266

I usually set up speakers around the house, each playing a different audiobook. I then move around and listen to what sounds interesting.

>> No.21473272

>can't read book because dumb
>audiobook better but still dumb
>condensed audiobook in simplified language ahh now we're talking

>> No.21473276
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>I usually set up speakers around the house, each playing a different audiobook. I then move around and listen to what sounds interesting.

>> No.21473285

what books did you read?

>> No.21473288

What a complete waste of time.

>> No.21473292

What's a waste of time?

>> No.21473299

1-2 hours a day just reading? I read in the sauna and between sets at the gym. I listen to audiobooks at work and during chores. Just sitting and reading you may as well be playing videogames.

>> No.21473308

Is this what /lit/ has come to? Unbelievable. Audiobooks are not books, you can't claim to having read a book if you listened to it in the background while jerking off.

When my wife goes to bed I stay up and read, I need time alone.

>> No.21473318

Idk my brothers schedule but i think he has to do all the house work as well too when he gets home

>> No.21473320

You sound insufferable. You probably watch motivational videos on youtube all day.

>> No.21473326

One of my old uni friends has kids and has to cook and clean for his wife. I can't think of anything more emasculating.

>> No.21473332

Audiobooks are for light books like pop history/science and fiction. The only books that require actual reading are scripture, philosophy, classic translated books, and technical books with diagrams like music, welding, carpentry, math, etc. If you are wasting your time reading shit like Blood Meridian or The Stranger you are a brainlet. Things like Tolstoy or The Bible should be read. Things like Carl Sagan or Dumas are easily consumed in audio form. Imagine disregarding that Homer was meant to be spoken lmao. Go for a fucking run if you want time alone you lazy fuck.

>> No.21473335

Post wrist gayboy.

>> No.21473341

It taught me to never get married
I am quite happy dying alone if all westoid women are like this

>> No.21473343

Do that in a warehouse and call it an art project.

>> No.21473346

Haven't seen a post this dumb in a long while, well done anon.

>> No.21473353

I'm 34, so I can't share old man wisdom with you yet. However, I do think I did the right thing in marrying a woman who was 7 years younger than me. She was a virgin when we met, and since I have put babies inside her has become incredibly submissive. It's all about finding the right woman.
>inb4 she lied about being a virgin hue hue hue

>> No.21473358

It is impossible to find a legal aged gen z woman who is a virgin nowadays
They all share the same chads

>> No.21473361
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based, clearly an Andrew Tate fan. His brain is too fast for this book nerd shit

>> No.21473363

I disagree, most of them are virgins in their early 20s. The ones who go out clubbing aren't of course, but these are women that we shouldn't be interested in anyway

>> No.21473367

Brainlet alert. You don't actually read books with a 6th grade reading level made for your own language- right? Unless it is difficult to comprehend you shouldn't need to read it. But I scored post college reading level in 5th grade so you so you. There are only 8 hours a week day to do what you need to and 8 hours working. You should be using your time wasted at work for your own purposes. You should be doing both audiobook and reading and using your exercise time on your mind as well.

Also exercise is BASIC personal hygeine. To not do so is like not bathing or brushing your teeth- absolutely fucking disgusting and repulsive. Fat and weak opinions are to be wisely disregarded on their face.

>> No.21473376

>most of them are virgins in their early 20s
wew lad

>> No.21473378

I have no way of meeting them nor would they have any attraction to an ugly loser like myself

>> No.21473390
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>how dare you listening to the text of this serious and profound 19th century writer who dictated everything to his amanuensis (wife) anyway.

>> No.21473401

>When my wife goes to bed I stay up and read, I need time alone.
this but punish myself watching unbearably mediocre netflix shows before the dread of having to be alone with my thoughts settles in

>> No.21473419


Thats better then people who dont read at all.

>> No.21473423

Okay thats cool buddy... But you could be doing another task while also taking in the books.

>> No.21473426

>But I scored post college reading level in 5th grade so you so you
Ironic that you typo'd that when talking about your amazing reading grade. Also your entire post reads as if it was written by a toddler. Don't really believe your claims supreme intelligence, Andrew Tate fag

>> No.21473429

Just because the Iliad was made to be heard and not read does not automatically make listening to it better. They simply didnt have another option at the time and furthermore you arent (and will never) listening to it the way it was intendend to be heard.

>> No.21473433

Nice way to split your attention and miss half the point of the book. I mean do what you like, but to me this doesn't lead down a path of full understanding.

>> No.21473434

Why are you obsessed with a literal improv comedy character bro? Are you mentally retarded or just too autistic to get the joke?

>> No.21473436

Your tangivke seething buries whatever mediocre point you're getting. Embarassing.

>> No.21473441

I listen to romantic poetry collections, on audible, when I cant sleep. Sometimes it works, sometimes it hurts.

>> No.21473444

I think you are projecting your own anger, lazybones.

>> No.21473454

reading as consumption

>> No.21473460

Im not the anon youre going at, I dont even disagree with you about audiobooks. Its practically tuatological that someone will get more out of reading over listening. The thing is you're not explaining yourself, just insisting you're smarter than the busy anon. That's gay man, you gotta lift up your brothers.

>> No.21473486

I already said to do both and reserve easy books for audio so you can use your actual eye time more wisely for the difficult or technical. Plus you easily can focus on reading on a spin bike, eliptical, treadmill, stairmaster, or sauna. A page per rest between sets also is ideal for timing out 1 minute. The only shitty exercise for using the time wisely is swimming and that is too bad because swimming is such amazing cardio. I guess you could get those waterproof bluetooth headphones but I haven't. That said it's also important to take some time for active listening and music analysis everyday. Plus at least an hour of audiobook in another language if you are trying to maintain and get better.

>> No.21473495

Most of the social psych papers I've seen on virginity in young people clearly indicate that there are more femcels than malecels. These are anonymous, self-report questionnaires on which people have very little motivation to lie. Look at the data yourself instead of having seething morons on r9k digest it for you, they tell lies to further their worldview

>> No.21473521

the human capacity for willful nativity is rather amusing

>> No.21473522

naivety* ofc

>> No.21473527

I listen to a lot of audiobooks. It's great. Time that would otherwise not be used so well gets consumed in something that does me good.
I think it depends. If I'm painting miniatures I can listen to something with full attention (brush movement doesn't really require concentration), unless we are speaking of something like Aristotle. But if it's a novel that isn't exceptionally difficult I get a lot out of it, sometimes even more than when I read.

>> No.21473557

>people have very little motivation to lie
tell me you've never verified the words of women without telling me. You could offer to pay for a hymen test for 1% of women respondents who said virgin and I bet 100% would have had sex by the time the doctor's appointment came around. oops.
There is nothing women want more than for the words that come out of men's mouth to be as worthless as theirs. They review bomb themselves with whatever nets them the most consideration.

>> No.21473571

Personally I only use audiobooks as a sleep aid. As for reading while exercising, I gave a shot to reading between sets on my phone - and found it all but totally useless, lifting and reading disturb each other too much. I don't retain anything beyond the basics events of the book. I suppose that's sufficient if you're reading Brave New World.

Regardless, my point against you wasn't what you said but how you said it. Coming from a place of love lifts you and your opponent, seeking to belittle the other anon only embitters your soul. Christ wouldn't want it this way, not for me, him, or you.

>> No.21473674

Reading on a phone is horrible yo begin with. Buy a physical book and have a pen to write all over it.

>> No.21473697

Highly depends on what your doing... Surely you could follow along while taking a walk?

>> No.21473704

My friend, my brother, im not going to bring my copy of the Summa to the gym with me. This would be cumbersome, not to mention socially imprudent.

>> No.21473705

There's nothing wrong with audiobooks as long as you're not passively listening to them.

>> No.21473709

Yeah every idea is so complicated that i couldn't possibly understand it while doing something else like pruning weeds or sanding or driving or breaking the ice.

>> No.21473833

I think there's some truth to this; comprehension is always going to be better when you can read at your own pace.
But there's no law that says you can only listen to an audiobook once. I listen to the LibriVox Clive Catterall version of The Prince about every six months. I might miss out of some of the details on each particular listening but across all of them I believe I have a great understanding of the book.
Audiobooks are also great when you want to refresh yourself on a book you've already read before.

>> No.21473846

anon, you read those books. yes, it counts.

>> No.21473935

Is this pasta? What a brainlet kek

>> No.21473982

I've been listening to one chapter of In the Name of the Rose each night while lying in bed. It's comfy.

Yeah, I used to do this in college: I'd toss some non-fiction work I was struggling with onto my iPod, go for a jog, and listen to the difficult chapters/sections on repeat. When it came to write exams I found myself quoting full passages from memory. It's no replacement for reading but a useful supplement.

>> No.21474001
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The Name of the Rose**
I'm sure if I had read it instead I wouldn't have made this mistake. btfo'd myself i guess

>> No.21474181


>> No.21474184

Legitimately a good idea especially if you can rent one out in a big city. Come on anon, scam some retarded art zoomers