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21473236 No.21473236 [Reply] [Original]

What are the obvious signs of a literary pseud? Unironically quoting pic rel is a big one

>> No.21473241

They browse /lit/ instead of reading

>> No.21473250

>browsing doesn't require reading

>> No.21473256
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Yes i am a pseud

>> No.21473431

listening to classical music. like holy shit, just go have sex or something

>> No.21473474

I think consciously trying to come off as an intellectual/edgy person while not being one is very telling of early childhood trauma.

>> No.21473513

I feel personally attacked.

>> No.21473520

I’m really not sure how you can’t listen to something like this and at least appreciate the worldly beauty in it

>> No.21473523

Yes, I described myself there. I'm anonymous so I can call out my bullshit as much as I want.

>> No.21473524

How do you know if you are or aren't?

>> No.21473529

I do both, in fact I make my gf listen to theateat Bach piece I'm obsessing over as we drive over to hers for sex

>> No.21473531
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Do people really not like Dostoyevsky or is just that people shit on others reading The Brother Karamazov because it's his most well known work that happens in tons of booklists?

>> No.21473536

It’s more the latter

>> No.21473537

I'm just being edgy and contrarian because it helps me feel like I fit in with this website. I like TBK and classical music

>> No.21473544
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>IV V I ii in major triads etc etc etc in 65bpm
it's boooooring

https://youtu.be/ArgHvssVfF8 now this is fun and exciting

>> No.21473567

Only reads classics, ignores contemporary writing. Thinks public domain and published by certain imprints automatically equals quality
Essentially playing it safe, restricts himself to famous established to avoid having his own opinions
Only bad if you are the kind of dickhead who thinks it's somehow on a higher plane than everything else, as per above

>> No.21473578

My guy I like Stevie Wonder too but Sir Duke isn’t even one of his most complex songs. Try this

>> No.21473591

Once you get into the more acid jazz stuff you are only a stones throw from this. Not complaining but it isn't the delightful balance between pop and jazz that normies still like.

>> No.21473594

Stevie is right in that sweet spot where your grandmother likes his stuff, but he's also pretty cool when you know your shit.

>> No.21473603
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For me? It's The Twat in the Hat

>> No.21473604

Yeah I’m quite fond of Vai, dude’s a fucking genius. Also isn’t “acid jazz” supposed to refer to like Jamiroquai and Mother Earth and such? Their early stuff was actually quite a delight

>> No.21473606

Just posted him^ haha. I actually went as him this Halloween

>> No.21473612

Yeah it's just another word for jazz fusion but distinguished as more funk than rock. Stuff like this.

>> No.21473630

Jamiroquai is hands down my favorite musical group. Best jazz goes pop group with extreme high bpm bass, shredding vocals, full arrangements, and great timbres.

>> No.21473675

I know for a fact that I am one.

>> No.21474470

I have an iq of 140 and jazz is shit. I'm sorry.

>> No.21474526


>> No.21474536

Post original song

>> No.21474546

>who cares if its shit bro, its "unconventional"!

i see this thread is bringing out the unironic pseuds

>> No.21474551

Are you implying Songs in the Key of Life are shit? Are you mentally retarded? It's universally acclaimed.

>> No.21474621

im implying the specific song you posted is shit, or at the very least, completely mediocre. i honestly cannot imagine someone sitting down and saying to themselves "im going to listen to music, what should I listen to? i know, this shitty live recording of a completely unremarkable stevie wonder song"

>> No.21474630

i thought his most known work is crime and punishment....

>> No.21474684

Post original song.

>> No.21474698


>> No.21474718

Post original song.

>> No.21474738


>> No.21474759

Wearing ugly clothes because it make you think that you resemble some 90's burger-shit american aesthetic of 'intellectuality'.

>> No.21474770

I wear shit clothes because I'm a poor bachelor.

>> No.21474781

(with poor taste and doesn't dress like a rapper or spend money on sneakers)
And yes, I feel a smug sense of superiority for those who spend money to look tacky.

>> No.21474800
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>IV V I ii
what recs for learning this? or is it better to watch something on youtube since you can hear stuff. i notice patterns in music all the time but never got into learning it

>> No.21474828

There is an explicit difference in wearing shit clothes because you have no money and wearing ugly clotes ---that try to emulate shitty clothes--- because you are a larping npc. I wasn't reffering to people like you when I wrote that.

>> No.21474838

>quoting trendy authors based on youtube-video-essay consumption
>quoting authors ---when it doesn't add anithing worth mentioning--- on common sense opinions

>> No.21474922

The basic circle of fifths can be most quickly learned by picking up piano. I learned from a jazz guitar book called Chord Chemistry. The song literally says it is in A major and it is baroque which pretty much always means IV V I as that is the baroque chord convention. But if you learn piano it is visually obvious as the white keys are all whole notes, you can learn the basic wwhwwwh major/ionian scale just by looking at the white keys and learning C then by adding just one black piano key per key as you learn the circle of fifths. Then you learn how the modes work and that you can think of C lydian as G major with a shift in the IV to diminished and then just emphasize differently for that mode.

tldr just learn piano, it's the easiest polyphonic instrument for learning music theory

>> No.21474932

>he doesn't know

Rich people dress like poor people but in $800 versions of the cheap flannel shirt a poor person wears and a $4000 version of the carhardtt jacket he wears.

>> No.21474958
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checked and thanked. what else should i learn if i want to learn to write "simple" like chopin's nocturnes or satie's gymnopedias pieces to get some dumb art hoe pussy?

>> No.21474965

can't you read?

>> No.21475021

Well the chord structures are simple but the voice leading is not. That takes a lot of practice to master and know how to maintain the tension before the release back to the I while still having movement.

This is the guy who wrote my Chord Chemistry book.

>> No.21475057

may you be blessed

>> No.21475078

Nobody can actually quote it. Too long and jumbled and poorly written to have such thing as quotable lines. People mostly like the feeling they get reading it, they are hardly wowed by prose and such

>> No.21475090

Well russian is an insane language because it has almost no syntax rules. How the hell would it be translated right?

>> No.21475095


They have constipated incel lips, and/or perpetually make that wide Unitedstatian "I am full of shit face", and/or have learned how to talk/write much about nothing, et cetera.

>> No.21475100

It's a bit boring.

>> No.21475122

who is depicted here?

i'm guessing mitya on the bottom and alyosha on top?

>> No.21475288

You don't know anything at all about music history or theory do you?

>> No.21475405

>IQ of 140
>speaking about a musical genre as one entity
I don’t think so!

>> No.21475534

>ugh how can you say this song is not enjoyable, did you even notice that it doesnt have an orthodox time signature!?!?! how dare you

like I said, you are a pseud

>> No.21476209

Classical music has infinitely more artistic value than whatever consumer garbage you listen to, I'm sorry you don't understand that.

>> No.21476222

Kek it's 4/4. You know less than a public educated 5th grader about music.

>> No.21476236

Unironically using the word pseud

>> No.21476250

I know music history. Music was good, then the aristocracy collapsed and was replaced by a global system under which the value of music is measured by wide market appeal, now music is bad.

>> No.21476280

Alyosha and Smerdiakov

>> No.21476290

Do you know the history of jazz?

>> No.21476342

jesus christ, are you autistic? I didn't actually check the songs time signature, its a figure of speech which encapsulates pseud theory circle jerking

>> No.21476352
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>> No.21476375

Kek check sir dukes time signature lol its a motown melody. What is it about music that triggers complete ignoramuses to talk out of their asses above all other artistic mediums? Why is music the one medium that people who know absolutely nothing think they are experts at and refuse to actually learn anything about? I mean honestly it isn't even that complicated. You can learn the basics in about 2 hours and at least know what ii V I means or what a sus4 is- at least conceptually. But for some strange reason people just refuse to learn basics. It's like somebody refusing to read and write because he likes when somebody reads to him and somehow he thinks this will diminish the mystery of storytelling in a negative way.