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/lit/ - Literature

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21470483 No.21470483 [Reply] [Original]

>People have feet fetishes because feet have shape of a penis

Is he right?

>> No.21470490

I think he probably had a weird penis.

>> No.21470500

I’m not crazy about feet but I occasionally like to see the bottom of the feet in submissive poses. The voluntary submission and weakness is what’s arousing. Having your feet up in the air, or sitting on your knees with your feet behind you makes it much harder to get back on your feet and really makes you vulnerable

>> No.21470503

Reminder that everything in this man’s notion of psychology is drawn from nothing but the projections from his own neurotic, perverted mind. Granted, it takes an unbelievable amount of honesty and searing self-examination to turn your repressed urge to fuck your own mother into a general theory of desire and prohibition, but he was definitely wrong to assume that such an impasse lies at the heart of all social beings.

>> No.21470510

He literally wanted to fuck his mother and his whole "psychological analysis" was just a cope to hide it. Jung showed Freud what a fucking retarded weirdo he is.

Still, feet fetish is based around the idea of feet being something you normally only see when you have sex with a woman. That means the mere naked feet is something that is highly connected to sex and being in control of women.

>> No.21470515

Is there anything in the world that doesn't look like a penis?

>> No.21470532

A vagina.

>> No.21470533

Theres a literal little penis in there

>> No.21470534

that's just an inverted penis

>> No.21470540

A vagina. Although saying that, people did use to think they were literally inside-out cocks that would pop out if a woman did any strenuous activity like jumping over a fence. So it turns out that prior to learning about female anatomy, all hetero intercourse should actually just be considered docking with a bro

>> No.21470545
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>The anti-penis, aka apenis or meenis, is theoretical geometric inversion of the penis, that being distinct from the vagina which is penislike in quality. The meenis is itself a replica, as the inversion of the penis itself represents the geometry of the penis. Thus, the penis even exists in its antithesis. As it is said, "All things are penis."
>Bigmund Boid, 1928

>> No.21470555
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I can admire a good pair of feet but foot fetishists take that shit too far.
I'm more of a leg man, which are even more dick-shaped if we're going by Freud.
Arms, neck, back, thighs, stomach... there's just so much beauty on a woman that I fear I may be straight.

>> No.21470565

>died of mouth cancer from smoking cigars

>> No.21470585

legs are a fetish for men who like cadavers or dead women, Freud actually notices that about Dostoievsky

>> No.21470586
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>realize both men and women have asses

>> No.21470593

Well shit time to pay a visit to the morgue. Thanks bro.

>> No.21470600

Wait until you realize there's a penis touching your thighs right now...

>> No.21470605

no problem bro take some pictures

>> No.21470651

>mfw realising that a woman could never know how to properly jerk off a cock because they don’t have one
>mfw realising only another man could truly know how to handle your meat the way you’d like it to be handled

>> No.21470660

Thread is officially over.

>> No.21470690
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You've got to be crazy on acid to think a foot looks like a goddman penis.

>> No.21470694

Feet have the shape of a penis? On what planet. Anon, is your penis shaped like a foot?

>> No.21470703

Not true. I got my dick sucked off by a circumcised tranny and xhe did a terrible job because xhe probably thought my penis was lack as much sensitity as xher own.

>> No.21470732

Well, why did he thought that way?

>> No.21470738

Plebeian moutbreathers spouting off boilerplate opinions

>> No.21470741


>> No.21470745

> I got my dick sucked off by a circumcised tranny and xhe did a terrible job
Exactly, xhe did a terrible job because “xhe” is not (or no longer) a man. Women and eunuchs are the same thing imo

>> No.21470775

>"hehe guys freud bad amirite?"

You're literally using psychoanalytic concepts you dimwit.

>> No.21470786
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Does he actually say this? Need page number and edition for the Collected Works, please.

If I remember a particularly steamy English Lit seminar from my uni days correctly, his theory of shoe fetishes is based on the idea that people often fetishise the last thing they see before experiencing the trauma of castration anxiety (castration anxiety here means realising that women don't have a penis, and extrapolating that maybe it's possible for you to lose your penis, too). The hypothesis is that people see the bare vagina reflected in the polished shoe of their older female Viennese relative. And so the shoe fills that traumatic void: it becomes the artificial phallus that the woman lacks.

Typing that out, it seems ridiculously speculative and incoherent, and makes me think that I've maybe invented the memory of that seminar (and that paraphrase of Freud), for perhaps Freudian reasons. I liked that diminutive brunette professor a whole lot. She specialised in Henry James.

>> No.21470792
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Who are the must read in psychology?

>> No.21470806
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And depending on how you read Freud, you can definitely find his own transferences (or your own countertransferences) to the subject he's writing on. Eventhough early analysts thought they had completed their analysis, i doubt there even exists such as thing as a "completed analysis". The unconscious is unconscious for a reason.

>> No.21470811

If youre referring to psychotherapy - Irvin Yalom is pretty entry-level imo.

>> No.21470821

based psychiatrist???

>> No.21470834

True. The best you can hope for is to become someone else's object of transference. The only thing of value that the Rat Man got out of psychoanalysis was that he got to be the Rat Man, the freaky subject of a thousand papers.

>> No.21470841

Lets not forget
>people have feet fetishes because they crawled on the floor as babies and just saw feet

>> No.21470843

Long ago I saved some anons post that I really like to post in every Freud thread
>no, talk therapy has not been refuted. projection has not been refuted. neurosis has not been refuted. the ego-unconscious-conscience model has not been "refuted". in fact all of these have been substantiated and are so ingrained in the average person's worldview that we take them all totally for granted now.

>> No.21470850

You're mistaking castration with cirumcision. Xhe could still get hard wasn't on hormones.

>> No.21470853

It was about toes on the foot

>> No.21470859
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There's so many hidden premises needed for this to make sense, though. Why do you get sexually aroused by the things you see as a baby? Why some things and not others?

>> No.21470862
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Castration makes a good object for transference out of all of us anon

>> No.21470871
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He literally made all his theories up while high on coke without any regard to whether they are true or not, yet some dimwits still study his works like the Bible LOL

>> No.21470883

Are you seriously suggesting that a man who lectured alongside such luminaries as Billroth, Nothnagel and Breuer should not be taken seriously?

>> No.21470886

They probably shared his coke.

>> No.21470889

Based Freud

>> No.21470893

>Why do you get sexually aroused by the things you see as a baby?
Birth trauma, going from the safety and warmth of the womb into the cold world. Thats the idea of "wanting to fuck your mother", thinking about sex you need to strip down all previous ideas you have about sex kinda like Husserlian phenomenology, sex is, stripped down of the notion of reproduction (aboriginals dont know that sex results in child birth, in arabia islam originally spread the idea of sperms being the seed of the child), the notion of marriage, love etc, entering the womb. Monkeys usually first finger a female ape, snifs, eats the hole, before implanting his penis into the monkeyette

>Why some things and not others?
Different experiences, thats why most gay guys were raped by pedophiles and whymkst gay guys themselves are pedophiles

>> No.21470904

Try coke, it's not like alcohol or some other drugs that blur your thinking
Its more like Adderal

>> No.21470912

>Try coke

>> No.21470954

No coke, Pepsi!

>> No.21470958

>Try coke, it's not like alcohol or some other drugs that blur your thinking
No, it makes you think that everything is awesome and every idea you have is brilliant but when you sober up you realise you were just ranting about random nonsense.

>> No.21470974

Something about the way that foot fetishes have gone extremely mainstream in the past few years deeply disturbs me. In our hypersexualized and pornographic mass culture every part of the female body is worshipped and men decided that feet were now the most attractive part of them. Women then complied with their sexual attractions and now it's common to see women publicly display their feet and keep them as appealing as possible. I've always been attracted to female feet if they're actually beautiful but now the intimate maternal value of them is lost. Every aspect of womanhood is becoming a pornified commodity to ejaculate to and decorate yourself with. I suspect this is why transgenderism exploded and I'm always disgusted by how woman go along with every attempt to sexually degrade them.

>> No.21471099

>i love female feet
wtf are you saying bro

>> No.21471146
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Sort of related ?

>> No.21471152
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>> No.21471159
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>> No.21471165
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>> No.21471168
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This really captures the self-contradictory meaninglessness of 'being trad'. Good job.

>> No.21471170

baudrillard addresses this

>> No.21471176

Extremely based read anon
I agree. The excessive sexualization of women is pretty sad, especially when they develop complexes regarding various parts of themselves like feet. Even something as "low" as feet becomes an object of anxiety and self-obsession for them.

>> No.21471179

thank you
sorry its a bit spammy

>> No.21471182

You have made the lowest IQ post in the thread. Congratulations.

>> No.21471183
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Hysterics will always strive to become the objects of desires but not fulfill jouissance (onlyfans) while obsessionals will do whatever it takes to perpetuate their autonomy/autism (in its "true" meaning). Fetishizing parts of a women turns them into objects that are easier to handle for the obsessive NEET/autist.

This is why Lacan said all sex is masturbation - Obsessives (mostly men) and Hysterics (mostly women) are on each side of the object of desire without actually acknowledging the subjects.

>> No.21471189

where to start with lacan?

>> No.21471195
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thus; Onlyfans satisfies the jouissance of obsessives and hysterics alike - obsessives don't have to give in to their autonomy and hysterics don't have to risk becoming subjects themselves by being met with the question of desire.

>> No.21471208
File: 925 KB, 872x727, Screenshot 2022-11-09 202204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Clinical introduction to Lacanian psychoanalysis by Bruce Fink. Surprisingly smooth read if you are familiar with psychoanalytic jargong.

It is true to its name though, it's very clinical and doesn't dig too deep into theory. But i think it's a nice start to see lacanian concepts "in action".

>> No.21471222

go ahead. brainlet how?

>> No.21471225


I am an agent with a US Federal agency dedicated to non-invasively observing persons whose psychological profile places them at risk for committing heinous criminal acts. A component of this non-invasive observation is making you aware that you are being observed, non-invasively, and why. I have been instructed by my superiors to inform you that your post, indicating an acute sense of your own sexual proclivities, has led to yourself becoming a person we are obligated by the Law and Morality to observe. We will not inhibit your life. Carry on.

>> No.21471245

I developed my fetish through trauma that my brain then sexualized. I suspect many people have similar stories.

>> No.21471265

not even remotely close to what I said. I'm saying that our current culture has rejected the mind and spirit. There is only the body and the body is the most worshiped object of modern life. All intimacy and transcendent attraction that could come between two people has been desecrated and now we're only expected to lust after people in a purely commodified and external manner. Now something as innocuous as feet are sexual objects and young girls are conditioned to display them for male attention just like they willingly do with every other part of their body because the power of seduction gives them a degree over men. Nothing is concealed anymore, nothing is personal. You can mutilate your dick and pump yourself with hormones if you want to present as a woman, plastic surgery is one of the highest aspirations for young women today (in Korea they get it as a birthday present). Everything is a commodity. It's deeply sickening

>> No.21471266
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Personally? I developed my fetish through sexuality that my brain then traumatised.

>> No.21471278

Jung is just Freud with extra steps

>> No.21471283
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>Jung is cool
>but Freud is not

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.21471296

How does trauma cause a foot fetish?

>> No.21471298

>There is only the body and the body is the most worshiped object of modern life.
>All intimacy and transcendent attraction that could come between two people has been desecrated
>Now something as innocuous as feet are sexual objects
> Nothing is concealed anymore, nothing is personal.
>You can mutilate your dick
I think you need to read some more history if you think this is anything new.
>plastic surgery is one of the highest aspirations for young women today
Swap plastic surgery out for chinese footbinding, or even just venetian ceruse, etc.

>> No.21471326

There are leagues of difference between what was done then in so many cultures and what is done now. Don't even try to compare lightening skin and footbinding with the large number of surgeries and injections that a single woman can get today. Women have chunks of flesh carved out in labiaplasty, their noses, jaws, and eyes reshaped, fat removed and injected, hair dyed, piercings across their entire bodies, injections of silicone and botox, etc etc.
It's VERY obvious that there is a major increase in objectification and vanity today as compared to other times and cultures.

>> No.21471327
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What's the difference between body and spirit, to you? Seriously. Is it just a difference of quantitative intensity? Is it just the number of diversionary steps required before you explode the libidinal charge? In the race between flesh and plastic, is it purely that flesh is better at being plastic than plastic could ever be? Do you even know what you mean by 'commodity'? What's the difference between the birthday present that's offered by the Korean economy and that offered by the genetic struggle? These are genuine questions and I hope for genuine answers.

>> No.21471341

I’ve been waiting.

>> No.21471344


Baudrillard also adresses the westoid brainrot of "authenticity".
There is no such thing as being authentic, as the self (that one supposedly is authentic to) is literally a tulpa or a concept that only exists in the theoretical field, in one moment and instant of time.

>> No.21471351

People like you are NPCs and yes, your self, yours specifically, is a tulpa that doesn't exist.

>> No.21471360

Henceforth, you shall never be alone.

>> No.21471362

I have not split my mind into spaces that are constant and dead.
I mean if you happen to believe in the soul, then yeah, sure, you can be authentic to the soul. But for that to be true, you need to have an assumption.

>> No.21471365

my own guardian Angel <3

>> No.21471372

I retract my statement. you are in fact based, although you subscribe to some cringe beliefs.

>> No.21471382

Ayo since you active. Ive got a nice buzz on, you decide whether i stay here or get blackout drunk. My fate is in your hands anon. Choose wisely, for you and me both.

>> No.21471386

By the way, I’d like to be interviewed (for a job). I would be a great asset (you know it’s true)

>> No.21471398

Oh ez. Okay. Here are my interview questions:

1) is there a philosophical system that doesn't rely on faith at its most basic foundation?
2) is Emerson worth reading?
3) favorite book
4) was goethe racist?
5) Jesus - should we live as he?
6) opinion on Luther?
7) please post a 200 word excerpt of intensly personal writing that examines the things which bother you about life.
8) Is atheism a dream?
9) does philosophy end with Plato?
10) would the world be better off without empiricism?

>> No.21471405

Judging by the fact that you have that pic saved you seem to be a faggot coomer and I won't respond to you, hope you get testicular cancer

>> No.21471412


>> No.21471415
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I'm noticing many phallic shapes...

>> No.21471422

I literally have extreme OCD like the Rat Man and will kill myself if I don't somehow get rid of it by 2024

>> No.21471424
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Not the one youre replying to but
1) no; every system is built by language and thus, language is its own self-referring system that one uses to create philosophy. Thus, outside language, there is no philosophy as you cannot capture "philosophy" without language (and by language i mean language in the broader sense of communication).
Language in of itself requires suppositions and assumptions to be functional, so the most "pure" philosophy would still be restricted by language.

2) never read

3) fiction? Moby dick (no bully i think the prose is nice for a midwit like me)

4) probably, most likely. Why not though?

5) Nah

6) I hate protestant brainrot.


8) It's a cope just like faith is. Indifference is my position. If God exists, cool, if not, the texts were nice and spurred history on.

9) Kinda.

10) Yes.

>> No.21471436
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I'm sorry if I in any way ruined your fun by suggesting that enjoyment of intimate, transcendent, maternal womanhood is at the same time the collation of the faggot coomer images produced by the scary external outside. The creation of those little intimate, personal creases is one of the outside's greatest tricks and charms, and I wouldn't want to spoil it by reminding you that each of your fantasies has a filename attached.

>> No.21471441

Luther on jews were pretty, decently, based though. And i kinda do appreciate movements/thinkers that make history "go forward" - both to create or topple hegemony. So i suppose I like Luther.

Protestantism is a brainrot though.

>> No.21471444

It's simple; just pay off your father's debt. I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.21471452

1) Faith, or trust, signifies conviction, which is really present in all beliefs. Even skepticism has faith in its skepticism, that is, that it is GOOD to be a skeptic.
2) Never read him. Probably unnecessary.
3) Beyond Good and Evil
4) don’t know
5) I wish I knew how Jesus actually lived. His teachings don’t reveal so much, even if they truly are his teachings. One thing that we should adopt is his acceptance of God’s will, amor fati..
6) don’t really care
7) nothing bothers me about life except my own incompetence
8) how should I know?
9) Obviously not, or there would not be philosophy written after him. The dialogues are rather lacking in rigor, and style
10) probably not

>> No.21471459

>9) Obviously not, or there would not be philosophy written after him. The dialogues are rather lacking in rigor, and style

Guess how i know you're an unironic philosophy major.

>> No.21471462

math, actually (unfinished)

>> No.21471468

Even worse

>> No.21471478

Is that how Rat Man's OCD was resolved? I have a theory mine has to do with unresolved daddy issues but idk. CBT tells me I'm fucked for life and can only cope and seethe, and maybe thats true

>> No.21471486

Sorry, you were probably expecting a fast response. I’m socially retarded so I didn’t even register that you wanted me to “decide” for you. I don’t really care what you do

>> No.21471491
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I have great respect for math-majors.
Actually started out in math myself, although i switched to medicine and later to a become a clinical psychologist.

CBT is literal cope. They teach you dissociate and intellectualize. I'm shitting all over CBT so don't take my word for it, i'm sure many clinicians who do CBT are good but I usually pop off when I think about the theoretical reasoning of CBT.

>> No.21471492


>> No.21471498

The usual explanation for foot fetish is that it is a turning away from or avoidance of sexy. You are literally casting your eyes down and away from the sexy parts of the body to focus on a relatively neutral, non-sexual body part. The fact that feet and toes are long and thin and vaguely penis shaped if you squint, or that they are usually covered in every day life, or they slide in to things, just make them more evocative of sex but it isn't the primary reason for the fetishisation.

Fetish is an over used term and often just used synonymous for 'preference'. What it actually means in psychology is something you elevate to much greater importance over something you cannot mentally handle. In this case, and most cases, fetishising to avoid sex.

>> No.21471499

wait a second... is that why young buys jerk off into socks?

>> No.21471500

>people in the past did a lot of wacky shit so clearly this means that modern industrial society with its technology and consumer capitalism is the same
Why do midwits always make this claim? Even if certain behaviors have always been present in history modernity is unique in how prevalent and industrialized they are. Chinese footbinding is not the same as 13 year olds around the world aspiring for plastic surgery because Rebecca has a bigger ass than her. There has never been a point in history until a few years ago where entire populations of men pump themselves with hormones to the degree they do now.

>> No.21471507


>> No.21471511

I'm a face-guy and i jerk off into old tshirts. Nicer rougher texture.

>yes i am a pervert.

>> No.21471521

and socks are dirty. Makes no sense though, when they're washed.
I just have this fantasy of accidentally putting them on. Seems like id rather have my own cum on my chest than on my feet lmao.

>> No.21471524
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Real convenient Freud, the one phallic shaped object you always have in your mouth is the one thing that isn't penis related

>> No.21471531
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>1) is there a philosophical system that doesn't rely on faith at its most basic foundation?
No, because 'living in the world' requires a basic, irrational leap of faith, and philosophy is only worthwhile if it address living in the world
2) is Emerson worth reading?
Haven't read him, sorry. But surely we all are wasting time that could be better spent on someone like Emerson.
3) favorite book
DH Lawrence's The Rainbow. Or Kafka's Amerika. Or Beckett's Molloy.
4) was goethe racist?
Isn't he like the last guy who had the luxury of not having to think about race?
5) Jesus - should we live as he?
It seems like Jesus lived as 'singular, outcast shaman for the community', so for everyone to live like Jesus seems like a contradiction in terms.
6) opinion on Luther?
Seems like a heroic effort to think through 'how is it possible for everyone to live like Jesus if Jesus is a singular, outcast shaman for the community?'
7) please post a 200 word excerpt of intensly personal writing that examines the things which bother you about life.
I don't write intensely personal writing because the things that are most intense to me are things that are outside and beyond me. But here's 205 words from the unfinished ending of the story I'm most pleased with so far:
>If only I had the foresight to arrange something advantageous here, to have positioned an inconspicuous agent within earshot. I knew the waiters and all their preferred names, and usually they avoided my glance because most owed me serious debts. I could have arranged for one to linger behind the palms and transcribe it all down into one of their pads. Not to transcribe, no specifics (I respect the separate and secret part of a spouse); just the emotional gist, their tones, the aura. Many of the waiters had dropped out of creative writing degrees before arriving at the shore, and from the way they evoked the specials I knew they had the troubadour skill of finding the essential words their patron needed to hear.
>Rising above their paired heads, beyond the hanging plants and strung bulbs, I saw the hill with the zigzag road that takes people far from the coast. I saw Cody’s rose-gold jeep glinting in the setting sun’s rays, ascending with the new girlfriend at high speed. And around me other details: driftwood propped for a coming bonfire, the evening’s moon finding its place, the hiss of sweet-potato fries crisping in the back kitchen of a bar, its door open wide.
8) Is atheism a dream?
The court in which people feel the need to constantly litigate for or against atheism is a dream.
9) does philosophy end with Plato?
Most meaningless of the questions so far.
10) would the world be better off without empiricism?
No world without empiricism. It's the art of living consciously in a world, and we can't live except consciously.

>> No.21471532

It is okay anon. We're all autistic here, mostly. You are loved cause you're loved, thats just how love works - remember that <3

>> No.21471539

Im really glad the government is doing this sort of non invasive policy now.

>> No.21471542

>>people in the past did a lot of wacky shit so clearly this means that modern industrial society with its technology and consumer capitalism is the same
I don't know why, anon. I never made that claim, so I don't get why you're replying to me, either.

>> No.21471560

Makes more sense to see a cigar as a breast or nipple: something you habitually suck for its relaxing properties. Unless you're OP's mom.

>> No.21471565

I was "into" feet long before I was aware it was a sexual thing, I liken it to more a dialed-down autistic special interest

>> No.21471566
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Foot "fetishes" are so remarkably easy to explain, I'm genuinely confused as to why there's so much retarded rationalization in this thread. It's simple. The feet of the women outside your own family are usually covered in layers of clothing like shoes and socks, and so you begin to associate a woman's bare feet with the comfort of familiarity. It's a sign you've become close enough to a woman that she's willing to show you her feet, even though they are typically regarded as being repulsive or foul-smelling. All of this takes on an aspect of sensuality when they're the feet of a woman you love or are sexually interested in.

>> No.21471571

literal american behaviorist take.

>> No.21471582

i know where foot fetishes come from but i'm not telling you guys
all the explanations itt so far are wrong

>> No.21471586


>> No.21471596
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Literally read anything by Barlow on psychotherapy and you'll see what i mean.

CBT-manuals are so fucking depressing, that you have to bulldoze your patients through them. All you're doing is putting layers and layers of corrective behaviors - through "acceptence" or whatever buzzword of the decade happens to be hip, not actually letting the person know themselves.

>> No.21471608

explain how

>> No.21471627
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NTA, but you're papering over the reason people wan't to think about eroticism and fetishes (i.e. their strange, irrational, abyssal quality) with something already comprehensible and categorisable (i.e. the self-preservation behaviours familiar to biologists). The substitution seems motivated not by how well it captures what's essential in the phenomenon -- because it doesn't try to capture it all -- but rather by how well it accords with existing common sense: families are comfy and safe, and feet are associated with families, so problem solved. Why a foot fetish is distinct from a fantasy of warm Christmas enclosure, and why a fantasy of warm Christmas enclosure is distinct from a fantasy of a stern, nylon-clad aunt, and why a fantasy of a stern, nylon-clad aunt is distinct from a fantasy of the smile of the girl who lives next door -- these are all distinctions keenly felt by the libido but absolutely and indifferently levelled by the ready-made explanation of 'domestic security'.

>> No.21471641


>> No.21471649

If that's the case, why am i jacking off to bukkake and not feet rn?

By your logic, everyone would be a foot fetishist.

>> No.21471671

As a federal employee, I am authorized to extend to you - personally - the great appreciation the US Government feels for your kind words. The Government works diligently to monitor the citizenry non-invasively and collectively gets a tummy full of fuzzies when the people acknowledges its efforts. Hug your local DMV clerk today!

>> No.21471679
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honestly this is kind of how I see it, I've always been attracted to female feet (only if they're good) because my brain sees them as nubile, comforting, feminine and motherly, etc. I think most men are naturally attracted to feet but footfags are a unique group of fetishes who have domination fantasies and stuff, those guys are freaks

>> No.21471743
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If it is so with feet, what does it say about pitCHADs?

>> No.21471810

just one step above a hug, really

>> No.21471819
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How does it feel getting hugged by a woman with sweaty, smelly, uncovered pits?

>> No.21471835

Check out Freud's essays on Camus.

>> No.21471842

hot. temperature wise. and hot. kissing imminent.
honestly you have to be in the mood for it or else it feels disgusting having another person's sweat slathered onto your body. anything to do with armpits is best done immediately before a shower

>> No.21471955
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Thanks! Here's your reward!

>> No.21471982

I'm surprised a doctor who made a reputation by killing his patients by criminal negligence was elevated so far.
Probably Jews responsible.

>> No.21471987


>> No.21472046
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I have this vision of "it would be good if there are no bullshits in sexual relationships". For example, I fear being "deceived" by women. I'm afraid if women would say words to me such as I'm "manly, confident, I have a big dick, etc". I thought a way to counter it would be to establish a range of what is big, medium, small size penis, then before having sex, she measures my penis so that whether my penis is big or not is decided beforehand. Am I hysterical or obsessional?

>> No.21472090

Couldn't find any. Well here's what he has to say about foot fetish:
>The subject was a man who is to-day quite indifferent to the genitals and other attractions of women, but who can be plunged into irresistible sexual excitement only by a foot of a particular form wearing a shoe. He can recall an event from his sixth year which was decisive for the fixation of his libido. He was sitting on a stool beside the governess who was to give him lessons in English. The governess, who was an elderly, dried-up, plain-looking spinster, with pale-blue eyes and a snub nose, had something wrong with her foot
that day, and on that account kept it, wearing a velvet slipper, stretched out on a cushion. Her leg itself was most decently concealed. A thin, scraggy foot, like the one he had then seen belonging to his governess, thereupon became (after a timid attempt at normal sexual activity at puberty) his only sexual object; and the man was irresistibly attracted if a foot of this kind was associated with other features besides which recalled the type of the English governess. This fixation of his libido, however, made him, not into a neurotic, but into a pervert - what we call a foot-fetishist.
-Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis

>> No.21472175

Anon I..

>> No.21472211

What? What's wrong with wanting to bring rationality and positivistic empiricism into sex?

>> No.21472269

>unfalsifiable concepts have not been refuted
i kneel...

>> No.21472279

Everything that we believe is predicated on unfalsifiable concepts.

>> No.21472290

Everything except that which falsifiable.

>> No.21472297

We can only determine them falsifiable or unfalsifiable because we accept the concepts they depend upon, which are unfalsifiable. In other words, they are only falsifiable within an unfalsifiable reference frame.

>> No.21472307

I like male and female feet but I could never masturbate to just feet alone, that shit's weird to me.

>> No.21472328
File: 516 KB, 498x280, tea-sip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon.. the truth is that most girls don't care about penis size. That's mostly a guy thing. The g-spot is not that deep and most women orgasm better with their clitoris anyways. The only thing big penises do is make blowjobs more difficult to give.

>> No.21472334

They care to a certain extent.
But it's true, women have the best orgasms on the clitoris. You barely need to put your fingers inside their pussy to give them the best orgasms.

>> No.21472338

Spoken like a true virgin

>> No.21472345

It depends on the woman. Personally I couldn't care less. I still tell my partner he has a big one because being honest and saying "you're average but I like it like that" might make him self conscious since every guy is obsessed with having a monster cock for some reason.

I'm a woman (not the tranny kind)

>> No.21472353

Anon, there's no way to give a good blowjob to a big penis when you have a small mouth. My partner isn't that big and I have burped and almost puked on his penis several times. If he actually had a giga mega Godzilla dong I don't think we could do oral at all.

>> No.21472359

>I still tell my partner he has a big one because being honest and saying "you're average but I like it like that" might make him self conscious since every guy is obsessed with having a monster cock for some reason.
This is my entire motive for a thorough "empiricism in dirty talks". Yes, I don't like dirty talks because they are.... dirty. So am I hysterical or obsessional?

>> No.21472362

Did Freud ever write about having a fat fetish?

>> No.21472365

>I'm a woman (not the tranny kind)
That's a meaningless credential at a place like this. The demographics of 4chan was around 95% male and I'd imagine even lower on a board like /lit/

>> No.21472373

There were no fatties in his day.

>> No.21472451

My soul brother

>> No.21472681

Because those ideas are actually useful when talking about how Freud universalised his own local psychopathologies. They don’t have to be tied into ideas based on mythological incest in order to be useful, it’s reasonable to critique freud on his own terms without importing the whole of his thought

>> No.21472705

can someone show me how to use 4chan