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21465821 No.21465821 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ The End is Near!
Do Not Talk to Pepes edition

Previous thread >>21457565

>> No.21465832
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Sandwiches and wine don't go well together.

>> No.21465835

You have bad taste, sir.

>> No.21465838

You and this thread don’t go well together either

>> No.21465846

my life is unrepentant garbage because everybody is unknowingly in a sick conspiracy to fuck me into the ground. seemingly, without communication, they have concluded to lie, to cheat, and to rob me. if it weren't for this dog shit country's gun handling laws i'd paint the ceiling, but i have to wait until the god awful chimps i live with are out at the same time so i can hang myself instead, knowing full well i lack the conviction to jump off of a bridge or in front of a train.

>> No.21465848

That's good because buttershit made it, and going well with buttershit would be my worst fear.

>> No.21465855

therapy, NOW. or church, again, NOW

>> No.21465860 [DELETED] 
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can you read this

>> No.21465861

i'll do neither, dumb ass coping mechanisms for shit situations. fuck this life, fuck everyone on this planet.

>> No.21465867

you are foolish and hateful. you can change this fact

>> No.21465870
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I'm still around, >>21465587 if you care to post.

>> No.21465877

i'm foolish for ever letting people into my life. good people don't exist. they only want what they can get from you. if you don't matter and aren't a real person to them, your feelings don't carry value to them, so they can lie, cheat, steal from you... and it doesn't matter to them. because again, your state doesn't matter to them.

i hope the guilt i inflict by killing myself sends them into a shame spiral. they put me here, i hope i put them here too.

>> No.21465883

you really should be telling this to a therapist or a priest

>> No.21465891

i should be telling this to a shotgun barrel if the cunts in this country weren't so precious about gun ownership. instead no, i have to bide my time and kill myself when it's convenient to others. big fucking shock.

>> No.21465894

Give it to me as straight as you can, because this is a turning point and it's absolutely necessary to be upfront right now: Is it truly possible to ''recover'' from the time that you have wasted? I'm nearing 22 and i'm very worried about cursing myself forever by choosing to be a veggie NEET for the past few years, with an extra emphasis on the previous one because i fucked it up really badly. I have noticed that i grew into one dimwit inept motherfucker with more cowardice, bitterness, allergies to effort, and envy than ever before, and i fear for the future. Getting a job wasn't the issue, it's a straightforward process that has been fixed thank goodness, but it's about developing these ''inner deficiencies'' that seem embedded into my core now. Is it too late?

>> No.21465896
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if they feel guilt over you killing yourself then your premise was flawed. if you think they might feel guilt, you already know this.

>> No.21465900

Lowercase typers are quite endearing.
Do you believe white Europeans are good? If so, why? On a historical basis of maintaining healthy societies? Which again goes back to the term "good."

>> No.21465909

Came across a girl the other day who was so beautiful that it put me in a miserable mood. She's a young cousin of some girl I know, by far one of the most gorgeous people I've ever seen. I was filled with desire and desperation but crushed by the knowledge that I'll never be with someone who is that attractive. She seems to be pretty modest too.

>> No.21465913

christ. do us a favour and top yourself before you post more lame wet-eyed sanctimonious tripe.

>> No.21465914
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Somehow i never really felt relaxed or supported when growing up. Its not like i was abused or anything but theres always this emotional distance and coldness that i feel.

>> No.21465917

lol this is a false equivocation if i've ever seen one. they don't give a shit what they do to me, but they'll be abhorred when they feel responsible, but it won't be because of what they'd done to me. it'll be shame. it won't be anything to do with the shit i've put up with, it'll be upsetting because it'll hold a mirror to their rancid faces and make them realise how base they are.

>> No.21465925

Take a shot and chat with her ya pinhead. try, and be genuine. It doesn't matter if it does work out or not, just beat the neurosis, and have an experience.

>> No.21465935
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Is fascism coming soon? Are we going to have to live another ten years as wageslaves while freaks and faggots run everything? When does the kali yuga end?

>> No.21465943

Yes. Facing the rose. Profound really, but I am a fool at heart so I may be a faulty judge.

>> No.21465959

>Is fascism coming soon?
Nope. Fascism as an ideology was a one off historical anomaly that barely lasted a couple decades before collapsing and being destroyed. Most rational people find it to be a horrible unsustainable ideology that appeals only to alienated creepy rejects who spend too much time online today.

>> No.21465972

Seconding this post.

>> No.21465973

Brainlet take. Fascism is an empty term and phenomena similar to it have been happening since the beginning of recorded history. It's just like any other wild political flame.

>> No.21465980

i like it, anon, some words are difficult to figure out but context is strong enough to place them. i like the theme of language especially, and the cold.

>> No.21465986
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Real answers only please


>> No.21465998

Sadly she lives in a different country and is probably a teenager. We're both the same ethnicity so that's how I came across her

>> No.21466002 [SPOILER] 
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how will it hold a mirror if they dont blame themselves? if they really dont care about you then at best you will scar them with a corpse, and at worst delight them with it. live and be a thorn or wilt as another forgotten flower.

>> No.21466010

> if they really dont care about you then at best you will scar them with a corpse
most people don't like feeling in any way associated with someone else's death. it's not me they'll care about, it'll be the shame of the taboo that eats them. and i'm fine with that.

>> No.21466025

Light out lingers against which none can stand
Yet dark in erect body impenetrable
Because sun skips along skin but too sets
Before it has time to find the true breast:
Tender light, be still! Rest over their head
May you two slowly soften as do spouses often
So that mere skin may melt into pure gold
And your ray rest in their holy of hearts
So may forever run their ray of dark

>> No.21466027
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>Do you believe white Europeans are good? If so, why? On a historical basis of maintaining healthy societies? Which again goes back to the term "good."

I believe they should be preserved and allowed to take actions to ensure they remain the overwhelming majority in their native lands. As all native people should. I can't quantify what you think is good or bad, that is subjective and useless here.

>> No.21466039
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This has been said for every single sociopolitical system that has ever arisen. The initial formation of it is dictated by historical circumstances, but once it has formed it can be replicated anywhere with sufficient force.

You say this in every discussion yet refuse to understand why it a terrible take.

>> No.21466040

"All native people should remain the overwhelming majority in their land" is a subjective claim

>> No.21466047

And also one that white Europeans did not adhere to when they committed genocide against Native Americans

>> No.21466068

If it is, it is one I stand behind and think is worth defending. Because otherwise >>21466047 happens, and nobody really cares that they will probably be gone within a century or two more and when they do, so to will their cares, concerns, culture and history.

>> No.21466069

There are some Christians who have used Christianity as a tool to become more loving, compassionate, and accepting of other people. They are the true Christians. Other Christians have used Christianity as a weapon to position themselves over other living beings so as to stomp on them. They are the fake Christians.
Simple as.

>> No.21466073
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>Remembering your childhood and teenage years
>Realizing that people actually did like you but you only shut yourself off because you hated yourself
>Now be filled with regret and desire to reconnect with those people but also feel like they're strangers now because it's been so long and you denied yourself formative experiences with them in youth
Books for this feel, brehs?

>> No.21466075

Elaborate, I think I might relate. I never felt close to my parents, despite having been raised in a good home.

>> No.21466076

I'd pound her mochi if you know what I mean and I mean breaking all the joints in her legs and feet with wooden mallets.

>> No.21466078

i deluded myself like this too lmao
don't be an idiot, you'd be playing yourself

>> No.21466080

The same is also true of any philosophy or worldview.

>> No.21466086
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>No True Presbyterian

>> No.21466088

Fascism is already here. Is Hitler level fascism coming? It’s going to be resisted
Yes, dear. Fascism is wage slavery with freaks and faggots running everything, but in shiny uniforms

>> No.21466109

Not even close to too late bro.

>> No.21466116

>historical anomaly
What does that even mean?

>> No.21466124

American Indians were not genocided. You've already filled this thread with dumb libshit takes. This /wwoym/ is already ruined.

>> No.21466129
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>American Indians were not genocided. You've already filled this thread with dumb libshit takes. This /wwoym/ is already ruined.

>> No.21466131

Sorry, I value intellectual honesty.
>it is one I stand behind
This I respect and your point makes me wonder whether there is a certain hypocrisy to modernity

>> No.21466134

I can't tell if by deluded you mean
>Being so self hating that you sabotage all your chances at forming relationships
>People genuinely did hate you, you're a piece of shit and your new found confidence is delusion

>> No.21466143

i told myself i had withdrawn from them on unfounded grounds, that i didn't *know* they disliked me. i opened up more to them, tried to be friendly... not a good idea. :) got shit all over.

>> No.21466162

Just finished reading The Day of the Jackal. It was good.

>> No.21466164

What exactly did you do? This type of thing can take many forms after all.
Not the op, but in my case people did invite me to events and tried to converse with me, but I just simply ignored them and didn't bother accepting any invitations

>> No.21466165

No you dont, you're full of bullshit and repeat standard neolib lies.

>> No.21466168

from time to time i'd join conversations. i'd sit with people rather than alone more. it was all a mistake. it was all in error. they did hate me, and i knew it in my gut, i just ignored my instincts.

>> No.21466173

You judge others, but not yourself

>> No.21466176

poor sadboi
I'd cuddle you

>> No.21466182

.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋.̷̨̡̡̢̢̡̡̢̡̜̦̤̗̟̫͖͙͚̗̤͇̹̟̦͕͓̱̤̻̠̯͇̯͓̩͈͕̣̙̙͕̻̣̟̘͕͇̙͇̘͔̜͓̳̳̙̠̖̭̦͚̘̙͖͕̘̮̼̝̺͔͚̖̝̫͈̝͍̥͕͚̪͔̘̠͖̘̠̣͚̹͙̙͔̇̆̿̐̓͊̏̎̐͗̾́̀̔̋̈́̎́̿̐̐̆̐͂̉́͋̆̃͒̑̉͒̑̽͗́́̾̊̌̊͑̒̾̓̈́̇̇̋𒈟𒄆𒀱𒂝𒀱▣ ■ □ ▢ ◯ ▲ ▶ ► ▼ ◆ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥∰ ⋰ ⋱ ∶ ∷ ∴ ∵ ⋘ ⋙⨋⨓⩩

>> No.21466185

Once, I was cared for

>> No.21466190

I don't respect lesbians largely because "sex" without a penis entering the equation doesn't even count.
>b-but I fuck so many girls bro
Yes sweetie, I'm sure your juvenile fondlings count as "fucking". Your fingers probably smell like stale piss and sweat. Bulldykes are delusional

>> No.21466192

What's the deal with girls (who seem to tend towards lesbianism) who wish they had a penis?

>> No.21466193

cuddle me with a shotgun in my mouth. i've been trying to find a valuable existence for a long time. i've worked like crazy to feel like i've gotten nowhere. i'm somewhere, but nowhere that really matters. after shit like that, i tried telling myself i'd be a better person, or i'd work harder, or i'd give something back to the world, and yet i'm still as hated as ever. always the bad guy. always the someone justifiable to do something wrong to.

i might as well be motel art on the walls of other peoples' lives.

>> No.21466196
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>> No.21466198

You just need someone to strap you down to a bed and forcibly cuddle you.

>> No.21466202

for sale, condoms, never filled.

>> No.21466203

yeah the grimm reaper is my ideal spooning partner.

don't subject yourself to the mercy of others in dire desperation of approval, as dire it will surely fuckin' be.

>> No.21466211

4 months into my first gf at 27 and she's a good girl, but I never know what completely innocuous action or thing I say is going to set her off and put her in a mood where if I ask what's wrong she will say nothing and continue brooding for the next 3 hours. Should I just pretend I don't notice her brooding or will that make things worse?

>> No.21466222

They never taught me anything. Nothing was ever really fun with them or spontaneous.

>> No.21466239

Sometimes I have a moment of clarity and I realize how mentally ill I really am. 99% of all problems in my life are because I'm sick in the head.

>> No.21466255

So hopefully you also understand that your thoughts are irrational

>> No.21466270

le doomsayer

>> No.21466291

i tried hinge the relationship app

not even one woman in 500 profiles mentioned anything other than TV, going outside, and food. they are all fat or weird. tons of trannies too

which one of these fat, pumpkinheaded retarded morons am i supposed to settle down with.

>> No.21466318

Apps are not good for 95% of men, especially for relationships. Going outside and talking to people is still the best method. Sports clubs are by far the best avenue since fat, pumpkinheaded retarded morons tend to not be sports-inclined.

>> No.21466340
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>It's another /pol/itisperg thread

Mods, just ban this dude until he uses a trip so he doesn't shit up these threads

Where can you find people thay are genuinely good? Seems like everyone is either superficial and fake past what is really necessary to function. Everyone trys to lool the part of a good person, but I've found very few actually good people in my life. Not to say everyone is literally evil, but most people let their appearances lead people to believe things that aren't true about them in such a way that it comes off as dishonest rather than just circumstantially/accidentally midleading.

>> No.21466346

Just talk to her about it like rational adults. Why do people think ignoring problems makes them go away?

>> No.21466350

How good are you?

>> No.21466374

I love how two of the men are staring at her arse even though they're genuinely disinterested just so that she can feel good about herself as a sexual being. The older guy with tits is being a bit rude: this is the equivalent of her marriage day. Look at her bottom even though its not impressive.

>> No.21466375

I'm not perfect, if thay's what you are asking. Far from it really. But I mean what I say and I don't hide anythjng from anybody unless they are in a fragile mental state or kids or something. I don't talk to people I know I don't like and try to be as in tune with my emotions as possible. It probably makes me look unfriendly, but in my opinion, your actual friends ought to have more of your energy than strangers.

>> No.21466380

My life is a story I write to myself

>> No.21466400

none. you don't settle down through a dating app.

>> No.21466404

Peak reddit response. Did you miss the part where I said she won't communicate what's wrong when I ask?

>> No.21466408

Are you sure that your acts are innocuous?

>> No.21466411

You really think so?

>> No.21466431
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I'm in love, bros; and her name is the wind.

>> No.21466432

If she won't communicate what's wrong, dump her. That's a red flag that she internalizes shit instead of acting like an adult and discussing problems she has with your behavior and finding possible solutions. Any woman that does that is not only to gossip behind your back (whatever) but is going to gradually come to hate you. There's your non-reddit answer: don't deal with people that can't express what problems they have with you because they will blame you for their ineptitude at communication and problem-solving.

>> No.21466446

I would say they definitely are to a guy. I don't know how women think but I can never find a reason why she may be set off. This is my first gf at 27 years old, I'm sure I'll get my bearings right eventually, but it's very tiresome.

>> No.21466459

Thanks anon. I won't dump her yet but I will give care to this advice.

>> No.21466478

picrel is actually rel

>> No.21466490

Some living beings need to be stomped on because they are more naturally/nurturally evil than other human beings, and will harm others in all kinds of gross and subtle manners if they are not kept in check.
Simple as.

>> No.21466530

Who did Jesus stomp on? Nobody. He had the power of God, he was God, and he stomped on nobody. You are a fake Christian. Become a real one for your own sake, and for the sake of others.

>> No.21466565

Schopenhauer would have loved Sora Yori, especially its ED

>> No.21466567

Jesus was redeeming mankind's sins through a sacrifice of his own flesh, not running a Church. Jesus still cursed Judas, he still opposed sin, he still opposed the Pharisees.
>Become a real one
Becoming a real Christian means more than letting the bad trample over everyone and everything they wish, because "I am a good boy so nothing else matters." That is called being a good lamb, and lambs without a good shepherd go to the slaughterhouse.

>> No.21466574

Literally present-day Wagner

>> No.21466575

You don't understand Christianity.
A false sense of self-righteousness and violence out of hatred is inexcusable, but just fighting to bring about good is Christian. You don't love your neighbor if you aren't willing to fight for him.

>> No.21466576

And if you do not understand how love and compassion translate into corporeal punishment, then you are still an extremely naive and/or young person at heart. The highest kind of love will use any means to protect its beloved, whatever means are necessary.

>> No.21466580
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>This I respect and your point makes me wonder whether there is a certain hypocrisy to modernity

The entire system we are living in is built on hypocrisy. All media is shaped to help us ignore or accept it.

>> No.21466593

Anytime. Don't dump her yet, but if she continues to do this for months and months, then there's really no point in continuing to stress yourself over a person that clearly has no interest in helping the relationship grow. Been there, done that. I wish you all the best anon.

>> No.21466599

But is acceptance not love and ignorance not hate? I believe we have to accept the time we live in

>> No.21466611

Is your love controlled by a remote?

>> No.21466642

I always thought Han Kang was a man. I liked The Vegetarian but the White Book is lame.

>> No.21466684
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>But is acceptance not love and ignorance not hate?

>> No.21466691

I disagree, it's that sinple

>> No.21466740
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Then i do not think you are capable of experiencing the full human range of human emotions. Hate is not blind and ignorant. Love is not all accepting.

>> No.21466778

I just want to have her in my arms one last time. I miss her so badly. My heart aches and I can't think of anything but her. She's still living, breathing, sleeping and being amazing every day of her life. But not for me anymore.

>> No.21466832

don't talk to her anon, it took me years of experience to learn that women seem strangely incapable of openly discussing things and coming to reasonable solutions without just lashing out in an emotional fit, it’s like they’re using your sense of responsibility as a barometer for guilt or something, much like toddlers if you just ignore them what would have turned into a 3 hour argument about nothing turns into 10 minutes of pouting and then back to normal, honestly.

>> No.21466889

Fuck off to the bush, Bruce. Seriously. You wanna die? Take a compas, some food, a water filter, clothes, and so on, and fuck off into the bush. You will probably die, or better yet, come really close. The last good thing in Australia is how little of the path you walked makes a mark, if you take the time to look back

Cunts aren't all that bad. They're just stupid

>> No.21466893

living with my mother for a year at 28 turned out to be one of my biggest mistakes

>> No.21466951

Morality is malleable. It should be obvious, especially watching fuckwits on all social forums flail about, that rational can be fabricated in retrospect, and we are all exceptionally good at morally justifying our actions, especially violent, and typically immoral ones.

Some people express their anger by showing where the injustice lies, and providing avenues for the victims, and potential victims, to leave.

Hate doesn't really provide solutions, just more anger, and more hate. It has been proven that anger releases adrenalin which is highly addictive

>> No.21467273

I'm gonna try moving to the other side of the world by the end of the new year and working remotely. My current employer is fine with it. I fiigure it's either now or never since I don't have a gf or a whole lot of friends to leave behind. Just gonna miss my family, but I really do need a big change of scenery.

>> No.21467275


>> No.21467278

This cashier job has been a huge boost to my confidence. Girls are very flirty with me. An older woman read my nametag and said "You're so cute anon"
Feels good. I always thought I was ugly for some reason. Its also really helping my small talk and social skills.

>> No.21467297

I think Tolkien just liked the sound of lisps.

>> No.21467380
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I want to die.

>> No.21467385

>getting gf
As much I'd want to try having one, she wouldnt able to fix my emotional damage due to being 30 khhv.

>> No.21467386

My 2023 resolution is to drop $5k on whores.

>> No.21467395

rookie numbers

>> No.21467396

I don't even know what I would do with a GF. I think I am too far gone. Just sounds like a burden to me now, having to think about other people, pretending to care when they talk about bullshit.

>> No.21467402

Good for you. I dont see any appeal in whores/escorts.

>> No.21467454
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I truly believe this world is evil. And whoever created me is evil as well.

>> No.21467462

This describes me perfectly. Girls actually find me attractive and flirt with me but I just don’t know what to do with them. They’re boring and I can’t fake it like I actually care anymore.

>> No.21467477


>> No.21467552

not an aussie m8

>> No.21467565

You need to meet a girl who is intelligent and offers you actual companionship, one whose thoughts legitimately interest you. They exist, but if you're anything like me they're very rare. I've met maybe three or four girls like this in my life (23 currently), dated one of them for a couple years, and MAY be about to date the most recent I've met. But I'm like you in that girls find me attractive and flirt and stuff but I just literally cannot fake caring.

>> No.21467580

The world is not good or evil. It is a complex, multi-layered system. If you look for evil, you will find it. If you look for good, you will find it. It's about perspective.

>> No.21467585

That's a complex way of saying it's evil anon.

>> No.21467669

These type of women basically don’t exist. Certainly not in the age of social media. I’m in the same boat where women have always been friendly and flirtatious with me but I never bothered to engage with any of them romantically because they’re just boring. I can only tolerate women treating me like a free therapist and talking about the newest Netflix show they’re watching for so long. And I’m not saying this to seem unbothered, I’m incredibly upset that I’ve never encountered interesting women. I’m desperate for a gf but the pool for women right now is rancid

>> No.21467676
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>start sleeping on my back to fix my facial skin
>begin experiencing vivid dreams every night now
Explain this eggheads?

>> No.21467683


>> No.21467688

make a grape, goat-cheese and spinach grilled cheese sandwich, paired with a half-dry red and then get back to me.

>> No.21467695

>the world and everyone else is the problem, not me
those women exist everywhere you've just spent so much time online your brain is rotten and your perspective fed to you by search algorithms

>> No.21467705

I hate this place so much, it's unreal.
I'm sick of threads about how women suck and tradlarping is cool.

>> No.21467706

I’m thinking about what I always think about every second of the day, that I’m a miserable loser who has been unhappy since the beginning of high school and every moment of my life is suffocated by anxiety. I‘m stuck commuting to a mediocre college for a worthless degree, I have no friends, I’m unemployed, and the thought of driving to school again in 2 weeks fills me with so much dread that I’m unable to sleep hence why I’ve stayed up again until 6am. I have no positive vision of the future. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to obtain a decent income and get married. I’m just so tired of being miserable. I’ve wasted my youth and I’m not ready for adulthood.

>> No.21467709

>how women suck
prove me wrong

>> No.21467710

most of the internet are crabs in a bucket, I hope I don't see you tomorrow anon

>> No.21467716

women suck just not for you

>> No.21467718

If they exist then I would’ve met her by now. I know tons of women in my life, not one has intrigued me romantically. I’m not implying that men are any better today either

>> No.21467721

Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
"I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar."

>> No.21467722

Tuck in your roastie flaps next time before making a post.

>> No.21467723

>prove me wrong
this is impossible, because you don't want to be proven wrong

>> No.21467726

Nobody can take the place of David Bowie

>> No.21467728

no. go fuck yourself.

>> No.21467778

You dont even try.

>> No.21467797

Gonna be real honest with you, the trad life is boring as fuck. But everytime I stop tradlarping and reenter the world I see how sick and depraved everything is. The boring tradlife is preferable.

>> No.21467802

do you try to convince flat-earthers that the moon landing was real?
you want to play this game? tell me why you think women suck, and I'll tell you that you're wrong. You'll answer in bad faith, so I won't bother to engage anymore because what's the point, and you'll act like you won. why should I waste my time and degrade myself when I know how this will play out?

>> No.21467803

says more about your lack of imagination and narrow horizons than the state of the world

>> No.21467806

No it doesnt.

>> No.21467813

>But everytime I stop tradlarping and reenter the world I see how sick and depraved everything is
so you're play pretending to avoid reality. unless you're actually living in an amish commune all you're doing is ignoring the world around you, which isn't a fucking lifestyle.

>> No.21467819

That doesnt even make sense. How is living according to traditional values playing pretend or ignoring the world? How is that not a lifestyle?

>> No.21467833


>> No.21467842

How does it?

>> No.21467849

>I stop tradlarping and reenter the world
what else am I supposed to infer from this statement?

>> No.21467855

we have a prophet over here

>> No.21467860

There's not much I can do about you jumping to conclusions. Would like you my autobiography or something?

>> No.21468171
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>Hate doesn't really provide solutions, just more anger, and more hate. It has been proven that anger releases adrenalin which is highly addictive
Hate provides motivation, no revolution or societal change from BLM to the October Revolution was made with live of their own as the reason. They were motivated by hate and anger at the other. We have forgotten that as we have forgotten how to hate.

>Some people express their anger by showing where the injustice lies, and providing avenues for the victims, and potential victims, to leave.
Anger can only be expressed as outrage. What they are angry about changes, the result is demand concessions from the other. This normally works.

Because your values are not really traditional. What you call trad is just a group of pre-selected simple actions you can take thake no effort, no commitment and do not impact your life at all. In 99% of all things you are inseperable from a left-wing communist type. No doubt you say things that can differentiate you but being 'trad' is jot about saying things, hut doing.

>> No.21468176

oxygen to your head

>> No.21468193

And then he realized that he was just a hairless chimp screeching at other hairless chimps because they hurt his feelings.

>> No.21468208

Brie sammich & fruity red is god tier

>> No.21468214

What is the most conventionally written Faulkner novel?

>> No.21468216

>hope the guilt i inflict by killing myself sends them into a shame spiral
Uh why are these people who don't care about you going to suddenly care? Unless they're getting your funeral bill or debt off the back of this, why would they even notice?

>> No.21468234

>unless you're actually living in an amish commune all you're doing is ignoring the world around you
That's exactly what the Amish are doing, too. As someone who abstains from engaging in broader society (I've been working a solitary night shift job for five years now, and otherwise stick to myself), I'd highly recommend it. I've never been as comfortable and stress-free in my life. I have so much time to read and write. Some of us are just unsuited for the stresses and arbitrary complexities of modern life. You don't need to be Amish in order to lead an authentic lifestyle. The only thing to it is to live authentically. That's it.

>> No.21468240

Shame and guilt are two very, very different emotions. I'm not sure I've had occasion to reflect on that before. It is possible that you can feel that circumstances mitigate your guilt, but that your shame is still the same. I think. Not sure. New emotions.

>> No.21468250

It may be that many things happen from anger, but are they good things? Anger intoxicates. An angry person is a person who has lost a part of their capability for reason. As such, and given that anger has to do with dominating the other- can the angry person ever act righteously? Could it ever be responsible to dominate another person without having a clear picture of what is happening?

>> No.21468264

Only barbarians respect anger. Everyone fears it, but only barbarians respect it. Anger is often understandable, but never justifiable when anger is allowed to take the reins.

>> No.21468279
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>literacy at its highest
>literary value at its lowest
What did the world mean by this?

>> No.21468288

perhaps coming from a position of deep enough desperation, it could be unfair to go so far as to call it un-righteous. Say an intern in a concentration camp gets wind of the address of one of the guards of the camp after the fact, and kills the man in a silent rage. Is he responsible for how he handles the wound inflicted by his previous "guard"? Maybe, to an extent. Hard to say. Is his retribution righteous? Maybe not. But is it fair to call it unrighteous?

>> No.21468301

Say he finds the man, informs him of who he is: and his former guard mocks him. What then?

>> No.21468304

Would it matter if the murder is premeditated? If he took his time with the man after the insult, made the effort to find him again? I think so.

>> No.21468307

books on being trapped in your own head? how does one save themselves from their own autistic self?

>> No.21468309
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>It may be that many things happen from anger, but are they good things
Do not ask if they are good, instead ask if they are needed. Not all things that are needed are good.

>Anger intoxicates. An angry person is a person who has lost a part of their capability for reason.
Anger focuses, wrath is without reason and is destruction. Anger and hate can be of enormous benefit. That is why emotions can overrule our reason. It neither intoxicates nor reduces capacity for reason, that is why when it is slaked it fades immediately.

> As such, and given that anger has to do with dominating the other.
This is just utterly wrong and sounds like the remark of somebody who has issues in seeing people angry, a pacifist or womans point of view perhaps? Anger can be harnessed to protect youe family, anger ar your own choices can be fuel to do better, anger and hate at what you see in the mirror is the biggest reason for physical improvement. Body image problems arise from abuse and the double-think of being told you're perfect just the way you are and knowing it is not true. Anger is motivation, not domination.

Again you confuse anger with wrathful animalistic destruction. These are two entirely different emotions. Anger and hate is justified in as much as compassion and love is. It is not given as a default but reserved for those who provoke a reaction in you.

This high-minded thought of being above the petty concept of anger and always being rational or logical is damaging. We are not always rational beings, especially if you deny your anger that is justly felt. It is unhealthy, weakens the organs of the body, it is the manifestation of stress. You deny it's outlet and are made to suffer because of it.

Do not mistake my position for being angry all the time either, angry people are no better off than those who don't exhibit anger. Anger, hate and the discipline to use them for your own benefit are vital in growing as a human.

You also confuse barbarian with warrior. The barbarian is wreckless and an animal, the warrior is not. Milling was a real tradition when i was in the army. I dont think it is practiced anymore because people like you do not see the value in it.

>> No.21468312

>global food supplies at their highest
>global food prices at their lowest
What did the anon mean by this?

>> No.21468314

can i even get a job after a long neet life and half a decade of employment gap? /g/ either laughs at me or doesn't reply
is it over

>> No.21468321

maybe something like retail or warehouse

>> No.21468324

>It is not given as a default but reserved for those who provoke a reaction in you.
Very fickle this game, I think, although I can agree that there is more subtlety to the matter than making a blanket statement. As you say
>We are not always rational beings, especially if you deny your anger that is justly felt. It is unhealthy, weakens the organs of the body, it is the manifestation of stress. You deny it's outlet and are made to suffer because of it.

Difficult thing to be wise about I think. Probably good to strive to be very slow, and have a real habit of self-reflection, in as much as that is possible.

>> No.21468326

>>It is not given as a default but reserved for those who provoke a reaction in you.
>Very fickle this game
What I mean is: it can happen that the other would have valuable input on the situation that will be stifled by an outburst in you.

>> No.21468327

Anger itself has no causal connection to anything but itself. Regardless of the circumstance, anger boils down to one person and his subjective experience of emotion. Given the fact that anger can arise in response to pretty much anything, it has no causal relationship with anything but the fallibility of human perception. The presence of anger does not rigorously imply the justice of its presence. Because of this, it is always wrong to act out in anger. Given the disconnect between anger and justice, the angry will have to decide the justice of their actions in pure retrospect. In my opinion, a carefully-planned, premeditated murder is more likely to be a justifiable action, because it allows for more time to deliberate and consider the ethics. It's your surest shot at avoiding performing a morally shameful action, if that's your priority.

As an aside, I find lack of self-control to be one of the most distasteful attributes a human being can have. It is viscerally revolting to me.

>> No.21468329

>it has no causal relationship with anything but the fallibility of human perception
And, perhaps, a lack of wisdom/knowledge.

>> No.21468331

>Difficult thing to be wise about I think. Probably good to strive to be very slow, and have a real habit of self-reflection, in as much as that is possible.

I disagree immensely with your statement, sir. Better to react strongly and immediately to a slight or slur then slowly ponder and ruminate over it well beyond the acceptable window to act. There is not wisdom to be found in all things, anon, despite what flowery Eastern prose tells us. Many times more is gained by a good headbutt on the bridge of their nose than reasoned debate.

>> No.21468333

lol yikes

>> No.21468335

Again I can not come with a blanket disagreement. I heard that it is a custom among jews that if your spouse does something that upsets you, you have 24 hours to let them know or else you MUST drop the matter entirely, and are not allowed to raise it again. 24 hours from the time you found out about it. Because the worst thing that can happen in a marriage is that things fester. I thought was very wise counsel, though I haven't been married.

>> No.21468337

>What I mean is: it can happen that the other would have valuable input on the situation that will be stifled by an outburst in you.
It can also happen that the other would further reduce your position on a situation, that would of happened but for my outburst.

>> No.21468340

I'm happy to have had this conversation with you. You can imagine I have not been prone to a timely outburst in my day. Difficult thing to be wise about.

>> No.21468343

That is simply old folk wisdom of not going to bed angry, resolve it. But i am not talking about somebody you ought to love.

>> No.21468354
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>Difficult thing to be wise about
You keep making obtuse remarks about wisdom and knowledge. As if there is always a better path and that calm, rational discourse is always superior. Am i correct in that is your world-view?

>> No.21468363

Perhaps less a world-view and more a habitual reaction, which has not always served in situations that called for immediate intervention. Although that also is unfair to say, as a blanket-statement.

Generally speaking you are probably right though. Yes. But this comes from faith in God moreso than anything else. No culprit is unpunished. But I would like to be better at, and feel surer in myself, that I could/would stand up for what is right, and so it isn't the whole truth regardless.

>> No.21468368

As opposed to irrationality and foolishness?
>Here comes the time, when people will behave like madmen, and if they see anybody who does not behave like that, they will rebel against him and say: 'You are mad', — because he is not like them.

>> No.21468370
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>If they exist then I would’ve met her by now.
That's not how statistics works. Also, he did say the type of woman actually worth interacting with is extremely rare, so why are you suprised that is in fact true? You should find a way to optimize your chances instrad of fucking moping on the internet lmao. I swear, some of you people would rather mope than find a reasonable course of action to make your dreams true. No wonder you guys get nothing done and are always depressed: you prevent yourself from being happy by automaticslly assuming tbhe wprst when you don't know wjat the future holds. That's not my problem if you decide to make yourself paralyzed with fear; I choose the course of action that assumes there always is a ghost of a chance of success. Even if I do fail, the attempt is what counts and sometimes I do succeed.

>> No.21468372

That doesn't make sense as an analogy.

>> No.21468375

I feel those times I have been able to act justly in a stressful situation have been times where I have kept my ability to reason. I would say this is more a feeling of righteous condemnation than of anger, and of feeling a kind of guile. Control, still. Anger for me borders on a lack of control, but this is a point of semantics and I think you said meaningful things about it already.

>> No.21468382

How have your successes been?

>> No.21468396

I wanna start reading more this year bros. How do I do that?

>> No.21468403
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>Generally speaking you are probably right though
I'll meet you half way and say both are of immense immediate and long term use.

>But this comes from faith in God moreso than anything else. No culprit is unpunished
I am not part of that faith, culturally Christian but I do not think there is divine punishment. I do put some stock in that no good deed goes unpunished though.

Perhaps we can agree that an extreme of either side, anger/pacifism is worse than an excess of one over the other?

Welcome to an adult conversation wherein two people have different views but can discuss them pleasantly. You are the embodiment of what you typed.

>> No.21468425
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Like that other anon said before, I have met 3 women worth actually pursuing from elementary school to undergrad and I was too immature to actuslly romantically pursue them. I did become good friends with them and learn a lot about what intelligent women really think about and how they can make your life better. But those successes aren't the point. It's the fact that you put in everything you got into your goal so if you fail, you csn honestly say that you tried your best and didn't pussyfoot about it at all. In life, you will face a lot of failure. But, it's okay to fail so long as you put genuone effort into succeeding and don't get what you want and eventuslly recover so you have zero regrets about being a pussy and don't start blaming something/someone for your lack of true commmitment. I don't gdt how don't understand this: sometimes you fail in life and that's out of control. But if you don't even start, you will always fail and it is always your fault.

The ball's in your court. Are you going to be a bitch and blame others for your weakness or are you going to take command of your destiney?

>> No.21468429

>Perhaps we can agree that an extreme of either side, anger/pacifism is worse than an excess of one over the other?
This sounds true, but personally I would add the caveat that of the two pacifism is favored, at least if both exist. It can very easily be as you said with the extreme of pacifism, that in reality it is only a lie and will result in much greater harm down the line. Also perhaps the caveat that one who is happy to indulge his anger is almost certain to go to far in it, and that this could be a difference between the two. It is also, I think, as the other anon said, that anger ultimately is unilateral, and I think it is the responsibility of each to try to understand and grapple with sincerely whatever it is in them that could make them prone to irrational action.

>> No.21468445

>that anger ultimately is unilateral, and I think it is the responsibility of each to try to understand and grapple with sincerely whatever it is in them that could make them prone to irrational action.
I would think much anger arises out of a particular understanding or world-view. Hence "wisdom/knowledge". I don't think all world-views are as rationally thought through as they can sometimes feel.

>> No.21468447

>I'm gonna try moving to the other side of the world by the end of the new year and working remotely. My current employer is fine with it.
put this in writing in your contract. HR can refuse or for security reason some guy will refuse

>> No.21468464

I'm getting stronger.

>> No.21468469

He's getting stronger, folks!

>> No.21468471

How can there be a journey with destination? Its just wandering around aimlessly.

>> No.21468481

i hope one day all men will realize competing and then providing for women is sterile

>> No.21468482


>> No.21468486
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>I think, as the other anon said, that anger ultimately is unilateral, and I think it is the responsibility of each to try to understand and grapple with sincerely whatever it is in them that could make them prone to irrational action.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, both are ultimately unilateral. But you presuppose that anger/violence is always irrational and unwise and illogical, most times it is entirely logical, entirely reasonable and well within the scope of desirable results. Without it you are entirely at the mercy of somebody who is, so while it should not always be the first response it should be well within your wheelhouse to do so. It is one of the few things Peterson has said I agree with, those who can use a sword and know when to use it will be unbeatable, harness the beast, embrace and dominate the shadow inside you.

The issue I have, that I suspect we won't agree on, is that you inherently believe that non-violence or non-anger is the preferred logical pathway to a goal, no action we can enact is entirely irrational. Perhaps the only one would be some of the macro actions in world-diplomacy, nuclear exchange spring to mind, but I have not thought much about that. But to conclude my position; it is violence, anger and hatred that keeps people safe in their beds at night. Neither rationality nor logic nor a document we all agree to follow is responsible for this.

If you wander without paying attention to your surroundings it is aimless wandering. But if you pay attention, engage with your environment and those around you, you can find guidance on which journey is the most fulfilling and enjoyable.

>> No.21468520

If this happens the world will end

>> No.21468603

My father went through a similar phase for awhile that was brought on by a sudden change at work. I’d encourage you to ask yourself if you’ve always felt the way you do, or if it’s something new. If there was a time when someone was on your side, consider the possibility that someone could be on your side again in the future.

>> No.21468620

Not remotely close to being too late. Double it at least and maybe add a few extra years and then there’s a discussion to be had.

>> No.21468625

Have you tried opening a book and reading the first couple of words? Also, stop playing vidya. It will change your life.

>> No.21468634
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>I'm nearing 22 and i'm very worried about cursing myself forever by choosing to be a veggie NEET for the past few years, with an extra emphasis on the previous one because i fucked it up really badly.

You have been lucky and have landed on the best time to come to this realization, you have not lost out on anything and may in fact be better suited to take advantage of further opportunities because you have had the delayed start.

Use the fear and anger you have experienced in this realization to propel you onward to better heights. Good luck anon.

Great, can you expand on how?

>> No.21468653

Fascism, as in something recognizably Catholic and Occult reappearing, has already happened. But it probably won’t ever get as popular as the first time around; internet being what it is and all.
If you’re in the US or one of its vassal states you’re already ruled by weird, racist, faggots. So in that sense fascism is also already here and ascendant.
Really everyone who asks this question is really asking ‘is anything going to happen?’ And the answer remains don’t expect it to. Humanity is still nearly comatose after 100 years of liberal progress. Awaking to actually do anything will take a decade at least probably.
In other words, ask in 2032 and maybe we will be able to prognosticate a fascist sunrise by 2040. But it could easily be anything else so don’t get too invested.

>> No.21468663

>In other words, ask in 2032 and maybe we will be able to prognosticate a fascist sunrise by 2040. But it could easily be anything else so don’t get too invested.
The worst part about this is that no kind of real life is possible in the meantime, the most you can do is make a bit of money and go live somewhere and start a family, but for those of us who feel a genuine calling to be part of something bigger than that, it's like a death sentence. How many more decades of the only "visible" people being liberal hedonists and centrist retards who think it's the eternal nineties can we possibly endure?

>> No.21468664
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>Fascism, as in something recognizably Catholic and Occult


>> No.21468672

Your brain on Protestantism.
>Some things deserve to be stomped.
>You are too unreliable to decide what a good Christian is. That is up to the Pope and his counsel.
>God is great.

>> No.21468675

>"Men", she wrote "though they must die, are not born in order to die but in order to begin"

>> No.21468679

didn't read

>> No.21468698

I have this super rich friend who keeps calling me privileged when I can't even afford university and have struggled with social rejection all my life. He is only rich because his dad is rich. He told me I should consider people who have nothing to eat and are homeless. In the next breath, he talks about his porsche

>> No.21468704

Why are you friends with a person like this?

>> No.21468708

>No culprit is unpunished.
I wanted to return to say that this was unfortunately brief on my part. With God alone is the punishment and the clemency. What I meant to say was that since Gods justice, His wisdom and his mercy will not falter; and since mine, to the extent I have any share, very well could and often do: it is more prudent to leave the matter to Him. I am sure many, many a culprit will be left "unpunished" in the sense that they will enjoy His mercy, where I have no say in His exercise of it and should not have limited Him as I did. God knows best.

>> No.21468709

I don't want to be friends ofc but we went to high school and middle school together so I've just kinda stuck with that group. I have literally no other irl friends. I hang out only occasionally but every time I do, I feel like shit afterwards.

>> No.21468714

When women feel threatened or defensive they do unhinged emotional shit to try and regain control of the situation. It’s such a consistent pattern across cultures that I’m fairly sure it’s innate.
You either wait until she wears herself out and then talk to her or, if it’s an emergency and you know her well enough, clear a path for her through her own mental panic to return to clear communication.
Don’t let things sit forever if they’re bothering you or her though. It’s important to talk and reach eventual consistency.
Just read a book or busy yourself while you wait.

>> No.21468718

underrated post.

>> No.21468728

It slightly bothers me when people use "demise" to neutrally describe a person's death as in a news report. I think it's a british english thing but it always sounds so fantastical.

>> No.21468731
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Find other groups anon, take a community college course, they're hilariously cheap and affordable. I had a similar group that I associated with entirely due to convenience and happenstance, leaving them was the best decision I made.

Make them feel safe, don't ask to take charge just do. It is a message we are not taught or expected to know. If they feel threatened or defensive they are not safe, if they play games they are feel exposed and vulnerable.

The cliche example is not asking them where they want to go to lunch but taking them to lunch. Obviously if you pick a shit place they will judge you, but if you use common sense they will support you.

>> No.21468739

>who did Jesus stomp on?
Greedy salesman for one.

>> No.21468751

If you don't have the conviction to jump off a bridge or jump in front of a train, then I'd doubt you'd be able to hang yourself.

>> No.21468752

I've been working at a university for the last 4 years and haven't even pursued a master's degree. This has been a total waste.

>> No.21468772

I am not a person. It seems that I come to question my personhood every month around this time. It's just, I have no goals, no clear tangible ideas or wants beyond the necessities for survival. I wish I could say I have grand ambitions, but the scope of my being is summed in the ferocious unyielding need to trample on everyone else by any means necessary. It is the paradox of infalted ego, of inaffable conceit in the self, without even having a clear definition or understanding of the self. But how could that be? Where did I lose the thread? My penchant for hypochondria is making me research early-onset Alzheimer's. A phrase resonates with me. Those who have no sense of future (ie no ability to visualize the future) and only have pockets of their past in mind. All episodes that may have shaped their existence seeped out of their memory. Patients are permanently locked in the present moment. What do I do? I am so overwhelmed. I cannot beat this. I've tried for so long. I am so tired of helplesness. FUCCCCCCCCCK

>> No.21468826

Should have clarified better sorry. When I said Catholic I should have said hierarchical. I meant organized in a similar way to the Catholic Church but that would understandably not be how it was read. Many of the Nazi leaders were raised Catholic and so they inherited the organizational style of the Church even as they sought to exterminate it.

I feel Occult is well documented at this point? Adourno based a good chunk of his theory of fascism to nazi occult worship and I believe we have historical records on this, though I admit my history in this regard isn’t very strong.

>> No.21468865
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>Many of the Nazi leaders were raised Catholic and so they inherited the organizational style of the Church even as they sought to exterminate it.

Many where not, Germany was split roughly between Protestant and Catholic and neither side had a strong enough plurality in regards to calling it that. However it's structure did have some resemblance to the Catholic Church, but not because of religious reasons but because it is an effective way to control a large organization of people. Place strong, local hierarchies with large discretionary powers.

>I feel Occult is well documented at this point? Adourno based a good chunk of his theory of fascism to nazi occult worship and I believe we have historical records on this, though I admit my history in this regard isn’t very strong.
This is because of jews in Hollywood. There was briefly a small organization that was interested in acquiring significant religious artifacts and items from history as well as exploring mythologies related to the German people. Many of them were excluded from the party and executed in the Night of Long Knives. They idea that it was occultist, had worship of any sort is against historical evidence. There was clearly going to be an attempt to create a new structure of beliefs based on a nativist Germanic mindset.

The only reason people tend to think the Nazi's were obsessed with demonology, occultist practices and all manner of all other stuff is that popular media has sold that. In the same way that they think that America won the war against them. When in fact it was the Eastern Front that broke the back of Germany at the cost of a hilarious amount of Russian soldiers.

>> No.21468912

If you feel this drive, and I do as well, then the best use of your time is to try and become powerful or worthy of inheriting power.
In a way there is still some prediction involved. If you think global collapse is imminent then becoming powerful means being a prepper.
But primarily it is just about networking with other like minded people in your country and forming a proto elite. Even preppers acknowledge this; the current best advice is to join together with other preppers in order to have a real chance at survival.
Becoming a cohesive proto elite allows you to step in and replace the ruling elite of and when the time comes. Even if you’re based little group of dissidents isn’t powerful enough to do that, organization is still useful to protect yourselves and carve out enclaves from the current ruling elite.
Again the preppers are a few years ahead of everyone here as their movement developed the American Redoubt project.
I’m not saying become a prepper. Just that they were among the first to try and offer an outline of what proper organization this century may look like. However, prepping is undeniably cringe and therefore will not replace our current ruling elite. They’ve spurned most modern technology that allows for mass population control and have no theory of governing. Still, they may get to carve out their own enclaves which is not a terrible consolation prize.

>> No.21468982

They tell me to expose myself to the thinking in this world but it all feels either alien or common. The simple samples I wish for have been rescinded. And where others have colluded against me, myself has too. I have been exiled.

>> No.21469125

Learned today from a former swedish intelligence agent that our "neutrality" in the Cold War was to everyone involved a known farce maintained for the swedish people, and that everyone knew we stood with the west. I wonder if that is the whole truth though, since we developed our arms industry in order to maintain a credible capability for defense. Maybe we just did it for long term business though, and the CW made for a nice pretext. And maybe not all things are perfectly planned all the time.

>> No.21469136

Interesting either way to hear open talk of what really was simply the truth, as far as the people were concerned, while I was growing up. Still is, largely, I think. That the powers that be did dupe everyone to their core about everything to do with the survival of the country, to have that confirmed from a credible source for once.

>> No.21469143

>what really was simply the truth
the truth of our neutrality, that is. This is the second time I encounter credible information to this effect regarding that "neutrality".

>> No.21469161

i am too stupid to think outside of what is told to me. i feel like a non-person. i have nothing to say. everything that i do say is copied from someone else. i cannot add new knowledege because every thought i have is derivative. i am sure this very speech is one i heard before and am now reciting. raised by anonymouse, i have become anonymous.

>> No.21469193

You just added new knowledge

>> No.21469237

There have been no independent nations since WW1, only federated states of power blocs. After WW2 only the stupidest people believed there was a return to either 19th century balance of power politics of Wilsonian idealism, everybody knew there was a dipolar world, and the only way to maintain true sovereignty was to be a "rogue state," constantly playing the two poles off against one another, which was not a desirable way to live for any nation. In practice nations surrendered their real sovereignty by being part of the blocs in exchange for light terms of service, and in the hopes that they would never actually have to make good on their obligations by having to die fighting Russians or Americans. The nation state is a historically contingent concept. Anything claiming the contrary is propaganda put out deliberately by the two power blocs to maintain a facade of normalcy. Since the fall of the USSR the world has been quasi-monopolar, quasi because effectively it's the Atlanticist bloc vs. "everybody else."

>> No.21469269

The Hero Wars ads have been getting a lot crazier.

>> No.21469293

It happens that the algorithm uncovers something you listened to 10 years ago that was alright. Thanks algorithm. Not a big Miles-man in general but this one is good.

>> No.21469443

I think I would have prefered late 19th office work culture. Relations between workers and superiors were based on almost militaristic obedience and a sort of impersonal formalism. Now pretending to be friends and making "jokes" are the primary form of communication. It's terrible to the point that I think about dropping out and doing factory jobs and going full Bukowski.

>> No.21469471

*late 19th century

>> No.21469493


>> No.21469498

been studying the idea of carl jungs called active imagination, i get its to meditate on a dream image, but i dont get the part where he says to talk to it.

>> No.21469520

The internet is not the place for you

>> No.21469542


>> No.21469602

it takes a lot of training to meet dream figures and interact with them.

>> No.21469614

I got stabbed in the back by reccuring goons in my dream last night.

>> No.21469627

They never did it until now. Usually they chill on the couch. I walk past them, turn my glance to them for a second, continue walking and one stabs me in the right side with a screwdriver. I think, what the hell dude.

>> No.21469631

I thought we were brooos.

>> No.21469707

>Because your values are not really traditional
Yes they are
>What you call trad is just a group of pre-selected simple actions you can take thake no effort, no commitment and do not impact your life at all.
Wtf are you talking about? Seriously, where do you come up with this crap? How do you know my actions don't take effort? How do you know they dont affect my life? Whats this weird fantasy vision of my life that you concocted from one sentence I wrote?

>> No.21469754
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You are my fish and I am tapping on your glass

>> No.21469756
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>Wtf are you talking about? Seriously, where do you come up with this crap? How do you know my actions don't take effort? How do you know they dont affect my life? Whats this weird fantasy vision of my life that you concocted from one sentence I wrote?

I am talking about the movement as a whole, you as an individual I do not care nor can I possibly know. But you judge the movement as a whole, like you do with BLM, Antifa, like LGBT+, like veganism and others.

There may be, but rarely are, individuals who live up to a good standard and embody something that could be considered a well thought out life that reflects their values. But almost all people attached to a social movement, because that is what this is, are larping and for the brief few moments that you are able to show just how really hardcore trad you are there are countless others where you are not.

>Yes they are
No they aren't. They are not based on the idiotic perennial philosophy, which is hilarious horseshit. Nor are they based on any reasonable block of values, it is a cobbled together group of simplistic values based on Snr. Bush Era Neo-conservationism. It is functionally no different to the opposite side that it fights against as both are manipulated movements that allow big government/business to further fracture and atomize society and the family. Which is the most anti-traditionalist thing you can do.

>> No.21469764

>I am talking about the movement as a whole
What movement?
>it is a cobbled together group of simplistic values based on Snr. Bush Era Neo-conservationism
Wtf are you talking? I made one statement that I've chosen a tradlife and you've invented this grand narrative in your head about it.

>> No.21469791

>I made one statement that I've chosen a tradlife
What makes it trad?

>> No.21469814
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Same anon as >>21469791, but I will formulate the question better. What values and first principles make the lifestyle traditional and what does a tradlife manifest as?

>> No.21469831

4-4-4-4-4 LYFE

>> No.21469857

This is a good point, this is basically the Nouvelle Droite's strategy outlined by Alain de Benoist. Critics like Roger Griffin and Tamir Bar-On call it the "groupuscular right."

>> No.21469889

Okay bros I got today off. What shohld I do

>> No.21469916

read and write, stop browsing 4chan

>> No.21470029

Pathetic incompetent unpaid nigger janny micromanaging shitposts but leaves fifty twitter threads up. Kill yourself you Monday afternoon volunteer forum moderating nigger. May a million niggers rape you you unpaid prostitute. You are lower than a nigger's foot, you unpaid swine, you voluntary slave.

>> No.21470056

I had a conversation with my extended family about what the future probably holds for us young people in our country and I've never felt so alienated in my life. We specifically debated about what to do in order to retire comfortably (as in not spending the rest of your life in being tortured by wagies in a fucking nursing home) by the age of 65 considering our generation will certainly not have government pension. I don't even have the words to describe what I've been told (NPC-tier inane shit about the fatality of life and how you can't change directions in your life even though you can) but I'm going to vent now.
The more I talk to people, the more I feel the need to shy away from society. Imagine living in a world where the bulk of the human population is unironically uncapable of projecting themselves in the future. It's truly maddening that I don't have to imagine this because we're already living in that world. If the ability to think ahead was measured to quantify intelligence, probably more than half the population would fail the fucking test. Imagine living in a world where literal fucking ANIMALS are smarter and more willing to learn than the average bloke in terms of planning for the future. You've imagined it? Great. Remember we're not talking about whales or elephants there, even though we clearly could compare them to the standard NPC, because it'd be an insult to the intelligence of fucking whales and elephants.

>> No.21470107
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>have a major depression and trust issues since puberty
>dont do anything because its eastern europe and everyone treats you as looney if you visit therapist or psych
>finally decide to try it out at 25
>it takes a couple years to get out of the rut and atleast reach somewhat non completely broken mindset
>realize that I reached wizardhood, missed all the formative years experiences
>cant tell any girl and risk to be rejected on the spot
>dont want an experienced girl because it would be uncomfortable to both us and I'd be too insecure
Well, I never had a chance.

>> No.21470231

>>cant tell any girl and risk to be rejected on the spot
If you get rejected once you'll realize it isn't that bad. If you just go for it enough times you're statistically likely to succeed at some point. Sitting in your room alone thinking about how lonely you are will do exactly nothing for you.

>> No.21470252

I want to approach this one girl online and directly ask her if we could be penpals. We have never had a conversation before. How creepy could it come across?

>> No.21470287

Thats the thing, I have nothing to offer - no looks, no charismatic personality, no riches, no status or experience. Im the egg who hatched too late.

>> No.21470337

Or one with no dialect.

>> No.21470474

Despite all the years I've spent here and the amount of bantz I've had, I still don't know how to respond to insults or malicious trolling/baiting in real life. My main instinct is always to ignore the perpetrator, but at the same I'm aware of the fact that it makes me look like a bitch. If I was to insult back, which is what is most common in my family, it just seems to give the perp what he's looking for with the benefit of you lowering yourself to brainlet behavior. I'm a fairly silly guy irl, therefore a pretty easy target, and I can't seem to "get mean enough" for a real man's response, whatever that could be. So, I ask genuinely, what is there to do? What do you personally do in these types of cases, anon?

>> No.21471054 [DELETED] 

There's this site about The Fall lyrics, with notes and stuff about them. I don't know much of the website but the page about "The Classical" is truly hilarious and I visit it m maybe once a year.

They initially try to cope about the famous "where are the obligatory niggers" trying to pass the lyrics as ironic and more deep that it really is.

But then then they kind of give up since there's two interviews with MES about it

>"Well that song was written about a year ago, about what was happening then and what has resulted in the kind of music programmes you get on TV now...the sort of coziness of vanity, not vanity in a good way, not even vanity where you know what you're saying. "The Classical" was just like--you throw it around you know, the only thing is where is the classical. What I was really saying in that song was that things that have any real value about them will last through any time scale. But it sounds cheap to say it like that. There was stuff like 'obligatory niggers' and that, which has like come true, and every programme you see about young people has now got a black boy in it, I have to make a joke about that, I can't help it."

>"no black man's going to come in my home and call me the oppressor, cause if I've got any call with the English working class...the English working class created this country so that those fuckers could come over here and complain about it, I have no guilt about them, it’s only the middle class and upper middle class who have any guilt about the blacks and Irish, do you know what I'm saying? and I don't like people pulling that on me...black people and Irish people come over here and think they're being oppressed, the English working class know that as a fact...Do you know what I mean, no black man's going to come over to me and say "You are the fuckin' oppressor," because I've never oppressed him, as far as I'm concerned he's oppressing me, because I have to watch his music on TV and I don't particularly like it, it's another way of looking at it...

The notes on "There is no culture is my brag" and "There are twelve people in the world, the rest are paste" parts are also hilarious 2deep4you garbage. MES wasn't being ironic there. Fuck off

>> No.21471058

There's this site about The Fall lyrics, with notes and stuff about them. I don't know much of the website but the page about "The Classical" is truly hilarious and I visit it m maybe once a year.
They initially try to cope about the famous "where are the obligatory niggers" trying to pass the lyrics as ironic and more deep that it really is.
But then then they kind of give up since there's two interviews with MES about it

>"Well that song was written about a year ago, about what was happening then and what has resulted in the kind of music programmes you get on TV now...the sort of coziness of vanity, not vanity in a good way, not even vanity where you know what you're saying. "The Classical" was just like--you throw it around you know, the only thing is where is the classical. What I was really saying in that song was that things that have any real value about them will last through any time scale. But it sounds cheap to say it like that. There was stuff like 'obligatory niggers' and that, which has like come true, and every programme you see about young people has now got a black boy in it, I have to make a joke about that, I can't help it."

>"no black man's going to come in my home and call me the oppressor, cause if I've got any call with the English working class...the English working class created this country so that those fuckers could come over here and complain about it, I have no guilt about them, it’s only the middle class and upper middle class who have any guilt about the blacks and Irish, do you know what I'm saying? and I don't like people pulling that on me...black people and Irish people come over here and think they're being oppressed, the English working class know that as a fact...Do you know what I mean, no black man's going to come over to me and say "You are the fuckin' oppressor," because I've never oppressed him, as far as I'm concerned he's oppressing me, because I have to watch his music on TV and I don't particularly like it, it's another way of looking at it...

The notes on "There is no culture is my brag" and "There are twelve people in the world, the rest are paste" parts are also hilarious 2deep4you garbage. MES wasn't being ironic there. Fuck off

>> No.21471136

I'm getting tired of my atheist friends just shoving their opinions in whenever some subject pertaining to religion is discussed. For example I'd be stating difference between religions with a friend, something I do very rarely unless it is to inform and correct mistakes, and they'd include themselves in the discussion just to shit on religion, with total disregard for the subject. I literally cannot invent this due to how often this happens. They're normal people and then when religion is talked about in their vicinity they become fucking hooligans, getting all heated and throwing accusations about an unjust God. Even when I try to avoid the subject they'd come to me knowing I am a believer and start asking uncomfortable questions about my sexual life or shitty dilemmas like "what would you do if your son is homosexual? lololol". At some point I'm really considering cutting ties with them because of how ridiculous they make us look like in public, especially when they do this shit around others who are my friends or people I know but aren't their friends and are believer themselves. I like them but I'm tired of getting that "are you friends with this reddittard?" look.

>> No.21471161

I was able to navigate these situations despite it becoming known that I had Trump sympathies in a very blue area. You just have to blow off most of what they say and respond with rhetorical answers like "I'd love my son regardless. His sexuality wouldn't change my opinion of him." Just turn liberal slogans around and if they press further make sure not to sperg out and stay calm. They'll usually start to feel awkward if they press you too hard for answers.

>> No.21471234

YOU think you have nothing to offer. To some girl, you may be charming.

>> No.21471259

Talk to a friend and drink about it, you'll be good in a few weeks

>> No.21471318

pretty cool story anon
get one or two whores but don't overdo it, anon, you should use those to get confidence and clean out your desperation for sex in order to better flirt with real women
what about not getting old alone and regretful?
you're not a man if you never wanted to bang a whore
then abandon those threads and make interesting ones
keep it up
therapy, now
there is nothing new under the sun, anon. Don't feel bad about it
if you're lucky people get a clue that their jokes don't amuse you
what did anon mean by this
turn computer off, go to a library

>> No.21471554

Decided to get back into dating apps. Fuck, these hoes are dumb as hell. They also dress and behave like literal prostitutes. I mean it. I used to take a bus that went through some neighborhoods full of hookers and I swear they dressed more conservatively than the women I see online. It’s not even a tinder thing, they do the same on their social media. Fuck, how can they post pictures of their ass and tits hanging out for everyone to see? Have they no shame? Their personalities are also shit. Calling it a personality is already generous. They just adopt some stereotype and mold themselves to it. It’s like every girl online comes from one of three or four different assembly lines. Half of them do nothing besides traveling, drinking, smoking weed and clubbing. You can’t even be completely direct and move things towards sex with most of them, since even the so called sexually liberated women still expect to be courted and have you make them feel especial to at least some extent. Fuck, do you expect me to do the whole song and dance when we both know you are only in here looking to get fucked and talking with a gazillion men at the same time? Still, no matter how much I spite myself for it, I still go for them. The urge to have some female company and coom is all too consuming. I look towards the past and between all the women who I have successfully or unsuccessfully involved myself with there wasn’t even one worth it. Still, my biology drives me forward in this imbecilic quest.

>> No.21471576

You get after that pussy you dog. I believe in you

>> No.21471593

Don't forget you should've learned the Trivium by now.

>> No.21471631

there's no evidence outside of tradition that Moses existed

>> No.21471656

tradition is evidence

>> No.21471729

Theres no evidence outside of your trip that you exist. Tradition is more reliable evidence than that. I'm more sure of Moses than I am of you

>> No.21471734

I do well with people one on one. But as soon as I'm in a group I get weird. I feel all these insecurities and jealousies. Then I get paranoid and have this feeling of alienation. Feels bad man.

>> No.21471895
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burgerpunk bros..

>> No.21471902


>> No.21471931

Do you mean to tell me that people who have never set foot in the United States misrepresented it?

>> No.21471973

Is there anything out there that's written by a narcissist who reflects on his condition or is that impossible?

>> No.21471988

My collection of /wwoym/ posts desu

>> No.21472016

I don’t believe any narcissist is self-aware besides some of the self-hating ones, and even then they’ll be limited to partial awareness. The regular ones at most recognize only the parts of their narcissism with which they feel comfortable with or proud of. If you wanna read more about the self-hating ones, just look for Orson Welles rant about Woody Allen and “the Chaplin disease”.

>> No.21472038

Doesn't matter. White people founded the country of United States, so it's their homeland, and native Americans became the outsiders.

>> No.21472087

What exactly does it mean to be mentally ill? What is an illness of the mind?

>> No.21472089

Which one of you wrote this?

>> No.21472091

Or, I should say, you can come forward now, Sam.

>> No.21472149

Perhaps but that would be just an act and upon knowing me better she realize that Im just an empty man.

>> No.21472164

I’m so mentally ill man.

>> No.21472208

What are you looking for anon? Ideal love? Surely you aren't looking for affection, pleasure, and companionship; If you were only looking for the pleasures of a romantic or sexual relationship, you would be able to put on a farce long enough to experience something and then move on when it falls through; yet you remain concerned with the desires of the woman. This evidences an interest in a genuine idealistic love.
No matter what you have to offer, there will always be a man that has more to offer than you do, and no matter what you have, you may always lose it. At that point, there's nothing to stop the woman from leaving you, and if you are not a hypocrite and hold an ideal love for her, you should hope that she does. You are at the crossroads where you must decide whether to give up on ideal love or to accept mere pleasure.
In the desire for an idealistic love is an inherent narcissism that begs for something that one does not deserve and does not wish to supply themselves.

>> No.21472218

Thank you.

>> No.21472226

Maybe Im looking for something that doesnt exist in this world as an ideal love and I get sad when I realize that its not possible for it to ever happen with these flawed humans. Im too naive as this is evident by not having crucial experience at formative years. Abomination.

>> No.21472238

Here's a blackpill for you: Ideal love is genuinely possible yet highly improbable. It's so improbable that it isn't worth searching for, especially today. All you can do is hope to stave off loneliness and the burning thirst for love for a little while. As long as you never expect satisfaction, you should remain satisfied.

>> No.21472246

words of wisdom here

>> No.21472315

Yeah, Im torn between idealism and reality. Theres no way out except completely abandoning idea of love and becoming a hermit.

>> No.21472401
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>It will take me 27 years to read all the books on my list at an average of 100 pages a day.
>probably have fewer than 10 left

>> No.21472613

i'd even headbutt someone i ought to love desu

>> No.21472829

>tHeN aBaNdOn ThOsE tHrEaDs AnD mAkE iNtErEsTiNg OnEs
Do you think I haven't tried? Do you think other anons haven't tried? You big fat idiot. Dumbass.

>> No.21472835

yeah. those places are basically giant pit-stops in the middle of nowhere. was that not clear?

>> No.21472836

can anyone recommend me books with great prose? I know Nabokov writes beautifully from what I've read of him. Any other authors that have gorgeous prose.

>> No.21472847
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How are people influenced by authors who's work subverts the positive messaging of the influences that they had? How are people influenced if these are the primary authors of which they interface with works of? How do these people topple their masters through deliberation? What profound messaging can be found through this subversion of the class of subverters? How do you acknowledge this influence while moving beyond it?

>> No.21473018

A hot blonde wanna go out with me this saturday and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. God, my mind is really fucked. I’m so used to getting rejected or things going wrong that something so mundane as a date with someone attractive fills me with disbelief and anxiety. Well, no other way to get over it other than doing it, even though I keep irrationally dreading that things’ll go wrong.

>> No.21473022

What is the actual point of living if you know that it’s highly unlikely you’ll be one of the next great artists or authors? I’m not joking, please explain this to me because I can’t figure it out. My life is even pretty objectively good but it’s so pointless. I may have a job, but it feels no better or worse than puttering around as a neet because my company isn’t doing anything that will benefit people or be remembered. I have a relationship but so do most of the stray cats in my neighborhood. Human consciousness doesn’t rise above the level of a worm unless we create something meaningful, and only a tiny handful will do that. I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m the next great artist, it’s just objectively false. So what’s the point of dragging this out?

>> No.21473029

I've been writing this book for three years now. It's going to be either a spectacular accomplishment or abject failure. Because of how idiosyncratic it is, I don't see any middle ground.

>> No.21473046

Im so anxious all the time and I don't have money oh no!

>> No.21473054

This neurosis is why I dropped comp sci for an art major

>> No.21473067


>> No.21473071

To you "abject failure" will be anything that isn't a "spectacular accomplishment". I can tell you despise the idea of mediocrity. Be honest with yourself.

>> No.21473075

I suppose that follows from what I've said. I can't disagree. So, yes, mediocrity is failure.

>> No.21473086

Mental illness is the experience that your subjective experience is not congruent with the factual world and other people's experiences around you. This incongruity leads to limited capabilities of acting, negative and painful experiences and distorted as well as misleading modes of perception, feelings and cognition (logical thinking).

>> No.21473099

Ideal love is only consummated in a chemical wedding. The flesh will necessarily rot and decay if it is not dissolved beforehand. Chance is not involved, either you don't have what it takes or don't want to try, or you remain deluded about the opposite sex. Q.E.D. and don't ask me to elaborate.

>> No.21473115

>Le factual world

>> No.21473127

>Mental illness is the experience that your subjective experience is not congruent
Those who are mentally ill don't necessarily experience that their world is different to someone else's. They experience A world which, upon reasoned reflection by outside observers, leads them to believe there is a disconnect between the subjective world of the mentally ill and their own subjective world. Otherwise you are correct.

>> No.21473139

Atheism can be kind of like a fundamentalist cult. I have a mix of friends of various beliefs, and it's only the ones in high control groups and atheists who think they're morally superior sperg out like that, and even then, it's only those in positions of authority in high control groups who act like that. These people aren't interested in the actual moral position they extoll. They're literally in it in order to shit on people. Your friend isn't a bad person because he's an atheist; he's an atheist because it allows him to be a bad person and feel good and clean about it. You should be careful because their opinions about the people they are saving from religion aren't good: they think believers are dumb and they do not like homosexuals, children, or women as more than a talking point. Their problem with how some religious groups treat those groups isn't a problem with treating people like shit based on grouping, as they would see no moral problem with vengeance from those groups, and they detest the idea that any of those groups could forgive each other: they want those groups to join a crusade under their authority. They see the people who don't agree with them as dumb or deluded, unlike their superior selves, and those without anger likewise. They're disgusted by an unbothered homosexual, a happily submissive woman, and a child who believes in fairy tales, and other people who don't share their foundational myth about religion. It's the same as a FDLS being enraged you don't believe the living prophet can write legal marriage contracts with multiple children.

>> No.21473150


>> No.21473179

nothing is as hot as a big fat white cock

>> No.21473181

that's gay

>> No.21473187

I am aware of that but what can I do? Maybe I should stop watching porn

>> No.21473191

Quitting the job this month, but still don't know how to salvage the career or any sort of work experience.

>> No.21473369
