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21466948 No.21466948 [Reply] [Original]

>Write a 1905 page suicide note
>Kill himself

>> No.21466979

this guy would 100% guaranteed still be alive if he'd read as few as 2 deleuze books with secondaries

>> No.21466990

Why would quasi-chad kill himself?

>> No.21466994

The fucking worst. Only people who play touhou or watch touhou fandom as a fandom are acceptable. Secondaries are shits.

>> No.21467014

Read his autistic book you nigger. He explains it. Speed read until the few chapters before the Normans and then read slow and steady after that.

>> No.21467023
File: 10 KB, 200x238, image-asset (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy (Mitchell Heisman) killed himself, not the dude in the OP pic.

>> No.21467035

They're the same guy.

>> No.21467044
File: 20 KB, 200x262, 1285558940_3073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you autistic or what?

>> No.21467053

Now that's just a younger picture of him.

>> No.21467055

You're a literal face-blind autist.

>> No.21467194

Heisman still looks like chad-lite although the subtle differences here is making me believe more in physiognomy. OP pic has more protuding chin, looks more confident, happier and a little dumber, while Heisman has a more autistic face that also looks more serious and more intelligent. But I may just be influenced by context of what I know about him, I don't know if I'd make the same inferences if I were just given the two pictures to compare blind.

>> No.21467207

kys sperg

>> No.21467214

>Are you autistic or what?

>> No.21467309

why is everyone in this thread so fucking retarded. consider starting writing a suicide note for yourself and include this moment as part of your many, insurmountable failures.

>> No.21467328

it's always so sad when a young college athlete dies

>> No.21467365

dont care weeb

>> No.21467541

>Western countries that adopt feminism and individualism is not the complete end of the human race, but rather, the relative demographic decline of the native populations of liberal democracies. The individual irrationality of the self-sacrificial parent to child relationship helps produce genetically suicidal birthrates.

>> No.21467542


>> No.21467549


Why did he kill himself?

>> No.21468395

Holy Ghost, authored eternal words

>> No.21468402

>a mentally weak loser writes a 1905-page shlock of a treatise comprised entirely of SovCit-tier ramblings gets praised on /lit/

>> No.21468438

>There is a very popular opinion that choosing life is inherently superior to choosing death. This belief that life is inherently preferable to death is one of the most widespread superstitions. This bias constitutes one of the most obstinate mythologies of the human species.
>If there is no extant God and no extant gods, no good and no evil, no right and no wrong, no meaning and no purpose: if there are no values that are inherently valuable; no justice that is ultimately justifiable; no reasoning that is fundamentally rational, then there is no sane way to choose between science, religion, racism, philosophy, nationalism, art, conservatism, nihilism, liberalism, surrealism, fascism, asceticism, egalitarianism, subjectivism, elitism, ismism. If reason is incapable of deducing ultimate, non-arbitrary human ends, and nothing can be judged as ultimately more important than anything else, then freedom is equal to slavery; cruelty is equal to kindness; love is equal to hate; war is equal to peace; dignity is equal to contempt; destruction is equal to creation; life is equal to death and death is equal to life.
>Nihilism represents the ultimate logical conclusion of our great values and ideals- because we must experience nihilism before we can find out what value these "values" really had.
Seems like he had a point though

>> No.21468449

Reddit-tier profundity

>> No.21468626
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, reactiontosuicidals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide is for cowards who cannot stand living, i cringe at it

>> No.21468662

Yet he's to stupid to understand the ingrained need for survival every living organism is supposed to have.
I guess that's what being insane means, delusions and lack of basic understanding.

>> No.21468677

Suicide is the most courageous thing one can do. That's why it's so rare.

>> No.21468692

Wrong. A redditor would never kill himself. He would make the correct observation, then simply ignore it as if acknowledgement of the problem is a sufficient answer. He will then return to some intuition based poetry to justify his gay leftist propaganda and feel smug about it.

>> No.21468697

If soulless east asian bugs can commit suicide en masse, it’s neither courageous nor rare

>> No.21468711

Midwit takes

>> No.21468740

Then kill yourself already, you mentally weak, recessed-chin loser.

>> No.21468758

I don't feel like it

>> No.21468759
File: 57 KB, 720x733, 9FC03B58-74C6-4839-8406-C7872863EA2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21469569

I'll read it eventually

>> No.21469911

Based. Suicide is indeed not a bad thing, it confuses me when people say it’s selfish. I think it’s more selfish to everyone to expect someone to keep living just so they can feel better, when I’m reality they probably contributed to them wanting to suicide in the first place. Why someone should be forced to stick out their life when they’ve gotten a very shitty hand, I don’t know.

>> No.21471154

Bravery is waking up every morning and facing life and reality with all it's pain and cruelty and enforcing your will to make things better. Suicide is literally surrender.

>> No.21471233

Imo it's the opposite. I couldn't commit suicide when I was young (I still can't), I did terrible things and until now I consider all the years that I have lived as a punishment, but in reality I have a "comfortable" life.

>> No.21471256

the paragon of virtue

>> No.21471260

why? everything Deleuze said is nonsense.

>> No.21471268

>be wildly depressed and suicidal
>make sure to look smug in your photographs
I can't tell if it's pathetic or amazing.

>> No.21471291

It doesn't solve anything. Many people are often not aware that they are contributing to it but wouldn't want it to happen. often they are just trying their best.
If you could forget everything that has happened, then wouldn't that be running away?

besides, eternity can pass in an instant and before you know it you live again

>> No.21471742

Wow, much edgy, very angst

>> No.21471753

Suicide is the supreme act of control, agency, and will.

All other actions a person may take in life are tantamount to slavery in comparison with the absolute triumph of spirit over the World that is suicide.

>> No.21471980


>life is equal to death and death is equal to life

Once he pulled the trigger, blew his brains out, and drew his last breath, he refuted this position.

I can be convinced life and death are equal a priori but insofar as we have choices, we make value judgements. To be clear, values are not inherent. We don't choose because it's valuable but it's valuable because it's the thing we choose. He chose death and thus declared death was more valuable than life.

>> No.21472113

No, its real. Autistic individuals can't tell these men apart. Its fucked up but its definitely a real thing.