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File: 24 KB, 620x426, HegelSky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21463850 No.21463850 [Reply] [Original]

To understand Hegel we have to battle with our dopamine-internet-addicted short-term attention spans and immediate-gratification inclinations.

>20 minutes is max adult attention span

>The process of habit formation can be slow. Lally et al. (2010) found the average time for participants to reach the asymptote of automaticity was 66 days with a range of 18–254 days.[13]

Gradually increase your Hegel reading everyday until you can read 20 min a day.

Make sure you maintain a daily practice for at least 66 days to establish your reading as a beneficial habit.

But, remember to read Kants critiques first. All three. You must wrestle with them like Jacob wrestled with the Angel of God until the Angel blessed him with the title Israel, or He who struggles with God. Only then will you possess what you have rightfully earned: the standpoint of speculative thought.

>> No.21464212

>To understand Hegel we have to battle with our dopamine-internet-addicted short-term attention spans and immediate-gratification inclinations.
this is unironically the best advice ive heard when it comes to Hegel. i remember when i first started reading him back in september i could barely understand anything at all, then i began meditating for 30 minutes a day to improve my attention span and after a month of that + reading him out loud i got to a point where i began to feel i understand him (or atleast most of it)

>> No.21465568
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>Gradually increase your Hegel reading everyday until you can read 20 min a day.
>Make sure you maintain a daily practice for at least 66 days to establish your reading as a beneficial habit.


>> No.21465599

Amphetamines was how the French existentialists got through their Hegel. Heidegger, however, used pure force of will.

I was forced to take Hegel from a young age by my father.

>> No.21465629

Thanks anon, may God bless you.

>> No.21465680

>I was forced to take Hegel from a young age by my father.
Based dad

>> No.21465793


>> No.21465831
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>What did he mean by this?

>> No.21465853

That's not Hegel's form of scholarly exposition. And it is a cheap common ontological joke about autoinspection.

>> No.21465868

Hegel is a master of manipulation. He might've invented gaslighting. At least to that level.

>> No.21465879

I was eight when my father let a German manipulate me. EIGHT.

Also he didn't invent gaslighting on that level. You need to read the Sutras. Buddhists were pulling this shit millennia ago. It took Germans 2000 years to catch up with Indian imageboard culture.

Yes I am saying that Swaglord is an incarnation of Vishnu.

>> No.21465897

It comes from the same Yamnaya spirit. The ancient nobles that look to enslave trough the mind.

Jesus was not of this race.

>> No.21465915

The problem is that you're using racialisation. Wrong level of complexity.

Jesus was not of this Kingdom: he was a fungus, just like Buddha, Hegel, etc. You know what I mean. There's a reason mycologists are like that. This is my body, eat of me, this is my tea, drink of me.

>> No.21465924
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Books on the true identity of Vishnu?

>> No.21465923

We dont have to understand Hegel. We are literally spirit

>> No.21465926

Also holy fuck I’m gonna be just like your father.

>> No.21465939
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>You know what I mean.
No. I don't. Enlighten me.

>> No.21465948

It is racial though; it's the eternal battle between the farmers and the hunter gatherers. Rome was the farmers oppressing the hunter gatherers in the north and the other farmers in the south and them it switched to the Catholic Church.

Hegel, Schop, and Freddy Krueger, freed the German barbarians from this and created Nazism. The ultimate barbarian ideology.

>> No.21465950

So the central asians who spoke Proto-Indo-European and who invaded India, Greece, Germany, etc. used magic mushrooms. Search term is "Soma" example from documentation is Rigveda (8.48.3).

Its a common myth. It is more interesting than the pan-Aryan thesis. PIE is interesting as fuck. Horses. Shrooms. Patriarchy as a weird sex cult.

>> No.21465966

You need to more seriously investigate Eastern PIE trends. Instead of freedom to horse, look a horse non-dualism. Also Nazis are more about c19 kleine-burgher sexual inadequacy in the face of the imaginary Junker and the 1917 starvation and 1919 red-woman-homosexual menace. Yes I am going to cite Male Fantasies here.

Take more mushrooms, have some non-effeminate gay sex (I personally suggest mutual oral or frotting), go driving in cars without driving in cars.

Racination doesn't happen rapidly enough in humans from herding / farming divides because pussy is too wet and breeding control programmes don't work.

>> No.21465975

I can invent thousands of quotes using the same formula.

>> No.21465976

Hegel is a hack

>> No.21465982

Yes he did publish regularly and extensively. But the weird thing is that people keep going back to his early work which was space constrained, so not really hackery as such.

A hack, if you didn't know it, is a journalist who actually publishes daily.

>> No.21465988

Hegel was a pseud.

>> No.21465990

Ok you got me hooked. Books on?

>> No.21465995

The Jews are farmers and are the psychic master race. The war ended there. The barbarians can try all they want, the same psychic power that dominated them in Rome is now in Jews. They are the descendants of the Roman nobles.

The Anglo managed to conquer the world only through philosemitism as an extension of the Roman empire.

>> No.21466004

>the same psychic power that dominated them in Rome is now in Jews. They are the descendants of the Roman nobles.
Bro wut?

>> No.21466007

There was a fair bit done in the West around 1890 and then later 1970-1990. Try uncle Tez McKenna, Terence (1992). Food of the Gods: The search for the original tree of knowledge. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN9780553078688.

You can get the same effect by sufficient application of introspective philosophy btw.

We're talking about India cunt and how Hegel cribbed buddhism.

>> No.21466013

Jews are Roman and through inbreeding kept the psychic power.

>> No.21466018

Holy shit... Books on?

>> No.21466033

It was the Roman noblewomen. Somehow they figured out that the Jewish men had psychic superiority over the Christian decadence that was sweeping the empire and had the survival instinct to marry them and form a new ruling class, protecting the psychic power of Rome, the so called Dignitas that the Roman nobles carried. One that could rule over Christians.

>> No.21466037

You trollin right?

>> No.21466041

are you german?

>> No.21466050

No, Jews are genetically half Roman. It's been proven. Why do you think they have so much psychic strength? The combination of the Old Testament + the Glory of Rome + being social outcasts. Creates a neurotic but powerful mind.

>> No.21466053

>are you german?
I wish. Do you know how hard it is to find fellow anglophones who experienced Hegel related child abuse?

>> No.21466062

there was an anecdote about wittgenstein i read somewhere too distant to scrape up, but it was something about him being in his secluded cabin writing the tractatus probably, and in this solitude, he hears some hunter or equivalent tramping through the foliage. promptly wittgenstein came out screaming at the man, telling him it would take him a whole month just to get back to where he was when he was interrupted.

there are most certainly longer spaces of human focus than a mere 20 minutes, though this thread is not unworthy of the post.

>> No.21466108
File: 32 KB, 768x655, 1672429868682175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A hack, if you didn't know it, is a journalist who actually publishes daily.
You have to be a journalist to be a hack?! wowza

>> No.21466110

so i was a hack all along.

>> No.21466118

that's because Wittgenstein was aspergers anon

>> No.21466121

Maybe if you actually became literate in English you could read works.

>> No.21466123

Hegel was just trying to free himself from Christianity but didn't have the balls Nietzsche did, so like Kant went through a bunch of self-manipulation and self-gaslighting to achieve it. If you read him you go through it yourself.

>> No.21466148

I think you'll find that your criterion for literacy is not very useful to this discussion

>> No.21466155

Well obviously not, because hardly anyone here reads Hegel, values exegesis above eisegesis, or cares about ontology as a grounding for work in its self-negation.

>> No.21466171

Yes most people, even the smart ones with nobel prizes in chemistry and such, seem to either hide the fact that Hegel was instrumental to their life's work, or ofcourse never read any Hegel at all because it's not very useful

>> No.21466216

You know, if this were a different thread on a different board on a different website that might be cogent. I'd certainly recommend you use it to attack people trying to talk about Hegel in public.

>> No.21466227

Even if those people exist (and I have yet to see anyone) why would I attack them? Such an incel schoolshooter line of reasoning..

>> No.21466242

As someone who has read and talked about Hegel, I think we ought properly to be attacked.

>> No.21466252

I see.

>> No.21466645

This short video will conveys a better understanding of Hegel’s philosophy than any left wing Hegelian could ever hope to understand Hegel in their entire career.


>> No.21466647


>> No.21466663

If you can't supply a 125 word abstract of this 50 minute essay, why should I listen to a man who doesn't get the "consummate" joke about Western Philosophy.

>> No.21466851

>But, remember to read Kants critiques first
Anon what should I read before reading Kant.
t. knows NOTHING about philosophy but is curious.

>> No.21466913

Hegel was a pseud, which is why for years nobody on this board has been brave enough to make a personal nomination for Hegel's most important idea.

>> No.21466921

rationalism and empiricism in 17-18c
oh wait

>> No.21466930
File: 109 KB, 800x450, hegelkym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's actually... Hegel.

>> No.21466946
File: 60 KB, 553x768, 1557353629575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to explain Hegel in simple terms?

>> No.21466957

Hegel spent his life trying to do just that.

>> No.21466982


Not really, because he spent his life trying to solve the philosophical problems raised by Kant and those who came after him. If you don't know the questions, then the answers aren't going to make much sense. You also have to spend a lot of time getting rid of the mental baggage created by interpretations from later philosophers who viewed Hegel through the lense of their own philosophies, like Feurbach, Stirner and Marx.

>> No.21466993

>You also have to spend a lot of time getting rid of the mental baggage created by interpretations from later philosophers who viewed Hegel through the lense of their own philosophies, like Feurbach, Stirner and Marx.

Don't worry, this is /lit/. Nobody here has read Feuerbach, Stirner or Marx.

>> No.21466998

And that's a good thing.
It's probably the only reason I can stand this place.

>> No.21467007


Even if you've never read any of those philosophers, you would still have unconsciously absorbed popular views of Hegel. For example, the idea that the dialectic is thesis-antithese-synthesis is just plain wrong. Hegel never uses those terms, and the dialectic has nothing to do with it (instead it's more about understanding contradictions from the point of the wider whole, in which those differences are reconciled).

>> No.21467095

How much of hegel have you read? Have you learned a lot?

>> No.21467122

>Is it even possible to explain Hegel in simple terms?
Nobody knows, because Hegel fanboys tend to implode the instant they're asked to define a term.

>> No.21467124

>another let's voluntarily brainwash ourselves thread

>> No.21467129

The virgin Hegel reader can't withstand the thrusts of the Chad logical positivist.

>> No.21467727

>Chad logical positivist
Gaslighting. You're literally getting fucked in the ass by Hegel you homo.

>> No.21468506
File: 119 KB, 386x1400, Screenshot_20221207-114639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking you're escaping Hegel's influence by having your entire philosophy be a response to Hegel and attempt to exorcise his dominance. In the end, the logical positivists themselves collapsed their own project with their own methods, logic undercutting logic and the great artifice collapsing into contraction.

And a funny thing happened. The most committed logicalists, hiers to the project's remains, began looking for something more basic that could be grounded without contradiction. They looked to category theory and a non-axiomatic systems that wouldn't fall to incompleteness or undefinability. And what system could manage this? Objective logic, the dialectical, formalized with math born after logical positivism died.

It was all one giant sublation. Now Nlab schizos and logicalists spend more time with The Science of Logic than all of Russell. Hegel wins again. All antithesis WILL be sublated!

>> No.21468524
File: 11 KB, 188x268, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being filtered so hard by another's landmark work that you make it your life's work to convince everyone not to bother reading it and resort to obscurantist claims that innovations in mathematics refuted it, claims which don't turn out to be true at all, is being Chad.
Sounds more like when Schopenhauer decided to teach directly across the hall from Hegel because he thought his system was so superior it would win everyone over and then rage quit over lecturing to a empty room while Hegel's class was attended by all the other faculty and overflowed the hall.

>> No.21468599

>I was forced to take Hegel from a young age by my father.
if only every man did this, the world would be one million times better. Based father

>> No.21468855
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>> No.21469405

Thread tourist.
Why exactly is this supposed to be the reaction people have to him? What are you objecting to?

>> No.21469820

is it considered normal among hegelian philosophers to use fallacies like argument from popularity ? Frankly it reinforces the idea that Hegel was a pseud hiding behind word salads. Sad for all the naive people who thought it was valid thought.

>> No.21469880

Is it normal to use French punctuation on an English imageboard or is it behaviour restricted to self-important cunts?

>> No.21470485

Hegel is incredibly influential because his work as incredible breadth. Elements of Hegel are constantly being rediscovered, currently in cognitive science and logic/mathematics, in the 90s and 00s in political science, etc.

He is also one of, if not, the absolute most dense philosopher to read. He did not write any helpful primers like Russel's history, or give any step by step guidance like Decartes' meditations. He wrote for experts exclusively and assumes the reader is deeply versed in German idealism and has a pretty solid knowledge of all other philosophy as well as all the science of the day, Newton, Liebnitz, etc. and logic and mathematics as it stood then.

On top of this, he is a bad writer. An absolute genius, but he has a horrid habit of piling up clauses in his sentences. He's like an autodidact coder who doesn't bother ever formating his code because he can read it fine as one long string. His most famous work, arguably since the Logic is also big, the Phenomenology, was also written in an incredible rush, as an army was descending on his city, and so that one is especially difficult, but most people also start there.

He's also, in a way few philosophers actually are, especially once you've been studying philosophy for a while, fairly mind blowing. There is a somewhat mystical side to parts of Hegel too, which are extremely heady.

Which is all to say, even if you're a Hegel fan, reading him is a trial. It's also like going on a 7 gram mushroom trip, some intense shit. So the reaction makes sense.

>> No.21470518

And your father forces you into this when you're eight.

Hegel: stop the cycle.

>> No.21470558

Poor kid

>> No.21470727

Yet for all that, you posing retards can't describe a single impressive idea of Hegel, and you know it.

>> No.21470739

true. see >>21457656.
but that's not a reflection on hegel per se. it's a reflection on the insecure midwits on this board.

>> No.21470760

Argumentum ad populum is a 70-IQ defense of based Hegel, and you should kys for bringing dishonor to him like that, you fucking window-licker.

>> No.21471929

the existence of masturbatory dumbasses on this board doesn't really say anything about hegel, that's true of most complex thinkers, if you ask your average internet landian to explain an idea from land and you'll get nothing

thinkers seen as complex and difficult attract midwits who want to maintain some sort of perceived intellectual high ground without having to actually read something difficult. if you're genuinely interested i think this summary by moishe postone is good if vastly oversimplified
hegel attempts to overcome the classical theoretical dichotomy of subject and object with his theory that all of reality, natural as well as social, subjective as well as objective, is constituted by practice-more specifically, by the objectifying practice of the Geist, the world-historical Subject. The Geist constitutes objective reality by means of a process of externalization or self-objectification, and, in the process, reflexively constitutes itself. Because both objectivity and subjectivity are constituted by the Geist as it unfolds dialectically, they are of the same substance, rather than necessarily disparate: both are moments of a general whole that is substantially homogeneous-a totality. For Hegel, then, the Geist is simultaneously subjective and objective-it is the identical subject-object, the "substance" that is at the same time "Subject" : ' 'The living substance is, further, that Being which is in truth Subject or, what is the same thing, which is in truth actual only insofar as it is the movement of positing itself, or the mediation of the process of becoming different from itself with itself. "87 The process by which this self-moving substance/Subject, the Geist, constitutes objectivity and subjectivity as it unfolds dialectically is a historical process, which is grounded in the internal contradictions of the totality. That historical process of self-objectification, according to Hegel, is one of self-alienation, and leads ultimately to the reappropriation by the Geist of that which had been alienated in the course of its unfolding. That is, historical development has an endpoint: the realization by the Geist of itself as a totalizing and totalized Subject.

i get being annoyed and i hate these people more than anyone but don't let retards on here convince you that one of the most influential philosophers of all time has absolutely nothing of substance to offer

>> No.21472066

I see you're impressed by waffle. I have higher standards.

>> No.21472105

I am pretty sure the world doesn't need a millions guys thinking they are the next Napoleon and contender for the Weltgiest.

>> No.21472109

Is your father future me?

>> No.21472116

TERRY attempts to overcome the classical theoretical dichotomy of subject and object with his theory that all of reality, natural as well as social, subjective as well as objective, is constituted by UNDULATION-more specifically, by the objectifying UNDULATION of the BEZOOK, the world-historical ARCHETYPE. The BEZOOK constitutes objective reality by means of a process of WRIGGLING or self-TORQUE, and, in the process, reflexively constitutes itself. Because both objectivity and subjectivity are constituted by the BEZOOK as it unfolds HELICALLY, they are of the same substance, rather than necessarily disparate: both are INFINITESIMALS of a general whole that is substantially PRIOR-a totality. For TERRY, then, the BEZOOK is simultaneously subjective and objective-it is the UNDULATORY subject-object, the "substance" that is at the same time "Subject" : ' 'The living substance is, further, that Being which is in truth ASP or, what is the same thing, which is in truth actual only insofar as it is the movement of UNCOILING itself, or the ATTENUATION of the process of becoming different from itself IN TOTO. "87 The process by which this self-COILING substance/Subject, the BEZOOK, constitutes objectivity and subjectivity as it UNCOILS is a META-TEMPORAL process, which is grounded in the internal SCHISMS of the UNDER-BEING. That historical process of self-STRATIFICATION, according to TERRY, is one of self-alienation, and leads ultimately to the INVOLUTION by the BEZOOK of that which had been alienated in the course of its unfolding. That is, historical development has a TELEOLOGY: the realization by the BEZOOK of its MANIFOLDS as a totalizing and totalized Subject.

>> No.21472119

Marxists should not be considered at all when trying to understand Hegel per se.

>> No.21472123

Everything is in triads.

The end of History for Europe is Antiquity>Middle Ages> Modernity

The evolution of religion is Magic>Polytheism/Paganism>Monotheism

Even in Christianity its Chaldean Christianity>Cath/Ortho split>Protestantism

>> No.21472129

>He did not write any helpful primers like Russel's history
He literally wrote a History of Philosophy that was used as text book.

Ofc its only for students of philosophy and not the general public(Philosophy of History was for the general public post-death), but still he did write a intro to philosophy.

>> No.21472138

>Reads a lecturer for his course notes

>Standards haven't declined
>Students have

>> No.21472186

my haplogroup is I1, thus predating europe's indonigger invasion, based on that what literature should I read?

>> No.21472196

alt.suicide FAQ

>> No.21472203

can't find it, link?

>> No.21472490

I’m not reading the deranged German’s wall of text and I never will