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21462868 No.21462868 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on life passing you by, failing to capture your youth, not taking advantage of good looks, etc.?

>> No.21462872

maybe a gardening book, to learn how to touch grass

>> No.21462874

Seize the Day is a black pill on this.

>> No.21462918

Just go outside, you dumb frogposter

>> No.21462924

get a girlfriend and fuck her pussy, it's literally that simple, always has been. regular sex is like an injection of bliss and retardation, you stop thinking and thus stop feeling bad.

>> No.21462925

If you did you'd just have another set of depressing problems and be here posting anyway. Fundamentally the problem is thinking that all would be well if only you'd done <insert your particular pile of regrets>. You're externalizing and tokenizing life in a way that allows you to think of happiness as a set of switches you could (or could have flipped).
It's just another cope for life being fundamentally disappointing no matter what you do. Since you can't change life, you can just change how you deal with it. So deal with it, instead of this pacifying mental masturbation.

>> No.21462948

Just keep posting those frogs, dumbo

>> No.21462964

I've already done this for several years.

Makes sense actually.

>> No.21462973

>Any books on life passing you by, failing to capture your youth, not taking advantage of good looks, etc.?
Could be worse. You could have died as a young child like most did before the modern era. Stop whining about small things while you get to enjoy a full life. There are many people in the world right now who don't even have the luxury to doompost with frogs on an Arthurian literature scholarship board. What you need is perspective, not books that will give you cope for having a bad outlook on life

>> No.21463066

>Could be worse.
It could always have been worse. Nobody is unaware things could have been worse. The problem is why things aren't better. "Be grateful things didn't turn out worse for you" is some strange slave mentality of (literally, unironically) jewish origin.

>> No.21463068


>> No.21463075

>having perspective = jewish evil
Strong start to the year.

>> No.21463091

> Could be worse. You could have died as a young child like most did before the modern era. Stop whining
This is your idea of "perspective". It begins and ends with "could have been worse". You give no answers, no solace, no practical solutions whatsoever. Nobody has any problems except for whatever sorry sack of shit is the actual bottom of the totem pole.
Except that's not reality at all, it's just active denial. Jewish culture is heavily based around nobody getting any answers and God being vengeful. "Shut up, you think things are bad now? Things could go worse for you" is a perennial rabbinic wisdom.

>> No.21463106

>Nobody has any problems except for whatever sorry sack of shit is the actual bottom of the totem pole.
It's the truth. The hedonic treadmill is a mindset that must be combatted. Otherwise you end up obsessing over if there are enough "latinX" people in the book you read, instead of actual issues.

>> No.21463122

It's obviously not the only answer, but it's a good place to start. Getting perspective on life and then figuring out what you can and want to work on--what makes sense to work on--is a good recipe for success. Something like "not taking advantage of good looks" is just a foolish endeavor unless you're a 20 year old woman looking for a good husband in a Victorian romance novel. It's foolish. You can't live a good life by worrying about what you're missing out on, because you're always going to be missing out on things. Even the richest men in the world can't get what they want the most, because it's endless. Focus on achievable goals for the future with a healthy mindset and work on those.

>> No.21463137
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I may feel as though I am simultaneously forever overdue, and doing overtime: chipping away at weeks like sunflower seeds, skidding along days, and farming months in advance, but I never regret any of it, nor has any part of my life ever seemed like a banality, because everything increasingly difficult that I do constitutes an investment into my cleanitude —and, per contingent chance, into that of others—; the rest is ascension.

>> No.21463141
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"Of Human Bondage" by W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.21463150

Try Yi Sang's The Wings

>> No.21463161

How has no one recommended The Tartar Steppe yet?

>> No.21463164

redpill me on tartar steppe

>> No.21463333
File: 153 KB, 840x875, giacomino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Il passero solitario" by Giacomo Leopardi is what you seek, then the rest of the Canti


>> No.21463338

Don't worry, anon, we all have regrets. I regret being born; I want to die.

>> No.21463344

Not that guy but it is quite literally the book on life passing you by, failing to capture your youth, not taking advantage of good looks, etc.

That's the absolute essence of the work. It is a profoundly melancholy book on the passage of time and unrealized dreams and ambitions.

>> No.21463354

If the pussy don't work, switch to morphine.

>> No.21463386

The Tartar Steppe
Der Bajazzo

>> No.21463480


>> No.21463492

you could go over to /pol/ forum visit all threads every day print them to pdf's and read them all

that will guarantee your continued failure in life

this advice is free too

>> No.21463808

He cute

>> No.21463998

>melancholy book on the passage of time and unrealized dreams and ambitions
does it offer any insights or is that all it is

>> No.21464008

Youth is a simulation of consumerism for the purpose of advertisements.

The kind of life you see on television doesn't exist for you, simple as. Those beautiful women who are at all the best parties, dressed in the most stylish cotton, giving the allure of summer romance and sexual adventures? They had to put out to get there, they're paid to stand around at parties, and they're basically a small step up from the girls standing around turning tricks on the sidewalk-- there isn't any romance left in their soul. Those handsome ethnic men wearing Timberland boots, who all have perfect jaws and abbs, who seem like the physical embodiment of good vibes, always one slow motion camera pan away from breakdancing or doing a kickflip, they also had to put out to get there. Do they still seem so mysterious and exiting with the image of them on both knees, covered in fluids, and gaging on a fat Jewish media mogul?

All these birds of paradise are just hangers on to power, who are paid to give it the embellishment of beauty, excitement, and youthfulness. In fact, we're all niggers on a plantation, and the eternal "Youth" are nothing but attractive/charming whlres paid to seduce you into thinking "well maybe if I went back to school I could stop being a field nigger and start being a house nigger... Then my life would finally start. Then I would finally be happy. Just like the beautiful people on the TV.

>> No.21464024

>Do they still seem so mysterious and exiting with the image of them on both knees, covered in fluids, and gaging on a fat Jewish media mogul?
Cope, they enjoy life and you don't, simple as

>> No.21464030
File: 24 KB, 620x426, HegelSky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life passing you by, failing to capture your youth, not taking advantage of good looks



>>In teaching philosophy in the gymnasium the abstract form is, in the first instance, straightaway the chief concern. The young must first die to sight and hearing, must be torn away from concrete representations, must be withdrawn into the night of the soul and so learn to see on this new level, to hold fast and distinguish determinations.

That stuff you're concerned about is really nothing. So don't sweat it.

>> No.21464037

Why does everything Hegel say remind me of supervillains/sith lords?

>> No.21464047

Look within and find out

>> No.21464055

You could've saved him.

>> No.21464058

They're a simulation of what "enjoying life" is supposed to look like within a consumerist framework. When people talk about "youth"' what they mean is a mixture of perfume commercials, beer commercials, and Highschool Movies (Riverdale, Sex Drive, Breakfast Club, etc). But this life doesn't exist, and even the simulation of it requires entire rooms full of special effects specialists, makeup professionals, camera men, and millions of dollars in props and sets.

If you've got extremely rich parents then you can ape that kind of lifestyle I guess, but it's really just glorified consumption. In the real world life is hard and often disappointing. If you can't cope with that, that's on you.

>> No.21464085

I like the field/house nigger dynamic.
I'm the nigger that's getting pulled into an industrial lathe like those chinks on liveleak.

>> No.21464128

This is why everyone should trip on acid every now and then. It’s the ultimate filter removal

>> No.21464916

Don't worry about your material realities dude, just trip on acid and, like, open your third eye. Poverty is just an illusion bro.

>> No.21464933

Everything is a cope for existing in an potentially meaningless universe. Just try all the copes that you can before the clock runs out.

>> No.21465020

Unironically. Your mind is a palace, learn to live in it always.

>> No.21465041

I too would like to know what Hegel would have written on acid

>> No.21465050

How do you get this lucidity of yours?

>> No.21465096
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The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann

>> No.21465107


>> No.21465137

Not a book but Twin Peaks: The Return is about having missed out on 25 years of life.

>> No.21465154

You are the definition of a midwit. You cry because people don't give you answers. "Things could be worse," isn't a solution, it's a starting point. Recognizing that people with more shit stacked against them than you managed to lead fulfilling lives should show you that it's possible. This empowers you to look for a solution to your own situation. No one can give you some one-size-fits-all painless fix for your hyperspecific problems. If you weren't such an impotent pseud, you'd take the whitepill for what it is and start coming up with your own solutions. The ability to do this is what separates the men from the masses.

>> No.21465189

>to learn how to touch grass
Overrated and overused but better yet, get into a fight. You'll feel alive having to throw and dodge punches, you'll lose and learn to live with it and most likely you'll fall and learn how to take less damage while touching grass in the process.

>> No.21465197
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>It's just another cope for life being fundamentally disappointing no matter what you do.
>tfw your native tongue has a dedicated nearly untranslatable word for this

>> No.21465275

I wish I could earn a living from it somehow tbqhwy

>> No.21465299

I take it you disliked the book of job?

>> No.21465337

Yeah its annoying when people give this answer. You can tell they've already made several assumptions about life.
>life is in some sense a "competition" as to who has the best experience, so the experiences of others directly impacts how you should value yours
These guys are likely to also say that dying shouldn't be feared because "everyone dies" and in their mind there's somehow a logical connection between those two assertions. (Not saying you should fear dying, but their reasoning as to why you shouldn't is nonsensical without the above assumption).
Its this weird mindset that is at once utterly dependent on the collective (what other people are supposedly experiencing) and at the same time individualist, in the sense of the inherent competition aspect. These guys will always tell you you're being a baby about your share of suffering since someone out there has it worse. The one truth about this life though is no matter who you are some poor asshole out there has it worse lol. So only the absolute bottom person is allowed to complain, maybe then not even him, since he could imagine someone who has it marginally worse somehow.
To ward off seethe posts I'll say I believe you should take your life into your own hands, but downplaying suffering is not only dishonest but also ultimately counter-productive to this. The fact is life is suffering, to some degree or another, it has to be accepted.

>> No.21465368

Okay Dosto

>> No.21465435

Good post

>> No.21465453

whats the word

>> No.21465486

>not taking advantage of good looks
Hey, it's you(me)!
Newly beautiful emerging out of Neet /fit/ cocoon. I don't know how to be attractive. what do you say to the hoes when they fake shop next to me in the aisles as Publix? I typically ignore them, and autistic walk away (quick pace long stride). Turns out? muscles don't make you fit in with pudgy normies, shoulda saw that one coming =P

>inb4 post body
lol no

>> No.21465529
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>> No.21465541

i got robbed of my youth by shitty family, health woes, sabotage, and MUH COVID

i'm done, fucking end my existence, i hope you all die in a nuclear holocaust in protracted suffering

>> No.21465640

>it's literally that simple
But not that easy

>> No.21465673
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I get no enjoyment from sex or masturbation

>> No.21465752

Impressive posts, anon. However what kind of life do you live? And do you have any advice for coping with the youth propaganda? It's everywhere and people are repeating it nonstop.

>> No.21465842

Dor. It's somewhat similar to the Portuguese saudade, but the gist of it is that it's a type of unquenchable yearning that's fundamentally about not being (back) in heaven, as anything else is not quite good enough and prone to being corrupted.

>> No.21465856

Oh Captain, My Captain!

>> No.21465858

its not even a metaphor its literally postmodern loser in his 40s realising hes fucked forever because he larped as an actor and made excuses to grow up while everyone else got with the program

>> No.21465876

>get a girlfriend and fuck her pussy, it's literally that simple

As >>21465640 points out it's not that simple.

You're telling someone what to do and not how to do it, and even if you told someone how to do it that might not work for them, as you'd have to take into account the individual's unique situation, who they are as a person. Yes there is commonality, but also so many variables.

>> No.21465905


>> No.21465912


Meant for >>21462925

>> No.21465932

>everyone else got with the program
Which one is that?

>> No.21465991

>Recognizing that people with more shit stacked against them than you managed to lead fulfilling lives should show you that it's possible.

"Don't be mad 'cause I'm doing me better than you doing you" They are not him, and he is not them.

It's not just the severity of adversity levied against someone, it's also about that persons ability to deal with it, and there is such a variance in peoples abilities based on their up bringing and other factors.

>> No.21466006

Papillon, by Henri Charriere is a great book that touches on this

Im sure you know of the movies, but the book is even better. Every once in a while papi has a period of introspection, taking stock of his life and how much of it has been wasted rotting in jail. He also does what we all do: try to justify his wasted life by telling himself "in X years, I will X years old and then life will start for real"

>> No.21466012

Dick doesnt rise, not even with gym and viagra. Dick only rises as related to bullying traumas, traumas of seeing so many girls who you were too pussy to fuck but others weren't, which leads to cuck feeling, so it is only pain.

>> No.21466100

What language?

>> No.21467266

Most stuff from the Holleback

>> No.21467558

>just another cope for life being fundamentally disappointing no matter what you do
I've thought this, or something like this for a long time but have been thinking something of the opposite recently. This kind of negative equivocating of everything to everything -- that everything is just as bad as anything else, and that there's no point seems flatly false. It's a concession to personal inability. Placing real value on higher things takes an enormous courage, as it necessitates action. The most basic thought: that there are things that are better and that there are things that are worse, and that this fact can be acted upon, and that it can impact your life. It feels difficult to sever this from self-help dogshit, but one can't let these animals poison the well of elevated life.

>> No.21467567

This is such desperate cope that refuses to even so much as consider the idea of a real allure or intrigue to the world. The media that you are so obsessed with has raped your brain to a degree that you believe all beauty is inseparable from it.

>> No.21467613

Last time I got in a fight (years ago) I remember I felt like I was on a mild dose of uppers for like a week.

>> No.21467617
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Can you delete this post I didn't need to be reminded

>> No.21468717

I've seen that allure. It's going to private pool parties with the rich and elegant. It's skinny dipping with Parisian models. It's a flashing mirage of lights and dances, deep discussions about philosophy with future senitors in college dorms. It's the pomp and circumstance of politics, walking through gilded marble hallways with the sense that it means something and you're changing the world. It's locker room gossip about people most of the world only ever sees in magazines

It's not real man. It's the rich and useless clinging to relevance because they have enough money to keep the LARP going. And if you're not born into that, then even at your very best all you'll ever be is a charismatic social climber rubbing elbows on the edges of the party. And the people around you aren't especially beautiful or intelligent or hardworking, they're just rich. And that's all it is, with enough money you can protect yourself from the ravishes of life, of age, of failure, and you're insulated from the countless little failures and compromise that make up real life for so many people. But if you're not rich, sooner or later you have to face the music, and that's when it becomes apparent you've been living in a dream, and you've got nothing to show for it.

That's all youth is, the desperate, passionate dream that any of it mattered. Some people never wake up. Don't idolize these people anon, you're better than that.

>> No.21469883

The tartar steppes
A man without qualities

>> No.21470701

Youth has been exalted since the Greeks as something of great vitality, power, beauty -- of a fleeting relationship, and intoxicating when fully realized. 'Youth' as a structure of the media-machine forming images of glitz and glamour, and the autofellatio of the wealthy who would like to delude themselves as gracing anything meaningful does not exclude the existence of a real beautyand youth within the world.

Separating yourself from pop perceptions of youth, beauty, and really anything meaningful at all is a mission of extraordinary importance. Media construction of these ideals is a recent phenomenon. Cast an eye over antiquity and observe the luminous peaks and valleys of history, and view the capacity for meaningful action, both in their time and ours.

>> No.21470749

Best rec in this thread.
Good book but too abstract for OP. Maugham is more applicable

>> No.21470755

>its not even a metaphor its literally postmodern loser in his 40s realising hes fucked forever because he larped as an actor and made excuses to grow up while everyone else got with the program
Why didn't he just learn to code?

>> No.21470774

Youth was exalted, but the Greeks also didn't believe a man's life really started till 35. Teens-twenties is a period for young men to take advantage of being attractive twinks by procuring positions of power from prominent older men in exchange for sexual favors.

This is a more realistic view of youth, and one I'm fully willing to subscribe to. The ancients were so far ahead of our time that's its stunning. Sadly we live in a broken society where 'youth' is just an advertisement front and low-key human trafficking, but the average man can't even marry a twelve year old or own slaves. Ours is a sick society.

>> No.21471874

>regular sex is like an injection of bliss and retardation, you stop thinking and thus stop feeling bad.
Not when you've had bad sex with bad women. Now I'm basically terrified of the act.

>> No.21472595

That vaunted perspective comes baked into all our lives and it's programmed from birth. "It could be worse because you now have meds / phones / running water" is bog standard rhetoric. Even the stupidest anti-intellectual minimum wage worker could probably spit out a nonargument like that.
Meanwhile if you look at people who actually have the perspective and were raised in less abundant times and cultures, including rural conditions with pre-modern amenities, they don't use "it could be worse" as an excuse to live an unrestrained life. That behavior is unique to westerners who never knew anything else. Even in the west, children of the Depression refused to engage in their own children's exuberant consumerism.
Telling digital natives to just have perspective is beyond pointless, and pastes over the legitimate but elusive societal ills at play.

>> No.21472659
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Picrel is the peak of the genre.

But I don't want to read about another loser, I want to read about someone who turns it around.

>> No.21472669

Allure and intrigue are dead, and lots of things aspire to beauty but only in a performative way.
There is literally nothing left which is not a cost cutting facade, unless it is designed to appeal to the sort of people who rule the system itself, in which case it has nothing to do with youth culture or the modern idea of "fun".

>> No.21472677
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>not taking advantage of looks
maybe seek an ontology other than vain faggot, op
and desu, youd feel manipulative and gross after "using your looks" unless youre too dumb for that type of reflection

>> No.21474058
File: 58 KB, 500x456, 1534716179741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wallow in misery until you reach that brief moment of anxiety-ridden "optimism" and keep deluding yourself that you still have time.

>> No.21474478

get out of my head faggot

>> No.21475067

What film is pic?

>> No.21475267

But your head is my head anon.
Inside Llewelyn Davis.

>> No.21475268

This is less about not capitalizing on your youth and more about the regret that follows the chosen path IMO. Solid read though!

t. recently read this

>> No.21475272

Given that sitting around reading shit other people said instead of saying and doing things yourself IS what you just described, any book would do.

>> No.21475333

>But your head is my head anon.
it might be the case. you don't know how accurately how have described what I am going through, oh anon of a long ago.