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File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21459620 No.21459620 [Reply] [Original]

>God is dead
Umm, no? Lmao

>> No.21459634

In Western civilization (i.e. the only one that matters)? Yes.

>> No.21459649


>> No.21459857

Yes, I ate him.

>> No.21459914
File: 69 KB, 850x400, quote-god-is-dead-but-given-the-way-of-men-there-may-still-be-caves-for-thousands-of-years-friedrich-nietzsche-57-54-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21459954

>implying Christianity has any relevance whatsoever

Lol, maybe in the overweight parts of the world

>> No.21459975

There does seem to be an odd god resurgence in the US atm but its likely a cope-response to the right wing being utterly crushed by corruption, fake elections, stupidity and incompetence so they have to turn to something immaterial

otherwise god still very much dead in the sense N meant it

>> No.21459994

>in the US

So in the non-relevant part of the world

>> No.21460002

I’m not falling for the larps. The numbers still show it’s on the decline, culture still shows most people don’t care and governments are never going to have any reason to not follow strict science again. We’re going to witness a technological jump in the coming decades that most people can’t even fathom at this point. The present memery is pure cope and a footnote.

>> No.21460017

The Christnigger brainlet who's never read Neeeeeeesh always outs himself by quoting the most watered-down lines.

>> No.21460039

i hate the Great Satan as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend that the US isn't hugely relevant.

>> No.21460041
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Christianity is surging in Nigeria, tho!

>> No.21460072

A 23% drop in two decades is brutal. The US will soon be Denmark if that trend continues.

>> No.21460158

>in wealthy countries nobody gives a fuck about religion
>in poor shitholes religion is a fundamental part of life
>blessed is the nation whose god is the lord
Uh... God? You might wanna take a look into that

>> No.21460171

yeah, it's exploding all right

>> No.21460172

Can we stop pretending that Christianity has ever been anything more than a religion to pacify slaves? The warrior astrocracies that ruled Europe never liver like Christians, and in fact go against it's philosophy in their actions throughout history. You could even argue that they remained pagan in spirit

>> No.21460175

You’re fundamentally misunderstanding the principle of Christ if you believe He could be dead. He turns death into life. He is the life-giving Spirit.

>> No.21460284

Christ is King

>> No.21460353

Culturally? Not really. I don't see a single piece of cultural output outlive this century. It's all instant gratification trash

>> No.21460360

Are social media and dating apps not American inventions?

>> No.21460367

It's funny how OPs don't even have to mention Christianity AT ALL, and the fedoras will go off on their 2008 internet fedora rants again. Didn't read your post btw

>> No.21460368

Here's a secret: Christianity has literally never been very popular in Europe, and even when it had a firm cultural grasp, still had a church attendence of about 8%.

The only times when it rose was when absence was punishable by death. We can expect that only 10% of the West is actually Christian, what's happening right now is just the religious market correcting itself after a massive inflation

>> No.21460371

You're braindead retarded if you think the US is irrelevant culturally. The US' supreme victory IS cultural, you fucking mongoloid. There is no culture remaining but Western culture, and the most dominant Western culture is American culture.

>> No.21460372

Yes, but do you really expect those to replace real life encounters and real life dating?

>> No.21460375

They already are for almost everyone 35 and younger.

>> No.21460379

We'll see. We can only say that when the economic center has shifted elsewhere, after a long period of time

>> No.21460383

And is the experience vastly better than real life? Because I really don't get the impression it is

>> No.21460387

Are you Christian?
If so, I have a question: Do you believe homosexuals should be executed? Serious question. Please don't ignore this question, I'm going to illustrate a point that might surprise you.

>> No.21460391

That's besides the point being addressed, which is that the US is no longer culturally relevant. Also, it's neither better nor worse; it's just different, because the younger generation is different.

>> No.21460396

At the very least, you recognize that culture is equivalent to organization, and organization today is entirely economic. The economy itself IS American, and any derivative of it, even in Washington's worst doomsday scenario of utter destruction, will be permanently and dominantly influenced by American economics.

>> No.21460407

The GOP will be calling for mass African immigration within twenty years -- guaranteed.

>> No.21460417

> "375. However much the pseudo-intellectuals (and especially the European ones) would like to deny this, the truth is that America's victory is cultural. It is in art, in sports, in business, in science and technology, in health and medicine, and even in education (say what you want about obesity or stupid American kids, but if you want the best universities and hospitals in the world, there's nowhere else to go). Its military record, on the other hand, is either full of defeats, or of successes on which it failed to follow through and capitalize (because democracy), thus ruining itself financially. And yet, for all that, they still have the best military in the world! American's victory, in other words, is total — except in one domain, the highest reaches of culture, in literature and ultimately philosophy."

>> No.21460446

This. Over the centuries, it's become increasingly difficult for someone with a three-digit IQ to relate to Christianity. IQ is gradually rising in the West, and the old copes are rapidly losing their effectiveness in accounting for God's inexplicable hiddenness.

>> No.21460590

It wasn't a declaration it was a warning, with no God to define morality we are looking at a dark, dark future.

>> No.21460598

> t. has never read Nietzsche

>> No.21460603

>implying anyone on /lit/ reads

>> No.21460687

the fact that you have to explain basic theology and nobody intuitively grasps it is further proof of what nietzsche said, that god is dead. the prevailing worldview is secular.

>> No.21460719
File: 50 KB, 397x600, Unknown_Artist_-_Zarathustra_(Zarathustra_Zarathushtra_Zarathustra_or_Zoroastra)_guided_by_the_Ar_-_(MeisterDrucke-981682).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I spent 6 months in prison and read all his fucking books back to front, it astounds me how people don't understand what he was saying to this day.
God is dead and we have killed him. It. Was. A. Warning.
All morality derives from religious law, whether it's the Bible, Quran or Confucianism. We don't actually derive morals from common sense. All morality can be deduced down to God's fiat- now we are an atheist society, are you surprised we are suddenly questioning and """deconstructing""" what it means to be a woman, etc etc?
This is exactly why Nietzsche's remedy was a NEW morality- master morality- or else we would he consumed by the nihilism looming before us. Now look at our modern youth and tell me they aren't utterly consumed by nihilism. Either we turn back to God or we embrace master morality and I seriously doubt we can manage the latter.

>> No.21460726

American Christian here. I'm genuinely interested in some respectful discussion about what y'all think we're doing or not doing in America that's leading to the sharp decline in faith. In my city, we're still running most of the soup kitchens and hostels.

>> No.21460728

Enlighten us then bro

>> No.21460731

Kindly fuck off

>> No.21460742

yes the last man is in a sense a warning but god being dead was an observation of something which he viewed as having happened before he even wrote. it was largely a consequence of the enlightenment. pervasive nihilism was the present condition even back then in 1880whenever

>> No.21460744

He's an idea. Ideas can die.

>> No.21460748

My bad. Shouldn't have implied that y'all are critical of Christianity.

>> No.21460798

>"God" is in the OP
I'm sorry what I said struck a nerve with you, please kill yourself

>> No.21460801

Fuck off back to Guatamala you little Indio goblin

>> No.21460809

This board really has been taken over by fedoras. I guess they all migrated over here from Reddit after it became too trannified for them.

>> No.21460835

Please refer to my previous post directed at you

>> No.21460838

So how does that negate what I said? If it wasn't a warning why was it written with such alarm by him in TSZ?

>> No.21460887

Umm, clearly is. LARPing a-hole

>> No.21460894

>could even argue that they remained pagan in spirit

Yeah there’s nothing more pagan than wiping out paganism out for Christ

Paganturd larpers really need to desperately believe this because their shitty religion hasn’t been relevant or produced any person of note for the last 1700 years

>> No.21460911

> Christianity has literally never been very popular in Europe, and even when it had a firm cultural grasp, still had a church attendence of about 8%.

That’s not true at all.

> Twenty-first century scholarship has identified the 1960s as the decade when Britain became secularized (Brown, 2001; McLeod, 2007). S. J. D. Green has recently made the case for back-dating secularisation by several decades, but even he is still setting the change in the twentieth century (Green, 2011). This scholarly consensus is in marked contrast with an older one which assumed that secularisation could be witnessed in Victorian Britain. The “evidence” for that older view was largely based on the concerns voiced by contemporaries. For example, when a unique Religious Census was held in 1851 in England and Wales, Christian leaders expressed dismay that apparently around 40 % of the eligible population did not attend corporate worship anywhere on the census Sunday. This was widely assumed at the time to reveal the emergence of modern godlessness and for much of the twentieth century scholars also accepted this interpretation. In reality, however, there was no reason not to posit the exact opposite: that the Victorian period represented a historic high in church attendance and that—far from documenting secularisation—the religious census put on display a level of Christian commitment across the populace far surpassing medieval patterns.

>> No.21460942

>Here's a secret: Christianity has literally never been very popular in Europe

Only someone who has not read their history could even possibly say this. Whenever I read about Britain of the past, I am always struck by its religiosity. I was reading about 17th century England and it felt like a completely alien country in comparison to modern atheist England.

>> No.21461031

The devil's lies.
This makes you sound stupid.

>> No.21461042

“Dig through the ditches
And burn through witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula”


Now what, christbros?

>> No.21461046

The vast majority of people are hylics, and here you are wondering why religious individuals are seldom.

>> No.21461151

>more like NEETche am i right

>> No.21461158

Damn, tough crowd.

>> No.21461167
File: 151 KB, 854x1280, 115332-1024__24661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461315

i dunno what to tell you man. it's not "watch out, god is gonna die in 140 years." it's "god is dead." present tense written that long ago. you're either gonna get this or not. i give up on trying beyond this post

>> No.21461361

>european nobility kept a pagan morality
You're agressively retarded

>> No.21461504
File: 27 KB, 333x500, 9781887904063-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Demolishes Nihilism in your path

>> No.21461642


I love how both of you dumbfucks intentionally ignore the second part of that post, holy cope

>> No.21461654

How can you demolish what you yourself are?

>> No.21461760


You're not making any sense.

>> No.21461777


>> No.21461802

Nietzsche says Christianity is nihilistic because belief in the afterlife devalues life. He doesn't call himself a nihilist and considers himself anti-nihilistic.

>> No.21461806

god is fake

>> No.21461855

>wiping out paganism
>The saint cults are literally just different pagan gods adapted to christianity, and yes that includes the Virgin Mary

>> No.21461871

better =/= more significant.

>> No.21461893

You are a clown my friend, every statement you make is refuted and then you move on to another equally retarded statement that is just as easily refuted. Just accept that you're a retard

>> No.21461925

English Christian here. And I'm fairly sure I'm going to show my bias but this is exactly the sort of bias you have to overcome for Christianity to survive. When people here Christianity is America they don't think of you, people running food banks, and perhaps privately reading the bible in the rooms. What they do think of his large mega churches, shouting & dancing hullabaloos, fundamentalists. If Christianity is going to succeed it needs power in institutions. Due to atheists' profileration in academia, there is an idea that Christians in America are reactionary against science. In fact, one the most important things to acheive would be for Christians to be domibate in science. There is also a link between Christians and economic liberalism. Stop that, make it more a commutarian rather than individualist practice (which is how it would actually take root). This may just be a personal bias against Americans generally but make it less loud--im sure others, like me, find it obnoxious fast. Make churches places of worship--and by that I mean silent, thoughtful & reflective places. And the streets should be clean of any signs, slogans, asking people if they've heard of the Lord etc.

>> No.21461947
File: 321 KB, 1024x869, 8530827637_3db0dc33a6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God is dead
'Fraid so


>> No.21461966


>> No.21461975
File: 724 KB, 600x809, Screenshot 2022-07-25 222048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God speaks when Nietzsche is dead.

The death of God is irreversible, but through eternal recurrence he can return by affirmation.
But God is in this case the slave of his slaves, and bound to be miring in nihilism.

>> No.21462477

You dont understand eternal recurrence

>> No.21462496

So when American and European liberal elites wage war to spread things like LGTB values, globalism and race-nixing are they practicing pagan morality?

>> No.21462506


If waging war alone for whatever reason is enough to make one pagan then I guess Americans who fight and die for zog are now the most morally pagan people in the modern day.

>> No.21462525

Christianity can't out-compete Social Justice in gaining adherents. Lots of people convert from Christianity to Social Justice but few abandon Social Justice once converted. But SJ is itself a derivative of Christianity that radicalizes its concern for victims at the expense of everything else.

>> No.21462549

You are considered a weird rural freak by your bicoastal peers. You are their "pagans" to their univeralizing imperial-metropolitan civil religion in a very real sense.

>> No.21462729


>> No.21462772

And awomen

>> No.21462778

It isn't you specifically, monotheism is just an inherent failure that has to rely on force in order to thrive. If force is let go, religion simply evolves back to its original form, which is polytheism

This is just as true for Islam as it is for Christianity

>> No.21462965

> It isn't you specifically, monotheism is just an inherent failure that has to rely on force in order to thrive. If force is let go, religion simply evolves back to its original form, which is polytheism

Dude I don’t think the social justice and atheism of the modern world is polytheism

>> No.21462972


>> No.21462986

shut the fuck up groyper trash

no shit retard. And stop pretending there is an option. Either you value truth or you do not.

>> No.21462987

>Nietzsche says
there, your god

>> No.21463017

Why are there so many tradlarpers on /lit/.

>> No.21463048

Christcucks on 4chins are a useful reminder of how little conviction the religion provides. There's an almost total absence of Muslims on 4chins.

>> No.21463054
File: 41 KB, 499x615, 55B0DDAC-7078-4A74-BDE8-B9605899748D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD IS DEAD… And on the third day he rose again from the dead! He is seated at the right hand of the Father and will come again to judge the living and dead.

>> No.21463057
File: 1.08 MB, 1491x1125, 88A6729A-4DB7-40ED-A62F-9837D005B72F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21463058

I'm a straight man. You're just a Christcuck with no conviction.

>> No.21463059

your very presence on the bulgarian anime-porno site refutes you, and there's nothing you can do about it, degenerate

>> No.21463065

>U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time
mmmmmmmmm, yeah!
christtards dying off.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yeah, baby

>> No.21463071

mmmmmmmm.... God is dead.... mmmmmmmmmmm, yeah! unshackling this centuries-old superstition once and for all... the future is one of reason... mmmmmmm, yeah.... no wonder the christtards are so testy... mmmmmmmm, testy christtards.... mmmmmmm, yeah......

>> No.21463079

and all the smart little kids point at the drooling Christgoblin and exclaim, "God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself!"
lol lol

>> No.21463099

The current American and European liberal elites essentially took power in World War One, it was literally democracies v monarchies, completing the untermensch slave revolt begun by the French Revolution. Referred to at the time as the "Nietzschean War." Similar thing seen in Russian Revolution, slaves vs aristocrats. The new 20th century elites practice slave morality, similar to Christianity.

>> No.21463108

Nowhere in the Gospels does it imply even remotely that Christ is God incarnate. This is a heretical teaching. Christ even disputes such a thing directly in Luke 18:19

>> No.21463118

American global sovereignty represents the final true ascension of Judeo-Christian slave morality to domination over the Earth, something it couldn't remotely claim even during the peak of European "Christendom"

>> No.21463664

nta but yes they should be if they are caught indulging in homosexuality.

>> No.21463688

I agree it was a declaration but there is an element of warning about nhilism to it, a good chunk of his work is dedicated to countering ways to address that problem. He wasnt some reddit atheist.

>> No.21463696

Actually it is polytheism, and polytheism is not a good thing.

>> No.21463705
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>> No.21463707

The alarm is because its effects can be possibly disastrous, he hated nhilism but that doesnt mean he was fond of religion either, he especially hated christian morals.

>> No.21463733

You're a dumb fucking nigger and addicted to the smell of your own farts. The quintessential anglo midwit behoven to a single axiom: "I know best!" Septicaemic skepticism.

>> No.21463744

Yeah I'm thinking I agree to the guy with the leitmotif playing in the background, not the faggot with the nursery rhyme music box shit.

>> No.21464012

i believe you've misread him.

>Either we turn back to God or we embrace master morality and I seriously doubt we can manage the latter.
you keep using "we" but Nietzsche always means very specific people. it certainly isn't everyone, or the majority. which is why the death of God AND the vanquishing of his shadow is meant to be a task towards the de-deification of "our" worldview. there's no return to God for those whom Nietzsche is writing for. it's not a warning to some dark future, but it is calling attention to the loss of firm ground, a return to the infinite horizon of the ocean, a sense of danger but also adventure: "Embark!" as he begins one of his aphorisms in GS. and thus, it also isn't simply the master morality which is opposed to the slave's. it is: the camel, the lion, and finally, the creative child. the godlessness we have now is still enveloped in His shadow, down to all the poor leftists you despise. theirs and yours still carry the slave's ressentiment for evil, for the oppressors, the truly powerful; and for your inversion of the opposite of evil as good. their support for minorities smells no different from the christian love for neighbor. God's shadow is still here /for them/. you still think like a "demo"crat because you're thinking in terms of everyone's well-being. again, Nietzsche writes for the few. you read it as a warning because you're one of the common (perhaps for now).

your reading of him is too timely, too clouded by whatever political inclinations you have, and also without the proper sense of self for you to measure where you currently are within Nietzsche's own mythology.

>All morality derives from religious law, whether it's the Bible, Quran or Confucianism.
this is not what Nietzsche says. religion is closely related but more as a means of expression. the nobles began with good and bad, and the slaves grew in abundance to moralize with good and evil (beginning with the jews and finding ultimate expression in christianity). religion just codified the specifics. and current morality is an intermingling of master and slave which can't simply be unearthed

this person is retarded and would out himself if he wrote more as already called out by >>21460728. keep in mind at all times that short replies and witticisms are the gateways for /pol/tards and other midwits as a means to hide their own stupidities

>> No.21464041

John 1:1.
John 8:58
gtfo unitarian faggot

>> No.21464148

Literally facebook quotes
If you didnt outgrow this garbage by your 20s you have special needs

>> No.21464166

Singularity in our lifetimes.

>> No.21464255

>John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Wow that doesn't prove a fucking thing about Christ being God incarnate
>John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Pretty well open to interpretation, you want it to mean that Christ is saying "I am older than Abraham cause I'm literally God dude" because that's what you want to believe when no such similar statements appear in the Gospels. Christ very famously used a number of rhetorical devices, such as when he calls all Gentiles dogs, that are not meant to be taken literally. He likely meant that his teachings are more legitimate than Abraham's simply by their own merit and universality, and that therefore they must be older.

Christ according to the Gospels is the Son of God and a divine being, but he is not God incarnate according to the Gospels. This idea came about as some stupid attempt to not cross out of the ideological purity zone of being a monotheistic religion. For some reason it was intrinsically important to early church scholars that there only be one God when Christ and God are clearly separate entities and ought to be worshipped individually.

>> No.21464265

>[Presented with direct textual evidence]
>"You're wrong because you're a nigger anglo!"
>[Presents no textual evidence of his own]
Cathcuck Guatamalans deserve the fucking rope you need to go back to the fucking jungle you little indio goblin

>> No.21464275
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Templars, prussians, essentially every empire that existed and still exists (USA)
Fascism (bonapartism if it was a charlie chaplin film) Nazism (prussia lead by crackheads)

>> No.21464284

What do you think "I am" means?

>> No.21464300

we've already been over this retard maybe read the fucking thread. Also not sure why you chose Christianity v "nihilism" like of course people aren't fighting wars over nihilism

>> No.21464313

Referring to his philosophy, his teaching, embodied by his life. It's quite a leap to interpret this verse as him saying "I am literally God, eternal creator of Universe" when he has said nothing similar in any part of the Gospels

>> No.21464336

Over nihilism people fight for what they think can be beneficial for them* (* : what is beneficial for them is determined by propaganda)

>> No.21465422

Jesus was obviously a common charlatan. Bit awkward then to say that Jesus is god, isn't it?

>> No.21465665

Go back