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21447875 No.21447875 [Reply] [Original]

>go to get something to eat
>open the fridge
>decide I want a glass of orange juice
>immediately stop myself and get a glass of milk instead

I've literally just defeated determinism. The universe put everything in motion for me to get a glass of orange juice. And yet, I sit here now drinking milk.

Determinism is a childish and easily refuted philosophy maintained by those who don't want to be held responsible for their own actions.

>> No.21447881

The determinism is that you didn't get the oj though.

>> No.21447887

But that's what determinism made me want. It's what I WOULD have got had I not the willpower to overcome the universes influence

>> No.21447890
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>The universe put everything in motion for me to get a glass of orange juice.
Then what went into your getting the milk? Unless you think the cause and effect and all physical laws spontaneously broke down upon your apotheosis on opening the fridge, the fact that you took milk necessitates that antecedent factors contributed to your doing so, or rather, and more aptly, the exact reverse.

>> No.21447893

eternal return demon...I kneel...

>> No.21447897

peaty metaphysics

>> No.21447898

The brain does not follow the rules of cause and effect. It is the non deterministic element of the universe

>> No.21447918

you were determined to get the milk. in your attempt to trick determinism, you yourself were tricked.

>> No.21447942

Then why do you say you wanted orange juice and were determined to get it. Did your wanting orange juice occur divorced from your brain?

You contradict yourself left and right. I could offer a refutation to your claims but you yourself already done so thrice over.

>> No.21448025

that's the kind of thought I had when I was six
read a book

>> No.21448529
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I have proof that free will is not computable by combining the proof of the Halting problem with Newcomb's paradox.

Assume we can create a computational device (something equivalent to a Turing machine) which perfectly predicts our decisions. Without loss of generality we can also assume that it can do this prediction in arbitrarily short time (see e.g. Malament-Hogarth spacetime constructions for making infinitely long computations in finite time). Now ask this computer the following simple question: "Will I fap to tranny porn or to scat porn today?" After it's done with its computation it will yield the output "You will fap to scat porn." Now after hearing this prediction please tell me, which law of physics is stopping me from fapping to trannies instead?

>> No.21448980

These pics don’t make me sad anymore. If anything I’m happy his parents care for him enough to get him such a specialized cake. That is nice, that is something meaningful. He would have led such a pathetic existence of being bald, fat, ugly and not accomplishing anything worthwhile. But he has a family who cares. Almost brings a tear to my eye bros. In a way I’m jealous of this disgusting slob.

>> No.21449003
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I hope that guy appreciated his fucking mother for loving him when no one else will. It makes me real angry to see an ingrate who takes his mother's love for granted.

>> No.21449421

>a machine that perfectly predicts your decisions
>doesn't perfectly predict your decision
Chose 1, bitch. The halting problem isn't real either.

>> No.21449500

Thats supposed to be the sad part. His family should not accept him like that, a series of unfortunate acceptances lead to this situation. This family is rotten and you can smell the stench through time and space

>> No.21449545

You're intentionally trying to make a perfect machine give a paradoxical answer. It would return an exception, the exception being dependent on whether you read the prediction or not.

>> No.21449563

You know what the worst part is? Op is not memeing or baiting. He actually thought this btfoes determinism. In all seriousness. Yeah, that's how much of a midwit the average "freewill" believer is. This is the level of misunderstanding they are capable of. Be amazed at the lack of abstract thinking ability here. They are barely above animals

>> No.21449564

That’s just gross anon. This is simply their fate, he clearly doesn’t have great genes. You can’t hold everyone to your standards. We are not created equal.

>> No.21449572

Idk I thought he was joking and I laughed.

>> No.21449584

Can someone explain determinism to me? Looks like some logical infinite loop where you can always claim this is how things were supposed to be

>> No.21449617

>Looks like some logical infinite loop where you can always claim this is how things were supposed to be

If causality exists , this is a necessity

>> No.21449623

the whole determinism/free will bullshit is a pseudo question, and serves no purpose towards determining the essence of freedom

>> No.21449638

Everything in the universe follows causation. Meaning that every cause has an effect, and every effect is a result of a previous causal event. I am who I am and where I am because of a bunch of causes I had absolutely no control over and that were in the making since the beginning of the universe.

>> No.21449727

You’re wrong, the determinism made you want milk.

>> No.21449739

Halting problem is real

>> No.21449748

Only logically.

>> No.21449755

It’s certainly a fucking problem when I forget a break and the while loop hangs my SDK.

>> No.21449759

>Everything in the universe follows causation
you cant just say that like it’s a fact, it isnt.

>> No.21449764

If cause and effect isn’t fact then I don’t know what is bro

>> No.21449768

You can't prove anything, that's why philosophy sucks, but causation is at least cons8stent with observation.

>> No.21449786

I mean.. for you, maybe.

>> No.21449800
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>> No.21449811

>explain determinism to me I don’t get it
>gets it explained to him
>uh no actually that isn’t true
You are a cum guzzling faggot and I hate you

>> No.21449907

I’m a different anon, my dude. And I don’t really disagree with your view, it’s just that yknow.. last Thursdayism, Mandela effect, etc etc. There’s plenty of people who find reality very disjointed.

>> No.21449913

Do people even read blogs anymore? Isn't this joke as outdated as 4chan?

>> No.21449940

Yes, it absolutely is.

>> No.21450753

People never read blogs. There was a time though where more people wrote them.