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21447507 No.21447507 [Reply] [Original]

>JK Rowling
>Stephen King
>Donna Tartt

How is it authors can espouse reactionary views but Redditfags see liberal talking points via mental gymnastics?

Take American Psycho for example. Where is the satire? Bateman never gets his comeuppance. Assuming it was all in his head, he doesn't change. He goes on to live a yuppie consumer life where he makes tons of cash without working and fucks a lot of women. He still has a poor view of minorities, women, gays, etc. There is no arc. The entire story is Patrick seething about the "jews" and "fags" and "niggers". As for King, I don't think there has ever been a black character
in his books who hasn't been called a slur.
Maybe this is a mid wit take, but it feels like so many authors starting with Harper Lee pretend to feel sympathy towards blacks as an excuse of getting away with saying "nigger" 50 times.

>> No.21447533

Stephen King is a democrat-voting, tranny-loving, Ukraine-supporting, vaxx-pushing cuck. Reactionary? Come on now. He uses the insults to portray the racism (nothing wrong with that, it's just not reactionary)

>> No.21447542

As for Ellis. He is a homosexual conservative. Yea, you heard that right. He has homosex with a man he lives with and the next day he seethes about the pesky libs.

>> No.21447554

>Stephen King is a democrat-voting, tranny-loving, Ukraine-supporting, vaxx-pushing cuck.
I'm so tired of this. Listen to me anon. Listen closely.
*Leans in to whisper in your ear*
FUCK social media and FUCK interviews.
Only a 90 IQ poltard would admit their views to the world if they were anything less than extreme left. Yes, King has all the correct beliefs and he is allowed to keep his career without any stress.
>He uses the insults to portray the racism
Doesn't the third person narrator in The Stand use the word 'nigger'? Why is he portraying one side of racism.
Yeah I know

>> No.21447570

>Yes, King has all the correct beliefs and he is allowed to keep his career without any stress.
In the case of King, they're all true. Also I'm not sure why you're blowing this out of proportion. Why shouldn't he be allowed to have a career? Because he said 'nigger' once in some old long novel that niggers will never read? Big deal.
>Doesn't the third person narrator in The Stand use the word 'nigger'? Why is he portraying one side of racism.
I don't have that book by my side. Post the excerpt.

>> No.21447573

what are you even talking about you moron, you have clearly never read king as he is king of the magical negro trope that boomers love

that nigga wrote the green mile

>> No.21447612

>Why shouldn't he be allowed to have a career?
I believe people can say whatever the fuck they want, but anyone who leans right and is in the public eye tends to shut the fuck up about politics. Imagine if Rob Pattinson came out and said he doesn't support the vaccines? Or Christopher Nolan announced he sides with Russia over Ukraine? Do you really think they'd be able to go to work like they've been doing for the past so and so amount of years? Hell, Bonham Carter is getting shit now for not throwing her old friends under the bus. She's on the "wrong side".
>I don't have that book by my side. Post the excerpt.
It wasn't rhetorical. I was legitimately asking because I read an article where someone cried about it.

>> No.21447680

harper lee is the biggest closet racist i have ever seen

>> No.21447691

I'm only familiar with Rowling. Liberals take not of what you but are willing to look the other way as long as you support them.
The moment she became a terf, that's when people started talking about her antisemitism including Jon Stewart, whose older comments about trannies get ignored because he is willing to push them now.

>> No.21447693

>Harry lives in a segregated apartheid society
The best part is, the wizards can cure all physical ailments and sickness like it was nothing. They could choose to end cancer tomorrow but they don’t and the wizards routinely die of old age at like 300

>> No.21447696

*take note of what you do

>> No.21447701

>He uses the insults to portray the racism
More like he uses them to jerk off his power fantasies. Put me in a room with a yuppie hipster faggot and a southern inbred and I can assure you the faggot will usually be the first to call me nigger

>> No.21447715

Wasn't James Woods dropped for being open about his conservative views?

>> No.21447724

Something something "doth protest too much, methinks". I bet Jane Elliott has called hundreds of people niggers in her personal life

>> No.21447883

based nigga

>> No.21447896
File: 425 KB, 1920x1632, 793125E2-1C3A-4D12-86A1-55C0F88A3724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bateman never gets his comeuppance.
The point is that he doesn’t need comeuppance. He’s already in hell. In fact, punishment would be a relief.

>> No.21448139


Fuck off back to discord with your roleplay bullshit.

>> No.21448141

bad take on american psycho

>> No.21448145

>OHhhh nOooo he's not FROM here
>he has to LEEEAVE
not your safe space, snowflake

>> No.21448156

american psycho is not in his head ffs

>> No.21448253

It obviously is, even moreso if you actually read the book.

>> No.21448270

Yeah, midwit take. The first line of American Psycho is "ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE" (from Dante's Inferno) and the last line is "THIS IS NOT AN EXIT." Patrick Bateman is in hell. How much more comeuppance do you need?

>> No.21448305

Your dipshittery is on display for all to behold, opie, you pathetic mole.

>> No.21448424

You should read American Psycho again, Patrick is in hell, he wants to feel anything but the pain of conformity, and all of his attempts at standing out, from feeding girls urinal cakes to murder are just his twisted attempts at existence. He is trapped inbetween signs (there's half a dozen chapters where he lists his goods, not as commodities but as signs) grasping at the real, and he can never reach it.

>> No.21449615


Here's the link to what the book is actually about. I'm tired of you guys coming up with your own interpretation. And yes, the author trumps your analysis.

>> No.21449661

Anon, the world would start making considerably more sense to you if you grew the fuck up and stopped trying to box every single thing that exists into The Blue Team and The Red Team.

>> No.21449722

First of all, the author doesn't trump shit. Second of all, nothing he says in that video contradicts what we said in our posts.

>> No.21449747

Yes, he does. Also, you were trying to say that bateman is in literal hell, which he is not. Figurative maybe.

>> No.21449777

How do you know what I was trying to say? I'm the author of my post, so I'm the ultimate authority on how it should be interpreted.

>> No.21449792

Enlighten me then

>> No.21449829

It doesn't matter whether he's in literal or figurative hell - he's clearly in hell in the novel's storyworld, as evidenced by the opening and closing lines. They're not exactly subtle.

>> No.21449851

>nothing he says in that video contradicts what we said in our posts.
>Yes, he does.

Nah. He just talks about the origins of the book, not any particular thematic content he may have considered important to the finished work.

As for that thematic content, >>21448270 makes a strong case in one blessedly concise sentence.

>> No.21449857

>It doesn't matter whether he's in literal or figurative hell
because in both cases he still a literary character. There is no "literal" in literature. Only symbolic

>> No.21449905

His "Hell" is 1980s NYC. If you think BEE, a Materialist Atheist, would put Bateman in actual Hell which is a place with 5 star restaurants and "hard bodies", then I don't know what to tell you.
Doesn't matter if it is or isn't. Not my point.

>> No.21449909

Autism speaks

>> No.21449915

Have you actually read the book itself?

>> No.21449953

>Not an argument
Any work of fiction is a fiction. All of it. Any argument against it?

>> No.21451582


>> No.21452995

Harry Potter is Gulag Archipelago for children. Every book is about how authority figures and institutions are evil and want to kill you, and the only thing that will save you is violent paranoia and willingness to jump to conclusions and commit acts of preemptive rebellion. Every book Harry suspects one of his teachers or classmates is a fascist/totalitarian in disguise, and every book he's proven right despite everyone telling him he's insane. Half the time, he fucking kills them right afterwards, like he does with Quirrel.
It's no wonder Rowling turned so hard against trannies. Conformists not being willing to point out obvious dangers and eg use specific words is a recurring motif in the series. I'm surprised she was ever a neolib, actually internalizing the morals of HP as a child should turn you into an violent anarchist.

>> No.21453003

Yeah, he fantasizes about committing murder because the actual evil things he does in his day to day life are too insidious and small for anyone to hold him accountable.