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/lit/ - Literature

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21445436 No.21445436 [Reply] [Original]

How will /lit/ever recover

>> No.21445446

incel jawline

>> No.21445447


>> No.21445451

What's even the point of this thread? There's no possibility of an actual discussion here, it's just blatant baitposting on par with r*dditors fishing for upvotes.

>> No.21445574
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webm on lit

>> No.21445581

This guy recently attacked Greta Thunberg and she just told him he had a little dick and he was speechless so…

>> No.21445592

Does anyone know the pirate on the boat book he's talking about?

>> No.21445613

to be fair he couldnt really parse the tweet she posted, considering his illiteracy.

>> No.21445644

>facial hair

Opinion discarded

>> No.21445648

>random gay guy doesn't read
>How will /lit/ ever recover
Someone want to give me a qrd?

>> No.21445652

lmao based

>> No.21445656

Mozart was like that.

>> No.21445662

This guy is just some corpo front isn't he? He went from utter nobody to the most googled man on the planet in about two weeks, his entire persona is fabricated, he has no legitimate sources of income, he's appared on television multple times before and his real personality is that of a meek beta. There's nothing organic about him.

>> No.21445693

How many times do you think this thread has been made by now anons? 100? 200? Is it made by a bot, or a human? Why does the janny leave it up? How many times will it be made before it no longer provokes responses? 500? 1000? 10.000? What does it say about the users of /lit/ that they will spend their one life, their precious gift of consciousness, engaging with this, not once, not twice, but ten thousand times?

>> No.21445700

Try reading the Dhammapada ffs

>> No.21445836

Tbf Nietzsche was schizophrenic so it's natural that he finds normal exchange strange and speaks in favor of onanism

>> No.21445843

good word.

>> No.21445866

Clearly some kind of actor, you can tell he is gay just by looking at him

>> No.21445868

read IJ it's filled with cute words like that

>> No.21445881

Another attention whore? I only know about Tate, Peterson, Shapiro because of people either praising them or mocking them.

Literal social viruses. And the only prevention is to act like the mad man screaming the end is nigh.

>> No.21445882
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This is usually cope said by people with bad reading comprehension

>> No.21446498

>it's just blatant baitposting on par with r*dditors fishing for upvotes.

That's all the internet is anymore, anon. You just gotta accept it.

>> No.21446599

>I need constant action, hoes and Champaign
>Advanced brain
Only ever seen complete retards say stuff like that, no one with an ounce of intelligence.
The smartest thing about him is that he obviously knows what dumb shit to say to get other retards talking about him.

>> No.21446605
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>> No.21446621

based bugsprayer

>> No.21446650

Constant chaos isn't an environment that promotes intellect.
Intelligence is pattern recognition, by definition. The opposite of patterned is randomized, chaotic. Just as a drunken dancer at a club has no place disparaging a ballerina, Tate has no place disparaging anyone regarding intellect.

>> No.21446699

this is either genius level bait or the work of a very dim midwit, because Nietzsche is clearly only criticizing people who spend literally all of their time reading and make their personality just a sum of what they've read, not reading in general

>> No.21446703

A woman who looks like Greta probably shouldn't body-shame.

>> No.21446728
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>Be failed manchild chinlet MMA loser
>your carreer is a failure and going nowhere
>decide to create a ponzi scheme centered about the ideal of being an alpha male that is rich and fuck hot escorts all day while driving luxury cars and getting hooken on cocaine parties
>for some reason this resonates with losers on the internet
>Sell a PUA/trading scam course for 50 usd per month to incels who need a way to learn to get slut pussy at HIV parties
>roid up and do some lifts, act like a douchebag on the internet saying obvious dumb shit about women are whores and males should fuck random girls how they want and other alt right incel garbage
>incels eat that shit, see you as the only brave soul with such original ideas and share your stupid takes proving he's the chosen one, which causes controversy which gives him free publicity
>incels now join his patreon or some garbage he has to make money from them
>sells an exclusive secret discord where you hang out and share exclusive private alpha lessons to become rich and fuck bitches
>charge 5k per month per retard
>incels eat that shit up hoping to learn secret PUA redpills
>now you easily makes six figures from a hustle alpha male grindset redpill ponzi scheme
He's right, he's smarter and you're simply too slow brain to be as clever as him to make so much money and hire expensive scorts that larps as inocent party girls he impressed with his amazing PUA skills, which you can learn from by paying some subscription.

Yeah, he's right.
He's too smart for books.

>> No.21446738

I laughed. Horse ride yay!

>> No.21446744

I think it's like bioscience but not funny.

>> No.21446754

Some gay newly minted eceleb young male (((thought influencer))) controlled opposition glowie says stupid shit on tik tok

>> No.21446756

I refuse to believe people pay for the discord and coaching it simply isn't possible anyone could think that's a good idea

>> No.21446762

So you agree that elevating something that over 90% of the population can do is retarded, yes?

>> No.21446767

Over 90% of the population routinely reads fiction?

>> No.21446771

kikes are correct that the gentiles were created by God to serve the chosen people.

>> No.21446775
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No they aren't

>> No.21446788

Treasure Island I guess

>> No.21446803
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>I'm Top G
"Top G" could be a Masonic hoodwink. Remember they tell you who they are, it's up to you to pay attention. This guy literally shot a video where he was warning plebs about the 'Revelation of the Method'. It sure would be a clever sleight of hand if he were warning the public about the Method as he was also taking part in it, wouldn't it?

I'm not saying he definitely is one. I'm not going to make a declaration like that when I honestly don't know. It's not fair to put that on him. But it's MIGHTY sus.

>> No.21446827

"Top G" is a very common phrase. *Please* take your MEDS

>> No.21446836
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He basically said he can't read because he has low impulse control.

>> No.21446844

>noooo you can't just notice the astroturfed eceleb young adult (((thought influencers))) who are pumped through "alternative media" all of a sudden are working for any group interests

>> No.21446849

I live in a low IQ brown nation.

they were designed for low skilled factory and agriculture task.

they're not equal to high IQ races.

>> No.21446926

He lacks empathy of any sort. Story is lost on him.

>> No.21447092

Is this why I can't enjoy books? I think have mild autism. Emphasizing requires a lot of brainpower, most often I can't emphasize without breaking immersion. I find it really difficult to read sci-fi or fantasy, but crime and mystery is fine because I don't have to imagine as much to create my worldview. Not sure how much sense that made. What's the solution?

>> No.21447097

It's because you're addicted to the internet. Everything else you're saying is a cope and sneed

>> No.21447102

She looks goofy but not hideous and she’s not fat so I am not sure what you mean. She wouldn’t be annoying except for her politics whereas Tate would be obnoxious even as the checker talking to you at the supermarket

>> No.21447104

What do you mean by sneed?

>> No.21447113

Nothing really I just wrote it instead of seethe

>> No.21447152

Funny meme but I think nietzche is describing a certain kind of hyper specialised academic, not abandoning reading altogether

>> No.21447160

I've taken breaks from the internet but I find it extremely difficult to balance my usage. either I use it 6+ hours a day or 0-30.

>> No.21447311

Greta is hideous, and she would be annoying without the politics because of her autism. Tate would also suck regardless of his politics. I wonder if he'll come out as gay in 20 years.

>> No.21447344

her face looks like a flattened placenta

>> No.21447358
File: 12 KB, 380x360, 1663633450680742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally masturbated to her deep fake porn video.

you're homosexuals.

>> No.21447504

Asians are cringe

>> No.21447514

Your opinion means nothing to me. How you gonna be an "alpha" when you can't even keep a full head of hair? Lmfao bro.

>> No.21447520

>I've literally masturbated to her deep fake porn video.
Eh, not something to be proud of, necessarily.

>> No.21447528

He said in a video that he shaved his head because having to rely on hair is for beta males.

>> No.21447539

Pathetic cope, holy shit.

>> No.21447544

This guy is ugly. Looks like a bald monkey.

>> No.21447664

Given the fact that he’s now Muslim, I can only imagine he’s recanted this position completely and does in fact now read the qur’an instead of popping bottles and fucking hoes