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/lit/ - Literature

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21445222 No.21445222 [Reply] [Original]

>be browsing at your comfy local book store
>*blocks you're path*
what's the correct move here?

>> No.21445227
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>awkwardly walks around her

>> No.21445233

Just trip over her.

>> No.21445236

Stomp on her ankles

>> No.21445252

baka "Should've wore timbs"

>> No.21445253

Bowl of eggs

>> No.21445255

"sweety, that is not how you read literature. Step away please"

>> No.21445262

lol this. I'd say something if she were reading a book I'd read probably

>> No.21445443

>Excuse me, dear lady, how much for the pound of sex?

>> No.21445450

found a girl like this in the library jerking off on chaturbate

>> No.21445504


>> No.21445603

Sit down next to her and watch her get up with a look of disgust. But you gotta move fast afterwards because she'll be back with cops saying you raped her.

I hate women and minorities.

>> No.21445668
File: 62 KB, 632x581, INTO THE WIND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy my copy of Across The River and Into The Trees, and leave.

Seeing an attractive woman and thinking "HOLY SHIT I GOTTA TALK TO HER" Is lame and if you think like this you probably have autism.

Cold Approaching girls rarely works bros, 99% of the guys who attempt it come off as weird and cringe.

>> No.21445715

Ask her to move.

>> No.21445889

Crop dust her with a gnarly ass-ripper.

>> No.21445902
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How come when you flipped the page you didn't look at the left but the right page

>> No.21446486 [DELETED] 

wow op is that the same model they used for the halal truck ad?

>> No.21446499

Trip over her and sue her and the bookstore for the life-threatening injuries (twisted ankle, bruised forearm) I received.

>> No.21446524

>excuse me I
>uh, I uh
>I see um
>*voice trembles*
>those books, I um
>*poops pants*
>*walks away, begins weeping*

>> No.21446623
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>read this as her talking to me

>> No.21446687

Pull out my comically huge megaphone that I had in my pocket and yell "Step away from the books ma'am, you are endangering your fragile female brain, women are not meant to read!" Somehow there are police sirens and lights as well.

>> No.21446713

The one thing that needs to be done.

>> No.21446787
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..Why do people do this? If you like the book then buy it. If the book is that intriguing and you must read it, then do it standing up.

>> No.21446791

Well I would stand there and then walk back through another aisle to where I want to go

>> No.21446994

Autist here, step aside normalfags;
>walk up to her
>hey you mind, I want to check that shelf
>autistically read every single title and pull out anything that looks interesting
>systematically do this for every single shelf
>carry the books in my hand until I have about 20 which is my limit for carrying books
>make a stack within eyesight and continue my search of the bookstore
>buy a small crate of books
>go home, read half of one
>then read 3 volumes of light novel and call it a night
>wind up never going back to the rest of the books I bought
>go to a new bookstore next week

>> No.21447930

Sounds more like mental retardation than autism.

>> No.21447934

"Excuse me miss, you're in the fucking way."

>> No.21448639

hey hey hey...
this is library

>> No.21448656

Kiss her blushing cheeks

>> No.21448681

"Miss me excuse the way you're fucking"

>> No.21448687

Call her a whore, ask for number, say I'm an incel, call her a whore again, leave.

>> No.21448872

why are you doing this?