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/lit/ - Literature

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21442646 No.21442646 [Reply] [Original]

What /lit/ related things do we plan on accomplishing in the new year?

Personally, I want to read at least 6 hours each day.

>> No.21442653

read 100 pages a day. 25 pages 4 times a day to make it easier.

>> No.21442699

Destroy every pepe/wojack so we don't see these same fuckign pictures for the next sixty+ years.

>> No.21442705

Probably read more fiction

>> No.21442709

I am fixing up my bookshelf. It will be very nice and I can't wait to share.
I hope to accomplish my first novel that I have been working on for a few years.

>> No.21442726

Read atleast 24 books and write a rough draft

>> No.21442734

I want to stop fetishizing books, want to spend less in buying physical books, and focus in the what matters most: the contents of what i'm reading, less caring about the ammount of books i read, and increase my reading comprehension capabilities

>> No.21442745

Trying to learn French to the point of understanding French novels and poems without any translator assistance. If anyone has tips, guides, resources, I would appreciate that. Also trying to read more nonfiction, philosophy and biographies especially.

>> No.21442757

Unironically watch all of Alexander Arguelles' videos

>> No.21442967
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Finish the books from library I've returned throughout the year to avoid fines

>> No.21442979

Recover my love for dumb shits or reading at all.

>> No.21444093

I plan on finally finishing my BIPOC gay alien furry erotica. I'm currently 27k words in and have been working on it for the past 3 months. It is still in its first part. My outline consists of six parts. I truly hope that I could make it this year.

WAGMI /lit/ bros

>> No.21444100

I want to read at least one german book a month

>> No.21444111
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I want to read as little as possible

>> No.21444133
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To read twice as much and to enjoy the books i read

>> No.21444153

Cut out all social media (including 4chan).

Spend a minimum of 15 minutes per day working on my writing. (Obviously 15 minutes isn't long, but I figure this is a goal I can meet even on days when I'm working a long shift or am subject to other complications.)

>> No.21444196

>What /lit/ related things do we plan on accomplishing in the new year?
The capture and execution of Nick Land and its narrowcast via ham radio file encryption and liveleak.

>> No.21445342

in descending order of priority:
1, Nietzsche's major works and secondary literature (looking at Kaufmann and Vattimo, maybe also the Roderick and Sugrue lectures)
2. Emerson's major works (might need secondary lit to understand some of the transcendentalist stuff)
3. Melville (his short stories and then Moby Dick; very much willing to do pre-work to enjoy that book better. don't know if reading Hawthorne is also a good idea)
4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (planning on getting a license and a motorbike and some short courses in engine maintenance, so this makes sense to me)
5. Westerns (a couple generally recommended westerns before going into Lonesome Dove-- apparently McMurtry made a sequel to that too)
6. Anything else I might like
7. Might actually start with the Greeks in 2023, then spend '24 on it
8. General History (pretty sure i'm missing out on a lot by not having a basic grasp on this)

>6 hours each day.
currently doing that but only on MWF and Sun. many days i still wish i had more time. i don't read a lot by any means as i prefer to take my time and enjoy, or backread and understand better. uninterrupted reading time is ideal imo, stopping and starting loses too much momentum. read while you shit and read before work (assuming your schedule allows for that). really tough to read after work because you've already spent the better part of your mental energy waging.

>> No.21445374

to finish reading at least one book. i keep getting bored and abandoning books half way through and i haven’t finished a book in two years. i’m not sure the exact amount but i think i’m in the middle of 12-16 books right now. my goal is to at least halve that number.

>> No.21445394

Finish the novel I've been working on, and do a decent amount of work on the next.

>> No.21445431
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Getting a gf

Yes, it's a /lit/ related thing because if I get a GF I am happy, therefore I can read more time without getting tired.

>> No.21445432

Read either for an hour every day or a couple chapters. I’m aiming for consistency. Gonna start with finishing Moby-Dick.

>> No.21445434

Write multiple books.

>> No.21445821

Finish my bloody novel.

It’s my first one so it’s going to be trash anyway so i want to have it in a sufferable state before the years over.

>> No.21445864

Comprehensively pulverizing the exaltation of "happiness" in ethics.

>> No.21445875
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>> No.21445952

Read every German book on my shelf. I'm an intermediate level learner and have a little pile of books, including a beautiful box set of the German translation of LotR.

>> No.21445957

>I want to read at least 6 hours each day.
you retired?

>> No.21445960

Sorry anon, I had a boating accident and all of my pepes fell into the lake, so we won't be able to destroy those