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21437116 No.21437116 [Reply] [Original]

Catch-22. Trying to read my way through the /lit/ top 100.
I don’t get why this book is so boring because it’s actually hilarious and it makes me laugh out loud (which only Confederacy of Dunces has ever managed to do before, though far more than this book).
I’m also not a plotfag either, as Suttree is my favorite example of writing ever and all meandering plotless books usually are really enjoyable for me.
I enjoy absurdist fiction as well, especially American absurdist like Vonnegut and
A Confederacy of Dunces.
Non-chronological plot has never been an issue for me either.
There’s just something about this book that makes reading it feel like such a chore. But I can’t figure it out. What are your thoughts on this book?

>> No.21437127
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I’m only 200 pages into this so it’s not like I haven’t read enough for it to grab me yet.
PS what book should I read after

>> No.21437291

You are a trash man.

>> No.21437345

You lack a funny bone.

>> No.21437380

Don Quixote. It will also make you laugh out loud.

>> No.21437407

You are aware of (them) and their antics, and no longer find their humor funny.

>> No.21437409

You lack discipline and respect. Trump lost fool. And he isn't coming back.

>> No.21437411

Meds. Now.

>> No.21437443

Shit is this really why?

>> No.21437449
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>> No.21437496


>> No.21437504

This. The part when he's attacking the herd of sheep is hilarious.

>> No.21437743

>There’s just something about this book that makes reading it feel like such a chore.
I feel like it tries to throw zingers in every single line. So after a while it gets pretty tiresome to sit through it.

>> No.21437859

Agreed, I put this book down after 50 pages for that exact reason. I get it, war doesn't make any sense but we psy-op ourselves into thinking it does. You don't have to keep bashing me over the head with it.

>> No.21437906

>Shit is this really why?
It was for me. The neurotic goyim-bashing is unmistakable, regardless of whether it's in print or in theaters or on Netflix.

>> No.21437935
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>he reads books for "the point"

>> No.21438024

it gets funnier the farther into the book you read. also read don quixote next

>> No.21438066

Personally I thought much of it was pretty fucking tedious. I'd stick with it to the end though as the last few chapters are some of the best

>> No.21438071
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I know a bunch have said it but f you like humor definitely read Don Quixote next

>> No.21438110

lol are you me, i have tried reading this book 3 times and always get bored....yes its funny but I never get interested

>> No.21439497


>> No.21439507

I think because the author is a fucking fag.

>> No.21439523

Oh, that explains a lot.
I read half way through and thought something was off.

>> No.21439568

you're retarded

>> No.21439585

okay, retard

>> No.21439765

I found it to be 90% tedious and 10% clever but not hilariously so. Times change, I guess.

>> No.21439766

listen to the audiobook narrated by Jim Weiss. It's on youtube.

>> No.21440055


>> No.21440086

The first third is a bit of a slog and doesn't make much sense. In the second third things start to click and the final third is the whole point of reading the book. It comes together very nicely with top tier writing.

>> No.21441679

Ok, I’ve got 200 pages left, I’ll finish it up then.

Only character I really like is Milo Minderbinder.

>> No.21441698

There's more of him to come, so keep reading

>> No.21441774

Yeah, I remember feeling the same way. There was a dryness or "flatness" to the story and I don't mean "dry humor". Catch As Catch Can was even worse.

>> No.21441905

The story is not entirely focused, and incredibly tangential, devoting long stretches or even entire chapters to characters who never really contribute to the story afterwards, i.e Major Major Major Major, and the Indian guy.
This was an intentional choice, I believe, meant to show the mental state of Yossarian.
I've personally interpreted it as Yossarian avoiding the hard facts concerning Snowden etc., with the later clarity in the Italian city meaning to show how he accepts the breality of his situation.
However, it does mean that the pacing can be frustrating. I rather enjoyed reading it and slowly figuring out the main storyline and how it came about.

>> No.21441922

Could you provide a single explanation or reason as to how Catch-22 is a piece of Zionist propaganda? Aside from the author being Jewish. Y'know, something in the text.
I'm genuinely interested to hear your thought process on this one.

>> No.21442108

I tried to read it one time and also I tried to watch the movie and I never could get into it it's just something too bizarre about it

>> No.21442133

I read it this summer. It's awful. It has nothing to say and takes a long time to not say it. There's a reason that it's one of the semi-mandatory books utilized to make high schoolers loathe reading.
Around page 80 I literally thought "this seems Jewish" and looked into it. Satisfying as fuck to see your post, lol.

>> No.21442158

poltard located

>> No.21442290

Finished reading this one last month and it was just so good. The final chapters are pretty depressing tho but the ending was hopeful. The ending had some more intensive effect on me bc i've been having the habbit of reading out loud and performing. Being Yossarian at the end filled me with optimism.

>> No.21442399
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Sir this is lit, not pol

>> No.21443343

>I don’t get why this book is so boring because it’s actually hilarious and it makes me laugh out loud

Me too. I actually had to read a section to my class, I chose the courtroom scene and I couldn't get through it without laughing. I looked like an idiot. I don't really remember much of it, and almost failed english that year because I didn't do any assignments and got caught for plagiarism.