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/lit/ - Literature

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21431368 No.21431368 [Reply] [Original]

Post them.

>> No.21431438
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>> No.21431489

norwegian wood
call of the wild
slaughterhouse 5
great gatsby
shadow of the torturer
claw of the conciliator
chronicle of a death foretold
starship troopers
blood meridian
sailor who from grace with the sea

>> No.21431668

Post what?

>> No.21431771
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I've read 14 books this year. I've read much more math books that were not entered unto the list, Clarke's book being the only one for the reason that reading the book from one cover to the other

>> No.21431833

Slaughterhouse 5
Breakfast of champions
Stormlight archive all the current novels
Brave new world
David Bus Evolution of Human Desire
David Bus The Dangerous Passion
The Golden Compass
The Alchemist
Atomic Habit

>> No.21432015
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>> No.21432061
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>> No.21432225
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I spent all year reading gravity's rainbow again

>> No.21432438

I love this owl, although it reminds me of myself.

>> No.21432690

The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break
One Hundred Years of Solitide
Cannery Row
The Memory Police
Metamorphosis (+others)
A Confederacy of Dunces
that's it, as always I hope to read more next year.

>> No.21432720

10,698 pages read / 43 books read

>> No.21432859
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>> No.21432920
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>> No.21432963


>> No.21432967

how the fuck have we read the same almost the same books? It's uncanny wtf

>> No.21433490
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It's been a slower year.

>> No.21434430
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I didn't even average 25 pages per day this year. I'm honestly embarrassed. If I finish The Sound and the Fury before the end of the year I'll be over 25/day.

>> No.21434449

I am over 25/day if you count books I didn't finish. I read half of the stories in John Cheever's complete short story book before deciding I'd had enough of Cheever.

A lot of magazine pages from reading The Economist too.

>> No.21434591
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I got back the reading speed I had as a teenager this year. Last year's 90 seems puny by comparison.

Some of the highlights were Diarmaid MacCulloch's History of Christianity, Blatty's Exorcist (amazing use of language that transcends the horror novel), finishing Illuminatus!, rereading The Road. Nick Pizzaman's Galveston was unexpectedly good. The Emperor's New Drugs was very enlightening about the pharma industry scams. Read Dune up to God Emperor, not sure it was worth it. Or rather, either read just Dune, or you have to get to God Emperor for the rest to be worth it.

On the "unexpectedly shit" list I'd put José Saramago's Gospel According to Jesus Christ. He won a Nobel for that trite piece of shit?

>> No.21434595

I see catch 22 and then I can't read shit on that picture. Care to grace us with your top 10 in titles?

>> No.21434605

how many pages this year my lad?

>> No.21434606

How do you count short stories, poems and essays? I’ve probably read ~40 books this year with about 5-10 shorter works a week

>> No.21434619

it’s more useful to just count pages read for this reason

>> No.21434634

Oh gotcha. That makes sense. I don’t keep track of my readings for the year anyway so I’m not sure why I asked lol. I read 50-150 pages a day

>> No.21434636
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For anyone who asks how:
seven-eight years ago, I took five English classes in college and I had to read five novels a week. I had to train myself to read faster while still retaining understanding of the literature. I found I could read those books (200-300 pages typically) in about 4-6 hours. There are variables in here too. I annotate while I read, which I think sharpened my reading speed. I've retained that skill ever since. I average about 50 pages an hour

Other variables include prose style and book length. A spare style like Hammett's or Cain's or, I swear, McCarthy's, made those ones breezier reading. Stuff like Delillo, the film criticism I read, more academic stuff, was headier, harder, slower reading.

>> No.21434643

What's a good number to read for a year? Also do self-help books count or must they be novels?

>> No.21434651

Any book counts, fiction or nonfiction. Judging from the fact that a literature board struggles to get people reading over 10 books a year the bar is placed firmly on the floor.

>> No.21434656

I only seem to read books on holiday. I spend too much time at home browsing pointless shit like this board.

>> No.21434663

Half are audiobooks so it doesn't count pages. Page count per book is slightly over 300 I'd say. Tomes like Christianity, Blackwater and Lonesome Dove push the average from thinner books like True Grit up.
I have to say I'm growing increasingly fond of books that cut the gristle out to deliver a solid 200-300 pages rather than dragging it out to 350-400. It really is more difficult to write a short book than a long one.

>> No.21434737
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I'll finish my current book tonight or tomorrow, finish up another within the next couple of days, and likely knock 1-2 more out before the end of the year. I tend to track short story collections over the individual titles but if I was meticulous then that number would easily reach over 100.

>> No.21434867

Then what?

>> No.21434905
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Didn't read much this year, but it might be 15 before the years end

>> No.21434909

Hooke version of the Iliad
Lattimore version of the Iliad
part of Tale of Genji
Goethe part 1
Swanns Way
Sailor who fell from grace from the sea
Tropic of cancer
Death of Ivan Ilych

random academic papers probably less than 10
bits and pieces from philosphy commentaries/anthologies, mostly rereading stuff. there was a small book on BF Skinner i enjoyed.

>> No.21435321
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The most important reads these years have been
>The Bible
>Aristotle's Organon
>Berkeley's Treatise

>> No.21435431
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A lot of poetry and older aphoristic texts

>> No.21435484

Man's search for meaning - Victor Frankl
The Doctor and the soul - Victor Frankl
The hobbit (annual reading)
The Bow and the Club - Evola
Meditations on the Peaks - Evola
Ride the Tiger - Evola
Eros and the Mysteries of Love - Evola
Revolt Against the modern world - Evola
The Fourth Political Theory - Dugin
And then just A LOT of misc philosophical essays and minor works.

>> No.21435533

Its not that uncanny at all.

Half those books get shilled on here constantly so if you frequent this place expect others who frequent /lit/ to have read the same things.

>> No.21435562
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The Coming of the Third Reich
The Third Reich in Power
The Third Reich at War
The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West 1500-1800
The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others
Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris
The Age of Capital, 1848-1875
The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914
Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
At Home: A Short History of Private Life
The Misanthrope
The Consolation of Philosophy
Storm of Steel
The Construction of Social Reality
A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
How the World Became Rich: The Historical Origins of Economic Growth
Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World
The Kraken Wakes
Medieval Christianity: A New History
A Concise History of World Population
Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing

>> No.21435605

The Nazi War Against Capitalism - Nevin Gussack
Germany Reborn - Herman Göring
Living Within Limits - Garrett Hardin
Race and the Third Reich - Christopher Hutton
Traders and Heroes - Werner Sombart
And Time Rolls On - Savitri Devi
Eurasian Mission - Alexander Dugin
Faith and Action - Helmut Stellrecht
After Geoengineering - Holly Jean Buck
Beyond Human Rights - Alain de Benoist
Full Planets Empty Plates - Lester Brown
Gold in the Furnace - Savitri Devi
National Socialism: it's principles and philosophy - Carlos Videla
Austrian National Socialism before 1918 - Andrew Whiteside
Should we Control World Population - Diana Coole
Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design Research - Neil Leach
The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Klaus Schwab
National Socialist Racial Policy - Walter Groß

>> No.21435720
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Opened like 40 books finished 20 of them, of which 5 were of my liking.

A few days ago i was pretty depressed so I opened the way of kings and reread it in 24 hs, 1000pages in 24hs i felt pretty accomplished.

>> No.21436145
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bully me please

>> No.21436178

Damn thats good

>> No.21436188
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>> No.21436375

Read 125, wanted to read 120. Good.

Silly Awards:
Best Novels: A Personal Affair, Queer, Edwin Mullhouse and The Master of Petersburg
Best Nonfiction: The Hall of Uselessness and Japan Journals 1947/2004 by Donald Richie
Best Short Story Collection: Collected Donald Barthelme, Library of America Edition
Longest Book: Infinite Jest and Dawn to West Vol. 3
Most Disappointing: Pastoralia and CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
The Worst: Tokyo Vice

>> No.21436435
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That's all for 2022. I don't plan to touch a book until January.
Solid lists, this board isn't completely lost. It's good seeing people reading a bit of everything.

>> No.21436661
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I don't belong on /lit/, but fuck it. This is just one part of the /fit/ /lit/ /biz/ /fa/ masterrace.

>> No.21436700

>tracking the number of books and pages you read
This is what consoomers think the “examined life” consists of.

>> No.21436964

yeah, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.21437013
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I mostly got absorbed in Canadian history this year

>> No.21437019

Never heard of In the Presence of Schopenhauer. Any good? What about Serotonin?

>> No.21437048
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>> No.21437069

The Book the New Sun (incl. Urth) (twice)
The Great Gatsby
Infinite Jest
The Road
The Picture of Dorian Grey
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Name of the Rose
In Wonderand, Siesta, Kratskog, Sværmere (Hamsun)
Savage Detectives

>> No.21437090

Serotonin is my favorite of his books. It put me in a funk for a week, the picture he paints of growing up blows. I also think it's better written than his more popular Atomism, because he doesn't try as hard to shock you. Atomism really beats you over the head with how disgusting some people are. Which says a lot given that Serotonin begins with the protagonist finding a video of his wife engaging in adulterous relations with a dog. The diff between the two is that someone does something heinous in Serotonon and then its over. In atomism he drones on and on and on, describing depravity across several pages. It goes from unsettling to boring very fast.

As for the schoppy book, it's only worthwhile if you're interested in whalebeck as an author. You won't learn much about Schop from him, the whole book is Houellebeqc showing his reflections on extracts he found particularly evocative from Schop. They tend to amount to little more than rewording the originals. It's fine, it isnt bad, but I could see someone being disappointed. The main benefit is in how clearly you can see where Houellebeqc is deriving something from Schop in all his books, after reading what he found interesting about him.

Sorry if my thoughts are unclear or disjointed. Papa is on the rum again. If you want me to clarify anything just ask. I like Houellebeqc, but I wouldn't reccomend him to just anyone honestly. He applies to very specific people, and I wasn't one of those people. Too late tho, read him anyway.

>> No.21437095
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>> No.21437222

>Swanns Way
excellent, keep it up with ISOLT, the other volumes are worth reading as well

>> No.21437264

No no that's a well put together response. I went on a Houellebecq binge a couple years ago but didn't pick up Serotonin when it came out. My interest in his books got drained by then because a lot of them are very similar. Now I hardly remember what his books were about, other than how growing up sucks and that a free sexual market screwed a lot of dudes out of having sex, but I think I want to read Serotonin hence my question. I think I'll re-read my favourite book of his, Whatever, before making up my mind about whether I want to check out these two.

>> No.21437301
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>> No.21437313

11/10 list. The best list here and I even gave you an extra point for including flashman, showing you aren’t a pretentious faggot with a list full of pretentious books and you can enjoy hilarious Victorian nonsense.

>> No.21437351
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>> No.21437410

I'd highly reccomend Serotonin. Though I appreciated Whatever, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much. That story being broken up by animals waxing poetic took me out of it every time, not to mention i wish he had done more with how being a dog, or whatever, affected a given animal's perspective. The anthropromorphism felt like literally nothing but just a goofy setting with no greater implication, but maybe I missed it.

Serotonin gets exciting, Florent is totally sympathetic. I cant speak to how accurate his depiction of depression is, but id wager its better than most things produced today.

>> No.21437424

over 12000 pages, mostly fiction including some RL Stine

>> No.21437517

Occasionally laugh and look down at NPCs such as yourself.

>> No.21437594

based retard frogposter enjoying books

>> No.21437800
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Got about half of The Fall left to round it out to 20. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.21437808
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I read a lot. Also a lot of physical books.

>> No.21438113

Thank you, anon. I'll be reading some more Flashman novels next year.

>> No.21438141

How the fudge do you find time to read so much

>> No.21438416

that's not that much get off the internet and read

>> No.21438422

This is possibly the worst list in the thread. No one who reads that much is taking anything read very seriously. You could spend a decade studying Divine Comedy if you wanted to, that anon is finishing a book less than once a week.

>> No.21438455

Haven't read anything this year.

>> No.21438567

That's not even a book every 5 days. That's not even 60 pages a day! You're acting like this guy was blasting through 600 pages a day.

>> No.21438585

Gene Wolfe's Book of Days by Gene WolfeTwilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche
An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives by Mencius Moldbug
Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman
Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Josef Pieper
Land and Sea by Carl Schmitt
Interlibrary Loan by Gene Wolfe
In Green's Jungles by Gene Wolfe
Nightside the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
Return to the Whorl by Gene Wolfe
The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe
Nightside the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
On Blue's Waters by Gene Wolfe
The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh
Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert
Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh
Cryptocurrencies and Cryptoassets by Andrew Haynes
Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Cryptoassets by Fabian Schear
The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe
The Life of St. Francis by Bonaventure
On the Three Types of Juristic Thought by Carl Schmitt
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization by Anthony Esolen
The Book of Lost Tales, Part One by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe
The Decline of the West, Vol 2 by Oswald Spengler
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
The Square and the Tower by Niall Ferguson
Such, Such Were the Joys by George Orwell
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
The Man Who Would Be King and Other Stories by Rudyard Kipling
The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories by Lord Dunsany
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Space Vampires by John C. Wright
The Citadel of the Autarch by Gene Wolfe
Titanicus by Dan Abnett
The Four Cardinal Virtues by Josef Pieper
Dragonslayer by William King
The World Armada by John C. Wright
Exodus from the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
Saturnine by Dan Abnett
The Lords of Creation by John C. Wright
Only the Lover Sings by Josef Pieper
Monster Hunter Bloodlines by Larry Correia
Skavenslayer by William KingThe Sword of the Lictor by Gene Wolfe
The Best of R.A. Lafferty by R.A. Lafferty
Vampireslayer by William King
Beastslayer by William King
Trollslayer by William King
Daemonslayer by William King
Lake of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century, Vol. 3 by Fernand Braudel
Caldé of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
The Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe

Much of this year was going through Gene Wolfe, as you can see. It's been a great year overall. Very happy with my reading.

>> No.21438779

History books :
- The renewal of Islam in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Bayram Balcı)
- History of the Mediterranean (dir. Jean Carpentier and François Lebrun)
- Thus spoke Napoleon (Robert Colonna d'Istria)
- The infidels' paradise - an Ottoman ambassador in France under the Régence (Yirmisekiz Mehmet Çelebi, presented by Gilles Veinstein)
- Al-Muqaddima : discourse on universal History (Ibn Khaldun)

Novels :
- The Red and the Black (Stendhal)
- The scales of the Levant (Amine Maalouf)
- The Horla and others novels (Maupassant)
- The Karamazov brothers (Dostoevsky)

- Orient et Occident (René Guénon)
- Crisis of the modern world (René Guénon)
- Fasl al-maqal - decisive discourse (Ibn Rushd/Averroes)

Unclassified :
- Mecca, to the heart of the pilgrimage (Ali Marok)

>> No.21438961

Blood meridian
Spring snow
Runaway horses
Harassment architecture
Heart of a dog
A hero of our time
Beyond good and evil
The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Fear and loathing in las vegas
Notes from underground

Im satisfied desu, i started properly reading around march/april when i got my ereader, havent read this much ever and im hoping i can scale it up a bit, however my interest fluctuates so i gotta work on getting into it more consistently.

>> No.21439747
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>> No.21439760

* For re-reads
Shuggie Bain - Douglas Stuart
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Men without Women - Haruki Murakami
Moths - Jane Hennigan
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee
The Great Dying - Markuss T. Notrums
Cage of Souls - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Dogs of War - Adrian Tchaikovsky
* Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J. K. Rowling
* Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J. K. Rowling
Go - Kazuki Kaneshiro
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - J. K. Rowling
* Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Ministry for the Future - Kim Stanley Robinson
The Cat who saved books - Sosuke Natsukawa
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Extinction-Bradley Somer
Young Mungo-Douglas Stuart
The Martian-Andy Weir

21 lessons for the 21st century - Yuval Noah Harari
Disease & History - Frederick Fox Cartwright
When Science goes wrong - Simon LeVay
Incredible Oceans - Andrew Caine
The Science of Food - Marty Jopson
Marine Biology for the non-biologist- Andrew Caine
Marine Ecology for the non-ecologist- Andrew Caine
Scuba physiological - Simon Pridmore, et al
Less is More: How degrowth will save the world - Jason Hickel
Extreme Economies - Richard Davies
When the rivers run dry: The global water crisis and how to solve it - Fred Pearce
The Almighty Dollar - Dharshini David
Faster, Higher, Farther: The inside story of the Volkswagen Scandal - Jack Ewing
* Scuba Exceptional - Simon Pridmore
A Trillion Trees: How we can reforest our world - Fred Pearce
The New Wild: Why invasive species will be nature's salvation - Fred Pearce
In Defence of Plants - Matt Candeias
Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
The Power of Geography - Tim Marshall
Pain Killer - Barry Meier
Animal vegetable killer: When nature breaks the law - Mary Roach
The Brilliant Abyss - Helen Scales
Divided: Why we're living in an age of walls - Tim Marshall
Peoplequake - Fred Pearce
Confessions of an Eco Sinner - Fred Pearce
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded - Simon Winchester
Africa is not a Country - Dipo Faloyin
The Last Generation - Fred Pearce
The Landgrabbers - Fred Pearce
Fallout - Fred Pearce
Exactly - Simon Winchester
The Secret Network of Nature - Peter Wohlleben
Spoon-Fed- Tim Spector

>> No.21439767

The Amazing Brain (lol)
18 Stories by Heinrich Boll (The best)
Transcendence of the Ego
Mind by John Searle
Tropic of Cancer
Nonduality: a study in comparative philosophy
Time and Free Will
The Inferno
Anna Karenina

Honestly felt like I was slacking. My best accomplishment was Anna Karenina in a few weeks, but I read a lot of fragments of things—papers, short stories. Need to get back on my novel grind.