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File: 395 KB, 1600x2001, Javadizadeh-VirginiaWoolfLetters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21428944 No.21428944 [Reply] [Original]

“Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.”
- Virginia Woolf
She's genuinely right, and now in the modern era this has been turned against men because they feel valueless without women, yet women now control the dating market.

>> No.21428950
File: 6 KB, 178x250, 1671363281973323s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I'm a homosexual and hate women.

>> No.21428960

Your father cries in the bathroom, faggot

>> No.21428987

This is a cope, btw.

>> No.21429066
File: 236 KB, 812x574, lIMMY1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's turned the weans against us!

>> No.21429070
File: 45 KB, 1108x738, Simone Weil 1668981216171813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say they're more like the other side of an hourglass - without them the sand is merely lost, and the power and potential of the device wasted. I love women.
Twisted shrimp. Straighten yourself out.

>> No.21429074

She's overrated as fuck, but To the Lighthouse and Orlando are good, tho.

>> No.21429076

I'm AGP btw forgot to mention that if it matters

>> No.21429079

>Your father cries in the bathroom
Probably why he's gay.

>> No.21429089

>deranged, spoiled jew who larped as a revolutionary at the expense of real soldiers
Weil is a joke, endangering people to date her pride

>> No.21429433
File: 1.12 MB, 1794x3000, Allison Brie 1670360889309062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know or care what that means.
Young women shouldn't have to be soldiers. Whatever they do to try and help is their honest work as women. Now shut your braindead, racist mouth! I almost feel sorry for a man who can't see what a gem a young woman like Simone Weil was. What my life is missing is precisely the spunky, gentle touch of a good Jewish woman. I look forward with great and hopeful anticipation to the day that changes!

>> No.21429443

You've never had sex.

>> No.21429464

I wish you were right.

>> No.21429468

and that's a splendid thing. virginity is underrated. what a waste, what an infamy, that act of hedonism, perversely fetishizing the flesh that bore us, replacing with shame the womb, the love, an act which brings life now laced with the ugliness of cruel cold aesthetic and mindless sport, intimacy now an oleaginous phantom worm.

>> No.21429479

Wise words, hopefully you're not flinging fruit to lions.

>> No.21429502

pearls to pigs, maybe. but i am no better. i wish i had my virginity still.

>> No.21429642

I'd be proud of him

>> No.21429685

>men feel valueless without women
You're projecting. Women are a small aspect of life in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.21429699

>An anti-Semitic, racist feminist
Truly the Rowling of her time

>> No.21430524

My favourite part of a Room of Ones Own was when she said she was going to tell lies to the reader like 3 pages in

>> No.21430787

For what? Lusting after a septic line, and playing with his poo all day?

>> No.21430788

Rowling isn't racist, nor anti-Semitic. Her entire series is a clear condemnation of those things.

>> No.21430826

Name a more pathetic, self-pitying author.

>> No.21430934

Sex is fun, and fun doesn't degrade life. Stop being a fucking prude.

>> No.21431094
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>> No.21431123

fun doesn’t degrade life, but sodomy (non procreative) sex does

>> No.21431151

By reducing all sexual interaction to "procreation", you are de-sacralizing and animalizing sex.

>> No.21431171

>the one genuine act of creation we get
>a reduction
no, you're just angry that we're saying it shouldn't be the repository for perversion that you've made of it.

>> No.21431183

True and that’s all they ever will be.

>> No.21431189

Contrived style

>> No.21431196

>the one genuine act of creation we get
If you're a fucking bovine prole, sure. I guess that's why Christianity took off with the lower classes. You think you're a god because you breed like even the most basic living creatures.

>> No.21431227

so mean. all this class struggle in your post, all this posturing, for what? so you can enjoy your nut? do so, enjoy the nut. why worry about what others think of what you do? do you think i think myself better than you because i think you're depraved? it's just not the case. i just feel that perversity is bad. i can't and won't change this opinion, and insulting me won't do anything except hurt my feelings. go, enjoy your nut. no one's stopping you.

>> No.21431423

Christoids think everything that isn't sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation is "perverse". It means nothing.

>> No.21431469

ok. thank you for your contribution to the discussion.

>> No.21431519

If the intent is not to create a child then it's perverse.

>> No.21431651

which is a retarded mentality, pumping out a mass of children, even if they're retarded, isn't an inherent good

>> No.21431755

>yet women now control the dating market.
They always did. Nothing has really changed. Have you ever been on a date?

>> No.21432133

Woolf makes /lit/ seethe because she was everything they wish they could be.
>a very wealthy NEET
>had sex with lots of women
>one of the greatest writers ever
>strong jaw line

>> No.21432204

>fun doesn’t degrade life
Exactly, and all sex is fun for men. All of it.

>> No.21432312

She wasn't a neet, she got a good education and was smart enough to enhance a bohemian life with it

>> No.21432317

>minting souls isn't inherently good
back, foul demon.

>> No.21432382

Making boomers cry is based though

>> No.21432473

She's genuinely wrong. Men & women used to be a cooperative society. Now thanks to idiots like her, it's men vs women with the meanest asshole becomes top dog.

>> No.21432476

So then being sexless in general should be *more* perverse than having sex without the intent of having kids, because it still carries a higher chance of new births. None of this is thought through, you are retarded.
Also explain why its perverse in the first place and what that means.

>> No.21432501

>As she was extremely short-sighted, Weil was a very poor shot, and her comrades tried to avoid taking her on missions, though she did sometimes insist. Her only direct participation in combat was to shoot with her rifle at a bomber during an air raid; in a second raid, she tried to man the group's heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and near-sighted to use the weapon. After being with the group for a few weeks, she burnt herself over a cooking fire. She was forced to leave the unit, and was met by her parents who had followed her to Spain.
>She identified as an anarchist,[39] and sought out the anti-fascist commander Julián Gorkin, asking to be sent on a mission as a covert agent, to rescue the prisoner Joaquín Maurín. Gorkin refused, saying she would almost certainly be sacrificing herself for nothing, as it would be most unlikely she could pass as a Spaniard. Weil replied that she had "every right"[40] to sacrifice herself if she chose, but after arguing for more than an hour, she was unable to convince Gorkin to give her the assignment.
Weil was a spoiled, selfish prick. Blinded by pride

>> No.21432621

>Men & women used to be a cooperative society.
So were slave-owners and slaves, I guess.

>> No.21432677

im sure the drug addicts eating food scraps from the thrash are having a blast.

>> No.21432747

>NOOO don't force me to play the biological role that my body has evolved to do!!! I want the freedom to underperform in jobs that I have no innate capacity to execute!!!

>> No.21432857

sex can be "fun", but that is not its primary function, and fornication does absolutely degrade life in the broader sense as it destabilizes society. the more common fornication and casual sex are-- the lower the rate of women being virgins at marriage-- the worse that society and the worse the lives of its people. this is an objective fact demonstrated by all of recorded human history and modern day observations. In fact in the playbook for destroying a nation one of the first tactics is to spread promiscuity among its population and destroy traditional marriage and the nuclear family.

>> No.21432897

>have no innate capacity to execute!!!
Why should women cooperate with men like you?

>> No.21432906

Why do women like you think you're qualified or capable of "cooperating" with men at the level of their own standards in the first place?

>> No.21432914

Natural things don't need to be forced, they are automatic therefore your "vision" for women is unnatural and degenerate.

>> No.21432931

Entropy, decay, and chaos are natural forces. Women embody these forces. Advanced human civilization is the struggle against these natural forces to maintain order. Giving women too much freedom, let alone real authority, is inviting chaos and entropy to destroy your civilization.

And that aside, almost every animal species reproduces via rape, so sexuality being "forced" is indeed a "natural" part of most life

>> No.21432946

You're comical.

>> No.21432976

>Natural things don't need to be forced
Yeah that's why prey jump right into predators' mouths, right? Your understanding of evolution and natural forces is below elementary school level.

>> No.21432983

What have women built? Show me a single civilization created and led by women. Show me a single civilizational milestone (currency, indoor plumbing, automobiles, power grids, etc) that was conceptualized by women.

Women don't "do" anything. Their primary function is the continuation of men. Their peaceful and comfortable existence is allowed and afforded entirely by the continued goodwill of men. The only other important contribution women make to society other than breeding is being a litmus test for the overall health of a society, e.g. fat slutty women = collapsing society.

>> No.21432992

>Women don't "do" anything.
it's hilarious that they still don't understand this. even after elon musk fired 80% of twitters staff, which was almost entirely privileged white liberal women in nebulous managerial positions, literally fucking nothing happened because women don't actually do anything.

>> No.21433003

Interfering is not cooperating

>> No.21433004
File: 64 KB, 509x680, Pepus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claimed women and men used to cooperate
>now switched to claiming women are destructive and the past was actually a struggle of men against women

>> No.21433006

>dude having recreational sex is just like shooting up heroin!
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.21433013

this is not me:
this is me:

>> No.21433020

Recreational sex is the highest level exercise of the play drive in mammals. It doesn't degrade life; it's the most "divine" (read: fulfilling) experience mammals can have.

>> No.21433033

>dude casual sex is healthy and doesn't cause any problems at all
Shut the fuck up, retard. Also judeo-liberals promote both slutting and shooting up heroin. Really makes you think.

>> No.21433048

Recreational sex is not equivalent to shooting up heroin, you colossal fucking faggot. And who said it doesn't cause problems? Anything can cause problems. Childbirth can kill women, for example.

>> No.21433049

Forgive me if I don't take advice on what constitutes divinity from someone juiced up with microplastics and SSRIs and indoctrinated by a hedonistic liberal antinatalist death cult.

>> No.21433057

you're right, it's not equivalent at all. casual sex is actually far more destructive to a society than heroin. of course you already knew this, rabbi.

>> No.21433062

>because they feel valueless without women
Its good because it is the first on the path of getting that power back. Modern men have to experience hardship to understand that if they don't protect whats theirs it will be taken away from them, and then getting it back will be a lot harder

>> No.21433069

Nice projection there. I don't take any meds and I'm both centrist and natalist.

>casual sex is actually far more destructive to a society than heroin
Heroin is illegal. If it was legalized it would become abundantly apparent very quickly how unbelievably retarded your statement is.

>> No.21433098

"Men are like, insecure n shiet, they got small dicks :^)"

- every female "thinker", ever

>> No.21433103

>if this drug was legal more people would do it
They literally give you free needles and heroin in your jew cities if you want it. Also fornication used to be illegal, back when civilization wasn't collapsing and 50% of all women didn't think they needed anti-depressant medication. Really makes you think. Well, not you specifically, but normal humans with an IQ anywhere over 90. It makes them think.

>> No.21433104

I legitimately have no idea what she means by "reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size." Just seems like more vapid, elitist cope to me. The average person is completely removed from this sort of petty shit, and elitists do not know, or understand, a genuine human experience.

>> No.21433109

>son proudly out of closet
>father weeping like a bitch in the bathroom

>> No.21433120

Don't have children. You're mentally ill.

>> No.21433134

I've already got two kids and plan to have more. Shame you can't have children whether you want them or not, on account of your sperm count being non-existent due to the microplastics and estrogen flooding your frail, feminine urbanite body.

>> No.21433140

>I've already got two kids
Two more mentally ill parasites in the gene pool, nice. Hopefully they don't have kids of their own.

>> No.21433142

You have such a Reddit understanding of what constitutes/perpetuates society.
>Yeah!! Le epic progressive March to infinity! Le inventions and ceaseless expansion.
It’s an evident truth that men have “led” society in the sense that they have had the freedom to devote themselves to advancements of technology. However, to suppose the foundation for this freedom to even exist in the first place would have happened if not for women being the primary raisers of children, especially before public education (where women still fill a vast quantity of childcare/educator roles). You seem to think the advancements of the human race happen in a void, as if men were not raised by women, as if the stability of a household was never a factor in any of these things. I’m not even trying to make some moralizing point about men/women gender dynamics but… are you delusional? Do you not look around and understand that before any possibility of progression, there are those who devote themselves to simply providing for their immediate family.

>> No.21433147

>act of creation WE GET
>[I] mint souls!!!
Yes, one of you is pretty fucking devilish, but it's not the guy acting like he's god because he busts a pissy nut in some chicks dirty snatch.

>> No.21433149

She’s making a commentary on the historical usage of a female muse by male artists and thinkers. There is a paradox in the behavior of many of these historical figures, wherein women were subjugated/held as inferior, yet in the world of art and admiration, seemed to hold a fascinating, mysterious, and often essentially and vitally human expression innately. Men simultaneously degrade and immortalize women.

>> No.21433151

really weird things to say for someone who just recently claimed to not be in an antinatalist death cult.

>> No.21433153

Nothing weird about it. I can be natalist and also not want more autistic psychotics walking the streets.

>> No.21433156

>if not for women being the primary raisers of children
That's an artifact of the industrial revolution. Child rearing was a male task before the invention of the factory, because women were not considered capable of properly doing it. During the industrial revolution, there was a mass of propaganda about the spheres of influence a woman should have, specifically designed to get men out of their homes in rural areas and packed into cities to work.

>> No.21433166

>Men simultaneously degrade and immortalize women.
Yeah and mothers don't do the same to their male children and women to their husbands. Big news: people are capable of damaging the object of their love. Hundreds of years of knowledge and you dense mfs still cannot comprehend this.
>but all that knowledge was 'le man'

>> No.21433177

So it's a vapid elite mesmerized by the actions of dead vapid elites, ignoring that the vast, vast majority of humanity doesn't think or act in this way, and also ignoring all the art, works, and efforts that weren't inspired by women at all. The entire Renaissance was about the church and rich dudes lmao
I get what you're saying she meant, but it's just highlighting that this lady had absolutely zero of value to say about humanity, exactly like nearly every elite whose ever tried to say shit about being a person. I'll take layman folk wisdom any day, thanks.

You really need to get over this "a woman said something I can stretch into a sexist statement about men? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHATABOUTWHATABOUT" shit. Please stop saying such disappointing things.

>> No.21433182

did you miss the part where he said "women's primary function is the continuation of men" because that seems to be your argument as well.

>> No.21433195

You could also say by having a family and making money for them, men’s primary function is the continuation of women. Also retarded because childcare involves both sexes. So, no… women’s primary function is the continuation of the human race, just as men’s primary function is the continuation of the human race. But being stuck on teleological proclamations which have no bearing on the particularity of each individual life is so ignorant that I’m not even gonna engage the retarded premises of this hypothetical anymore.

>> No.21433199

>she's turned the weans against ye mate aye?

>> No.21433203

>Men simultaneously degrade and immortalize women.
Not the same woman, though. Traditionally we degrade whores, and immortalize loyal wives and good mothers and the "purity" of young virgins that represents the potential for these things. Of course the human brain is a bit more complex than that, and sometimes gets its wires crossed; there are plenty of men who also celebrate whores, or degrade all women regardless, etc, but these are not the men who build and maintain nations.

>> No.21433204

I think the use of women as muses in art is one example, but the general subject-object dichotomy which men tend to establish in their view of women (documented in anthropological studies of courtship, the “art of pursuit”, etc.) is also evidence of this fact. It’s a paradox which many have fallen into.

>> No.21433210

If men and women were separated entirely from one another, who do you think would survive longer? We don't have to guess. We already have examples of this. It turns out women sit around and do nothing, while men establish hierarchies and build communities even without the presence of women.

>> No.21433231

>we don’t have to guess
The continued existence of all-female nunneries and all-male monasteries is enough to neutralized whatever this retarded hypothetical is supposed to prove. For most of history, living in a convent was actually one of the few ways women were able to excel in things without bearing the brunt of required home management.

>> No.21433252

>The continued existence of all-female nunneries and all-male monasteries
who do you think keeps the lights on and the pantry stocked at "nunneries" (convents)? hint: it's the fucking church. you're so fucking stupid that you don't even realize how stupid you are, and you type like you're still fishing for upvotes.

>> No.21433266

The nunneries are all managed by a male Bishop and usually a couple of other monastics like a heiromonk. Did you think they have the authority to operate without a bishop?

>> No.21433298

Nunneries and monasteries both rely on charity, retard. And obviously convents are under the dominion of the church which is patriarchal , but their direct operation is controlled by an Abess or other female headmaster. And the point about where their resources and such come from is irrelevant since we’re not talking about self-sufficient societies of entirely one gender (since those don’t exist). God, you missed the point by a mile.

>> No.21433359

It's more like you need to stop dickriding women. When it comes to being an object of inspiration and a sublime, ethereal being, simps are all for the classical era worldview around the female, but when it comes to political rights and participation in the leading roles of society then they turn all progressive and agnostic. You can't have the best of both worlds, bucko. If you want them to play a role in the building and maintaining of society, they need to prove they're worthy of such tasks. News flash:
>they haven't.

>> No.21433417

yeah because he misses me so much but its okay because we text all the time and he sends me presents and im gonna go visit him. gosh i love my daddy so much :D

>> No.21433471

>nurses, nannies, cleaners, cooks
>all female dominated jobs that are useful and necessary for society

>> No.21433486

You are posting in a thread about Virginia Woolf one of the most famous and critically acclaimed british writer.
You are spending your christmas day arguing pseud broscience on 4chan.
But sure women are the retarded ones, not you.

>> No.21433497

Natural behaviour doesn't need to be forced. The predator attacks and the prey runs away.
If you want to enforce rules on women that means that those rules are inherently unnatural.
By the way men are not predators they are parasites. Rape is parasitic behaviour, not predatory. And rape is insignificant evolutionarily since rape spawns will be aborted or abandoned after birth.

>> No.21433510

typical female narcissist drivel. what the fuck does this even mean? women do not reflect or enhance shit they are a net negative on society and are at best semisentient uncivilised animals

>> No.21433512


>> No.21433518

>semisentient uncivilised animals
They're a reflection of (You) that is to say how you see yourself.

>> No.21433523

Visit the hospital that is closest to you. 50+% of medical doctors will be female, I guarantee you.

>> No.21433528

51% of society is a net negative for society. Very logical.

>> No.21433529

mmmhmmm sweetheart, is psued "no you" posting the best you can do?

>> No.21433541

Your reproductive anxiety is very high.

>> No.21433543

Is the thought of a man disagreeing with your stupidity unpalatable that you have to assume a woman was the one disagreeing with you?

>> No.21433560

>nurses, nannies, cleaners, cooks
Thanks for proving my point that the natural role for the female human is primarily caretaking.
Again you show your ignorance. Energy is expended in predation as well as in rape, and is too in the repression women. Any dominance of the strong over the weak can be considered 'forced'; evolution is an arms race, baby. Females will instinctively cooperate with an aggressor if they feel that their lives or the lives of their children are in danger, hence it's unnatural for a community to surrender their females first to a larger aggressor without the males fighting him first. In the modern case, the aggressor is a rampant capitalist oligarchy and the aggravated community is every other social entity. Women entering the workforce is the underclass automatically defaulting from any competitive action against their oppressors. For proof, cross-reference LinkedIn and Facebook profiles of women.
>Rape is insignificant evolutionarily
Rape has literally driven the evolution of apex mammalian predators. Every top cat's mamma was raped. You don't know the meaning of parasitic behavior.

>> No.21433582

>nurses, nannies, cleaners, cooks
>Thanks for proving my point that the natural role for the female human is primarily caretaking.
Most men spent their time, at least in the past, being soldiers, farmers, doing construction work, or doing various other physical labor. Therefore, the primary natural role for the male human is grunt work.

>> No.21433589

>Therefore, the primary natural role for the male human is grunt work.
no lie detected

>> No.21433598

Therefore, if neither men nor women are allowed to grow past their primary natural role, we should tear down civilization and go back to living in tribes, where we could all only fulfill the aforementioned roles.

>> No.21433639

horrible thread. men and women both contribute to society no? why do we have to hate each other?

>> No.21433684

And every male bee dies after cumming for the first time. Therefore the natural role for the human male is to die after losing his virginity.

>> No.21433690

female incel writer who needed to get laid. self pitying psued with narcissistic delusions of grandeur. the woman equivalent of the average poster on /lit/

>> No.21433691

>why do we have to hate each other?
Because women won't open their legs on command to my fat NEET ass and that makes them Medusean demons from Hell who need to repent or feel the spaghetti monster's wrath

>> No.21433692

>Therefore the natural role for the human male is to die after losing his virginity.
Heh, I'm >30 old and still haven't died. Jokes on you evolution.

>> No.21433697

>Because women won't open their legs on command to my fat NEET ass

>> No.21433725

You are a literal manchild. Your IQ is clearly in the clinically retarded territory, browsing lit and pretending to be intellectual makes you even more laughable.
You will never do anything significant with your life, you will never reach the intellectual level of Virginia Woolf.

>> No.21433730

>barely coherent spiteful drivel
you are part of the problem. normal people do not have these opinions, at worst they are slightly sexist, which is healthy as people are going to have frustrations, pent up anger and feelings of animosity towards others, but these feelings are managed and generally resolved peacefully. the manic hatred of men or women is harbored exclusively by sad shutins and traumatised people who refuse to confront their hatred or understand others.

>> No.21433747

Do you think I care? Don't jump into other people's dialogues if you hold completely unrelated positions, retard.

>> No.21433749
File: 15 KB, 239x234, 1671663999872017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a good mood
>open /lit/
>mood ruined
happens too often

>> No.21433750
File: 169 KB, 634x1025, utnk6xfk1i6a1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want /lit/ to know this.

>> No.21433759

Are you literally just mad that she was rich?

>> No.21433761

>replying seriously to sarcasm

>> No.21433780

I'm afraid that layman folk wisdom amounts to "luv me grub luv me drink luv me wife simple as". If you want real sophistry you simply have to go to experts and elites, they are just more intelligent and cultured end of story. The average person is retarded and cannot think seriously about anything or come up with philosophy, they have no overarching thesis or strong opinions on life, they're better off if you ask me but that simple wisdom doesn't say much or answer big questions.

>> No.21433789

>neither men nor women are allowed to grow past their primary natural role
Never said that. I said if women want to take traditionally male roles like warriors and builders, they have to prove themselves as any other man does, and they haven't. i.e. How many women have you seen fighting men and winning? Not too many, and yet they want to lead men to fight other men. There same ridiculousness applies in opposite direction like: what the fuck is a male gynecologist doing on earth? What does he know about being a woman? Can he prove himself being a better woman than women? Of course not.
>And every male bee dies after cumming for the first time. Therefore the natural role for the human male is to die after losing his virginity.
Clearly not, because I'm still alive. What you say about drones only applies to some species of bees, and it's an instinctive behavior, not a conscious decision as far as bee knowledge goes. You said rape is parasitic behavior and it's not: there's a benefit for the lineage of a female in receiving a strong male's seed. Those rape fantasies are not in women's brains by chance. It's their instinct telling their subconscious mind that there's a tradeoff in being raped and that applies to every species for which sexual selection is a driving force, one could argue that the drone that successfully rapes the queen first dies after cumming for the fist time.

>> No.21433803

Someone here >>21433004 replied to this braindead poster: >>21432931 quoting something I said here: >>21432621. If it wasn't you, shut the fuck up and piss off.

>> No.21433927

>there's a benefit for the lineage of a female in receiving a strong male's seed.
Rape spawns are always aborted, killed, neglected. Goose vagina evolved to limit the chances of impregnation by rape. Rape is parasitic behaviour, rapists are parasites.
I hope you get gang raped dude, you know male on male rape is way more common among animals than male on female rape because females are more valuable to nature.

>> No.21433941

LMAO what a bunch of nonsense. I'll leave you now with your idealized views of nature as there's no further discussion I wish to engage in.

>> No.21433943

Open a biology book retard.

>> No.21433950

What a looser pussy.
>spends christmas day on 4chan making pro rape arguments.
>ragequits conversation after somebody mentions that male on male rape exists and is way more common

>> No.21434004
File: 220 KB, 500x472, 1642172142956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee girls, I'm sorry that life doesn't roll the way you want it to. Maybe next time try reincarnating as arachnids.
>t. MSc Marine biology.

>> No.21434248

females are not more valuable to nature, nothing is, that is just more bullshit female narcissism.

>> No.21434269

>men do everything
>actually it is le women
>because behind le great man is le great woman

wow very insightful you manface bitch from my observation women have only hampered and distracted great men with their stupid frivolities, whoreish behaviour and attention seeking just look at Napoleon or Hitler for an example

>> No.21434279

>because behind le great man is le great woman

That's not what the quote is about.

>> No.21434295

It's about how women supposedly build up men's character and self esteem you retard

>> No.21434313

>self aggrandising, vain BPD riddled nutcase
>posts Weil
le pottery

>> No.21434342

>and also not want more autistic psychotics walking the streets.
Thank god you will not procreate then

>> No.21434355

You cannot be natalist yet hold bigoted opinions about who can and cannot be allowed to exist. The idea that a person can be born "wrong" is fundamentally antinatalist, if you truly believed that human life has value at base you wouldn't be proposing for the removal of "undesirables".

>> No.21434426

>You cannot be natalist yet hold bigoted opinions about who can and cannot be allowed to exist
Utter bullshit.

>> No.21434513
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>> No.21434534

>They literally give you free needles and heroin
>and heroin
I know the degenerate dutch do that but I don't think that's true in like any other country.

>especially before public education (where women still fill a vast quantity of childcare/educator roles)
Before public education women had far, far less to do with educating children.

>and sometimes gets its wires crossed; there are plenty of men who also celebrate whores
A weird thing that is particularly apparent in anime fandom: no matter how selfish or morally shitty a female character you write, they will have an abundance of male fans. I don't want to speculate vaguely as to why, I'll just say something is very much going off the rails.

>> No.21434544

Incredible insight

>> No.21434566

>le projection
Ye embittered crone.

>> No.21434574

>contrived insult regurgitated brainlessly
At least I have something to say, and an informed opinion. The vast majority of you are just a masse of irritated loafers. You don't read, scarely know what you're talking about, and while away your days with pornography and worse.

It speaks ill to your character, that so many of you take offense at good women. You're very weak.

>> No.21434576

>strawman, intended to hide your guilt at your own depravity.

>> No.21434579

I'm not even a foot man, but she does have lovely, graceful feet.

>> No.21434598

And yet, no doubt she was more courageous than you. Pathetic really, to try and smear the memory of a brave young woman. Every insult you've cast at her, is a better fit for you. Absolutely insufferable.

>> No.21434615

>all low skill jobs that require little to no training (don't even dare @ me on nursing)
The only time in human history where we really saw civilization build itself from the ground up was in greece following the bronze age collapse where being middle class meant having at least one slave so the women could sit around and do fuck all. Basically what you're arguing is that women are expendable beyond birthing and lactation.

Why would you compare bees and apes?

>And rape is insignificant evolutionarily since rape spawns will be aborted or abandoned after birth.
The time that has passed since humans first discovered that sex makes babies is evolutionarily insignificant.

>> No.21434976

>or understand others.
Sometimes understanding intensifies the hate.

He's right as long as you change "female" to "feminist". I don't know of any especially smart women who don't reject "rarrrr, grrrl power, all sex is rape and men are responsible for all the violence in the world" feminism beyond a certain age, though some entertain it when they're younger.

>> No.21434987

Feminism is women's version of men watching football. Delusions of grandeur.

>> No.21435937

I hate every women except this poor little irish luv

>> No.21436086

I don't know who this woman is and I'm certain her books are full of terrible prose.

Probably the Sylvia Plath of her day. Pampered, parochial and talentless. The key thing to literature is to suffer. Suffering begets perspective, and women who do not have significant genuine trauma (rape, poverty, homelessness, abuse, etc.) do not have the perspective necessary to write good literature.

>> No.21436111

It doesn't degrades life. It degrades the divine soul which is within every human.

The more a person replaces intimacy with casual sex, the less divine the are, and their nature comes closer to the life of pigs.

Anyone who has had sex with multiple partners, instead of intimate sex with their wife/husband, has left humanity, and cannot ever return.

>> No.21436116

Recreational sex can be intimate when it's with your partner, even if eventually you break up with her.

>> No.21436126 [DELETED] 

If you eventually "break up" with her she was never your partner. Le breaking up is a teenage behavior, not mature. If leaving someone isn't traumatic then you were never properly invested in them, and thus definitionally all actions between you weren't genuinely intimate.

>> No.21436132

>If you eventually "break up" with her she was never your partner.
That's nonsense. People and circumstances change, and it's unhealthy to cling to the past.

>> No.21436782

Stop fucking children

>> No.21437133

her books are full of terrible purpose

>> No.21437160

She definitely has racist and anti-semitic feelings, how she got away with the goblins is beyond me.

>> No.21437661


>> No.21437924

The comma here is very important.

>> No.21438865

>t. seething foid

>> No.21439939

Ok. What are some good male writers?

>> No.21440445

based and daddypilled

>> No.21441143

I think promiscuity is "wrong" insofar that it corresponds to a debasement and degeneration of western society. Some may call this "progress" or a return to a more "natural " state of sexuality, but this is just an ad hoc justification. The primacy of the natural only arises to color the degeneration in flowery language and to justify their own hedonism. Moreover, it turns sexuality into a transactional exchange with no reasonability attached to the act; it produces children without fathers, poverty for single mothers, and greater intervention by the state in order to provide for children that are born without proper families. At the worst of this "natural" sexual expression is unborn children being vacuumed out of wombs as a final form of birth control when all else fails.

>> No.21441485

I've always thought it was funny that the Asian girl was named Cho Chang. That has to be the most squinty eyed yellow Chinese name you could come up with, it's hilarious.

>> No.21441665

Sounds about right.

>> No.21441913

My love is the purest platonic love there ever was u wont get it nigger also believe it or not im a woman

>> No.21442243

I honestly don't understand why people say things like this. If anything, this is what sounds like a cope
Just assuredly doing things doesn't make you respectable. You can't will yourself to respectability
>Inb4 "well maybe YOU can't"

>> No.21442592

>Humans didn't know that sex = babies for most of their history
Just because you've never had sex doesn't mean

>> No.21442730

Were you trying to say something?

>> No.21443970

>women now control the dating market
Stop swiping right on every fat, ugly girl with zits and skinny "model" (bimbo) with no intellectual content, also stop paying for soft amateur porn on OF etc, or better yet, stop paying for porn at all; we gentlemen will gain our power back in no time-- women are whoring for attention. When women will see they dont get the only commodity they desire, they will begin simping for every fat manchild whom lives in mama's basement.