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21428656 No.21428656 [Reply] [Original]

>Books you've read this year

>> No.21428661

You started 54 books and finished 2?? Why did you drop so many books??

>> No.21428664

I can swing it.

>> No.21428699
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I read like 40 books half way and finished none, maybe like 1.

>> No.21428720
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I read 7 books so far
I started reading as a hobby this year
May not be much but im still a novice

>> No.21428729

30/i didn't set a goal

>> No.21428740

31 books

>> No.21428824

18 so far, but I'll probably finish one more by the end of the year

>> No.21428832

same, though the books I read were probably only like 350 pages long on average

>> No.21428851

That’s respectable. Next year might be twice as much.
Posting that “meme” is not respectable, however.

>> No.21428860
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I disagree, thoughever.

>> No.21428890
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I simply didn't mean to post the jaks as a meme, it is to signify my gratitude for literature as it has helped me immensely.
I will try to make it twice the amount or even more in 2023

>> No.21429051

None anon I'm burnt out

Made some attempts though...

>> No.21429057

did you read 2 good ones at least

>> No.21429092

No, they were both about transitioning (I'm trans btw)

>> No.21429114

This numbering doesn't really matter. This year I read 1,000 pages of the Tanakh, and a lot of my reading was spread out among many books. My "number" would be highly if I was more strict about what I read, but ultimately I did more reading by going my own way.

>> No.21429123
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ive been reading again since 2020 and ive only read 28 books

for what its worth many of them were pretty long and Ive thoroughly enjoyed myself

>> No.21429126

Books are like dicks, better a few long hard ones than a lot of little ones or any bearing a woman's name

>> No.21429136


>> No.21429164

3 maybe 4

>> No.21429187

What the fuck is your problem? Are you telling me you’re too fucking lazy to add “books” to the end of your number? This is why online discourse is so terrible people rarely do anything the proper way and instead do this half-assed attempts at communication that does nothing but discourage other people from engaging in discourse. I truly wish you would amend your ways but I doubt you will. This place and this board has become the greatest farce on the internet and why the internet is, ultimately, going to ruin our ability to conceive and communicate ideas. I think after this post I’ll finally buy that van I’ve been wanting and quit my job. Just to do anything to get away from it all. To be truly by myself away from the inane thoughts and half completed sentiments of others. Truly I wish I could engage with others but the discourse in the digital age has eroded so much that I think it would be the equivalent of a well meaning priest preaching the triumvirate to a loincloth wearing savage. Not only do/would/are my words going to go over everyone else’s heads but also I will be met with nothing but hostility, all for wanting to have a place to articulate my experiences and feelings for literature and to meet likeminded people. I’m afraid that ship has sailed and I am alone, an island of myself, by myself, surrounded by a sea of mediocre midwits. I’ve said too much. I’ve had 4 shots of Popov vodka, I think it’s time for me to leave this site. Goodbye you disingenuous bastard.

>> No.21429189

Yes, they were 2k pages combined but still 2 books in the end

>> No.21429191
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I am on track

>> No.21429206

Since my kid got born my reading nose dived. But he's a bit older now, so I finished the 6 books I've been reading since forever by October, then just took off like a rocket. 25 books read since Oct 1st.

So even if you read well, it's ok to have bad years. In fact my reading has a season, roughly the autumn to winter when things get cosy. The rest of the year other hobbies may take over.

Reading just 1 book makes you as much a reader as someone who reads 100

>> No.21429229

Is it true that you can get more reading done in the morning than before sleeping?

>> No.21429237
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89/I didn't set a challenge

>> No.21429239

for me fuck yes

>> No.21429252

then that's one habit to develop: reading for an hour or so each morning. the only issue would be that I read on my phone, which is not very convenient in terms of concentration (and not very healthy either)

>> No.21429506

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21429801

16/25, about 5000 pages

I really wanted to reach the book/2weeks but I guess since i set that goal late in the year it didn't really work out

>> No.21429809

kek, same
how not to be like that? is there some discord chats like cig to chat with anons and be more accountable?

>> No.21429811
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>39 out of 45
New Years resolution: stop being such a weakass pussy

>> No.21429828

over 200 lol

>> No.21429836
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I've only read one and it was The Hobbit. I literally don't read much.

>> No.21430455
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55 books this year
2 if i exclude comic books and manga

>> No.21430495 [DELETED] 
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i am in the process of finishing these

>> No.21430515
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i am currently reading 19

i haven't finished any of them. i get bored and i end up starting a new one lmao

>> No.21430577 [DELETED] 

i only remember reading two books. i listened to a shitload of audiobooks but i don't count that. i feel like i must have read more than just TWO books all year? oh, wait, i read dune last winter, so if you throw in that pulpy sci-fi, then that makes three. damn. oh, wait, i read wise blood this year. ok, four books. i think that's really it though, four books. one per season wouldn't be bad if they were like canonical TOMES but like other than dune the all average 300 pages. damn, i really hope i forgot some, but i think that's really it.

>> No.21430580

>hit 50/50 today
>only started counting them in June

>> No.21430784
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>> No.21430852

One good book a year is fine.

>> No.21430907

I read 476 books last year with an average of 655 pages per book. All in original language of course. I speak 9 languages and finished my 476th on a flight from Rome to Boston, in order to successfully reach my goal I had to cheat the time zones but it was worth it.

>> No.21430917

Yeah anon, give into the self-indulgence. Scream till you can't, cry out at the void, there won't be any consequences for doing so. It's all the same 30 miles on the gulf stream, I hear the south wind moan, the shrimp boat's coming home.

>> No.21431032

61 or 62, I'll probably finish 2 or 3 more since I don't work for a few days. My only goal was to finish the chart I was reading which meant reading Das Kapital. That was a massive bitch to read.

>> No.21431126
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I can’t get past basically the halfway point of Ulysses so I gave up. That being said all I read this year I think was blood Meridian, the passenger, the picture of Dorian gray, a portrait of the artist as a young man, those are honestly my only full reads I can think of. I read only half of books too often. If I pick up Ulysses again I may be able to get it read by bloomsday. That would be neato

>> No.21431133

You’re even more retarded than him

>> No.21431169

>for what its worth many of them were pretty long and Ive thoroughly enjoyed myself
Well done

>> No.21431444

I've read nothing so far.

>> No.21431917

24 books

>> No.21431996
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54 books.

18390 pages,
which is 51 pages per day, on average.

Estimated pages read by the end of this year: 18697.

The average length of the books I've read is 340 pages.

>> No.21432022

>started 1
>finished 0

>> No.21432058


>> No.21432085
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Basic Economics, And then there were None, Child 44, Last 100 days of WW2, Child 44.

>> No.21432124


Hoping to polish off my 2022 book-a-week challenge in the holiday next week.

>> No.21432146

11/14 but I should be able to get it to 13/14

only leftover will be V, I got filtered

>> No.21432212

I wanted to read 20 books, ended up reading 30 books. There were some very short ones in the mix but I'm still quite pleased.

>> No.21432220

I have found the giga sigma grindset.

I was able to read over 100 books in 2022 by simply combining
>physical books

And before some fucktard even dares to say "MUH AUDIOBOOK ARE NOT READING", I exclusively use audiobooks to "reread". It's insane how audiobooks help me to improve my real reading. Because I know what I read, audiobooks are a perfect reminder how good I were.

But of those 100 books around 60 are university/PHD (not the pimping hoes degree, the real PhD) books, which were required for my studies, so it's a little bit of cheating the numbers up.

>> No.21432232

all were textbooks of various subjects, domains of various interest like mathematics and computer science, achitecture etc.

>> No.21432236

I didn't have a goal but got into EA/Rat this year.
Doing Good Better, The Precipice, 80,000 Hours, Superintelligence, The Alignment Problem, The Scout Mindset, Rationality: AI to Zombies, HPMoR 3 or 4 times, about half the Slate Star Codex archive, and currently on Unsong
Wanted to get to Godel Escher Bach, but it's on the list for next year.
All audiobooks/podcasts. I can't read nigga

>> No.21432369

I don't keep track of physical books but my kindle says I finished two

>> No.21432383
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I did ok over the summer, but ended up getting obsessed with Pokemon Clover for months

>> No.21432414
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