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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2142799 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /lit/, I'm extremely tired and cannot for the life of me discern which literary device is being employed in the following sentence: "The silence that now filled the rooms and corridors tasted of sorrow". This must appear to be a ridiculous question, but please, HALP.

>> No.2142804

it's using the retarded faggot literary device

>> No.2142807

postmodern surrealist parallelism

>> No.2142808

it's called the "anal cannon"

>> No.2142810

silence doesn't literally fill a room (meatphor!) and i guess they're going for imagery with the 'tasted' bit

that's a fucking stupid sentence, btw

>> No.2142812
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>> No.2142813
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>mfw i type meatphor
>implying your thread is worth the effort of fixing it

>> No.2142814

i hope you aren't paying too much for a community college English class whose teacher writes awful example sentences like that OP

>> No.2142815

silly op you cant taste sorrow.

>> No.2142822

I go to the public school, and my teacher writes example sentences like:
"After the ass is filled with puke, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up."
What do, /lit/?

>> No.2142831

wouldn't that actually be personification, then?

>> No.2142878

Sorrow tastes like saltwater and BO

>> No.2142881

After the ass is filled with sorrow, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of sorrows and ass for the ultimate metaphor!