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File: 172 KB, 658x851, Open_Borders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21423082 No.21423082 [Reply] [Original]

What did I think of it?

>> No.21423084

Soulless cover for a soulless book

>> No.21423113

Fuck your outrage-mongering. It’s almost Christmas, don’t you have anything better to do?

>> No.21423209
File: 977 KB, 320x240, 1670712739866761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what have you guys been reading this december?
I'm finishing up Odd John as we speak

>> No.21423259

(((Zach Weinersmith)))
I don't even have to look up early life for that one

>> No.21423265

>graphic novel
It could be the most redpilled shit and I still would be disgusted.

>> No.21423266

Uh, you mean it's the holidays, right goy?

>> No.21423340

it's a normal book.

>> No.21424500
File: 598 KB, 536x681, Credit Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall saving one page from it because it was so absurd i thought it was some kind of /pol/ false flag

It seems to think that social trust is some kind of gullibility.

>> No.21424508

>Only thing that matters is economic growth
Hang every single economist and burn every single book they wrote

>> No.21424530

>muh number go up

>> No.21424538

Opened the thread to post this. It's hard to tell if Caplan is intentionally subversive or merely autistic - his arguments are along the lines of "Controversial policy X is good given Y and Z", and he MUST know that this will only ever be interpreted by those in power as justification for X without any intention of ever considering Y or Z. At the end of the day this sort of person is just too dangerous to be allowed to speak freely.

>> No.21424539

It's only really neoliberals who believe in that, and while many economists are neoliberals, not all of them are.

>> No.21424540

Caplan(/Kaplan) is another really obvious one that really only other jews or antisemites catch.

Oh god lmao

>> No.21424545

I didn't find any clue on his Wikipedia page

>> No.21424551

It's amazing how you can tell the author is upper class. The only way you develop a mindset like >>21424500 is if you don't need trust to survive. Lower class people need some form of cultural unity to cope with their situation.

>> No.21424561

You fags are retarded.
The reason this >>21424500 is cringe is because they're quantifying trust. Never trust any sort of statistic like that.

>> No.21424574

I was curious (even though it is obvious). He confirms it here in the quoted exchange and the preceding paragraph

>> No.21424578
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ah well

>> No.21424587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21424601

What's with the faces? Is everybody supposed to look like an ugly jew?

>> No.21424605

>Boston, San Franscisco
>Do those cities really scare you?
Yes. The streets are covered in feces and used needle. Why would anybody want that?

>> No.21424612

>dude trust is overrated
>gets mugged and kniferaped

>> No.21424630

Last night, I was thinking about communities after reading about ordinary language philosophy and Wittgenstein's idea that "communities are ultimate," then I had a dream about living in a small community. It turned out almost everyone was a spy, which I found out after following a guy who kept speaking French near my trailer home, who were working for a group outside the community, and after I exclaimed that this French guy is a spy literally everyone started killing each other. I hopped on a mounted machine gun (which after awhile transformed into a laser beam gun) and started mowing people down and completely obliterated the house next to mine.

>> No.21424661
File: 44 KB, 648x523, Huffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live in a trailer park IRL or just in your dream?

>> No.21424664

how do these end up outside /ohm/

>> No.21424672

Jews I love you but you do realize it's this kind of thing, right?


>> No.21424676

In my dream. The house next to mine was on a tiny cliff, and when the mounted machine gun turned into a laser beam gun I beamed the cliff causing the house to collapse.

>> No.21424694
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>> No.21424711

Let school teachers decide your children's gender and then inject them full of chemicals and mutilate their genitals. It's Science™, you'll love it.
- the Experts

>> No.21424712 [DELETED] 

>ask the jew if open borders are so great, why doesnt israel do them
there you go
end of discussion
simple as
ask the jew why arent synagogues full of nwords, why his own sons arent trannies and why his daughters arent all racemixing with 70 iq races

>> No.21424753

>all the dumbfucks replying to this post
Maximal trust is not a terminal good, retards. Guess what happens to the return of defecting when everyone else trusts? A lack of trust must be balanced off against its mirror to neuter both and allow civilisation to exist. Hyper high trust communities have a tendency to explode, as that's simply not how whumans are, and the external situation that forced that result is most likely to be dangerous enough to destroy the community, or to be defeated by it, only to lose the trust that was birthed to cope with it.

Hint: which country called equally all its citizens 'comrade' prior to all the backstabbing?
All extremes invert: BECAUSE THEY ARE UNNATURAL : the times when there's a surfeit of trust, or anything, are scary times.

Note: trust is relative. Extreme right side of the bell curve trust of a hunter gatherer community is different from a modern state. What matters is whether it is an extreme relative to the norm of that time and place. There can be a continued tendency in a certain direction, such as to a greater degree of trust, which continues quite beside the normal cyclical nature of risk and confidence. This is how Europe developed the modern world.

>> No.21424763

How do more people not see that this is just one totalitarian regime in place of another

If this were a conservative authoritarian regime it would use state media to say things like
>Homosexuals are perverse and have hairy palms, new study from State University shows

What's amazing to me is that at least it's comprehensible when an authoritarian state consciously creates propaganda for its moral consensus. Who is creating the immorality consensus? It spontaneously generates from every industry, every sector of life that is even remotely liberal

>> No.21424789

>How do more people not see that this is just one totalitarian regime in place of another
The authoritarian regime that puts women and faggots in their place, regardless of how truthful it's beliefs and propaganda are, is right in spirit (and I say that believing that it is more likely to be right in a very literal sense as well).

>> No.21424793

This may be true; it's also pilpul that Caplan himself might write in a more earnest and friendly tone

>> No.21424823

How is it right in spirit?

>> No.21424952
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Here's a more accurate version

>> No.21424965


>> No.21424998
File: 566 KB, 611x791, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the authors unironically saying that there should be no borders?

>> No.21425010

If I recall Caplan's actual argument is that they should be allowed to immigrate and work freely without being granted citizenship/voting rights. That might've been the other kike, Yglesias, though. At any rate it's blindingly obvious that these people would soon be enfranchised by any party that could gain votes from it, hence pilpul.

>> No.21425022
File: 920 KB, 3557x1817, altruism hijacked - cuckoos and brood parasitism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the weird argument you made here about russians being high trust is just a far-fangled mess Tbh. in authoritarian communist regimes there is a need to put on appearances because the oppression of the autocracy makes daily life itself into a performance
literally none of that has anything to do with trust, but instead a facade of trust to enable dysfunctional rulership

write your post again, you made zero good points here, I'm not sure you even know what you're trying to say
when studying humans, do it from the perspective of anthropology. we are simply animals, we exist as tribes, like flocks of birds, or a pride of lions
when solidarity is turned against a group the only natural and reasonable response is to be reciprocal, failing to do that simply results in one's own eventual extinction. it's not fucking complicated

>> No.21425025

You thought it was self affirming nonsense for people who have already fully bought in to its ideology and its corporate faux-toothless globalist status quo affirmations without a single critical thought.

>> No.21425050

no, immigration policy is about where you CAN'T go, not about where you can

>> No.21425051

Very poor post. You've betrayed both your own stupidity and a lack of understanding of the matters at hand, rather repeating a trite knock-off Hobbesian mantra that lacks any relation to that discussed. You didn't even try to engage with my (correct) points.

Though I confess I did a retard and accidentally wrote comrade rather that citizen—I was referring to the comradery of the French revolution, thought the Soviet one had an equal effect.

>> No.21425053
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>> No.21425068

>I’m anti-open borders
>translation: I’m a cuck okay with governments trampling now all over my right to roam

>> No.21425069

Can I roam into your house right now and get between your wife and her boyfriend in your bed?

>> No.21425079

Me, my house and my wife are real objects/people, a country are borders are fictional entities that only exist in paper

>> No.21425086

Your ownership over your house and the surrounding land are fictional entities that only exists on paper. The laws are fictional entities that only exist on paper. I claim the sovereign right to go anywhere I want. "Right to roam" is self-evident, and not to be restricted by any subclauses. Right to roam is right to roam. I will be roaming into your wife's twosome with the man you met on Tinder and you can continue filming if you want.

>> No.21425101
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me, my house and my wife are real objects/people, a country are borders are fictional entities that only exist in paper
The absolute state of naive materialism never ceases to amaze.

>> No.21425104
File: 231 KB, 545x530, 1671663197416836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are anglos such cucks for multicultural and immigration
No other people besides swedes love immigrants running around their country more than anglos

>> No.21425107

>medium trust is better for national prosperity
>measured in GDP growth
Well yeah, that is a statistical fluke, as both effects are caused by import of cheap labor that pushes wages down, letting the majority become poorer (with the added bonus of losing a sense of trust and community), while richfags who employ others get richer from cheaper labor costs and enjoy themselves in gated communities.
And you're completely right by the way, it reads like parody, and if it isn't, holy fucking shit how many worms must you have in your brains to make this?

Of course you can quantify trust - not exhaustively, perhaps not even very precisely, but that doesn't matter if you can reasonably say that X makes it go down and Y makes it go up.

Literally no one advocated for maximal trust. Before typing out an entire essay, take 5 seconds to consider if you are fighting strawmen.

>> No.21425109
File: 2.56 MB, 1607x1039, 9293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

>> No.21425115

Honestly the Swede thing is a meme using selective data which can be found anywhere. Probably started by JIDF on /pol/ because the Swedes haven‘t bent on the Israel issue.

>> No.21425126

Yes because „native-born“ includes blacks

Also lmao at beaners should have legal carte blanche not to be beholden to everybody else‘s regulatory standards

>> No.21425134

You know Christmas is one of the holidays during this season and it's in two days, right? Kwanzaa was invented to make Christmas break longer, negroes don't even like it. Hanukkah isn't a holiday that human beings celebrate. And new years isn't for a week.
Merry Christmas, Abram Scroogeberg

>> No.21425164

>Kwanzaa was invented to make Christmas break longer, negroes don't even like it.
no it was invented by a communist kike because he didnt like the idea of blacks being Christianised by living in america, its the original wakanda forever Christmas special

>> No.21425188

Reform synagogues are full of nwords, trannies and racemixers. Most American Jews are part of that denomination.

Orthodox Jews (the guys who run Israel) are the ones who are against these things. Despite that Israel has many Ethiopian nword Jews and Ashkenazi trannies.

Do some research, goy.

>> No.21425195


>We need enough trust to make credit cards work.

Just about sums up social engineering in the West since World War 2.

>> No.21425203

Take your meds. Maulana Karenga was black, not a Jew.

>> No.21425226

blacks are the true israelites

>> No.21425240

the church is israel. kikes are canaanites. blacks are entirely irrelevant.

>> No.21425320

>non citizen incarceration rates are basically the same as native born
>but also they are over represented in federal prison
I have no idea how you could possibly present these two ideas with a straight face without providing some more fucking data on those claims.
Is it just bad or is it being disingenuous in some way?

>> No.21425355

>Is it just bad or is it being disingenuous in some way?
Given the format it's clearly meant for general audiences, mixing in just enough disconnected data with its lowbrow emotional appeals to satisfy their intellectual insecurities.

>> No.21425368

Dude you've been playing too much tf2.

>> No.21425789

The nation state model is obsolete, borders are obstacles to mankind’s progress.
Nothing worse than outdated institutions clinging on and dragging everyone down with them

>> No.21425819
File: 86 KB, 538x1024, 1661802838964238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Progress" is the original "two weeks" meme

>The North is an industrial society and the South is an agricultural society, might that have something to do with this civil war?
It's progress! Trust the plan
>The fascists got out of the Great Depression 10x faster than everybody else and we are just doing pale imitations of their national socialist welfare programs to catch up. Maybe laissez faire economics + radical individualism is a bad combo after all?
Trust the plan
>real growth stopped in the 70s
Trust the plan
>Everyone's a retard now
Trust the plan
>There is a growing underclass of druggies and freaks
Trust the plan
>parents are cutting off their kids' dicks
Trust the plan
>racial grievances are being stoked by the "individualist" media and encouraging pogroms against whites in their own home countries
Trust the plan

>> No.21425848

You, your house, and your waifu are just a bunch of atoms bouncing around like billiard balls with no strict separation from the atoms of the "outside world". "You" don't exist.

>> No.21425923

>Caplan and Wienersmith

>> No.21425957

once "they" start advocating for open borders in their ethnostate I'll start listening to them

>> No.21425976 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 647x1031, 4E8403F3-A467-4C20-87ED-20733DCBC572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT - paranoid right-wing chuds

>> No.21425980 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21425988

I saw this book being sold in my university bookstore, meaning there is some fucking professor assigning this garbage

>> No.21425997
File: 31 KB, 917x1027, 3B88F6CD-31A3-4F88-B273-F47F64FFBBE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I saw this book being sold in my university bookstore, meaning there is some fucking professor assigning this garbage

>> No.21426005


The Case For Genocide of Current & Former CIA Agents.

>> No.21426016

You are basement dweller, you can “genocide” only your dick, wanker.

>> No.21426030

>Immigrants, who are selected for class and education, and have to pass through a variety of hurtles and background checks to even be allowed into the country, have a lower rate of incarceration than native borns
>Therefore, we should get rid of these hurtles and background checks, because immigrants are less innately criminal than the Wh*te W*rking Cl*ss.
I don't even disagree with the idea of open borders in principle, but this guy is clearly being disingenuous.
In general, America's financial class should be evaporated in ovens.

>> No.21426037


>> No.21426050

I can tell you are a poojeet just from your writing style lmao

You will never be white, Mr. Patel

>> No.21426057

How's 8th grade, dumdum?

>> No.21426059 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 580x545, 1670730353462476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>financial class

HOO HOO could that be?

>> No.21426062

Orthodox Jews are based. Hail. I love Israel.

>> No.21426063

Kek good eye

>> No.21426071

I unironically support open borders. Nations should be cultural zones, not political entities. For example, anyone in the world who wants to join say the Polish or Zulu cultures should be free to move to Poland or South Africa.

That said open borders only work once all areas have a similar high living standard. So for now borders must remain, but eventually they will disappear.

>> No.21426073
File: 31 KB, 392x590, FC3BC385-6901-4869-8CA5-4A79A04904DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex incel

>> No.21426074
File: 194 KB, 680x554, 58E4BE7E-4237-4692-97BF-3895CB0647E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek good eye

>> No.21426081
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>> No.21426094

Use indoor plumbing, stinky

>> No.21426110
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>> No.21426124
File: 587 KB, 2048x1524, DE3CA564-A898-4ED2-8906-4BF61362DFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you-you STINK!
Imagine being white whiny loser like you

>> No.21426135
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>we need enough trust to make credit cards work
Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it.

>> No.21426143

>native born
This has no meaning anymore when most native born people have foreign parents

>> No.21426158

What is this picture supposed to be?

>> No.21426160

Western civilization

>> No.21426162

“White” “race”

>> No.21426178 [DELETED] 

That is one of the most jewish things I have ever read. Anyone reading this needs to understand the jews are genetically evil beyond your comprehension. They have poisoned everything they are allowed to touch.

>> No.21426182

You're talking to chud/nazis=trannies/hitler was gay spammer, he does this all day and is unironically insane

>> No.21426189

Why would you love them? They unconsciously hate you on a genetic level. BTW I get along with them and they have know each idea I’m on to them.

>> No.21426197
File: 69 KB, 353x565, on-the-jews-their-lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21426226
File: 48 KB, 590x330, JewsLoveWalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a "gotcha" anymore really. Most left-wing jews in the US are anti-Israeli government by this point

Israeli gov HAS called for closed borders in western countries btw

>> No.21426236

It's me and my friends at a convention that i accidently posted

>> No.21426240

>goy wants a big house with a pool and stereo
>goy has no applicable skill besides burger-flipping, because it is a dumb goy
>takes out loan for his big-ass pool-house
>bank: "sign here, you will have to pay it back though"
>goy then later shocked to discover it has to pay back the loan it has since wasted on drugs and frivolous presents
>economy collapses

>> No.21426241

You know what a fucking loser you are?

>> No.21426244
File: 116 KB, 640x853, pol master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry bros just 2 more weeks and kanye will save us and we'll have friends finally

>> No.21426245

>mentally disabled shitskinned tranny giving its opinion on economics

>> No.21426249

This was a leftist false flag exposed years ago btw. Wouldn't expect a dumb ape like you to know it ha

>> No.21426250
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>goyim are so stupid they will literally import billions of evil subhumans into their own countries to replace them without being aware of it
why did God allow for the creation of such a weak, servile race? What purpose can such a intellectually devoid group have? Even cows won't allow themselves to be eaten by a predator because the farmer says so. Goys are below cows by this point.

>> No.21426255
File: 444 KB, 700x632, gay nazi history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was trans though

>> No.21426257

>This was a leftist false flag exposed years ago btw.

>> No.21426258

They make you goblins mad and you’re very annoying

>> No.21426265
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, 4chan vs reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fake haha i have no proof but trust me

>> No.21426328

Lmao. Reminds me of the debates over open borders and free movement in my country the UK when we had the brexit referendum.

The remainef side was filled with with the rich and upper middle class. Who basically had a weird mix of arguing that it’s racist to restrict immigration, and that we needed foreigners to do the poor person jobs (Convenient that they were fine with poor natives having their jobs undercut but not their own)

This culminated in some remainder left wing celebrity saying to a brexit politicians
“if you ban the poles, who will clean your toilet!” As if it was some big own. Instead obviously this just made her look like a retard

Went about as well as you’d think.

One thing I don’t like about the alliance of mega corporations and left wingers coming together to force mass migration is that it creates the same problem Rome had

Rome had a massive economic problem just before Caesar came to power. Namely that there was a big unemployment problem for romans because there were TOO MANY SLAVES. Who the land owning elite would then just use for no payment other than life essentials to farm it for them.

This led to mass unrest. Unemployment. And poor yields due to lack of incentive.

It’s one of the reasons Caesar was so popular. One of the first reforms he made was breaking up the land barons. Giving parcels of land to actual roman families to farm. And making a quota to ensure you didn’t have too many slaves.

Modern day equivalent in places like the USA or Western Europe is poor migrants working for mega corps as manual labourers and food pickers.

Here in the UK there was a whole industry pre brexit where Romanians and other poor Eastern European’s who could get here via free movement would arrive as “Workers” for the summer. Pick fruit all day for a tiny amount of money (while also paying the farmers for housing, food, amenities and using their in farm shop). Because they’d still make a lot of money compared to back home

And this was considered acceptable. Even though it was pure exploitation. Left wingers didn’t give a shit.

>> No.21426348

Cool it with the antisemitism, bud.

>> No.21426354

>obvious shoop
Nice one dumbass

Answer honestly: do you have a mental disability?

>> No.21426358

Ya and the h********* happened, stupid

>> No.21426365

Seems like the way to fix our problems would be to abolish wage slavery and redistribute land

>> No.21426374

One other thing about the whole Rome/modern comparison.

Rome actually had several occasions where it’s feasible they could’ve had the start of an industrial revolution. So did China. They both have recorded instances of people who invented or produced steam powered devices.

Except this went nowhere other than small instances of curiosities. Why? Because who would care to invest in a steam powered device that could cut a wheat field when we have free slaves to do it for cheaper already?

Same in China. I don’t believe they were literally slaves, much more often something akin to the serf system such as Russia. (Which also had a huge problem catching up to the Western European in industrialising thanks to keeping the serf system so long)

Capitalism, the rise of a middle class, and the incentive to improve the means of how to do things rather than just have it done by cheap labour because the labour pool is infinite. Is important.

It’s why Western Europe’s peasants went from oppressed nobodies to being massively influential after the Black Death. So many died that lords had to compete for peasants to actually work their land with increasingly better offers. Peasants became wealthy enough to either live well, or even buy their way into nobility.

And of course. This all incentivises the means to do the current job better.

Easiest comparison I can think of in modern day for England is this. 25 years ago if you wanted your car washed. You’d just drive to a car washing place. The kind with the machine that brushes and waxes and sprays it.

After the early 2000’s migrant waves from Eastern Europe. Most of those went out of business because it’s cheaper to hire 3 Bulgarians to clean cars with sponges and buckets all day than to maintain a big machine.

I imagine it’s why japan has so much innovation. Their immigration remains consistently low and with a declining population they increasingly need to accommodate for circumstances without relying on people (I legit believe you will have some form of robotic/AI programs that serve as carers for elderly Japanese people within the next few decades)

>> No.21426384
File: 95 KB, 480x600, 3F27D87E-6224-4042-8FDB-DD15E9ECC831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the miserable life of a worm, who is immersed in conspiracy theories and the groypers twitter, that pissed off this post

>> No.21426386
File: 22 KB, 474x462, 1615568519324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to spend an awful lot of time taunting "chuds" on 4chan. Do you think that maybe it would be a good idea to get a different hobby?

>> No.21426394

Abolishing wage slavery by doing what? Might as well pass a law saying everybody is happy.

Redistributing land is a good idea but I honestly can’t think of a seamless or good way to do it without pissing off a huge group regardless. Caesar did it and he was assassinated soon after.

In the UK, we have a very weird system.

Obviously you have land that is owned by individuals. Land owned by companies etc.

But the vast majority is “crown estate”. Technically owned by the current Monarch, preveriously Queen Elizabeth. Now King Charles.

That amounts to 55% of all land in the UK IIRC

However. In practice this just makes it government land. The monarch has about as much say about it as they have say with laws. Zero.

I think there’s some symbolic thing each year where the government pays the monarchy a tiny amount of money for “renting” their land but it’s really nothing.

Regardless. How would you imagine redistributing said crown land would go in as helpful a way as possible? Usually when these things happen. With say. One family getting a certain plot. A rich person or entity often buys up as much of the land as they can early on and a ton of people are happier with the immediate money than land they can’t do much with. Creating the same problem as before

>> No.21426397
File: 4 KB, 165x115, B5711BCF-95FF-478E-8AD3-B379ADF98840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I forbid you to touch our save space

>> No.21426398

Did you have a stroke? This reads like word salad

>> No.21426403

Should've never let them back in


>> No.21426413

Even the demon is horrified

>> No.21426419

There's nothing wrong with that page. Not enough trust or too much trust both lead to dysfunction. You need some degree of envy, which is a breach of trust, to get people to be more socially productive. Without it, everyone stays cooped up at home in isolation, or in the same minimum wage job forever, unproductive and wasteful.

>> No.21426447

Too much trust is only a problem if the people are not trustworthy in the first place, in other words a one-sided relationship. Too little trust is bad in all situations.

>> No.21426449

Countries with high trust have higher happiness ratings and longer life spans though.

I’d rather work a simple job in an Italian village with good weather, a wife and a close knit community than work super hard and be stressed all the time in Chicago looking for love on tinder

>> No.21426455

I think its more the fact that you're a stupid loser

>> No.21426471
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For now, white working class are stupid losers.

>> No.21426472

>in high trust society people dont do anything
Name two examples right now

>> No.21426474

>Ethiopian nword Jews
Whom they sterilize

>> No.21426479

>I imagine it’s why japan has so much innovation. Their immigration remains consistently low and with a declining population they increasingly need to accommodate for circumstances without relying on people (I legit believe you will have some form of robotic/AI programs that serve as carers for elderly Japanese people within the next few decades)
i'm just waiting for some anon to reply to this particular point with the most monstrously deformed basedjak saying that you're wrong and that japan is actually a 3rd world country

>> No.21426491

The most peaceful countries are relatively worthless in terms of innovation

>> No.21426494

You should drop everything and read the first 50~ pages of The Law of Civilization and Decay by Brooks Adams.

>> No.21426505

Japanese are not as efficient as they make themselves out to be.
Karoshi, death from overwork, is a common problem in Japan. Japanese people work absurd hours, if they were so efficient and innovative wouldn’t they have shorter workweeks?
Also, Japan’s demographics are pretty fucking bad. It’s population is greying, meaning a lot of Japanese boomers are retiring and there’s increasingly less young people working to pay for their retirement funds.
As for robots, they’ve advanced a fair bit since Asimo but the things are still clunky as hell, robot elderly caretakers are still in the realm of science fiction and this is very bad since people are getting old NOW

>> No.21426508
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>unironic /pol/ thread on /lit/
The absolute state of this fucking board. Is there any place where I can talk about books without the echo chamber screaming, shit flinging, and hyperpoliticized opinions on every single thing?
Or is every place on the internet tainted with this shit anymore?

>> No.21426543

Everyone missing the actual disingenuous part of this graph is an npc (every other reply). This graph is the NUMBER of incarcerations, not the percentage.

>> No.21426551

>Karoshi, death from overwork, is a common problem in Japan.
common problem in america too but people act like it doesn't exist
japanese people """""work""""" absurd hours because they spend 4 hours a day drinking after work with colleagues, sleeping at their desk and pretending to work - wow, the horror

a country can survive and rebuild if a top heavy aged population dies out, a country that is flooded with immigrants is lost forever

>> No.21426555
File: 140 KB, 1024x1022, 2D6A51D4-E626-4D15-A417-3E0C0107974F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, author has 4 children. So, more than all right-wing incels here combined.

>> No.21426562

>t. Literal tranny
Nice cope

>> No.21426566

If incels had children they wouldn't be incels, you dumb tranny.

>> No.21426567

Imagine be on one side with stupid 70 IQ racist bigots and be proud of it ew.

>> No.21426571

/pol/ are based

>> No.21426585

>dumb tranny is so mad it can't even formulate a coherent sentence
>actually thinks high IQs are on the left with all the blm apes
Top kek, you subhuman t***** freak. Read a book sometime, when you've stopped obsessively playing with your blown out asshole, faggot.

>> No.21426587

This. Only low IQs, trannies amd dark-skinned plebians are afraid of /pol/.

>> No.21426644

The progress mania is as outdated as the nation state concept.

>> No.21426678

>Most left-wing jews in the US are anti-Israeli government by this point
Kayfabe. They still vote, donate and campaign for Dems, who are very happy to give money to Israel (just like Rs). The only two Democrats against Israel are Tlaib (Palestinian) and Omar who only exists to convince Muslims to vote blue - that's why she has a problem with Israel but doesn't give a fuck about the turkish occupation of Cyprus (private meetings with Erdogan all the time).

>> No.21426932

Nobody called each other comrade in private life, and neither did the governments address their citizens as comrades.

>> No.21426951

The "borders are fictional lines" argument is always only heard from ultra-retards and malicious snaketongues. If borders are fictional then why do they want to be on my side of the border?

>> No.21426998

Envy is the opposite of trust? What is this drivel?

>> No.21427013
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Every time

>> No.21427045

Germanic genes are rotten and inevitably lead to the freeman tendency, which inevitably leads to a complete collapse in social boundaries and all kinds of disastrous libertine behavior
>Inb4 Nazis mentioned
The Nazis were a last-ditch societal response to this tendency which emerged during the Weimar Republic; civilization sought to protect itself from the genetic tendency of its constituents, but failed

>> No.21427048

Read some philosophy and you will realize that all of those items listed are less real than a highly retweeted Twitter post

>> No.21427061
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Oh shoot you posted the Chud picture again! I'm really seething this time. Darn!

>> No.21427094

number per 1000 people, so so the (tenth of) percentage.

>> No.21427119

Isn't this only considering people who have already entered the country legally? In other words, the people who already care enough about a country's laws, thereby biasing the data? I mean, if you include every illegal immigrant, the data tanks because their very status makes them criminals, so you'd have to be very specific about it. Nonetheless, this is cherry-picked data.

>> No.21427126
File: 104 KB, 866x1390, A131BBCE-3137-4EEB-905E-55231A0E31B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21427132

I didn't even have to look at the name. If I knew any jews I would give them a pirated copy of this for hannukah.

>> No.21427221

Me too. Idk why NPCs are so retarded that they can’t figure this out themselves.

>> No.21427239

>I dream of working an npc job with npc conveniences and pleasures
>me too, why are npcs so retarded?

>> No.21427258

That’s not an argument. You’re proving my point with the depths of your retardation. Most people would be MUCH happier with a sense of community and belong which was lost at least 2 generations ago in much of the West. Reddit is the virtual bugman substitute for this in Clown World.

>> No.21427279

Based. I have a wife and children and a job as a machinist in a small town in Italy.
There's not much in the way of npc convienences and pleasures here. Nobody knows shit about video games. Stores are closed more often than they're open. They don't tend to drink to get wasted. They just got the idea for pizza delivery like a year and a half ago.
Also how is somebody leaving home and going all the way to Italy to find the life they want an npc?