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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 506 KB, 2000x2000, 814W-Myvx3L-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21422053 No.21422053 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude just trust me

>> No.21422059

>no don't trust
> jews corrupted bible
> trust me i am legit direct word of allah

>> No.21422078
File: 91 KB, 626x417, hand-drawn-science-education-background_23-2148499325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just trust me

>> No.21422082

Bot posts

>> No.21422135

"science" is whatever the pope says

the druids should have arrested that wrinkled old homosexual while they had the chance

>> No.21422148

the OG goyslop, the protype

>> No.21422211

Call me a retard but I’ve always been confused about the size of some bibles. Isn’t the Bible a ton of different books compiled together? Don’t they reach like 1,000 pages total? If that’s the case then why are most bibles so small? I’ve seen King James bibles that are massive and others like in that picture that are tiny and found in every hotel in America. How do they fit 1,000 pages worth of literature on those tiny little books

>> No.21422230

because it's printed on thin papers

>> No.21422274

Not to mention the ant sized fonts.

>> No.21422284

invalidated by John 5:46

Go to a Christian pastor and ask him to show you where 5:46 is true, the lies will be too obvious.

>> No.21422294

the protestant canon is fixed, and resembles in a disturbing way the pharisee canon as fixed at Jamnia. The Catholic/Orthodox Bibles are virtually identical.

>> No.21422322
File: 616 KB, 720x850, yeshua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the sum of the extant Jewish scriptures, plus "gospels" plus letters etc canonized (approved) and bound into a single "book" at a certain time. I'm a Christian and I don't take the Bible literally. There's a ton of scholarship on the origins of the texts, translation veracity (Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek) and interpretation.

>> No.21422325

What if you're wrong

>> No.21422832
File: 28 KB, 300x450, images (1) (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims have better illustrations

>> No.21422834

I can't fully trust it, since scribes, attending to some interests, adultered the sacred text.

The only trustable version is near the Black Sea, but I don't know exactly where.

>> No.21422839

What is with all the religion on these boards recently? It’s either a mighty cope or actual unironic recruiters.

>> No.21422852

Recently, been like this for years, probably just seeing a seasonal bump

>> No.21422902

> for had ye believed moses ye would have believed Me for moses wrote of Me
many people think Melchizedek was actually Jesus, but, its an important point of Christian theology that the OT points towards Jesus and the NT. lots of OT stuff is interpreted allegorically, moses is supposed to ask the stone for water, he hits it instead, he gets water, but hes then personally forbidden to enter the promised land. the rock is Jesus, the water is individual salvation, moses is the jewish nation

>> No.21422906
File: 80 KB, 803x767, 1646143064215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get a commission on every soul saved. turn to the Lord today for He is truthful

>> No.21422913

Fuck you NIGGER I curse gods filthy name every day

>> No.21422944
File: 236 KB, 495x801, Wajdenbaum Ph. - Argonauts of the Desert. Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (2014) (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> jews corrupted bible
jews corrupted Plato and Herodotus

>> No.21422946

nice work highschooler

>> No.21423122

>dude just trust me
Is literally what every belief ends in, including this one. Just trust me.